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Name Roll.

No Group
1 Smita Agrawal 19502 group 8
2 Harish Bahadur Bhatt 19503 Group 7
3 Priya Dhakal 19505 group 4
4 Shruti Dhungel 19506 Group4
5 Rakshya Gautam 19507 Group 3
6 Niraj Prasad Karn 19509 Group 5
7 Sanjaya Neupane 19513 Group 2
8 Suman Neupane 19514 Group 6
9 Aman Rajbhandari 19519 Group 1
10 Sushil Sah 19521 Group 9
11 Arju Sanjel 19522
12 Ravi Ranjan Sarraf 19523 Group 5
13 Saroj Sharma 19524 Group1
14 Dipesh Shrestha 19525 Group 7
15 Milan Shreshtha 19526 Group 2
16 Sony Shrestha 19529 Group 3
17 Suresh Shrestha 19530 Group 10
18 Yassu Shrestha 19531 Group 8
19 Sabina Kharel 19533 group 9
20 Anish Singh Sijapati 19534 Group 6

SN Name Roll.No Group Wise

1 Aman Rajbhandari 19519 Group 1
2 Saroj Sharma 19524 Group 1
3 Milan Shreshtha 19526 Group 2
4 Sanjaya Neupane 19513 Group 2
5 Rakshya Gautam 19507 Group 3
6 Sony Shrestha 19529 Group 3
7 Priya Dhakal 19505 Group 4
8 Shruti Dhungel 19506 Group 4
9 Niraj Prasad Karn 19509 Group 5
10 Ravi Ranjan Sarraf 19523 Group 5
11 Suman Neupane 19514 Group 6
12 Anish Singh Sijapati 19534 Group 6
13 Harish Bahadur Bhatt 19503 Group 7
14 Dipesh Shrestha 19525 Group 7
15 Smita Agrawal 19502 group 8
16 Yassu Shrestha 19531 Group 8
17 Sabina Kharel 19533 Group 9
18 Sushil Sah 19521 Group 9
19 Suresh Shrestha 19530 Group X


Presentation topics:
Explain briefly about the Balance-of-Payment of Nepal with special focus on Balance on
Explain IMF definition of BoP.
What arefactors influencing
the causes of BoPBoP, why BoP
imbalance andishow
calculated and what
is it related are its implications.
with currency valuation of a
Explain each components related with BoP in the context of Nepal
Explain how Nepal can improve its BoP in future.

Presentation by:

Role of the dollar as an international currency.

Why dollar is regarded as international currency
What role the dollar plays in the international currency market
Is dollar
What undervalued
is the or overvalued
future of dollar? Will it still remain as the international currency or are their
already signs for its downfall?

Presentation by:

Euro - a common European currency

Creation of Euro
Valuation of Euro
Greece financial crisis and Euro
Future of Euro post Brexit

Presentation by:

Indian Rupee
Historical background of INR
Valuation of INR and its position in international financial market
Role of the Reserve Bank of India in valuation of INR
INR and its relationship with currencies in the SAARC region.

Presentation by:

Chinese Yuan
Introduction of Chinese Yuan
Valuation of Chinese Yuan
Role of Chinese Yuan in promoting international Trade of China
Chinese Yuan as an international Reserve currency
Presentation by:

Presentation of Asian currency crisis of 1997 and role of IMF

Why did it occur?
Who was responsible?
What were the consequences?
What was the role of IMF

Presentation by:

Mexican currency crisis

Causes of crisis
Who were the major players
What was the consequences
What was the role of IMF
What lessons can be learnt

Presentation by:

How was Russian Currency crisis of 1998 different from 2014? Compare and contrast.
Causes of crises and comparison of both of them
What made them different from each other?
What effect it had in Russian economy
What corrective measures were taken?
What is the current situation of Russian currency?

Presentation by:

Future of currency market, how virtual currency is changing the world?

Virtual currency and future of international currency
Change in value of currency from paper based to plastic cards and to virtual currency
Basic concept behind Bit-coin, how does it function, is it reliable?
What role did it play during Greek crisis
Pros and cons of virtual currency?
“Future belongs to virtual currency” how realistic is this statement.

