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Musical Play (?

Depressed girl- Ella
Mother- Alyssa
Father- Jay
Friends batch 1- Lyzly, Carla, Hazel, Krisha
Friends batch 2- Helaena, Micaiah, Krisha, Yuu
Teacher - Megan
Principal- JP
Uyab ni ella- Kyle
Kabit sa uyab ni ella- Krisha
Note: Italicized words are the songs

Scene 1
Kanta daniela
Tries to kill herself (pills)
Then muabot ang insecurities niya, naga hum
Daniela begs for them to stop
Then boogsh
Flash back

Scene 2
Daniela and her friends are walking together, laughing then Daniela says
her goodbye. Daniela exits.
The light focuses on the friends.
Friends (Batch 1):
Lyzly: Look at how she walks off
So pa~thetic
Hazel: She's been longing to be richer
Carla: Clinging to us
Such a bother
Krisha: Isn't she vexing?
All: Yes, indeed
All: She's a poor unfortunate soul
All: So sad
All: So true
Krisha: She'll come running to our chair, crying so hard asking for help
All: Do we help her?
All: Sadly yes~

Scene 3
A knocking on the door is heard then Daniela’s parents come in.

Oh, dear how’s school?
Look at you as fragile as a flower
Still a little sapling, just a sprout
You know, I always want the best for you
(i know)
You always knew, I expect the best from you
(but mom)
Mother knows best
Mother knows best
Listen to your mother
You should always be on top
Mother knows best
One way or the other
You must not fail, I swear
Failures, grades, physical appearance
(stop mom! I’m doing my best)
(Oh really? Is that so?)
(Why can’t you just trust me?)
(I can’t trust you)
Stop no more, you’ll just upset me
Mother’s right here, mother will support you
Darling, here’s what I suggest
Stop the drama
She’ll get trauma
moOOooOOOOOOOooother knows…… best

Then the parents exit.

Daniela gets pressured. She studies frantically. She hears a text message
and her face lit up when he saw it was her boyfriend, and she texts on her
phone instead of studying.
On the other side of the stage, Kyle can also be seen texting.

Oh my god! He texted me.
All my life has been a series of hurtful mistakes
And suddenly you came into me
I was thinking of the same thing
Cause’ like I’ve been searching my whole to find the right girl
And maybe it’s the one who’s talking or the one who’s laughing
But with you, but with you
I found my place, and it’s nothing like I ever felt before
8 pm, I’m lying on my bedroom
Suddenly, you started texting me
Phone vibrates, I try to ignore but cannot
Text again and by then it’s like 11:15

And so I read my book but cannot concentrate

I’ll just continue texting, it’s just you and me
I’ll just ignore my books and just keep texting you
Just wonder, how will my life gon’ be

Daniela is happy while Kyle puts down his phone as if he’s disgusted.

Scene 4
School hallway.
Daniela enters the scene. Seconds after, Megan enters the scene.
Daniela, we will be having a test. Have you studied?
Um, of course maam.
I do hope you have been studying. Your scores have been going downhill. If this
continues, you’ll lose your scholarship.

Megan exits and then students come in.

School bell is heard.

Scene 5
Students are all over the place. Daniela is frantic.

Hey, did you study?

Of course. This test is important, you know.

Megan enters. Students settle down.

Good morning.
Good morning Miss.

Megan distributes the test papers.

Daniela taps her ball pen, bites her nails.

Psst. Hey. Hey, let me copy your paper.

Yuu looks at Daniela then ignores her.

Psst. What’s your answers? Hey.
I’m not gonna let you copy.
(Louder whisper)

C’mon. Let me copy.

Yuu ignores Daniela.

Lend me your paper.

Yuu continue to ignore Daniela. Daniela is desperate.


(Loud voice) I said let me copy your paper!

Daniela forcefully takes Yuu’s paper without thinking. Megan notice what
happened and goes to them.

What’s happening here?
She took my paper!

Daniela looks down, ashamed.

What’s happening to you? I’m going to fail you on this test. Come to the office after this

Students whisper about her.

Scene 6

So Dear Reign turned out to be that kind of person
Some cheater, a big liar, truly a fool.
Your personality flaws, give me adequate cause,
to suspend you for at least two weeks
or worst expel you from this school
Your grades are failing,
your thinking's changing,
you might lose your scholarshiip!
So think about your scholarshiIIIIIIIP!!

Scene 7
Daniela is walking down the hallway. She sees Krisha together with Kyle.

What is happening?
Why are you with her?
Am I not enough?
Why did you do this to me?
Look, here’s what I’ll say
I thought you were so nice
Though, I knew you were entice
I never felt that way
I never did

Daniela cries and walks away but then she gets blocked by her friends.

A poor unfortunate girl
in pain, indeed
You've been acting like a queen who is longing for a king
you're so desperate
I agree

You cheated and everyone knew

too bad its true
You've got no friends anymore
Go leave! such a sore
Are you sorry?
You should be

Scene 8
Alyssa is sitting down, tapping the table.
Daniela enters. She tries to walk past but Alyssa suddenly she talked,
stopping her on her tracks.

What is this? What have you been doing for your grades to be like this?

Daniela doesn’t answer.

(Loud voice) You’re a disappointment. Such a disappointment.

Jay comforts Daniela.

Shhhh. That’s enough. It’s alright.

Daniela walks out.

Scene 9
Severe bullying

Scene 10
Breakdown scene.

Look at me
Trying to hide the pain I’m feeling
Losing my will to keep on living
All I’ve known
Is that people never cared for me
All I see
Is the darkness of this life
I want it all to end right now
I never was good enough
Trying not to break is so tough
Why is my reflection someone I don’t know?

When will my reflection show what I feel inside?

Scene 11
Suicide scene (pills)
Scene 12
Hospital scene

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