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D 408 BSBDIV601 Develop and implement diversity policy.

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RTO 41297 | CRICOS 03444C
August 2018 version: 3.0
This form is to be completed by the assessor and used as a final record of student competency.
All student submissions including any associated checklists are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing
on the students file.
Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Management Database unless all relevant paperwork is
completed and attached to this form.

Student Name:

Student ID No: Completion Date:

Unit Code: BSBDIV601

Unit Title: Develop and implement diversity policy

Result Reassessment
S = Satisfactory S = Satisfactory
Please attach the following documentation to this form
NS = Not Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory

NA = Not Assessed NA = Not Assessed

Assessment Task 1  Written Question and Answer S | NS | NA S | NS | NA

 Report: Develop and implement

Assessment Task 2 diversity policy S | NS | NA S | NS | NA

Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC

Assessor Comments and Feedback to student:




Student Declaration: I declare that this assessment is my own Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair,
work based on personal study and research and not plagiarised or valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student. I have
copied from another student’s work or source. provided appropriate feedback and advised the student of their result.

I am also aware of my appeal rights.

Name: ____________________________ Name: ____________________________

Signature: ____________________________ Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____ Date: ____/_____/_____

Entered onto Student Management Database  ________________

Date Initials
Administrative use only

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RTO 41297 | CRICOS 03444C
August 2018 version: 3.0
Assessment Task 1 BSBDIV601 Develop an

Written questions and answers

Submission details
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement
must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.

Performance objective
The candidate will demonstrate the ability to develop and implement diversity policy as per the
organizational and legislative requirements.

Assessment description
In this assessment task, you are required to provide answers to the questions asked. You may use
additional documents as required.

1. Read and understand the questions clearly.
2. Provide answers to the questions asked.
3. Give examples from your own experience as far as possible.
4. Submit all documents required in the specifications below to your assessor. Ensure you keep a
copy of all work submitted for your records.

You must:
● meet with your assessor to clarify any confusion
● provide answers to all the questions
● submit your notes and any additional documents.
● If you utilize material from published authors, make certain that you cite and reference
appropriately. If you do not know how to reference discuss this with your assessor. Plagiarism is
Your assessor will be looking for your ability to:

● analyses information about diversity from a range of internal and external sources to identify:
 existing practices
 potential benefits of diversity and the fit with business objectives
● develop a comprehensive diversity policy with details of an implementation strategy and how the
policy will be monitored and reviewed
● implement, evaluate and change the diversity policy based on recommendations for improvement
● consult with relevant stakeholders during development, implementation and review of the diversity
policy and procedures.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBDIV601 Develop an

Adjustment for distance-based learners

● No variation of the task is required.
● Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.

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Jan 2018 version: 2.0
Assessment Task 1 BSBDIV601 Develop an

Answer the following questions:

You are required to answer the questions given below. You may either use the space being provided for
your answers or attach separate answer sheets as required.
1. What are the potential benefits of diversity to a business organization and how is
diversity linked to the success of different business operations?
To answer this question, conduct independent research and try to address benefits from a different perspective.

Answer to the Question No:1

Mc Donald’s is a renowned fast food chain in the world which is well- known for its diversity.
It has been adopted the language, food habit, the way of people eating food (gossiping when eating food, just eating
the food as early as possible, take way) way in every country where they are doing their
When Mc Donald’s is doing their business in China, they use Chania’s language in all cases. As china is more
progressed in technology, they introduce cashless transaction there. They made their
food menu by considering the taste of chine’s people, for example as Chine’s people
like rice and chicken most, they prepare the dish of Honey chicken rice bowl. While
they are moving to India to expand their business, they just follow the culture of India
where they have kept English besides its native as Indians are fond of English. They
made the food menu by taking into account the Indian culture for example as Most of
the Indians are vegetarian, they introduce veg burger to them and fish burger. As
Indians like to chit-chat when taking food, they serve the food not very quickly as
opposite to Chania. The Japanese are fonder of pork’s so in their country foods by
using pork’s are made of which are not prepared others country like Indonesia, India.

