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Total points 90/100

Exam Date - Sunday, September 13, 2020, 7-30 pm to 10-30 pm


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3. Each question carries 1 mark. There is no negative marking.
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5. In case you think the answers are similar, kindly select the nearest answer.

Full Name *

Swapnam Singh

Pa!icipant ID No (For Example. CLA 001) *

1. Writ Jurisdiction can be invoked against * 0/1

a. Government

b. Private Entities/Individuals

c. Both a & b

d. None of the above

Correct answer

a. Government

2. Which section of Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 provides for 1/1
criteria for providing free legal aid ? *

a. 11

b. 12

c. 13

d 14
3. Which declaration provides for the classi"cation of victims? * 1/1

a. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

b. Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of


c. Declaration of the Elimination of Violence against Women (1993)

d. Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed


4. In _____________based dispute resolution, the pa!ies can expand the 1/1

pye and they come up with new solutions/option which is legal and
ensure the bene"ts of both pa!ies. *

a. Right based

b. Interest based

c. Both a&b

d. None of the above

5. For violation of fundamental rights petition to be "led under A!icle * 1/1

a. 32

b. 136

c. 226

d. 227

6. How much is the fees for making RTI application with Central Public 1/1
Authority? *

a. 10

b. 20

c. 30

d 50

7. A#er which case the section 376(1)(b) of Indian Penal Code has been 1/1
amended? *

a. Unnao Rape Case

b. Nirbhaya Rape Case

c. Mathura Rape Case

d. Kathua Rape Case

8. Which of the following advocate deserves credit for contribution in 1/1
development of Public Interest Litigation Jurisprudence in India? *

a. Mr. K. K. Venugopal

b. Mr. M. C. Mehta

c. Mr. Arun Jaitley

d. Mr. Harish Salve

9. The Term “Caucus” is connected with * 1/1

a. Mediation

b. Litigation

c. Negotiation

d. Lok Adalat

10. Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 came into force in the year * 1/1

a. 1992

b. 1993

c. 1994

d 1995
11. Which a!icle provides for Supervisory Power to High Cou!? * 1/1

a. 32

b. 226

c. 227

d. None of the above

12. A#er which case the Supreme Cou! has declared compensation for 1/1
victims of Acid A$ack? *

a. Parivartan Kendra v. Union of India

b. Laxmi v. Union of India

c. State of Maharashtra v. Ankrur Panwar

d. State of Karnataka by Jalahalli Police Station v. Jospeh Rodrigues

13. In which dispute resolution award will be passed * 1/1

a. Negotiation

b. Lok Adalat

c. Mediation

d. Litigation
14. Which section of RTI Act provides for Complaints? * 1/1




d 20

15. According to the de"nition of state provided under a!icle 12 of The 1/1
Constitution of India, 'State' means and include.... *

a. Central Government

b. State Government

c. Local Authorities

d. All of the Above

16. The de"nition of 'Law' is provided under which a!icle of the Indian 1/1
Constitution? *

a. Article 11

b. Article 21

c. Article 13

d. Article 32
17. Which section of Indian Penal Code provides private defense for 1/1
causing death by victim? *

a. 80

b. 81


d. 90

18. In case of unlawful detention of any person, which of the following 1/1
writ petitions is "led? *

a. Certiorati

b. Quo Warranto

c. Mandamus

d. Habeas Corpus

19. Retired or si$ing judicial o%cer is a pre requisite of _________ * 1/1

a. Mediation

b. Litigation

c. Negotiation

d. Lok Adalat
20. In which year Section 436A of Criminal procedure Code was inse!ed 1/1
by amendment? *

a. 2005

b. 2006

c. 2007

d. 2008

21. In case of "ling Public Interest litigation before the Cou!, which of the 1/1
following writ is used generally? *

a. Habeas Corpus


c. Certiorari

d. Prohibition

22. Legal Aid is pa! of Clinical Legal Education * 1/1

a. Yes

b. No
23. The First case "led in India under Public Interest Litigation was.... * 1/1

a. Fertiliser Corporation Kamagar Union v. Union of India

b. Hussainara Khatoon v. State of Bihar

c. S.P.Gupta v.Union of inda

d. Badhua Mukti Morcha V. Union of India

24. In how many days "rst appeal to be made under RTI Act? * 1/1




d 90

25. Which section of CrPC provides the idea of payment of 1/1

compensation by the o&ender to the victim? *

a. 356

b. 357

c. 358

d. 359
26. A Public Interest Litigation can be "led before which Cou!? * 1/1

a. All the Courts in India

b. Supreme Court, High Court and District Court

c. Supreme Court and High Court

d. All the Tribunals

27. While dra#ing a Public Interest Litigation, the 'prayer clause' is wri$en 1/1
at.... *

a. Beginning of petition

b. with annexure of petition

c. end of petition

d. introduction of petition
28. “..................” means a person who has su&ered any loss or injury 1/1
caused by reason of the act or omission for which the accused person
has been charged and the expression includes his or her guardian or
legal heir. - Fill in the blank. *

