Energy Conservation, Audit and Accounting

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Energy Conservation,

Audit and Accounting

In Unit 2, you have studied about energy accounting, which is an integral

part of energy management and conservation. You have learnt that energy
accounting helps us measure and account for energy inputs, energy
consumption and energy losses in a power distribution system right from
generating stations to the consumer end. Energy audit goes hand-in-hand
with energy accounting. Actually, good energy management begins with an
energy audit.

Energy audit is one of the most important tools for energy conservation
and for achieving energy efficiency. It provides the means to identify the
areas of leakage, wastage or inefficient use. It helps in identifying measures
suitable for reduction of T&D losses. Thus, it helps in effective management of
energy consumption and can lead to significant cost and energy savings as
well as increased comfort, lower maintenance costs, and extended equipment

Therefore, in this unit, we discuss the concept and process of energy audit in
relation to the power distribution sector. We would like to sensitise you to the
importance of energy audit so that you can appreciate its need in a power
utility. In the next unit, you will learn about demand-side management, which
is an effective way of bringing about energy conservation.

You may be familiar with financial audit. You may know that it is an
examination of accounts dealing with funds or property by officers appointed
for the purpose and hence, a calling to account, an examination into one’s

The ISO 9001:2000 defines audit as a systematic, independent and

documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively
to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled. Here “independent”
and “evidence” are not very relevant as an auditor can be independent or in-
house. The concept of energy audit is similar to that of the financial audit.

An energy audit is an in-depth study of a facility to

• determine how and where energy is being used or
converted from one form to another, and
• identify opportunities to reduce energy usage and prevent
energy losses.
It is the technique to establish the current status of energy
68 efficiency of a system.
Energy auditing in a power utility involves Energy Auditing

• identifying energy losses and quantifying them;

• segregating the losses into technical and commercial losses;
• estimating the energy conservation potential of a system; and
• proposing economically viable and attractive solutions.

The ultimate end result of such an exercise is to improve system performance,

increase its efficiency and introduce design changes leading to renovation,
modernisation and upgrading the existing systems. Energy audit helps to
evaluate the economics, and technical practicability of implementing the
measures for energy loss and usage reductions. Thus, it helps the utility to
formulate prioritized recommendations for implementing process
improvements to save energy.

Definition of Energy Audit under the Energy Conservation Act, 2001

As per the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, an energy audit is defined as

“the verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy including
submission of a technical report containing recommendations for
improving energy efficiency with cost benefit analysis and an action plan
to reduce energy consumption.”

Energy accounting gives us an overall picture of energy availability and its

use. Energy audit helps us in analyzing the data in a systematic and
meaningful manner to evolve appropriate measures to

• introduce checks and balances in the system for reducing leakages and
losses; and
• achieve technical performance.

3.2.1 Aims of Energy Audit

In any industry, the three top operating expenses are often found to be
energy, labour and materials. Amongst the three, energy emerges as the top
ranking area for cost reduction. Energy audit can help us understand more
about the ways energy and fuel are used in the industry, and help in
identifying the areas where waste can occur and where scope for
improvement exists.

Energy audit is carried out with the following aims:

a) review and upgrading of procedure for energy accounting;

b) review of technical efficiency of system elements in sub-transmission and
distribution (ST&D) system;
c) analysis of the techniques for measuring the energy received, energy
billed and the corresponding revenue collection;
d) review of performance of equipment, meters, distribution transformers,
e) segregation of technical and non-technical losses; and 69
Energy Conservation, f) establishment of norms for checking the consumption of various categories
Audit and Accounting of consumers and overall energy balance in the circles.

In general, energy audit facilitates the translation of ideas about energy

conservation into reality, by lending technically feasible solutions with
economic and other organisational considerations within a specified time
frame. The primary objective of energy audit is to determine ways of
reducing energy consumption per unit of product output or to lower
operating costs.

For a distribution utility, energy is a commodity and its monitoring is essential.

