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TPM and Terotechnology


Mr. Kamaljeet Singh Jinny Sebastian
(Assistant Professor) Jyoti Rawal
Nikita Daniel
Nishtha Verma

Maintenance Management

We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible
without the kind of support of many individuals and organizations. We would like
to extend our sincere gratitude to all of them.
We are highly indebted to Mr Kamaljeet Singh, NIFT KANGRA for her guidance
and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding
the project and also for their support in completing the project.
Our thanks and appreciation also go to our colleagues who have willingly helped
us throughout the project.

Maintenance Management
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................................ 2
Total Productive Management ............................................................................................................ 4
Pillars of TPM ................................................................................................................................... 4
Application in Apparel Industry .......................................................................................................... 5
Case Study ....................................................................................................................................... 6
TEROTECHNOLOGY............................................................................................................................ 6
Goals: ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Scope: ............................................................................................................................................... 8
1) Selection & Provision of Permanent Assets: ............................................................................ 8
2) Caring for Those Assets: ......................................................................................................... 8
Whole life cycle costs can be reduced by extending the useful life of components by effective
maintenance. .................................................................................................................................. 8
3) Coordinating Assets:................................................................................................................... 8
4) Feeding Back Information: .......................................................................................................... 8
5) Benefits of Terotechnology: ........................................................................................................ 8
Applications in Apparel Industry .................................................................................................... 9
References ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Maintenance Management
Total Productive Management
TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) is a holistic approach to equipment maintenance that
strives to achieve perfect production:

No Breakdowns
No Small Stops or Slow Running
No Defects
No Accidents

TPM focuses on proactive and preventive maintenance to maximize the operational efficiency
of the equipment. It blurs the distinction between the roles of production and maintenance by
placing a strong emphasis on empowering operators to help maintain their equipment.
The implementation of a TPM program creates a shared responsibility for equipment that
encourages greater involvement by plant floor workers. In the right environment this can be
very effective in improving productivity (increasing up time, reducing cycle times, and
eliminating defects).

The main objective of TPM is to grow the productivity of the garment manufacturing unit with
minimum investments on maintenance.

Pillars of TPM
The pillars of TPM are:
● Focused Improvement: Cross functional teams help in improving the performance and
reliability of the problematic machinery.
● Autonomous Maintenance: The basic upkeep of the machinery is the responsibility of
the operator.
● Planned maintenance: Scheduled maintenance according to the failure rate of the
equipment increases longevity of the equipment.
● Training and Education: Training of the workforce to bridge skill and knowledge gaps.
● Early management: Equipment designs are aligned to the lessons learnt from the past
TPM initiatives.
● Quality maintenance: Inquiring quality in the equipment itself to reduce defects to zero.
● Spreading Kaizen: Spreading the principles for continuous improvements.

Maintenance Management
● Safety,Health & Environment: Ideal working environment, without any possibilities of
injury or accidents.

Figure - 1 - TPM Pillars

Major performance issues in apparel industry due to improper TPM

● Workers are not trained enough to manage maintenance problems.
● Regular breakdowns drop productivity and efficiency.
● Workers become less focused because of regular problems.
● The production lines are inconveniently designed which leads to poor productivity.
● Defects because of machine faults also lowers efficiency.
● Most garment industries have an incentive-based payment environment;
machine/equipment problems harms the financial interests of employees so they start
planning to switch over.

Application in Apparel Industry

● Increase in Production - With the implementation of TPM, most factories end up producing
more than what they used to produce.
● After implementation of TPM, there was a reduction in machine breakdown
● Influence of TPM Tool on Performance Efficiency of the sewing Machine

Maintenance Management
Chart - 1 - Changes after TMP implementation
● TPM is implemented with kaizen in parallel mode, which has also yield better
performance in terms of minimizing the production lead time
● It is reconfirmed that TPM has the ability to accelerate the implementation of lean tools
to achieve continuous improvement in organizations.

Case Study

A case study was taken to find out applications and results of TPM and Tero Technology in the
apparel Industry. In the case study it was found -

● The high production philosophy is connected with superior machine maintenance. The
machine related problems are addressed through the Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM) system, which is an important tool under the umbrella of Lean production
● Performance efficiency levels of these sewing machines were studied before and after
the TPM implantation.
● It found that 15% to 30% of improvement in performance improvement and also found
the lead time improvement due to
● TPM implementation on sewing machines as well as interaction effects with kaizen tools
also exist with respect to product lead time improvement.
● Emotional balance of the employees may also have an influence on effective
implementation of the TPM.

Terotechnology is a practice that leverages management, engineering and financial expertise to
optimise installation, operations, and upkeep of equipment.

Maintenance Management
It is the combination of management, financial, engineering, and other practices applied to
physical assets such as the production plant, machinery, equipment, buildings and structures in
pursuit of economic life cycle costs.

Tero technology was developed in the 1970s in the United Kingdom. The technology’s primary
concern is with maintainability and reliability of physical assets.

Professionals involved in terotechnology look at tangible assets of a company or business such

as buildings, equipment and vehicles.

Measure how these items will provide a net value for certain years until they need to be replaced.

It is also known as “life-cycle costing”.

Figure 2- Life Cycle Cost Analysis

A big part in terotechnology is understanding the role of maintenance and the value of warranty.
Many larger pieces of equipment and other assets are given by the manufacturer. These
warranties give relative value the projected costs.


To optimize the installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment.

To reduce the different costs incurred at the various stages of an asset's life and to develop
methods that will help extend its life span.

Maintenance Management

1) Selection & Provision of Permanent Assets:

Ensure selection based on best value rather than the lowest cost. Cheaper assets may cost
more to maintain over their life.

2) Caring for Those Assets:

Whole life cycle costs can be reduced by extending the useful life of components by effective

3) Coordinating Assets:

To help achieve overall minimum costs over their life cycle having a proactive & complimentary
approach to maintenance.

4) Feeding Back Information:

This is essential to improve assets. It ensures cost effective decisions continue to be made at
the capital acquisition/procurement stage.

5) Benefits of Terotechnology:
● Better maintenance and a higher reliability of plant and equipment.
● Better evaluation of costs of maintenance and repair
● Lessens breakdowns among the equipment.
● Allows estimation of future running costs – needs careful assessment and interpretation.
● Improves the quality and the efficiency of operations, and the communication between
suppliers, producers, and customers.

Maintenance Management
Fig. 3 Role of terotechnology in equipment life cycle

Applications in Apparel Industry

● Helps in increasing efficiency of the garment industry
● The number of breakdowns is reduced
● Helps in estimation of future costs
● Better maintenance and reliability.

Maintenance Management
● Terotechnology - Will Kenten;;
Published on 28-11-2020; Accessed on 23-12-2020
● What Is TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) in the apparel industry? - Stitchdiary;
apparel-industry-9a64cb85d670; Published on 26-05-2020; Accessed on 22-12-2020
● What is TPM;; Accessed on 24-12-2020
● An Evaluation Of TPM Implementation in Clothing Industry In India-a Lean Philosophy
Based Approach - B. Senthilkumar & H. Samuel Thavaraj
CH; Accessed on 25-12-2020

Maintenance Management

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