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Science Revision

Name: _____________________Grade 4 Sec: ___ Roll number: ___ Date: 11 Oct 2020

Q. Read the questions and tick the correct answer.

1. The soil found in the desert region has one of the following features.
a) It feels smooth when dry and lumpy and sticky when wet.
b) It has the same amount of sand, clay, and silt, and is rich in humus and minerals.
c) It feels rough and gritty and is non-sticky when wet. It does not hold much water.
2. The term soil erosion means ………………
a) Protection of soil from erosion.
b) The removal of the fertile topsoil.
c) The process of breaking of rock by wind and air.
d) Types of soil
3. The process of soil formation is called ___________________.
a) weathering b) conservation c) deforestation d) pedogenesis
4. In which of the following layers do you find large pieces of rocks?
a) C Horizon b) B Horizon c) Bedrock d) A Horizon
5. Which type of soil would be the best for a cactus plant to grow?
a) sandy soil b) humus clay mix c) silt d) clay
6. Which of the following layers of soil, arranged in the correct order?
a) B Horizon, O Horizon, C Horizon, and A Horizon
b) O Horizon, A Horizon, B Horizon and Bedrock
c) A Horizon, C Horizon, Bedrock, and O Horizon
d) C Horizon, A Horizon, O Horizon, and Bedrock
7. Which layer of soil is fertile?
a) Bedrock b) subsoil c) topsoil d) parent rock
8. Which of the following do we use to find out the texture of soil?
a) Telescope b) Binoculars c) Microscope d) Magnifying glass
9. How do lichens help form soil?
a) It releases certain substances that cause rock surfaces to powder down.
b) The stems surround the rocks until they break.
c) It leaves protect the rocks from extreme temperatures.
d) It does not help form soil.

10. How does the humus help the farmers to grow crops in the field?

a) They help the crops from pest.

b) They provide water to the plants
c) They provide nutrients to the soil when they decompose.
d) They protect the layers of the soil.

11. Which of these helps in protecting the soil from getting washed away?

a) Planting more trees and bushes.

b) Constructing dams to check the flow of rivers.
c) Avoiding planting of trees.
d) Both (a) and (b)

12. In which of these organs is urine pass out of the body?

a) ureters b) urethra c) urinary bladder d) kidneys

13. Which of these helps in transporting blood and other substances inside our body?

a) Excretory system c) Digestive system

b) Muscular system d) Circulatory system

14. What do you mean by oxygenated blood?

a) blood rich in oxygen c) blood rich in nutrients

b) blood rich in red blood cells d) blood rich in carbon dioxide

15. Which of these is NOT a part of the circulatory system?

a) heart b) blood c) blood vessels d) kidneys

16. The process of removal of wastes by the body is called _________.

a) circulation b) digestion c) excretion d) reproduction

17. Which of the following blood vessels supply tissue/cells with blood?

a) veins b) capillaries c) arteries d) heart

18. Which of the following are the functions of the kidneys?

a) Transports urine towards urinary bladder

b) Transports or sends urine out of the body
c) Stores urine
d) Filters blood and produces urine

19. What do you mean by the term blood?

a) They are the thin tubes that run through the entire body,
b) It is a fluid that is carried by blood vessels to all parts of the body.
c) It is a muscular organ that pumps blood to all parts of the body.
d) It is a system that helps in the removal of waste matter.

20. The agents or factors such as wind, water, animals, and human activities cause __.

a) soil conservation b) soil formation c) soil erosion d) layers of soil


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