Energy audit for a distribution utility

• ensures that input units into an area are recorded;

• ensures that the corresponding output units are recorded;
• identifies areas of deficiency (under recording and/or theft) and its
• enables accurate calculation of systemic losses (both technical and

Energy audit in a power utility provides a benchmark or reference point for

managing energy in the utility and the basis for planning a more effective use
of energy in the utility. Proper energy accounting and auditing would facilitate
in the creation of a data base to act as input for the following improvements in
the distribution system:
• load management;
HOW CAN YOUR • details of power factor, active and reactive power flows and suitable
UTILITY BENEFIT location for reactive power injection in the system;
FROM AN • assessment of diversity in the system;
ENERGY AUDIT? • optimum utilisation of equipment and services;
• improved voltage profile in the system;
• details of category-wise consumption of loads and proper forecast of
demand; and
• better system augmentation and expansion planning.

Explain the concept of energy audit. What is its purpose?

3.2.2 Types of Energy Audit Energy Auditing

The nature of energy audit to be performed depends on:

• the function and type of industry;
• the depth to which final audit is needed; and
• the potential and magnitude of cost reduction desired.

There are several types of energy audits. These are listed below in order of
increasing scope and, therefore, cost:

• Preliminary Audit,
• Utility Cost Analysis,
• Standard Energy Audit, and
• Detailed Energy Audit. ion

You may like to study these types of energy audit in some detail.

Preliminary Energy Audit

This is the simplest and quickest type of audit. It focuses on evaluating the
energy usage pattern and generates baseline data on the operational
practices in vogue. It is a relatively quick exercise to:

• establish energy consumption in the organization;

• estimate the scope for energy savings;
• identify the most likely (and the easiest) areas for attention;
• identify immediate (especially no-/low-cost) improvements/ savings;
• set a “reference point”; and
• identify areas for more detailed study/measurement.

Preliminary energy audit uses existing or easily obtainable data. It usually

involves a one day site visit to collect an overall facility profile and information
on major energy using systems and equipment. It includes minimal interviews
with site operating personnel, a brief review of facility bills and other data. A
walk-through of the facility is also done to become familiar with the operation
and to identify any glaring areas of inefficiency.

Typically, only major problem areas are uncovered during this type of
audit. Corrective measures are briefly described, and quick estimates of
implementation cost, potential savings, and simple payback periods are
provided. This level of detail is adequate to prioritize energy efficiency projects
and determine the need for a more detailed audit. Recommendations
resulting from a preliminary audit include low to no-cost actions that can
provide immediate energy use and/or operating savings.

Utility Cost Analysis

The purpose of this type of audit is to analyze the operating costs of the
facility, and determine the potential for energy efficiency retrofits. The
auditor may also perform a preliminary audit to familiarize himself/herself with
the facility. Utility data and the facility’s utility bills are analyzed for the past 71
Energy Conservation, several years to identify patterns of energy use, peak demand, and
Audit and Accounting weather effects. This information is used to identify energy savings
potential, calculate the energy utilization index, and determine the
incremental cost of each unit of energy.

Standard Energy Audit

This audit provides a comprehensive analysis of the energy systems of a

facility. It includes both a preliminary audit and utility cost analysis. In
addition, the standard energy audit includes the establishment of baseline
energy use, evaluation of energy measures in terms of energy and cost
savings and cost effectiveness.

Off-site, the auditor establishes the utility’s operational characteristics through

drawings and discussions with utility managers. Standards and codes are
reviewed and building and equipment use schedules are established. On-site,
an inventory is taken of all the energy consuming equipment nameplate
ratings of energy consumption. Metering equipment is installed to verify the
energy consumption of the equipment. Based on the drawings, site survey,
and utility analysis, the auditor creates a baseline energy model. Potential
energy savings measures are then evaluated for their efficiency and payback.

Detailed Energy Audit

The detailed audit, also called a maxi audit, site-energy audit or complete site
energy audit, expands on the preliminary audit. It is carried out by collecting
more detailed information about the operation and performing a more detailed
evaluation of energy conservation measures. It follows essentially the same
steps as the standard audit; however, it is broader in scope and usually
takes more time. Computer simulation tools are typically employed, and more
detailed metering of consumption is undertaken. The economic analysis
involves an integrated systems approach which accounts for interactions in
implementing multiple retrofit measures, such as lighting and HVAC.

The purpose of a detailed audit is to identify specific recommendations

and make suggestions for energy savings. This type of audit offers the
most accurate estimate of energy savings and costs. It accounts for the
energy use of all major equipment and operations, and includes detailed cost
saving calculations and project cost. It can be used to formulate action plans
for the implementation of these recommendations based on the investment
required, payback period, cost benefit ratio, etc.

