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Should college

athletes be
Gigi corbacio
Yes or no
I think that college athletes work really hard to get where they are but there
are a lot of negatives to them being paid. I do not believe that college
athletes should be paid, and here is why…
Basically do get paid
A lot of college athletes are there due to a scholarship. Meaning things like your
room, board, tuition, etc. are paid for by the college. All of that is really expensive
and even if you were to make money, that is where it would go towards.
If college athletes were paid most likely they would give out a lot less scholarships. If
this happened, they would be forced to pay taxes. Eventually, these taxes would add
up and lead to them paying tons of money with no income/profit from it.
Want it or need it?
If scholarships were to be taken away and athletes were to be paid, more often than
not teenagers/ college students buy a lot of things that they want but don’t really
need. Things such as clothes, decorations, etc. This then leaves less money for things
they actually need such as food, books, gas, etc. When a student receives a
scholarship, it goes completely to the necessities like tuition, room and board, books,
High school vs college
When you’re in high school you are playing for your school. When you’re in college,
you’re playing for your school. What’s the difference? In highschool, you may be the
best player on your team. You might be incredibly good. Those are the people that
make it onto the college teams. Meaning, once you’re on the college team, you are
just as good as everybody else. If you aren’t paid in highschool, you should not have
to be in college either.
Expectations vs reality
A lot of young athletes dream of going pro. Like the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, etc. but in
reality few actually do. Studies show less than 2% of athletes make it pro. Being a
college athlete, your expectations are obviously higher than they were in high
school. Same goes for college compared to pro. Being pro, you have a lot of
expectations. First off, you practice double the hours. In college you practice around
20 hrs a week, but for pro it is around 40 hrs a week. That is their job, their life. They
work hard for the money they earn. If a college athlete were to be paid, their
expectations would be very similar as pro and would defeat the purpose of working
hard to get there.

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