Presentation by:

Financial institution involved in Foreign Exchange in Nepal. Their role and responsibilities.
Role of Nepal Rastraya Bank in currency regulation and maintaining financial stability
Role of commercial bank in currency trading
Role of other financial institution in bring foreign currency to Nepal
How much foreign exchange enters the country and where does it go?

Presentation by:
Explain about exchange rate policy of Nepal. Recent development and policies regulating
financial system of Nepal.
Brief explanation about monetary and physical policy of Nepal 2018-19
What are the important aspects of it?
What information can we draw from it that would be useful for us?

Presentation by:
Aman Rajbhandari
Saroj Sharma

Milan Shreshtha
Sanjaya Neupane
Class Course Title Multinational Financial Management
Learning UnitUNIT I (10 hours)
One A. International Flow of fund
a. International trade flow and its issues
b. Balance of payment
c. Factor affecting international trade flow
d. Correcting a balance of payment deficit
e. International Capital Flows
Net contact f. Agencies that Facilitate International Flows
1 hours - 2 hrs
Learning Unit
One B. International monetary system
Pre-Bretton-woods system
a. Various gold standard systems
2 b. Reasons for its failures
Bretton-woods system
a. Reasons for its origin
b. Standard features
c. Role of IMF
Post Bretton-woods system (Modified Bretton-
a. Main features
Net contact
3 hours - 4 hrs
Learning Unit
One C. Foreign Exchange Rates
a. Relation among inflation, interest rates and
exchange rate
Purchasing power parity (PPP)
International Fishers Effect (IFE)
4 Comparison of the IRP, PPP and IFE theories.
b. Forecasting Exchange rates
Why firms forecast exchange rates?
Forecasting Techniques
c. Measuring exposure to exchange rate
Transaction exposure
Net contact Economic exposure
5 hours - 4 hrs Translation exposure
Learning UnitUNIT II (12 hours)
Two A. FDI, FFI and Cross-Border Acquisition
a. Global trend in FDI
b. Why do firms invest overseas?
Trade barriers
Imperfect labor market
Intangible assets
Vertical integration
Product life cycle
Net contact Shareholder diversification services
a. Global trend in FDI
b. Why do firms invest overseas?
Trade barriers
Imperfect labor market
Intangible assets
Vertical integration
Product life cycle
Net contact Shareholder diversification services
6 hours - 4hrs
Learning Unit
Two B. International Capital structure and the cost
of capital
a. Cost of Capital in International business
b. Cost of capital in Segmented versus integrated
7 markets
c. Does the cost of capital differ among countries?
Capital budgeting of MNC, inputs of capital
Net contact budgeting, factors to be consider in MNC capital
8 hrs budgeting
hours - 4Unit
Net contact C. The management of international cash
hours - 4 hrs a. The management of international cash balances
b. Bilateral netting of internal and external net
cash flow
c. Reduction in Precautionary cash balance
9 d. Transfer pricing and related issue
c1 10 a. The management of international cash balances
LEARNING UNIT b. Bilateral netting of internal and external net
III (8 hrs)
A. Exchange rate policy/systems in Nepal
a. Recent development
b. Policy discussion
Exchange rate policy
Monetary Policy
Financial sector policy

Net contact
11 hours - 4 hrs
Learning Unit
Three B. Foreign exchange market in Nepal.
a. Financial institution involved in Foreign
b. Nepali currency in international Capital
Net contact Market: Prospects and Challenges
hours - 4hrs c. Fixed vs. floating exchange rate of Nepali

Final Exam
Class activities Presentation Article
Introduction to
class and
about course

Cass discussion Class presentation Article review

on given topic 1 -Grop 1 1- Grop 10
learning uint
Cass discussion Class presentation Article review
on given topic 2- Group 2 2- Grop 9
learning uint

Cass discussion Class presentation Article review 3

on given topic 3- Grup 3 -Grop 8
learning uint

Cass discussion Class presentation Article review

on given topic 4 Grop 4 4- Group 7
learning uint

Cass discussion Class presentation Article review 5

on given topic 5 - Grop 5 - Grop 6
learning uint
and and MCQ
Cass discussion Class presentation Article review 5
on given topic 5 - Grop 5 - Grop 6
learning uint
and and MCQ

