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* * * * * TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2021 ~ VOL. CCLXXVII NO. 3 HHHH $4.

DJIA 30223.89 g 382.59 1.3% NASDAQ 12698.45 g 1.5% STOXX 600 401.69 À 0.7% 10-YR. TREAS. g 1/32 , yield 0.915% OIL $47.62 g $0.90 GOLD $1,944.70 À $51.60 EURO $1.2255 YEN 103.13

U.K. Court Rejects U.S. Bid for Assange’s Extradition Trump’s

News Last Push
Business & Finance
On Vote
Fuels a
H aven, a health-care,
venture launched with
great fanfare by Amazon,
Berkshire Hathaway,
JPMorgan and their chief
GOP Rift
executives, is folding after Ahead of certification,
about three years. A1
the president calls out
 Fiat Chrysler and Peugeot
maker PSA are accelerating Republicans not behind
plans to complete their bid to overturn results
merger, saying the combi-
nation should be accom-
plished in mid-January. A1
 Factories in the U.S., Asia

and Europe boosted their out- WASHINGTON—President

put as 2020 drew to a close, Trump disparaged Senate Re-
aided by a rise in new orders publicans who aren’t backing
and a revival in trade. A2 further challenges to Democrat
Joe Biden’s presidential victory,
 U.S. stocks tumbled on
further roiling a party that has
the first trading day of 2021,
split over whether to support
retreating from records set
Mr. Trump’s attempts to stay in
just days ago. The Dow fell
power or accept the Republican
1.3% and the S&P 500 and
ON HOLD: A British judge rejected a U.S. request to extradite Julian Assange on spying charges, saying the WikiLeaks founder incumbent’s loss.
Nasdaq both gave up 1.5%. B1
would be at severe risk of suicide awaiting trial in a U.S. high-security prison. Mexico’s president offered Assange asylum. A16 Ahead of a joint session of
 The NYSE reversed a deci- Congress to certify Mr. Biden’s
sion to delist China’s three 306-232 Electoral College win,
largest telecom carriers after 13 Republican senators have ig-

Saudis, Qatar to Settle Feud,

consulting with authorities nored the pleas of party leaders
about a U.S. investment ban. B1 and said they plan to challenge
some states’ results, forcing de-
 A group of Google employ-
bates and votes in both cham-
ees has formed a union to
bers on Wednesday, despite no

Aiding U.S. Efforts on Iran

organize workers across the
chance of changing the out-
company’s global operations, a
come. Others called such ac-
rare move in Silicon Valley. B1
tions futile and motivated by
 Mondelez is nearing a personal political ambitions, fu-
deal to buy paleo chocolate- eling an intraparty fight as law-
bar maker Hu, the latest BY DION NISSENBAUM and sea borders to its tiny Jared Kushner, who helped tive to end the dispute: The makers position themselves for
move by an established food neighbor, and leaders of the broker an end to the standoff imminent start of the adminis- re-election contests in 2022
firm to tap into growing de- Saudi Arabia moved to end rival nations will gather on over the past few weeks, flew tration of President-elect Joe and the 2024 presidential race.
mand for healthier snacks. B3 a yearslong regional dispute Tuesday to sign an agreement to Saudi Arabia on Monday to Biden. Mr. Biden, a Democrat, “The ‘Surrender Caucus’
with Qatar, taking a first step meant to end a three-year-old attend the signing after re- has vowed to take a tougher Please turn to page A4
 ViacomCBS said it had
toward resolving a bitter feud regional blockade of Qatar, ceiving a rare invitation to the approach toward Saudi Arabia
reached a distribution deal
that has fractured the Middle which Saudi Arabia, the United Gulf Cooperation Council Please turn to page A8  Gerald F. Seib: Lines drawn
with Disney’s Hulu that puts
East and hampered U.S. efforts Arab Emirates, Bahrain and meeting where leaders are ex- for Republican civil war....... A4
many of its most popular ca-
to isolate Iran, Saudi, Kuwaiti Egypt accused in 2017 of sup- pected to take the first major  Tehran accelerates uranium  CEO group calls on Congress
ble channels on the live-TV
and U.S. officials said. porting terrorism and aligning steps in ending the dispute. enrichment.................................. A7 to certify Biden win............... A4
video-streaming service. B4
Riyadh on Monday re- with Iran. U.S. and Saudi officials said  Saudis, Russia split on oil  Georgia girds for Senate
 Workplace messaging opened its airspace and land White House senior adviser Saudi Arabia had a new incen- output.......................................... B10 runoff vote.................................. A6
platform Slack suffered a
widespread service disruption
for several hours Monday. B4
Big Firms Disband INSIDE One Fed Loan Plan

 Trump disparaged Senate Health Partnership Found Few Takers


Republicans who aren’t

backing further challenges to
Biden’s presidential victory, BY SEBASTIAN HERRERA push down the shares of major
further roiling a party that AND KIMBERLY CHIN insurers, will cease operations
has split over whether to in February without having
Program for midsize firms didn’t wow banks
support Trump’s attempts A health-care venture achieved those aims.
to stay in power or accept launched with great fanfare by For all its ambitious goals, WORLD NEWS BY NICK TIMIRAOS zaz, chief executive of Wer-
the incumbent’s loss. A1 three of the world’s most the hoped-for health-care Hit by new strain of ner Aero Services, a New
 Georgians were bracing prominent companies—Ama- transformation proved too dif- In the depths of the finan- Jersey supplier of aircraft
for Tuesday’s Senate runoff Inc., Berkshire Hatha- ficult to achieve, according to
virus, Britain is ordered cial panic from Covid-19 last engines and parts that
elections with their state in way Inc. and JPMorgan Chase people familiar with the mat- to go on national year, the Federal Reserve of- couldn’t get a loan under the
the spotlight after Trump & Co.—and their chief execu- ter. The shutdown attests to lockdown. A16 fered to lend to a wide swath program.
urged state officials to nullify tives is folding about three challenges of making sweeping of businesses—something it Washington was happy to
Biden’s November win. A6 years after its founding. changes to the U.S. health-care had never done before. Yet it rely on the Fed because it
 Saudi Arabia moved to Haven Health, originally system and of bringing inno- struggled to find takers. had the chops to get a pro-
end a yearslong regional dis- sparked by an idea from JP- vations to hundreds of thou- The Main Street Lending gram for medium-size busi-

pute with Qatar, taking a first Morgan Chief Executive James sands of employees around the Program aimed to help pan- nesses up and running fast.
step toward resolving a bitter Dimon and supported by Ama- country working at different demic-hit businesses that Its apolitical reputation re-
feud that has fractured the zon’s Jeff Bezos and Berk- companies, the people said. were too small to borrow in duced concern about loans
Middle East and hampered shire’s Warren Buffett, sought “The Haven team made the bond market but might being steered to big donors.
U.S. efforts to isolate Iran. A1 to “transform health care” and good progress exploring a need more help than a small- The Treasury Department
 Iran said it has resumed reduce costs for hundreds of wide range of health-care so- business loan from the popu- became a Fed partner to ab-
enriching uranium to 20% thousands of workers at the lutions, as well as piloting new JASON GAY lar Paycheck Protection Pro- sorb any loan losses.
purity, exceeding limits set three companies by pooling ways to make primary care The only thing you can gram. But the experience re-
resources and technology. easier to access, insurance “There was a program vealed the limitations of run-
in a 2015 nuclear deal and
The joint venture, which benefits simpler to understand
expect in this year’s here that looked nice on pa- ning a relief program
slashing the time it would NFL playoffs is a little
take for Tehran to produce was made public in 2018 with and easier to use and prescrip- per, but in practicality, it has through the Fed and exposed
expectations high enough to Please turn to page A2 more chaos. A12 not worked,” said Mike Ca- Please turn to page A8
weapons-grade fuel. A7
 López Obrador said Mexico
would offer Assange political
asylum after a British judge Feel the Burn, Fiat Chrysler and PSA
refused to order the WikiLeaks
founder’s extradition to the While Out
U.S. on spying charges. A16
 Johnson ordered schools In the Cold
Speed Up Merger Deal
and nonessential shops across
i i i BY NORA NAUGHTON newly combined auto maker
England to shut amid spiral-
Stellantis NV and said Monday
ing infection rates caused by a
new coronavirus variant. A16 Gyms test outdoor Fiat Chrysler Automobiles it would start trading in Paris
NV and Peugeot maker PSA and Milan on Jan. 18 and in
 The House passed rules winter workouts Group are accelerating plans New York the following day.
that weakened a procedural to complete their trans-Atlan- At both PSA and FCA,
tool Republicans had used during pandemic tic merger, saying that the shareholders overwhelmingly
to force Democrats to take biggest automotive merger supported the deal with more
tough political votes. A4 BY HILARY POTKEWITZ this century should be com- than 99% of the votes cast at
 Trump awarded the Pres- plete mid-January. each company approving the
idential Medal of Freedom to Colleen McGrath hardly rec- The new timeline follows merger, according to results
Rep. Nunes, bestowing the ognizes herself some mornings. both auto makers winning ap- released Monday.
nation’s top civilian honor on Bundled in fleece, a hat and proval from shareholders for Each share of PSA will be ex-
a close Republican ally. A6 leggings, the 35-year-old fit- the deal Monday, a critical step changed for 1.742 shares in FCA
ness newbie heads to a vacant needed to move the merger into stock, the companies said. Fiat
Arts in Review.... A11
Opinion.............. A13-15
Personal Journal A9-10
lot where her gym has set up
loudspeakers, artificial turf
platforms and an open-air ex-
its final stages. Executives had
previously been aiming for
completion by the end of the
Chrysler shareholders will also
receive a special cash distribu-
tion of €1.84 per common share
Business News...... B3 Sports........................ A12
Capital Journal...... A4 Technology............... B4 ercise arena. “The idea of 2021 first quarter. They now ex- the day before the merger
Crossword............... A11 U.S. News............. A2-6 working out outside in a Chi- pect it to be done on Jan. 16. closes, for a total payout of €2.9
Heard on Street.. B11 Weather................... A11
Markets................... B10 World News...... A7,16
cago winter would’ve sounded For more than a year, the billion ($3.5 billion), as previ-
crazy a year ago,” she says. two auto makers have been ously agreed to. That's why we built a flexible,
“Now I love it. I go six days a working through the details of Carlos Tavares, the PSA chief
> week. I’ve invested in thermal the combination, which when tapped to lead the combined pay-as-you-go cloud for a
turtlenecks. I don’t know who completed would create a group, said that the new com- scalable world.
this girl is right now.” global auto-making colossus, pany’s size and scale will help it
That’s music to the ears of selling 8.7 million vehicles an- confront the continued chal-
s 2021 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
David Blitz, the CEO of her nually—more than General lenges posed by the Covid-19 Learn more at
All Rights Reserved gym, Studio Three. Motors Co. crisis and help it keep pace
Please turn to page A10 The two plan to call the Please turn to page A6
A2 | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Manufacturers Ended Year on High Note
BY PAUL HANNON widespread immunity against for the U.S. manufacturing omy as the service sector is saw its PMI rise to its highest Purchasing managers indexes
AND AMARA OMEOKWE Covid-19. sector rose to 57.1 in Decem- hit by tough social distancing level since April 2019, while for manufacturing
Surveys of purchasing man- ber from 56.7 in November. measures,” said Chris William- South Korean factories re-
Factories in the U.S., Asia agers at factories across Asia That was the biggest improve- son, IHS Markit’s chief busi- ported the same strong growth
and Europe boosted their out- and Europe released Mon- ment since September 2014, ness economist. in activity as in November. Above 50 indicates Germany
put as 2020 drew to a close, day recorded strong rises in ac- IHS Markit said. A reading Meanwhile, in the U.S., the By contrast, China’s Caixin an expansion U.S.
aided by a rise in new orders tivity during December, with above 50 points to an increase resurgence of coronavirus cases PMI for the manufacturing sec-
and a revival in trade that has Taiwan’s manufacturing sector in activity from the previous and coronavirus-related supply- tor fell slightly, partly reflect- China
continued despite a sharp rise recording its strongest month month, while a reading below chain disruptions posed chal- ing a cooling of demand for the 50
in coronavirus infections in almost a decade. The results that level points to a decline. lenges for some manufacturers, country’s exports. During the Japan
across many large economies. of a similar survey of U.S. man- IHS Markit’s purchasing Mr. Williamson said. Consumer- pandemic, protective gear and
The resilience of the global ufacturers also pointed to an managers index for the euro- goods producers, for example, work-from-home tech products
manufacturing sector contrasts increase in activity. zone’s manufacturing sector reported a decrease in orders have served as pillars for
with weakness in services Despite increases in infec- also rose, to 55.2 in December and production as Americans China’s overseas trade, helping
businesses that rely on close tions in both the U.S. and Eu- from 53.8 in November, reach- pulled back on spending, and it gain global market share. 40
physical proximity and that rope that have prompted gov- ing its highest level since May factories overall said input Despite the lengthening re-
have suffered as consumers try ernments to impose or extend 2018. prices were up sharply. covery, the surveys of pur-
to lower their risk of infection restrictions, manufacturers “The solid performance of Europe’s factory revival has chasing managers indicate
and governments impose re- continued to report a recovery manufacturing amid the tight- been led by Germany, which is that many factories around
strictions on their behavior. from the sharp declines in out- ening of Covid-19 restrictions seeing strong demand for its the world continue to cut pay- Below 50 indicates
Economists expect that di- put that accompanied the pan- in the closing months of 2020 exports. The country’s PMI rose rolls. That suggests that many a contraction
vergence to be a feature of the demic’s first wave and the lock- represents a major contrast to to its highest level in almost remain cautious about their
global economy well into 2021, downs that accompanied it. the lockdowns earlier in the three years during December. prospects in 2021, even as the 2019 2020
and until vaccines are distrib- Data firm IHS Markit said year, with factories acting as a Japan, another leading ex- deployment of vaccines gets Sources: IHS Markit (U.S.); IHS Markit/BME
uted broadly enough to ensure its purchasing managers index crucial support to the econ- porter of manufactured goods, under way. (Germany); au Jibun Bank (Japan); Caixin (China)

EPA Narrows Use
Of Science in Rules
Stimulative Policy to
Remain, Official Says
Federal Reserve Bank of Chi- BY TIMOTHY PUKO agency must now give greater
cago President Charles Evans consideration to studies in this
said the U.S. economy has a WASHINGTON—The Envi- area in which underlying dose-
long period of very stimulative ronmental Protection Agency is response data is available for
monetary policy ahead of it as issuing new rules that will give independent validation. And
the central bank works to help preference in future decisions when it proposes new regula-
the nation emerge from the cor- about public health to scientific tions it must make available to
onavirus pandemic. studies that disclose their un- the public that science that in-
Mr. Evans, who was making a derlying data. forms the rule.
virtual appearance Monday at an The policy change, in the The rule won’t categorically
economic conference, made lim- works since the start of the exclude any data, Mr. Wheeler
Trump administration, has wrote, adding that the new

ited comments about the out-

look for the economy. He noted been opposed by public-health practices can be done without
that in terms of the recovery, experts, scientists and former releasing personal information
“progress on the vaccine front staff. They say it could under- or violating confidentiality.
has been very positive, and it mine the agency’s effectiveness, The rule will prevent agency
looks like the health crisis will and in many cases it is impossi- leaders from trying “to cherry-
be brought under control as we ble to require these types of pick research to derive politi-
move through the year.” disclosures without violating cally helpful results,” he wrote.
As for central-bank interest- patient confidentiality. It outlines specific criteria for
rate policy, Mr. Evans said the EPA Administrator Andrew when the administrator can
Fed’s new framework that aims GALLANTLY STREAMING: Firefighters unfurled a flag Monday on the street where a Christmas Day Wheeler said the changes are make case-by-case exemptions
for inflation to overshoot its 2% bombing took place in Nashville, Tenn. Officials are assessing damage to dozens of buildings. aimed at increasing transpar- to these requirements.
target to make up for times when ency so that the public has a Several scientists and health
it has fallen short argues in favor WISCONSIN car. Mr. Blake was left paralyzed called stand-your-ground right chance to scrutinize findings experts have questioned Mr.
of a long period of low rates. by the shooting. from an individual’s house and that underlie major regulations. Wheeler’s claims. The disclo-
“It likely will take years to get Governor Activates Amid the unrest, Kyle Ritten- car to any place, “if that person “By shining light on the sci- sure requirement is more likely
average inflation up to 2%, which National Guard house was charged with homi- is in a place in which the person ence we use in decisions, we to narrow what research will be
means monetary policy will be ac- cide and other offenses after lawfully has a right to be.” are helping to restore trust in considered, they said.
commodative for a long time,” Mr. Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers shooting three protesters dem- As recently as last month Gov. government,” Mr. Wheeler “If left unchallenged, this
Evans said in the text of his authorized deployment of the onstrating against the treatment DeWine hinted he might veto the wrote in a commentary pub- rule would essentially bar the
speech. “This translates into low- state National Guard ahead of an of Mr. Blake, leaving two dead. bill, saying lawmakers should fo- lished by The Wall Street Jour- agency from using the most rel-
for-long policy rates, and indicates expected decision on whether to Mr. Rittenhouse faces an ar- cus on what he sent them in- nal on Monday. “We want the evant medical studies when
that the Fed likely will be continu- charge a Kenosha police officer in raignment hearing on Tuesday. stead. But on Monday, he signed EPA to be able to say, ‘you can creating rules about air pollu-
ing our current asset purchase the shooting of Jacob Blake. —Joe Barrett the bill in “the spirit of coopera- check our work.’ ” tion, toxic chemicals, water
program for a while as well.” The Democratic governor said tion” with the General Assembly. Many public-health studies contaminants,” Chris Zarba, a
Mr. Evans will be a voting that 500 troops were activated OHIO He said he was disappointed rely on information about indi- former director of the EPA’s
member of the rate-setting Fed- at the request of local authorities. lawmakers didn’t add the mea- vidual patient health that is re- Science Advisory Board, said in
eral Open Market Committee Kenosha faced several weeks Gun Law Eliminates sures he sought for more than a quired to be kept confidential, a statement. “The rule…doesn’t
this year. When that body met of civil disorder and extensive Duty to Retreat year that would toughen back- which may now exclude ground- ensure transparency in science,
in mid-December, policy makers property damage after Mr. Blake ground checks and boost penal- breaking health findings from but rather is detrimental to
indicated that an uncertain re- was shot multiple times in the An individual’s duty to retreat ties for felons committing new EPA consideration, critics say. high-quality impartial decision-
covery from the pandemic and back by a police officer as Mr. before using force has been crimes with guns. The governor The rules apply to the EPA’s making.”
no expectation inflation will Blake attempted to get in his car eliminated in Ohio under a gun- has pushed these proposals consideration of “dose-re- Mr. Zarba was joined in the
reach the official goal of 2% on Aug. 23. Police made several rights bill signed by Republican since the Aug. 4, 2019, Dayton sponse studies,” used to figure statement by other former EPA
points to near zero rates attempts to detain Mr. Blake, a Gov. Mike DeWine on Monday massacre that killed nine and out how much exposure to a employees, who say the change
through at least 2023. The Fed Black man who was wanted un- despite the governor’s vocal con- wounded more than two dozen. chemical or pollutant increases will benefit industrial interests
also gave no hint it is prepared der a felony warrant. cerns that GOP lawmakers were Nan Whaley, the Democratic the risk to a person’s health. by excluding certain types of
to cut back on its large-scale A bystander video captured ignoring his own legislation pro- mayor of Dayton, accused Mr. Those determinations are fun- studies.
purchases of Treasury and mort- officers yelling for Mr. Blake to posed following the 2019 mass DeWine of giving into extrem- damental to many core EPA They noted the EPA has long
gage bonds. drop a knife, which was later shooting in Dayton. ists in his own party. rules on public health. had a public review process for
—Michael S. Derby found on the floorboards of his The measure expands the so- —Associated Press In future decisions, the the science it uses.