Management system of business differs from country to country. For example: world famous Coffee chain shop
“Starbucks” had been failed for doing their business in Australia whereas “Gloria
jeans coffees” had been succeed their by following the coffee culture of Australian

When a company like Mc Donald’s, Gloria jeans Coffee do their business by following the culture of that country
where they conduct their business, they can create a well image which ultimately helps
the company to become sustained in that market. The company which follows the
cultural diversity enjoys some benefits such as:

 Increased productivity: By following the culture of the country, they have

been accepted to that country. As a result, their productivity increases.

 Increase profit: As productivity increases, generally the profit of the company

increase which results in increasing the assets of the company ultimately.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBDIV601 Develop an

 Increase creativity: Companies always try to bring something new to attract

new customers to the company by considering the culture. As a result, the
creativity of the company increases. The company becomes famous in the
market as a creative company so as to attract new segment of consumers.

 Increased reputation: As the company become accepted in the world market,

its reputation in the market increased increasingly.

2. Consider contemporary diversity theory—its potential contribution to business

advantage and its likely impact on existing organizational cultures—both current and

Answer to the Question No:2

There are a lot of contributions of diversity theory to bring advantages in business. Some famous contemporary
diversity theory is such as Cognitive diversity hypothesis, Similarity-attraction
paradigm, Social cognitive theory.
Advantages of these theory in business:

1. When people from different cultural background works together, they share
their knowledge to each other which helps the company to achieve the
organizational goal efficiently which untimely brings productivity in the

2. As so many minds come together, they have different experience, knowledge

which helps the company to solve the problem very quickly.

3. when a company shows more productivity in working as well as in problem

solving, it attracts more angel investors to invest which increases net assets and
capable the company to bring more customers to the company.

Possible impacts on organizational culture:

 A worker comes from the culture where punctuality does not bother, he
or she may prefer to present the office lately which impact the others

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Jan 2018 version: 2.0
Assessment Task 1 BSBDIV601 Develop an
worker by following him or her as a result productivity may be

 A worker may have liked to establish his opinion in the company

somehow though there are some other opinions which are very good.
As a result, many others will be unwilling to provide their onion

 Racism conflict may be created in the company which ultimately leads

to shut down the business.

 The top authority of the company may have the biasness of the gender
as the culture where he belongs does not consider the gender equality
which impacts on the success of the company and can pose serious
problem for the company if the country has the law of EEO

3. Explain what diversity means in a workplace context. Consider individual differences,

cultures, beliefs, and the traditions and practices of people.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBDIV601 Develop an

Answer to the Question No:3

In a very simple way we can define diversity means the differences among people. From workplace context we can
define workplace diversity means different people come to the workstation from
different cultural background, they possess different beliefs, different traditions, belong
to different races and do different traditional practices. It is very necessary to respect
the practices of different people.

For example, we can say that a worker follows the systems of 5 times payer in a day coming from his or her
religious practices and expects that he will be freed by the company that time
A worker from Australia who is mainly left handy goes to Middle East for work purpose where he started to eating
by using left hand which is very much offensive to them because they believe left hand
may only be used for washroom purposes. The Australian needs to adopt Middle east

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RTO 41297 | CRICOS 03444C
Jan 2018 version: 2.0
Assessment Task 1 BSBDIV601 Develop an
4. On what legislation, codes of practice and national standards might the development of
organizational diversity policies be based?
Consider codes, standards and legislation relevant to your own state or territory and the ways in which legislation
will be incorporated into business operation. Conduct appropriate research to answer
this question.

