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Maintenance & Development Visit November 04, 2020 – Roots Millennium School

Wahid Campus F-10/2

Debriefing Notes
RMS Maintenance team conducted campus visit of the F-10 Future World Wahid
Campus Branch on 4th November, 2020. The team comprised of Resident Engineer M.
Ammad Hassan, Inspector Mr. Imitiaz and rest of the maintenance team including an
electrician, a plumber and an AC mechanic. The team met the campus manager Mr. M.
Iqbal as well as the campus supervisor to discuss issues.
Objective of the Visit:
The objective of the visit was to provide facilitation and support to the campus staff to
maintain the campus operations as well as provide assistance and guidance regarding
major and minor civil works, to listen to and inspect the issues highlighted by campus
staff first and then inspect the building ourselves to identify the issues that need our
utmost and urgent attention so that we can improve the campus experience for the
students and staff.
Observations, Remedies and Recommendations:
The issues observed on campus site by the team and their recommendations are as

1. Newly constructed shed in Block C is leaking on a few points according to the

campus supervisor. On the visual inspection of the roof and the shed, several gaps
were seen on points of connections where two different sections of shed meet. The bill
of the contractor has not been cleared so it is pertinent that this issue is taken up as
soon as possible and the contractor is asked to resolve the issue before he is paid his
2. The campus has 2 big water tanks but only one water bore to fill them. Previously
there was another water bore as well but it was damaged some time ago and cannot be
used. In case the one working water bore is damaged the whole campus would be
deprived of water because the water tanks can’t be filled with the help of a rented water
tanker as well. To avoid such inconveniences in the future, a 2 nd emergency water bore
has to made on site.
3. In Block C science lab, the back wall and the left side walls have seepage and water
damage issues. Upon inspection of the roof top it was observed that there was a
rainwater drain right at the point where there was water damage on the back wall, the
issue is most probably due to improper slope of the roof top and the rain water ponds
near the edge of the roof near the rainwater drain. On the left side wall issue, it was
observed that there was no waterproofing layer applied on the roof of left side room (1 st
class room on right row of Block C) and clear spaces were seen on the roof and wall
connection place. The water proofing layer should be applied on the critical sections as
soon as possible.
4. Several minor electrical, plumbing and water cooler issue were inspected and
rectified on site.

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