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Human Behaviour Assignment: 2

Section: c
Name: Registration no:
Umair Tariq L1F17BBAM0054

Ali butt L1F17BBAM0055

Suleman Naeem L1F17BBAM0051

Abdul Rehman L1F17BBAM0045

Ms. Madiha Hamid
What are the key problems /issues in the present case?

1. The designation of a General Manager has an equal amount of responsibility as

well as authority. Sanjiv's behavior and mannerisms were not in sync with the firm's
expectations. Sanjiv became arrogant and did not take his role expectations
seriously. He became too comfortable in his position and stopped putting the
required efforts for his personal growth as well as the firm's growth. This lax or
negligent attitude led to his termination.

Do you think Sanjiv become arrogant and complacent with the growth in the
company? Justify your stance.

2. The various instances cited in the above case study tell us a great deal about
Sanjiv's lax attitude and arrogance. Also his inability to get things done show his
limitation in a middle management role. All roles like the above need consistent
performance and a general manager's behavior should set an example to the new
entrants. However Sanjiv failed in his role as he was incompetent to handle it.

What are the key problems noticed in Sanjiv's behavior? What suggestions you
would offer to him to modify his behavior?

3. The key problem areas are:

 Arrogance and inability to listen - This is evident in the pep talk session where he
was not very interactive and just spoke about himself. This can be modified by
being more grounded and developing the ability to listen to what others have to
 Inability to get things done from subordinates /Incompetency - As a general manager
he should be able to get the job done from his subordinates. New transitions and
changes in the system can be managed well with effective directions and
communication. However Sanjiv failed at this. This can be changed by learning to
communicate in an effective manner such that the instructions are clear, to the
point and well understood by the team.
 Not approachable or his opinion is not valued - As the subordinates did not approach
him for any issues and went straight to the country director, it shows that he was
not their go to person. This can be changed by developing a more balanced stance
and encouraging subordinates to ask questions, raise issues and giving them the
confidence that he can handle those.
 Verbal arguments with his supervisor - This shows that his behaviour was not very
balanced and professional. This can be changed by avoiding arguments and
getting into discussions where two parties put their points across the table in a
professional manner.
 Not taking a warning seriously - One should always gauge the magnitude of the
issue and act accordingly. As Sanjiv failed to do that, he was terminated. This can
be modified by understanding the magnitude of the problem and how it can affect
one's own future as well as the future of the firm.

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