Webkul Plugin

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Hi Umang, greetings from webkul

How can I assist you?
how can i import all the shopify store existing product in to seller darshboard ?
we have already added products in shopify now we install webkul product integration in that
darshboard we need to add product again ?
For this you have to go to admin panel ->products -> import products
From here you can import all your shopify products to marketplace
Once imported then you can assign them to your seller
Once assigned then that product will move to product listing page
let me do
Yeah sure, feel free to connect with us
one more thing
Yes, please let us know
how can seller do login and register from store frontend ?
We have provide a public URL for seller login in admin panel -> configuration -> instruction for
marketplace. Refer - https://prnt.sc/w92vx0
You can create a menu item on your store using this link
You have to follow the following steps
To create “login as seller” menu you can go to your navigation -> main menu -> add menu item. Here
you can specify the name as per your choice and add the seller login page link. You can get the link
from the multivendor marketplace app -> configuration -> instructions for marketplace. Refer the
following links for the same – https://prnt.sc/tjh9aj https://prnt.sc/tjha0d https://prnt.sc/tjhb6q For link
-> https://prnt.sc/tlvzlm Once you follow this process, you will get the menu item as shown here
-> https://prnt.sc/tjh2fe On clicking this button seller login page will get open.
we dont want to place in menu we want to set in header we will do from code
Yes, you can do this by using the following code mentioned in the instruction of marketplace -
for set custom subdomain for seller
we can use aws cloudfront for https ?
aws cloudfront name server ?
No, currently you can only use cloudflare for SSL for seller subdomain
Refer the link to know more about customize seller login url - https://webkul.com/blog/customize-
ok first i need to create account in cloudflare and than create a name server for our domain than add
c name entry using webkul seller url
right ?
our main domain will be work as it is on https and seller domain also work with https right ?
Let me check the query and will surely assist you with the same.
ok first i need to create account in cloudflare and than create a name server for our domain than add
c name entry using webkul seller url
our main domain will be work as it is on https and seller domain also work with https right ?
this is how it works
And install another webkul app from where like shipping etc
from sopify app install ? or from shopify multivandor admin ?
From your admin panel
seller by defauld approve we need to set once seller register request comes to admin for approval
after admin approval seller need to to login
got it from sellet configuration
there is a button auto approve seller
You need to go to admin panel -> hover on three dots on the right side -> featured apps. From there
you can find all the marketplace feature apps
did off now let me do testing
You need to go to admin panel -> hover on three dots on the right side -> featured apps. From there
you can find all the marketplace feature apps
You need to go to admin panel -> hover on three dots on the right side -> featured apps. From there
you can find all the marketplace feature apps Ok
seller by defauld approve we need to set once seller register request comes to admin for approval
after admin approval seller need to to login >> yes, if you want to auto approve seller profile then you
need to enable this option on seller configuration
did off now let me do testing >> What do you mean by this?
If auto approval is disabled then you have to approve register seller manually from admin panel ->
sellers -> seller listing
how can i assign product to collection ?
By default your sellers can add any collection to their product. But if you want them to use yours then
you have to follow the following steps - >> You need to go to admin panel -> configuration ->
restriction configuration -> enable "restrict collections". Refer - https://prnt.sc/w9ia03
Once you have restricted the collection, then you need to go to admin panel -> products ->
collections. From here you can add manual collections in marketplace. You can synch shopify store
manual collections. Automatic collections will get automatically synched.
Refer - https://prnt.sc/w9iarc
Now, when your seller will go to add product page, then they can add collections from here -
how can i add product in smart collection
Smart collection is automatic collections of shopify
So, as soon as seller products fulfill the collection rule it will get added to that collection
But to use smart collection in marketplace you have to restrict your sellers to use your collections
from restriction configuration
first i have query
yes please let us know
yes i have added Cotton Fabric collection with Product type is equal to Cotton Fabric
ok so you have made the rule on product type for the collection in shopify
now i have added one product from webkul admin and add prodcut type Cotton Fabric
but its not visitble in cotton fabric collection list page from frontend
have you restricted the collections for your sellers?
from where can i check restriction?
from admin panel -> configuration -> restriction configuration
please check "restrict collection" is enabled or not?
how this is in configuration
Yes, the configuration is correct
yes it will show in colection page
let me check and get back to you
Please provide us your shopify store url
let us check at our end
There? Kindly provide us your shopify store url so that we can send you the request for collab
access and check your issue at our end
this is the url
but product shows now
so no isse now
ok no worries
some how previously is not shown
but after some time it will shown
Whenever a product is added in marketplace the processing of synching it in shopify start at back-
end, so sometimes it takes several minutes to display the changes in the shopify
we have created 2 membership plan
now how seller do payment for purchase membership ?
You need to set the payment method for sellers
For this you have to go to admin panel -> configuration -> payment methods
admin panel -> configuration -> payment details
You can activate any payment method from here
Kindly go through our blog to know more - https://webkul.com/blog/shopify-multivendor-marketplace-
and one more query is how can i assign membership plan from backend websul admin ?
you can assign membership plans while adding or editing sellers
you need to go to admin panel -> sellers -> seller listing -> edit seller
In the Edit Seller section, once the admin clicks on the Save Changes button, the membership plans
get appeared on the page. From there, the admin can select any plan and assign it to his seller.
Hi Umang, greetings from webkul
How can I assist you?
how can i import all the shopify store existing product in to seller darshboard ?
