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Curr Anesthesiol Rep (2016) 6:135–141

DOI 10.1007/s40140-016-0153-x


Oxygenation and Ventilation Strategies for Patients Undergoing

Lung Resection Surgery After Prior Lobectomy
or Pneumonectomy
Chris Durkin1 • Jens Lohser1

Published online: 21 March 2016

 Springer Science + Business Media New York 2016

Abstract Lung resection surgery after a prior lobectomy Introduction

or pneumonectomy is becoming more prevalent. Elevated
shunt fractions and reduced functional lung parenchyma Secondary primary lung cancers are an increasingly com-
complicate one-lung ventilation in the patient with a prior mon occurrence given the improved survival of patients
contralateral lobectomy. Meanwhile, lung resection after with stage 1 lung cancer (5-year survival of 60–70 %) and
pneumonectomy requires reliance on the solitary, surgical routine follow-up screening with annual low dose computer
lung for adequate oxygenation and ventilation without tomography [1]. The incidence of secondary primary lung
impeding surgical progress. These challenges require cancer has been estimated to be 3–6 % per patient year
appropriate preoperative investigations and planning to after curative lung resection [2]. Secondary lung resection
facilitate a technique that balances the need for adequate after prior lobectomy or pneumonectomy presents unique
gas exchange and lung injury prevention with the desire for perioperative challenges to the anesthesiologist.
sufficient exposure to allow for a complete surgical Lobectomy is the standard of care for stage 1 non-small
resection and optimal oncologic outcomes. cell lung cancer (NSCLC) [3] and is therefore likely to be
the most commonly encountered prior contralateral sur-
Keywords Thoracic anesthesia  Secondary lung gery. One-lung ventilation with operative lung collapse is
resection  Pneumonectomy  Lobectomy  One-lung routinely employed to enable surgical exposure. While it is
ventilation generally well tolerated, hypoxemia continues to occur in
up to 10 % of primary lung resection cases [4]. Oxygena-
tion challenges are likely to be more prevalent in the set-
ting of repeat surgery when relying on a previously
resected lung for gas exchange. Inadequate ventilation is
rare during primary lung resection; however, the lack of
functional parenchyma and altered lung mechanics after
prior lobectomy may result in critical hypercarbia being
encountered during subsequent lung surgery [5].
The options for formal lung resection are limited after
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Thoracic Anesthesia.
pneumonectomy; however, successful surgical outcomes
& Jens Lohser have been reported in a number of case series [6••]. Intraoperative management is particularly challenging in
Chris Durkin these individuals due to the reliance on the solitary oper- ative lung for oxygenation and ventilation unless extra-
corporeal cardiopulmonary support is implemented.
Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and
In this article, we will review the rationale for secondary
Therapeutics, Vancouver General Hospital, University of
British Columbia, JPP2 Room 2449, 899 West 12th Avenue, lung resections, the physiologic adaptations after major
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9, Canada lung resection, provide suggestions for preoperative