a. Offender

b. Victim

c. Accused

d. Inmate

29. Which section of CrPC provides for the rights of arrested person to 1/1
meet an advocate of his choice? *

a. 41A

b. 41B

c. 41C

d. 41D

30. Lok Adalat Consists of Judicial and non judicial members * 1/1

a. True

b. False
31. Against the order of State Information Commission appeal to be "led 0/1
to Central Information Commission *

a. True

b. False

Correct answer

b. False

32. In which year National Human Rights Commission was set up in India? 1/1

a. 1992

b. 1993

c. 1994

d. 1995

33. Maximum Penalty under RTI Act is * 1/1

a. 15000

b. 25000

c. 35000

d 50000
34. The word ‘ Victimology’ was coined by * 1/1

a. Benjamin Mendelssohn

b. John Rawls

c. Benjamin Franklin

d. Joseph Rutherford

35. Who is empowered to lodge an FIR under section 156(3) Cr.P.C.? * 1/1

a. Superintendent of Police

b. Judicial Magistrate

c. District Magistrate

d. High Court Judge

36. Commercial Cou!s Act Mandated that the disputes to be referred to 1/1
Lok Adalat *

a. True

b. False
37. In which case was it held that an accused has a right to free legal aid 1/1
at the cost of the state in case he is unable to a&ord such legal aid? *

a. Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India

b. Hussainara Khatoon v. State of Bihar

c. State of NCT v. Union of India

d. Olga Tellis v. Bombay Municipal Corporation

38. First appeal to be disposed in * 1/1

a. 20 to 30 days

b. 30 to 45 days

c. 45 to 60 days

d 60 to 90 days

39. The writ of Mandamus shall not be "led against the President of India 0/1

a. True

b. False

Correct answer

a. True
40. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, 1/1
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 was enacted a#er which case? *

a. Vishakha & Ors. v. State of Rajasthan

b. D.K. Basu v. State of West Bengal

c. Joginder Sinfg V. State of Uttar Pradesh

d. Sakshi v. Union of India

41. As per the judgment of the Supreme Cou! of India, Right to 1/1
Livelihood is pa! and parcel of which a!icle of the Constitution of India?

a. Article 14

b. Article 20

c. Article 21

d. Article 25
42. “Untouchability” is abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden. 1/1
The enforcement of any disability arising out of “Untouchability” shall be
an o&ence punishable in accordance with law. Which a!icle of the Indian
Constitution abolishes Untouchability? *

a. Article 17

b. Article 18

c. Article 22

d. Article 23

43. The Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency 1/1
Situations (PM CARES) Fund is covered under the Right to Information
Act 2005 *

a. True

b. False
44. The Constitution of India was enacted in the year....... * 0/1

a. 1947

b. 1948

c. 1949

d. 1950

Correct answer

c. 1949

45. In Mediation the third pa!y will render his decision on the basis of 1/1
the merits of the disputes *

a. True

b. False
46. Which Section of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection ) Act, 2015 0/1
provides for treating juveniles in con'ict with law to be treated as adults?

a. Sec. 12

Option 2

c. Sec. 14

d. Sec. 15

Correct answer

d. Sec. 15

47. Which Section of CPC provides for ADR (Alternative Dispute 1/1
Resolution)? *

a. 88

b. 89

c. 90

d. None of the above

48. Which A!icle of Indian Constitution provides for Constitutional 1/1
Remedies? *

a. Article 32

b. Article 226

c. Article 227

d. Article 228

49. Under which A!icle of the Indian Constitution, the State is 1/1
empowered to make laws regarding reservation of the socially and
educationally backward classes or SC/STs? *

a. Article 14

b. Article 15 (4)

c. Article 16

d. Article 38
50. Who was the chairman of Dra#ing Commi$ee of the Indian 1/1
Constitution? *

