Power Transformer Under Short-Circuit Fault Conditions: A Multiphysics Approach

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Transformers’ windings experience me-
Power transformer
under short-circuit
chanical loads from electromagnetic
forces due to the currents they carry.
During normal operation, the resulting

fault conditions:
stresses and strains have minor influ-
ence, therefore they do not represent the
significant risk to the devices’ integrity.
However, transformers can suffer from

A multiphysics
high sudden short-circuit currents that
are several times higher than those
during the normal operation. These
short-circuit currents are a significant

threat, not only from an electrical but
also from the structural integrity point
of view. In this paper, coupled electro-
magnetic and structural mechanics
simulations are carried out to evaluate How to evaluate the robustness of a
short-circuit fault risks in a comprehen-
sive and accurate way. transformer considering currents and
Laplace forces under the short-circuit
fault conditions?
simulation, multiphysics, short-cir-
cuit, Laplace forces

22 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 7, Issue 3 | 2020


Electromagnetic and thermal studies have

proven to be insufficient to predict all the
possible damages caused by the short-cir-
cuit faults, therefore a structural mechanics
approach is also required

coils carrying currents that are surround- potential damage the transformer may
ed by a magnetic field. Under normal op- suffer;
erating conditions, these Laplace forces ŸŸ Determine where simulations can be
occuring on windings are usually modest used instead of otherwise destructive
[4]. However, during short-circuit faults, physical tests.
currents flowing through windings can be
significantly increased. Some authors esti- This study describes the analysis of these
mate that resulting forces in short-circuit forces and their structural effects through
fault conditions can be up to 900 times the coupling of two Finite Element Meth-
higher than those experienced under nor- ods (FEM) software packages: Altair Flux™
mal operating conditions [5]. with Altair OptiStruct™.

Consequently, it is not surprising that 2. The power transformer

electromagnetic forces and structural
deformations in short-circuit fault con- The described case study comprises of a
ditions are a major concern for designers three-phase 30 MVA power transformer,
and manufacturers of transformers. Phys- with the electrical parameters and dimen-
ical tests are usually carried out to deter- sions given in Table 1.
1. Introduction minate the device’s behavior under such
critical conditions, but these tests are ex- Nominal voltages and currents are given
Power transformers are critical devices in pensive, complex, and time-consuming. in RMS values and are used as the base
all power systems, and they generally rep- Also, they can involve testing the device values for the transformer’s terminals.
resent the costliest devices [1]. Modeling for any potential destruction effects, es­ That means that, on the HV side, the nom-
and designing of transformers by consid- pecially for high-voltage transformers. inal voltage is phase-to-ground value (wye
ering multiphysics constraints is a critical The risk of destroying this high-value connection), while on the LV side, which
task that is nowadays becoming more and device is a primary concern with a great has a delta connection, the nominal volt-
more demanding in highly competitive amount of literature devoted to it [1,6,7] age is phase-to-phase value.
For such scenarios, an accurate numerical Regarding the transformer structure,
While design methodologies for power multiphysics simulation can fulfill both the coils are supported by thick pieces of
transformer are well established, espe- aims: pressboard insulation material which are
cially regarding the active parts (i.e., core ŸŸ Informing designers about the maxi- in close contact with end windings, as
and coils) under normal working condi- mum forces and deformations expect- shown in green in Fig. 1, whereas coils of
tions [2], some additional concerns must ed during the test to help anticipate both high voltage (HV) and low voltage
also be taken into account at this stage, the structural impact and to limit the (LV) sides are represented in red.
such as foreseeing malfunctions caused
by short-circuit faults. Moreover, elec-
tromagnetic and thermal studies are in-
sufficient to predict all possible damage Short-circuit testings for transformers are
types caused by short-circuits, therefore a complicated, expensive, and may lead to
complementary structural mechanics ap-
proach is necessary [1,3]. transformer destruction, therefore numer-
Electromagnetic forces arise naturally in
ical calculations can also be used for pre-
any transformer since it is composed of dicting performance in that case
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Table 1. Specification of 30 MVA power transformer

Quantity High voltage winding (HV) Low voltage winding (LV)