136 Curr Anesthesiol Rep (2016) 6:135–141

evaluation, and discuss intraoperative strategies to facili- compensatory mechanism [14]. While lung regeneration
tate surgical exposure, while maintaining adequate oxy- may not be exclusive to children based on computer
genation and ventilation in patients with prior contralateral tomography and magnetic resonance imaging studies eval-
lobectomy or pneumonectomy presenting for lung uating tissue volume and lung microstructure [17], it seems
resection. likely that alveolar growth predominates in infants, whereas
lung distention predominates in adults. The hyperexpansion
of residual lung tissue was initially feared after pneu-
Rationale for Surgical Resection of Secondary monectomy and was termed vicarious emphysema [18].
Tumors However, more recent evidence suggests that the degree of
hyperinflation on imaging correlates with improved post-
In a patient with a history of lung cancer, a new lung tumor operative forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) [14].
may represent metastatic disease or a second primary lung It is well documented that the long-term reduction in
cancer (commonly termed metachronous multiple primary FEV1 and diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO)
lung cancer). This distinction is crucial, as surgery for a after major lung resection is less than what is predicted
second primary lung cancer has a 5-year survival based on standard equations [19–24]. The average decline
approaching that of the initial resection [7, 8], while the in FEV1 is only 30 % after pneumonectomy [14] and 15 %
resection of metastatic disease is associated with poor after lobectomy [25]. Larger anatomic resections tend to
outcomes [9]. Even lung resection after pneumonectomy result in a greater decline in FEV1 [14, 25]; however, there
has been associated with a 5-year survival as high as 50 % is some variability as upper lobectomies result in relatively
if done for a second primary lung cancer [6••]. In contrast, larger reductions [26, 27], and FEV1 values may actually
resection of metastatic disease after pneumonectomy is improve in a subgroup of emphysema patients after formal
associated with a 5-year survival of only 14 % [6••]. The lobectomy [28]. Interestingly, lung expansion has been
differentiation of metachronous primary lung cancer from shown to occur not only in the ipsilateral lung but also in
metastatic disease is difficult, particularly when the his- the contralateral lung after lung volume reduction surgery
tology is identical [10]. The American College of Chest in emphysema patients [29]. After lung resection, the
Physicians guidelines suggest that the diagnosis of meta- decline in lung function reaches its nadir 1 month post-
chronous multiple primary lung cancer for a new lung operatively and subsequently improves toward a new pla-
lesion requires a period of at least four cancer-free years teau at 3 months after lobectomy and 6 months after
and no evidence of systemic metastases [10]. However, pneumonectomy [30]. Spirometric recovery likely repre-
given the diagnostic uncertainty and the clear benefit of sents decreased pain and improved chest wall mechanics
surgical resection for second primary cancers, many cen- [30, 31] as well as a degree of pulmonary hyperinflation
ters will offer surgery in the absence of extra-thoracic [14]. Taken together, the above factors make the prediction
metastases if the patient is deemed physiologically capable of pulmonary function values all but impossible and point
of tolerating the resection [11]. to repeat spirometry being essential prior to a second major
lung resection (Table 1).
Exercise tolerance may be affected after major pul-
Physiologic Adaptations After Lung Resection monary resection secondary to impaired pulmonary or
cardiac function, or more commonly the interaction of
Pneumonectomy and lobectomy procedures have been these systems. However, the correlation between reduc-
performed well over 60 years [12, 13], providing a large tions in pulmonary function indices such as FEV1 and
body of knowledge on the physiologic adaptations after DLCO and reductions in exercise capacity is poor. In fact,
major anatomic lung resection. maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) is not reduced
Years after major lung resection lung volumes tend to after lobectomy [32], and even after pneumonectomy, the
exceed the postoperative predicted values at the time of decline in FEV1 and DLCO is disproportionate to the
surgery [14]. Early studies in children after pneumonectomy actual loss in exercise capacity [30]. Maximal oxygen
suggested that new alveoli compensate for resected lung consumption is reduced by 28 % in the first 6 months after
parenchyma [15], in fact, Laros and Westermann demon- pneumonectomy [32], however, has normalized in 79 % of
strated near normal lung function in patients who underwent patients by the 5-year mark after surgery [14]. Conse-
pneumonectomy at the age of 5 or less [16]. In adult patients, quences of lung resection on the cardiac system largely
however, lung capacities are only 10–15 % greater than relate to the cardiac output moving through a reduced
predicted five or more years after pneumonectomy. This pulmonary vascular bed, leading to elevated pulmonary
increase is reflected in an increased residual volume and vascular resistance and an increased workload on the right
therefore felt to represent lung distention as the primary ventricle [33]. Pulmonary hypertension is a known

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Table 1 Recommended workup for lung resection after previous lobectomy or pneumonectomy
Post-ipsilateral lobectomy Post-contralateral lobectomy Post-pneumonectomy

PFT Recommended for prognostication Recommended for prognostication Mandatory to assess suitability for
V/Q Consider Strongly recommended to assess feasibility N/A
scan of OLV
ETT Consider 6MWD or VO2max Consider 6MWD or VO2max Mandatory VO2max for prognostication
TTE Recommended for baseline assessment of Recommended for baseline assessment of Mandatory to rule out significant PHTN
RV function and PASP RV function and PASP or RV dysfunction
ETT exercise tolerance testing, PASP pulmonary artery systolic pressure, PFT pulmonary function testing, PHTN pulmonary hypertension, RV
right ventricle, 6MWD 6 min walk distance, TTE transthoracic echocardiography, VO2max maximal oxygen uptake in 1 min, V/Q ventilation/