Utility bills are collected for a period of 12-36 months to allow the auditor to
evaluate the facility’s energy demand to rate structures, and energy usage
profiles. The additional metering of specific energy consuming systems is
often performed to supplement utility data. In-depth interviews with facility
operating personnel are conducted to provide a better understanding of major
energy consuming systems as well as to gain an insight into the variations in
consumption and demand.
This type of audit helps in identifying all energy conservation measures Energy Auditing
appropriate for the facility. A detailed financial analysis is performed for each
measure based on detailed implementation cost estimates, site-specific
operating cost savings, and the customer’s investment criteria. Sufficient detail
is provided to justify project implementation.

So far, you have studied about the concept of energy audit, its aims and the
types of energy audit. You may now like to know as to how an energy audit is
conducted in a power distribution utility. This is what we discuss in the next
section. But before that, we would like you to check your own understanding of
the concepts you have studied so far.

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Distinguish between a preliminary and a detailed energy audit for a

power utility. You may like to present your answer in the form of a table.




" #

The various steps in the methodology for conducting a detailed energy audit
for an industry may be outlined as follows:

1. Gathering and collating information in a specially designed, “Energy

Systems Questionnaire” format, for the industry under study. (A format of
the questionnaire is given in an Appendix to this unit.)
2. Inter- and intra-industry comparison of the collected data.
3. Assessment of present efficiency index for energy consumption in the
4. In-depth study of plant operations, equipment and systems for a general
review of the energy systems to assess the operational efficiency and
potential for economising.
5. Evaluation of the detailed recommendations for energy
6. Formulation of detailed action plans/strategies in consultation with plant
management for implementation of the identified energy saving measures.
7. Training operating personnel in the specifics of energy conservation to
enable them to implement the recommendations and also to monitor the
progress on a periodic basis. 73
Energy Conservation, Let us now study how this methodology can be applied to the power
Audit and Accounting distribution systems. You have studied in Units 1 and 2 that in the process of
supplying electricity to consumers, energy losses occur on account of
technical and commercial reasons. The technical losses are due to energy
dissipation in the conductors and the equipment used for transmission and
distribution of power. Commercial losses are caused due to pilferage of
energy, defective meters, meter reading errors and energy not accounted for
(Table 3.1).
Table 3.1: Energy Losses in the Power Distribution System

Technical Losses Commercial Losses

11 kV line losses Theft by direct tapping

Distribution transformer losses (iron Theft by tampering meters,

and copper losses) CTs and PTs

LT line losses Non-performing meters

Losses due to loose jump connections Under-performing meters

Short circuit and earth fault losses Meters not read

Losses in service mains and energy Mistakes in billing, etc.


In an energy audit of a power distribution system, the energy losses are to be

computed for each element of the network on the basis of actual energy sent
out and actual consumption as recorded by the meters installed on both sides
of the element (you may like to refer to Sec. 2.4.1 of Unit 2).

It may not be possible to conduct energy audit for the entire power system of a
utility in one go. This could be due to financial, organizational and logistical
constraints. Hence it may have to be conducted in stages. A compact area of
the power system would have to be identified and energy audit studies taken
up. We now describe briefly the procedure to determine technical and
commercial losses for an 11 kV feeder.

Procedure to Determine Technical Losses on the 11 kV Feeder

Technical losses on the 11 kV feeder are assessed by conducting load flow

analysis of the individual 11 kV feeder including distribution transformer and
LT distribution losses.

We consider the steady state model to find technical losses and take the loads
to be of constant impedance.

