Gianna Corbacio Student - Heritagehs - Spes Paragraph To Kill A Mockingbird

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Gigi Corbacio

English l honors P4

Throughout the novel Scout changes in a way that she matures. In the
beginning she was very immature, always wanting to pick a fight about
something. But, as you read on, you’ll start to see Scout grow and learn to
go with the flow. For example, at the start of the novel Scout picked a fight
over Walter Cunningham for not having his lunch. This is not a good reason
to get mad and definitely not a reason to beat someone up. Whereas later
on, Scout begins to learn to mature and not care so much. For example at
her aunt's wedding. Scout was never a really big fan of her aunt, quite
frankly she claimed to hate her. Not only did she dislike her aunt, but during
this wedding Scout was forced to wear a dress, which she also did not like.
The difference between this and the lunch incident is that she now went
with it and sucked it up for one night. She pretended like everything was
okay and acted like a mature girl for once. Overall, Scout progressed
through the novel by growing up.

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