CN Question Bank Module 1 2

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Module -1


1) Explain two different architectures of Computer network applications.

2) Write a note on client and server process
3) List and explain the various transport services available to Network applications.
4) List and explain Transport Services Provided by the Internet.
5) Which protocol can be used for fetching web pages? Explain its working with message.
6) Write a note on persistent and non persistent HTTP connection.
7) Explain the HTTP request and response message format.
8) Explain the following: a) Web Cookies b) Web cache c) Conditional GET
9) Explain the working of FTP along with its command.
10) Explain the various components of E-mail
11) Illustrate the working of SMTP
12) Compare HTTP and SMTP
13) Explain mail access protocols.
14) Which protocol can be used to map domain names to IP Address? Explain its working with message
15) Explain the various services provided by DNS
16) Write a note on DNS Records and Message
17) How P2P Architecture is better than Client Server architecture
18) Illustrate how P2P architecture can be adopted in file sharing application like bit torrentz.
19) Illustrate how P2P architecture can be adopted in Distributed hash table
20) Write a note on a) UDP Socket b) TCP Socket
21) Design a client server application with following functionality using UDP socket
1. The client reads a line of characters (data) from its keyboard and sends the data to the server.
2. The server receives the data and converts the characters to uppercase.
3. The server sends the modified data to the client.
4. The client receives the modified data and displays the line on its screen.
22) Design a client server application with following functionality using TCP socket
1. The client reads a line of characters (data) from its keyboard and sends the data to the server.
2. The server receives the data and converts the characters to uppercase.
3. The server sends the modified data to the client.
4. The client receives the modified data and displays the line on its screen.
Module -2
1) Illustrate the relationship between transport layer and network layer
2) Explain the various transport layer functionalities.
3) Write a note on Transport layer in Internet
4) Write a note on a) Multiplexing and Demultiplexing b) Port number
5) Even though UDP is unreliable protocol, why UDP is suitable for many applications?
6) Explain the UDP segment Structure
7) Calculate UDP Checksum at both sender and receiver side for the following data
8) Illustrate simplest protocol for a completely reliable channel
9) Illustrate how duplicate packets are handled by Transport layer reliable data transfer protocol with
proper FSM diagrams
10) Write FSM for a reliable data transfer protocol which handles duplicate ACK
11) Write a note on stop and wait ARQ
12) Illustrate how Reliable Data Transfer is supported by transport layer over a Lossy Channel with Bit
13) Why Pipelined protocols are better than compared to Stop and wait ARQ
14) Explain Go back N ARQ
15) With Proper diagrams Illustrate how selective repeat ARQ overcomes the limitations of Go-Back-N
16) Explain TCP segment Structure
17) Write a note on TCP sequence and Acknowledgement number.
18) Show how round trip time is estimated to decide timeout period.
19) Explain how TCP achieves reliable data transmission
20) Write a note on TCP flow control
21) Explain the various phases of TCP connection management with state diagram.

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