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Some common physical features of

What is Down Down syndrome include:

 A flattened face, especially the
Down syndrome is a bridge of the nose
condition in which a person  Almond-shaped eyes that slant INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES FOR
has an extra chromosome. up, a tongue that tends to stick CHILDREN WITH DOWN SYNDROME
out of the mouth
Chromosomes are small
 A short neck, small ears, small
“packages” of genes in the hands and feet
1. They are visual learners.
body. They determine how a  Small pinky fingers that
2. They understand a lot more than they can say.
3. They are able to follow classroom rules and routines.
baby's body forms during sometimes curve toward the 4. They need help to remember instructions – use
pregnancy and how the thumb shorter phrases or visual clues.
baby's body functions as it 5. Teacher’s expectations of behavior, attitude and ability
grows in the womb and after should be high.
birth. 6. Children with Down syndrome can learn.

Down syndrome continues 
to be the most common /search?q=down+syndro
chromosomal disorder. Each me+definition&rlz=1C1C
year, about 6,000 babies are HBF_enPH861PH861&o
born with Down syndrome, q=down+syndrome+defi
which is about 1 in every 700 nition&aqs=chrome..69i5
babies born. Between 1979 7j0l7.7157j1j7&sourceid=
and 2003, the number of chrome&ie=UTF-8
babies born with Down 
syndrome increased by ddd/birthdefects/downsy
about 30%. ndrome.html

About 95 percent of the
time, Down syndrome is
caused by trisomy 21 — the
person has three copies of
chromosome 21, instead of
the usual two copies, in all
cells. This is caused by
abnormal cell division during
the development of the
sperm cell or the egg cell.
Mosaic Down syndrome.

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