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The following trial balances are for the governmental funds

The following trial balances are for the governmental funds of the City of Copeland prepared
from the current accounting records:Special Revenue FundBased on the information presented
for each of these governmental funds, answer the following questions:a. How much more
money can city officials expend or commit from the General Fund during the remainder of the
current year?b. Why does the Capital Projects Fund have no construction or capital asset
accounts?c. What does the $150,000 Appropriations balance found in the Capital Projects Fund
represent?d. Several funds have balances for Encumbrances and Fund Balance-Reserved for
Encumbrances.How will these amounts be accounted for at the end of the fiscal year?e. Why
does the Fund Balance-Unassigned account in the Capital Projects Fund have a zero
balance?f. What are possible explanations for the $150,000 Other Financing Sources balance
found in the Capital Projects Fund?g. What does the $75,000 balance in the Expenditures
Control account of the Debt Service Fund represent?h. What is the purpose of the Special
Assessments Receivable found in the Capital Projects Fund?i. In the Special Revenue Fund,
what is the purpose of the Fund Balance-Nonspendable account?j. Why does the Debt Service
Fund not have budgetary accountbalances? View Solution: The following trial balances are for
the governmental funds of

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