Haven become executive chairman
and focus more on the pan-
demic. Dr. Gawande, who took
The limited public achieve-
ments contrast with Haven’s
ambitions, which attracted at-
The program, which offered
Seattle-area workers at-home
visits by nurses or clinicians,

Venture Is the head role in July 2018,

wanted to move away from
day-to-day management of Ha-
tention from leaders of several
of the U.S.’s most recognized
companies. Berkshire’s Mr.
is now available for all Ama-
zon employees who use com-
pany coverage in Washington
Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem
Soleimani was killed by a U.S.
drone strike Jan. 3, 2020. A U.S.
ers” in Monday’s Journal Re-
port incorrectly listed the Ar-
gentine peso twice, including a

Shut Down ven, people familiar with the

matter said.
Turnover at the joint ven-
Buffett, JPMorgan’s Mr. Dimon
and Amazon’s Mr. Bezos all ex-
pressed hope that the effort
state, including warehouse
Amazon prizes its “fail fast”
News article in some editions
Monday about the decision to
keep the USS Nimitz aircraft
data point marking an incorrect
loss of 0.12%.

ture was a problem almost would help reduce costs for culture aimed at quick innova- carrier in the Middle East in- The Industry Groups table
Continued from Page One from its outset, according to their workers and improve tion, and separate teams often correctly said he was killed Jan. in the Markets Digest page of
tion drugs more affordable,” a people familiar with the mat- care. In a March 2019 memo work on similar projects at the 3, 2019. Monday’s Journal Report
spokeswoman said. ter. Other executives who left posted on Haven’s website, Dr. same time. The company often showed performance for the
The three founding compa- Haven included technology Gawande promised that the operates as a network of small Chen Yang, who runs a full year 2020. The table incor-
nies plan to try to split Ha- chief Serkan Kutan and oper- startup would be “relentless,” teams under one umbrella state-owned enterprise in rectly labeled the performance
ven’s staff, Mr. Dimon said in a ating chief Jack Stoddard. produce “high impact” work rather than with centralized China, expected to incur losses change as from the previous
memo to bank employees Haven sought to develop and “create new solutions and planning, according to current in 2020 in part because of a quarter.
Monday. new ways to improve access to work to change systems, tech- and former Amazon employees. sharp rise in shipping costs. In
“We’ll collaborate less for- primary care, simplify insur- nologies, contracts, policy, and The tech giant has long some editions Monday, a World Notice to readers
mally going forward as we ance coverage and make pre- whatever else is in the way of pursued its own health-care News article about China’s ex- Wall Street Journal staff
each work to design programs scription drugs more afford- better health care.” ambitions and launched an on- porters incorrectly said he ex- members are working re-
tailored to specific needs of able, the company said. It line pharmacy in November. pects losses this year. motely during the pandemic.
our individual employee popu- tested providing flat-rate costs The pharmacy will ship insu- For the foreseeable future,
lations and local markets,” he for health-care services, which lin, asthma inhalers and other The Argentine peso fell please send reader comments
wrote. “Haven worked best as all three companies piloted,
The JPMorgan- common generic or branded 28.79% against the U.S. dollar only by email or phone, using
an incubator of ideas, a place according to a person familiar Amazon-Berkshire medications. It won’t sell opi- in 2020. The chart titled “Track the contacts below, not via
to pilot, test and learn—and a with the venture. One such pi- oids or other drugs deemed at the Markets: Winners and Los- U.S. Mail.
way to share best practices lot involved about 30,000 JP-
venture showed few higher risk of theft, and cus-
across our companies.” Morgan employees in Ohio and signs of impact. tomers will need prescriptions Readers can alert The Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles by
Haven’s foundation ulti- Arizona. Haven also worked on for their medications. emailing or by calling 888-410-2667.
mately proved unwieldy for experiments to lower prescrip- Amazon said its pharmacy
solving the three sprawling tion drug costs and to make would accept most insurance
companies’ problems, people leading providers accessible to Combined, the three com- and offer discounts to unin- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
familiar with the matter said. employees wherever they live, panies have more than 1.5 mil- sured Prime customers. An (USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660)
(Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241)
Different employee bases and this person said. lion employees, with Amazon Amazon spokeswoman said at Editorial and publication headquarters: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036
locations led to different pri- It couldn’t be learned how accounting for about 1.1 mil- the time that “the same teams, Published daily except Sundays and general legal holidays.
orities, and each company had much Haven cost the three lion on its own. The tech giant technology, and infrastructure Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices.
its own existing health-care companies, as it operated has more than 800,000 work- that support PillPack by Ama- Postmaster: Send address changes to The Wall Street Journal, 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020.
systems that required differ- largely out of public view, but ers in the U.S. and hired zon Pharmacy have expanded All Advertising published in The Wall Street Journal is subject to the applicable rate card, copies of which
are available from the Advertising Services Department, Dow Jones & Co. Inc., 1211 Avenue of the
ent fixes, according to one of the costs weren’t a significant 400,000 in 2020 alone. to serve a wider range of cus- Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036. The Journal reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. Only
the people familiar with the factor in its shutdown, one of Even as Haven sought to tomers, both in terms of needs publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s order.
matter. After Haven struggled the people said. improve health-care offerings and numbers.” Amazon bought Letters to the Editor: Fax: 212-416-2891; email:
to implement any changes, the The company showed few for the three companies, Ama- online pharmacy PillPack Inc. Need assistance with your subscription?
By web:; By email:
three companies opted to signs of impact in the three zon teams worked separately about two years before intro- By phone: 1-800-JOURNAL (1-800-568-7625)
close it down, this person said. years following its rollout. Ha- to expand the company’s pro- ducing its own service. Previ- Reprints & licensing: By email: | By phone: 1-800-843-0008
Writer, surgeon and Har- ven spent much of its early time grams for its workers, particu- ously, Amazon customers had WSJ back issues and framed pages:
vard University professor Atul building data systems about larly in the Seattle area. In been directed to a separate Our newspapers are 100% sourced from sustainably certified mills.
Gawande was named Haven’s employees across the three 2019, it launched a virtual pri- site geared toward patients
chief executive, but he stepped partner companies, people fa- mary-care clinic for employees with complex, chronic medical GOT A TIP FOR US? SUBMIT IT AT WSJ.COM/TIPS
down in May, saying he would miliar with the matter said. there dubbed Amazon Care. conditions.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * Tuesday, January 5, 2021 | A3

Drive-Through Vaccination Site Opens for Kentucky Health-Care Workers

GEARING UP: Workers prepared Monday for the first day of mass inoculations with Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine in Broadbent Arena at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville.

Travel Vaccine Makers Struggle to Fill Jobs

FDA Dismisses Talk
Pandemic Contract-manufacturing
companies working to acceler-
ate the global availability of
Of Cutting Doses

High Over Covid-19 vaccines are strug-

gling with a shortage of their
own: There aren’t enough
The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration rejected sug-


Holidays workers to meet this year’s big
production push.
The talent pool is so tight
that Emergent BioSolutions
gestions to cut the recom-
mended dosages of Covid-19
vaccines so more people
could be inoculated.
BY MELANIE GRAYCE WEST Inc., a Covid-19 contractor The federal health agency
based in Gaithersburg, Md., said Monday that suggestions
More than 1.3 million people for AstraZeneca PLC and to lower the dosages weren’t
traveled through U.S. airports Johnson & Johnson, enlisted supported by evidence and
on Sunday, the highest number its CEO and a half-dozen other could put public health at risk.
since March and an indication senior executives to pitch po- The two vaccines authorized
that many didn’t heed public- tential hires at a virtual career for use in the U.S.—from
health warnings to avoid travel fair in October. More than 550 Pfizer Inc. and Moderna Inc.—
and gatherings with family and people attended. require two doses, given three
friends during the Christmas Not enough of them were or four weeks apart.
and New Year holidays. swayed. More than two months Moncef Slaoui, chief ad-
For seven of the past nine later, Emergent still has A technician supervising testing for production and supply of a Covid-19 vaccine candidate in viser to the federal govern-
days, more than one million roughly 200 openings for ware- September in a Catalent Inc. facility in Italy. Catalent has tried unusual recruiting strategies. ment’s Operation Warp Speed
people passed through airport house associates, quality-assur- coronavirus response program,
checkpoints daily, according to ance analysts and even a sup- near-flawless logistics. Many Amid unprecedented demand for Covid-19 vaccines, drug said Sunday that federal offi-
data from the Transportation ply-chain management director. contract manufacturers are developers are leaning more on contract manufacturers cials were considering giving
Security Administration. The “Hiring and ramping up has trying to fill roles that often to satisfy orders world-wide. some individuals two half-
number of travelers moving become challenging,” said require years of experience in Biologic drugs (including Publicly known contract doses of Moderna’s vaccine to
through airports around the Sean Kirk, an Emergent execu- pharmaceutical manufacturing vaccines) manufacturing manufacturing agreements speed up the overall pace of
Christmas holidays mirrors tive vice president, who spoke or biotechnology-related de- by source, 2019 for drug manufacturing vaccination to the public.
the number who traveled im- at the event. grees. They are also struggling Clinical trials for both vac-
mediately before and after Outsourcing companies such to hire workers willing to work In-house or via partnerships 300 cines showed they were
Thanksgiving. as Emergent make about one- overnight shifts, as production highly effective at protecting
Compared with last year, sixth of complex treatments in- goes round-the-clock. The jobs 83% against symptomatic Covid-19
however, travel is significantly cluding vaccines, but the scale are likely to be permanent. 65% 200 when given in two doses. The
down: Some 2.4 million people and abruptness of Covid-19 “We are truly in unprece- FDA authorized giving the
For overall
traveled on Jan. 3, 2020. shots is likely to boost that dented territory because of the Contract FDA-approved two doses of the vaccines on
Health authorities, including share much higher, say indus- world-wide demand outstrip- manufacturers drugs 100 the timetables used in late-
the U.S. Centers for Disease try executives and experts. ping supply,” said Rena Conti, a stage testing.
17% 35%
Control and Prevention, have With demand dwarfing supply, Boston University business Dr. Slaoui suggested re-
maintained that the risk of in- Pfizer Inc., Moderna Inc. and professor who studies bio- 0 ducing dosages as the num-
Source: GlobalData Pharmaceutical
fection on airplanes is low. But others are turning to contract pharmaceutical supply chains. Deals database 2016 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ber of people vaccinated so
manufacturers for assistance in Many contract manufactur- far in the U.S. has fallen short
what is the largest pharmaceu- ers were already staffing up tracker PharmSource. Nearly willing to work overnight shifts of projections.
tical rollout in modern history. before the pandemic. Demand every major pharmaceutical at its Madison, Wis., facility. In a statement, FDA Com-

Number of people that traveled
But those helping drugmak-
ers need more help themselves.
More than 5,000 open jobs ex-
ist at the world’s 10 largest
has soared for niche produc-
tion of complex medications
treating diseases such as
breast cancer or rheumatoid
company with a potential vac-
cine candidate has enlisted
contract manufacturers to help
meet production targets.
The company, based in Som-
erset, N.J., has hundreds of un-
filled jobs, which could directly
affect how much extra produc-
missioner Stephen M. Hahn
and FDA vaccine chief Peter
Marks said that “changes that
are not supported by ade-
through U.S. airports on Sunday companies that have won arthritis, taken by a minority Catalent Inc., one of the tion it can allot to Covid-19 quate scientific evidence may
Covid-19 outsourcing work, ac- of the population. But Covid-19 largest contract manufacturers vaccines, said Bernie Clark, ultimately be counterproduc-
cording to a Wall Street Jour- vaccines have created a mas- in the U.S., has leaned into un- Catalent’s vice president of tive to public health.” They
nal analysis of the companies’ sive new product category usual recruiting strategies, in- marketing and strategy. The said doctors and nurses ad-
as a fall surge of the coronavi- websites. The firms were where the potential market is cluding ads on the radio- company has signed multiple ministering the Covid-19 vac-
rus strained hospitals across ranked by production capacity. every person on Earth. streaming app, Pandora, Covid-19 vaccine contracts. cines should follow their FDA-
the country, public-health ex- The labor crunch is another World production of targeting people who live near “To keep adding capacity authorized dosing schedules.
perts and the CDC urged people potential drag on a global vac- Covid-19 vaccines is expected its manufacturing plants. It of- and new lines, you have to —Thomas M. Burton
not to travel over the holidays, cine rollout already facing a to reach six billion doses in fers $3,000 sign-on bonuses for have the people to run them,” and Jared S. Hopkins
and instead recommended that supply backlog and requiring 2021, according to industry its manufacturing associates Mr. Clark said.
people remain at home and cel-
ebrate only with those in their

As Virus Hits Jails, Guards Want Inoculation

Public-health authorities
have said that small gather-
ings and shared meals led to
post-Thanksgiving Day spikes BY KRIS MAHER the same time as members of Angeles Law Covid-19 Behind behind a prison wall.” inmates will likely be inoculated
of Covid-19 cases around the the general public. Bars Data Project. About 67,000 Several officers at the Mon- at the same time, she added. It
country, and predicted that Prison guards, criminologists For many states, the rela- cases of Covid-19 have been re- roe County facility said they is unclear whether county cor-
Christmas and New Year’s and public-health advocates tively small number of initial ported among prison staff with were required to stand close to- rections officers will be part of
would lead to similar surges. across the U.S. are pushing for doses and complicated logistics over 100 deaths, according to gether in a briefing room, the first phase, according to the
In the past seven days, there prisons to receive Covid-19 vac- of delivering the vaccine to the project. weren’t informed when inmates warden and the union.
have been some 1.5 million new cines early, arguing that a na- competing groups are adding to “It doesn’t make sense to tested positive and that N95 About 14 states currently list
cases of Covid-19 in the U.S., tional surge of the disease the pressures of prioritizing its vaccinate workers but not vacci- masks weren’t readily given to corrections staff in the first
according to the CDC. U.S. hos- among inmates and staff puts distribution. nate the people they are guards working in units with phase of their vaccine rollout,
pitalizations on Sunday were at them at particularly high risk Prisons have been among charged with protecting,” said Covid-19-positive inmates. The according to an analysis of 49
a record-high of 125,544 peo- of infection and death. the nation’s worst coronavirus Wanda Bertram, a spokeswoman union also alleged that a vehicle state distribution proposals by
ple, according to analysis from Health officials say inoculat- hot spots. On average, the rate for the Prison Policy Initiative, used to transport prisoners the Prison Policy Initiative.
the Covid Tracking Project. ing guards without giving the of Covid-19 cases in state and which is advocating that staff wasn’t cleaned regularly. Seven states include prison in-
Data is still likely affected by shot to prisoners wouldn’t help federal prisons was four times and inmates receive the vaccine. “You’re putting your life on mates in the first phase. Some
the holidays, when closed of- stop the spread, spurring a de- that of the general population At the Monroe County Cor- the line for this facility, and states put corrections staff and
fices and limited staffing lead bate over whether people con- and the mortality rate was rectional Facility in Strouds- they’re not doing anything for inmates in a second phase,
to lags in reporting. victed of crimes should be vac- twice as high, according to a burg, Pa., roughly three dozen you,” said Alizabeth Plows, a while others haven’t accounted
The seven-day moving aver- cinated ahead of the general September report by the Coun- corrections officers out of corrections officer there. for either group in existing dis-
age of newly reported cases on population. cil on Criminal Justice. about 130 at the facility have Warden Garry Haidle said the tribution plans.
Sunday was 213,437, according “There’s no way it’s going to The nation’s aging prison tested positive since late No- facility is following federal and UCLA law professor Sharon
to a Wall Street Journal analy- go to prisoners before it goes to population is more likely to have vember. Some 20 officers said state safety protocols and that Dolovich said inmates should
sis of Johns Hopkins data, top- people who haven’t committed chronic health conditions than they inadvertently brought the except for a temporary shortage be given priority when it comes
ping 200,000 once again after any crime,” said Colorado Gov. the general population, putting virus home and infected family of sanitizing wipes, it has had to Covid-19 inoculation for pub-
a slight drop during the Jared Polis, a Democrat, after a inmates at greater risk of devel- members and friends, accord- enough personal protective lic-health reasons—and because
Christmas holidays. The 14- draft of a state vaccine plan that oping a severe case of the dis- ing to Teamsters Local 773. equipment for officers. there is a moral imperative to
day average was 198,781. came out in December put the ease, and then infecting correc- “We are advocating across Pennsylvania has included do so.
When the seven-day average incarcerated people ahead of tions staff who can carry the the country for corrections offi- correctional employees in Phase “These are people in close
exceeds the 14-day average, it those over 65 and other vulner- virus home, health officials say. cers to be among the first to re- 1 of its vaccine-distribution plan. quarters where conditions are
suggests cases are on the rise. able populations. There have been 307,898 ceive the vaccine,” said Matt But medical staff will receive the perfect for the spread of
A spokeswoman for the gov- cases among inmates, with Weidman, business agent for vaccine first, a spokeswoman for Covid,” said Ms. Dolovich.
 What you need to know ernor said inmates will receive 1,801 deaths, according to the Teamsters Local 773. “They’re the state department of correc- —Zusha Elinson
about virus variants............ A10 the vaccine based on need, at University of California, Los doing front-line work. It’s just tions said. Nonmedical staff and contributed to this article.
A4 | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K R F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Lines Are Drawn for a Republican Civil War challenged by Republican siderable internal ideological kota—in which they have to the precedent that it would which path the party takes
rebels, who, taking a cue schisms. Instead, the party is take a stand that either infu- set.” from here is under way. It
from what is happening being pulled apart in the last riates Trump loyalists back And the Arizona Republi- was set in sharp relief by the
right now, will charge that days of the Trump term. home or energizes Demo- can Party openly attacked president’s 11th-hour insis-
the election was “rigged” by Mr. Trump is setting up crats and many indepen- the most prominent Arizona tence last week that his
the establishment, and go to this week as a dramatic test dents against them. Republican of the past gen- party’s congressional leaders
court to try to overturn it. of loyalty to him in the form Meantime, the party’s eration, the late Sen. John reverse course and support
of his last-ditch effort to broader splits are coming to McCain, in a weekend tweet $2,000 coronavirus relief

uch are the forces be- overturn the victory of Pres- the surface. The president proclaiming that the GOP is checks for most Americans.
By Gerald F. Seib ing unleashed this ident-elect Joe Biden, and rang in the New Year by “never going back” to the This week’s drama is partly
week within the GOP, his core supporters will be tweeting that his party’s sec- party he represented but in- about election results, but
where the prospect of a vir- rallying in Washington to ond-ranking senator, Mr. stead “is now, and forever also about where Republican
Less than two years from tual civil war suddenly feels underscore the point. Sens. Thune, who has an 85% life- will be, one for the working office-holders will land along
now, after this week’s at- real. This internal struggle Josh Hawley of Missouri and time congressional-vote ap- man and woman!” this philosophical divide.
tempt to overturn the re- engages the president and Ted Cruz of Texas, who as- proval rating from the Amer- As that tweet shows,

sults of the presidential elec- his family; lawmakers court- pire to lead the Trump army ican Conservative Union, there is an important ideo- he unanswerable ques-
tion has long since played ing the support of Trump whenever Mr. Trump isn’t should be unseated by one of logical struggle lying be- tion is whether Mr.
out, here is a plausible sce- loyalists; and a conservative there to do so himself, have the president’s personal fa- neath the skirmishing. Mr. Trump can maintain
nario: Republican establishment engineered a scenario in vorites, South Dakota Gov. Trump essentially ran for his hold on the party once
A Republican senator or embodied by Senate Major- which each of their col- Kristi Noem. president in 2016 as an inde- he is out of office. Scott
House mem- ity Leader Mitch McConnell. leagues will have to go on Former House Speaker pendent populist, with no Reed, a longtime GOP strate-
ber, one party Part of the struggle is ideo- record either favoring or op- Paul Ryan released over the use for a Republican estab- gist, argues that “Trump
leaders are logical, part is simply about posing the president’s effort weekend a blunt statement lishment that largely op- wannabes need a new para-
eager to see power. In any case, it figures to reverse the election. urging his former colleagues posed him. Upon prevailing, digm, for there will never be
retain his or to roll through the next two They have done so in defi- not to attempt what many he turned the party away another Trump.” He predicts
her seat, will years and into the 2022 mid- ance of Mr. McConnell, cre- are about to try: overturn from traditional conservative Mr. McConnell, a traditional
be challenged term election. ating in the process a no-win the election results. “Under principles of free trade, conservative, will emerge as
in a primary by a disciple of The irony is that Republi- scenario for a series of their our system, voters deter- lower government spending the party’s clear leader.
President Trump. The in- cans might instead be unit- colleagues up for re-election mine the president, and this and limited executive au- He adds: “The election
cumbent, after being at- ing in celebration over what in 2022—Roy Blunt of Mis- self-governance cannot sus- thority and toward more of a showed us that GOP policies
tacked as a member of a dis- actually was a good outcome souri, Lisa Murkowski of tain itself if the whims of working-class agenda. and ideas worked up and
paraged party establishment, for them in the 2020 vote, Alaska, Rob Portman of Congress replace the will of Now, with the Trump down the ticket, but it was
will still win the primary. and allowing attention to fo- Ohio, Marco Rubio of Flor- the people,” Mr. Ryan wrote. presidency near its end, the the personality that cost us
But that outcome will be cus on Democrats’ own con- ida, John Thune of South Da- “I urge members to consider inevitable struggle over the White House.”

