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Tutor’s Name: Marcail Olson

Child’s Name: Ava

Lesson Plan #: 6
Date of Lesson #6: 4/8/2020

Lesson Plan:  Observation Notes: 

ASSESSMENT: WSPS – Writer’s Self-Perception Scale   

Assessment Objective:
Context: Given the Writer’s Self-Perception Scale
Audience: Ava
Performance: will answer all of the statements
Criterion: to the best of her ability
Purpose: to assess how she feels about writing.

Assessment introduction:  
Today I am going to give you a survey that has a lot of statements about writing. I would like you
to answer all of these to the best of your ability. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

Assessment Procedure:  
1. I will put the Writer’s Self-Perception Scale in front of Ava.
2. I will go through the example about Batman.
3. I will explain the scale on the right hand side to Ava.
4. I will read each statement as we go through.
5. Ava will answer each of these statements as best she can.
6. I will answer any questions that she may have as she works through them.
7. If I have any questions based on Ava’s answers I will ask him to follow up.

Assessment Closure/Transition: 
Thank you so much for answering all these statements and working hard.
Tutor’s Name: Marcail Olson
Child’s Name: Ava
Lesson Plan #: 6
Date of Lesson #6: 4/8/2020

INSTRUCTION: [Double Entry Journal]   

Provide your rationale for choosing this strategy using support from the data about your 
child: ​With this only being the second time working with Ava, I would like to do more with
working on her comprehension skills. I think that through this strategy she will be able to improve
her comprehension and that I will be able to better understand what she is learning.

Instruction Objective:  
Context: Given a passage of text
Audience: Ava
Performance: will create a double-entry journal
Criterion: writing at least four quotes from the story and four personal reflections
Purpose: to create a deeper understanding of the story.

Instruction Introduction:
Today we are going to read a section of text from the book,​ I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd
Have to Kill You,​ and you will place at least four quotes while we read. After we are done
reading, you will write a personal reflection about each of the quotes you chose.

Instruction Procedure: 
1. I will have Ava divide a page in her writing journal into two columns.
2. I will set the book in front of Ava.
3. I will read the rest of chapter one with Ava using alternate readings.
4. While we are reading, I will have Ava write down at least four quotes that stood out to
him in the first column.
5. After we are finished reading, I will ask Ava why she chose those quotes.
6. I will ask Ava to write her response for choosing these quotes and a personal reflection
in the second column.
Tutor’s Name: Marcail Olson
Child’s Name: Ava
Lesson Plan #: 6
Date of Lesson #6: 4/8/2020

Instruction Closure/Transition: 
I had a lot of fun working with you today! I look forward to doing more fun activities with you
again soon. 

ASSESSMENT: Modified Running Record  
Excerpt from (​I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You​):  
Assessment Objective:
Context: Given a previously read section of text
Audience: Ava
Performance: read the passage
Criterion: to the best of her ability
Purpose: in order to assess her ability to read the text

Assessment introduction:  
Now, I will have you read a passage that you have previously read. While you read, I will be
making notes so I can best understand you as a reader. Please do not read too fast, just so I can
keep up on taking notes.

Assessment Procedure:  
1. I will place the passage in front of Ava.
2. I will have all my papers laid out and ready to take notes.
3. I will have Ava begin reading.
4. As she reads, I will make the Reading Record notes on my sheet.
5. After she finishes reading, I will take Ava back to her classroom.
6. Before I leave the school, I will sit down and make further notes and score her sheet.
Tutor’s Name: Marcail Olson
Child’s Name: Ava
Lesson Plan #: 6
Date of Lesson #6: 4/8/2020

Assessment Closure/Transition: 
Thank you so much for reading this with me and for all your hard work this semester! 


WSPS Reference:  
Bottomley, D. M., Henk, W. A., & Melnick, S. A. (1997). Assessing children’s views about themselves as writers using the writer self-perception
The Reading Teacher, 51​(4), 286-296.

Strategy Reference: 
Tompkins, G. E. (2013).​ 50 Literacy strategies: Step by step​ (4th ed., pp. 34-36) Boston, MA: Pearson. 
Children’s Book Reference for strategy: 
Carter, A. (2006). ​I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You.​ New York, NY: Scholastic. 
Modified Running Record Reference: 
Shea, M. (2006). ​Where’s the glitch? How to use running records for students in grades 5-8​. Portsmouth,
NH: Heinemann. 
Children’s Book Reference for MRR: 
Carter, A. (2006). ​I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You.​ New York, NY: Scholastic. 
Other materials: 
- Running Record Materials
- WSPS Survey
- Lesson Plan
- I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You Book
- Pencil/Pen
Tutor’s Name: Marcail Olson
Child’s Name: Ava
Lesson Plan #: 6
Date of Lesson #6: 4/8/2020

- Student Journal 

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