Answer to the Question NO:4

 Code of Conduct: It has been expected from all the employees that they
should follow basic code of conduct of the company no matter from which
culture he or she belongs such as show respect to the employees and their

 Recruitment policy: If a person has the qualification of doing a job and if

he has possessed the qualities of a good workers such as credible,
trustworthy, consistency. He must be recruited. It does not matter from
which religious he belongs, or from which race he belongs or from which
country he come from. According to public service Act 1999

 Non-smoking policy: when a person in his or her duty, he should not do

smoking and especially in the public places

 Health and safety policy: All the people of the company will get equal
safety in the work place and health benefits from the country no matter
whether he or she belong to Australia or outside Australia

 Anti-discrimination and harassment policy: For considering the opinion

or promotion or in case of providing benefits or in any other cases no
discrimination will not be allowed by the law EEO besides no sexual or
mental harassment will not be tolerated by the company. If the company
tries to hide those activities, as per Federal law the accused people must be

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Assessment Task 1 BSBDIV601 Develop an

5. List and explain three (3) organizational practices/operations that can be linked to

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Assessment Task 1 BSBDIV601 Develop an

Answer to the Question No:5

For innovating something organization needs a group of creative people. If this group consists of
different people who belong to different culture, different beliefs, different religious
back ground, this helps the creative team to innovate something new or unique thing as
many different types of knowledge will be shared among team members. By
considering all these ideas, A solid innovative can be formulated.

In this modern world a company does not do business in its border rather than it tries to do business
beyond its borders. The other country where the company operates its business it needs
to recruit the people of that country so as to the company can adopt the culture and
achieve success.

Creating branding of the company: If a company recruits many people from different cultural background, it
creates a positive impact on the consumers of that culture and they repeatedly purchase
the product and through WOM (word of mouth) they influence others to purchase the
goods which ultimately helps the company to create strong brand

6. In the table below, list three (3) barriers to diversity in the work place and describe how
these barriers can have a negative impact on employee performance.

Answer to the Question No:6

Barriers Impact on employee performance

As different people come from different culture. they hold
different belief among themselves which impact the other
employees of that country as a result conflict may arise which
may decrease the production of the company.

A worker from Australia who is mainly left handy goes to Middle East
for work purpose where he started to eating by using left
hand which is very much offensive to them because they
believe left hand may only be used for washroom purposes.
The Australian needs to adopt Middle east culture.

Lack of As many people come from different cultural background, they

employment follow different beliefs. This may not be accepted by other
involvement employees of the company so the involvement of the employee
may be reduced

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Assessment Task 1 BSBDIV601 Develop an

Language Because of Language differences .it sometimes very difficult to

differences communicate with others apart from language from one
country depicts another meaning of word to other country
which hampers mentality to others and create bad relation.

7. Research and find four (4) pieces of legislation in Australia that advocates/promotes
and protects diversity. You will need to list the piece of legislation and the purpose.

Answer to the Question No:7

 Australian Health and safety Act 2011.The main purpose of this Act is
to ensure the equality of all the employees regardless from where the
employee comes, or what race does he belong or what religion does he
 The Fair Work Act 2009.The main purpose of this act is to ensure that
if an employee is qualified and he does not possess any lawful
constraints, he will get recruitment in the company and get other
benefits like native employees.
 It is very unlawful in Australia to discriminate. In Australian two types
of discrimination Act are prevalent 1. Racial discrimination act 1975
and Sex Discrimination Act 1984.The main purpose of this act is to
ensure that nobody will devoid of any types of lawful facility due to
belong from different race or different gender.
 Many people do smoking in publicly in front of people from other
country which may cause serious problem for them. To avoid these sort
of problem Australia introduced Smoke-free public palace Act 2003
which indicates nobody is allowed to smoking in publicly. To ban this
problem government has been formulated this law. We have to
memorize one thing for outsider of Australia this law has not been
made rather this law has been made for the interest of all the people but
indirectly protects the right of the Australian outsider.

8. Research and evaluate the potential benefits of diversity to an organization.

Answer to the Question No:8

 Increased productivity: By following the culture of the country, they have

been accepted to that country. As a result, their productivity increases.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBDIV601 Develop an
 Innovation: For innovating something organization needs a group of creative
people. If this group consists of different people who belong to different
culture, different beliefs, different religious back ground, this helps the creative
team to innovate something new or unique thing as many different types of
knowledge will be shared among team members. By considering all these
ideas, A solid innovative can be formulated.