Trump Congress Should

Blasts GOP Certify Biden Win,
Continued from Page One
within the Republican Party will
CEO Group Says
go down in infamy as weak and BY EMILY GLAZER an emergency, 10-day audit of
ineffective ‘guardians’ of our Na- the election results. Although
tion,” Mr. Trump tweeted Mon- Nearly 200 top U.S. business none of the challenges are ex-
day, referring to Republicans leaders pressed Congress to pected to succeed, they could
who wanted to certify the re- certify President-elect Joe Bi- slow the process.
sults. He called them “willing to den’s electoral victory in a let- By law, Congress must hold
accept the certification of fraud- ter Monday, the latest attempt a joint session on Jan. 6 to rat-
ulent presidential numbers!” by corporate executives to pub- ify Mr. Biden’s 306-232 Elec-
Mr. Trump has blamed voter licly urge a smooth transition toral College win. Objections

fraud for his defeat, but no sig- of power as President Trump from some Republican senators
nificant evidence emerged that and many Republicans continue and House members are ex-
would change the result, and he to dispute the election results. pected to force debate and
and his legal team have been The letter, sent by the Part- votes in Congress. Majorities in
dealt losses in courts at all lev- nership for New York City, the House and Senate would
els including the U.S. Supreme which represents the city’s have to agree for the challenge
Court. Then-Attorney General business leaders and largest to succeed, an extremely un-
William Barr said last month GOP Sen. Tom Cotton with his wife, Anna Peckham, at his ceremonial swearing-in at the Capitol. employers, called on Congress likely prospect given that Dem-
the Justice Department hadn’t to certify the electoral vote on
found evidence of widespread pared for the proceedings to from some states unless Con- runoffs, and he encouraged Wednesday as the nation con-
fraud that could reverse Mr. Bi- last for several days. gress appoints a commission to other Senate Republicans to re- tinues to reel from the corona- Pfizer CEO
den’s victory. Over the week- Democrats said Republicans conduct an emergency, 10-day main silent as well, this person virus pandemic. Albert Bourla
end, Mr. Trump urged Georgia were bowing to Mr. Trump’s audit of the election results. said. But over the weekend Mr. “Attempts to thwart or delay was among
Secretary of State Brad Raffen- demands despite no chance of It takes one House lawmaker Cotton spoke to Mr. McConnell this process run counter to the the nearly 200
sperger to overturn the Novem- success. and one senator to object to a again and they discussed essential tenets of our democ- executives
ber election results that deliv- “It’s just really soul crushing state’s electoral votes in writ- whether he should come out racy,” the letter said. “Our duly who signed
ered the state to Mr. Biden. that these people are continuing ing on Wednesday. The objec- with a statement before elected leaders deserve the re- the letter.
Mr. Trump’s comments came this effort, but our democracy is tion, once filed, triggers two Wednesday, the person said. spect and bipartisan support of
as more than a dozen Republi- stronger,” Sen. Amy Klobuchar hours of concurrent debate and For Republican senators and all Americans at a moment
can senators and scores of GOP (D., Minn.) said. “Donald Trump votes in each chamber. staff who feared more defec- when we are dealing with the ocrats control the House.
House members have said they is a dominant personality and On Monday, Mr. Trump sin- tions, Mr. Cotton’s statement worst health and economic cri- In a Saturday telephone call,
would challenge certification of he knows no limits, and he’s gled out one Republican sena- came as “a sigh of relief,” one ses in modern history.” Mr. Trump urged Georgia’s Re-
Mr. Biden’s win. Senate Major- pushing this to the end.” tor for breaking with him. He aide said. Several more GOP Among the nearly 200 busi- publican secretary of state,
ity Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Business interests weighed tweeted at Sen. Tom Cotton of senators said they wouldn’t ness leaders who signed the Brad Raffensperger, to overturn
Ky.) and other Republicans have in, with nearly 200 top U.S. Arkansas: “Republicans have challenge the election results. letter are the heads of financial the November election results
made the case that a public business leaders in a letter pluses & minuses, but one thing “I cannot support allowing firm BlackRock Inc., consul- that led Mr. Biden, a Democrat,
fight over the results could Monday pressing Congress to is sure, THEY NEVER FORGET!” Congress to thwart the will of tancy Deloitte, airline JetBlue to win the state.
hurt GOP incumbents’ chances certify the results. The U.S. Mr. Cotton, who along with the voters,” said Sen. Rob Port- Airways Corp. and pharmaceu- The U.S. Chamber of Com-
in 2022 and could open future Chamber of Commerce also Messrs. Cruz and Hawley is man of Ohio in a statement. tical company Pfizer Inc., ac- merce, which represents more
presidential contests up to urged lawmakers to back Mr. seen as a 2024 presidential Sens. Shelley Moore Capito cording to a release sent by the than three million businesses,
challenges by Democrats. Biden’s win and for the Trump hopeful, said in a statement (R., W.Va.) and Kevin Cramer partnership. The group includes also urged Congress on Monday
Vice President Mike Pence is administration to facilitate an late Sunday he wouldn’t join (R., N.D.) also said Monday they a number of Fortune 500 com- to certify Mr. Biden’s win.
scheduled to preside over orderly transition. the group objecting to results. wouldn’t object to the electoral panies across industries as well “Efforts by some members
Wednesday’s joint session to The group planning to chal- Mr. Cotton’s decision not to tally. Sen. Kelly Loeffler, a can- as New York-based financial- of Congress to disregard certi-
count each of the 538 Electoral lenge Mr. Biden’s win in the participate long predated Mr. didate in the runoffs in Georgia services firms and law firms. fied election results in an effort
College votes from the 50 Senate includes Sen. Josh Haw- Hawley’s announcement last Tuesday, said she would. Eleven current and incoming to change the election outcome
states and the District of Co- ley (R., Mo.), who said Wednes- week, according to a person fa- Capitol Hill offices are being Republican senators said this or to try to make a long-term
lumbia. Any challenge is set to day he would contest results in miliar with Mr. Cotton’s think- overwhelmed by calls in the past weekend that they would political point undermines our
fail in both chambers, given Pennsylvania and potentially ing. Last month, he privately thousands, urging their elected vote to reject the Electoral Col- democracy and the rule of law
Democratic control of the other states. On Saturday, 11 let Mr. McConnell know where officials to investigate the pres- lege votes of some states on and will only result in further
House and lack of broad GOP more senators, led by Ted Cruz he stood but didn’t plan to dis- ident’s fraud allegations and Wednesday as not “lawfully division across our nation,”
Senate support. Senate leader- of Texas, said they, too, planned close his decision before Tues- overturn the election in his fa- certified” unless Congress ap- said Chamber CEO Thomas J.
ship told staffers to be pre- to challenge electoral votes day’s pivotal Georgia Senate vor, GOP Hill aides said. points a commission to conduct Donohue in a statement.

House Weakens Tool Used by Minority Proud Boys Leader Is

BY NATALIE ANDREWS identities by changing pro-
nouns and familial relation-
the minority would only be
able to use the motion to send
away is their gotcha opportu-
nities,” said Majority Leader
Charged After Clashes
WASHINGTON—The House ships in the House rules to be a bill back to the committee. Steny Hoyer (D., Md.) about BY RACHAEL LEVY protests in the capital. He told
passed rules that weakened a gender-neutral. Among spe- Republicans in the last ses- the Republicans. the Post he would plead guilty
procedural tool Republicans cific changes, the new rules sion effectively used the mo- “The Democrat majority is WASHINGTON—The leader to destruction of property, pay
had used to force Democrats strike ‘‘himself or herself’’ and tion to recommit for political just coming right out and ad- of the far-right Proud Boys was the church the cost of the ban-
to take tough political votes as insert ‘‘themself,” and changes messaging and to trap the ma- mitting that they are unable to arrested on Wednesday in ner and accept arrest if author-
well as added exemptions to a “chairman” to “chair.” The jority into taking difficult stand by their caucus’s radical Washington, D.C., and charged ities filed charges.
budget rule that progressives rules also change familial votes on a part of the legisla- beliefs,” said Rep. Ted Budd in connection with unrest that The night of the burning,
deemed a win. terms to make them gender tion and occasionally getting (R., N.C.). followed pro-Trump protests in brawls broke out between some
The rules package for the neutral, changing “uncle” and GOP provisions through the The rules package also the nation’s capital last month. demonstrators and counterpro-
new Congress passed on parti- “aunt” to “parent’s sibling,” Democratic-controlled body. changes the longstanding pay- Metropolitan Police arrested testers. Several people, including
san lines in a 217-206 vote for example. The changes af- as-you-go, or PAYGO, provision Enrique Tarrio, 36 years old, eight police officers, were hurt,
Monday. The rules are set by fect the language in House that says legislation that and charged him with destruc- authorities said at the time.
the majority party’s leadership rules but doesn’t apply to law- would increase the deficit tion of property related to the Mr. Tarrio’s arrest came the
and must be passed at the start makers’ own language or leg-
The package also needs to be offset. Progres- burning of a Black Lives Matter same day civil-rights groups
of each session of Congress. islative proposals. instructs lawmakers sives sought to eliminate the banner belonging to a historic filed a lawsuit against Mr. Tar-
The new package strength- Democrats said the rules provision so they could push Black church. Police also rio and Proud Boys Interna-
ens congressional oversight, change was designed to reflect
to honor all gender for legislation that doesn’t charged him with possession of tional LLC over vandalism they
seeks to protect whistleblowers the increasingly diverse Con- identities. have a direct offset, such as what they said were two “high- say the group committed at an-
and specifically defines that gress, but Republicans said the Medicare for All or the Green capacity firearm magazines.” other Black church, the Metro-
any current and former White move was absurd. New Deal. Moderate Blue Dog Mr. Tarrio didn’t return a politan African Methodist Epis-
House employees can be sub- Notably, the new rules also Democrats argued for specific phone call seeking comment. A copal Church.
poenaed. It also renews proxy include a change to a House The change was pushed by exemptions, rather than a com- social-media account for the “I love a good fight,” Mr.
voting, which allows lawmak- procedure called a motion to Democrats likely to face com- plete end to PAYGO, according Proud Boys on Monday night Tarrio said in a social-media
ers to vote remotely during the recommit, a procedural vote petitive re-election races who to a senior Democratic aide. said the group had started a le- post about the lawsuit earlier
pandemic by designating a that the minority can use to are leery of votes that can The resulting compromise gal-defense fund for him. on Monday.
lawmaker to vote on their be- change legislation in a final then be turned into attack ads. gives the Budget Committee Mr. Tarrio told the Washing- Fresh protests are expected
half. Republicans object to the amendment vote before legis- Democrats argued that Repub- chairman the ability to declare ton Post in December he partic- in Washington on Tuesday and
remote voting rule and are dis- lation passes. The rules ad- licans often aren’t proposing bills that respond to the pan- ipated in burning a Black Lives Wednesday to support Presi-
puting it in court, though some opted on Monday would pre- amendments in good faith be- demic or seek to combat cli- Matter banner that had been dent Trump’s claims the elec-
GOP lawmakers have used it. vent the procedural vote from cause they often end up voting mate change as having no ripped from the Asbury United tion was “stolen” from him. Mr.
The package also instructs altering bills on the floor di- against the final legislation. cost, effectively exempting Methodist Church during un- Tarrio had said he plans to at-
lawmakers to honor all gender rectly before passage. Instead, “The only thing being taken them from the PAYGO rules. rest that followed pro-Trump tend.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, January 5, 2021 | A5

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Georgia Girds
For Senate
Runoff Vote


DALTON, Ga.—Georgians Asked about Mr. Sterling’s
were bracing for Tuesday’s remarks, Trump campaign se-
Senate runoff elections with nior legal adviser Jenna Ellis
their state in the political spot- said in a statement, in part:
light after President Trump “The Trump Legal Team has
urged state officials in a week- presented facts and evidence,
end phone call to nullify Presi- including witnesses and expert
dent-elect Joe Biden’s win in testimony” that she argued
the November vote. show there were election issues.
The secretary of state’s of-
By Joshua Jamerson, fice said Monday it had re-
Cameron McWhirter ceived reports of some counties
and Alexa Corse preparing to bolster security at
some polling stations. Bishop
Gabriel Sterling, voting sys- Reginald T. Jackson, who over-
tem implementation manager sees Georgia’s African Method-
at the Georgia secretary of ist Episcopal churches and is
state’s office, on Monday de- head of a nonpartisan faith-
bunked a host of inaccurate based voter-turnout organiza-
claims by the president and his tion, said some get-out-the-vote President Trump and President-elect Joe Biden both held rallies for candidates Monday in an election that will decide Senate control.
allies about fraud in the state’s rallies were canceled over the
Nov. 3 election during a news weekend because of threats and agenda. “America as you know gone through multiple recounts from Mr. Trump since Novem- whole Trump mentality,” Mr.
conference at the state Capitol. several churches that planned it will be over,” Mr. Trump said. and legal challenges without ber include Gov. Brian Kemp, a Morsberger said. “Trump and
Mr. Trump’s campaign and to serve as polling stations had “That’s why I’m here. I don’t any evidence of widespread onetime ally Mr. Trump en- Trump puppets need to go. It’s
a Trump elector previously received bomb threats. want to do rallies for other fraud being found. His office on dorsed in 2018. On the Satur- embarrassing for our country.
said that data indicated that “Our community is deeply people.…if you don’t show up Monday expressed confidence day call, Mr. Trump called Mr. We need to clear out support
more than 66,000 voters un- concerned for our congrega- the radical Democrats will win.” in Tuesday’s voting as well. Kemp “a disaster” and said, for this kind of goofiness.”
der the age of 18 illegally tions’ safety and the voting Mr. Biden traveled to At- “President Trump and Geor- “Like a schmuck I endorsed Representatives for Ms.
voted. But state officials found rights of every Georgian,” the lanta for a campaign event for gia GOP chairman David Shafer him.” On Fox News Sunday Loeffler didn’t respond to re-
that no underage voters cast bishop said. the Democratic candidates have run around this state say- night, Mr. Kemp said, “I haven’t quests to comment.
ballots, Mr. Sterling said. Late Monday, Mr. Trump hours ahead of Mr. Trump. ing ‘You can’t trust the voting listened to the tape. I would Mr. Perdue said Monday on
“This is all easily, provably held a rally in Dalton on behalf He didn’t directly mention machines, you can’t trust ab- just say all those things to me Fox News that it was “disgust-
false. Yet the president persists of Republican candidates Da- the president but said generally sentee ballots,’ which has left right now are distractions. The ing” that the president’s con-
and, by doing so, undermines vid Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, that the Republican Party ought many Republican voters won- thing that matters is Tuesday.” versation was leaked to the
Georgians’ faith in the election both locked in close races. Mr. to have more respect for elec- dering, ‘Will my vote even Vice President Mike Pence, news media, and renewed his
system,” Mr. Sterling said. Perdue, whose term as senator tion results. “In America, as our count?’ ” said Mr. Raffen- campaigning Monday in Milner, call for Mr. Raffensperger to
Mr. Trump’s campaign ear- expired Sunday at noon, is opposition friends are finding Ga., said that he shared con- resign. He said a day earlier
lier said as many as 2,560 fel- battling Democrat Jon Ossoff out, all power flows from the cerns about whether the No- that he didn’t think the news
ons voted illegally. Mr. Ster- to return to Washington. Ms. people,” Mr. Biden said. “That’s vember election was conducted of the conversation would al-
ling said Monday that state Loeffler—appointed last year our democracy. Politicians can-
The state is in focus fairly. “I know we all have got ter the outcome of the runoffs.
officials have access to better to fill a Senate seat vacated by not assert, take or seize power. after Mr. Trump our doubts about the last elec- “A lot of people in Georgia
data. He said 74 potential Sen. Johnny Isakson, who re- Power is given—granted—by tion,” he said. “I promise you and 75 million Americans I
cases are under investigation tired—is running in a special the American people alone.”
urged officials to come this Wednesday, we will think align with him right now
but some of those people may election against Democrat Ra- The races are some of the void Mr. Biden’s win. have our day in Congress; to- that something untoward hap-
have been eligible to vote for phael Warnock to finish two most expensive for the Senate morrow is Georgia’s day,” Mr. pened here in Georgia, and we
reasons such as having com- years of that term. in history, and the results will Pence said, noting the effort by have not gotten to the bottom
pleted their sentences. Before Mr. Trump arrived determine which party con- some Republicans to object to of it,” Mr. Perdue said.
There are potentially two in Georgia, Ms. Loeffler said trols the chamber. sperger’s spokesman, Ari Schaf- certifying Mr. Biden’s win. State Republican officials
cases of ballots cast by people that she would be joining More than three million fer. “Our office believes every Some Georgia Republican and former U.S. Attorney Gen-
who died before the election, about a dozen GOP senators to Georgians had already voted vote counts. Your vote matters.” voters were disturbed by news eral William Barr have said
Mr. Sterling said, but that is object to certifying Mr. Biden’s early in the runoff elections In a response by text, Mr. of Mr. Trump’s Saturday con- there is no evidence of wide-
still being investigated. That 306-232 Electoral College win. before news broke Sunday of Shafer said: “I have criticized versation. Emory Morsberger, spread voter fraud.
data contradicts a claim that Taking the stage before a the weekend conversation dur- Raffensperger for weakening a former Republican state rep- The Senate currently has 50
there were more than 10,000 crowd of thousands, Mr. ing which Mr. Trump urged signature verification and re- resentative who voted for Mr. Republicans and 48 members
votes from people who died Trump immediately declared Georgia Secretary of State fusing to allow meaningful ob- Trump in 2016, said he had of the Democratic caucus. If
before the election, he said. his election rigged and Brad Raffensperger and his servation of the verification planned to vote for Mr. Perdue Democrats win both Georgia
“If you’re a Georgia voter, if claimed victory. “They’re not staff to overturn November’s process. Our only remedy at and against Ms. Loeffler in the races, they will gain control
you want your values reflected taking this White House, we’re presidential election results. this point is to turn out the contests. He changed his mind because Vice President-elect
by your elected officials, I going to fight like hell.” Throughout the conversa- vote tomorrow. The more of us after learning of the presi- Kamala Harris would cast tie-
strongly beg and encourage He urged voters to support tion, Mr. Raffensperger, who who vote, the harder it is for dent’s call and voted against breaking votes.
you, go vote tomorrow. Do not the candidates. If Republicans oversaw the state’s elections, them to cheat.” both Republicans. He dropped —Lindsay Wise
let anybody discourage you,” lose the seats, he said, Demo- rejected pressure to further in- GOP politicians in Georgia his absentee ballot off Monday. in Washington
Mr. Sterling said. crats could push through their vestigate an election that has who have come under attack “We need to get rid of the contributed to this article.

Auto Firms Nunes, a Trump Ally,

Close In Awarded Presidential
On Merger Medal of Freedom

Continued from Page One

with an industrywide shift to BY CATHERINE LUCEY with Russia, calling him “a
more technologically advanced public servant of unmatched
vehicles. “We are aware of the President Trump awarded talent, unassailable integrity,
fact that together we will be the Presidential Medal of Free- and unwavering resolve.”
stronger than individually,” he dom to Rep. Devin Nunes on In a 2019 report, special
told shareholders Monday. Monday, bestowing the na- counsel Robert Mueller con-
The combination is ex- tion’s top civilian honor on a firmed that Moscow interfered
pected to produce savings— close Republican ally during in the 2016 election and de-
$6.1 billion annually by the the closing days of his presi- tailed contacts between the
companies’ projections—as dency, the White House said. Russian operatives and mem-
well as help the two auto mak- Mr. Nunes, of California, bers of the Trump campaign,
ers navigate increasingly strin- was the top Republican on the but said the evidence didn’t
gent emissions regulations and House Intelligence Committee establish a conspiracy or coor-
invest in costly new technolo- when it conducted the Russia dination between the two.
gies, such as those used in hy- PSA and FCA shareholders overwhelmingly supported the deal. A Peugeot plant in Trnava, Slovakia. probe. He aggressively de- As chairman of the House
brid and electric vehicles. fended Mr. Trump during in- Intelligence Committee in
Meanwhile, the new Stellan- ing it to cut its shareholder will put pressure on Stellantis Similarly, in China, the vestigations into Russian in- 2017, Mr. Nunes oversaw the
tis will have to manage a hefty dividend in April. But the to keep each one distinctive, world’s largest auto market, terference in the 2016 election House panel’s Russia probe,
slate of 15 vehicle brands, while strength of the U.S. market’s while generating savings by Fiat Chrysler and PSA have and throughout the president’s but drew criticism from Demo-
fixing its business in China and rebound over the summer combining the underlying engi- struggled to gain a larger foot- impeachment trial in the crats, who accused him of pro-
improving results in Europe, a helped it post a surprisingly neering and manufacturing. hold, selling fewer than 200,000 House of Representatives. viding political cover to the
crowded market that has long strong third-quarter profit. “They have to play that very vehicles combined in 2019, ac- The Democratic-majority Trump administration rather
bedeviled many car companies. Mr. Tavares spent more tactically,” said Stefano Aversa, cording to industry data. That House voted to impeach Mr. than leading a serious, inde-
Like other auto manufactur- than three decades climbing a vice chairman at consulting represents less than 1% of the Trump on charges stemming pendent inquiry.
ers, both companies have been the ranks at the Nissan-Re- firm AlixPartners. “Over time, nearly 26 million vehicles sold from his efforts to press Mr. Trump also plans to
weakened by the coronavirus nault Alliance and was once you will likely see a reposition- in China that year. Ukraine to announce investiga- award the Presidential Medal
pandemic, and Mr. Tavares will considered an heir apparent to ing or consolidating of certain Jefferies’ Mr. Houchois said tions that could benefit him of Freedom to Rep. Jim Jordan
face the task of integrating Carlos Ghosn, at the time the brands to avoid overlap.” Mr. Tavares faces a big decision politically. The Republican-led (R., Ohio), according to people
their global operations at a alliance’s head, before leaving In Europe, where both auto in China: to stay or go. With Senate acquitted the president. familiar with his plans.
time the industry is still trying in 2013 to take over then- makers have a big presence, Beijing phasing out a joint-ven- In a news release, the White During a 2018 interview
to regain its footing after a struggling rival PSA. At PSA, the market is only getting ture requirement for auto mak- House praised Mr. Nunes for with “Fox & Friends,” Mr.
turbulent year. Fiat Chrysler he led the purchase of GM’s tougher. New auto-emissions ers in 2022, the new Stellantis his role in attempting to dis- Trump said Mr. Nunes should
and PSA executives said the money-losing brands in Eu- regulations are compelling car chief could use its expiration to credit investigations of the get the medal, calling them
economic challenges created by rope—Opel and Vauxhall—and companies to roll out more hy- take an entirely different ap- Trump campaign’s contacts “high awards for civilians, and
the pandemic have only further the following year restored brid and electric vehicles or proach. “You can’t really be a he’s done amazing.”
underscored their rationale for them to profitability. face penalties. And vehicle de- global auto maker without a Considered one of the na-
the merger, the auto sector’s Still, megamergers in the mand remains depressed as presence there, so then it be- tion’s highest civilian honors,
largest since 1998. Both com- auto industry have a spotty re- the pandemic’s fallout contin- comes: ‘How do you go about the medal is awarded to peo-
panies declined to comment. cord, analysts and executives ues to take a toll on sales. Fiat it?’ ” Mr. Houchois said. ple “who have made especially
“The merger is an opportu- said, and the FCA-PSA tie-up Chrysler, in particular, has The deal already has cleared meritorious contributions to

nity to reset everything in a re- comes as other global auto long grappled with factories several hurdles, including win- the security or national inter-
ally fast-changing industry,” manufacturers are moving running at below-normal ca- ning approval from European ests of the United States, to
said Philippe Houchois, an auto quickly to downsize and be pacity, industry data show, but Union regulators, but it is still world peace, or to cultural or
analyst for Jefferies. “Now, you more nimble. One of the big- closing plants in Europe is ex- waiting for regulatory approval other significant public or pri-
can change your priorities to gest challenges facing Mr. Tav- pensive and politically fraught, from governments in several vate endeavors.” It was estab-
adjust to the changing world.” ares will be trying to manage analysts said. smaller markets. The companies lished in 1963 by President
France’s PSA, whose brands the combined group’s collec- Both companies have in- also have yet to publicly reveal John F. Kennedy.
include Peugeot and Citroën, tion of 15 automotive brands— sisted they won’t close plants. the new leadership team. In December, Mr. Trump
has fared better than rivals more than the dozen owned by But that would mean Mr. Tava- Fiat Chrysler said in De- awarded the medal to retired
during the health crisis, man- Volkswagen AG, now the res would have to find ways to cember that Mike Manley, the Notre Dame football coach Lou
aging to post a profit in the world’s largest auto maker by fill up the European factories company’s current chief execu- Holtz and Iowa wrestling icon
first half of 2020. Fiat Chrys- sales. with models that generate tive, would take on a new role Dan Gable.
ler was hit hard in the spring Mr. Tavares has said he steady sales—a tactic Fiat postmerger, running the Mr. Trump’s plans were
by factory closures and a col- doesn’t plan to cut any brands, Chrysler has tried in the past Americas for the newly com- Rep. Devin Nunes oversaw a earlier reported by the Wash-
lapse in vehicle demand, lead- but industry analysts said that with little success, analysts said. bined auto maker. House committee’s Russia probe. ington Post.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, January 5, 2021 | A7

