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University of Northern Iowa Level Two Lesson Planning Assessment

“Task 4: ​Lesson Plan 2

Instructions: You will design your second lesson plan incorporating the six elements of effective
lesson plans. Utilize your experience from Task 3 to inform your design of the lesson. As you
design your lesson, consult Task 1 (the six elements of effective lesson plans), exemplary lesson
plans, and the lesson design rubric. Then, send it to your Field Experience Coordinator for
feedback in preparation for implementing it.

Lesson Topic

● Comprehension of reading

Aligned Standard(s) Learning Goal(s) Assessments

● RL.1.2 ● Students will be able to ● Students worked on this

● Retell stories, including key write down individually and concept by using
details, and demonstrate discuss as a group the key informational texts and I
understanding of their central details (characters, was able to read over those
message or lesson. setting, main idea) and the papers and help some
central message of the individually decipher key
story details
● Each student will get a
worksheet to fill out in order
to evaluate their individual
● Students and I will then
have a discussion to see
how they can share their
ideas as a full group

Depth of Knowledge and Bloom’s Taxonomy

● Students will identify key details within an appropriate level book, this verb is in the understanding section of Bloom’s
Taxonomy. Students will also discuss what they believe to be the central message, this verb is in the understanding
section of Bloom’s Taxonomy.


● Books
● Worksheets
● Pencils

Academic Language
What vocabulary is critical?

● Comprehension
University of Northern Iowa Level Two Lesson Planning Assessment

Instructional ​Sequence Assessments Expectations, Transitions

● Review when we have used ● Each student will fill out a ● Students will sit quietly
comprehension before worksheet so I can see around the table
○ “Students, do you each of the ● Students will whisper read
remember last week comprehension levels at their own pace while I
when we read the Koala individually walk around and listen to
bear book and you were ● We will then discuss big each of their reading
asked to write down 3 circle what they believe abilities
things you learned? the central message of the
○ “That book was an book is
informational book
because it just shared
information about a topic
with us. We can do the
same thing with fiction
● What are we going to do today?
○ “Today we are going to
read the book, The
Three Brothers.”
○ “We are going to learn a
comprehension skill.
While you are reading,
especially as you start to
get into reading harder
books and chapter
books, a way you can
make sure you are
understanding is after
every chapter reflect
back on what you
learned. This will also
help you remember
what you have already
○ “I want each of you to
read through the book at
your own pace,
whispering, and I will
walk around to hear you
all reading. As you read
you will get to pages
where I have placed
sticky notes. One each
of these notes will be a
question that can help
guide your
understanding of the
○ As you come across
these notes I want you
to write your answers on
this worksheet I will give
○ After you are all done
reading, I want you to
look back at your notes
and tell me who the
characters are, what the
setting is, and what you
think the main message
of the book is.
University of Northern Iowa Level Two Lesson Planning Assessment

○ Remember, you might

not all have the same
answers but that is ok
because we can all
interpret books
● Let students read. Walk around
and listen. Answer any questions
they have.
○ Once all students have
filled out the worksheet I
will let each student
share what they wrote
down as the main
message with the whole
● Review
○ “So today we learned
about how we can look
back on each chapter
and see the main points
that we learned to
ensure that we
understand the book
before moving forward

Plan for Differentiation

● If a student is stuck trying to figure out key details I will ask guiding questions such as:
○ What did the father want the sons to go into the world to do?
○ How many brothers were there?
○ What skills did the brothers learn?
○ How long were the sons gone?
○ What did the brothers end up doing in the end?
● For students that get done before others, I will have them read from their individual reading books until everyone
else is done.
University of Northern Iowa Level Two Lesson Planning Assessment

Planning Commentary
Candidates will analyze the ​Lesson Plan 2​ using the six elements of effective lesson plans:

1. Explain and provide evidence from the plan that there is alignment of the learning goals to
standards. Do this in a narrative format or in a table.
- I knew that I was going to do a lesson on comprehension so the first thing I did
was go onto Iowa Core and find a standard I thought I could make a lesson out
of. After I found the one that I wanted to use I came up with my learning goal,
students will be able to write down individually and discuss as a group the key
details (characters, setting, main idea) and the central message of the story.​ The
standard I used says that students will be able to, ​retell stories, including key
details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.​ My
learning goal perfectly aligns because it is that they will be able to retell and
story using the key details.
2. Explain whether the learning goals are observable and measurable.
- My learning goal is observable and measurable because I will have students
write down and discuss what is being asked of them. Through both writing and
discussing I will be able to see whether or not students are able to comprehend
what they read.
3. Explain whether there is a variety of and/or appropriate depth of thinking represented in
learning goals.
- Yes, because students are being asked to identify details from a book that is at
the appropriate level. They will also need to discuss which ensures they not only
know the answer but can talk about it with their reading group. While these are
both from the same level of Bloom’s Taxonomy I think that it is okay because
they are both from understanding and the whole lesson is on comprehension.
4. Explain and provide evidence of the alignment between the learning goals and assessments.
Do this in a narrative format or in a table.
- My assessment is the students answering questions about key details in the book
and sharing what they believe the main point to be and this is exactly what the
learning goal is stating.
5. Explain if there is appropriate learning progressions/instructional sequence, strategies, and
- There are appropriate learning progressions and instructional sequence because
I first connect the students previous knowledge to what we will be learning. I
then teach the lesson and have the students do their task. After that, I then
follow up with a review of what we have learned.
6. Explain if there is evidence of supports to address student needs.
- Yes, while all the students are at a very similar reading level they do tend to read
at different paces. I seem to have two and two that are similar. In order to
address the needs of those who get done earlier I will allow them to spend time
individual reading to ensure that they are still learning rather than just sitting
University of Northern Iowa Level Two Lesson Planning Assessment

Post-teaching Reflection
Respond to these questions after you teach your second lesson.
1) How well did your lesson activities support attainment of your learning goals?
- My lesson went really well and my activities very accurately supported my learning goals. It was easy to
check on this because of the worksheet I had each student fill out.

2) How well did your differentiation strategies allow Student A and others to access the learning
- Allowing students to work at their own pace and discuss in pairs of two rather than 4 due to reading
speed worked really well. This ensured that they could each work their best to reach the learning goals.

3) In reflecting on your instruction in relation to student learning, what 5-10 minute segment of
this lesson best captures the most effective evidence of teaching and learning? In answering,
consider especially positive learning environment, active student engagement in learning, and
effective implementation of learning strategies.
- The first 5 to 10 minutes where I explained the lesson to them and they all began reading. They were all
focused in and they used new learning strategies to ensure their understanding of the reading.

4) In reflecting on your instruction in relation to student learning, what would you change and
- I don’t think I would honestly change anything, it was a really great lesson for being my second one
University of Northern Iowa Level Two Lesson Planning Assessment

Task 4 Lesson Plan 2: Rubric for Planning Lesson Plan Assessment – (To be completed by
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
not met partially met met exceeded
Learning Learning goals Learning goals​ ​are Learning goals are L​earning goals ​clearly
Goals are ​not aligned superficially aligned​ to and consistently​ aligned
alignment to standards aligned​ to standards to standards
Learning Learning goal/s Learning goal/s are Learning goal/s are Learning goal/s are
Goals are partially consistently clearly and​ c​ onsistently
observable consistently measureable measurable measurable
and not
measurable measureable
Depth of Learning goals Learning goals Learning goals Learning goals focus
thinking focus solely on focus ​primarily on focus on lower primarily on higher
lower order lower order AND ​higher order order thinking skills
thinking skills thinking skills with thinking skills with some attention to
some attention to lower order thinking
higher order
thinking skills
Alignment Learning goals L​earning goals ​are L​earning goals ​are L​earning goals ​are
of learning are ​not aligned loosely​ aligned to aligned​ to clearly and consistently
goals to to assessment/s assessment/s aligned​ to assessment/s
assessment assessment/s
Learning The sequence The sequence of The sequence of The sequence of and
progression of and and instructional and instructional instructional activities
s and instructional activities planned activities planned planned ​are clearly
instruction activities are loosely are connected and connected and will
al plan planned ​are connected and will will provide provide strategic
not connected provide limited support​ to help support​ to help
and will support to help students meet students meet learning
provide little students meet learning goals goals
to no support learning goals
to help
students meet
learning goals
Planned There are ​no The planned The planned The planned supports
supports planned supports for supports for clearly address a variety
addressing supports for students ​are students ​clearly of student learning
student students generic with little address at least needs
needs to no relation to one student
student learning learning need
University of Northern Iowa Level Two Lesson Planning Assessment


Dispositions (How)
+ ∆

*Voice level was appropriate for the small

group lesson
•Leaning in to listen to the students was a
good strategy.
•You moved from student to student fairly

Content (What)
+ ∆

•The whisper reading seemed to be a good •What is the rationale for whisper reading?
strategy for the students. •One little girl said, “I forget everything”.
•I like having the bright sticky notes in the What could you do to encourage her to look
book for the questions. back in the chapter?
•I like that you got together with the
students after they read to talk with them
about their responses.

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