 Increase profit: As productivity increases, generally the profit of the company

increase which results in increasing the assets of the company ultimately

 Increase creativity: Companies always try to bring something new to attract

new customers to the company by considering the culture. As a result, the
creativity of the company increases. The company becomes famous in the
market as a creative company so as to attract new segment of consumers.

9. As a manager/leader, how would you promote diversity in the workplace? You will
need to describe any three strategies to be used, and then explain the benefits to both
the employees and the organisation.

Answer to the Question No:9

Strategy to promote Benefits to employees Benefits to the

diversity in the organisation
I can create diversity Employees can work freely As they can work without
friendly workplace without any hesitation any hesitation ,their
policies productivity level will be

I can Offer work place They will consider the Company may extract best
flexibility company as his own facilities from the
company and can create a employees.
very good understanding
about the company

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Assessment Task 1 BSBDIV601 Develop an
I can arrange training This creates a non Company can achieve
session for the outsider differntiative vibe in the higher productivity
mind of the employees
which result in his strong
loyalty to the company

10. Describe how a Diversity Policy should be implemented and reviewed.

Answer to the Question No:10

It is very necessary for a company to make a diversity policy so as to the company can
retain the talent which comes from other or other background from others employee.
There are a lot of ways to implement diversity policy:

 By involving top level management

 Train the outsider about the culture
 Arrange a welcoming program to introduce him with others


 Company can make a committee to look after the outsider whether he

faces any problem
 HR of the company can submit annual report to conduct a research how
much they adopt the company
 If they cannot adopt, use another techniques so as to he can adopt
organizational culture.

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Facilitator Guide BSBDIV601_Marking Guide

Marking Guide
Assessment Task 1: Written questions and answers
Candidate’s name Phone no.

Assessor’s name Phone no.

Assessment site

Assessment date/s Time/s


Did the candidate: Yes No

Answer all the questions?

Provide examples as and when necessary?

Submit all the documents as required?

Complete assessment within agreed deadline?

Performance indicators

Did the candidate: Yes No

1. What are the potential benefits of diversity to a business organisation
and how is diversity linked to the success of different business
To answer this question, conduct independent research and try to
address benefits from a different perspective.

2. Consider contemporary diversity theory—its potential contribution to

business advantage and its likely impact on existing organisational
cultures—both current and future.
3. Explain what diversity means in a workplace context. Consider
individual differences, cultures, beliefs, and the traditions and
practices of people.

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Facilitator Guide BSBDIV601_Marking Guide


Did the candidate: Yes No

4. On what legislation, codes of practice and national standards might
the development of organisational diversity policies be based?
Consider codes, standards and legislation relevant to your own state or
territory and the ways in which legislation will be incorporated into
business operation. Conduct appropriate research to answer this
5. List and explain three (3) organisational practices/operations that can
be linked to diversity.
6. In the table below, list three (3) barriers to diversity in the work place
and describe how these barriers can have a negative impact on
employee performance.
Barriers Impact on employee

7. Research and find four (4) pieces of legislation in Australia that

advocates/promotes and protects diversity. You will need to list the
piece of legislation and the purpose.
8. Research and evaluate the potential benefits of diversity to an
9. As a manager/leader, how would you promote diversity in the
workplace? You will need to describe any three strategies to be used,
and then explain the benefits to both the employees and the

Strategy to promote Benefits to Benefits to the

diversity in the employees organisation

10. Describe how a Diversity Policy should be implemented and


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Comments/feedback to candidate

Outcome: Successful Unsuccessful

Assessor name:

Assessor signature:

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Jan 2018 version: 2.0
Assessment Task 2 BSBDIV601 Develo

Report: Develop and implement

diversity policy
Submission details
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.

Performance objective
The candidate will demonstrate the ability to research diversity and its importance to
organisational activity and to draft, plan and implement diversity policy.

Assessment description
This assessment consists of two parts – Part A and Part B. In response to the given
specification and instructions, candidate will conduct a research to develop diversity policy
and prepare it for implementation. You may consult with your trainer/assessor if any
additional support and guidance is required.