Tehran Accelerates Uranium Enrichment
New nuclear activity ramps up pressure on Western
countries, reaching 4.5% pu-
exceeds deal’s limits, rity last year. The 2015 deal
speeds up timetable limits Iran to 3.67% purity.
The increased nuclear activ-
to produce a weapon ity and the Dec. 1 law that set
it in motion could be designed
BY ARESU EQBALI to improve Iran’s position in
AND JARED MALSIN negotiations toward a revival
of the 2015 nuclear deal under
TEHRAN—Iran said it has Mr. Biden, who will be inaugu-
resumed enriching uranium to rated as president on Jan. 20.
20% purity, exceeding limits Iran’s Foreign Minister Ja-
set in a 2015 nuclear deal and vad Zarif said the nuclear ac-
slashing the time it would take tivity was in response to non-
for Tehran to produce the compliance by other members
grade of fuel needed for a nu- of the agreement. “Our mea-
clear weapon. sures are fully reversible upon


The nuclear activity, which FULL compliance by ALL,” he
returns Iran to an enrichment said on Twitter on Monday.
level it last reached before en- Tensions between Iran and
tering the international ac- its opponents have soared since
cord, dials up pressure on the killing of Iran’s top nuclear
Washington and crosses a red scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh,
line set by European countries who died in an attack on his car
that remained committed to outside Tehran in late Novem-
the agreement after the ber. Iranian leaders accused Is-
Trump administration with- rael of carrying out the attack.
drew from it in 2018. Israel has neither confirmed
The move threatens to com- Iran has stepped up uranium-enrichment efforts at the Fordow nuclear facility, seen in a satellite photo, beneath a mountain south of Tehran. nor denied involvement.
plicate President-elect Joe Bi- The killing further unsettled
den’s plan to rejoin the deal dent Hassan Rouhani had said the Middle East in a tense pe-
that placed limits on Tehran’s he opposed the move, urging South Korean Ship riod as the region awaits the in-
nuclear program, but which caution with respect to actions auguration of Mr. Biden, who
floundered after the U.S. left it that could provoke hostilities Is Seized in Gulf has vowed to change course on


and reimposed crippling eco- with the West. U.S. policy toward the region
nomic sanctions on Tehran. Mr. “The government finds it- following years of a pressure
Biden has said the U.S. would self obliged to carry out this Iranian forces seized a campaign on Iran carried out by
rejoin the deal as long as Iran law,” said the spokesman, Ali South Korea-flagged ship on the Trump administration.
complies with its terms. Rabie. The enrichment is tak- Monday, a semiofficial Iranian The campaign included crip-
The enrichment activity also ing place at the Fordow nu- news agency reported, height- pling economic sanctions and
raises tensions in the Middle clear facility beneath a moun- ening tensions with a U.S. ally. the January 2020 killing of Maj.
East when the region is on edge tain south of Tehran, he said. Forces boarded the vessel Gen. Qassem Soleimani, a senior
during the waning days of the The heightened level of en- because it was creating un- leader in Iran’s Islamic Revolu-
Trump administration. richment cuts the time it specified pollution in the Per- tionary Guard Corps and the ar-
Tehran has vowed to avenge would take for Iran to create sian Gulf, the agency reported. chitect of Iran’s alliances with
the killings of a top Iranian nu- weapons-grade uranium, The vessel’s owner, DM Iranian forces detained the Hankuk Chemi tanker on Monday. powerful militia groups that en-
clear scientist in November and which is 90% enriched. David Shipping of Busan, South Ko- hanced Tehran’s influence
a senior Iranian general, who Albright, a former weapons in- rea, didn’t respond to calls. Covid-19 vaccines and other hu- In 2019, Tehran detained a across the Middle East.
died in a U.S. drone strike last spector and president of the Tehran is in a dispute with manitarian goods. British-owned tanker for Iranian proxy groups in the
January. The strike followed a Institute for Science and Inter- South Korea over Seoul’s re- Iran has previously seized months after the U.K. seized region called for revenge at-
year of spiraling hostilities in national Security, a security fusal to unlock frozen oil-reve- vessels from countries with an Iranian vessel that was on tacks on the anniversary of Gen.
the region that included explo- think tank in Washington, esti- nue accounts to pay for which it has had disputes. its way to Syria. Soleimani’s death on Jan. 3,
sions on oil tankers and an at- mated that it would take six to which came and went without
tack on Saudi oil facilities that nine months to build a nuclear spectacular violence.
the U.S. blamed on Iran. Tehran explosive, prepare a test site Iran told the International 4.1% into six centrifuge cascades move “a clear attempt to in- “These anniversaries are
has denied involvement in the and carry out a nuclear test. Atomic Energy Agency on Dec. at the Fordow facility for en- crease its campaign of nuclear big. This is a way for Iran to
explosions and the Saudi attack. President Trump’s with- 31 that it planned to proceed richment up to 20%. The agency extortion, an attempt that will mark them, to say we didn’t
An Iranian government drawal from the nuclear agree- with 20% enrichment, the said its inspectors were present continue to fail.” engage in revenge that we
spokesman on Monday de- ment reimposed economic agency has said. IAEA Director- at the nuclear site to detach the The increase in uranium-en- would be taking, but we are do-
fended the decision to lift the sanctions on Tehran and General Rafael Grossi confirmed agency’s seal from a cylinder richment levels accelerates ing things,” said Ariane Tabata-
enrichment levels, saying it launched an era of renewed to member states on Monday containing the uranium supply. Iran’s approach, in which it bai, an Iran expert at the Alli-
complied with a law passed by hostilities with Iran and its al- that Iran began feeding uranium A U.S. State Department had been gradually increasing ance for Securing Democracy
Parliament in December. Presi- lies in the Middle East. that was already enriched up to spokeswoman called Tehran’s uranium enrichment as it at the German Marshall Fund.

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A8 | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Saudis, lamic State forces in the Mid-

dle East and Taliban insur-
gents in Afghanistan.
cretly flew to Riyadh to offer a
new deal to end the dispute.
Qatar agreed to constrain cov-


Qatar Set Saudi Arabia and its allies
issued a list of 13 demands for
Qatar, including shutting the
erage by Al Jazeera, Gulf offi-
cials said, but the network
continued to run programming

To End Rift state-backed Al Jazeera satel-

lite news network, severing
ties with the Muslim Brother-
that infuriated leaders in
Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E. and
hood, and cutting off its mili- Late last year, Gulf leaders
Continued from Page One tary cooperation with Iran. reached out to Mr. Kushner
than President Trump, a Re- Doha rejected the accusations and asked him to help, U.S. of-
publican who stood by Ri- that it was aligned with Iran ficials said. Mr. Kushner had
yadh’s leaders when they were and supported terrorism, and developed close ties with
accused of jailing human-rights managed to mitigate the dam- Saudi Crown Prince Moham-
activists and killing Saudi jour- age caused by the dispute. med bin Salman. And he had
nalist Jamal Khashoggi. The Trump administration business ties in Qatar, where
If it holds, an end to the quickly reversed course and the Kushner family unsuccess-
blockade takes a diplomatic sought unsuccessfully for fully tried to secure critical
problem off the table for the White House adviser Jared Kushner met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in September. years to broker an end to the funding to bail out a finan-
incoming Biden team, which dispute. Over the past year, cially troubled Manhattan
wants to turn its focus toward resolve the most problematic “Everyone is now waiting to the media war among the na- negotiations focused mainly real-estate project.
consolidating support for ef- short-term challenges for Qa- see if Qatar does what it says tions, where state-backed on resolving the fight over air- While Mr. Kushner was
forts to draw Iran back into tar and its rival Gulf neigh- it will do, now that we have a news outlets routinely target space. working to end the dispute in
the 2015 nuclear agreement bors. framework agreed upon,” a se- their rivals with negative cov- To evade the ban on flying December, the Trump adminis-
and negotiate a follow-on “This is the biggest break- nior Bahraini official said. erage. over Saudi Arabia, Qatar re- tration approved the sale of
agreement addressing Teh- through we’ve had to date,” Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim “Is it perfect? No,” a second routed some planes over Iran, more than $760 million in
ran’s ballistic-missile program one senior Trump administra- bin Hamad Al Thani is ex- senior Trump administration providing Tehran with a new arms to Saudi Arabia and
and regional ambitions. tion official said. “It doesn’t pected to attend Tuesday’s official said. “Ultimately, I source of funds for use of its more than $100 million to
U.S. and Saudi officials said mean they will love each other meeting as a sign of the na- think what this shows is that airspace while the U.S. was Egypt, which had pushed back
they had secured a compro- and be best friends, but it tion’s commitment to resolv- the parties have more to gain working to choke off money on the U.S.-brokered deal.
mise that will allow Qatar does mean they will be able to ing the dispute, according to from ending this now than flowing to the government. U.S. officials said the arms
again to fly planes over the work together.” an official government state- from letting it go on beyond Mr. Trump pressed Saudi Ara- sales weren’t related to the
Gulf nation in exchange for Qatar’s regional rivals re- ment. the Trump administration.” bia to cede ground on the is- deal to be signed on Tuesday.
Qatar Airways dropping a se- main wary. Officials from sev- U.S. and Middle East offi- The Middle East nations’ sue, but Riyadh was reluctant Qatar has its own incen-
ries of legal challenges against eral Gulf nations warned that cials said they hope Tuesday’s severing of ties with Qatar in to give up its main pressure tives to strike a deal to end
the four nations that sought the Saudi-led deal would only meeting will set the stage for 2017 had Mr. Trump’s enthusi- point with Qatar. the airspace restrictions: The
$5 billion in compensation for paper over the problems and new talks meant to consoli- astic backing, even though Qa- The feud was stoked by tiny Gulf nation is preparing
the airspace bans. predicted that the divisions will date regional opposition to tar is home to the largest U.S. critical media coverage that to host the 2022 soccer World
While the detente won’t ad- quickly re-emerge unless Qatar Iran and curb the animosity military base in the region, incensed leaders in the rival Cup.
dress the underlying issues takes major steps to reorient re- among the Gulf neighbors. which has long been used to capitals. In the fall of 2019, —Summer Said in Dubai
that led to the dispute, it will lations with its Gulf neighbors. One major sticking point is carry out airstrikes against Is- Qatar’s foreign minister se- contributed to this article.

A Fed Plan Ms. Beattie’s Top Line res-

taurants, for instance, got a
PPP loan. But a Main Street

Generated loan, too, “could have given us

some breathing room,” she

Few Loans Mr. Cazaz of Werner Aero

said PPP loans, with forgive-
ness that depends on their be-
ing used mostly for payroll,
Continued from Page One were useless for companies
gaps in the government’s abil- such as his because it didn’t
ity to deliver aid to companies have business to hire people to
that can’t raise money on Wall do.
Street. For months, many Mr. Epstein reopened his
banks weren’t interested in Milk Street Café in September
participating. Demand picked to meet forgiveness require-
up only in recent weeks after ments of his PPP loan, but he
word came that the program closed the Boston restaurant
would be ending. back down and furloughed all
“There is a cost if, when- 72 employees on Oct. 25, the
ever we have [financial pan- day after the money ran out.
ics], we do programs that only Because his business depends

help large institutions, be- so heavily on corporate cater-

cause in the long run that ing, he lost more money when
makes it much riskier to be a it was open than when it was
small or medium-size firm,” closed, he said. He hopes to
said Eric Rosengren, president reopen once Covid-19 vaccines
of the Federal Reserve Bank of are widely distributed.
Boston, which has adminis- Demand for the Main Street
tered the Main Street pro- program picked up in recent
gram. Many such businesses weeks. Reasons included
could fall through the cracks, changes made to encourage
he said, accelerating a long- broader awareness and use of
running consolidation in the program, bankers said.
which larger companies with Marc Epstein’s Milk Street Café in Boston got a loan via the Fed’s Main Street plan, but some found banks not willing to participate. In mid-November, Treasury
access to low-cost credit in- Secretary Steven Mnuchin said
crease market share. make the Main Street loans. Credit Caution ‘We’re not touching the hospi- he wouldn’t authorize several
When the pandemic struck, To encourage them to do so, it tality segment,’ ” Ms. Beattie of the Fed’s most novel emer-
Main Street loans purchased by the Fed were limited…
the Fed launched a suite of agreed to purchase 95% of said. gency loan programs, includ-
emergency loan programs. It each loan. The Fed said its By loan amount, in millions* Mr. Cazaz of Werner Aero ing Main Street, to operate af-
went beyond its core mission Main Street program would said if his company had re- ter Dec. 31.
as lender of last resort to the purchase up to $600 billion of Less than $0 35 loans ceived a Main Street loan, it “What you have now is a
banking system by becoming a such loans. would have been able to avoid rush to get whatever you can
commercial lender, a role its It bought just 646 loans to- $0 to $ 86 furloughing 23 of its 30 work- before it closes down because
leaders had long resisted for taling $6.3 billion from July ers. He said banks told him there may be nothing else,”
fear of being pulled deeper through November. $0 to $ 141 they passed on the program said Hal Scott, a professor at
into politics. The Fed initially The borrowers included a because they worried about Harvard Law School who has
saw the situation as desperate, Brooklyn landscaping archi- $0 to $ 122 the “government coming back criticized the program for be-
its other tools were exhausted tect, a minor league baseball two or three years down the ing too stingy.
$0 to $0 105
and it wanted to show it could club in Texas and a casino in road and saying, ‘This loan The Main Street program
help those beyond Wall Street. the Poconos of eastern Penn- $00 to $0 103 was bad. You’re liable for the ended up doing more business
Officials have been far less sylvania. The largest was $300 entire 100%.’ ” in December than in its first
concerned than they were in million to Fitness Interna- $00 to $00 54 Reese Ryan, chairman of R five months combined, bring-
the 2008 financial crisis about tional LLC in Irvine, Calif., Bank in Round Rock, Texas, ing total lending to more than
encouraging irresponsible be- which runs LA Fitness gyms. said his bank decided not to $17 billion.
havior by providing broad …and these are the reasons lenders gave in a survey† for why participate because many
safety nets. As the pandemic they were denied. firms with little revenue amid
and lockdowns spread last Primary problem Very important Somewhat important Not important the pandemic were too risky, No longer needed
spring, there initially was little The root failure, say banks regardless of their 2019 finan- In Mr. Mnuchin’s November
debate or support for an ap- and borrowers, was that if the Key terms unattractive to bank cials. He said if the program announcement, he said the
proach that would allow busi- loan a borrower wanted was had allowed banks to sell 100% program was no longer needed
18.2% 18.2% 63.6%
nesses that had been healthy attractive to a bank, the of Main Street loans to the and the funds would be better
before the pandemic to be lender didn’t want to sell most Planned use of Main Street loan not sound Fed or to refinance a portion spent on business grants. In
wiped out. of it to the Fed. But if a loan 45.6% 22.8% 31.6% of existing debt, “I would have the recently enacted $900 bil-
Businesses “didn’t close be- looked to be a dud, the bank done that in a heartbeat.” lion Covid aid bill, Congress
Firm too severely affected by virus
cause of anything they did was reluctant to hold any of it. Fortunately for Mr. Ryan, rescinded $429 billion it had
wrong,” Fed Chairman Jerome Some current and former 38.6% 38.6% 22.8% not all lenders were so cau- provided for the Fed pro-
Powell said on April 9, a day officials also said loan terms Borrower ineligible/terms not attractive tious. He also served as the grams.
when the central bank un- were too strict because the CEO until recently of a sports The bill provided $325 bil-
veiled the Main Street pro- Treasury was concerned about 53.4% 32.8% 13.8% and entertainment company lion in additional small-busi-
gram and announced a larger not losing the money Congress Firm in poor condition pre-virus that got a $16 million Main ness aid, plus $15 billion for
safety net for the corporate- authorized. It would have been Street loan in October. It gave movie theaters and live-enter-
68.4% 21.1% 10.5%
bond market. “To the extent better if lawmakers had been the firm, which owns a sta- tainment venues. To process a
we have the ability to make explicit about how much of *as of Nov. 30 †of 86 banks where the Fed asked participating lenders for the reasons they hadn't
dium concession business and last-minute crush of Main
them whole, we should be do- that money they were willing approved Main Street loan applications the Round Rock Express base- Street loans approved in De-
ing that as a society,” he said. to let the Treasury lose, in Mr. Source: Federal Reserve ball team, a way to avoid go- cember, the Fed and Treasury
Word of a Fed plan to back- Rosengren’s view. ing deeper into debt through extended the program’s termi-
stop corporate borrowing en- In past crises, Congress cre- Milk Street Café, a few blocks tenuous time. That’s how more-expensive bank loans. nation date to Jan. 8.
couraged investors to buy cor- ated special agencies to do from the Boston Fed’s down- much we thought the program Fed and Treasury officials The program would have
porate bonds, which cut the this kind of work. In 1932, town headquarters, qualified would be of value,” Ms. Beattie said Main Street was designed reached more borrowers if it
need for purchases by the Fed. lawmakers chartered the Re- for a $1.5 million Main Street said. “We thought it was a su- to address a grim scenario had been extended into 2021,
So middle-market compa- construction Finance Corp. to loan in October. He said he per-elegant program. I loved that never materialized: one said John Steinmetz, CEO of
nies wouldn’t be left out, the stem failures of banks and would use it to help reopen everything about it.” where companies unable to Vista Bank, a $1.3 billion com-
Fed agreed to purchase bank railroads by taking equity when former customers return Main Street loans carry a borrow in capital markets munity bank in Dallas that
loans made to firms that had stakes. In 1989, after many to their office jobs. Mr. Ep- rate of 3 percentage points drew down their credit lines completed 79 Main Street
up to 15,000 employees or un- savings and loan associations stein said he wasn’t sure how above short-term interbank and overwhelmed the banking loans. “We had to turn away
der $5 billion of revenue and failed, Congress created the he would be able to afford the lending rates and have five- sector’s capacity to lend. several at the end that were
had been profitable in 2019. Resolution Trust Corp. to reopening costs without the year terms. They allow bor- Another reason the pro- good candidates," he said.
Congress roped in the Trea- manage the liquidation of loan. rowers to delay principal pay- gram wasn’t used more widely, Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.)
sury to absorb any losses on their assets. Tina Beattie, co-owner of a ments for two years and they said, was that the Trea- won language in the relief bill
the loans because the central What the government de- company that runs 36 Denny’s interest payments for the first sury’s Paycheck Protection that prevents the Fed and
bank believes it isn’t allowed vised this time “was a com- franchises in five Midwestern year. Program ended up reaching Treasury from restarting the
to sustain capital losses. The promise program which has states, said she too was eager Existing lenders to Ms. more businesses that other- Main Street program in 2021
Treasury agreed to provide been like trying to administer to get a Main Street loan, so Beattie’s Top Line Restaurants wise might have been candi- without Congress’s approval.
$75 billion to cover loan mouth-to-mouth resuscitation much so that she paid $30,000 Inc. weren’t interested in the dates for a Main Street loan. Mr. Toomey said the gov-
losses, using funds Congress through a cocktail straw,” said for audited financials to sat- Main Street program because The PPP provided loans of up ernment had succeeded in re-
provided for this purpose. George Selgin, a Fed historian isfy one lender’s loan-qualifi- it didn’t allow them to refi- to $10 million that can be for- storing the flow of credit.
The Fed, lacking the band- at the Cato Institute, a liber- cation rules. nance a portion of borrowers’ given if they’re used mainly to “The goal wasn’t to have the
width to underwrite thousands tarian think tank. “That was money we took existing debt. Other lenders pay employees. The PPP has Fed lend as much money as
of loans, relied on banks to Marc Epstein, owner of the out of working capital at a also declined. “They said, made $525 billion in loans. possible,” he said.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * NY Tuesday, January 5, 2021 | A8A


