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High Youth Retreat Registration

Details of the trip
On Nov. 15-17, 2013, we will be going to Nakamun Bible Camp for a Sr. High Retreat. We will meet at
the church at 4 PM on Friday, and return by about 3 PM on Sunday. The trip will include a lot of
activities (both indoor and, as allowing, outdoor), as well as some teaching time - we will watch a
couple of episodes from the Alpha video series that we are currently watching in youth. The cost for this
trip is $60.00, which includes meals, accommodations and transportation to and from the camp.
Because we are anticipating some outdoor activities, and because it is mid-November, please ensure
that the kids bring appropriate clothes and footwear for the weather. We will be staying in cabins, and
bedding is not provided, so the students will need to bring sleeping bags and/or warm bedding.

Our list of activities is not set in stone yet, but will most likely not include anything particularly
dangerous. We will be using their indoor pool (no lifeguard), and also playing various games in the
gym. Because we are at a camp and outdoors, some games may be in wooded areas. As well, there is
a chance of wild animals being in the area (it is a camp, after all!), although I have not heard of any
problems with this at Nakamun. The primary risks are normal activity-related injuries (sprains, cuts,
scrapes, etc.).

Please sign and return this permission form to Chris Ulriksen at Tofield Alliance Church by Sunday,
November 10, so that we know how many students to plan for.

This waiver also includes permission for your child’s picture to be used for promoting the church
activities and programs (mostly internally), including our website. If you do not wish to give permission
for this, simply cross off and initial that part of the waiver.

If you have any questions about this event, I can be reached at the church (780-662-2762) or via email:

Chris Ulriksen
Associate/Youth Pastor
Tofield Alliance Church
Sr. High Youth Retreat Waiver Form

I, ______________________________ (parent or guardian), hereby give permission for my son/

daughter _____________________________________ to attend and participate in all activities related
to the Sr. High Youth Retreat (Nov. 15-17). Furthermore, I release Tofield Alliance Church, its Board,
members and staff, from any loss, personal injury, accident, misfortune or damage to the above named
or his/her property, with the understanding that reasonable precautions shall be taken to ensure the
health and safety of the above named.

I, the parent or guardian, also agree to permit the use of photos and/or videos of the student in
promoting the church or church activities and programs.

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature! ______________________________Date:!_______________________

Emergency Contact Name and Number! __________________________________________________

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