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_________________ ___-___, 2020

In this module, the standards are:

The learner demonstrates The learner consistently
  understanding of the nature of and the practices healthy habits to prevent
prevention of diseases. and control diseases.

For Module 1, we will have the following learning targets. At the end of the
lesson, check the column that best describes your assessment of your learning for each
learning target.

Learning Targets
understand and I can beginning to understand
I understand and I can do this with help. I do not understand yet.
teach someone else. this by myself.

I can identify common

childhood diseases.
I can discuss the different
risk factors for diseases and
example of health condition
under each risk factor.
I can explain the effects of
common diseases.
I can explain the
importance of proper
hygiene and building up
one’s body resistance in the
prevention of diseases.
I can demonstrate good-self
management and good-
decision making skills to
prevent common diseases.

Module 1:
Personal Health Prevention And
Control Of Diseases And Disorders:
A Preliminary Acquisition | Page | 1
To make our learning more meaningful, here are some expectations from you and
your parents/guardian as we journey together on this module.

Let us do it Together

You are expected to… Your parents/guardians are encouraged

 read all the directions and lessons to…
comprehensively.  ensure a conducive study area for
 answer all the activities on this module reading, and availability of independent
without copying the answers to the learning resources.
activities from the internet.  initiate a conversation using English
 consult your teacher if you need to clarify language.
or verify something about a specific  exposing the learners to English
activity. movies, series appropriate to age.
 follow the schedule of the activities;  act as an audience or judge to provide
remind yourself of the deadlines; read in feedback for further improvement.
 haveTofun in learning.
keep us all healthy and always ready to learn, here are some of the reminders we
can practice at home.

Hi Grade Three pupils! Are you excited with our new lesson? Have you experienced
Let’s Get Started!
getting sick? If you are healthy, you can do a lot. But if you are sick, you cannot work
and play. Can you tell me the things you are unable to do when you are sick?

What are the common diseases among children? Study the following
illustration. Have you suffered from these diseases?

Module 1:
Personal Health Prevention And
Control Of Diseases And Disorders:
A Preliminary Acquisition | Page | 2
Colds Influenza


Chickenpox Dengue

Pneumonia Diarrhea


If you suffer from these diseases, you should see a

doctor to have the right prescription.
Module 1:
Personal Health Prevention And
Control Of Diseases And Disorders:
A Preliminary Acquisition | Page | 3
What are the risk factors for these diseases?
1. Heredity- you got the disease from your father or mother
2. Lifestyle- practices that you do often
3. Environment- it is the place where you live.


Keeping your body clean is an important part of keeping you healthy. A clean kid
is a healthy kid that is why you need to learn the basics of proper hygiene

Can you enumerate the activities shown in the picture?

Hygiene is a term that refers to the steps you do to keep your body clean and
healthy. Good hygiene is more than just looking neat and clean- by keeping yourselves
clean at all times you can reduce the spread of diseases.
Regular exercise, proper nutrition and enough rest and sleep build strong body
Get vaccinated. A vaccine (or immunization) is a way to build your body’s
natural immunity to a disease before you get sick. This keeps you from getting and
spreading the disease.
Keeping the environment healthy. How do you keep your surroundings clean?

Module 1:
Personal Health Prevention And
Control Of Diseases And Disorders:
A Preliminary Acquisition | Page | 4
What are the activities that you can see in the illustration?
Being careful with one’s health and keeping one’s surroundings clean are both
effective ways to prevent one from getting sick.


A. Put a check mark (√) on the blank if the situation tells about preventing common
diseases. Write a cross mark(x) if not.
__________1. Rita builds up her body resistance by having regular exercise.
__________2. Marty doesn’t want to have influenza vaccine. He is
of injections.
__________3. Mika always helps keep their house clean.
__________4. Aida stays inside her room all day playing video games.
__________5. Thea and her friends help sweep their streets everyday.

B. Draw a happy face ( )if the situation shows proper hygiene. Draw a sad face ( ( )
if not.

__________1. Vick keeps her nails long.

__________2. Ludy covers her mouth when she coughs.
__________3. Dolores brushes her teeth three times a week.
__________4. Greg takes a bath every day.
__________5. Raquel washes he hands before and after eating.

C. How can you prevent and control diseases in the following places? You may create a
graphic organizer or word web to illustrate your answer.


School ____________________________________________________

Module 1:
Personal Health Prevention And
Control Of Diseases And Disorders:
A Preliminary Acquisition | Page | 5

D. Write True if the sentence is correct and False if the sentence is wrong.
__________1. Germs are all around you that is why you need to observe proper
hygiene at all times.
__________2. It is always safe to eat street food.
__________3. Stomach cramps is one of the symptoms of diarrhea.
__________4. Food may be left out in the table for a long period of time.

__________5. The cause of food poisoning is the bad bacteria around you.

Congratulations, your have just finished your module! After studying our lesson,
kindly write the things you learned, found interesting and question as your learning

Based on our lesson, what are your new learning and realizations as a child of
God? In the below, write your lesson’s reflection through a prayer. A related Bible
verse is also provided below to help and guide you more on the prayer you will
formulate. Together, let us do things toward His Holiness because we are precious in
His eyes.

Module 1:
Personal Health Prevention And
Control Of Diseases And Disorders:
A Preliminary Acquisition | Page | 6
We would like to hear from you and your parent/guardian comments and
observations of this lesson’s module. If you have suggestions, please feel free to write
them o the box provided. Remember, we are partners in this learning. Your feedback
will be highly appreciated.



This part is for the parent or the attending adult:

Kindly write some of your observations on your child’s learning/study
habits this week. Include also your suggestions or if you have questions, feel free
to write them here also.

Question (if there’s any):
Cellphone No.


Battad, Lina M, Jugueta Laura R,(2014), Sing, Sketch, Stretch and Stay Healthy, Abiva
Publishing House, Inc.

Module 1:
Personal Health Prevention And
Control Of Diseases And Disorders:
A Preliminary Acquisition | Page | 7
Lappay, Rossana V, Solano, Gernalyn A (2016) The 21st Century MAPEH in
ACTION, Rex Book Store
Joson, Carmelita H.(2017) Dynamic Series in MAPEH,JO-ES Publishing House, Inc.

Module 1:
Personal Health Prevention And
Control Of Diseases And Disorders:
A Preliminary Acquisition | Page | 8

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