Hospitals Risk Fines Over Vaccine Delay
Governor announces vaccination by the end of Jan-
measures to expedite uary. Dentists, physical thera-
pists, police-department medi-
inoculations, prevent cal staff and others working in
fraud and cutting line a health-related capacity are
now eligible to get a vaccine.
To date, some 110,000 New
New York Gov. Andrew Yorkers have received the vac-
Cuomo outlined measures to cine, according to the city’s
accelerate the pace of Covid-19 health department.
vaccinations in the Empire In New Jersey, front-line
State, saying the current roll- workers at University Hospital
out has fallen short. in Newark received their sec-
ond dose of the vaccine on
By Melanie Grayce Monday, becoming the first in
West, Jared S. Hopkins the state to get the subse-
and Joseph De Avila quent shot, Gov. Phil Murphy,
a Democrat, said.
Hospitals can be fined and In all, 101,417 Covid-19 vac-
denied further allocations of cine doses have been adminis-
the vaccine if they don’t use tered to health-care workers
up their doses by the end of and staff and residents at
this week, Mr. Cuomo said long-term care facilities like
Monday. Going forward, hospi- nursing homes, which amounts


tals have seven days to use up to about a quarter of the
their allocation, he said. 405,000 doses allocated for
Mr. Cuomo said the state New Jersey.
would supplement and expe- About 112,000 doses out of
dite a federal program to vac- the 405,000 allotted for the
cinate people in nursing state have been set aside for
homes. To supplement the ef- long-term care facilities and
forts of hospitals and pharma- state health officials expect
cies, the state will also de- most of those to be adminis-
velop drive-throughs and use Nurse Sandra Lindsay, who had been the first New Yorker vaccinated against Covid-19, joined in a prayer before her second shot Monday. tered before the end of the
public facilities, churches and month, said Judith Persichilli,
other community venues for ing, according to data com- than U.S. officials projected, as cines showed the vaccines that he wants public-hospital commissioner of the New Jer-
distribution of the vaccine to piled by Johns Hopkins Uni- the process has been beset by were highly effective at pro- systems to be held account- sey Department of Health.
the general public, he said. versity. More than 8,200 confusion and disorganization tecting against symptomatic able for the percentage of Ms. Persichilli said the gap
Additionally, the Democrat people were hospitalized in many states. Trump admin- Covid-19 when given in two Covid-19 vaccine that is moved between the number of vac-
said he would propose a law across the state on Monday, istration officials have said doses, with the booster shot out the door. Any patient-fac- cines available and those ad-
that would make fraud in the up from 3,103 people on that the vaccine schedule will coming three or four weeks ing health-care worker can ministered is partially due to
distribution of the Covid-19 Thanksgiving, Mr. Cuomo said. accelerate soon, but that the later. now receive the Covid-19 vac- hospitals falling behind in re-
vaccine a crime, including sit- Health officials across the onus remains on states and lo- In addition to the rollout is- cine, Mr. Cuomo added. “I porting how many vaccines
uations where people falsify U.S. are in a race to get the calities to make that happen. sues, some people remain hes- want to get needles in the they have administered. Some
records to skip the line, give vaccines out as the number of Only Pfizer Inc’s and Mod- itant to get the vaccine. Dr. arms,” he said. health-care workers eligible
vaccines to family or sell the people hospitalized with erna Inc.’s vaccines have been Howard Zucker, commissioner New York City Mayor Bill for the vaccine may have put
vaccine. Covid-19 continues to reach authorized in the U.S. at this of the New York State Health de Blasio has said the city set it off before the holidays as
“This vaccine can be like all-time highs and several point. They are expected to be Department, said Monday that a goal of administering one well, she said.
gold to some people,” Mr. states have reported cases of a administered on specific vac- about 10% of New York nurs- million Covid-19 vaccine doses “We did get anecdotal in-
Cuomo said. fast-spreading new variant of cines timetables, in line with ing-home residents and 15% of by the end of January. To formation that people did not
The moves came as New Covid-19. The variant was first those shown to be effective in staff employees have refused reach that goal, however, Mr. want to get vaccinated during
York reported its first case of detected in the U.K. and is clinical studies. The federal to take a coronavirus vaccine de Blasio said the city would the holidays in case they
a highly contagious new vari- thought to be more transmis- government said it has been when offered. Hospitals, which need to double weekly capac- didn’t feel well,” Ms. Persi-
ant of the coronavirus. It is sible. By nearly every mea- holding back half of the doses have been charged with vacci- ity and get support from all chilli said. “So hopefully by
also facing rising hospitaliza- sure, December was the worst that the manufacturers re- nation, have also lagged be- levels of government. the end of this week we’ll have
tions once again. month since the pandemic leased for distribution to en- hind in their efforts, with On Monday, Mr. de Blasio much better reporting.”
New York has recorded started. sure people in the U.S. get some lacking “a sense of ur- announced several new vac- —Stephanie Armour and
more than 395,000 new cases Far fewer people are being their second dose. gency,” Dr. Zucker said. cine pop-up clinics as part of a Jimmy Vielkind contributed
of Covid-19 since Thanksgiv- immunized against Covid-19 Clinical trials for both vac- Mr. Cuomo said Monday target to create 250 sites for to this article.

LIRR Presses Ahead Virus Variant Found in Saratoga

With Its Expansion BY JIMMY VIELKIND

BY PAUL BERGER noted the work also will mod- The highly contagious
ernize a heavily used stretch strain of Covid-19 recently dis-
New York state transporta- of line and eliminate eight covered in the U.K. has
tion officials said Monday that railroad crossings that incon- reached New York, Gov. An-
despite the coronavirus pan- venience residents and have drew Cuomo said Monday.
demic they are on schedule to been the scene of dozens of State health officials said
complete a $2.6 billion project injuries and several deaths they detected a case of the

that will expand rail capacity over the past decade. strain in a man from upstate
on one of the nation’s busiest The MTA paused billions of Saratoga County. The new
commuter railroads. dollars of spending on tracks, variant, which is known to
The Metropolitan Transpor- vehicles and equipment last spread 70% faster than earlier
tation Authority paused billions year because of a significant versions of the virus, was first
of dollars of planned spending drop in revenue from fares detected in the U.S. in a man
after the virus started spread- and dedicated taxes. in Colorado, health officials
ing in the region in March. The In 2020, the authority com- said last week.
pandemic also caused construc- mitted just $5 billion of a The New York man is asso-
tion delays as worksites and planned $13 billion in spend- ciated with N. Fox Jewelers in
suppliers were forced to close ing. It has delayed projects to Saratoga Springs, a business
or limit operations. add new subway escalators where other people tested
Janno Lieber, the authority’s and elevators and to bring ser- positive for coronavirus, New
chief development officer, said vice on the authority’s Metro- York state officials said. The
in an interview that the MTA’s North Railroad into New York officials urged anyone who ‘If you can stay home, stay home,’ said Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy in a Monday update.
plans to add a third track to the City’s Penn Station. visited the store since Dec. 18
Long Island Rail Road’s Main Mr. Lieber said the LIRR to be tested. hard as New York City during and support restaurants by data showed the school’s posi-
Line should be completed in project survived and is moving The identification of the the initial wave of the pan- getting takeout, and he asked tivity rate was lower than the
2022, as expected. forward because construction new strain in New York came demic last spring. The highest school districts to pause in- surrounding communities’. It
The project will increase ca- began before the pandemic. He as Covid-19 hospitalizations positivity rates are in the Mo- person learning for one or two would be up to individual dis-
pacity on five LIRR branches said the authority has managed and positivity rates continue hawk Valley and Finger Lakes weeks rather than resume af- tricts, the governor said.
over a 10-mile stretch from to keep to schedule, in part, by to climb around the state, regions; the latter includes the ter the holiday break. The Mohawk Valley had the
Floral Park to Hicksville. Before using fixed cameras and mobile mostly in areas north of the city of Rochester. “Only go out if necessary. If state’s highest seven-day posi-
the pandemic the route carried GoPro cameras to limit the Hudson Valley. Mr. Cuomo said he would you can stay home, stay home. tivity rate, at 10.4%, state offi-
about 40% of the LIRR’s need for supervisors and in- Another 170 New Yorkers order further shutdowns only Don’t travel if you don’t have cials reported on Monday.
300,000 weekday passengers. spectors to appear on work died on Sunday as a result of if data showed hospitals would to,” Mr. McCoy, a Democrat, Oneida County Executive An-
Commuter rail ridership sites and at suppliers’ factories. Covid-19, and 8,251 people be overrun. New York cur- said. thony Picente, whose office is
has plummeted across the He said the authority also around the state were hospi- rently bans gatherings of more Only the state has the au- in Utica, agreed with Mr.
country since the start of the has implemented aggressive talized, the Democratic gover- than 10 people around the thority to close school build- Cuomo’s approach.
pandemic as many white-col- safety protocols, such as sepa- nor said. That is the highest state and prohibits indoor din- ings, or order restrictions on “I can’t say that I want to
lar workers shifted to working rating entrances and exits on hospitalization figure since ing in New York City. activities such as dining, per- see things shut down, because
from home rather than com- work sites, minimizing min- May 7, state data show. Calcu- Albany County Executive sonal care and gyms. Mr. I don’t think that’s going to fix
muting to the office and many gling among workers and not lated on a seven-day average, Daniel McCoy said Monday Cuomo previously said in July it,” Mr. Picente, a Republican,
businesses closed or are oper- allowing sharing of tools. 71% of the state’s available that the number of hospital- that he would close schools in said. “It’s behavior, education
ating at limited capacity. Mr. Lieber said the author- hospital beds are occupied. ized Covid-19 patients has ex- a region where the seven-day that we have to continue and
Weekday ridership on the ity has taken advantage of low The number of people hos- ceeded its record level for the average positivity rate topped hopefully we have to get this
LIRR is down more than 75%. ridership during the pandemic pitalized is higher in upstate past three consecutive days. 9%. But on Monday he said vaccine out the door quicker
MTA officials say the LIRR to accelerate many other exist- regions that weren’t hit as He urged people to stay home schools could remain open if to stem this tide.”
capacity expansion is still ing projects, such as taking
needed because ridership is the E train out of service near
expected to return and de-
mand will only increase in the
John F. Kennedy International
Airport to perform extensive
following years. Mr. Lieber track repairs.
MANHATTAN for the attack in subway tunnels CONNECTICUT BROOKLYN
beneath Times Square and the
Judge Rejects Effort Port Authority bus terminal. Fire Kills Woman; Man Is in Custody
By Subway Bomber Those challenges included a Many Left Homeless After Fatal Stabbing
claim that he didn’t provide sup-
The conviction of a Bangla- port to the Islamic State group. A woman was killed and A 79-year-old man was fa-
deshi immigrant who set off a Judge Sullivan said in a deci- about 20 people were left tally stabbed and two people in-
pipe bomb attached to his chest sion dated Dec. 31 but placed in homeless when fire ripped cluding a 4-year-old were
in New York City’s busiest subway the public record Monday that through a multifamily dwelling in slashed in what police said were
station was properly returned by evidence “amply establishes” New Haven early Monday, au- attacks by a family member.
a Manhattan jury, a judge said in that Ullah acted at the group’s thorities said. Officers responded to a report
a decision released Monday. direction by “heeding the call of The fire broke out at around of an assault just before 6:30 p.m.
The December 2017 attack by the organization’s propaganda 1:30 a.m. at a building on Salton- Sunday in Bedford-Stuyvesant
Akayed Ullah, 30 years old, of and recruiting materials.” stall Avenue. Firefighters used a and found the victims. A 22-year-
Brooklyn, fizzled when the bomb Ullah faces a mandatory 30- ladder to rescue four people old man was taken into custody.
barely exploded, burning him but year prison term. from the building’s upper floors. Charges against him were pend-
causing mostly minor injuries to Amy Gallicchio, a lawyer for One, a woman, was pronounced ing Monday. Police said the at-

others. Judge Richard Sullivan re- Ullah, declined to comment. Pros- dead. Two of the other victims tacker and the victims were all
Workers laid tracks in September as part of the Long Island Rail jected several challenges by Ullah ecutors declined to comment. were hospitalized. members of the same family.
Road’s Main Line expansion project, due to be completed in 2022. to his November 2018 conviction —Associated Press —Associated Press —Associated Press
A8B | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 NY * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Higher Minimum Wages Kick In Fake Bomb

Some businesses in
Westchester County Evacuation
and on Long Island
had pushed for delay At Mall

New York state leaders have New York Police Depart-

moved ahead with minimum- ment investigators were
wage increases over objections searching for a suspect who
from some groups who said left a fake bomb in a vehicle
businesses battered by the cor- that led to the evacuation of a
onavirus pandemic couldn’t af- Queens mall Monday morning,
ford the increased labor costs. police officials said.
New York is gradually rais- The vehicle, a black Tesla,
ing its minimum wage to $15 was in a parking garage at
an hour, and as of Dec. 31 em- Queens Place Mall in the
ployers on Long Island and in Elmhurst section of the bor-
Westchester County were re- ough, the officials said. Inside
quired to start paying workers the vehicle, investigators
at least $14 an hour, up from found batteries, wire, duct
$13. The minimum rose to tape and an aerosol container,
$12.50 from $11.80 an hour in according to the officials.
the rest of New York state out- The items weren’t a threat

side New York City, where all to the public, the officials said.
employers hit the $15 hourly Investigators determined they
wage requirement at the end constituted a hoax bomb in-
of 2019. tended to cause a disruption.
State law requires the New “The Bomb Squad has de-
York State Division of the Bud- termined that this is a hoax
get to analyze the impact of device, which means, in their
recent minimum-wage in- judgment, it was set up to ap-
creases and the health of the New York City hit the $15 hourly wage requirement at the end of 2019. Wage activists demonstrating in August in Times Square. pear to be a device,” NYPD
economy before the state Deputy Commissioner of Intel-
moves forward with scheduled industries, have been dispro- suffering such a decrease in ees, said the wage increase with the statewide unemploy- ligence and Counterterrorism
increases. A 2016 law, which portionately harmed by the business, it becomes much, won’t have a significant im- ment rate falling below 4% John Miller said at a news
raises the minimum wage over pandemic and need support, much harder to pay the higher pact on her business. just before the pandemic. The conference at the scene.
several years to $15 an hour, is Ms. Reardon said in explaining wages,” he said. “Some people don’t even statewide rate was 8.1% in No- A Siberian husky was also
scheduled to reach the thresh- her decision to move forward Some business groups said have food,” said Ms. Welling- vember, the most recent data found in the vehicle, police of-
old in Long Island and with the minimum-wage in- the higher labor costs could ton, who is also deputy direc- available, down from a high of ficials said. The dog was re-
Westchester in 2021. crease. slow the state’s jobs recovery. tor of Nassau County for the 16% in July, according to the moved from the vehicle by a
Roberta Reardon, commis- “We will rebuild our econ- “It just increases the cost of state labor department. member of an NYPD canine
sioner of the New York State omy while continuing to lead doing business at a time when In addition to New York, 19 unit, police officials said.
Department of Labor, had the the nation in the fight for eco- sales are at an all-time low, other states and 32 cities and Police officials declined to
option of delaying the wage nomic justice,” she said in a revenue is at an all-time low
‘In New York we counties raised their minimum comment on possible motives
boost but said the labor mar- statement. “This investment in and many businesses are sim- believe a fair day’s wages Jan. 1, according to a for the hoax and other items
kets affected by the increase— our workers once again proves ply closed in New York state report by the National Em- that might have been found in
meaning those outside New that in New York we believe a or operating under severe ca-
work deserves a fair ployment Law Project, a non- the car. An investigation into
York City—are leading the fair day’s work deserves a fair pacity restrictions,” said Greg day’s pay.’ profit research group that ad- the matter remained ongoing,
state’s economic recovery. day’s pay.” Biryla, New York director of vocates for low-wage workers. and no arrests had been made
The unemployment rate for Steve Wangel, president of the National Federation of In- The statewide new minimum Monday afternoon, the offi-
Long Island and Westchester, the Lynbrook Chamber of dependent Business. wages range from $8.75 an cials said.
for example, fell to 7.1% in Oc- Commerce on Long Island, Elizabeth Wellington, vice Long Island African American hour in Montana to $14 an Police first received a 911
tober from its pandemic peak said he supported delaying the president of the trucking com- Chamber of Commerce. “Some hour in California. call about the suspicious vehi-
of 15.4% in April, according to minimum-wage increase. Mr. pany Wellie The Transporter, workers in the African-Ameri- In New Jersey, the mini- cle at 7:40 a.m. Monday, the
the report. The national unem- Wangel, who owns a kitchen based in Elmont on Long Is- can community have to hold mum rose to $12 an hour from officials said, and NYPD Bomb
ployment rate was 6.9% in Oc- cabinet and design company, land, said she supported rais- three jobs in order to survive.” $11 on Jan. 1. A law signed in Squad and Emergency Service
tober, according to the U.S. La- isn’t affected by the change ing the minimum wage be- The state budget division’s 2019 by Gov. Phil Murphy, a Unit officers responded.
bor Department. because he pays his employees cause many workers are report found that minimum- Democrat, will gradually in- The police investigation led
Minimum-wage workers, on commission. having a hard time paying wage increases over the last crease the state’s minimum to the closure of nearby build-
such as those employed in the “Especially now, because of their living expenses. Ms. Wel- four years didn’t adversely af- wage to $15 an hour for most ings and roads for roughly two
retail, leisure and hospitality coronavirus and businesses lington, who has two employ- fect employment in New York, workers by 2024. hours.

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© 2021 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, January 5, 2021 | A9

JEN MURPHY A n hourlong escape to even a home
gym is a luxury right now. If you’re
finding it hard to make time for your
of the cup Ms. Campbell and Mr.
Turpin will perform a toe tap on.
With older children, Ms. Campbell
 Plank Ball Roll
(Ages 8 to adult)

The Family
workout, try including your kids.
“It’s important for your kids, no
matter their age, to see you make
suggests turning exercise into play.
She often gamifies workouts for her
training programs specifically designed
S tart in a plank position, hands under shoulders, feet
shoulder-width apart or wider for more stability. If
there are two people, face each other. The farther apart
movement a priority,” says Samantha for kids ages 5 to 13. “The more com- you are, the more challenging the exercise. If there are
Fitness Plan Campbell, owner of Deep Relief Peak
Performance Athletic Training Center
petitive you make an activity, the more
excited kids are to do it,” she says. And
more than two people, form a circle.
Roll a ball from person to person maintaining proper

To Fight in Haiku, Hawaii, on the island of Maui.

Rather than ditch her workout, Ms.
Campbell creates ways to involve her
both adults and kids tend to stick with
workouts that feel fun. Here, Ms.
Campbell shares ideas for exercises
form. Don’t let your hips sink or hike up to the ceiling.
Try to maintain a straight line from head to toe. You can
use a ball of any size.

Cabin Fever 2½-year-old daughter, and husband,

Neil Turpin. It might be as simple as
having her daughter call out the color
that will challenge your core strength,
reaction time, agility and cardio while
getting the whole family involved.
A smaller ball, like a tennis ball, will be more difficult
to stop. If someone misses a ball, you can implement a
five push-up penalty. Perform for time or until fatigued.