Nominal voltage 93.6 kV 10 kV

Nominal current 106.9 A 1 kA

Turns 432 80

Connection type Wye Delta

Resistive load - 10 Ω

Frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz

Inner diameter 571.5 mm 455 mm

Outer diameter 666.5 mm 530 mm

Height 1945 mm 1945 mm

Connection Wye Delta

Total size 1310 x 4070 x 4050 mm

Type Dry power transformer

Rated power 30 MVA

The upper and lower frames are bolted The electrical circuit simulating the wind- LV one is connected in the delta con-
together to support the coils and hold the ing connections is shown in Fig. 2, in nection with a load comprised of the re-
core (shown in black) in position. These which the windings are represented as sistance connected in parallel with the
frames are then joined by using vertical six striped cylinders, each one linked to switch that has been added to simulate a
bars and supported by two feet (steel com- one phase. The HV side is fed by voltage three-phase short-circuit fault as shown in
ponents, in pink). sources in a wye connection, while the Fig. 2.

Figure 1. 30 MVA transformer, structure and materials

4 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 7, Issue 3 | 2020

Winding discs or sections

Figure 2. Electrical circuit connection of the 30 MVA transformer windings, including input voltage and resistive load

3. 3D FEM coupled simulation The 3D multiphysics FEM approach using

The simulation of the transformer under Flux for electromagnetic and OptiStruct
a short-circuit fault condition is a very
demanding task due to several reasons. for the structural mechanic calculation is a
From an electromagnetic point of view, good starting point for modeling short-cir-
it is not easy to predict the short-circuit
currents in a transformer. In addition, cuit forces in large transformers
for the structural response, several sig-
nificant anisotropies must also be taken
into account due to the wire distribu- noting that nonlinearities of the core have LV side and 20.45 kA on the HV side. This
tion in the coils and the laminated core also been simulated. corresponds to 135.45 p.u. of the rated
structure. current.
For this study, a transient simulation of
The 3D FEM simulation is chosen as 60 ms, i.e., three complete 50 Hz periods, The main conclusion is that peak cur-
the optimal solution to model short-cir- is considered. The first period is simulated rent values become more than a hundred
cuit forces in large power transformers under normal working conditions while times higher in these than in normal op-
since the short-circuit testings for these the next two periods correspond to three erating conditions on both the HV and
devices are complicated, expensive, and phase short-circuit fault, which is simu- LV sides.
might even result in total transformer lated by short-circuiting of the resistive
destruction. load (see Fig. 2) at t = 20ms. This timing Whenever a current-carrying conductor
of the short-circuit transient plays a crit- is placed into the magnetic field, a force
The proposed simulation approach com- ical role in the calculation of both electri- called Laplace or Lorentz’s force occurs,
prises of two different steps, as shown in cal behavior and magnetic stresses on the which is defined by:
Fig. 3. First, a transient electromagnetic coils.
simulation is carried out in Flux. Maximal F=JxB (4.1)
forces acting on the device are obtained During normal operation, the current go-
and exported into OptiStruct to perform ing through the coils has a peak value of where J = the current density; B = magnet-
a structural mechanics analysis to identify 817 A on the LV side coils (i.e., from rated ic flux density; F = Laplace’s force density.
stresses and strains throughout the device. values in Table 1 and taking into account
delta connection, 1000 √2/3 = 817 A) and By applying Eq. (4.1), force density can
4. Starting with the 151 A on the HV side coils (i.e., from rated be calculated for all six transformer coils.
values in Table 1, 106.9 √2 = 151 A). Given that magnetic flux density is rough-
electromagnetic analysis
ly proportional to the current values, these
By using Flux, electromagnetic simulation Fig. 4 shows that the currents throughout forces can become four orders of magni-
is taking into account the transformer’s the simulation have been significantly tude higher than those under normal
geometry, properties of the materials, and increased compared to nominal values, operating conditions. In fact, maximum
electrical connections. It is worthwhile reaching peak values of 110.6 kA on the force density values in normal condi-

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Figure 3. Coupling process between Flux electromagnetic and OptiStruct structural mechanics environments