independent predictor of mortality in patients with COPD predicted postoperative FEV1 (ppoFEV1) \40 % and/or a
[34] and may be present after major lung resection. Venuta predicted postoperative DLCO (ppoDLCO) \40 % identi-
and colleagues evaluated right ventricle free wall thickness fies high-risk lung resection candidates [3]. Exercise testing
and pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) 4 years (VO2max, stair climbing, 6 min walk test, exercise
after major lung resection. While no significant changes oximetry) is required in this group of patients to aid in risk
were observed after lobectomy, patients after pneumonec- stratification [40]. Individuals with a VO2max \10 ml/kg/
tomy exhibited an average 8 mmHg rise in PASP with min and either a ppoFEV1 \30 % and/or a ppoDLCO
significant right ventricular remodeling (dilation not \30 % have a high risk of mortality and long-term dis-
hypertrophy) [35]. Deslauriers et al. recently demonstrated ability after major anatomic resection [41]. Patients with a
the presence of pulmonary hypertension in 32 % of prior ipsilateral or contralateral lobectomy are unlikely to
patients five or more years after pneumonectomy [36]. have concerning ppoFEV1 or ppoDLCO values in the
PASP elevations were in the mild to moderate range absence of significant underlying lung disease. Standard
(36 ± 9 mmHg) and not associated with altered exercise assessment guidelines [41] therefore appear sufficient to
capacity in their study. A more recent study confirmed a assess this type of patient prior to repeat lung resection. The
similar degree of pulmonary hypertension in a similar amount of resection that a patient will tolerate post-pneu-
proportion of post-pneumonectomy patients and impor- monectomy is more difficult to determine. Expert opinion
tantly was associated with a decrease in exercise tolerance suggests that lobectomy after pneumonectomy is absolutely
and worse clinical (non-operative) outcomes [37•]. Inter- contraindicated, with the possible exception of the right
estingly, a small study previously demonstrated worse middle lobe [42]. In a review of the published data on 102
surgical outcomes in patients with exercise induced right anatomic lung resections after pneumonectomy, lobectomy
ventricular dysfunction prior to surgery [38]. The presence was associated with a pooled perioperative mortality of
of elevated PASP may therefore be a marker of significant 33.3 % (N = 6), whereas sublobar resections had a 6.2 %
deterioration in cardiopulmonary function. While the mortality [6••]. The American College of Chest Physicians
presence of pulmonary hypertension was not shown to recommends segmentectomy or extended wedge resection
affect outcomes of primary lobectomy surgery [39], the (margins [1 cm) with hilar and mediastinal lymph node
same may not hold true for repeat lung resection surgery. It evaluation as a safe and effective alternative in high-risk
thus appears advisable to estimate PASP and rule out right patients with stage 1 NSCLC [3]. Importantly, these non-
ventricular dysfunction by transthoracic echocardiography anatomic resections have been shown to produce similar
prior to repeat anatomic lung resection, particularly after survival rates to anatomic resections in patients with limited
prior pneumonectomy (Table 1). pulmonary reserve [43].
When considering repeat lung resection surgery, it is
important to realize that there is a significant disconnect
Preoperative Evaluation for Secondary Lung between suitability for surgery and the complexity of
Resection anesthetic management. A patient after prior left-sided
lobectomy may present with relatively normal pulmonary
A formal assessment of the cardiorespiratory reserve will function values for right-sided lobectomy, yet present a
enable risk stratification and guide the surgical approach (in major perioperative challenge to the anesthesiologist given
addition to oncologic criteria). It is generally agreed that a the need for operative lung collapse.

138 Curr Anesthesiol Rep (2016) 6:135–141

Oxygenation and Ventilation Strategies component of management. CO2 elimination is unaffected

