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What is depression?

Depression - Caused by trauma.

Depression - Related to stress response. (We want to lower cortisol as deppression is asocciated
with stress response.)

How do human body copes?

The pleasure pathway: Releases norephinephrine. Dopamine works on the pleasure pathway.
Increase serotonin signaling diminishes deppression.

Why are people deppresed?

Anhedonia = Absence of dopamine.

Psychomotor retardation = Absence of norephinephrine.

Grief, Guilt, OCD = Absence of serotonin.

Pain = Increased amounts of Substance P. (Emotional Pain = Physical pain in the brain)

What do we want?

Decreasing of susbstance P signaling (Emotional pain = physical pain)

Reduce Cortisol.

Increasing Dopamine.

Increasing Norephinephrine.

Increasing Serotonin.

Meditation decreased bad thoughts.

How does the brain Works?

Reptilian Brain = Operates basic functions.

Limbic System = Emotions.

Cortex = Long Term Planning.


Cortex creating stress response on the rest of the brain. Sad toughts created by the cortex.

If cortex creates Good thoughts then it can signal to the brain the opposite.

No Thyroid hormones makes you fall into deep depression. (20% of depres people have

Nutrition is important also.

Glucocorticoids, Stress hormones, at risk for depression (Trauma)

After 5 stress related episodes depression becomes clinical.

Cortisol diminishes dopamine.

Psychology of depression.

Melancholy and mourning.

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