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Company: Cinestar Cinema in DHA

Section: C
Name: Registration no:
Umair Tariq L1F17BBAM0054

Identify several concepts and characteristics from the field of organizational behavior that this
case illustrates.

1. Organizational Behaviour is the study of human behaviour in the workplace, the interaction
between people and the organization. In this case, we could see how the treatment of Mr.
Tony Stark’s new companions to him basing on the situation. Tony’s character is built in his
previous work place environment which is the O’Grady Company. A company different
from the other through new workmates, structure of the organization and a more vast
environment will take tony time to adjust himself.

Employee Involvement/ engagement: In this case we could see how Tony is being treated
by his co-employees. Employees became jealous to Tony as he is an outsider and having
able to get in the same level as them which now leads them to go against him. Being
involved in a workplace greatly affects a person’s performance in the job. The importance
of employee engagement can’t be overstated employee engagement strategies have been
proven to reduce staff turnover, improve productivity and efficiency, retain customers at a
higher rate, and make more profits. Most importantly, engaged employees are happier and
passionate, both at work and in their lives. It also forces everything you do with purpose,
energy, and enthusiasm. Job Satisfaction In this case we could see the desire of Mr. Tony
Stark for a company comparable to O’Grady Company which depicts his satisfaction on the
company. O’Grady Company is decentralized which made managers free to make their own
choice for the benefit of the company and there is no barrier in communication thru
personnel/ co-managers. While having being employed in a different company Reece
Enterprises made a different perception because of being more Bureaucratic, larger
company and having new workmates.

Working at Reece will affect Tony’s moods and emotions in what ways? Answer your
question in light of the Affective Events Theory

Working at Reece turn Tony’s moods is in a negative sense because when he was laid off
from his previous organization in which he has job satisfaction. And he think he was a part
of that organization but after cutting off from previous organization make him sad.

In the light of affective event theory, job satisfaction and performance based on several steps
first of all working environment. Tony got a new job at Reece and this organization is
completely different from previous, now he observe office Politics by upper management,
than he feels not so good in current organization, and he is disturbed from previous
experience that result in sad emotions and negative moods, emotion fluctuation create
variation in job performance, and all of that resultantly comes in job dissatisfaction

Is it possible to find an "ideal" place to work? Explain.

Yes. An Ideal workplace is not seen in hurry. It exists in a long run which must vary in a person’s
goal and perspective. Sometimes an ideal workplace is based not only in the main face of its
facilities. It is based on the process of every transaction, having the same vision which inspires
every employee and made them grow professionally. It also includes how the company’s
treatment to employees in all aspects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as involvement,
compensation and role in decision making being recognized as an essential asset of the company.

Comment on the importance of diversity in this organization or any organization in general.

Is it important to have diversity? Does it help or causes trouble for organizations to be
diverse? Your answer should include surface as well as deep level diversity concerns

2. Diversity in the workplace promotes the individuality within an organization,

acknowledging that every person can contribute with different, creative and new ideas and
solutions. Employees with different backgrounds and experiences can bring together a
variety of perspectives on matters and thus increase the productivity. Diversity within a
company helps in building a stronger brand and makes the company more interesting and
desirable employer Workplace diversity increases creativity and problem solving. Having a
variety of different people from various backgrounds together is essential for finding and
implementing creative solutions to business problems a diversified organization encourages
personal growth and development. Having expats or persons with international background
working for the company can help employees learn new ideas, Interacting with diversified
staff improves their ability to work in a diverse environment, with different styles, cultures
and personalities Diversity in a workforce can optimize an organization’s ability to meet
the needs of each different market. A diversified company can attract and retain talents,
young and as well experienced professionals and thus add a competitive edge to the

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