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An intelligent
system for condition
assessment of power

Health index (HI) approach has been
adopted widely as a tool that assists
the asset managers to prioritise their
plans and actions. However, the con-
ventional computation of HI, which is
based on scoring and ranking, has sev-
eral drawbacks. In this work, the fuzzy
logic approach is utilised to build up an
intelligent HI system to assess the con-
dition of power transformers based on
oil quality and DGA results.

fuzzy logic, health index, power
transformers, predictive mainte-

14 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Digitalization | 2020

Mohamed KHALIL

Fuzzy logic is utilised to build up an intelligent

model for evaluating the health index of power
transformers; fuzzy logic is based on a network
of if-then rules that are constructed using the
experience of experts

1. Introduction sult, the use of quantitative indicators, ational, offline, visual inspection, etc.
such as health index (HI), is gaining
The continuous demand for optimis- wide popularity, especially when it Several methods are developed to con-
ing the lifetime cost of transformers comes to prioritising maintenance and vert the existing diagnostic data into a
through informed decisions has led to replacement activities. HI. For instance, binary logistic regres-
adopting condition monitoring tools sion is used in [1] for this purpose. The
in addition to the traditional offline HI is an approach that combines all input data are classified into categories,
testing methods. Many utilities have the information of a transformer in healthy or unhealthy. Weights, assigned
migrated from the conventional time- order to provide a single quantitative to each input, are calculated using the
based to condition-based maintenance. index that expresses the overall con- maximum likelihood criterion. An-
The outcome of the current diagnostic dition based on the measured data. other approach is introduced in [2-5]
methods, online and offline, is large The available data can be online, from to calculate the HI using the weighting
volumes of accumulated data. As a re- condition monitoring systems, oper- average such that:

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is the most practical way in the field to

Fuzzy logic has a continuous band between diagnose the condition of transformers
logical true (1) and false (0) level; this degree while they are in-service, the scope of this
work is focused on oil quality and DGA
of true or false is determined by the mem- results. However, the proposed fuzzy log-
bership functions ic model can be extended similarly to in-
clude all the possible factors that impact
the condition of transformers.
ro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) [9] 2.1 DGA
AHI = ∑i Sn i Wi
(1) are used to evaluate the HI of transform-
∑i Wi
ers. However, their practical application The analysis of dissolved gases in trans-
where n is the number of diagnostic in electric utilities is scarce due to the former’s oil gives general information
tests, S is the score of each test measure- challenges associated with symbolic rea- on the condition of the transformer
ment, and W is the allocated weight soning and preparing large amounts of and identifies unusual events, such as
given to each diagnostic test. In [6], the hand-crafted, structured training data. incipient faults. Gases, such as methane
weighting sum is used instead to calcu- (CH4), ethane (C2H4), hydrogen (H2),
late the HI. In this article, fuzzy logic is utilised to ethylene (C2H6), acetylene (C2H2), car-
build up an intelligent model for eval- bon monox­ide (CO), and carbon diox-
Despite the simplicity of weighting meth- uating the HI of power transformers. ide (CO2), are analysed to determine the
ods, the determination of the weight fac- On the contrary to ANN and ANFIS, types and the severity of each fault.
tors for the diagnostic tests is based on fuzzy logic is based on a network of if-
the experience of experts, which differs then rules that are constructed using 2.2 Oil quality
from one person to another. In addition, the experience of experts. It does not
setting a sharp threshold of diagnostic need training data to learn, and it has Oil quality tests focus on the condition
measurements for scoring is very diffi- a sophisticated capability to process of oil and paper insulation. For oil, there
cult. In practice, there can be overlaps the rules for all possible scenarios and are several parameters that are usually
of scores; exact measurand does not ex- form an accurate decision. Also, fuzzy monitored, such as break down voltage
ist due to the unavoidable imperfection logic does not apply sharp thresholds (BDV), acidity, water content, interfacial
involved in the measurement process between the grades of the input data, tension (IFT) and furanic compounds,
[7]. Moreover, from experience, the tra- since imprecision and fuzziness are the such as 2-FAL.
ditional weighting average method may core of the fuzzy set theory.
omit the influence of a bad diagnostic 3. Fuzzy logic approach
test result on the overall health condition.
2. Oil analysis in the condi-
Fig. 1 shows the architecture of the fuzzy
tion assessment of power
To address these challenges, artificial logic process. It consists of three stages.
intelligence (AI) methods have been transformers
applied to calculate HI as alternative ap- Conventionally, the primary areas of 3.1 Fuzzification
proaches. For example, artificial neural concern for electric utilities are oil quali-
network (ANN) [8] and adaptive neu- ty and DGA results. Because oil sampling The truth of any statement in fuzzy logic