we have already added products in shopify now we install webkul product integration in that
darshboard we need to add product again ?
For this you have to go to admin panel ->products -> import products
From here you can import all your shopify products to marketplace
Once imported then you can assign them to your seller
Once assigned then that product will move to product listing page
let me do
Yeah sure, feel free to connect with us
one more thing
Yes, please let us know
how can seller do login and register from store frontend ?
We have provide a public URL for seller login in admin panel -> configuration -> instruction for
marketplace. Refer - https://prnt.sc/w92vx0
You can create a menu item on your store using this link
You have to follow the following steps
To create “login as seller” menu you can go to your navigation -> main menu -> add menu item. Here
you can specify the name as per your choice and add the seller login page link. You can get the link
from the multivendor marketplace app -> configuration -> instructions for marketplace. Refer the
following links for the same – https://prnt.sc/tjh9aj https://prnt.sc/tjha0d https://prnt.sc/tjhb6q For link
-> https://prnt.sc/tlvzlm Once you follow this process, you will get the menu item as shown here
-> https://prnt.sc/tjh2fe On clicking this button seller login page will get open.
we dont want to place in menu we want to set in header we will do from code
Yes, you can do this by using the following code mentioned in the instruction of marketplace -
for set custom subdomain for seller
we can use aws cloudfront for https ?
aws cloudfront name server ?
No, currently you can only use cloudflare for SSL for seller subdomain
Refer the link to know more about customize seller login url - https://webkul.com/blog/customize-
ok first i need to create account in cloudflare and than create a name server for our domain than add
c name entry using webkul seller url
right ?
our main domain will be work as it is on https and seller domain also work with https right ?
Let me check the query and will surely assist you with the same.
ok first i need to create account in cloudflare and than create a name server for our domain than add
c name entry using webkul seller url
our main domain will be work as it is on https and seller domain also work with https right ?
this is how it works
And install another webkul app from where like shipping etc
from sopify app install ? or from shopify multivandor admin ?
From your admin panel
seller by defauld approve we need to set once seller register request comes to admin for approval
after admin approval seller need to to login
got it from sellet configuration
there is a button auto approve seller
You need to go to admin panel -> hover on three dots on the right side -> featured apps. From there
you can find all the marketplace feature apps
did off now let me do testing
You need to go to admin panel -> hover on three dots on the right side -> featured apps. From there
you can find all the marketplace feature apps
You need to go to admin panel -> hover on three dots on the right side -> featured apps. From there
you can find all the marketplace feature apps Ok
seller by defauld approve we need to set once seller register request comes to admin for approval
after admin approval seller need to to login >> yes, if you want to auto approve seller profile then you
need to enable this option on seller configuration
did off now let me do testing >> What do you mean by this?
If auto approval is disabled then you have to approve register seller manually from admin panel ->
sellers -> seller listing
how can i assign product to collection ?
By default your sellers can add any collection to their product. But if you want them to use yours then
you have to follow the following steps - >> You need to go to admin panel -> configuration ->
restriction configuration -> enable "restrict collections". Refer - https://prnt.sc/w9ia03
Once you have restricted the collection, then you need to go to admin panel -> products ->
collections. From here you can add manual collections in marketplace. You can synch shopify store
manual collections. Automatic collections will get automatically synched.
Refer - https://prnt.sc/w9iarc
Now, when your seller will go to add product page, then they can add collections from here -
how can i add product in smart collection
Smart collection is automatic collections of shopify
So, as soon as seller products fulfill the collection rule it will get added to that collection
But to use smart collection in marketplace you have to restrict your sellers to use your collections
from restriction configuration
first i have query
yes please let us know
yes i have added Cotton Fabric collection with Product type is equal to Cotton Fabric
ok so you have made the rule on product type for the collection in shopify
now i have added one product from webkul admin and add prodcut type Cotton Fabric
but its not visitble in cotton fabric collection list page from frontend
have you restricted the collections for your sellers?
from where can i check restriction?
from admin panel -> configuration -> restriction configuration
please check "restrict collection" is enabled or not?
how this is in configuration
Yes, the configuration is correct
yes it will show in colection page
let me check and get back to you
Please provide us your shopify store url
let us check at our end
There? Kindly provide us your shopify store url so that we can send you the request for collab
access and check your issue at our end
this is the url
but product shows now
so no isse now
ok no worries
some how previously is not shown
but after some time it will shown
Whenever a product is added in marketplace the processing of synching it in shopify start at back-
end, so sometimes it takes several minutes to display the changes in the shopify
we have created 2 membership plan
now how seller do payment for purchase membership ?
You need to set the payment method for sellers
For this you have to go to admin panel -> configuration -> payment methods
admin panel -> configuration -> payment details
You can activate any payment method from here
Kindly go through our blog to know more - https://webkul.com/blog/shopify-multivendor-marketplace-
and one more query is how can i assign membership plan from backend websul admin ?
you can assign membership plans while adding or editing sellers
you need to go to admin panel -> sellers -> seller listing -> edit seller
In the Edit Seller section, once the admin clicks on the Save Changes button, the membership plans
get appeared on the page. From there, the admin can select any plan and assign it to his seller.
Hi Umang, greetings from webkul
How can I assist you?
how can i import all the shopify store existing product in to seller darshboard ?
we have already added products in shopify now we install webkul product integration in that
darshboard we need to add product again ?
For this you have to go to admin panel ->products -> import products
From here you can import all your shopify products to marketplace