1. Assessing Load Factor (LF) and Loss Load Factor (LLF)

a) Copper losses of all transformers = Copper loss of each transformer

capacity wise in kWh x Numbers of
transformers capacity wise in the
74 feeder
Energy input to the transforme r Energy Auditing
b) LF =
(Peak load of the transforme r during the month × number of
hours the transforme r is in service during the month)

c) LLF = 0.3 (LF) + 0.7 (LF)2

(Energy sent out on the 11kV feeder from SS −
Energy losses in the 11 kV feeder) × Capacity of the transformer
d) Energy input to the transformer =
Total transformer capacities in the feeder

2. Distribution Transformer Losses

a) No-load losses, i.e., iron losses:

No-load losses in kWh

of one distribution transformer = No load loss of transformer in kW x
number of hours the transformer was
in service during the month

b) Load losses, i.e., copper losses:

Copper losses in kWh = Copper loss of each transformer capacity

wise in kW x (Actual load / Full load)2 x
number of hours the transformer capacity
wise was in service during the month x LLF

3. Calculation of LT Line and Network Losses

a) The losses of LT network of each capacity transformer are computed

by averaging the losses of the LT network of all similar capacity

b) The computed average losses of LT network radiating from each

capacity transformer are extrapolated for assessing the total energy
losses of LT network on the feeder.

4. 11 kV Feeder Loss

The monthly energy losses in the feeder should be computed by

extrapolating the daily energy loss proportional to the energy sent out in
the feeder, for all feeders for all the months in the audit period.

5. Energy losses in loose jump connections, short circuit and earth

faults on the lines, service mains and energy meters are assumed to

a) 1% of the total energy sent out through the 11 kV line from the
substation, for the 11 kV lines of 20 km and more, and

b) 0.5% of the total energy sent out through the 11 kV line from the
substation, for the 11 kV lines of less than 20 km.
Energy Conservation, The total technical loss in the 11 kV feeder is the sum of the various
Audit and Accounting losses described above.

This is equal to the sum of

1. 11 kV line losses,
2. Distribution transformer (no load and load) losses,
3. LT network losses, and
4. Energy losses in loose jump connections, service
mains and energy meters.

Energy losses in the feeder = Energy input to the 11 kV feeder − Energy

Determining Commercial Losses
The commercial losses are assessed by deducting technical losses from the
total losses of the feeder, i.e., the difference between energy sent out and the
energy sold. Thus,
Commercial loss in the feeder = Energy loss − Technical loss
The following activities are undertaken to record these losses:

The meter reading schedules of meter readers are revised and made
coterminous with distribution transformers. On that day, the distribution
transformer meter is also read and comparison is made between distribution
transformer meter reading and sum total of consumption recorded in all other
consumer meters coming under that distribution transformer. The difference is
noted (see Fig.3.1). If the losses are found to be high, action is initiated to
trace the installation causing losses.

It is very difficult to get a very accurate picture of these losses due to the
following reasons:

• the energy meters provided on 11 kV feeders are of class 1 / class 0.5

accuracy, whereas at consumer installations the meters are of Class 2
• all the energy consumed is not recorded due to illegal tapping, theft,
pilferage etc.;
• the sending end readings are taken on a particular day whereas the
readings for consumers are taken in a staggered manner;
• the meter readings of some consumers are not taken due to locked
premises/ defective meters;
• meters are not reading at light load;
76 • meters are not recording within prescribed accuracy limits; and
Energy Auditing
• assessment of consumption in respect of un-metered consumers is


Balance Input =
Sub StationENERGY BALANCE 10 + 5

Energy Balance = 15 MU
Output = 6 + 5 + 3
5 MU
= 14 MU
Loss = 1 MU
= 6.6%

6 MU 5 MU 3 MU Feeder 1 Balance
Input = 6 M U

2 MU
Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Feeder 3 HT consum ers = 2+1.2
= 3.2 M U
DT DTs = 0.6 + 1+ 0.2
0.6 M U = 1.8 M U
DT 1M U 3 Output = 3.2+1.8
= 5 MU
1 MU DT M ETER Balance
Loss = 1 MU
1.2 M=U1 M U
1 = 16.66%
DT 1+N = 0.97 M U N
0.2 M U Loss = 0.03 MU
= 3.0 %

Fig. 3.1: Determining Technical Losses

Proper and accurate meters, meter reading, meter testing and calibration,
billing and collection systems are essential for effective and accurate energy
accounting and audit. The meters for energy accounting and audit are termed
as system meters which basically are meters at S/S, outgoing feeders,
distribution transformers, etc. The role of meters for energy accounting and
audit, i.e., system meters is to arrive at operating and performance
parameters, energy accounting and energy audit. System meters are
generally not used for measuring energy for commercial purposes, and hence
need not cater to any tariff structure.
Conducting an effective energy audit will be possible only through a perfect ENERGY AUDIT?
mechanism where the required facilities are available.


