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20-11-20 16:33:16.

102 : [Log]GameOption::Instance, Using instance already created:

20-11-20 16:33:16.370 : [Log]SteamClient Init.
20-11-20 16:33:16.444 : [Log]MagiaSettings::Load() first
20-11-20 16:33:18.286 : [Log]mAddressConfig: {"data":{"magia_service_name":
20-11-20 16:34:14.881 : [Log][Session.Pause]
20-11-20 16:34:15.141 : [Log]pause:True
20-11-20 16:34:16.779 : [Log]pause:False
20-11-20 16:34:27.803 : [Log]CopySqlite_To_PersistentDataPath()
20-11-20 16:34:27.804 :
[Error]Resources.LoadAsset_Impl<UnityEngine.TextAsset>( sqlite_info/gameDataInfo )

20-11-20 16:34:27.804 : [Error]CopySqlitToPersistentPath(), sqlite file is null,


20-11-20 16:34:27.804 : [Error]gameDataInfo Failure

20-11-20 16:34:27.850 : [Log]bFirstPlay: True

20-11-20 16:34:27.857 : [Log]login_step = PROC_APP_VERSION_VERIFY
20-11-20 16:34:31.968 : [Log]OnEvtStepChanged() NowStep: PROC_APP_VERSION_VERIFY
20-11-20 16:34:31.968 : [Log]login_step = PROC_APP_VERSION_VERIFY
20-11-20 16:34:31.970 : [Log]OnEvtStepChanged() NowStep: PATCH_DOWNLOAD_HEADERS
20-11-20 16:34:31.970 : [Log]login_step = PATCH_DOWNLOAD_HEADERS
20-11-20 16:34:31.985 : [Log]Complete_Manifest Success
20-11-20 16:34:31.986 : [Log]SetupPreBuiltAssetPathData()
20-11-20 16:34:32.324 : [Log]OnEvtStepChanged() NowStep: WAIT_DOWNLOAD_AGREE
20-11-20 16:34:32.324 : [Log]login_step = WAIT_DOWNLOAD_AGREE
20-11-20 16:34:32.327 : [Log]CopySqlite_To_PersistentDataPath()
20-11-20 16:34:32.351 : [Log]CopySqlitToPersistentPath(),
PersistentDataPath_ForMobile: C:\Users\VivoBook\AppData\LocalLow\superacid\Magia
20-11-20 16:34:32.387 : [Log]CopySqlitToPersistentPath(),
PersistentDataPath_ForMobile: C:\Users\VivoBook\AppData\LocalLow\superacid\Magia
20-11-20 16:34:32.417 : [Log]CopySqlitToPersistentPath(),
PersistentDataPath_ForMobile: C:\Users\VivoBook\AppData\LocalLow\superacid\Magia
20-11-20 16:34:35.438 : [Log]Manager_Progress::Instance, Using instance already
created: Manager_Progress
20-11-20 16:34:36.045 : [Error]LT_ERROR_CODE::INFO_LOAD_FAILED, can not find result
shining_item_id (item_id:RECIPE_EQUIP_RING_ALL_G3_09,

20-11-20 16:34:36.054 : [Error]LT_ERROR_CODE::INFO_LOAD_FAILED, can not find result

20-11-20 16:34:36.137 : [Log]LocalDataManager::Instance, Using instance already
created: Manager_Progress
20-11-20 16:34:36.273 : [Log]OnEvtStepChanged() NowStep: COMPLETE
20-11-20 16:34:36.274 : [Log]login_step = COMPLETE
20-11-20 16:34:41.765 : [Log]initialize unity advertisement
20-11-20 16:34:41.765 : [Log]initialize unity advertisement
20-11-20 16:34:41.803 : [Log]Dummy .ctor
20-11-20 16:34:41.803 : [Log]Dummy Initialize
20-11-20 16:34:41.808 : [Log]initialize facebook advertisement
20-11-20 16:34:41.812 : [Log]initialize admob advertisement
20-11-20 16:34:41.812 : [Log]initialize facebook advertisement
20-11-20 16:34:41.813 : [Log]initialize admob advertisement
20-11-20 16:34:53.952 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:35:09.210 : [Log]<color=white>CreateChar_Or_GameStart</color>
20-11-20 16:35:09.210 : [Log]CreateCharacter_Req
20-11-20 16:35:09.361 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:35:14.271 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:35:14.271 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:35:20.601 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_1
20-11-20 16:35:20.602 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_2
20-11-20 16:35:20.604 : [Log]Remove Popup -
outgame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_3 (Cinematic.UIPortraitTalkPopup)
20-11-20 16:35:23.947 : [Log]<color=white>CreateChar_Or_GameStart</color>
20-11-20 16:35:23.970 : [Log]!!!!!!!!!!!!! lxChar.OpenStageID: 0
20-11-20 16:35:23.980 : [Log]EquipItemData Init() - lstCharItemEquips is null !!
20-11-20 16:35:23.981 : [Log]Warning Check GetCharItemStackList charType: EDEL
20-11-20 16:35:23.981 : [Log]FoodItemData Init() - lstCharItemStack is null !!
20-11-20 16:35:23.982 : [Log]Warning Check GetCharItemStackList charType: EDEL
20-11-20 16:35:23.982 : [Log]FoodItemData Init() - lstCharItemStack is null !!
20-11-20 16:35:23.982 : [Log]Warning Check GetCharItemStackList charType: EDEL
20-11-20 16:35:23.982 : [Log]FoodRecipeItemData Init() - lstCharItemStack is
null !!
20-11-20 16:35:23.983 : [Log]Warning Check GetCharItemStackList charType: EDEL
20-11-20 16:35:23.983 : [Log]MaterialItemData Init() - lstCharItemStack is null !!
20-11-20 16:35:23.984 : [Log]Warning Check GetCharItemStackList charType: EDEL
20-11-20 16:35:23.984 : [Log]FoodItemData Init() - lstCharItemStack is null !!
20-11-20 16:35:23.984 : [Log]Warning Check GetCharItemStackList charType: EDEL
20-11-20 16:35:23.984 : [Log]FoodItemData Init() - lstCharItemStack is null !!
20-11-20 16:35:24.000 : [Log]OnRecv_LTMsgGsvCli_Character_Select_Ans
20-11-20 16:35:24.001 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:35:24.536 : [Log]PlayMovie by fullpath : E:/Magia.X/Magia.X/Magia
X/Magia X_Data/StreamingAssets/assets/assetdata_part_1/video/edel_pv_jp.mp4
20-11-20 16:35:39.745 : [Log]End
20-11-20 16:35:40.786 : [Log]OnEnd
20-11-20 16:35:40.850 : [Log]error_code:0
20-11-20 16:35:40.896 : [Log]dbPath_Mobile:
20-11-20 16:35:40.897 : [Log]table_name = UI_LIBRARY_ITEM : load fail.
20-11-20 16:35:40.967 : [Log]create table_name = UI_LIBRARY_ITEM
20-11-20 16:35:42.726 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PURIFY
20-11-20 16:35:43.024 : [Exception]SqliteException: select * from LT_INFO_TUTORIAL
where QUEST_ID != ''
no such column: QUEST_ID