for Secondary Lung Resections by the increased shunt fraction but significantly impaired
by the reduced amount of alveolar tissue and the low tidal
Post-ipsilateral Lobectomy volume ventilation. Respiratory rate compensation will be
unable to fully compensate for the reduction in alveolar
The intraoperative management of a repeat lung resection minute ventilation and will create high ventilating pres-
on the side of a prior lobectomy is similar in complexity sures, exposing to lung to a high risk of alveolar stress
and management to the initial resection, as the ventilated injury [44••]. Mild to moderate permissive hypercapnia
lung is in its native state. In fact, one-lung oxygenation (arterial CO2 45–70 mmHg) is therefore mandatory for
should be improved given that the collapsed lung, i.e., lung protection [44••].
shunt fraction, has been surgically reduced by the prior
lobectomy. Ventilation would be unaffected by the prior Post-pneumonectomy
lung resection and mainly determined by any underlying
lung pathology. Preoperative lung function studies would Lung resection after pneumonectomy presents an unusual
still be advisable unless prior testing readily qualified the and high-risk scenario with only a limited number of
patient for pneumonectomy, and the likelihood of interval published cases identified in a recent surgical review by
deterioration is negligible. Similarly, exercise tolerance Tuofektzian [6••]. Based on this cohort, the mortality risk
testing should be considered, given that patients are for a post-pneumonectomy lobectomy appears prohibitive
essentially presenting for a completion pneumonectomy. at 33 % [6••]. However, even subsegmental resections and
wedge resection are associated with a substantial mortality
Post-contralateral Lobectomy risk (*6 %) and a morbidity rate of 37 % [47, 48].
Hypoxemic and/or hypercapnic respiratory failures are the
Lung resection on the opposite side of a prior lobectomy root causes of poor post-pneumonectomy lung resection
presents a significantly greater anesthetic challenge despite outcomes. The intraoperative management of these patients
the fact the pulmonary function testing may indicate that is similarly limited by the difficulty to oxygenate or ven-
the patient easily qualifies for a repeat lobectomy. One of tilate given the fact that the solitary operative lung is
the known risk factors for OLV hypoxemia is when pul- manipulated and needs to be partially deflated or
monary blood flow to the operative lung exceeds flow to hypoventilated to allow for surgical exposure. A variety of
the ventilated lung, as in right sided surgery, which results techniques have been described to enable surgical access to
in shunt fractions in excess of 50 % [prior to redistribution the lung; however, it is important to note that reports
by gravity and hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction consist primarily of level 4 evidence.
(HPV)]. Significantly larger shunt fractions, however, may Intermittent apnea through a single lumen tube is fea-
be encountered after prior contralateral surgery when the sible and technically simple but limits surgery to short
vascular territory in the now ventilated side has been sur- intervals and may be injurious to the lung due to repeated
gically reduced. Preoperative ventilation/perfusion scan- collapse and re-expansion of the solitary lung [44••].
ning may be able to predict intraoperative challenges with Selective lobar isolation or high frequency jet ventilation
oxygenation and ventilation. Any perfusion ratio with more (HFJV) allow continuous surgical progress and likely result
than 60 % of perfusion toward the operative lung may in fewer precipitants of pulmonary injury but might
present significant oxygenation challenges during periods encounter hypoxemia more frequently. Unfortunately,
of lung collapse as it will produce shunt fractions of 30 % otherwise standard maneuvers to improve oxygenation
or more once HPV is established [44••]. Oxygenation may such as PEEP escalation or the equivalent increase in
not be sufficient at this level of shunt unless supported by driving pressure during HFJV are likely detrimental to
operative lung CPAP, intermittent positive airway pressure surgical access. Ventilation of a single lobe as in lobar
(IPAP), or partial ventilation with lobar isolation [45]. isolation, or ‘gentle’ HFJV of a partially collapsed lung,
Ventilation is similarly affected by a prior contralateral will significantly affect CO2 elimination and may result in
lobectomy, as it is in most cases restricted to a single lobe progressive hypercapnia. Lobar isolation has been descri-
(except for a prior right upper or lower lobectomy with bed in a case of right upper lobectomy after pneumonec-
persistence of the right middle lobe). Protective ventilation tomy [49]. HFJV has been shown to be an effective
settings are crucial given the minimal amount of remaining alternative to conventional OLV, both in terms of oxy-
lung parenchyma. While compensatory overdistention has genation and ventilation [50, 51], and can provide equiv-
increased the size of the remaining lung, volumes remain alent surgical exposure during pulmonary resection [50, 52,
smaller than prior to lung resection [46]. Tidal volume 53]. Extracorporeal support has been described as an
restriction to 4–5 ml/kg or less is therefore an essential alternative approach [54–56]; however, the associated