Once imported then you can assign them to your seller
Once assigned then that product will move to product listing page
let me do
Yeah sure, feel free to connect with us
one more thing
Yes, please let us know
how can seller do login and register from store frontend ?
We have provide a public URL for seller login in admin panel -> configuration -> instruction for
marketplace. Refer - https://prnt.sc/w92vx0
You can create a menu item on your store using this link
You have to follow the following steps
To create “login as seller” menu you can go to your navigation -> main menu -> add menu item. Here
you can specify the name as per your choice and add the seller login page link. You can get the link
from the multivendor marketplace app -> configuration -> instructions for marketplace. Refer the
following links for the same – https://prnt.sc/tjh9aj https://prnt.sc/tjha0d https://prnt.sc/tjhb6q For link
-> https://prnt.sc/tlvzlm Once you follow this process, you will get the menu item as shown here
-> https://prnt.sc/tjh2fe On clicking this button seller login page will get open.
we dont want to place in menu we want to set in header we will do from code
Yes, you can do this by using the following code mentioned in the instruction of marketplace -
for set custom subdomain for seller
we can use aws cloudfront for https ?
aws cloudfront name server ?
No, currently you can only use cloudflare for SSL for seller subdomain
Refer the link to know more about customize seller login url - https://webkul.com/blog/customize-
ok first i need to create account in cloudflare and than create a name server for our domain than add
c name entry using webkul seller url
right ?
our main domain will be work as it is on https and seller domain also work with https right ?
Let me check the query and will surely assist you with the same.
ok first i need to create account in cloudflare and than create a name server for our domain than add
c name entry using webkul seller url
our main domain will be work as it is on https and seller domain also work with https right ?
this is how it works
And install another webkul app from where like shipping etc
from sopify app install ? or from shopify multivandor admin ?
From your admin panel
seller by defauld approve we need to set once seller register request comes to admin for approval
after admin approval seller need to to login
got it from sellet configuration
there is a button auto approve seller
You need to go to admin panel -> hover on three dots on the right side -> featured apps. From there
you can find all the marketplace feature apps
did off now let me do testing
You need to go to admin panel -> hover on three dots on the right side -> featured apps. From there
you can find all the marketplace feature apps
You need to go to admin panel -> hover on three dots on the right side -> featured apps. From there
you can find all the marketplace feature apps Ok
seller by defauld approve we need to set once seller register request comes to admin for approval
after admin approval seller need to to login >> yes, if you want to auto approve seller profile then you
need to enable this option on seller configuration
did off now let me do testing >> What do you mean by this?
If auto approval is disabled then you have to approve register seller manually from admin panel ->
sellers -> seller listing
how can i assign product to collection ?
By default your sellers can add any collection to their product. But if you want them to use yours then
you have to follow the following steps - >> You need to go to admin panel -> configuration ->
restriction configuration -> enable "restrict collections". Refer - https://prnt.sc/w9ia03
Once you have restricted the collection, then you need to go to admin panel -> products ->
collections. From here you can add manual collections in marketplace. You can synch shopify store
manual collections. Automatic collections will get automatically synched.
Refer - https://prnt.sc/w9iarc
Now, when your seller will go to add product page, then they can add collections from here -
how can i add product in smart collection
Smart collection is automatic collections of shopify
So, as soon as seller products fulfill the collection rule it will get added to that collection
But to use smart collection in marketplace you have to restrict your sellers to use your collections
from restriction configuration
first i have query
yes please let us know
yes i have added Cotton Fabric collection with Product type is equal to Cotton Fabric
ok so you have made the rule on product type for the collection in shopify
now i have added one product from webkul admin and add prodcut type Cotton Fabric
but its not visitble in cotton fabric collection list page from frontend
have you restricted the collections for your sellers?
from where can i check restriction?
from admin panel -> configuration -> restriction configuration
please check "restrict collection" is enabled or not?
how this is in configuration
Yes, the configuration is correct
yes it will show in colection page
let me check and get back to you
Please provide us your shopify store url
let us check at our end
There? Kindly provide us your shopify store url so that we can send you the request for collab
access and check your issue at our end
this is the url
but product shows now
so no isse now
ok no worries
some how previously is not shown
but after some time it will shown
Whenever a product is added in marketplace the processing of synching it in shopify start at back-
end, so sometimes it takes several minutes to display the changes in the shopify
we have created 2 membership plan
now how seller do payment for purchase membership ?
You need to set the payment method for sellers
For this you have to go to admin panel -> configuration -> payment methods
admin panel -> configuration -> payment details
You can activate any payment method from here
Kindly go through our blog to know more - https://webkul.com/blog/shopify-multivendor-marketplace-
and one more query is how can i assign membership plan from backend websul admin ?
you can assign membership plans while adding or editing sellers
you need to go to admin panel -> sellers -> seller listing -> edit seller
In the Edit Seller section, once the admin clicks on the Save Changes button, the membership plans
get appeared on the page. From there, the admin can select any plan and assign it to his seller.
after assigning if admin want to change plan in that case ?
We are pleased to assist you. Feel free to connect with us.
Currently, you cannot select two payments for a single plan
In your case you have to create 2 different membership plans
i.e. one for monthly & other for yearly
Pleased to assist you
Hi there. Happy New year to you :)
How can I assist you today ?
we are using webkul multivendor marketplace plugin and we have done more customization from
you also and we need to do some more customization like razorpay payment gateway integration for
how can we do this?
and please share the quote and time lime for the same
Hi there. Happy New year to you :)

