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John   gone on holiday. I saw him this morning downtown.

2. Nobody answered the phone at the clinic. It   closed early.

3. I   revised more for my exams. I think I'll fail!

4. Sarah looks really pleased with herself. She   passed her

driving test this morning.

5. I didn't know you were going to Phil's party yesterday. You   

told me!

6. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He   caught the wrong

7. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He   caught the correct

8. Don't lie to me that you were ill yesterday. You   been ill - Don
said you were at the ice hockey match last night.

9. I don't know where they went on holiday but they bought Euros before
they left so they   gone to France or Germany.

10. His number was busy all night - he   been on the phone
continuously for hours.

11. It   been Mickey I saw at the party. He didn't recognise me at


12. I did not talk to Ann about my problems. I'm sure she   helped me!

12. Gloria has won every game she's played today.

She   (practise) a lot.
2. I don't have anything to wear today. I   (do)
the laundry before.

3. Jack lost his wallet on the way to work. He   

(lose) it on the bus.

4. You did very well on the exam. You   (study)

a lot.

5. The Smiths   (build) their house anywhere.

Why did they choose here?

6. It's hot in here today. I   (not/wear) a heavy

sweater today.

7. You   (feed) your dog. He has been hungry all


8. Lucy shouldn't have stood on the broken chair.

She   (fall).

9. I   (buy) more milk before. I am almost out.

10. I didn't do very well in the test.I   (spend)

more time studying.

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