SQLite_Session.Prepare (System.String query) (at

SQLite_Session.SelectQuery_Excute (System.String str_select_query) (at
AutoClose_LTDB:Append_Localize_Query(simple_Variant, String)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

20-11-20 16:35:43.024 : [Log]ReadQuestLinkedTutorial: QUEST_ID =

20-11-20 16:35:43.024 : [Log]ReadQuestLinkedTutorial: QUEST_ID =
20-11-20 16:35:43.024 : [Log]ReadQuestLinkedTutorial: QUEST_ID =
20-11-20 16:35:43.024 : [Log]ReadQuestLinkedTutorial: QUEST_ID =
20-11-20 16:35:43.024 : [Log]ReadQuestLinkedTutorial: QUEST_ID =
20-11-20 16:35:43.024 : [Log]ReadQuestLinkedTutorial: QUEST_ID =
20-11-20 16:35:43.025 : [Error]table_name = LT_INFO_QUEST_MAIN, SelectQuery_Excute

20-11-20 16:35:43.214 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :

20-11-20 16:35:43.214 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:35:43.470 : [Log]UnityIAP Version: 1.22.0
20-11-20 16:35:44.316 : [Log]Using configuration builder objects
20-11-20 16:35:44.327 : [Log]UnityIAP: Promo interface is available for 26 items
20-11-20 16:35:46.698 : [Log]Remove Popup - cinema_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_2
20-11-20 16:35:54.159 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:35:54.330 : [Log]!!!!!!!!!!!!! MainQuest_Update_MainQuestStateData
20-11-20 16:35:54.400 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_0
20-11-20 16:35:54.401 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_1
20-11-20 16:35:54.401 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_3
20-11-20 16:35:57.843 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:36:04.261 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:36:04.263 : [Log]Remove Popup - UISelectNPCLayout(Clone)_Popup_4
20-11-20 16:36:04.287 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:36:04.287 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:36:08.444 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_5
20-11-20 16:36:08.444 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_6
20-11-20 16:36:08.445 : [Log]Remove Popup -
outgame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_7 (Cinematic.UIPortraitTalkPopup)
20-11-20 16:36:08.463 : [Log]result: RewardResult
20-11-20 16:36:08.470 : [Log]!!!!!!!!!!!!! MainQuest_Update_MainQuestStateData
20-11-20 16:36:08.657 : [Warning]System.NotImplementedException + CHAR_EXP
20-11-20 16:36:10.468 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:36:10.468 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:36:10.470 : [Log]Remove Popup -
UIRewardContentsBasicPopup(Clone)_Normal_Reserved_0 (UIRewardContentsBasicPopup)
20-11-20 16:36:10.470 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:36:12.712 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_8
20-11-20 16:36:12.712 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_9
20-11-20 16:36:12.712 : [Log]Remove Popup -
outgame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_10 (Cinematic.UIPortraitTalkPopup)
20-11-20 16:36:12.720 : [Log]ERR, progress - progress data not exist(group_id:
QUEST_MAIN_ACT00_001, progress_index: 1)
20-11-20 16:36:12.730 : [Log]!!!!!!!!!!!!! MainQuest_Update_MainQuestStateData
20-11-20 16:36:31.710 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:36:32.059 : [Error]Releasing render texture that is set as

20-11-20 16:36:32.324 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of

this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:36:37.695 : [Error]Can not find transform, root_command

20-11-20 16:36:55.010 : [Log]Remove Popup - Tutorial_InGame_Edel(Clone)_Normal_0

20-11-20 16:37:11.429 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_for_Attack2> Event
Receive !!!!!!!!! : Attack
20-11-20 16:37:30.296 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_for_Skill2> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:38:00.123 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:38:00.126 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:38:01.546 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:38:01.546 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:38:11.112 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:38:11.295 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_0
20-11-20 16:38:11.295 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_1
20-11-20 16:38:11.296 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:38:11.296 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:38:11.296 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_2
20-11-20 16:38:18.348 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_for_Attack (1)> Event
Receive !!!!!!!!! : Trigger_for_Attack
20-11-20 16:38:39.769 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:38:43.418 : [Log] UITown_Pub_Edel(Clone) (UITown_WorldTouchAnimEx)
20-11-20 16:38:44.020 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.030 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.031 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.032 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active') is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.035 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active_mode') is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.120 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active') is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.202 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.202 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.203 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.204 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active_mode') is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.204 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active_mode') is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.206 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active') is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.206 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active') is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.207 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active') is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.207 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active') is missing!
20-11-20 16:38:44.211 : [Log]UISkillRoom(Clone)::Awake()
20-11-20 16:38:44.219 : [Log]UILabelHelper
20-11-20 16:38:44.219 : [Log]UILabelHelper
20-11-20 16:38:44.711 : [Error]Releasing render texture that is set as