a. N Gopalaswamy

b. Jawaharlal Nehru

c. Sardar Patel

d. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

51. How much time it took for Constituent Assembly to "nalize the 1/1
constitution? *

a. 2 Years 11 Months 18 Days

b. 2 Years 9 Months 8 Days

c. 2 Years 7 Months 18 Days

d. 2 Years 5 Months 20 Days

52. D.K. Basu v. State of West Bengal is associated with which reforms? * 1/1

a. Police Reforms

b. Judicial Reforms

c. Prison Reforms

d. Human Rights Reforms

53. Motor Vehicles claims can be se$le through Lok Adalat * 1/1

a. True

b. False

54. As per the Right to Information Act 2005, Information refers to.. * 1/1

a. Records and documents

b. Emails & opinions

c. Data in electronic form

d. All of the above

55. Which of the following is not a valid mode of payment of RTI fees ? * 1/1

a. Demand draft

b. Indian postal order

c. Postal stamps

d. Cash under receipt

56. Max Weber propounded three types of authorities. Which among the 1/1
following is not one of them? *

a. Charismatic

b. Traditional

c. Autocratic

d. Bureaucratic

57. Which repo! was signi"cant in institutionalising Legal aid in law 1/1
colleges? *

a. 186th Law Commission Report

b. 185th Law Commission Report

c. 183th Law Commission Report

d. 184th Law Commission Report

58. Under which section of Indian Evidence act, it is not obligatory for 1/1
victim to pa!icipate in the police investigation? *

a. Sec. 8

b. Sec. 9

c. Sec. 10

d. Sec. 11

59. Which A!icle of Indian Constitution provides for Right to Equality? * 1/1

a. 14

b. 21

c. 32

d. 226
60. RTI application should be made.... * 0/1

a. Orally

b. In writing

c. Through electronic means

d. All of the above

e. b) & c) only

Correct answer

e. b) & c) only

61. Which section provides for constitution of NALSA? * 1/1

a. 3

b. 4

c. 5

d. 6
62. Mediation and Conciliation Project Commi$ee has been constituted 0/1
by *

a. Supreme Court

b. High Court

c. Union Government


Correct answer


63. In which year the Supreme Cou! has approved the Victim 1/1
Compensation to the Rape Victims and Acid A$ack Survivors as per the
recommendation of NALSA? *

a. 2015

b. 2016

c. 2017

d. 2018
64. If the information sought is not pe!aining to the public authority to 1/1
which the application is addressed, it should be *

a. Rejected

b. DisqualiLed

c. Transferred to the appropriate public authority within 5 days

d.None of the above

65. As per the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2005, in case of 1/1
information sought pe!ains to life & libe!y of a person, it should be
provided within ______from the time of receipt of application. *

a. 24 hours

b. 48 hours

c. 75 hours

d. 100 hours
66. Which of the section of the Right to Information Act 2005 provides 1/1
that ce!ain information relating to the functioning of Public Authority, its
rules and regulations etc. are required to be disclose proactively? *

a. Section 3

b. Section 4

c. Section 6

d. Section 8

67. Which section of Cr.P.C. provides Right of Victim to prefer an appeal 1/1
in ce!ain cases? *

a. 371

b. 372

c. 373

d. 374
68. Which section provides for constitution of State Legal Services 1/1
Authority? *

a. 4

b. 5

c. 6

d. 7

69. Paras Jain "led the complaint against the * 1/1

a. Fair Lovely

b. Emami

c. Boro Plus

d. Olay
70. In _________________case, the Supreme Cou! held that “Lok Adalat 1/1
award is always consider as the decree of the Civil Cou! and the Cou!
of Execution must enforce the Lok Adalat award” *

a. K.N. Govindan Kutty Menon vs C.D. Shaji

b. State of Punjab &Anr. Vs. Jalour Singh, (2008)

c. Venkatesh v. Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.

d. Manju Gupta vs National Insurance Co. Ltd.

71. Can State Govts. make their Rules under RTI Act? * 1/1

a. Yes

b. No

72. Which A!icle of the Constitution of India provides for Free Legal Aid? 1/1

a. 38A

b. 38B

c. 39A

d. 39B
73. Paras Jain is the Co-Founder of * 1/1

a. ADR



d. None of the above

74. What is the tenure of Information Commissioners in India? * 1/1

a. 3 Years

b. 5 Years

c. Govt. may decide

d. None of the above

75. In ____________case, cou! held that “Lok Adalat Award can be 1/1
challenged “only by "ling a petition under A!icle 226 and/or A!icle 227 of
the Constitution, that too on very limited grounds” *

a. K.N. Govindan Kutty Menon vs C.D. Shaji

b. State of Punjab &Anr. Vs. Jalour Singh, (2008)

c. Manju Gupta vs National Insurance Co. Ltd.

d. Venkatesh v. Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.