1. Read the instructions provided in both Part A and Part B.
2. Conduct research to prepare the diversity policy for your organisation as instructed.
3. Develop, document and submit the documented diversity policy.
4. There is no particular format for your report. However, you are expected to cover all the
given points in your report.
5. Submit all documents required in the specifications below to your assessor. Ensure you
keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.

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Jan 2017 version: 2.0
Assessment Task 2 BSBDIV601 Develo
You must:
● meet with your assessor to clarify any confusion

● submit the diversity policy that you have developed

Your assessor will be looking for your ability to:

● analyse information about diversity from a range of internal and external sources to
 existing practices

 potential benefits of diversity and the fit with business objectives

● develop a comprehensive diversity policy with details of an implementation strategy

and how the policy will be monitored and reviewed
● implement, evaluate and change the diversity policy based on recommendations for
● consult with relevant stakeholders during development, implementation and review of
the diversity policy and procedures.

Adjustment for distance-based learners

● No variation of the task is required.
● Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.

Part 1:
You work for an organisation that has only been operating for a relatively short time.
At start-up there were only five employees. Over the last 12 months business has rapidly
increased and the company has taken on another 27 employees.
With the increase in employees the need for a human resource function was identified
and you were recruited and selected for the position. Part of your role will involve
developing the policies and procedures that will be required in the organisation and that
will help to ensure compliance with relevant legislation.
Although the workforce appears to be sufficiently diverse you believe that it is important
to develop a specific diversity policy.
In order to do this, you will have to conduct the research that will enable you to develop
policy and prepare it for implementation.
In a report format, paper explain:
 what research you will conduct
 the sources of information you will access
 how the information collected as a result of the research will contribute to policy
 who will be involved in the research and in the policy development process

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Assessment Task 2 BSBDIV601 Develo
 the procedures you will follow to develop and to implement the policy
 how will you justify, to senior management, the need for a diversity policy?

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Assessment Task 2 BSBDIV601 Develo

Part B:

Develop, document and submit the developed diversity policy. The policy should be
suitable for implementation into any business organisation. Make sure that it is
comprehensive, clear and contains no spelling or grammatical errors.

Briefly answer these questions:

1. Does the policy support compliance with relevant legislation? Explain how.
2. Have you incorporated feedback and suggestions from stakeholders into the final
draft? If so, what did you need to incorporate?
3. Are there relationships or links between the intended diversity policy and other
4. How will the policy support applicable legislation?
5. What are the anticipated outcomes of the policy?
6. Are there likely to be any unintended outcomes and if any are identified what will
you do about them?
7. Who will be involved in developing action plans?
8. What methods might be used to inform stakeholders about the policy—during
development and when it is ready for implementation?
9. What procedures will be followed to implement the policy?
10. What will you do if problems or issues are encountered?
11. How will you measure the impact of the policy?
12. How will compliance with and acceptance of the policy be measured?
13. How will you measure the success of the implementation?
14. Will you consult with stakeholders during the implementation process and if so,

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Facilitator Guide BSBDIV601_Report: Develop and implement diversity policy
Answer to the Question No: Task2

Equality and Diversity Policy

Henson and Johnson Company

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the equality of the employees of the organization regardless of
their gender, race, country, nationality, religion and social class. We hate all types of unlawful and unfair

Our commitment:
All the employees in the company will be equally treated irrespective of whether he is a full time worker,
part time worker or temporary worker. As per the fair work Act 2009 which also encourages to treat
equally to all the employees.
All the employees in the company will get equal health and safety facility regardless of outsider or insider
of Australia or what religion do they believe. As per the Australian health and Safety Act 2011 which also
encourages the same issue.
No discrimination among religion, race, nationality, or gender will be accepted and no discrimination will
be tolerated in the company. The guilty will be punished as per the company laws whether he is native or
outsider. Racial discrimination Act 1975 and sex discrimination Act 1985 also encourages these issues.
When we implement the policy, we will talk with our stakeholders to get some idea how can we provide
our outsider most comfortable.