Same to you
The app currently only offers 4 seller payment methods and razor is not an option currently.
However, for checking the feasibility for this integration, I request you to leave us an email at
support@webkul.com so that we can let you know if it is feasible or not.
We will only be able to let you know the cost and time only once it has been confirmed with the
development team that this is feasible and will also let you know in case the integration won't be
Please let me know if you have any other query/concerns ?
(This will allow sellers to Auto-Pay for their bills. If you activated this payment method and not Stripe,
then the seller will automatically be billed using this payment method.)
in braintree payment cut from seller by monthly automatically right ?
Braintree is used as an automatic payment method for getting the Seller Membership payment from
the seller.
So that the sellers can automate their Seller membership payment based on the frequency of
payment for the plan.
it will done pautomatic payment from seller like monthly or quarterly or yearly
So that the sellers can automate their Seller membership payment based on the frequency of
payment for the plan.

yes thanks
Please refer this user manual for more details on Seller membership pay methods:
Braintree is working for india ?
No, currently it is not supported in India.
and this is a paypal curanccy in this list i also not found iNr so paypal also not working for india inr ?
Currently, there is no payment method for setting up automatic payments for Seller memberships in
Hey there.
in the product listing
export product in excel/csv is available but i am not able to find import option
Are you willing to add products by CSV ?
Please click on More Action and you will find an option to Add Products by CSV
yes got it
This is actually for editing products, not adding products using CSV file.
in that case how we can add new product using csv ?
This is the button for product addition using CSV file: https://prnt.sc/wfvua6
we dont have this button
Please make sure that you have the Add product by CSV option enabled, from the Products
Configuration section: https://prnt.sc/wfvuwl
Once enabled, you will see this button.
yes Done
Great >
We have provided dummy files for the two methods, so please download the dummy file for the
required method and upload the updated file in the app so that the CSV file is in the correct format.
now we add 2 colour and size with diffrent quantity and price like this
but from front end its shows like this
can you please guide me what i am missing in this ?
blue colour size is not visible
This is something related to the store theme so kindly contact your theme developer regarding the
appearance on the front.
As they will be best equipped to assist you with the same.
no this is some issue because if i update blue colour variant in last it shows like this
if it is theme related issue in that case in any case it will not visible
Okay, please allow me a couple of minutes.
i have created variant from webkul admin but it shows size and colour one variant only
I have requested collaborator access on your store, please approve the same and let me know.
ok sure
Please allow us some time while we are looking into this for you.
we wanted to also use slot price plugin
Admin can add various Tags in the app that are assigned to the customers from store Backend and
then make pricing slots. For this, the admin can set a quantity range and add Price for each range
while adding or editing any product.
Please refer this user manual to know more about the Slot Pricing feature app:
The variant appearance has been fixed for you, please refer this screenshot:
Please make sure that you are making the changes to products from the Multi vendor app so that
the changes are auto-synced with the Shopify store as well.
i have tried to display slot price on frontend
but not visible
i have added a code in product-template
Checking for you.
please guide me what i missed
Please share some customer login credentials , so that we can login and check.
The customer for whom you have created a tag, please.
The product which you have shared is a normal product, please select Mark This Product as Slot
Pricing from the edit variant section: https://prnt.sc/wfxp3i
yes we have select mark this product as a slot pricing
without login is not able to see slot price ?
No, the customer must be logged into an account to be able to see the slot pricing.
We've checked your store and there was some issue with the cart page code and the same has
been fixed for you.
Secondly, the slot pricing is working fine now: https://prnt.sc/wfyscb
As the slot is made for 50 - 100 and the variant quantity is just 10 so we couldn't check the same on
the cart page, however it is working fine now.
We have created a test customer on your store and you can also check : email: test@webkul.com