 One-Leg Balance Toe Taps color mark with your foot without losing
(Ages 2 to adult) your balance. The first person to tap wins.
Keep score and play to 10 points, then

P lace three different colored cups or

bowls, bottoms facing up, in a line 6
inches apart. One person will be on each
switch sides. You can also have a third
person call out the colors.
For an advanced variation, play the
side of the line, standing just beyond same game, but each person will be in a
arm’s distance away from the objects. forearm plank on either side of the line
Choose a foot to balance on and take and must tap the mark with their hand  Dead Bug Pillow Toss the pillow back to your shins. Don’t let your
turns calling out a color. Try to tap that while trying to maintain their balance. (Ages 5 to adult) back come off the ground.
For an added challenge, touch the pillow to

L ie on your back (like a bug). Lift your legs,

with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
Raise your arms toward the ceiling with your
the ground behind your head before throwing
it back. If you have a partner, lie head to head
on the floor and throw the pillow back and
wrists above your shoulders. Your lower back forth to each other, using your shins. Or you
should be flat against the floor. Place a pillow can lie with your feet in the middle, bent at 90
on your shins. Slightly lower the shins and degrees, and throw the pillow with your arms,
bring them back up to toss the pillow to your allowing the shoulder blades to come off
arms, then bring your arms overhead and toss the ground.

For the full family-friendly workout, please go to

I AM FROM TUCSON, diagnosed groups. We have been sick with MY 17-YEAR-OLD daughter got smell is altered, and she gets no
Readers with coronavirus on June 15. I
don’t think people believe the
identical stories and symptoms
for the same amount of time.
Covid in early March. She men-
tioned that she was smelling “pad
pleasure from scents that used to
be enjoyable.
Share Long- symptoms we have are real.
The stories of the others
Today I’m having a bad breath-
ing day, which Stephanie dealt
Thai” or dirty rags all the time,
but I ignored her as I myself was
—Dana Lustbader,
Great Neck, N.Y.
prompted me to write. My symp- with for the past three days. When working in the Covid ICUs during
Haul Covid toms are similar. Hard to breathe,
racing heart, numbness and tin-
I get up, my oxygen levels go down the surge as an intensivist, and I’M 22 YEARS OLD and I’ve had
POTS for about three years. Be-
Experiences gling, tight and heavy feeling in my
chest, aching in various body parts,
coming chronically ill flipped my
life upside down. Now I’ve
sometimes headache, ringing in my learned how to live with POTS, as
ears. Some days are better but after well as my overlapping chronic
YOUR I go and do something—shop, cook, health conditions.
HEALTH relax in the pool, or walk farther There is a huge community of
SUMATHI than the mailbox—I am done for the POTS patients who have been bat-
REDDY day. And I can’t stay focused, can’t tling this condition for many
work seated at the computer for years, pre-Covid, with little to no
more than 30 or 40 minutes with- light ever shed on our struggle.

series of Wall Street Journal out getting confused and frustrated. There are still some doctors who
articles about long-haul Thank you for letting me share refuse to treat it because they
Covid patients, who suffer this. No one else is listening. don’t believe it’s real.
from debilitating symptoms for —Morgan Egan-Murphy, Becoming chronically ill, espe-
months after their initial diagno- Tucson, Ariz. cially if you were healthy before,

sis, prompted readers to share can be one of the most isolating

their own stories. Some described STEPHANIE Zeidenweber and I Tracy Tobiczyk featured in an earlier WSJ article about long-haul Covid. experiences of one’s life. It was
their experiences with long Covid, live maybe five minutes down the for me. It took me years to find
which can include brain fog, severe street from each other. Both of us doctors and resources to help
fatigue and racing heart rate. got sick. Both of us had asthma as and my heart rate spikes. Some- felt totally overwhelmed. me feel less alone in my experi-
Other readers shared their experi- children but we’re both extremely times this will go back to normal My daughter still can’t smell. ence and battle with this condi-
ences with a disorder called POTS, active in our present lives. again, and I will have a full sense We had a near fire in our kitchen tion. There is a community
a little-understood syndrome that Even though we have similar of relief for a short period of time last month from burned popcorn waiting to support and embrace
existed before Covid but is being friends, we never met each other until it starts all over again. in the microwave, and she post-Covid patients entering the
diagnosed more often in people until we got sick. We lean on each —Stephanie Bregman, couldn’t smell the smoke. She ex- realm of long-lasting illness for
with post-acute Covid symptoms. other because nobody else under- Boca Raton, Fla., with periences a disturbing smell most the first time.
Here are edited excerpts of stands what we are going through Stephanie Zeidenweber, of the time. Although better than —Catherine Ames,
their comments. except for those in our support Delray Beach, Fla. it was in March, her sense of Carlsbad, Calif.
A10 | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 NY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


What You Need to Know About Virus Variants

BY DANIELA HERNANDEZ more infectious, said Dr. Ravindra

Gupta, a University of Cambridge
virologist who ran the studies.
cientists around the The South African variant has
world are scrambling to more than 20 mutations, including
learn more about previ- several affecting the spike protein.
ously unknown variants The U.K. and South Africa vari-
of the coronavirus that ants share a spike-protein muta-
seem to spread from tion that enables the spike to bind
person to person more readily more tightly to the cell mem-
than other versions of the branes, research suggests.
Covid-19-causing pathogen.
One new variant, known as Do existing vaccines work against
B.1.1.7, was identified in December new variants?
in the U.K., leading to travel re- While there is no final word yet
strictions and a widespread lock- on whether the existing vaccine
down there. Since then, the U.K. made by Pfizer and BioNTech and
variant has been detected in China the one from Moderna confer im-
and other countries, as well as in munity to the new variants, scien-
Colorado, California and Florida. tists have expressed confidence
In South Africa, meanwhile, that they do.
doctors and researchers battling a The mutations “raise some ques-
second surge of Covid-19 cases are tions about vaccine efficacy, but it’s
studying another new variant and important to note that the vaccines
what role it plays in the rising tide elicit a broad immune re-
of cases there. The variant, known sponse…that targets several areas
as B.1.351, has been identified in of the spike protein,” said Dr. Rich-
samples dating back to October. It ard Lessells, an infectious-disease
hasn’t been detected in the U.S. specialist at the University of Kwa-
Here is what we know so far Zulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa,
about the new variants and the ge- and a member of the team that dis-
netic mutations that characterize covered the South African variant.
them, as well as their potential im- Pfizer and Moderna have con-
pact on public health. ducted lab tests of their vaccines
against several versions of the coro-
What is a viral variant? navirus and found that the vaccines
Viral variants are new versions were effective against all. The com-
of a virus that arise as a result of A Covid-19 testing site in California, one of the states where a U.K. variant of the coronavirus has been detected. panies said they were conducting
small changes in its genetic code. experiments to determine whether
Over the course of the pandemic, antibodies generated by people vac-
there have been several variants. cases of Covid-19. The reproduction process in- rologist and provost at Northwell cinated were effective against the
Those that proved able to spread U.K. contact-tracing data show volves copying the virus’s genetic Health’s Feinstein Institutes for U.K. and South Africa variants.
more efficiently have become more that patients infected with the code, which holds the instructions Medical Research. The Centers for Disease Control
prevalent, while others fizzle out. new variant went on to infect for building successive generations and Prevention continues to urge
more people than those infected of virus particles, or virions. But What about the mutations seen in people who are eligible for vaccina-
Why the concern about these par- with previous variants. Data also the code isn’t always reproduced the new variants? tion to get the shots.
ticular variants? suggested that the viral load, or faithfully; sometimes the copying The new variant that cropped up
Some doctors worry that the new the amount of virus in the body, process yields mistakes that re- in the U.K. has about two dozen What can be done to stay safe
variants of the coronavirus could su- was higher among people infected searchers have likened to typo- separate mutations, including some from the new variants?
percharge the spread of Covid-19, with the new variant. The higher graphical errors. This is what related to the prominent outcrop- Infectious-disease experts and
putting additional stress on hospi- the viral load for individuals, the gives rise to new viral variants. pings that stud the coronavirus’s public-health officials say it is im-
tals and nursing homes when cases more infectious they tend to be. Some viruses have genetic codes outer surface. It is this so-called portant to continue strategies for
are near their historic highs. of DNA, the same molecule that car- spike protein that helps the virus in- avoiding contagion, including social
Preliminary data suggest that What gave rise to the new ries the genetic information in hu- filtrate cells by binding to and then distancing, masking and hand-wash-

the new variants are no more variants? man cells. Other viruses, including breaching their outer membranes. ing, as well as avoiding exposure to
likely to cause severe illness than Like other viral pathogens, the the coronavirus, are based on a re- In theory, a mutated form of the others indoors, especially where
the more familiar forms of the cor- coronavirus spreads by infecting lated molecule known as RNA. spike protein could boost the ability ventilation is poor. Extra care might
onavirus. But even if their viru- cells and then reproducing within RNA viruses lack a molecular of a virus to attach to cells and thus be required in indoor gatherings if
lence isn’t greater, the variants’ them, creating copies of itself that proofreader, a protein that checks enable it to infect with increased ef- experiments confirm that the new
apparently increased transmissibil- spread throughout the body and for mistakes and corrects them, so ficiency. Previous research has variants are more infectious.
ity could spell more misery and then are shed, potentially infecting they “accumulate more typos more shown one mutation of note in the —Joanna Sugden
death by increasing the number of other people. quickly,” said Bettie Steinberg, a vi- U.K. variant can make the virus contributed to this article.

Boston’s Row House, a rowing- Right, an outdoor

Cold Sweat: themed fitness studio. She and her
staff roll 15 ERG machines and a ste-
fitness class; Below,
Kathryn Acosta in a
reo system to a patio on Lovejoy Chicago class.
Winter Tests Wharf for each session. Classes have
happened with the temperature as
low as 28 degrees. forward to.
Outdoor Gyms “My new motto is, ‘If you keep
showing up, we’ll keep showing up,’”
“There’s a great
sense of purpose in
she says. getting ready for
Continued from Page One Winter fitness warriors have al- something that gets
“We were going gangbusters [out- ways powered through frigid me out of my house,
side] all summer, but we thought weather. But to survive, gyms need to out of my neighbor-
we’d be back inside by October,” he attract more than just the die-hards. hood and out of my
says. He didn’t plan on running an They need to convince less enthusias- head,” Ms. Fahy says.
all-weather program until member tic customers, the casual exercisers Zi Yan, an associ-
surveys showed people wanted it. who would happily stay home. ate professor of
Members like Ms. McGrath, who Jennifer Fahy is one of them. “Ev- health sciences at
works at Camp One Step, a series of ery gym membership I’ve had has Merrimack College,
programs for kids diagnosed with been kind of a failure,” says the 44- says outdoor classes
cancer, say they aren’t comfortable year old, who works for the nonprofit can provide physical
with the risks of indoor exposure. Farm Aid. She joined Row House to benefits and much-
Covid-19 forced gyms to get cre- support a neighbor’s new business a needed social sup-
ative with their offerings in 2020, year ago and figured she’d drop it af- port, especially dur-
moving workouts online and out- ter the trial period. But she got ing this Covid winter. Eric Lawrence worried at first limbo with our community. How cold
doors. As the pandemic stretched hooked on the low-impact workout “Believe it or not, weather is one about leading outdoor spin classes can they go?” Ms. Brauer says. She
into winter, renewed lockdown mea- and waterfront views. Now she of the biggest predictors of exercise,” for the studio where he works, BYK- wonders if “Polar-style Mojo” might
sures are leaving some with no place doesn’t blink at choosing an outfit for she says. Exercise self-efficacy, or lyn, in the winter in Brooklyn, N.Y. have a future beyond the pandemic.
to go but back outside. an early-morning workout in 34 de- confidence in your ability to do a “My biggest concern was after class, Many gym managers admit they’re
A number of gyms are taking over grees. Plus, there’s the sunrise to look workout, goes way down in harsh when you’re all sweaty and it’s freez- still in uncharted territory. The com-
rooftops, parks and empty lots to weather, she says, even for those who ing. I mean, that’s how you die in the puters in stationary bikes or rowing
help people build up a cold sweat all exercise indoors. But group workouts, wilderness,” he says. “But hey, guess machines may freeze at extreme tem-
winter. Independent studios have even with just one other person, can what: We’re not in the wilderness.” peratures. The season’s first snow-
been leading the way, while boutique serve as a huge motivating factor. Riders usually show up to BYKlyn’s storm collapsed BYKlyn’s canopy. The
chains like SoulCycle, Barry’s (for- Mental-health counselor Jennifer industrial courtyard in layers, hats structure took a few days to rebuild.
merly known as Barry’s Bootcamp) Liu, 33, says she’s always hated the and gloves. By the third song, they’re Ms. O’Malley stayed up late checking
and CycleBar have set up outdoor lo- cold. Zoom sessions mean she rarely often down to T-shirts. “It becomes Row House security cameras after the
cations in the Northeast. has to leave her Seattle home. But this bizarre fitness strip tease during storm, not for damage, but to moni-
The outdoor arenas of Studio she makes an exception for classes at class, with people just flinging off tor Boston’s snow removal.
Three, which specializes in high-in- The Bar Method in Seattle’s Phinney their clothes,” Mr. Lawrence jokes. “I had four classes scheduled that
tensity interval training in groups, Ridge neighborhood. The studio of- Cindy Brauer, founder of Mojo were completely booked, so I needed
provided an unexpected boon, Mr. fers online classes, and set up 20 Fitness, a studio in Wayne, Pa., to make sure they plowed the wharf,”
Blitz says. While indoor workouts stand-alone ballet barres in a parking moved her dance-based workouts to she said.
were limited to 15 people per class- lot under a canopy. In November, a nearby amphitheater. There’s In Chicago, Studio Three member

room due to Covid restrictions, each Washington state halted indoor group enough space to go maskless and surveys indicated people would be
outdoor venue can hold at least 25. fitness and limited outdoor classes to blast music. She set the original tem- willing to come out in 15-degree
“We didn’t plan on being outdoors five people. perature limit at 40 degrees, but re- weather, but Mr. Blitz isn’t convinced.
beyond Nov. 15, but people asked us “The in-person classes are a hot cently dropped it to 33. “I think 20 degrees is probably the
to,” said Gyee O’Malley, co-owner of commodity,” Ms. Liu says. “It feels like I’m playing a game of limit, he says. “We’ll see.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, January 5, 2021 | A11



Clockwise from below: Lana Del Rey, Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters, SZA, Josh and Jake Kiszka of Greta Van Fleet and Travis Scott, all of whom have recently issued singles

n artist or label consid- MUSIC REVIEW | MARK RICHARDSON bodes well for this project. They

Unmissable Music
ering releasing music in pair a mournful vocal sample from
2020 had to make some obscure Philly soul band the Ethics
calculations: How impor- with precise and forceful percus-
tant would live promo- sion, bringing new clarity to
tion be to this record’s Madlib’s layered collage approach.

For an Uncertain Year

success? Would the music still be In 2017, singer Solána Rowe, aka
timely if it sat on the shelf for six SZA, released her debut “Ctrl,” a
months or more? Would the artist brilliant LP that immediately put
have the financial means to put a her in the upper echelon of artful,
completed album on hold? How dif- expressive R&B artists. We’re still
ficult would it be to record the mu- waiting for word on album number
sic in an age of social distancing? We expected a sixth studio album a member of the indie supergroup effort, “The Battle at Garden’s two, but in August 2020 she said
The answers to these and other from Toronto’s Drake in 2020, but Boygenius—with Ms. Bridgers and Gate,” marks a subtle shift in ap- it was coming soon. “Good Days,”
questions led to one of the stranger the rapper and singer born Aubrey Lucy Dacus—and she has a solo al- proach, leaning toward progressive which came out in December, is a
release years in memory, light on Graham instead put out “Dark Lane bum, “Little Oblivions,” coming rock in the vein of early Rush. wish for the future that shows her
big names and heavy on collections Demo Tapes,” a mishmash of old Feb. 26. Ms. Baker’s music is explo- In contrast to Greta Van Fleet, communicative powers, mixing the
of live and unreleased material tracks and previously unreleased sive, with screamed choruses about Darkside offer a more contempo- rhythmic sophistication of hip-hop
culled from the archives. The first material. The long awaited LP, “Cer- emotional torment, but her new rary vision of psychedelia. The with the warmth of gospel.
half of 2021 will most likely be a tified Lover Boy,” is coming later song “Faith Healer” sees her group’s lone full-length studio al- Canadian singer Mike Milosh
continuation of 2020’s patchwork. this month, and our first bum came out in 2013, but takes a different approach to R&B
Touring as we knew it before the taste of music from it came this spring the duo of pro- with his project Rhye. In his fragile
pandemic won’t be back anytime in the form of “Laugh Now ducer and vocalist Nicolas falsetto, he sings almost exclusively
soon. But even at this early date Cry Later,” featuring Chi- Jaar and multi-instrumen- about love and sensuality. His most
there are a number of potentially cago rapper Lil Durk. The talist Dave Harrington will vaporous songs are smooth and ac-
important records from artists who song is loose and breezy issue “Spiral.” The band complished and also easy to forget,
find themselves at a crucial junc- and breaks no new ground combines Mr. Jaar’s but “Black Rain,” taken from his
ture—trying to maintain momen- for Drake, but his effortless midtempo grooves with forthcoming album “Home,” pairs
tum after a breakthrough, return- melodic style is intact. Mr. Harrington’s acid-fried his usual airiness with a crisp and
ing after years away, struggling to Dave Grohl’s Foo Fight- guitar soloing, and their appealing disco beat.
take their music to a new place. ers last released a full- best tracks are extended Travis Scott’s 2018 release, “As-
Here’s a look at 10 tracks from such length record in 2017. The instrumental jams that pa- troworld,” is a latter-day rap land-
albums, most of which should come group’s 10th studio album, tiently build and release mark that sounds even better than
out this year—some have release “Medicine at Midnight,” is tension. “Liberty Bell,” a you remember, and anticipation for
dates, some are tentative, and one coming Feb. 5. The most single from the new al- “Utopia,” the Houston-born rapper’s
hasn’t been announced. recent advance single, “No bum, has a clubby 1980s follow-up, is high. “Franchise,”
Torch singer Lana Del Rey first Son of Mine,” dropped last sheen and laconic vocals which came out in September, hints
mentioned “Chemtrails Over the week, and it found the that suggest the possibility that “Utopia” will extend his recent
Country Club,” the follow-up to band in a familiar hard- of a song-oriented turn. streak. With contributions from At-
her 2019 LP “Norman F—ing Rock- rocking zone, but “Shame Shame” smoothing out rough edges while Hip-hop producer Madlib, born lanta rapper Young Thug and Brit-
well,” back in May, and it was at from November is more interest- keeping her trademark intensity. Otis Jackson Jr., is prolific, with ish vocalist M.I.A. and a hypnotic
one point scheduled for release ing: Moody and subtle with R&B Michigan’s Greta Van Fleet is dozens of solo and collaborative low-end pulse, the song features Mr.
this past fall. But Ms. Del Rey inflections, it finds Mr. Grohl ex- notorious for sounding like 1970s releases, but he had a relatively Scott’s trademark laid-back inten-
pushed it back, and it seems likely ploring the upper end of his vocal rockers, particularly Led Zeppelin, quiet year in 2020. He returns sity. There’s no doubt 2021 will be
to come out in the first half of range to intriguing effect. even though its members were later this month with “Sound An- another strange and unpredictable
2021. The advance single “Let Me The past year was a great one born in the mid- to late 1990s. The cestors,” a collaboration with elec- year for music, but on the evidence
Love You Like a Woman” was pro- for the younger generation of rock band’s technical skill is not in tronic producer Kieran Hebden, here, with a little luck, it could also
duced and co-written by Ms. Del songwriters, particularly women. doubt, but it remains to be seen if working under his moniker Four turn out to be a great one.
Rey’s frequent creative partner Both Phoebe Bridgers and Waxa- the group will add anything new Tet. Mr. Hebden has a knack for
Jack Antonoff, and with its spare hatchee had creative break- to its influences. At the very least, bringing out the best in his collab- Mr. Richardson is the Journal’s
piano part it pretty much picks up throughs, and they made two of the single “Age of Machine,” slated orators, and the soulful and atmo- rock and pop music critic. Follow
where her last record left off. 2020’s best records. Julien Baker is for the band’s April 16 sophomore spheric “Road of the Lonely Ones” him on Twitter @MarkRichardson.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
Edmonton 20s <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 68 Object in the 32 New Jersey
30s 10s Pinkerton logo senator Booker
Vancouver Calgary
0s 14 15 16
69 Follow orders 33 Grp.
Seattle 20s 17 18 19 70 Unshaking headquartered in
Winnipeg 20s Vienna despite
P tl d
Portland 20 21 22 23 71 Cavity filler’s deg.
40s Montreal 30s having no
Bismarckk Ottawa Down
20s A
Augusta 40s 24 25 26 27 European
Eugene 30s 1 Loaded chip members
Billings Mpls./St. Paul T
Toronto A bany
b 50s
Boston 28 29 30 31 32 2 Distant
30s 60s
34 Lion’s warning
Sioux Falls tford
30s P
Pierre k
Milwaukee t
Detroit l
Buffalo 3 Good-natured 35 Sacred writings
50s Cleve
Clevelandd ew York
New 70s 33 34 35 36 37 38
Reno L k City
Salt Lake 40s Des Moines
Chic g
Chicago parody 36 Ladybug features
Cheyenne Omaha h Philadelphia
P hil d lph
h 80s
20s P
Pit b gh
Pittsburgh 39 40 41 42 4 “Gross!” 37 401(k)
Denver p i fi ld
di p
Indianapolis h
Washington D C.
D.C. 90s 5 Head of the
San Francisco Topeka Kansas 43 44 45 alternative
Colorado City Charles
h l t
Charleston h
Richmond d 100+ navy?
p g
Springs 50s h
Wichita L
St. Louis Louisvilleill 40 Word ignored in
Las 40s Raleigh gh
h 46 47 48 49 6 William of ___ indexing
Los Ange
A l
Angeles 60s Vega
Vegas 40s h ill
Santa Fe C h l tt
Charlotte (philosopher with 41 Pennsylvania port
Little Rockk Memphisph 50s CColumbia 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
San Diego
Ph i
Phoenix Alb q q
Albuquerque kl h
Oklahoma City b
Warm Rain a “razor”) 42 Hidden downside
70s Tucson A
D ll
Dallas Birmingham
h 57 58 59 60 61 7 Finnish telecom 47 Biden’s portrayer
Ft. Worth Jack
El Paso Cold T-storms giant
60s bil
Mobile Jacksonville 62 63 64 65 on “SNL”
A ti
Austin 8 Casual greetings 48 McDonald’s
Houston Stationary Snow
-0s ew Orleans
New Orlando
l d 66 67 68 9 Picnic ruiners magnate Ray
80s A t i
San Antonio Tampa
10s 70s Miami Showers Flurries 69 70 71 10 The Dog Star 49 Caught
0s Honolulu
l l
20s A h
Anchorage 11 Fries alternative 52 Hint of color
30s 40s 70s 12 A long time 53 Letter after psi
ALL THE RIGHT ANGLES | 13 Battery, e.g. 54 Exposed, in a way
U.S. Forecasts Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow By Michael Lieberman 19 Letter before 55 Soccer star Carli
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; Across 22 “Love Story” 46 Game played Bravo 56 Judi Dench and
Omaha 41 31 pc 36 27 sn Frankfurt 39 34 sn 38 31 sn
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; composer Francis with bats 21 Made a decent Maggie Smith,
Orlando 69 44 s 68 49 s Geneva 37 29 c 37 25 c 1 “Old Town Road”
Today Tomorrow Philadelphia 41 33 c 43 31 s Havana 75 56 sh 76 58 pc 49 Take a load off living for two
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W
singer Lil ___ X 23 Most cunning
Phoenix 71 45 pc 71 45 pc Hong Kong 70 57 c 66 55 c 25 Dog’s 57 “In that case...”
Anchorage 23 16 c 23 19 sn Pittsburgh 36 30 sf 36 28 c Istanbul 59 49 s 57 50 pc 4 2017 film for 24 Place to buy 50 Golfer’s goal
Atlanta 56 32 s 55 38 c Portland, Maine 33 26 sn 38 23 pc Jakarta 87 75 t 85 76 sh which Allison staples that isn’t 51 Utterly postsurgery 58 Gaming
Austin 68 53 s 66 40 sh Portland, Ore. 50 46 r 50 42 r Jerusalem 62 49 s 62 48 s Janney won the Staples 57 Moderators’ accessory greenhorn,
Baltimore 43 32 c 45 29 s Sacramento 56 39 pc 56 42 t Johannesburg 80 58 pc 80 58 t Supporting 27 Cat coat opening lines 26 Company that informally
Boise 44 32 s 44 35 sn St. Louis 45 31 s 43 34 c London 40 35 sn 40 30 pc assists with 59 Many Little
Boston 35 31 pc 39 27 pc Salt Lake City 39 22 sn 40 26 s Madrid 41 22 s 44 31 pc Actress Oscar 28 Component of an 60 Loretta Lynn’s
Burlington 30 25 c 29 22 c San Francisco 56 43 pc 58 47 sh Manila 88 75 s 88 76 s 10 “Pronto!” in the email address “___ Honky Tonk reproduction League players
Charlotte 52 33 pc 50 32 s Santa Fe 51 19 pc 44 18 s Melbourne 70 58 sh 73 55 c operating room Girl” 30 Rent out 63 Monotonous
Chicago 36 26 pc 36 31 c Seattle 49 44 r 50 41 c Mexico City 73 47 pc 74 47 pc
29 It keeps boxers
from falling down 61 Polynesian 31 Chain with a existence
Cleveland 35 32 sf 35 30 c Sioux Falls 39 30 pc 35 22 sn Milan 39 34 r 37 29 c 14 Swiss summit
Moscow 31 23 c 23 18 c performance Funny Face 64 Litter container,
Dallas 63 48 s 58 39 r Wash., D.C. 44 35 pc 46 33 s 15 Site of a moth’s 33 Player of Charles
Denver 50 23 pc 44 25 s Mumbai 85 73 pc 87 75 pc 62 Landmark in the combo for kids perhaps
emergence in “Citizen Kane”
36 30 sf 38 29 c
83 71 pc 83 71 pc
International Paris
Rio de Janeiro
33 c
75 t
38 30 c
86 77 t 16 Othello’s 36 Thoroughbred’s Southwest, and
Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Houston 68 54 s 67 43 r Today Tomorrow Riyadh 69 53 pc 66 53 c parent collective
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W
betrayer description of the A D
Indianapolis 37 28 c 39 30 c Rome 52 43 r 53 41 r 38 Sound of surprise U R
Kansas City 48 35 pc 41 32 r Amsterdam 38 34 sh 38 35 sn San Juan 81 71 pc 84 73 pc 17 Dove’s sound beginnings of 18-, N E
Las Vegas 62 40 s 59 41 pc Athens 61 50 pc 61 53 pc Seoul 26 7 s 28 3 s 18 Site whose 39 Stereotypically 24-, 39- and T S
Little Rock 50 31 s 45 38 r Baghdad 66 41 pc 68 40 pc Shanghai 49 32 c 43 21 pc mission is nerdy accessory 51-Across S E N S E L AW S
Los Angeles 63 50 pc 69 51 pc Bangkok 91 76 c 91 74 pc Singapore 86 77 t 85 75 t O L I V E S A G A C A I
Miami 73 53 s 73 60 s Beijing 29 7 pc 13 -7 s Sydney 80 65 t 74 62 t “to help bring 43 Shucking unit 65 Jerry’s nemesis R I D E O U T T H E S T O R M
Milwaukee 36 27 pc 37 33 c Berlin 36 33 sn 35 31 sn Taipei City 64 56 r 62 53 r creative projects 44 Many an April 1 66 In need of a E D E N B O Y A R L E S
Minneapolis 30 24 pc 34 21 c Brussels 37 33 c 36 32 sn Tokyo 52 42 pc 48 40 c to life” “news” item massage J O S H B R O L I N P U T T
Nashville 49 29 s 50 35 c Buenos Aires 82 69 pc 81 66 pc Toronto 34 26 c 35 23 c O B E S E I N F O D E A
New Orleans 65 46 s 66 50 c Dubai 76 58 pc 76 59 pc Vancouver 45 42 r 47 38 sh
20 Parka part 45 Hoarse 67 Forty-niner’s find K A T R I B E Y E S T E A K
New York City 41 33 c 41 32 pc Dublin 40 35 pc 39 27 pc Warsaw 40 35 sn 38 33 c E M U OM I T C H O O S E
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at