76. Who is having his name in Guinness Book of World Record for "ling 1/1
most number of RTI Applications? *

a. Subhash Chandra Agarwal

b. Shailesh Gandhi

c. Prof S Sridhar

d. None of the above

77. The Human Rights Commission has an impo!ant duty to protect 1/1
rights of victims of crime and abuse of power. Which section provides
that? *

a. Sec. 9

b. Sec. 10

c. Sec. 11

d. Sec. 12
78. Against the order of State Information Commission appeal to be "led 0/1
Central Information Commission. *

a. True

b. False

Correct answer

b. False

79. Can State Govt. charge di&erent amount for RTI Application 1/1
compared to Central Govt.? *

a. Yes

b. No

80. In_____________case, the cou! has Criticized the Lok Adalat award 1/1
which was unjust *

a. K.N. Govindan Kutty Menon vs C.D. Shaji

b. State of Punjab &Anr. Vs. Jalour Singh, (2008)

c. Manju Gupta vs National Insurance Co. Ltd.

d. Venkatesh v. Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.

81. Major reason on which Political Pa!ies to be covered under RTI Act * 1/1

a. Income Tax beneLt

b. Land on concessional rate

c. Free Air time on All Indian Radio

d. All of above

82. As per which section an applicant is not required to state reason 1/1
while "ling RTI Application? *

a. 5

b. 6

c. 7

d. 8

83. Which section provides for Complaint under RTI Act? * 1/1

a. 16

b. 17

c. 18

d. 19
84. What is the time limit for disposal of Complaint under RTI Act? * 0/1

a. 30 days

b. 45 days

c. 60 days

d. No time limit

Correct answer

d. No time limit

85. Dr Kalpesh Gupta "led RTI in _____ for ge$ing information regarding 1/1
Cou! Monitoring process. *

a. Commission

b. District Court

c. High Court

d. Supreme Court
86. The Whistle Blower's Act was passed in....... * 1/1

a. 2005

b. 2006

c. 2007

d. None of the above

87. The Supreme Cou! of India is covered under the Right to Information 1/1
Act 2005. *

a. True

b. False

88. What is the maximum income ceiling for providing legal aid services ? 1/1
Pls refer h$ps:// *

a. Rs. 100000

b. Rs. 200000

c. Rs. 300000

d. Rs. 400000
89. Political Pa!ies also required to pay income taxes * 1/1

a. True

b. False

90. What is the charge for ge$ing ce!i"ed copy of documents? * 1/1

a. Rs. 1 per page

b. Rs. 2 per page

c. Rs. 3 per page

d. No charge

91. Which case is related to Answer Sheet under RTI? * 1/1

a. CBSE v/s. Aditya Bandopadhya

b. Delhi University v/s. Union of India

c. Calcutta University v/s. UGC

d. None of above
92. Against the order of District Legal Services Authority appeal to be 1/1
made to State Legal Services Authority. *

a. True

b. False

93. In which of the following case, the Supreme Cou! held that “Lok 1/1
Adalat award is always consider as the decree of the Civil Cou! and the
Cou! of Execution must enforce the Lok Adalat award” *

a. State of Punjab & Anr. Vs. Jalour Singh,

b. K.N. Govindan Kutty Menon vs C.D. Shaji

c. Venkatesh v. Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.

d. Manju Gupta vs National Insurance Co. Ltd.

94. In which of the following case, the cou! held that mediation should 1/1
not be allowed in rape cases *

a. State of M.P Vs Madanlal

b. Mrsrama Aggarwal vs Department Of Legal Affairs

c. Moti Ram(D) Tr.Lrs.& Anr Vs Ashok Kumar & Anr

d. K. Srinivas Rao vs D.A. Deepa

95. Is a Applicant required to give reason to get the information under RTI 1/1
Act? *

a. Yes

b. No

96. In which of the following case, the cou! held that at the initial stage, 1/1
the matrimonial dispute must be referred to mediation by the trial cou!.

a. State of M.P Vs Madanlal

b. Mrsrama Aggarwal vs Department Of Legal Affairs

c. Moti Ram(D) Tr.Lrs.& Anr Vs Ashok Kumar & Anr On 7 December, 2010

d. K. Srinivas Rao vs D.A. Deepa

97. Lok Adalat can here Criminal cases which are non -compoundable * 1/1

a. True

b. False
98. Which of the following is considered as “Interest” Based Dispute 1/1
Resolution Mechanism *

a. Litigation

b. Arbitration

c. Mediation

d. None of the above

99. All states in India having format for RTI application * 0/1

a. True

b. False

Correct answer

a. True

100. Fees for "ling RTI Application in State Bank of India is * 1/1

a. 10

b. 20

c. 30

d. 50

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