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Team/Names: ​Claire Huston and Marcail Olson

Grade: ​2nd Grade

STEAM Topic(s): ​Mathematics
Iowa Core Objective:
2.MD.A.1 - ​Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as
rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.

Equipment (type & amount):

Scavenger hunt worksheets​ - x15
Rulers - 10 (get from math lab)
Yardsticks - 10 (get from math lab)
Meter Sticks - 10 (get from math lab)
Measuring Tapes - 10 (get from math lab)
Phones - 1 per group
Clipboards - 10 (1 per group)
Pencils or Pens - 1 per group
Whistle to notify students of stopping time - x1

Safety concerns/solutions:
Clarify rulers, yardsticks, and meter sticks are not swords! Give students boundaries when
outside to ensure they don’t wander too far. Also, tell students that phones should only be used
to take pictures.

Resources Used:
Johnson, B. & Jones M. (2016). ​Learning on Your Feet.​ Routledge, New York.

Pre-Class Set-Up (Clear, descriptive statement and diagram):

Have all measuring tools lined up and available for groups to use.
Have all worksheets printed and ready for students.
Students will line up in a half-circle (2 rows) to receive directions and will then scatter to find
what they need to measure.
Anticipated Time Organization Feedback
Progression of (Can use (X’s O’s or shapes to (Instructional, Corrective,
Tasks actual show formations or Specific Motivational)
(​script and bullet clock grouping)
pts​) time)

Good morning 2min Students will be in

students! This desks.
morning we will
start our day with a
scavenger hunt!
This activity will be
outside and you will
be in groups of 3
people. There
might be a few
groups of 2 so we
will now split you
into groups.

Walk Outside! Have


Ok, so as you can 2min

“Thank you for staying
see on the sidewalk quiet as we walk in the
we have lots of hall. Please be quiet if
different measuring you are talking”
tools. Your job, with
your partners is to
choose one and
use it to measure 1min Students will stand in a
some different semi-circle consisting
of two lines. “Good job getting in line
objects on your
fast and staying quiet”
worksheet. You
don’t have to go in
order and you don’t
Have them in this
have to get them all formation until you
done. Once you send them to go find
measure objects
something, take a
picture of it or with
it. When it is time to
wrap up you will
hear a whistle.
Once you hear that
please stop what
you are doing and
come back to the
semi-circle. If you
think that you need
something bigger or
smaller two
measure with
please come back
and exchange your
measuring tool for a
new one.

Send students off

to hunt. Teachers
rome around and
talk to students,

Blow whistle and let 6 min Students will be

scattered throughout
students come
within the boundaries “What did you find?”
set. “Wow, I really like the
object you chose to
“Good job measure.” “Can you try to
everyone! I hope find some more objects?”
you were able to
get lots of different 1min
things measured “Thank you for coming
and I can’t wait to back quickly.”
see how you did
and how creative 2min
Students will stand in a
you were as you semi-circle consisting
found different of two lines.
objects. Please
send one group “Remember to stand
member to put your
measuring tool on
the ground next to
me and give
Marcail your
worksheet. Then
we can all head
back inside for the
rest of our day!”

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