Oklahoma City 56 36 pc 50 32 r Edinburgh 38 29 pc 36 27 pc Zurich 33 28 c 34 28 sn
A12 | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

It was a game so pain- JASON GAY

Let’s Get Set for the NFL Playoffs

ful to watch, my eye-
balls may need to go
on injured reserve—
Washington edged the
barely-there, comically-
disengaged, Bartleby-the-Football-
Coach Philadelphia Eagles Sunday Kansas City and Green Bay are the top seeds. And—wait—are those the Cleveland Browns?
night, capturing the somebody’s-
gotta-win-it NFC East with a hardy
7-9 record, and slink into the NFL’s
last playoff spot like a wedding
guest without a present or shoes.
Washington will host Florida
man Tom Brady and the Tampa
Bay Buccaneers next Sunday in the
Maryland ’burbs.
Also in the NFC postseason
party: Green Bay, New Orleans, Se-
attle, the Los Angeles Rams and
the Chicago Bears.
In the AFC, it’s the defending
Super Bowl champions Kansas City,
the Buffalo Freaking Bills—hosting
a playoff game in Buffalo for the
first time since 1996—Pittsburgh,
Tennessee, Baltimore, and a frisky
Indianapolis outfit.


And I think that’s it.
Yeah, that’s it. That’s your NFL
playoff field.
OK: stop screaming, Browns
fans, you’re scaring all of the
neighborhood pets.
Feel good for Cleveland. It’s
been some kind of wait: 18 seasons,
since 2002. The Browns didn’t
make it easy on
themselves, as they The Washington Football Team, above, clinched the NFC East with a victory
nearly let an ap- over Philadelphia. Left, Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield celebrates.
backed Steelers out- ter a catastrophic leg injury two Orleans.
fit rally Sunday and seasons ago—this was a division They have got a bye up in Green
toss a great season that wore ineptitude like a badge. Bay, where the Packers own the No.
down the drain- The no-nickname WFT will have 1 seed and home field amid ice
pipe. their hands full with Tampa Bay, an fishing season. In the AFC, the top
That’s just life offense-minded octopus which won seed belongs to Kansas City, and
with the Browns. its last four regular-season con- more important, quarterback Pat-
Doesn’t matter tests to finish 11-5. For all the mid- rick Mahomes, football’s most elec-
now—they’re here. season blah, blah, blah about Brady tric player.
Baker Mayfield and and how he needed to get “in sync” Buffalo’s got that late-season
Cleveland have a re- with his receivers and head coach swagger, though. Keep an eye out.
turn date with Pitts- Bruce Arians, it proved to be an- Is it possible we get an all-fro-
burgh—and presum- other sprightly year: 4,633 yards zen Green Bay-Buffalo Super Bowl,
ably, Steelers passing, 40 touchdown throws, at played in the languid humidity of
starting quarterback age 43. If that’s not “in sync,” I’d the Gulf Coast? Who knows. Re-
Ben Roethlisberger. like to know what is. member: This column picked the
I’m actually going The Super Bowl is in Tampa in Detroit Lions to win the Super
to type out the spe- February. No Super Bowl partici- Bowl this year. You should really
cifics here so pant has ever played the Super just use this thing to scoop out the
Browns fans can Bowl in its home stadium. To get cat’s litter box, and do apologize to
stare at it for a cou- there, the Bucs will have to win on the cat.
ple of hours. the road. We’ll see. The NFL managed to get here, in
NFL Wild-Card Meanwhile, in Brady’s former a pandemic. Like the NFC East, it
Round. Cleveland at home of New England, they mourn- wasn’t especially smooth—there
Pittsburgh. Sun. Jan fully turn the page to the Celtics, were team outbreaks, postponed
10. 8:15 p.m. Bruins and Red Sox. games and even the bizarre sight
Pretty to look at, I know what you’re thinking: OH of Wednesday afternoon football. It
no? regular-season game since 2018, ished from the postseason. Had BOO-HOO THE PATS KILLED US isn’t like the issue has gone away,
You know what wasn’t pretty? and effectively handing D.C. the fi- Philadelphia triumphed, the NFC FOR YEARS. HAVE A DUNKIN’ AND either; New Orleans played this
That Washington-Philly game. nal playoff slot over New York, but East would have been won by a Gi- TAKE THE WINTER OFF. weekend without star running back
Yeeeesh. I have to ask: What about that ants team that went 6-10, which Elsewhere, Buffalo will host In- Alvin Kamara, who tested positive,
There are a lot of people on clodhopper of a game was surpris- I’m 60% sure is a violation of the dianapolis on Saturday. The Rams but hopes to return versus the
Monday morning—they’re called ing? Did you watch any of the NFC Geneva Convention. visit the Seahawks and Russell Wil- Bears.
Giants fans—who are miffed that East this season? While there are inspiring, happy son’s and Pete Carroll’s radiant The only thing you can expect in
the Eagles coach Doug Pederson This was, after all, a division stories to root for with Washing- positive energy. The Ravens and this year’s playoffs is a little more
seemed to get a midgame divorce that raised soul-crushing football ton—head coach Ron Rivera, who Tennessee—two clubs still marvel- chaos.
from coaching competitive football, and inexplicable coaching to rare coached through radiation and ously loyal to rushing the ball— And amazingly, the Cleveland
changing over to a third-string art—ask a Cowboys fan—and chemo, and quarterback Alex have a bar fight scheduled for Sun- Browns. Go to the window, Browns
quarterback who hadn’t played in a should have been collectively ban- Smith, now returned to football af- day. Chicago wanders to New fans, shout. It’s real.


TENNESSEE TITANS quarterback The Bargain Bin Quarterback coach of the New York Jets.
Not even the Titans expected
much, though. He was there to back

Who Became an NFL Star

Ryan Tannehill dropped back with up Marcus Mariota, the quarterback
18 seconds left and his team tied they had once taken with the No. 2
38-38 against the Houston Texans pick in the draft. Then he was
on Sunday evening. With the AFC named the starter after the team
South on the line in a game seem- began the season 2-4 in 2019. They
ingly headed to overtime, Tannehill finished the year 9-7 and in the
pulled off what nobody could’ve vanced measure, this quarterback NFL prospect at Texas A&M, he was combine. “About two days later, I playoffs behind his phenomenal
imagined seconds earlier. He who spent years being mediocre fast enough and far enough back on was in the starting rotation at re- performance. He led the league
floated the ball perfectly into the has become one of the best and the team’s depth chart that the ceiver.” with a 117.5 passer rating and 9.6
outstretched arms of wide receiver most efficient players at the most team’s coach told him to try some He led the team in receiving yards per attempt. He led them to
A.J. Brown—a 52-yard completion important position in his sport. In snaps at wide receiver in 2008. “I yards that year, and it wasn’t until playoff wins over the Patriots and
that set up the game-winning field 2019, he led the NFL in passer rat- ended up having some midway through the 2010 season Ravens. He made the Pro Bowl,
goal. ing and yards per pass attempt. success that day,” that he actually became the team’s making him the third oldest quar-
It was brilliant. It came out of Over the past two seasons, only one Tannehill later quarterback. He looked pretty good terback in the prior two decades to
nowhere. It came surprisingly late. quarterback has produced more ex- said at the NFL at that, too. After the next year, the be named to his first Pro Bowl, ac-
Tannehill’s improbable pass was pected points added per play, ac- Miami Dolphins made him the No. 8 cording to Stats, LLC.
just like Tannehill’s improbable ca- cording to nflfastR. The lone pick in the 2012 NFL draft. For anyone who doubted
reer. quarterback ahead of him in that Ryan Tannehill Tannehill’s time in Miami pro- whether Tannehill’s breakout per-
Tannehill was a high school metric is reigning Super Bowl duced mixed results at best. He had formance as a 31-year-old was le-
quarterback who was converted MVP Patrick Mahomes. double-digit interceptions each of gitimate, he followed that up with
into a college wide receiver and It has been a stunning star turn his first five seasons. He was his play in 2020. He continued to
then a quarterback again. He spent because there’s nothing more sacked frequently. He missed the rate as one of the game’s most effi-
seven disappointing years with the important for NFL entire 2017 season with a knee in- cient passers while leading them to
Miami Dolphins, who paid some of teams than identifying jury. His 2018 season was derailed an 11-5 record—Tennessee’s best
his contract just to trade him away. the best quarterbacks. by another injury. mark in over a decade.
He was a backup for the Titans, The ones capable of After that, the Dolphins traded The Titans were also the perfect
who traded practically nothing to such phenomenal play him to the Titans for picks in the match to bring out Tannehill’s skill-
acquire him. aren’t usually discov- fourth and seventh rounds of the set. Their offensive coordinator, Ar-
That explains why nobody ex- ered after they are draft. For good measure, the thur Smith, is one of the game’s
pected this quarterback in his 30s discounted and dis- Dolphins threw in a sixth most creative play-callers, capable
to transform into one of the best carded. Late bloomers rounder and paid some of of exploiting Tannehill’s athleti-
football players in the NFL. are rare. Tannehill’s contract. cism. Henry, the NFL’s most fear-
For the second straight season, Tannehill’s unusual Yet there were still some running back, buoys his un-
Tannehill has led the Titans to the breakout in 2019, indications he had canny play-action passing—
playoffs. A year ago, he ended Tom which was solidified what it took to be a Tannehill entered the final week of
Brady’s career in New England, and in 2020, came after an highly successful 2020 leading the league in passing
then in the divisional round upset unusual odyssey. It quarterback in the yards on play-action plays.
Lamar Jackson and the top-seeded helps reveal why he modern NFL. He had Sunday’s game was the ultimate
Baltimore Ravens—the same team may have found his the athleticism to display of all of this. While Henry
Tennessee will face this weekend. footing far later in his thrive as a college ran for 250 yards and two touch-
It’s been easy to overlook Tan- career than Jackson, Ma- wide receiver. He had the downs, Tannehill’s speed led him to

nehill’s success. He plays with run- homes, Josh Allen, Russell throwing ability to be worthy of run for two scores of his own. He
ning back Derrick Henry, who just Wilson, Aaron Rodgers, a top draft pick. He went threw for another score. He
became the eighth player in NFL Tom Brady or pretty much 42-46 during his time in Mi- dropped the ball in A.J. Brown’s
history to run for 2,000 yards in every other top quarterback ami despite playing many of arms to lead to the game-winning
the same season. He won under in the NFL because he left a those years with a much- score.
50% of his games with the Dol- trail of clues that indicated maligned coaching staff— The win solidified the Titans’ di-
phins. He plays in one of the NFL’s there was a fountain of un- his coach during his later vision crown. It also affirmed how
smaller markets. tapped potential. years was Adam Gase, they gave up almost nothing for a
But by any traditional or ad- Before Tannehill became an who was fired Sunday as star quarterback.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, January 5, 2021 | A13

Joe Biden’s Missing Coattails BOOKSHELF | By Laura Vanderkam

On Tuesday
the American
people will
Democrats fared even
worse in the House. Though
expectations were that Demo-
within the margin of error, go
back and forth. As this column
goes to press the latest poll
are pinned to an Election Day
surge, and the GOP needs the
president to ensure they get
The Commute
things from

Georgia’s Sen-
ate runoffs.
crats would pick up seats, Re-
publican victories narrowed
Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic ma-
jority to 11 votes from 37. Hav-
numbers show effectively a
dead heat, with each Demo-
crat holding a slight lead.
Meanwhile, Democrats have
it. In this sense, Monday
night’s Trump rally in Dalton,
Ga., is the president’s win-one-
for-the-Gipper test.
To Nowhere
whether Don-
is ing Mr. Biden on the ticket
may have helped Democrats
been busy registering new
voters and successfully getting
Mr. Biden held his own rally
earlier in the day. In Atlanta
Where Is My Office?
By William
ald Trump, such as Pennsylvania’s Conor them out to vote. he characterized Ms. Loeffler By Chris Kane
amid all his Lamb eke out victories in and Mr. Purdue this way: “You (Bloomsbury Business, 262 pages, $35)

election con- more moderate districts, but have two senators who don’t
troversies, can rally his troops the Biden-led blue wave Can the president- think they work for you. They or much of the past century, work has been a place
in numbers sufficient to put proved a dud. think they work for Trump.” where people went. For big organizations, a workplace
Republican Sens. Kelly Loeff- Now it’s all being refought elect carry Democrats Though he said that electing meant “concrete, steel and glass monuments built to
ler and David Perdue over the in Georgia. Again November other than himself “Jon and the Reverend” would service commerce and Mammon; commanding the skyline
top. The other is whether Joe offers little evidence of a Bi- “break the gridlock that’s of the modern cityscape and dominating the lives of the
Biden has any coattails. den effect here. Other than past the finish line? gripped Washington,” it was a millions of people who work in them.” So observes corporate
Thus far attention on Geor- Mr. Biden’s own victory, Dem- relatively brief appearance. real-estate veteran Chris Kane in “Where Is My Office?”
gia has focused on President ocrats in Georgia flipped only Given the overriding impor- But now, he says, “the world of work is changing.” Office
Trump, and for good reason. one of nine GOP House seats. The challenge for Republi- tance for Democrats of turn- work especially is “no longer anchored in one place.”
Not only did he lose a state The two Democratic Senate cans is clear: They need Mr. ing out African-American vot- Indeed, he notes, work has become a thing that people do
that hasn’t gone for a Demo- candidates, Jon Ossoff and Ra- Trump to get Republicans to ers, who account for about a and not a place where people go.
cratic presidential candidate phael Warnock, have each the polls. Which is why Sens. third of the state’s registered So what is to become of those monuments to Mammon?
since Bill Clinton in 1992, he’s raised more than $100 million Loeffler and Perdue have voters, maybe Democrats are And how about all those workers whose lives were dominated
now made himself the main is- for this race, with Mr. Ossoff backed the president’s attacks looking to Ms. Harris and Ba- by them? Mr. Kane explores this question in his intriguing,
sue in the two Senate runoffs. emerging as the most richly on Georgia’s Republican gov- rack Obama to get the job if meandering, book on “reimagining the workplace for the
And the outcome will affect all funded candidate in the his- ernor, Brian Kemp, and its Re- done. On Sunday Ms. Harris 21st century.”
Americans, because it will de- tory of the U.S. Senate. If the publican secretary of state, blasted Mr. Trump for his Much has been written on the future of work, mostly by
termine whether the Biden Democratic Senate candidates Brad Raffensperger. It’s also weekend call to Mr. Raffen- management gurus. Mr. Kane comes at the question from a
agenda will sail through a don’t win, it will confirm that why they have endorsed the sperger asking him to “find” different angle, with a
Democratic Congress or be Mr. Biden’s Georgia triumph president’s bid for $2,000 the 11,780 votes he needs to background in the property
blocked and tempered by a had less to do with his appeal stimulus checks and avoided overturn Georgia’s presiden- business—mostly, though not
Republican Senate. than it did with dislike for Mr. antagonizing him on the Na- tial election results. exclusively, in the U.K. He
But there’s been zero atten- Trump. tional Defense Authorization Plainly Democrats have con- calls himself an “industry
tion on the equally compelling The math underscores the Act by abstaining rather than cluded that, even though the provocateur” who has spent
question about Mr. Biden: Can coattails problem. Take Mr. Os- voting to override his veto, president isn’t on the ballot, his career persuading the
he carry Democrats other than soff, who garnered 88,000 even though both actions run defeating Mr. Trump is a more people who finance and build
himself to victory? fewer votes than Mr. Perdue in counter to their earlier votes promising sales pitch than offices to think about what
The November election sug- November. Roughly 100,000 and positions. asking Georgians to send to their tenants will actually
gests he can’t. Start with the Georgians who pulled the lever So far in the runoffs, more Washington two senators who want. (Oddly enough, they
Senate, which Democrats were for Mr. Biden failed to do so for than three million Georgians will be partners for Mr. Biden. don’t seem to want the
favored to win. Instead, they Mr. Ossoff. Mr. Warnock, who have already voted. Of these The good news for Mr. Biden is “uninspiring spaces of beige,
have 48 seats, so they need to is challenging Ms. Loeffler, votes Democrats are thought that he won’t be blamed if grey or off-white” that the
sweep both Senate runoffs to ended up more than 800,000 to enjoy a large advantage, Democrats lose. The bad news industry delivers.) He has also
get to a 50-50 tie in which Ka- votes short of Mr. Biden. buoyed by an increase in Afri- is that this is only because no helped large companies rethink
mala Harris would then cast The runoffs will be close can-American numbers. Re- one thinks he’s really a factor. their property portfolios, urging
the deciding vote. and the polls, almost all publican hopes, by contrast, Write to executives to see that property
can be converted “from a cost centre into a value creator.”
He observes that “a well-designed and well-run workplace

