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Written Conversations Name ____________

When you give back an assessment, a student Read over the prompt and write a quick response
raises his hand and challenges your grading. to it, then pass it to the person on your right.
After your colleague has finished writing back to
Other students quickly agree. What issues does you, try to answer their questions and continue
the scenario raise? What are your next steps? the conversation.
How might you avoid such confrontations in
the future? Feedback:

First Response:

Second Response:
Written Conversations Name ____________

You introduce a “hot button” issue in your Read over the prompt and write a quick response
classroom and bitter arguments break out and to it, then pass it to the person on your right.
After your colleague has finished writing back to
you are accused of propagandizing your you, try to answer their questions and continue
students. What issues does the scenario raise? the conversation.
How might you diffuse the situation and turn it
into a “teaching moment”?

First Response:

Second Response:
Written Conversations Name ____________
A student tells you that one of her instructors
made a comment in class that she perceived as Read over the prompt and write a quick response
to it, then pass it to the person on your right.
racist and insensitive. The student says that she After your colleague has finished writing back to
does not feel welcomed at NorQuest. What issues you, try to answer their questions and continue
does the scenario raise? What could you do in this the conversation.
situation? What might be the fallout from your Feedback:

First Response:

Second Response:
Written Conversations Name ____________

Read over the prompt and write a quick response

You are have just finished marking an to it, then pass it to the person on your right.
assessment. You inform the department chair After your colleague has finished writing back to
you, try to answer their questions and continue
that the mean grade is 80. The chair asks you the conversation.
to lower the grades 10 percent. How do you
respond? What issues does this scenario raise? Feedback:

First Response:

Second Response:
Written Conversations Name ____________

Read over the prompt and write a quick response

A student who speaks knowledgeably in class to it, then pass it to the person on your right.
fails your first exam. The student says that After your colleague has finished writing back to
you, try to answer their questions and continue
she/he blanks out during exam situations. Is the conversation.
this your problem? What might you do in such
a circumstance? Feedback:

First Response:

Second Response:
Written Conversations Name ____________

Read over the prompt and write a quick response

A student in your class is struggling with to it, then pass it to the person on your right.
some serious personal issues and asks After your colleague has finished writing back to
you, try to answer their questions and continue
you to meet with her/him off campus. the conversation.
Should you? What are the risks?

First Response:

Second Response:
Written Conversations Name ____________

Read over the prompt and write a quick response

During class, several students converse to it, then pass it to the person on your right.
among themselves in a language that After your colleague has finished writing back to
you, try to answer their questions and continue
you don’t understand and begin to the conversation.
laugh. What issues does this scenario
raise? What do you do?

First Response:

Second Response:
Written Conversations Name ____________

Read over the prompt and write a quick response

If students come to us from strong, healthy to it, then pass it to the person on your right. After
functioning families, it makes our job easier. If your colleague has finished writing back to you,
they do not come to us from strong, healthy, try to answer their questions and continue the
functioning families, it makes our job more
important. Feedback:
-Barbara Coloroso

First Response:

Second Response:
Written Conversations Name ____________

Read over the prompt and write a quick response

The test of a good teacher is not how many to it, then pass it to the person on your right.
questions he can ask his pupils that they will After your colleague has finished writing back to
answer readily, but how many questions he you, try to answer their questions and continue
the conversation.
inspires them to ask him which he finds it hard
to answer. Feedback:
-Alice Wellington

First Response:

Second Response:
Written Conversations Name ____________

Read over the prompt and write a quick response

If we teach today’s students as we to it, then pass it to the person on your right.
After your colleague has finished writing back to
taught yesterday’s, we rob them of you, try to answer their questions and continue
the conversation.
-John Dewey Feedback:

First Response:

Second Response:
Written Conversations Name ____________

Read over the prompt and write a quick response

Never do anything for a student that he is to it, then pass it to the person on your right.
capable of doing for himself. If you do you, After your colleague has finished writing back to
you’ll make him an educational cripple…a you, try to answer their questions and continue
the conversation.
pedagogical paraplegic.
-Howard Hendricks Feedback:

First Response:

Second Response:
Written Conversations Name ____________

Read over the prompt and write a quick response

Education is not to reform students or amuse to it, then pass it to the person on your right.
them or to make them expert technicians. It is After your colleague has finished writing back to
to unsettle their minds, widen their horizons, you, try to answer their questions and continue
the conversation.
inflame their intellects, teach them to think
straight, if possible. Feedback:
—Robert M. Hutchins

First Response:

Second Response:
Written Conversations Name ____________

Read over the prompt and write a quick response

As adults, when we think back to our years in to it, then pass it to the person on your right.
school, we remember teachers, not After your colleague has finished writing back to
instructional methods and techniques. We you, try to answer their questions and continue
the conversation.
remember the teachers who saw something
special in us and made a connection… Feedback:
-John Blaydes

First Response:

Second Response:
Written Conversations Name ____________
Today society asks more of educators than ever
before. We are expected to be social workers, Read over the prompt and write a quick response
computer experts, researchers, mediators, business to it, then pass it to the person on your right.
After your colleague has finished writing back to
partners, team members, and dependency you, try to answer their questions and continue
counselors. We are expected to advocate for those the conversation.
on the margins of our society who face adversity
dues to gender, race, economic circumstance and Feedback:
migration. It is a tall task.

First Response:

Second Response:

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