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Case study 4: Brothers Mowers

According to Rod, if the supply cost is reduced according to his analysis, the profits of not only
the seasonal winter sales but the sales throughout the year would increase significantly.
Nevertheless, since Brothers Mowers is a family business as well as the fact that Rod has no
experience in running a business as he just graduated from San Diego University, Thus even if
he is accurate his words hold no authority and reliability.

Question 1: How can Rod suggest solutions to problems when people whose cooperation he
needs, don’t realize the problem exists?

The first and foremost thing that Rod needs to do is to show his calculations and data in a
tangible way. He should ask to be given a chance to show that his calculations are accurate. He
should also get his cousin Sam, who is an engineer to help him persuade the heads. Sam’s words
will increase his credibility.

Once a few of the heads agree to Rod’s plan and Rod produces results, the rest will likely be
willing to move consequently.

Question 2: How can Rod get engineers to redesign a whole line of products when sales are

The first rule of business involves gaining profit and longevity in the business market. Even if
the market is stagnant or sales numbers are healthy, a business should always strive to produce
more profit.

If a small redesign is able to standardize the entire product lineup and lower manufacturing costs
then it is a positive thing for the company. The Engineers, such as Sam knows this. Standardized
parts will also make their jobs easier. So they should have no problems with agreeing to change
the lineup a little.

By persuading the engineers properly and making them see it from his point of view, Rod can get
them to redesign the existing line of products.

Question 3: How can Rod propose changing from trusted suppliers of ten to twenty years
to new suppliers of standardized products?

The Brothers Mowers Company started from hard work and innovation, innovation is necessary
for a company’s growth. If the family realizes that they can form new bonds of trust with the
new suppliers just like they did before and also make a lot more profit along the way, they
should be willing to cut ties with the old suppliers.

Rod needs to make the family realize that the reason businesses create bonds is more for profit
than for reliability.

If Rods new idea creates a significant amount of profit and the only thing stopping him is the ten
or twenty year trust bond formed between the company and the suppliers then it is obvious that
he should start looking for standardized parts suppliers.

Similarly, Rod should also try contacting the existing companies to see if they can make the
standardized parts. If they can, it will save him a lot of time and hassle and he will have a better
chance to persuade everyone.

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