20-11-20 16:38:44.741 : [Log]url_path: E:/Magia.X/Magia.X/Magia X/Magia

20-11-20 16:38:47.970 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:38:48.929 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:38:49.529 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:38:50.890 : [Log]0
20-11-20 16:38:50.891 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:38:51.620 : [Log]0
20-11-20 16:38:51.620 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:38:54.745 : [Log]SKILL_GROUP_Edel_Slash
20-11-20 16:38:54.746 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:39:01.268 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:39:10.807 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:39:11.238 : [Error]Releasing render texture that is set as

20-11-20 16:39:11.260 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of

this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:39:12.314 : [Error]Can not find transform, root_command

20-11-20 16:40:13.228 : [Log]Remove Popup - Tutorial_InGame_Edel(Clone)_Normal_0

20-11-20 16:40:21.076 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_for_Attack2> Event
Receive !!!!!!!!! : Attack
20-11-20 16:40:31.751 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_for_Skill2> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:40:40.027 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:40:40.028 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:40:40.752 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:40:40.752 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:40:46.231 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:40:46.377 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_0
20-11-20 16:40:46.377 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_1
20-11-20 16:40:46.377 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:40:46.377 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:40:46.377 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_2
20-11-20 16:40:56.277 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_for_Attack (1)> Event
Receive !!!!!!!!! : Trigger_for_Attack
20-11-20 16:41:18.333 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_for_Attack (1)> Event
Receive !!!!!!!!! : Trigger_for_Attack
20-11-20 16:41:44.871 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:41:44.874 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:41:45.941 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:41:45.941 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:41:54.112 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_2
20-11-20 16:41:55.425 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_3
20-11-20 16:41:56.332 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_4
20-11-20 16:41:57.028 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_5
20-11-20 16:41:57.988 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_6
20-11-20 16:41:59.324 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_7
20-11-20 16:41:59.988 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_8
20-11-20 16:42:03.103 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:42:03.252 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_9
20-11-20 16:42:03.252 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_0
20-11-20 16:42:03.252 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_1
20-11-20 16:42:03.455 : [Log]!!!!!!!!!!!!! MainQuest_Update_MainQuestStateData
20-11-20 16:42:03.505 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_10
20-11-20 16:42:07.171 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:42:13.657 : [Log] UITown_WorldTouch_Butler (UITown_WorldTouchPubButler)
20-11-20 16:42:18.676 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:42:19.950 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:42:19.951 : [Log]Remove Popup - UISelectNPCLayout(Clone)_Popup_0
20-11-20 16:42:19.979 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:42:19.979 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:42:23.453 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:42:23.619 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_1
20-11-20 16:42:23.619 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_2
20-11-20 16:42:23.619 : [Log]Remove Popup -
outgame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_3 (Cinematic.UIPortraitTalkPopup)
20-11-20 16:42:23.635 : [Log]Add item_count:1, reason:Quest,
20-11-20 16:42:23.641 : [Log]Add item_count:1, reason:Quest,
20-11-20 16:42:23.653 : [Log]result: RewardResult
20-11-20 16:42:23.658 : [Log]!!!!!!!!!!!!! MainQuest_Update_MainQuestStateData
20-11-20 16:42:23.688 : [Log]dbPath_Mobile:
20-11-20 16:42:23.693 : [Warning]can not find item data by item seq(item_seq: 1)
20-11-20 16:42:23.717 : [Log]insert : table_name = UI_LIBRARY_ITEM, item_id =
20-11-20 16:42:23.725 : [Warning]can not find item data by item seq(item_seq: 2)
20-11-20 16:42:23.738 : [Log]insert : table_name = UI_LIBRARY_ITEM, item_id =
20-11-20 16:42:23.791 : [Warning]ItemIconSlot.SetParent(); 함수 호출을 추천함.
cachedTransform.SetParent(parent, false); 로 부모 설정한 경우에는 반듯이
Reset_Panel_SortingOrder() 를 호출해줘야 정상 작동한다.
20-11-20 16:42:23.864 : [Warning]ItemIconSlot.SetParent(); 함수 호출을 추천함.
cachedTransform.SetParent(parent, false); 로 부모 설정한 경우에는 반듯이
Reset_Panel_SortingOrder() 를 호출해줘야 정상 작동한다.
20-11-20 16:42:23.930 : [Warning][UIGameObjectActivator.Awake] InactiveChildObject
index = 0 is empty
20-11-20 16:42:23.951 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_4
20-11-20 16:42:23.952 : [Warning]System.NotImplementedException + CHAR_EXP
20-11-20 16:42:26.578 : [Log]Remove Popup -
UIRewardContentsBasicPopup(Clone)_Normal_Reserved_2 (UIRewardContentsBasicPopup)
20-11-20 16:42:26.578 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:42:28.213 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:42:28.373 : [Log]Remove Popup -
UINoticeBasicPopup(Clone)_Normal_Reserved_0 (UINoticeBasicPopup)
20-11-20 16:42:29.274 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:42:29.474 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:42:29.474 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:42:29.474 : [Log]Remove Popup -
UINoticeBasicPopup(Clone)_Normal_Reserved_1 (UINoticeBasicPopup)
20-11-20 16:42:31.749 : [Log]Remove Popup -
outgame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_7 (Cinematic.UIPortraitTalkPopup)
20-11-20 16:42:33.311 : [Log]Remove Popup -
outgame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_8 (Cinematic.UIPortraitTalkPopup)
20-11-20 16:42:38.215 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:42:38.381 : [Log]Remove Popup -
outgame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_9 (Cinematic.UIPortraitTalkPopup)
20-11-20 16:42:38.389 : [Log]ERR, progress - progress data not exist(group_id:
QUEST_MAIN_ACT00_002_EDEL, progress_index: 1)
20-11-20 16:42:38.396 : [Log]!!!!!!!!!!!!! MainQuest_Update_MainQuestStateData
20-11-20 16:42:38.397 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_5
20-11-20 16:42:38.397 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_6
20-11-20 16:42:38.398 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_10
20-11-20 16:42:44.193 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:42:44.600 : [Error]Releasing render texture that is set as