Figure 1. Block diagram of the fuzzy logic process

16 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Digitalization | 2020

is just a matter of degree. This degree of Measured values are used as inputs to calcu-
truth is determined by generating mem-
bership functions (MF). MF is a curve or late the output values of the fuzzy member-
a straight line that defines how a given
input is mapped to a degree of member-
ship functions; those output values are then
ship between 0 and 1 of the fuzzy sets. It combined to calculate the fuzzy values using
can be triangular, trapezoidal, sigmoid-
al, or Gaussian. The MF used in this logical operations like AND, OR, MIN, or MAX
work is the trapezoidal one, as shown in
Fig. 2, because of its simplicity. It is ex-
pressed as:

0, x ≤ a
c1 -a a ≤ x ≤ c1
A= 1, c1 ≤ x ≤ c2 (2)
b - x , c2 ≤ x ≤ b
b - c2
0, x ≥ b

where x is the input parameter. If x lies

between the centres of the trapezoidal
c1 and c2 , then the corresponding MF
achieves the maximum degree of mem-
bership of 1. On the other hand, if the in-
put is between a and c1 , or b and c2 , then
the degree of membership is less than 1.
This is the case when the measurand of a
diagnostic test lies near to the thresholds.
Figure 2. Trapezoidal MF
In this stage, the MFs convert the inputs
from precise to fuzzy form between 0
and 1.
1. If (C2H2 is very high) and (H2 is very Where z is the output variable and μ(z)
3.2 Fuzzy rules and fuzzy inference high), then (arcing is very high) is the degree of membership of the trun-
engine cated output MF.
2. If (C2H2 is very high) and (H2 is
In this work, Mamdani fuzzy inference high), then (arcing is very high) 4. Adopting fuzzy logic in
system is used. It is described in the the condition assessment of
XY−plane as: 3. If (C2H2 is medium) and (H2 is transformers
high), then (arcing is high)
μ(a→b)(x,y) = min [μa (x),μb(y)] The proposed HI modelling, based on
∀x ∈ X,∀y ∈ Y 4. If (C2H2 is low) and (H2 is medium), the oil results, is shown in Fig. 3.
then (arcing is medium). In the proposed architecture, the HI of
where μa (x) is the membership func- the transformer is divided into three
tion of the fuzzy set a defined in the In this stage, the results of the rules main failure profiles: prognostic index
universe X, μb (y) is the membership are combined to form the final value, (PI), oil quality index (OQI), and dis-
function of the fuzzy set b defined in a fuzzy value. solved gas analysis index (DGAI). The
universe Y, and μ(a→b) (x,y) is the fuzzy score of each failure profile is evaluated
implication in the XY-plane. The min 3.3 Defuzzification based on the scores of the associated fail-
(μa (x),μb (y)) takes the minimum of the ure modes.
two (or more) membership values when This is the stage of converting the fuzzy
the fuzzy rules are fired. output into a precise quantitative val- 4.1 DGA Index (DGAI)
ue. In this work, defuzzification using
Meanwhile, fuzzy rules are a set of the centroid method is performed. It DGAI is based on the results of the levels
knowledge-based linguistic rules, devel- determines the centre of gravity Z0 of of gases in the oil. The level of each gas
oped by the knowledge of test data inter- the area bound by the truncated out- is subsequently fuzzified into four MFs
pretation and its impact on the condi- put MFs, such that: (fuzzy sets), namely, low, medium, high,
tion of transformers. For instance, some and very high (VHigh), respectively. As
of the implemented rules for arcing in ∫z.μ(z)dz an example, the MF of H2 is shown in
Z0 = (4)
the oil of transformers are as follows: ∫μ(z)dz Fig. 4.