pass: webkul123
No, the customer must be logged into an account to be able to see the slot pricing.

is that any workaround for this issue ?

Hi there.
Please allow me a couple of minutes, while I get an answer to your query.
ok sure
As the slot is based on the customer tag, so only the customer with the created tag ill be able to see
the slot.
and the other customers will see the product as a normal product.
So, currently the customer must be assigned a tag and he must be logged into an account to see the
slots added for that tag.
This is the current app flow.
where can i find this option ?
Admin Panel >> Configuration >> Products Configuration
Please let me know if you have any query query/concerns ?
let me check
not able to see
You first need to enable this configuration first : https://prnt.sc/wgmd1j
Did you get it ?
LET me do enable this
allow sellers to set minimum purchase quantity per product
not able to find this option in configuration-> general configuration
It is available in the Product Configuration
Just as I told you.
this is my product configuration screen
not able to find in this also
The option available in the General Configuration is for Minimum purchase amount :
ok got it now
I've marked the configuration in your screenshot: https://prnt.sc/wgmjpz
in genral configuration option name is amount so thats why
Yes, in general configuration it is for Minimum purchase amount and this is for Minimum purchase
quantity for the product
I hope this is clear now :)
where can i find this code ?
Admin Panel >> Configuration >> Instructions for Marketplace
This section lists all the codes available for the Multivendor marketplace app .
Please refer the User Manuals to understand the Multivendor App in detail:

Main Manual: https://webkul.com/blog/shopify-multivendor-marketplace-new-theme-launched/

Seller Guide: https://webkul.com/blog/shopify-multivendor-marketplace-seller-guide/
Upgraded Features: https://webkul.com/blog/shopify-multivendor-marketplace-app-new-upgraded-
Feature Apps: https://webkul.com/blog/shopify-multivendor-marketplace-feature-apps/
Payment Flow: https://webkul.com/blog/shopify-multivendor-marketplace-app-payment-flow/
Watch the video tutorials of Multi vendor Marketplace app:-

Installation: https://youtu.be/oOS3SnIyaa0
Admin adding Products: https://youtu.be/FRBkcFDXHnc
Admin adding sellers: https://youtu.be/jDTY3s_K6KY
Commission Settings: https://youtu.be/75uOz6RU41A
Seller Guide: https://youtu.be/EmAsqsXqoYA
Order process: https://youtu.be/F8HdGwXsejw
Payment Flow: https://youtu.be/FCLFtrni4pY

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