20-11-20 16:42:44.626 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of

this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:42:47.464 : [Error]Can not find transform, root_command

20-11-20 16:42:47.638 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :

20-11-20 16:42:47.638 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:42:51.281 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:42:51.429 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_2
20-11-20 16:42:51.430 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_0
20-11-20 16:42:51.430 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_1
20-11-20 16:42:51.431 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:42:51.431 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:42:51.431 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_3
20-11-20 16:43:11.251 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_4> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:43:34.776 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_5> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:44:05.614 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:44:05.617 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:44:07.122 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:44:07.122 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:44:14.513 : [Log]Remove Popup -
ingame_talk_bubble(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_2 (Cinematic.UIBalloonTalk)
20-11-20 16:44:21.677 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_3
20-11-20 16:44:22.956 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_4
20-11-20 16:44:24.927 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_5
20-11-20 16:44:40.161 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_6
20-11-20 16:44:41.402 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_7
20-11-20 16:44:42.307 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_8
20-11-20 16:44:47.190 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_9
20-11-20 16:44:50.120 : [Log]Remove Popup -
ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_10 (Cinematic.UINormalTalkPopup)
20-11-20 16:44:55.801 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:44:55.955 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_0
20-11-20 16:44:55.956 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_1
20-11-20 16:44:56.148 : [Log]!!!!!!!!!!!!! MainQuest_Update_MainQuestStateData
20-11-20 16:44:56.149 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:44:56.150 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_11
20-11-20 16:44:57.171 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:44:57.171 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:45:02.999 : [Log]Remove Popup -
outgame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_2 (Cinematic.UIPortraitTalkPopup)
20-11-20 16:45:17.415 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:45:17.582 : [Log]Remove Popup -
outgame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_3 (Cinematic.UIPortraitTalkPopup)
20-11-20 16:45:17.596 : [Log]Add item_count:1, reason:Quest,
20-11-20 16:45:17.601 : [Error][Reward] OpendSkill/SkillGroupID :

20-11-20 16:45:17.601 : [Error][Reward] StartAddSkill/SkillGroupID :


20-11-20 16:45:17.601 : [Error][AddSkill] bFind == false/SkillGroupID :


