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Chapter 10- Our Government

1. citizen- someone who has the right to live permanently in a

particular country and has the right to the legal and social benefits as
well as legal obligations towards it.
2. foreign: from another country or in another country
3. national: relating to the whole of a nation and not just a part of it.
4. sarpanch: the head of the panchayat is known as sarpanch.
5. central government: the government that rules the whole country
is called central government.
6. representative: someone who has been chosen or elected by a
person or group to vote, give opinions or make decisions for them
7. member: someone who belongs to a club, organisation or group.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is a government?
A group of people that make laws and manages a country is known as a
2. Write in points the different role of the government.
i. It makes rules for the well- being of the citizens.
ii. Ensures that rules are followed throughout the country.
iii. Works towards meeting the basic needs of the people.
iv. The government tries to resolve the problems of its people and looks after
the welfare of the country
3. What is written in the Constitution of India?
The constitution of India states the laws on how the country should be governed
and distributes the power between the different levels of the government.
4. Who lives at the Rashtrapati Bhawan?
The President of India, Mr. Ramnath Kovind lives in the Rashtrapati Bhawan.

5. Name the three branches of the government.

Legislative, executive and judiciary
6. What is the role of the legislative body?
The legislative body makes rules for the whole country to follow.

7. Who elects the representatives of the legislative body?

The people of India elects the representatives of the legislative body.

8. What is the executive branch responsible for?

It is the duty of the executive branch to see that the laws are followed by the
9. What happens if someone does not follow a rule or breaks a law?
They can be arrested or made to pay fine.

10. Read the situation and give solutions to the problems/issues given

Issue A: Sometimes people might feel that the law is not a fair one, or that the
executive is not fair in doing its job.

Solution A: In such a case, people can go to the judiciary to seek justice or


Issue B: Ravi was speeding through the small lanes of a city and smash into the
small vegetable stall.

Solution B: He will be arrested and made to pay a fine or may be sent to jail to
serve a term according to the judgement given by the court or judge.

11. Where are the central and the state governments located in India?
Ans. The central government is located in New Delhi, which is also capital of
India. The state governments are located in the capital city of each state.

12. What are the duties of gram panchayat?

Ans. The duties of the gram panchayat are to look after the welfare of the
people in the village, solve their problems and settle disputes. They also provide
clean drinking water, build and repair roads, run schools and health care centers,

13. What are the responsibilities of local self – government bodies in towns
and cities?
The responsibilities of local self – government bodies in towns and cities
include collecting garbage, providing safe drinking water and electricity,
building and repairing roads and maintaining government run schools and

HOTS pg. 92 No. VI Think It Over

It is very important for all citizens to cast their votes during elections because
the elected representatives of the people of India are taken in the government to
provide different services to the Indian people. So, it is the people of India who
has the responsibility to choose the representatives of the nation to run the
country smoothly and peacefully.

Make a flow chart on the branches of the government and the role they
play in the government affairs:
Make a flow chart to show the different levels of the government.

Additional Information

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