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(GHOHHOGTH: ) SUPERCHARGER | FITTING INSTRUCTIONS “A” SERIES ENGINE AS FITTED TO THE AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE AUSTIN A35 MORRIS MINOR 1,000 AUSTIN A40 10. un 2 8 “4 15. 16 .75 8 Supercharger, Lubricator, Supercharger Pulley. carburettor Pipe (Shorter Pipe for Minor 1000" snd 4/40) carburettor Gasket. 14 8.0, Carburettor Type H4 32 wm. Solex for A/35. Outer ceble Stop Bracket. Inlet Port Gasket. outlet Port Gasket. outlet Pipe. Set Bolt and Nasher 5/15" 8.5.F. Rubber Hose and CLips. Relief Vaive Pipe. Relief Valve Gasket Rellef Valve. Brass Plug (Boost Gauge Tapping). cm 18. 19. 20. 2 2. 23, 2 28. 26, a, 20, 29 30, ai. 2. Relief Valve Pipe Gasket. Induction Manifold. st Piece complete with Union and Washers, of1 supply Pipe 24° lone. Fuel pine with Nut and O2ves. Flexible Pipe with Union (Carouret tor Edasection Rot supplied for Minor 1000). Front Plate. Front Plate Distance Piece. une solts with Nuts and Washers 4°x 2 Crankshaft Pulley. Belts. Spare Netering Pin and Sachet. ‘throttle Return Spring Bracket, Fan Distance Piece and Set Bolts. Botton Water Pipe Extension with Hose and Clips T2'fends end Hose Supplied for Minor 1000) Sonst Gauge complete wit Rylon Tube and Pipe Gennections “coPrToNAL). \RHEN ORDERING SPARES PLEASE QUOTE REFERENCE NUVBER ‘AND. DESCRIPTION. INTRODUCTION The design of the Superchar ger set for the"At Series. Engine is such that the work ay be confidently carried out by any conpetent garage mechanic or ommer driver, and Recessitates no modification to the engine or chassis. Fitting is simplified by reading through these instructions before starting work, ‘the Supercharger is mounted on the eanifold side of the engine with the ports facing upwards, and is driven by twin Vee Belts fron the front end of the crankshaft During the installation, care should be taken to retain all nuts and washers removed and to avoid damaging any packing 25 some of these are used again with the Supercharger set. PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTIONS 1 rain radiator. 2 Disconnect carburettor controls and petrol pipe and vacuum ignition control pipe. 3. Remoye. induction manifold and carvuret tor Eprelgte: Hien aii ages except Sorite 3 anking” plat set pins. are, suppl ic USHATE PE the exhalst manifold bot spot: 4, Remove radiator. 5. Slacken dynamo belt and remove crankshaft, Bulley and fan. Disconnect petrol pipe from pump. 7. Remove the two short bolts holding, the Ejming case cover to the engine front. plate hese serew into the latter and are the Two ahich are clear of the engine block Vgc" the car is now ready for the Supercharger to be fitted. (CRANKSHAFT PULLEY. Fit new 3 groove crankshaft pulley, care Should be exercised wien fitting, as’ being Rade of cast iron, undue force could cause Bemage. “fith Austia Healey Sprite, it is fegeteary to raise the engine 3 at the front, Bede Waist the engine 1s in this position {tis duvisable to Slip all belts over their Fespective grooves, MOUNTING THE SUPERCHARGER The Supercharger can now be positioned. Besar bye ney easy agucgion ow fois witch ig already oolted to the Sopereharser, TGh te aingoe need" Tf care tS Faken, the SR oVIS1G ant Guncrobarger can be Fitted as one. bjace the eugioton tuatnce, pte, meves he fining S25, POU: “Or 0. Samp ee atl ae ite rude othe TPthal iy Yocked by usin standard, ag deeirante co ura Sie Ee ioarin ameitees etvanee ae, tetaet tts, ia.aore cement Paes ate BELTS Replace and adjust, the dynano belt and fit The SGfefelarger eae “Hrose wilt ve found ‘ene But ccan be “run on’ to the Supercharger faftegr othe sourking’ pg gency. a Gepainer ts abohied to the Supercharger ArifeMRET, nut ane ese, way, oF course 1s eve ig car scarelng mange 2 Cupn the fess BE. SGr