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Motivating factor behind joining this program is my pursuit toward understanding this
society as a whole and get a perspective from eyes of rst person as how things work.
My visits during legal aid drive in slum areas and my few projects in a village presented a
picture which was quite di erent what I read and viewed sitting at home. When I use word
understanding, it is not comprising of feelings like sympathy or empathy. It’s more getting
a view of things what it is and how life getting sustained in regards to limited resources at
disposal. My understanding in this eld is limited and exposure is also regarding certain
domain which I wish to broaden by joining this program.

In my limited understanding what I felt most was the lack of dispensation of basic
information among the people regardless of their nancial position. If people understand
what their rights are and how to utilise it in best means possible, they can lift their self and
can have more ease in their life. For example in general, if a person able to understand
that getting a knowledge from schooling system is another thing and developing a skill
which can help them to get better opportunities is another thing; it will sort out some of
their problems and help them develop better future for themselves.

Similarly understanding and using legislative tools like RTI, can help people to tackle
bureaucratic red tapism in more profound way and get their work down in easier manner.
These are few examples in only one or two domain but we observe their many
possibilities which can help people improve their position. I believe dispensation of
information is most vital tool for the growth of society as it helps to move away from
myths and misconceptions surrounding the masses and realise their true potential for
proper growth and upliftment.

My reason join this program to widen my perspective and have more accurate
understanding of society and it’s di erent strata. Being pursing law student, my work will
be in public domain in future and this program will help me in getting more better
understanding of people from various classes & eld and help them accordingly.

Thank you

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