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Erika’s Lighthouse

District 211- Freshmen Wellness


Please go to Schoology and open the Erika’s Lighthouse Warm Up question

assignment and answer question #1

1. Depression is a common and serious brain

2. Depression is treatable.
3. You can make a difference in someone’s life.
4. Good mental health is for everyone.

Depression Awareness Video

Discussion Questions

Go to Schoology and open Erika’s Lighthouse

Discussion Questions in NOTABILITY.
1. Answer questions 1-12 for Lesson 1
Discussion Questions
Lesson 1
1. How common is depression in teens?
● 15-20% of young people will experience depression.
● About 5 students in a class of 25
2. Can you tell by someone’s appearance?
● No. You can not tell by someone’s appearance if they are
depressed because depression occurs on the inside and
among all ages, genders, races, and cultures.
3. Is suicide common?
● Although depression is common, and is the #1 risk factor
for suicide, suicide is rare.
● Suicide can happen if someone’s depression is intense,
not identified or they are not receiving the proper
4. If there is a history of depression in your family, does that
mean that you will develop depression?
● If there is a family history it means you are at higher risk
to develop it but it doesn’t mean that you will definitely
inherit depression.
● It is smart to know your family mental history.
5. Does this mean that everyone who experiences stress will
get depression?
● No. Everyone experiences stress differently.
○ Some tolerate stress well and others are more
sensitive to it.
● Continual stress is not good for anyone’s health.
○ If you experience continual stress, try to do things
that help you feel better.
○ If that does not work tell a trusted adult.
6. What are the symptoms of depression and give an
example of what that would look like in a teen.
● Depressed mood, sadness or irritability
● Loss of interest or pleasure in activities
● Change in weight or appetite
● Change in sleep
● Feeling sped up or slowed down
● Fatigue or loss of energy
● Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
● Trouble concentrating or making decisions
● Thoughts of death or acts of self-harm
7. What are two possible treatment options?
● Talk therapy
● Medication
8. Where can you find help in your school or community?
● Schools:
○ Social Workers
○ Psychologists
○ Counselors
○ Talk to a trusted adult
● Community:
○ Mental health center
○ Hospital
9. What are some ways you can support a friend who may be
struggling with depression?
● Treat them normally
● Check-in with them and listen
● Invite them to do fun things
● Support their treatment
● Help them to make healthy choices
10. What are some ways to practice good mental health?
● Get plenty of sleep
● Eat healthy meals
● Exercise regularly
● Avoid Alcohol and Drugs
● Treat any illness
● Do things you enjoy
● Practice relaxation
● Ask for help
11. Why is it important to understand depression?
● Helps us to better recognize the warning signs
● Allows us to access help reducing the risk of more
serious symptoms.
● Protecting lives
12. Why do you think these teens would want to make a
video like this?
● They hope to provide a voice for teens with depression.
● To break the silence and shame of depression
● To let students know depression is common, serious
and can happen to anyone.
● To express there is help out there and not to be afraid to
ask for it.
● If you struggle with depression you are not alone!
● If you know someone struggling there is a lot you can do
to help them.
Self-Referral Card

1. Go to Schoology
2. Open the Erika’s Lighthouse Self-Referral Card link
3. Fill out the google form and click submit.

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