20-11-20 16:45:17.610 : [Log]result: RewardResult

20-11-20 16:45:17.851 : [Log]!!!!!!!!!!!!! MainQuest_Update_MainQuestStateData
20-11-20 16:45:17.875 : [Log]!!!!!!!!!!!!! MainQuest_Update_MainQuestStateData
20-11-20 16:45:17.889 : [Log]dbPath_Mobile:
20-11-20 16:45:17.890 : [Warning]can not find item data by item seq(item_seq: 3)
20-11-20 16:45:17.912 : [Log]insert : table_name = UI_LIBRARY_ITEM, item_id =
20-11-20 16:45:17.915 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:45:17.915 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:45:17.916 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:45:17.916 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:45:17.917 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:45:17.917 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:45:17.918 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:45:17.920 : [Warning]ItemIconSlot.SetParent(); 함수 호출을 추천함.
cachedTransform.SetParent(parent, false); 로 부모 설정한 경우에는 반듯이
Reset_Panel_SortingOrder() 를 호출해줘야 정상 작동한다.
20-11-20 16:45:17.963 : [Warning]reduplication other item. other_id =
20-11-20 16:45:18.011 : [Warning][UIGameObjectActivator.Awake] InactiveChildObject
index = 0 is empty
20-11-20 16:45:18.024 : [Warning]pet_id is null or empty
20-11-20 16:45:18.024 : [Log]pet_info is null
20-11-20 16:45:18.041 : [Log][UnLock_Contents] [UNLOCK_GROUP_CHARACTER] 20.09.22
사용하지 않는 컨텐츠
20-11-20 16:45:18.147 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_0
20-11-20 16:45:18.147 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_1
20-11-20 16:45:18.147 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_4
20-11-20 16:45:18.147 : [Warning]System.NotImplementedException + CHAR_EXP
20-11-20 16:45:18.147 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:45:18.148 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:45:18.148 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:45:18.148 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:45:18.148 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:45:18.148 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:45:18.148 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:45:21.333 : [Log]Remove Popup -
UIRewardContentsBasicPopup(Clone)_Normal_Reserved_2 (UIRewardContentsBasicPopup)
20-11-20 16:45:21.333 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:45:24.955 : [Log]Remove Popup - UILevelUpPopup(Clone)_Normal_Reserved_0
20-11-20 16:45:24.955 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:45:26.622 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:45:26.784 : [Log]Remove Popup -
UINoticeBasicPopup(Clone)_Normal_Reserved_1 (UINoticeBasicPopup)
20-11-20 16:45:30.005 : [Log]mTutorialInfo.POPUP_COUNT = 5
20-11-20 16:45:30.005 : [Log]for (int i = 0; i < mTutorialInfo.POPUP_COUNT; i++) /
i = 0, Textures/Tutorials/Tutorial_Skill_1
20-11-20 16:45:30.036 : [Log]for (int i = 0; i < mTutorialInfo.POPUP_COUNT; i++) /
i = 1, Textures/Tutorials/Tutorial_Skill_2
20-11-20 16:45:30.043 : [Log]for (int i = 0; i < mTutorialInfo.POPUP_COUNT; i++) /
i = 2, Textures/Tutorials/Tutorial_Skill_3
20-11-20 16:45:30.066 : [Log]for (int i = 0; i < mTutorialInfo.POPUP_COUNT; i++) /
i = 3, Textures/Tutorials/Tutorial_Skill_4
20-11-20 16:45:30.066 : [Log]for (int i = 0; i < mTutorialInfo.POPUP_COUNT; i++) /
i = 4, Textures/Tutorials/Tutorial_Skill_5
20-11-20 16:45:30.068 : [Log]Remove Popup -
UIContents_UNLOCKPopup(Clone)_Normal_Reserved_3 (UIContents_UNLOCKPopup)
20-11-20 16:45:39.909 : [Log]Remove Popup - PREFAB_TUTORIAL_IMAGE(Clone)_Normal_5
20-11-20 16:45:39.909 : [Log]Remove Popup - type = NpcPortraitChat. popup count is
20-11-20 16:45:43.297 : [Log] UITown_Pub_Edel(Clone) (UITown_WorldTouchAnimEx)
20-11-20 16:45:43.843 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:45:43.844 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:45:43.844 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:45:43.844 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:45:43.844 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:45:43.844 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:45:43.844 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:45:43.902 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.912 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.914 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.915 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active') is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.918 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active_mode') is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.921 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active') is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.944 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.945 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.945 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.946 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active_mode') is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.946 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active_mode') is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.948 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active') is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.948 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active') is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.949 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active') is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.949 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_equip_active') is missing!
20-11-20 16:45:43.952 : [Log]UISkillRoom(Clone)::Awake()
20-11-20 16:45:43.954 : [Log]UILabelHelper
20-11-20 16:45:43.954 : [Log]UILabelHelper
20-11-20 16:45:44.162 : [Error]Releasing render texture that is set as

20-11-20 16:45:44.190 : [Log]url_path: E:/Magia.X/Magia.X/Magia X/Magia

20-11-20 16:45:47.181 : [Log]SKILL_GROUP_Edel_Tempest
20-11-20 16:45:47.192 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:45:47.247 : [Log]url_path: E:/Magia.X/Magia.X/Magia X/Magia
20-11-20 16:45:56.453 : [Log]0
20-11-20 16:45:56.454 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:45:57.418 : [Log]0
20-11-20 16:45:57.418 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:45:58.248 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:45:58.259 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:45:58.315 : [Log]url_path: E:/Magia.X/Magia.X/Magia X/Magia
20-11-20 16:45:58.813 : [Log]0
20-11-20 16:45:58.813 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:45:58.880 : [Log]url_path: E:/Magia.X/Magia.X/Magia X/Magia
20-11-20 16:46:03.942 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:46:03.942 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:46:03.942 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:46:03.942 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:46:03.942 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:46:03.943 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:46:03.943 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:46:04.387 : [Warning]pet_id is null or empty
20-11-20 16:46:04.387 : [Log]pet_info is null
20-11-20 16:46:04.498 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:46:04.498 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:46:04.498 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:46:04.498 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:46:04.498 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:46:04.498 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:46:04.498 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:46:09.831 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:46:09.831 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:46:09.831 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:46:09.831 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:46:09.831 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:46:09.831 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:46:09.831 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:46:09.844 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:46:12.244 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:46:12.244 : [Log]Remove Popup - UISelectNPCLayout(Clone)_Popup_0
20-11-20 16:46:12.272 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:46:12.273 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:46:17.117 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:46:17.283 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_1
20-11-20 16:46:17.283 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_2
20-11-20 16:46:17.283 : [Log]Remove Popup -
outgame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_3 (Cinematic.UIPortraitTalkPopup)
20-11-20 16:46:17.291 : [Log]ERR, progress - progress data not exist(group_id:
QUEST_MAIN_ACT01_001, progress_index: 1)
20-11-20 16:46:17.307 : [Log]!!!!!!!!!!!!! MainQuest_Update_MainQuestStateData
20-11-20 16:46:17.312 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_4
20-11-20 16:46:20.782 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:46:20.782 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:46:20.782 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:46:20.782 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:46:20.782 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:46:20.782 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:46:20.782 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:46:21.159 : [Error]Releasing render texture that is set as

20-11-20 16:46:22.986 : [Log]Remove Popup - place_splash(Clone)_Normal_0

20-11-20 16:46:25.280 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:46:25.810 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:46:25.811 : [Log]Remove Popup - UISelectNPCLayout(Clone)_Popup_1
20-11-20 16:46:25.837 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:46:25.837 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:46:28.323 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:46:28.490 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_2
20-11-20 16:46:28.490 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_3
20-11-20 16:46:28.491 : [Log]Remove Popup -
outgame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_4 (Cinematic.UIPortraitTalkPopup)
20-11-20 16:46:28.491 : [Log]OnUpdateStep
20-11-20 16:46:28.571 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_5
20-11-20 16:46:30.003 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:46:30.003 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:46:30.003 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:46:30.003 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:46:30.003 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:46:30.003 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:46:30.003 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:46:30.023 : [Log]Remove Popup - UISelectNPCLayout(Clone)_Popup_7
20-11-20 16:46:30.088 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestAlarmPopup(Clone)_Normal_6
20-11-20 16:46:31.793 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:46:32.218 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:46:34.974 : [Error]Can not find transform, root_command