All the consumer installations are metered.

All the meters are read simultaneously.

Electronic trivector meters are provided on secondary

side of all the distribution transformers.

The same accuracy class of energy meters are

provided both for measuring energy input to system
and energy sales.
Energy Conservation, You may like to pause here and consolidate the ideas presented so far.
Audit and Accounting

!$ &*

Prepare an estimate of the technical losses for a typical 11 kV feeder in

your power utility. What are the problems encountered in making these
estimates? What measures need to be taken to solve them?

Audits will usually culminate in an energy audit report that must be easily
readable and digestible by both technical and non-technical audiences.
We now briefly describe what the energy audit report should contain.

( # ) "

The exact format of an audit report depends on the specific objectives of the
audit and on the nature of the plant under audit. There is no particular
standard format for audit reports, but it is important that the report be clear and
concise rather than being written in a rigid predefined format. It should include
charts and graphs to display information graphically whenever possible. All
assumptions should be clearly stated and explained. Recommendations must
be as clear as possible and include quantitative detail. Per

A typical report should contain the following elements: Preface, Executive

Summary, Background and Plant Description, Findings and
Recommendations. We now briefly describe each element.


This should be in the form of a short note indicating when the audit was
carried out. It should acknowledge the assistance of personnel at the plant
giving the names of those who participated in the audit and supported it.

Executive Summary

The executive summary should contain the following information:

• Major Points Requiring Management’s Attention: It should include all

the major points made in the full report but should be kept as short as
reasonably possible giving recommendations.
• For the Chief Executive: It should be aimed at the plant manager, the
enterprise president, or chief executive, who will be involved in making the
decision on investments.
• A List of Recommended Measures: These should be justified in
technical and financial terms.
• The Expected Savings and Costs as well as the estimated paybacks or
rates of return.
• A Recommended Action Plan as well as guidance on implementation of
78 measures.
Background and Plant Description Energy Auditing

This section should contain

• General Plant details and description (an introduction with typical
production data);
• Process description; and
• Major energy supply systems, and energy uses.

This section indicates total plant consumption and the major users of each
energy form.


This section is essentially descriptive in nature and should include discussions

on the plant performance that was observed.


Recommendations may be made in various areas such as the following:

• Energy utilization;
• Measures requiring further analysis;
• Separate project summary; and
• Action plan.

The table of contents of a typical energy audit report is shown below.


Table of Contents
Energy Audit options at a glance and recommendations.
1. Introduction about the Plant
2. Production Process Description
3. Utility System Description
4. Detailed Process Flow Diagram, and Energy and Material
5. Energy Efficiency in Utility and Process Systems
6. Energy Conservation Options and Recommendations
A1 List of Energy Audit Worksheets
A2 List of Instruments
A3 Technical details

Energy Conservation, The worksheets given in Tables 3.2 and 3.3 can be used as guidance for
Audit and Accounting energy audit assessment and reporting.

Table 3.2: Summary of Energy Saving Recommendations

S. Energy Saving Annual Annual Capital Simple

No. Recommendations Energy Savings Investment Payback
(Fuel and (Rs. Lakhs) (Rs. Lakhs) Period
(kWh / MT
or kl / MT)






Table 3.3: Types and Priority of Energy Saving Measures

Type of Energy Saving Annual Electricity / Annual Priority

Options Fuel Savings (kWh / Savings
MT or kl / MT) (Rs. Lakhs)

A No investment (Immediate)

• Operational Improvement
• Housekeeping

B Low investment (Short to

Medium Term)

• Controls
• Equipment Modification
• Process change

C High investment (Long


• Energy Efficient Devices

• Product Modification
• Technology Change

On the basis of the energy audit, certain actions can be recommended to Energy Auditing
reduce losses. We briefly outline them here.

Actions Recommended for Reducing Technical Losses

• Reconfiguration;
• Reconductoring;
• Employing Shunt Capacitors;
• Conversion from Single Circuit to Double Circuit;
• Setting up of more Substations;
• Changeover from Low Voltage Distribution System (LVDS) to High Voltage
Distribution System (HVDS).

