Barron's 300 Absolutely Essential GRE Words Flashcards - Cram3

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10/18/1 Barron's 300 Absolutely Essential GRE Words Flashcards -

3 opprobrium n. disgrace; contempt oscillate

v. to move back and forth
ostentatious adj. showy; trying to attract attention;
pretentious paragon n. model of excellence or
partisan adj. one-sided;committed to a party, group, or cause;
prejudiced pathological adj. departing from normal condition
paucity n. scarcity
pedantic adj. showing off
learning penchant n. inclination
penury n. extreme poverty
perennial adj. present throughout the years;
persistent perfidious adj. faithless; disloyal;
perfunctory adj. superficial; not thorough; performed really as a
duty permeable adj. penetrable
pervasive adj. spread throughout every
part phlegmatic calm in temperament;
sluggish piety n. devoutness
placate v. to lessen another's anger; to pacify
plasticity n. condition of being able to be shaped or formed;
pliability platitude n. stale, overused expression
plethora n. excess;
overabundance plummet v. to
fall; plunge
pragmatic adj.
practical precarious
adj. uncertain
v. to cause to happen; to throw down from a
precipitate height adj. rash; hasty; sudden
precursor n. forerunner; predecessor
presumptuous adj. rude; improperly bold
prevaricate v. to quibble, evade the
truth pristine adj. untouched;

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probity n. honesty; high-mindedness
problematic adj. posing a problem; doubtful;
unsettled prodigal adj. wasteful; extravagant;
lavish proliferate v. to increase rapidly
propensity n. inclination; tendency
propitiate v. to win over; appease
propriety n. correct conduct; fitness
proscribe v. to condemn; forbid;
pungent adj. strong or sharp in smell and taste; penetrating;
caustic qualified adj. limited; restricted
quibble v. to argue over insignificant and irrelevant
details quiescent adj. inactive; still
rarefied adj. refined
recalcitrant adj. resisting authority or
control recant v. to retract a statement
or opinion recondite adj. abstruse;
refractory adj. stubborn; unmanageable;resisting ordinary methods of
treatment refute v. to contradict; to disprove
relegate v. to confine to an inferior
position reproach v. to find fault with; to
blame reprobate n. morally unprincipled
person repudiate v. reject as having no
authority rescind v. to cancel
resolution n. determination; resolve
reticent adj. not speaking freely; reserved;
reluctant reverent adj. expressing deep respect;
worshipful sage adj. wise
salubrious adj. healthful
sanction v. to approve; ratify;
permit satiate v. to satisfy
saturate v. to soak thoroughly; imbue throughout
secrete v. to produce and release substance into
organism shard n. a piece of broken glass or pottery
skeptic n. one who doubts
solicitous adj. attentive; eager;
concerned soporific adj. sleep
specious adj. seeming to be logical and sound, but not really so
spectrum n. band of colors produced when sunlight passes through a prism; a broad range of related ideas or
objects sporadic adj. irregular
stigma n. mark of disgrace or inferiority
v. to be sparing
n. period of time spent doing
stipulate v. to specify as an essential
condition stolid adj. having or showing
little emotion
striated adj. marked with thin narrow grooves or
channels strut v. to swagger; display to impress
subpoena n. notice ordering someone to appear in
court substantiate v. to support with proof or evidence
supersede v. to replace, especially to displace as inferior or ds/barr ons- 300- absolutely- essential- g r e- wor ds- 4/6
10/18/1 Barron's 300 Absolutely Essential GRE Words Flashcards -
3 antiquated supposition n. the act of
to be true or real
tacit adj. silently understood;
implied tangential adj. peripheral;
digressing tenuous adj. weak;
tirade n. long, violent speech, verbal assualt

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torpor n. lethargy; dormancy; sluggishness
tortuous adj. having many twists and turns; highly
complex tractable adj. obedient; yielding
transgression n. act of of trespassing or violating a law or
rule truculence n. aggressiveness; ferocity
vacillate v. to waver; oscillate
venerate v. to adore; honor;
respect veracious adj. truthful;
accurate verbose adj. wordy
viable adj. practicable; capable of
developing viscous adj. thick, syrupy, and
adj. using or containing harsh, abusive
vituperative censure v. vituberate
volatile adj. tending to vary frequently;
fickle warranted adj. justified
wary adj. careful; cautious
welter v. to wallow or roll; toss about; be in
turmoil whimsical adj. fanciful; unpredictable
zealot n. one who is fanatically devoted to a cause

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