20-11-20 16:46:35.154 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :

20-11-20 16:46:35.154 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:46:40.112 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:46:40.260 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_2
20-11-20 16:46:40.260 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_0
20-11-20 16:46:40.260 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_1
20-11-20 16:46:40.260 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:46:40.260 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:46:40.261 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_3
20-11-20 16:46:46.582 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_3> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:47:10.790 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_4> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:47:42.630 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:47:42.631 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:47:52.386 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_5> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:47:52.387 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_4> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:47:52.387 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_3> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:48:07.279 : [Log]out of viewport sound_id:HIT_SWORDCRITICAL, world_pos:
(28.4, 2.4, 0.0)
20-11-20 16:48:07.281 : [Log]out of viewport sound_id:HIT_SWORDLEATHER, world_pos:
(28.9, 2.3, 0.0)
20-11-20 16:48:31.403 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:48:31.732 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:48:31.732 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:48:31.732 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:48:31.732 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:48:31.732 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:48:31.733 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:48:31.733 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:48:32.168 : [Warning]pet_id is null or empty
20-11-20 16:48:32.168 : [Log]pet_info is null
20-11-20 16:48:32.294 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:48:32.294 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:48:32.294 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:48:32.294 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:48:32.294 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:48:32.294 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:48:32.294 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:48:39.305 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:48:39.842 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:48:39.842 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:48:39.842 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:48:39.843 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:48:39.843 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:48:39.843 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:48:39.843 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:48:40.130 : [Error]Releasing render texture that is set as