Forces under the short-circuit faults can be The time instance with the maximum
current values has been selected for per-
up to four orders of magnitude higher than forming the structural mechanics analysis
(i.e., t=29.17 ms). Force densities all over
the forces under normal operating condi- the six coils at this instance are first ex-
tions ported into a Nastran file before being im-
ported into OptiStruct structural analysis
tions are equal to 0.18 MN/m3 on the LV value, forces on the z-axis have a critical
side and 0.14 MN/m3 on the HV side, role; although they have very low mean 5. Coupling the structural
while during the short-circuit, they are value along the hight of the coil, locally,
mechanics simulation
261 MN/m3 and 327 MN/m3, respectively. they put the coils under the significant
compression stress. Likewise, resultant This ultimate aim is to simulate the behav-
Global radial force waveforms acting on forces on the y-axis are not negligible and ior of the transformer’s mechanical struc-
phase A are shown in Fig. 5. may lead to the lateral displacements of ture loaded by Laplace forces generated
the coils towards the center, impacting during the short-circuit fault. Even if this
Although radial forces have the highest other mechanical structures. phenomenon is transient, as the first ap-

Figure 4. HV and LV current waveforms during a short-circuit fault

6 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 7, Issue 3 | 2020

proach is, a static analysis is carried out to
evaluate the influence of maximum values
of the Laplace forces. The contacts are also
considered in this analysis.

The static mechanical analysis is carried

out much faster than a complete transient
simulation and serves as the first evalua-
tion of the coils (stresses, contacts status).
It should also give the first insight into
understanding the complete structural
behavior of the transformer under the
sudden short-circuit fail conditions.

Fig. 6 shows a scheme of boundary condi-

tions, loading, and material type.

ŸŸ Boundary conditions and load­

ing: Laplace forces are provided by
Flux. The whole structure is embedded
on the bottom cross beam named foot Figure 5. Global radial force waveforms acting on phase A (LV and HV sides)
(indicated as blue triangles in Fig. 6).

ŸŸ Materials: In order to consider that

the coils and the core could exhibit
some mechanical behavior depend-
Although the dominant component of the
ing on the directions of the force, ma- force under short-circuit fault condition is
terials have been homogenized with
thotropic properties; for instance,
the radial component, even the small values
when it comes to coils, the stiffness in of the axial forces can damage the trans-
the Z direction is weaker than in the
radial direction. former in that case study

Figure 6. Boundary conditions and material assignation, with the expanded view on sliding contact friction

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 7

ŸŸ Contact definitions: Contacts be- more than 2  mm, and the HV coil tends been simulated. A complete analy­
tween insulation and coils, insulation to expand by more than 1 mm, as shown sis of electromagnetic and structural
and structure, along with the structure in Fig. 7. mechanics effects caused by Laplace
and coils are taken into account. Espe- forces on the coils has been carried out,
cially important is the sliding contact Under the given conditions, the mechan- and the potential failures are evaluated
friction between insulation plastic and ical strength of the assembly decreases by running two coupled electromag­
paper insulation (see the expanded dramatically, and the tightening forces are netic and structural mechanics simula­
view in Fig. 6). In this study, the con- not sufficient to keep the contact status in tions. Firstly, an electromagnetic sim­
tact friction coulomb coefficient is set a closed position between the coils and ulation using Flux software in which
to 0.4, given the rough contact between the rest of the structure: the normal con- the Laplace forces are computed at
these parts. tact forces are divided by 1000 (241 kN the highest peak current time instant
becomes 0.255 kN), and the contact area flowing through the coils, which are
ŸŸ Load history: The load history in- is divided by two. Even with that very low then exported into OptiStruct struc­
cludes: radial contribution of the short-circuit tural simulation software. As the final
o The first load case simulates the forces, the coils can hit each other. In that output, the deformations all over the
tightening process of the coils with- case, even when a rough contact (friction transformer are obtained, and the po­
in the surrounded structure: an coefficient equal to 0.4) is considered be- tential risks for its structural integrity
equivalent load equal to 200 kN is tween the supports and the coils, a very are evaluated.
applied on the 8 shafts of the struc- low tangential force (100 N) can lead to
ture, which corresponds to a M22 the coils sliding, which presents a signif- The structural mechanics analysis high­
bolt tightening. icant structural risk. This is an example lighted significant structural risks. The
o During the second load case, only which shows that numerical multiphysics normal contribution of the Laplace
the normal contribution of the max electromagnetic and structural mechan- forces tends to keep the contacts between
Laplace force is applied. ics simulations can be used for predicting coils and the rest of the structure open
and evaluating potential risks that should despite the transformer being tightened
One of the main conclusions is that lateral be addressed by the proper design inter- by forces.
coils (phases 1 and 3), and more specifical- ventions of the transformer parts.
ly, the interior coils (LV ones), are greatly In this case study, even a small value
affected by axial forces. Contacts between Conclusion amount of the radial force contribu­
the coils and the rest of the structure tend tion should provoke collision between
to remain in the open, non-touching po- A three-phase power transformer un- coils, destroying the transformer in the
sition. More precisely, LV coil shrinks by der short-circuit fault conditions has process.