Cass discussion Class presentation Article review 6

on given topic 6 - Grop 6 - Grop 5
learning uint
Cass discussion Class presentation Article review 7
on given topic 7 - Grop 7 Grop 4
learning uint

Cass discussion Class presentation Article review 8

on given topic 8 Grop 8 Group 3
learning uint

Cass discussion Class presentation Article review 9

on given topic 9 Grop 9 - Grop 2
Class Class presentation Article review
discussion on topic 10 Grop 10 10 Grop 1
given learning
uint and MCQ

Cass discussion
on given
learning uint

Final exam of 2 hours

Name Roll.No
1 Smita Agrawal 19502
2 Harish Bahadur Bhatt 19503
3 Priya Dhakal 19505
4 Shruti Dhungel 19506
5 Rakshya Gautam 19507
6 Niraj Prasad Karn 19509
7 Sanjaya Neupane 19513
8 Suman Neupane 19514
9 Aman Rajbhandari 19519
10 Sushil Sah 19521
11 Ravi Ranjan Sarraf 19523
12 Saroj Sharma 19524
13 Dipesh Shrestha 19525
14 Milan Shreshtha 19526
15 Sony Shrestha 19529
16 Suresh Shrestha 19530
17 Yassu Shrestha 19531
18 Sabina Kharel 19533
19 Anish Singh Sijapati 19534
What is "Money" for you?
paper note with added value of exchange

Money is value
generally accepted mode of payment
Medium of exchange
money is king , accepted as payment for goods and services Money supply
Tool of Economics nationally and
abs -Sushil Sah
It is an exchange medium. Valuating medium.
Medium of exachange as a tool used in economy
Source of record for payments.
Unit for accounting record
tool to ease trading
object that is generally accepted as payment for goods and service
Fiat currency by government which is used as medium for exchange.
Means of payment for goods/services and other financial activities
Object that is generally accepted
Name Roll.No
1 Smita Agrawal 19502
2 Harish Bahadur Bhatt 19503
3 Priya Dhakal 19505
4 Shruti Dhungel 19506
5 Rakshya Gautam 19507
6 Niraj Prasad Karn 19509
7 Sanjaya Neupane 19513
8 Suman Neupane 19514
9 Aman Rajbhandari 19519
10 Sushil Sah 19521
11 Ravi Ranjan Sarraf 19523
12 Saroj Sharma 19524
13 Dipesh Shrestha 19525
14 Milan Shreshtha 19526
15 Sony Shrestha 19529
16 Suresh Shrestha 19530
17 Yassu Shrestha 19531
18 Sabina Kharel 19533
19 Anish Singh Sijapati 19534
What is your understanding about international monetary system?
Refers to the operating system of the financial environment consist of financial instution
Internationally agreed rules to facilitate international trade.
universally accepted policies and standards that facilitates trade or flow of money internationally
Sets of rules agreed for intenational trade stability
The rules that govern the exchange of money between countries & worldwide
System that is used to govern forex.
Management of Foreign exchange
agreement related to foreign trading.
Accepted policies to ease trading systems globally based upon the inflation and economy of the country.
Set of universally applicable rules and standards for facilitation of trade between countries
Facilitates international trade by making currencies (values) comparable.
Set of internationally agreed rules, conventions and supporting institutions that facilitate international trade, cross b
Rules that govern use and exchange of money for trade between multiple countries

A set of internationally agreed rules that fosters international trade.


conomy of the country.

cilitate international trade, cross border investment and generally the reallocation of capital between nation states.
n nation states.
Name Roll.No
1 Smita Agrawal 19502
2 Harish Bahadur Bhatt 19503
3 Priya Dhakal 19505
4 Shruti Dhungel 19506
5 Rakshya Gautam 19507
6 Niraj Prasad Karn 19509
7 Sanjaya Neupane 19513
8 Suman Neupane 19514
9 Aman Rajbhandari 19519
10 Sushil Sah 19521
11 Ravi Ranjan Sarraf 19523
12 Saroj Sharma 19524
13 Dipesh Shrestha 19525
14 Milan Shreshtha 19526
15 Sony Shrestha 19529
16 Suresh Shrestha 19530
17 Yassu Shrestha 19531
18 Sabina Kharel 19533
19 Anish Singh Sijapati 19534
What is better fixed or floating exchange rate system?

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