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Prepare journal entries for the City of Pudding s

governmental funds
Prepare journal entries for the City of Pudding’s governmental funds to record the following
transactions, first for fund-based financial statements and then for government-wide financial
statements.a. A new truck for the sanitation department was ordered at a cost of $94,000.b. The
city print shop did $1,200 worth of work for the school system (but has not yet been paid).c. An
$11 million bond was issued to build a new road.d. Cash of $140,000 is transferred from the
General Fund to provide permanent financing for a municipal swimming pool that will be viewed
as an Enterprise Fund.e. The truck ordered in (a) is received at an actual cost of $96,000.
Payment is not made at this time.f. Cash of $32,000 is transferred from the General Fund to the
Capital Projects Fund.g. A state grant of $30,000 is received that must be spent to promote
recycling.h. The first $5,000 of the state grant received in (g) is appropriately expended.View
Solution: Prepare journal entries for the City of Pudding s governmental funds

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