Curr Anesthesiol Rep (2016) 6:135–141 139

invasiveness and resources required suggest that it should Postoperative Disposition

be limited to highly selected cases. In our opinion, selective
lobar isolation or whole lung HFJV provides the most Given the high morbidity and mortality, patients should
controlled anesthetic environment for these patients. We routinely be cared for in a critically care setting. The
reserve intermittent apnea as a secondary approach when management of patients after repeat lung resection is
inadequate surgical conditions are encountered and limit its heavily influenced by the ppoFEV1, ppoDLCO, and VO2
use to brief intervals. max values. It has previously been suggested that short-
Due to the need for operative lung ventilation in the term ventilation is mandatory in patients with ppoFEV1
post-pneumonectomy surgery setting, thoracoscopic values \30 % and should be considered in those with
approaches initially appeared contraindicated [57]. Video- ppoFEV1 30–40 %, particularly if ppoDLCO values are
assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) however has sig- significantly reduced [40]. Patients with marginal values
nificant potential benefits on postoperative pain and respi- may benefit from extubation to non-invasive ventilation,
ratory function [58], particularly in patients with borderline particularly if there is a high likelihood of lung derecruit-
respiratory function [59]. Successful VATS has been ment or lung injury. Non-invasive ventilation has not been
described for peripheral [53] and anatomic lung resections formally assessed in this setting but has been shown to
after pneumonectomy [60], suggesting appropriate opera- improve oxygenation and lung function recovery after lung
tive conditions can be achieved with a minimally invasive resection surgery [66] and reduce mortality in patients with
approach. It is however important to be cognizant of the acute respiratory failure after lung resection [67].
fact that a VATS approach may increase perioperative risk
if it leads to increased operating times [58] and marginal
ventilation with subsequent increased right heart strain.
Given these concerns and the difficulty of resecting, all but Conclusion
small peripheral lesions in a ventilated lung is favoring the
open approach in many cases [61]. It therefore appears The number of patients presenting for resection of sec-
reasonable to attempt a thoracoscopic approach in favor- ondary primary lung cancers is on the rise. Preoperatively,
able lesions, with a low threshold to convert to thoraco- a thorough patient assessment is required to establish the
tomy if surgical progress is hampered or oxygenation and suitability for surgery and formulate an intraoperative
ventilation are tenuous. Non-intubated thoracoscopic lung strategy for oxygenation and ventilation based on prior
resection in the sedated, spontaneously ventilating patient resection size and location, current lung function, and
has been described for a variety of procedures, including proposed resection. Lung resection on the contralateral side
peripheral wedge resection, segmentectomy, and lobec- of a prior lobectomy is amenable to traditional OLV but
tomy [62–64]. Outcomes appear to be equivalent if not more likely to require advanced interventions (CPAP/
better than traditional management under general anes- IPAP/segmental blockade) to improve oxygenation. Pro-
thesia [65]. This approach might be of interest in the post- tective ventilation is crucial to limit lung injury in the
pneumonectomy patient and is comparable in theory to remaining lung. Post-pneumonectomy patients can be
maintaining HFJV on the operated lung with minimal managed with selective lobar isolation or whole lung
collapse. Due to a lack of familiarity with this approach, we HFJV, with intermittent apnea reserved as the alternative if
cannot comment further on the merits of this technique. inadequate gas exchange or surgical exposure is encoun-
Inadequate oxygenation and ventilation worsen pul- tered. Minimally invasive approaches can be achieved in
monary vascular resistance and thereby aggravate any pre- some patients, particularly for peripheral lesions amenable
existing pulmonary hypertension. Caution is therefore to wedge resection. Given the high perioperative risks,
advised in managing the patient with pre-existing pul- patients will benefit from postoperative care in a high-
monary hypertension or, more concerning, right ventricular acuity setting. Staged extubation with the use of non-in-
dysfunction on preoperative echocardiography. Preopera- vasive ventilation may proof useful in this population.
tive exercise induced right ventricular dysfunction, sug-
gestive of impaired cardiopulmonary reserve, predicts Compliance with Ethics Guidelines
morbidity and mortality after major lung resection [38].
Conflict of Interest Chris Durkin and Jens Lohser declare that they
Surgical manipulation and resection in addition to partial
have no conflict of interest.
lung collapse may exhaust this reserve. Perioperative
monitoring of PASP with a pulmonary arterial catheter or, Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article
preferably, right ventricular function with transesophageal does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects
performed by any of the authors.
echocardiography is advisable.

140 Curr Anesthesiol Rep (2016) 6:135–141

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