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The meaning of BULLING

There is no universal definition of

bullying, however, it is widely BULLING SYNONYMS
agreed upon that bullying is a
subcategory of aggressive behavior
characterized by the following three – SMEAR – JEST – TORMENT
minimum criteria: -TAUNT – DEVALUE –
1. unfriendly intent ABUSE – ISOLATE –
2. imbalance of power, UNDERMINE – RIDICULE –
3. repetition over a period of time.[13]
Bullying may be defined as the
activity of repeated, aggressive SHUN - INFER – PATRONISE
behavior intended to hurt another – AGITATE – INSULT -
individual, physically, mentally or IGNORE – MOCK – HARM –
Bullying can be defined in many VILIFY – CHASTISE –
different ways. The United
Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland has no legal BOTHER - DEFAME
definition of bullying,[6] while some
states in the United States have laws
against it.

If bullying is done by a
group, it is called

Where does bulling happen?

As the verb to bully is defined as simply "forcing one's way aggressively or by

intimidation", the term may generally apply to any life experience where one is
motivated primarily by intimidation instead of by more positive goals, such as
mutually shared interests and benefits. As such, any figure of authority or power who
may use intimidation as a primary means of motivating others, such as a neighborhood
"protection racket don", a national dictator, a childhood ring-leader, a terrorist, a
terrorist organization, or even a ruthless business CEO, could rightfully be referred to
as a bully. According to psychologist Pauline Rennie-Peyton, we each face the
possibility of being bullied in any phase of our lives.

School bullying
Bullying can occur in nearly any part in or around the school building, although it may
occur more frequently during physical education classes and activities such as recess.
Bullying also takes place in school hallways, bathrooms, on school buses and while
waiting for buses, and in classes that require group work and/or after school activities.
Bullying in school sometimes consists of a group of students taking advantage of or
isolating one student in particular and gaining the loyalty of bystanders who want to
avoid becoming the next target. In the 2011 documentary Bully, we see first hand the
torture that kids go through both in school and while on the school bus. As the movie
follows around a few kids we see how bullying affects them both at school as well as
in their homes. While bullying has no age limit, these bullies may taunt and tease their
target before finally physically bullying them. Bystanders typically choose to either
participate or watch, sometimes out of fear of becoming the next target.
Bullying poems
Closed Doors And don't have much to each otherOr ever get along
flaunt But I've never said one word
I cry myself to sleep at night to you
Just wishing it would stop I'm sorry you can't accept Never done you wrong
Maybe tomorrow it will me
cease For the way I am inside So do me just one favor
Then again, maybe not I'm sorry that your cruel Just one simple task
words Please stop being mean to
You push me and you poke Make me run and hide me
me This is all I ask
You call me hurtful name I'm sorry I'm not in your
To me it's like a prison Stand Up!
To you it's fun and games And that I don't fit in I am just a teenager, with
I'm sorry that being born, to hopes and dreams.
Your heart is made of ice you, How can you stand by when
But it doesn't even deserve Was such an awful sin you hear me scream?
Mine was once a rainbow I'm sorry I'm so ordinary  Please save me, friend, don't
But you have moulded it to Not an extraordinaire leave me be.
darkest black Does that give you reason, Think of you here instead of
though, me.
I hate you, I hate everyone To stand and cast your Think of the pain and the
There is no one I can trust glare? humiliation.
Are you proud of what I know it's hard, but why
you've done? I don't know what to tell you accept hesitation?
You've turned my soul into To make you stop your
dust games My blood was cheap, not in
And I can't think of a way your hand,
If there was a door I could for you But if you had wanted, you
open To take back all those could stand.
A simple path I could tread names
I don't want to be stuck here Stand up to bullies, don't
forever Please answer me this back away.
In this endless spiral of question Believe in yourself, you will
dread. And please be honest, too have your day.
All I Ask What do you get from
hurting me? Don't give up, you are
I'm sorry I don't impress you What does it do for you? strong.
Don't act the way you want It will be over, it won't take
I'm sorry I'm not pretty  We may not understand long.
Bullying types
Bullying is divided into four basic types of abuse :

1. Physical

2. Emotional

3. Verbal

4. Cyber

Physical bullying
This is any bullying that hurts someone’s body or damages their property. Stealing, hitting, fighting,
and destroying property all are types of physical bullying. Physical bullying is rarely the first form of
bullying that a target will experience. Often bullying will begin in a different form and later progress
to physical violence. In physical bullying the main weapon the bully uses is their body when
attacking their target. Sometimes groups of young adults will target a peer because of some
adolescent prejudice. This can quickly lead to a situation where they are being tortured and beaten-
up by their classmates. Physical bullying can lead to a tragic ending and it must be stopped quickly
to prevent any further damages.
Emotional bullying
This is any bullying that is done with the intent to hurt somebody’s reputation or social standing.
Emotional Bullying is a form of bullying common amongst youth, but particularly upon girls.
Emotional bullying can be used as a tool by bullies to both improve their social standing and control
others. Unlike physical bullying which is temporary, emotional bullying can continue for a long time
without being noticed.
Verbal bullying
This is any bullying that is conducted by speaking. Calling names, spreading rumors, threatening
somebody, and making fun of others are all forms of verbal bullying. Verbal bullying is one of the
most common types of bullying. In verbal bullying the main weapon the bully uses is their voice. In
many cases, verbal bullying is the province of girls. Girls are more subtled (and can be more
devastating), in general, than boys. Girls use verbal bullying, as well as social exclusion techniques,
to dominate and control other individuals and show their superiority and power. However, there are
also many boys with subtlety enough to use verbal techniques for domination, and who are practiced
in using words when they want to avoid the trouble that can come with physically bullying someone


Cyber bullying is the use of technology to tease, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. When
an adult is involved, it may meet the definition of cyber-harassment or cyberstalking, a crime that
can have legal consequences and involve jail time. This includes email, instant messaging, social
networking sites (such as Facebook), text messages, and cell phones.

Bullying prevention is the collective effort to prevent, reduce, and stop bullying. Many
campaigns and events are designated to bullying prevention throughout the world.
Bullying prevention campaigns and events include: Anti-Bullying Day, Anti-Bullying
Week, International Day of Pink, International STAND UP to Bullying Day, and
National Bullying Prevention Month. Anti-Bullying laws in the U.S. have also been
enacted in 23 of its 50 states, making bullying in schools illegal

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