Figure 7. Z displacement in millimeters for both interior and exterior coils of the phase A resulting from electromagnetic forces

8 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 7, Issue 3 | 2020

An overall conclusion is that a straight- trical and Electronic Engineering, Volume C., A Comparative Investigation of Elec-
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predicting malfunctions that, otherwise, Rosentino, A. J. P., Saraiva, E., Delaiba, A., on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisa-
may go unnoticed until the testing stages, Guimaraes, R., Lynce, M., De Oliveira, J. tion, Lisbon, 2011
when the correction can be both challeng-
ing and expensive. It should also be noted
that multiphysics simulation approach
helps to identify the aforementioned
structural risks and enables them to be an-
ticipated in order to improve or simplify Alejandro L. Rodríguez González was born in Oviedo,
test schedules, or even make them non-es- Spain in November 1987. He received B.Sc. degree in
sential. Telecommunication Engineering from the University
of Oviedo, Spain in 2010 and the M.Sc. degree in
Altair FluxTM and Altair OptiStructTM are Process Control, Industrial Electronics and Electrical
trademarks of Altair Engineering, Inc. and Engineering from the same University in 2011. He also
are protected under U.S. and international received Ph.D. degree from the University of Santiago
law and treaties. de Compostela, Spain, in 2016. He is currently working
as an Electromagnetic (EM) Application Engineer for Altair Engineering
Bibliography Inc., where his main field of study is the modeling and simulation for EM
practical applications, including electrical machines, electro-magnetic
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Thomas Guffroy completed a mechanical engineering
Modelling and Analysis of Electrome-
chanical Stress in Transformers Caused degree in 2005 and worked with subtractor companies
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Current Losses in a Large Power Trans- of the SIA (Société des Ingénieurs de l’Automobile).
former, XX International Conference on
Electrical Machines, Marseille, pp. 2282- Patrick Lombard received B.Sc. degree from Ecole
2286, 2012 Nationale Superieure d’Electrotechnique, Grenoble, in
1989. He received M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering
[3] Gutten, M., Jurcik, J., Brandt, M., in 1989 and Ph.D. degree in 1992, both from the Institut
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National Polytechnique, Grenoble. He has been with
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CEDRAT from 1989 to 2016, as a part of the Flux’s
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development team. He has managed the application
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[4] Da Silva, P., Ferreira da Luz, M. V., and valorization. In 2016, CEDRAT has been acquired by Altair Engineering
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Power Transformers, COMPUMAG, been involved in demagnetization, hysteresis modeling, and multi-physics
2013 coupling (CFD and vibro-acoustics).

[5] Saadeghvaziri, M. A., Allahverdi, N. Vincent Leconte is managing the business development
H., and Ashrafi, A., Qualitative Assess- of Altair’s low-frequency electromagnetic simula-
ment of Seismic Response of Internal tion solutions. Before that, he was CEDRAT’s Chief
Components of Power Transform- Technical Officer for 7 years, guiding the evolution of
ers, 13th World Conference on Earth- Flux software. His knowledge and his taste for numerical
quake Engineering, Vancouver, British methods and modeling techniques stem from his Ph.D.
Columbia, Canada, 2004 in Electrical Engineering which he received from the
Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, France. He spent 10
[6] Jurcik, J., Gutten, M., Korenciak, D.,
years in Schneider Electric, where he was responsible for electromagnetic
Analysis of Transient Actions Influence
simulation methods and tools at the corporate level.
in Power Transformer, Advances in Elec-

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