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 17

Figure 3. The fuzzy logic architecture of HI evaluation

Defuzzification is converting the fuzzy output into a precise quantitative

value which can be the transformer’s health index, for example

Figure 4. MF of H2 gas

18 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Digitalization | 2020

Table 1. Limits values of gas concentration MFS

Low Medium High VHigh

Gas a c1 c2 b a c1 c2 b a c1 c2 b a c1 c2 b

H2 0 0 95 105 95 105 695 705 695 705 1790 1810 1790 1810 2000 3000

C2H2 0 0 1 3 1 3 8 10 8 10 32 38 32 38 100 1000

CH4 0 0 118 122 118 122 396 403 396 403 994 1004 994 1004 3000 5000

C2H4 0 0 45 55 45 55 95 105 95 105 195 205 195 205 300 1000

C2H6 0 0 60 70 60 70 95 105 95 105 145 155 145 155 400 1000

CO 0 0 345 355 345 355 565 575 565 575 1390 1420 1390 1420 2000 3000

CO2 0 0 2470 2520 2470 2520 3970 4020 3970 4020 9900 10100 10050 10100 10100 50000

In this example, health index is estimated based on the prognostic in-

dex, oil quality index, and dissolved gas analysis index, which all are
modelled using fuzzy logic techniques

The lower and upper limits and the two in Table 1. The lower and upper limits DGAI index is composed of two main
centres for each of the seven MFs for were selected in accordance with IEEE modules oil arcing and PD, and oil ther-
each input gas concentration are given Std C57.10-2008 [12]. mal, as shown in Fig. 5. Due to the ther-

Figure 5. DGAI module

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On the other hand, partial discharge

DGAI index is estimated using fuzzy logic (PD) activity in a transformer produces
techniques and measurement data of a high level of hydrogen and a consider-
able level of methane gases. An individ-
dissolved gases concentrations ual sub-module for ‘oil PD’ is designed
and combined with the sub-module
‘oil-arcing’ mode so that the output score
of both sub-modules reflects the ‘oil-arc-
mal effect, the transformer’s oil decom- arcing sub-module, as shown in Fig. 6. ing and PD’ failure module.
poses and generates ethylene and ethane The three-dimensional curve plotted in
as principal gases. Therefore, one module Fig. 7, shows the oil arcing output score, 4.2 Prognostic index (PI)
was created for both ethylene and ethane z-axis, which is based on the values of
to represent this failure mode ‘oil thermal’. hydrogen, acetylene, their correspond- The inputs to the PI module, shown in
ing membership functions, and the Fig. 8, are data that change with respect
On the one hand, the presence of hydro- predefined fuzzy rules of the oil arcing to time. The monotony increase of the
gen and acetylene in the oil may indicate sub-module. The oil arcing output score input values gives an indication of the
arcing. Based on transformer diagnostic is divided into four categories: very high deterioration of the transformer’s con-
and test data interpretation technique, (yellow), high ( green), medium (light dition. MFs are developed for the daily
fuzzy rules are developed for the oil blue), and low (dark blue). generated ppm of TDCG, hydrogen and
acetylene. The fuzzy inference system of
the inputs is indicated in Fig. 9 show-
ing 29 out of the implemented 64 fuzzy
rules. These rules cover all the possible
scenarios of the input data and the asso-
ciated output score. For example, when
the daily rate of change (ROC) of C2H2
= 2.3, H2 = 2.3, and TDCG = 9.79, rule
25 is fired and the output score of ‘ROC
DGA’ module, shown in Fig. 8, is 87.5.

In addition, MFs are created to include the

ROC of 2FAL for thermally upgraded pa-
per, in ppm per year, such that the output
score of ROC of DGA sub-module and
Figure 6. Oil arcing sub-module ROC of furfural are inputs to PI profile.

Figure 7. Scoring of oil arcing sub-mode based on H2 and C2H2

20 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Digitalization | 2020

Figure 8. PI profile

Figure 9. Fuzzy inference rules of ROC DGA module

4.3 Oil quality index (OQI) of the oil with sludge. The output of ‘oil useful tool to make decisions and priori­
characteristics’ module is an input of tise maintenance plans of power trans-
OQI is a combination of three modules OQI module. formers.
for moisture, oil characteristics, and sol-
id insulation, as shown in Fig. 10. MFs Similarly, the ‘solid insulation’ module Bibliography
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w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 21

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tion Magazine, Vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 20-34, asset management solutions. He received his M.Sc. de-
March-April 2009 gree in Electrical Engineering and his doctorate degree
in Reliability Engineering from Politecnico di Milano,
[6] R. J. Heywood, T. McGrail, Clari- Italy. His fields of interests are reliability evaluation of
fying the link between data, diagnosis electrical systems, failure modes and criticality analysis.
and asset health indices, IET Confer- He was appointed in IEEE Instrumentation and Mea-
ence Publications, 2015 surement Administrative Committee and was a guest editor of IEEE Instru-
mentation and Measurement Magazine. Mohamed is currently an invited
[7] ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008, Un- technical reviewer in a number of IEEE conferences.
certainty of measurement -- Part 3:

22 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Digitalization | 2020

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