Lesson 9 Salary

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Conversation 01

A : I’m looking for a part-time job. I came about the advertisement for a sales


B : Why are you engaged in a part-time job?

A : To gain some experience in business.

B : Did you do any part-time job when you studied at your university?

A : Yes, I worked in a fashion shop last summer as a part-time salesgirl.

B : What were they paying you, if you don’t mind my asking?

A : I worked by the hour. Eighty yuan per hour.

B : You’ll also be paid by the hour in our company. One hundred yuan per hour.

And fifteen hours a week. Will you take it?

A : Yes, I will. When shall I start work?

B : You’ll start work this Friday. OK?

A : Yes, I will come on Friday. Thank you.

B : See you then.


Conversation 02

A : You haven’t (1) __________ anything about the (2) __________, but I think

you would like to (3) __________ it. What salary are you (4) __________?

B : I would (5) __________ the (6) __________ salary in your company. But I

hope (7) __________ are given (8) __________ to my (9) __________.

Besides the salary, do you have any (10) __________ benefits?

A : Yes. The (11) __________ salary for (12) __________ in the company is

(13) __________ yuan a month and (14) __________ are given after

(15) __________ months (16) __________ to your (17) __________. We

also provide (18) __________ benefits such as semi-annual

(19) __________, five (20) __________ paid (21) __________ a year, and

(22) __________ insurance. Are you (23) __________ with them?

B : Yes, I’m quite (24) __________ with them. One more (25) __________

about the job. I (26) __________ that some of your employees are

(27) __________ to (28) __________ countries to (29) __________ the

(30) __________ program. I’d (31) __________ to know how you

(32) __________ employees to (33) __________ the program.

A : Almost all employees are (34) __________ to attend the training

(35) __________, but as the number of (36) __________ at one time is

(37) __________, we (38) __________ them on their (39) __________. By

the way, if you are (40) __________, when can you start work?

B : Any time is OK.


Conversation 03

A : You are the person we want.

B : Thank you, sir.

A : What were they paying you, if you don’t mind my asking?

B : At present I get 1,500 yuan.

A : What salary would you expect to get?

B : As for salary, I leave it to you to decide after your experience of my capacity.

A : Well, I believe we can offer you 2,500 yuan a month at the start. Are you


B : Yes, I’m quite satisfied. That would be more than I have expected.

A : Do you have any other questions?

B : When am I supposed to start working?

A : Next Monday.

B : OK. Thank you for your time.

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