sone wofels this 1s Hoe oro Vided “in the Gar toot "kit. " FAN Rofit the fan using the eluniniup digtance Discs, £6" pring inet tan clear of the Supt ger drive belts longer bolts are’ suppl ie fo accommodate this. aa PETROL PIPE Rogove the existing petrol pipe fron, the pump SSIES sg the esoner pine Supplied fora 2, Que witch wilt run fron the pump ander TES Sivertharger and’ terminate approsimately GEE its the arburetcor a flexible supe is Gfovided te connect tue end of this copper Bive'to'the Sano onion of the Carburettor: Alf'ehe necessary pipe fittings are. supplied etoopl dhe, pine nub which cegures pie f< tnt aust be ‘Tenoved trom the previously Punved standard fuel pipe ee? RADIATOR Replace the radiator,Pependant on the type of SaeEs Unidata supershatger Ys FZEceg {ie potion water pipe connections may have tq her reneoueed. extent {on pipes are provided or'this with nose and clips “exespe an ena ease of ‘the 4.40 when connection ean be made Fn" the usual way. LUBRICATION. Uagoron, fron, the Crankcase the et1 pressure Yn blace SF'thIS Atfhe*Gpecial anion and ‘tr "pfece suoplied. “when tightened up, one branch of the “T ‘should pofat towards the Bulkhead. “Tato the other eranch screx the resgure entteh oF gauge connections. Using he a4" flexible pipe connect one end to the “tnd the other fo the Unton which fe al ready screwed into the Supercharger lubricator This is positioned tn the contre'ot the Supsr= charger Fear end plate, to the carburettor ‘Hiready usseabled to the Buper= thevcork or Tibre gasket atthe 4A seperate leaflet 1s, enclosed explaining the ellod ‘of eltting choke and ehrotEle contcals, ROMD TESTING Tk now renains to road test the car to obtain the correct carburettor and ignition settings Dut read to the end of these instructions FIRST. SERVICING — INSTRUCTIONS. The Shorrock Supercharger is,a precision achanion, which Is fully’ tested betore des hatch. Like any other aachine, however, Ib Feauires runging in and shouldbe driven faivly gently for the first 350 mies.” Darla Ens period the maximum engine spead should ot exceed J,$00 rb. LUBRICATION. 1g, 13 essential, that, the engine ofl be kept clean and free from sludge. Dirty or unsuit~ Sole oll wilt clog the Lubricating vassages anieventually' Teed to serious danage. Fae fnpercharger is despatched with a "Spin in TEe'Torisofor, “This should be Satisfactory arently. As a guidé there should ben Sifent Grout Of smoke from the exhaust on starting Frou cold: wnich should’ ¢lear after a fay afgices Tinting” ‘Should however, signs of Pronounced over oiling arise (for instance Gfouds of exhaust ‘snoke}, then the Tuorieat ion Bin should be replaced oy the Largar-one "a" Suppited inv blastic capsule bofted.t9 the Supercharger. ‘Tf this ‘spare pin is used, ‘be Sire’ to tighten down fsrniy the supercharger fits, Gvery 1000-ailes the lube leator pin g be rexoved) from the Sunercharger, aad gin wiped with a soft rag, on no eccoun Should’ abrasives be used.'70'renove. and replace the lubricator nin, Broceed as follows. Unscrew the pipe connection at the Suner— BAST ote ly he saring uatch ts" positioned Gderneath it. Insert’a small screvdriver ints "the siatied ‘end of the'pin anidraw ie out. “TE the spring should come out with. the Din ‘renenber that this should go in First when Forassemol ing. CONCLUSION. confident of the experience and care built into the Shorrock supercharger, we wish you any thousand miles of enjoyable motoring from the much improved performance of your Keep these instructions for reference. ‘specification and serial nunber. Manber of the Owen Organiation In any correspondence quote supercharger 2758 No. 2482 SHORROCK SUPERCHARGERS LIMITED CHURCH STREET, ‘WEDNESBURY STAFFS. ‘TELEPIONE: | WEDNESBURY 1764.

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