Other issues
By talking with our stakeholders, we have added one issue which includes inside the organization nobody
will be allowed to smoking. If he smokes, he will be accused by the Smoke-free public place Act 2003.
We have tried our best to establish a relationships or links between the intended diversity policy and other
polices to ensure benefit of all. The policy support applicable legislations in this way for avoiding
unfairness among insider and outsider of Australia we have included fair Act policy 2009.For ensuring
the safety and health facility of outsiders we have included health and safety act and finally we have
added discrimination act so as to avoid workplace discrimination and harassment policy

The top level authority will be responsible for implementing the policy. We will implement the policy
step by step such as firstly we will talk with the employees after that we will try to realize them to the fact
that why should we need to hire employee from outsiders of Australia we will talk with them our
obligations specifically and arrange a training session how native workers with adopt them. we will send
an email after developing the policy to know their suggestions whether we should include some other
issues they think we need include. For implementing the policy, we will arrange a meeting about the
discussion of the policy and then provide them one copy of policy to them and then arrange a training
session for all the employees. After implementing we will conduct an audit whether they get what we
have been committed them and then send this report through email to stakeholders to review them.

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Facilitator Guide BSBDIV601_Report: Develop and implement diversity policy
We hope outsiders will be feel motivated to work with us which results in high profit of the company as
well as productivity but we predict one problem can be occurred which is our native workers will have
dissatisfied by thinking all are treated equally, although they received training. And we plan to make them
understand that as per our law we have been forced. you should be tried your best to do something better
for which you will get additional benefit than others.

Measuring impact:
For measuring the impact of the policy, we can conduct an audit. Through this audit report we can
measure the acceptance of the audit report and how much it has been succeeded. We will prepare a
questionnaire and then send them to the email of all the outsider employees. By reviewing all the
answers, we try to find out whether we are heading to succeed or not. If the score goes beyond 40 we
think we are getting success.

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Facilitator Guide BSBDIV601_Report: Develop and implement diversity policy

Marking Guide
Assessment Task 2: Report: Develop and implement
diversity policy
Candidate’s name Phone no.

Assessor’s name Phone no.

Assessment site

Assessment date/s Time/s


Did the candidate: Yes No

Answer all the questions?

Provide examples as and when necessary?

Submit all the documents as required?

Complete assessment within agreed deadline?

Performance indicators

Did the candidate: Yes No

1. Conduct sufficient research on diversity policy?

1. Does the policy support compliance with relevant legislation?

Explain how.
2. Have you incorporated feedback and suggestions from
stakeholders into the final draft? If so, what did you need to
3. Are there relationships or links between the intended diversity
policy and other policies?

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Facilitator Guide BSBDIV601_Report: Develop and implement diversity policy
Comments/feedback to candidate

Outcome: Successful Unsuccessful

Assessor name:

Assessor signature:

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Jan 2018 version: 2.0
Unit Feedback BSBDIV601 Develop and implement diversity policy

Please help us to improve our services to you. We would appreciate your honest feedback on the training provided
for this unit.
Thinking about your experience while participating in the training for this unit, please read the following statements
and tick one response only.

Trainer name

Date started Site

Learner name

Disagree Unsure Agree Not applicable

You were provided with clear information regarding accessing classes.    

The methods of presentation were engaging and effective.    
There is a good balance between theory and practice.    
Your trainer provided opportunities for you to ask questions and participate    
during class.
You had access to individual assistance.    
Assessment tasks required you to demonstrate what you learned.    
I received useful feedback on my assessments.    
The unit resources were useful and easy to understand.    
The facilities and online resources if needed for this unit were adequate.    
The knowledge and skills you have learned will assist you in your career.    
You are satisfied with the quality of this training.    
If you ticked “Disagree” for any questions above, could you please provide an explanation?

What did you find most challenging about studying this unit? Please specify.

Do you have any suggestions on how we could improve this unit

Thank you for your feedback

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Jan 2018 version: 2.0

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