20-11-20 16:48:41.974 : [Log]Remove Popup - place_splash(Clone)_Normal_0

20-11-20 16:48:43.003 : [Log]Remove Popup - UISelectNPCLayout(Clone)_Popup_1
20-11-20 16:48:43.013 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:48:43.013 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:48:43.013 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:48:43.013 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:48:43.013 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:48:43.013 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:48:43.013 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:48:43.429 : [Log]0
20-11-20 16:48:43.434 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:48:43.434 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:48:45.484 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:48:45.486 : [Log]0
20-11-20 16:48:45.486 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:48:46.482 : [Log]mainTabBtn.btnRoot click, ARMOR
20-11-20 16:48:46.482 : [Log]ARMOR
20-11-20 16:48:46.502 : [Log]3
20-11-20 16:48:46.503 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:48:47.843 : [Log]mainTabBtn.btnRoot click, ACCESSORY
20-11-20 16:48:47.843 : [Log]ACCESSORY
20-11-20 16:48:47.844 : [Log]0
20-11-20 16:48:47.845 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:48:49.205 : [Log]2
20-11-20 16:48:49.207 : [Log]0
20-11-20 16:48:49.208 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:48:49.937 : [Log]3
20-11-20 16:48:49.938 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:48:50.507 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:48:50.507 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:48:50.507 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:48:50.507 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:48:50.507 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:48:50.507 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:48:50.507 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:48:50.570 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:48:50.670 : [Warning]invalid tab_index: -1
20-11-20 16:48:50.699 : [Log]DEFAULT
20-11-20 16:48:50.763 : [Log][]
20-11-20 16:48:50.770 : [Log]0
20-11-20 16:48:52.968 : [Log](item_id:ITEM_EQUIP_HANDS_CHA1_G1_01, item_seq:1)
20-11-20 16:48:52.968 : [Log]Click inven, equip slot
20-11-20 16:48:52.969 : [Log]ItemID:ITEM_EQUIP_HANDS_CHA1_G1_01, ItemSEQ:1
20-11-20 16:48:52.976 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:48:52.978 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:48:52.981 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:48:52.981 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:48:52.981 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:48:53.036 : [Log]ARMOR
20-11-20 16:48:53.036 : [Log]3
20-11-20 16:48:53.037 : [Log]4
20-11-20 16:48:53.037 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:48:54.438 : [Log]UNEQUIP
20-11-20 16:48:54.439 : [Log]OnClick_ItemDetail_Popup, _item_seq:1
20-11-20 16:48:54.446 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:48:54.484 : [Log][]
20-11-20 16:48:54.487 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:48:54.490 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:48:54.630 : [Log]Remove Popup - ItemDetailInfo_Popup(Clone)_Normal_0
20-11-20 16:48:55.823 : [Log](item_id:ITEM_EQUIP_LEGS_CHA1_G1_01, item_seq:3)
20-11-20 16:48:55.824 : [Log]Click inven, equip slot
20-11-20 16:48:55.824 : [Log]ItemID:ITEM_EQUIP_LEGS_CHA1_G1_01, ItemSEQ:3
20-11-20 16:48:55.824 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:48:55.824 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:48:55.824 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:48:55.837 : [Log]ARMOR
20-11-20 16:48:55.837 : [Log]3
20-11-20 16:48:55.838 : [Log]2
20-11-20 16:48:55.838 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:48:56.654 : [Log]UNEQUIP
20-11-20 16:48:56.654 : [Log]OnClick_ItemDetail_Popup, _item_seq:3
20-11-20 16:48:56.660 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:48:56.661 : [Log][]
20-11-20 16:48:56.663 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:48:56.664 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:48:56.821 : [Log]Remove Popup - ItemDetailInfo_Popup(Clone)_Normal_1
20-11-20 16:48:57.785 : [Log](item_id:ITEM_EQUIP_FEET_CHA1_G1_01, item_seq:2)
20-11-20 16:48:57.785 : [Log]Click inven, equip slot
20-11-20 16:48:57.785 : [Log]ItemID:ITEM_EQUIP_FEET_CHA1_G1_01, ItemSEQ:2
20-11-20 16:48:57.786 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:48:57.786 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:48:57.786 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:48:57.797 : [Log]ARMOR
20-11-20 16:48:57.797 : [Log]3
20-11-20 16:48:57.797 : [Log]5
20-11-20 16:48:57.797 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:48:58.814 : [Log]UNEQUIP
20-11-20 16:48:58.814 : [Log]OnClick_ItemDetail_Popup, _item_seq:2
20-11-20 16:48:58.820 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:48:58.821 : [Log][]
20-11-20 16:48:58.824 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:48:58.824 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:48:58.981 : [Log]Remove Popup - ItemDetailInfo_Popup(Clone)_Normal_2
20-11-20 16:49:00.476 : [Log](item_id:ITEM_EQUIP_FEET_CHA1_G1_01, item_seq:2)
20-11-20 16:49:00.477 : [Log]ItemID:ITEM_EQUIP_FEET_CHA1_G1_01, ItemSEQ:2
20-11-20 16:49:00.478 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:49:00.478 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:49:00.478 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:49:01.640 : [Log]MELT
20-11-20 16:49:01.640 : [Log]OnClick_ItemDetail_Popup, _item_seq:2
20-11-20 16:49:01.653 : [Log]mTutorialInfo.POPUP_COUNT = 4
20-11-20 16:49:01.653 : [Log]for (int i = 0; i < mTutorialInfo.POPUP_COUNT; i++) /
i = 0, Textures/Tutorials/Tutorial_Disassemble_1
20-11-20 16:49:01.686 : [Log]for (int i = 0; i < mTutorialInfo.POPUP_COUNT; i++) /
i = 1, Textures/Tutorials/Tutorial_Disassemble_2
20-11-20 16:49:01.687 : [Log]for (int i = 0; i < mTutorialInfo.POPUP_COUNT; i++) /
i = 2, Textures/Tutorials/Tutorial_Disassemble_3
20-11-20 16:49:01.692 : [Log]for (int i = 0; i < mTutorialInfo.POPUP_COUNT; i++) /
i = 3, Textures/Tutorials/Tutorial_Disassemble_4
20-11-20 16:49:01.693 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:07.879 : [Log]Remove Popup - PREFAB_TUTORIAL_IMAGE(Clone)_Normal_4
20-11-20 16:49:07.879 : [Log]Remove Popup - type not found. type = NpcPortraitChat
20-11-20 16:49:07.890 : [Log]2, True
20-11-20 16:49:07.893 : [Warning]ItemIconSlot.SetParent(); 함수 호출을 추천함.
cachedTransform.SetParent(parent, false); 로 부모 설정한 경우에는 반듯이
Reset_Panel_SortingOrder() 를 호출해줘야 정상 작동한다.
20-11-20 16:49:08.053 : [Log]Remove Popup - ItemDetailInfo_Popup(Clone)_Normal_3
20-11-20 16:49:10.477 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:10.645 : [Log]Remove Popup - UINoticeBasicPopup(Clone)_Normal_5
20-11-20 16:49:11.674 : [Log](item_id:ITEM_EQUIP_FEET_CHA1_G1_01, item_seq:2)
20-11-20 16:49:11.674 : [Log]ItemID:ITEM_EQUIP_FEET_CHA1_G1_01, ItemSEQ:2
20-11-20 16:49:11.675 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:49:11.675 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:49:11.675 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:49:14.931 : [Log]EQUIP
20-11-20 16:49:14.931 : [Log]OnClick_ItemDetail_Popup, _item_seq:2
20-11-20 16:49:14.936 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:49:14.983 : [Log][]
20-11-20 16:49:15.005 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:49:15.006 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:15.142 : [Log]Remove Popup - ItemDetailInfo_Popup(Clone)_Normal_6
20-11-20 16:49:17.933 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:20.227 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:21.326 : [Log]ARMOR
20-11-20 16:49:21.326 : [Log]3
20-11-20 16:49:21.326 : [Log]2
20-11-20 16:49:21.326 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:49:21.326 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:22.719 : [Log](item_id:ITEM_EQUIP_LEGS_CHA1_G1_01, item_seq:3)
20-11-20 16:49:22.719 : [Log]ItemID:ITEM_EQUIP_LEGS_CHA1_G1_01, ItemSEQ:3
20-11-20 16:49:22.719 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:49:22.719 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:49:22.719 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:49:24.314 : [Log]EQUIP
20-11-20 16:49:24.314 : [Log]OnClick_ItemDetail_Popup, _item_seq:3
20-11-20 16:49:24.319 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:49:24.322 : [Log][]
20-11-20 16:49:24.325 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:49:24.326 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:24.482 : [Log]Remove Popup - ItemDetailInfo_Popup(Clone)_Normal_7
20-11-20 16:49:25.510 : [Log]ARMOR
20-11-20 16:49:25.510 : [Log]3
20-11-20 16:49:25.511 : [Log]4
20-11-20 16:49:25.511 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:49:25.511 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:26.408 : [Log](item_id:ITEM_EQUIP_HANDS_CHA1_G1_01, item_seq:1)
20-11-20 16:49:26.408 : [Log]ItemID:ITEM_EQUIP_HANDS_CHA1_G1_01, ItemSEQ:1
20-11-20 16:49:26.408 : [Warning]The referenced script (TutorialEx_TouchID) on this
Behaviour is missing!
20-11-20 16:49:26.408 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:49:26.408 : [Warning]The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game
Object 'btn_3') is missing!
20-11-20 16:49:27.571 : [Log]EQUIP
20-11-20 16:49:27.571 : [Log]OnClick_ItemDetail_Popup, _item_seq:1
20-11-20 16:49:27.577 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:49:27.579 : [Log][]
20-11-20 16:49:27.582 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:49:27.583 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:27.738 : [Log]Remove Popup - ItemDetailInfo_Popup(Clone)_Normal_8
20-11-20 16:49:29.598 : [Log]ARMOR
20-11-20 16:49:29.598 : [Log]3
20-11-20 16:49:29.599 : [Log]1
20-11-20 16:49:29.599 : [Log]0
20-11-20 16:49:29.599 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:30.563 : [Log]ARMOR
20-11-20 16:49:30.563 : [Log]3
20-11-20 16:49:30.563 : [Log]3
20-11-20 16:49:30.563 : [Log]0
20-11-20 16:49:30.563 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:31.194 : [Log]ARMOR
20-11-20 16:49:31.194 : [Log]3
20-11-20 16:49:31.195 : [Log]3
20-11-20 16:49:31.195 : [Log]0
20-11-20 16:49:31.195 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:33.862 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:49:33.862 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:49:33.862 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:49:33.862 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:49:33.863 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:49:33.863 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:49:33.863 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:49:34.285 : [Warning]pet_id is null or empty
20-11-20 16:49:34.285 : [Log]pet_info is null
20-11-20 16:49:34.418 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:49:34.418 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:49:34.418 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:49:34.418 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:49:34.418 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:49:34.418 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:49:34.418 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:49:40.766 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:41.064 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:43.391 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:44.057 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:44.819 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:45.750 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:49:45.750 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:49:45.750 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:49:45.750 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:49:45.750 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:49:45.751 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:49:45.751 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:49:47.120 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:47.525 : [Error]Releasing render texture that is set as