Actions Recommended for Reducing Commercial Losses

• Changeover to static meters with tamper proof data and remote metering
• Replacing all burnt, stuck up, non-performing and underperforming meters;
• Calibrating the existing meters;
• Flying squads and Special task force for detection of pilferage of energy;
• AMR for online energy recording.

You will study this aspect in detail in Block 4 of the course BEE-001.

The adoption of proper energy audit would ultimately facilitate increased

revenue realisation for the energy supplied to the consumers, identification of
areas and causes of high energy losses and cutting down on its own
expenses on account of the operational inefficiencies. It also helps the utility
in bringing accountability and efficiency in its working. This would enable
improving the financial health of the utility and would contribute substantially
towards overall development of the power sector and improving financial
health of the utilities. Let us now sum up what you have learnt in this unit.

+ ,,

• Energy audit is one of the most important tools for energy conservation
and for achieving energy efficiency. An energy audit is an in-depth
study of a facility to determine how and where energy is being used
or converted from one form to another, and identify opportunities to
reduce energy usage and prevent energy losses. It is the technique
to establish the current status of energy efficiency of a system.

• The aims of energy audit are to review and upgrade the procedure for
energy accounting, review the technical efficiency of system elements in
sub-transmission and distribution (ST&D) system, analyze the techniques
for measuring the energy received, energy billed and the corresponding
revenue collection, review the performance of equipment, meters,
distribution transformers, etc., segregation of technical and non-technical
Energy Conservation, losses, establishment of norms for checking the consumption of various
Audit and Accounting categories of consumers and overall energy balance in the circles.

• The type of energy audit to be performed depends on the function and

type of industry, depth to which final audit is needed, and the potential and
magnitude of cost reduction desired. Energy audit can be classified into
the following types: Preliminary audit, utility cost analysis, standard
energy audit and detailed audit.

• In an energy audit of a power distribution system, the energy losses

are to be computed for each element of the network on the basis of actual
energy sent out and actual consumption as recorded by the meters
installed on both sides of the element. The total technical losses are
given by the sum of 11 kV line losses, distribution transformer (no
load and load) losses, LT network losses, and energy losses in loose
jump connections, service mains and energy meters. Energy losses
in the feeder equal the difference of energy input to the 11 kV feeder
and energy sales. The commercial loss in the feeder equals the
difference of energy loss and technical loss.

• The findings of an energy audit should be reported in the form of an

energy audit report, which should contain Preface, Executive
Summary, Background and Plant Description, Findings and

- , )

1. Explain the need for energy audit giving examples from your own
experiences in a power distribution utility.

2. Which of the objectives of energy audit in the unit are relevant for your
utility? Explain with examples.

3. What are the benefits of an energy audit for a power distribution utility?

4. In your opinion, what problems will your utility encounter if it resorts to

energy audit? How can these be managed?

5. Describe the procedure of each of the different types of energy audits

described in Section 3.2.2. How can these be applied in the area of your
responsibility? For example, if you are stationed at the feeder, what are
the steps you would take for energy audit? Explain each step. Give data as
far as possible.

6. Explain how the energy audit exercise can benefit from the use of
information technology.

Energy Auditing
"" . ,
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This format is prepared for the industry under study. Generally, the information
to be gathered includes:

• data on energy consumption, by type of energy, by department, by major

items of process equipments, by end-use;
• material balance data (raw materials, intermediate and final products,
recycled materials, use of scrap or waste products, production of
by-products for re-use in other industries, etc.);
• energy cost and tariff data;
• equipment and process specifications including drawings, process flow
• occupancy schedule of buildings, if relevant;
• generation and distribution of site services (e.g., compressed air system);
• sources of energy supply (e.g., electricity from grid or self generation);
• design, operating data and schedule of operation;
• annual energy bill and energy consumption pattern;
• specific energy consumption; and
• potential for fuel substitution, process modifications, and the use of
co-generation systems (combined heat and power generation).

For example, we would need the basic data for:

• An AC plant: Chilled water temperature, refrigeration load (TR), kW/TR of

refrigeration, etc.

• Electrical system: power factor, load variations, daily and seasonal load
curves, maximum demand data, electricity charges for maximum demand
(kVA), kWh, ToD charges, Electricity tariff for High Tension and Low
Tension category consumers and for commercial, residential, industrial,
government and agricultural consumers, etc.


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