20-11-20 16:49:47.544 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of

this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:49:48.870 : [Error]Can not find transform, root_command

20-11-20 16:49:49.038 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :

20-11-20 16:49:49.038 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:49:54.541 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_2
20-11-20 16:49:56.150 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:49:56.298 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_3
20-11-20 16:49:56.298 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_0
20-11-20 16:49:56.298 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_1
20-11-20 16:49:56.298 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:49:56.298 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:49:56.299 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_4
20-11-20 16:50:06.489 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_3> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:50:18.903 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_4> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:50:26.774 : [Log]out of viewport sound_id:HIT_SWORDLEATHER, world_pos:
(-5.4, 0.1, 0.0)
20-11-20 16:50:53.904 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:50:53.905 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:51:13.732 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_5> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:51:13.732 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_4> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:51:13.732 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_3> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:52:10.139 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:52:10.449 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:52:10.449 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:52:10.449 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:52:10.449 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:52:10.449 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:52:10.449 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:52:10.450 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:52:10.908 : [Warning]pet_id is null or empty
20-11-20 16:52:10.908 : [Log]pet_info is null
20-11-20 16:52:11.038 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:52:11.039 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:52:11.039 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:52:11.039 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:52:11.039 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:52:11.039 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:52:11.039 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:52:17.088 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:52:18.372 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:52:19.503 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:52:23.093 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:52:24.122 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:52:26.548 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RELIC
20-11-20 16:52:26.548 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_PARTY
20-11-20 16:52:26.548 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_RAID
20-11-20 16:52:26.548 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_MISSION
20-11-20 16:52:26.548 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id= UNLOCK_GUILD
20-11-20 16:52:26.548 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:52:26.548 : [Warning]_unlockInfo is not find. unlock_id=
20-11-20 16:52:27.952 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:52:28.363 : [Error]Releasing render texture that is set as

20-11-20 16:52:28.384 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of

this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:52:29.701 : [Error]Can not find transform, root_command
20-11-20 16:52:29.873 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:52:29.873 : [Log]UPPER SET ACTIVE : True, EFFECT_FUNC :
20-11-20 16:52:32.935 : [Log]OnUIEventCallback_Play_Button_Effect_V2 - Touch
Postion - FX_Click
20-11-20 16:52:33.101 : [Log]Remove Popup - ingame_talkbox(Clone)_NpcPortraitChat_2
20-11-20 16:52:33.101 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicLowerPopup(Clone)_Popup_0
20-11-20 16:52:33.102 : [Log]Remove Popup - CinematicUpperPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_1
20-11-20 16:52:33.102 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:52:33.102 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:52:33.102 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIMainQuestPlayPopup(Clone)_MsgBox_3
20-11-20 16:52:48.342 : [Log]Remove Popup - UIKeyGuidePopup(Clone)_Normal_0
20-11-20 16:52:53.456 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_3> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:53:07.753 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_4> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:53:38.646 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:53:38.647 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Init_OnCreateInsntance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:53:54.105 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_5> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:53:54.105 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_4> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:53:54.106 : [Log]Gimmick <Trigger_3> Event Receive !!!!!!!!! :
20-11-20 16:54:08.365 : [Log]out of viewport sound_id:HIT_SWORDLEATHER, world_pos:
(33.9, 1.6, 0.0)
20-11-20 16:57:14.671 : [Log][InGameRoomManager::Clear_OnDestroyInstance] type of
this class : InGameRoomManager_Single
20-11-20 16:57:14.949 : [Warning]GlooxClient_Dispose
20-11-20 16:57:14.950 : [Log][Session.Close]
20-11-20 16:57:16.735 : [Warning]GlooxClient_Dispose

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