Brexit Arrives, for Better or Worse has beneficial effects on the performance of its occupants.”
They collaborate. They feel inspired. They don’t quit quite as
quickly. Handled well, property can be a strategic tool.
Fo r t y - e i g h t critics—negotiated an agree- looking. It will almost inevita- British politics, announced Mr. Kane acted on this principle most notably at the BBC,
years after ment that won the backing of bly seek to define itself in jux- that he intended to renegoti- where, beginning in 2004, he oversaw a vast property
the U.K. en- both hardline Tory Brexiteers taposition to America in vari- ate the terms of Britain’s EU reorganization. He recounts shrinking the BBC’s total real-
tered what and the head of the Labour ous ways. The rush to sign an membership and ask British estate footprint, modernizing its facilities with new systems
would become opposition. investment treaty with China voters to endorse the agree- and networks for digital technology, moving functions out
the European That he pulled all this off despite public requests for de- ment in a referendum. The of expensive London, and transforming the BBC’s historic
Union and despite the pandemic eroding lay and consultations from se- failure of the Obama adminis- buildings into redevelopment projects. By building
more than his government’s standing in nior members of the incoming tration to take this issue seri- independent studio and media-company space in the BBC’s
four years af- the polls, and sending him to U.S. administration is a sign ously, to try to facilitate a old Television Centre, creating new parkland, and tying the
By Walter
ter voters critical care, only emphasizes of things to come as the cen- U.K.-EU agreement palatable complex to a nearby shopping development, he helped
Russell Mead
shocked David the extraordinary nature of ter of gravity of the post- to British voters, was the leverage the BBC brand to create a place that other brands
C a m e ro n ’s his success. It remains to be Brexit EU shifts east. first of a number of unmis- clamored to become part of.
government by voting to seen what Mr. Johnson will And the United Kingdom takable signals from Wash- While the BBC case study is fascinating, the rest of
leave, Brexit is no longer only make of Brexit, but he has al- may shrink too. Brexit was ington that Europe was no “Where Is My Office?” is a bit unsatisfying for anyone looking
a gleam in Nigel Farage’s eye. ready joined Margaret unpopular in Scotland, and a longer an important foreign for answers to the question of what the workplace of the
As of last weekend, Britons Thatcher and Tony Blair on plurality of Scots currently policy priority. future will look like. One reason may be that no one knows,
have joined Americans in the short list of post-imperial tell pollsters they would vote Any Cold War American especially now that Covid has changed daily work rhythms.
those crowded “Other Pass- British leaders who made a to secede from Britain if a administration would have Mr. Kane is also keenly aware that many past attempts to
port” lanes in European air- mark on world history. new referendum is held. seen a potential rift between rethink office life have resulted in ideas that are questionable
ports and British trade faces It is also much too soon to key NATO allies—to say noth- at best: Witness seas of soul-deadening cubicles or the
more red tape. tell how Brexit will work out ing of the potential break-up attempts to do away with assigned seating completely that
Whatever its merits as pol- in practice. Raising barriers to With Britain gone, of Britain—as a major na- ended up with much-hated “hot desking” policies—everyone
icy, Brexit was an important travel and trade is not a recipe tional security challenge de- has to fend for herself every morning to score a workable spot.
test of the U.K. political sys- for economic growth, and the the U.S. will find manding a focused response. While noting that companies will want more flexible
tem. Most of the British es- world-beating U.K. financial it even harder to In the Obama years, Washing- spaces to scale up and down and shorter leases, Mr. Kane
tablishment hates Brexit as sector is particularly vulnera- ton mostly yawned when the wisely doesn’t endorse no-personal-space policies that seem
much as the U.S. establish- ble. Still, both Britain and the influence EU policy. subject came up; then Presi- unaware of human nature; nor does he recommend shrinking
ment hates Donald Trump. EU may find offsetting advan- dent-elect Trump suggested square-footage requirements to save money and then hoping
But instead of following the tages. Without Eurosceptic that the U.K. name Mr. Farage for the best. He argues that smaller, fluid spaces can’t just
European pattern of holding Brits dragging their feet, Eu- Scexit would have serious im- as its ambassador to the U.S. be about cutting costs; they should be “about choice of how
repeated referendums until ropeans are now free to plications for U.S. security Neither approach did much to and where we work.”
voters return the “right” an- tighten the “ever closer union” and the future of NATO. Al- strengthen our trans-Atlantic
swer, the political glitterati that many hope will make the though the Scottish National alliances or to protect Ameri-
bowed to the people’s will. EU a more significant world Party dropped its longstand- can interests as Brexit moved Is it worth having central hubs and office towers
Like Brexit or loathe it, that is power. And freed from the ing opposition to NATO in forward. or would it be better just to rent space for a
how democracy is supposed regulatory burdens of EU 2012, it remains fiercely op- But there are weighty con-
to work. membership, Britain has the posed to nuclear weapons. sequences to Britain’s EU de- week every quarter to gather distributed teams?
It is also a personal tri- chance to engage more deeply This means that an indepen- parture, and the Biden admin-
umph for Boris Johnson. with faster growing economies dent Scotland might seek to istration will need a more
Prime Minister Johnson took around the world. ban both British and Ameri- proactive European and Atlan- The options include renting space in commercial co-
office with a Parliament hope- For the U.S., Brexit is a can nuclear submarines from tic policy to avoid the worst. working spaces such as WeWork and working from home—
lessly deadlocked on Brexit. challenge. Britain’s egress its waters, a stance that could Promoting an Open Atlantic something companies were loath to allow in the past, since
He maneuvered his opponents from the EU didn’t only widen make Scottish membership in trade agreement, supporting “many managers insist on being able to see their staff and
into allowing him to call an the English Channel; the At- NATO impossible. Franco-British military coop- have them physically present in the same office.” Managers
election on a date of his lantic Ocean is going to be Brexit has been on the ta- eration and working to rejuve- fear that “no work gets done unless they can see their staff
choosing, won some of La- harder to cross. Without the ble since Jan. 2013 when nate NATO can strengthen at their desks.” Mr. Kane is quick to argue against this fear,
bour’s safest seats to gain a U.K., the EU is likely over time then-Prime Minister David critical U.S. alliances even as but 10 months into Covid, much of this debate seems moot.
solid majority, and—to the as- to become less Atlanticist, Cameron, hoping to eliminate the U.K. and the EU go their The proportion of Americans who had ever worked from
tonishment and chagrin of his more statist and more inward Brexit as a divisive issue in politically separate ways. home doubled in the span of about two weeks in March
2020. There is every reason to think that, even if “normal”
life returns, many companies will aim to keep at least part

Lockdowns Starve Mom and Pop of their workforce away from central hubs and office towers
and that many employees will refuse to endure commutes
after a year or more of skipping them. To what effect? one
By Andy Puzder precedented economic de- vantages. Those that have Mollie isn’t alone. From wonders. While Mr. Kane refers to the pandemic from time

cline.” In November alone, the scraped by through outdoor the Pineapple Hill Saloon & to time, “Where Is My Office?” feels as if the bulk of the
he latest lockdowns Bureau of Labor Statistics re- dining, delivery and limited in- Grill in Los Angeles to Bread manuscript was written before this game-changer. He says
across the country will ported, restaurants and bars door seating are now being and Barley’s in Covina, videos that “the corporate sphere now needs to take a Darwinian
be deadly for the small lost 17,400 jobs as new state pushed to the brink by fresh spreading across social media approach—adapting and evolving in order to cope with
businesses that have endured lockdowns took effect. lockdowns and worsening show the increasing despera- uncertainty.” But the BBC’s new spaces were created with
the pandemic this far. While But while national brands weather. tion and anger of California’s the idea that employees would show up at them more days
there are no official numbers lose in lockdown-happy states, My favorite Italian restau- independent restaurant com- than not. Now it’s unclear how many organizations really
yet, business data show signifi- many are able to compensate rant, Trattoria Mollie in Santa munity. need a gleaming headquarters—no matter how well-
cant losses. Yelp’s Local Eco- with revenue from their loca- Barbara, Calif., is one such es- Paycheck Protection Pro- designed the headquarters happen to be.
nomic Impact Report found tions in places with minimal tablishment. Mollie is an Ethio- gram loans have ameliorated Early in “Where Is My Office?” Mr. Kane says that, while he
that, from March 1 through restrictions. pian immigrant who invested some losses, but even more is trying to issue a “clarion call” for people to “take a smarter
Aug. 31, nearly 100,000 busi- everything she had in her res- generous benefits would be approach in how spaces and places are used,” he also hopes
nesses listed on Yelp had taurant. She never made a for- insufficient to keep local to “demystify the complexities of the corporate property
closed permanently due to the Paying customers are tune, but I’ve never seen any- businesses alive if lockdowns sector to make it just a little easier for everyone to under-
pandemic, an average of more the best stimulus for one happier running a persist. The best stimulus for stand.” One suspects that this is where his true interests lie.
than 500 a day. restaurant, or better at it. Her any business is customers. In The result is much discussion of British lease idiosyncrasies,
In addition to destroying any small business. employees, many of whom are many cases, it would only among other digressions. Even the BBC case study is more a
the accomplishments of thou- also immigrants, make a good take a little leeway—all Mol- play-by-play of critical meetings than a guide to how others
sands of American entrepre- living. Santa Barbara’s mild cli- lie needs is the restoration of should rethink their spaces. Such a guide would surely be
neurs and the jobs they cre- National chains that are mate has allowed her business outdoor dining. useful for a leader looking to figure out how much space
ate, lockdowns are forcing known for delivery are actu- to survive on outdoor dining If blue states really want employees need, or what the right mix of in-person and
retail to consolidate around ally seeing sales improve. alone. to champion the vulnerable remote work should be, or whether it’s worth having a
large national brands, which Domino’s third-quarter U.S. That is, until a couple weeks and dispossessed, they headquarters or just renting space for a week every quarter
are better positioned to sur- sales were up 17.5%; Papa ago when, despite its limited should start by letting them to gather distributed teams.
vive the pandemic. John’s were up 24%. Quick health risks, outdoor dining feed their families. That said, whatever the post-pandemic workplace looks
Consider restaurants, Amer- service chains with drive- was banned by Gov. Gavin like, it will look better if leaders follow a lesson that Mr.
ica’s second-largest source of through lanes are also benefit- Newsom. Mollie called me in Mr. Puzder is a former Kane learned early on: “The focus had to be on the people
private employment. Accord- ing: McDonald’s third-quarter tears asking for advice; her CEO of CKE Restaurants and and their activities rather than the physical space.” Otherwise
ing to the National Restaurant U.S. sales rose 4.6%, while restaurant was on the brink, author of “The Capitalist offices are just places to go—and not much more.
Association, 110,000 have per- Wendy’s were up 7.9%. and her employees were about Comeback: The Trump Boom
manently closed and more Single-location, sit-down to go jobless, unable to feed and the Left’s Plot to Stop Ms. Vanderkam is the author of “The New Corner Office:
than 500,000 are “in an un- eateries have none of these ad- their families or pay their rent. It.” How the Most Successful People Work From Home.”
A14 | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Pelosi Keeps Her Gunpowder Dry The Next Energy Secretary’s Climate Record

or all the attention devoted to Republi- a state avenue provides the opportunity to re- In addition to billions of taxpayer signing an industrial-size plant takes
cans contesting Joe Biden’s victory, the solve first.” We’ll see if that tradition holds in dollars awarded to favored corpora- several years and multiple steps. Ar-
tions under the guise of investing in ranging the financing required to
party with the best chance to overturn Mrs. Pelosi’s polarized and closely divided
green energy, expect two major pol- complete the plant as part of the
a federal election this year re- House. icy reversals from an Energy Secre- early development of the system is
mains the Democrats. Democrats reserve the Mr. Elias found seven Hart tary Jennifer Granholm (“Biden’s Cli- normal for a capital-intensive indus-
Nancy Pelosi, who was nar- right to overturn an voters who sent in absentee mate All Stars,” Review & Outlook, try. Never drawing on that money
rowly elected again as Speaker ballots that county election Dec. 28). should the technology fail to meet its
on Sunday, allowed the Repub- Iowa House election. boards disqualified because of First, “environmental responsibil- early-stage milestones is also stan-
lican winner in Iowa’s 2nd problems with the envelope ity” will justify regulations that drive dard practice. That is what happened
Congressional district, Mari- seal. He also found a voter up the cost of shale oil-and-gas pro- with Mascoma.
annette Miller-Meeks, to take her seat. But that whose absentee ballot was disqualified because duction, perhaps halting new produc- GEORGE SCHAEFER
may not be the last word on the election, which it lacked a signature in the required space and tion altogether. Second, mandates Austin, Texas
Democrat Rita Hart hasn’t conceded. Mrs. two whose ballots were dropped off at the wrong and incentives to use renewable en-
ergy will turn energy producers from The editorial board is correct to
Pelosi’s spokesman said Ms. Miller-Meeks would county commissioner’s office.
profit makers into rent seekers, gen- point out that progressive solutions
be seated “provisionally” and “pending the out- Absentee ballots usually have a higher rejec- erating returns from government lar- to climate change—subsidies, man-
come” of a House probe. tion rate than ballots cast in person because of gesse. Increases in the legally re- dates and taxes—are often ham-
The House has the power to decide contested the greater security needed, but some Demo- quired percentage of renewable handed tools. Perhaps they would
elections of its Members. Mrs. Pelosi is saying crats have lately talked themselves into the posi- energy in the electricity stream raise hold less sway were the GOP to offer
that the Democratic-controlled Committee on tion that any disqualification is voter suppres- corporate profits in tandem with con- an alternative. As with health-care,
House Administration reserves the right to rec- sion. The Hart campaign also successfully sumer energy costs. Republicans have left climate issues
ommend muscling Ms. Miller-Meeks out of her excluded several Miller-Meeks ballots over This is what Ms. Granholm did as to the Democrats and have lost votes
seat months from now, when Mr. Trump’s chal- “identifying marks” that could be recontested governor of Michigan. As energy sec- as a result. Young people, especially
lenge is history. if the House opened the door to it. retary, her policies would slow energy those wary of strong progressive pol-
Ms. Miller-Meeks, a physician and state sena- production, drive costs up and in- icies, will more seriously consider
Another question about the race that was
crease government involvement in voting for Republicans if the party
tor, won the district by six votes. Her victory was never litigated because Ms. Miller-Meeks won our lives—that’s the plan. would devise and sell an efficient cli-
confirmed in a recount, and the state certified the is why the absentee ballot recount in Scott JOHN MULARONI mate plan.
results Nov. 30. More than three weeks later Marc County found 131 more votes than in the initial Bloomfield Hills, Mich. CHRISTIAN CARSON
Elias, the Democratic election lawyer who special- count, resulting in a 26-vote swing to Ms. Hart. Cambridge, Mass.
izes in vote-counting mischief (Al Franken in Mr. Muller notes that the Hart campaign often You cite several examples of green-
2008), presented the House with a list of 22 bal- sought more-inclusive recounts in Democratic technology projects that received Your editorial cites several exam-
lots he says should have been counted and would counties compared to Republican ones. state and federal awards but were ples of alternative-energy invest-
result in a net 15-vote swing to Ms. Hart. It is possible to throw doubt on any race this never completed, leaving the impres- ments by government that didn’t pan
The most straightforward response for Ms. close. The question is how many Democrats sion that this money was spent and out. Your conclusion: “Government is
Miller-Meeks, whose lawyers have to respond would be willing to bypass state courts and un- wasted. This isn’t necessarily so. Sig- a lousy venture capitalist.” But a very
nificant portions of government similar article could have been writ-
this month, is that the Hart campaign forfeited seat an elected Republican Member to grow
awards are never disbursed. ten about the venture-capital indus-
a House challenge because it never asked a state their majority. It’s not lost on Mrs. Pelosi that As the former chief financial offi- try itself. Even the industry admits
court to review the ballots under Iowa law. moving on Jan. 3 would distract from the Jan. cer of Mascoma, the biofuels startup that about 30% of its ventures fail,
Derek Muller, a University of Iowa law profes- 6 spectacle of congressional Republicans voting mentioned in the editorial, I must but the number may well be higher.
sor who represented the Miller-Meeks campaign to contest the Electoral College. But new rules clarify that the $20 million of state Research from Shikhar Ghosh of Har-
on a county recount board, wrote that Congress for the 117th Congress direct extra money to- funds and $100 million of federal vard Business School, cited in the
generally “prefers not to dig into the nuances of ward “resolving contested elections,” and the funds were not wasted. None of Journal in 2012, found that about
state law, or to visit facts for the first time that Speaker may be biding her time to strike. these grants were disbursed to Mas- three-quarters of venture-backed
coma, as our technology was never firms in the U.S. don’t return inves-
demonstrated successfully and the tors’ capital. The hope is that the few
Biden’s Iran Policy vs. Reality in Tehran project stopped before these funds
were required.
investments that succeed will more
than make up for all the failures.

Developing a new technology, im- STEPHEN BROWN
resident Trump’s maximum-pressure Mr. Biden has said the U.S. will comply with plementing a complex system and de- Palm Beach, Fla.
sanctions campaign against Iran will the agreement again as soon as Iran does. This
continue until his final day in office— ostensibly would be followed by negotiations
and so will Tehran’s escalating violations of the over other malign Iranian behavior. “In that
2015 nuclear deal. While the facts on the ground
change, Joe Biden’s policy hasn’t.
broader negotiation, we can ultimately secure
limits on Iran’s ballistic missile technology,” Mr.
No Blanket Protection for Internet Platforms
Iran is now enriching uranium to 20% purity, Biden’s National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, I agree with Rick White that “Laws because such speech is within the
the International Atomic Energy Agency con- said in an interview over the weekend. Governing Online Speech Need Re- protection of the First Amendment.
firmed Monday. This is below the 90% needed “We did believe that if you had the Iranian form, Not Repeal” (op-ed, Dec. 23). Any internet provider that refused to
Outright repeal of Section 230, which adopt this policy would lose the pro-
for a bomb but a big leap above the accord’s nuclear program in a box, you could then begin
grants immunity from liability to in- tections of Section 230 entirely.
3.67% limit. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to chip away at some of these other issues,” Mr. ternet platforms for content posted ROBERT GOODFRIEND
says he was “bound” by the Iranian parliament, Sullivan recalled of the original deal, which he on their sites by third parties, would Dallas
which passed a law mandating the escalation. helped negotiate. “Obviously, that did not come prompt even more censorship. The
But this crosses a red line for the European to pass, but it was never fundamentally part of social-media companies would try to Mr. White is right to call for re-
countries that have tried to keep the deal alive the Iran nuclear deal that we had the expecta- protect themselves from litigation form of internet speech protections.
since Mr. Trump’s 2018 withdrawal. tion that it would.” If that’s the case, why does over all kinds of potentially offensive This should include a new definition
The regime also said Monday that it had Mr. Sullivan think the Biden Administration can or illegal content that users post. of libel for those platforms protected
detained a vessel from South Korea, which get cooperation on missiles now? Since the First Amendment is a by Section 230. The law in this area
is in a dispute with Tehran over frozen bank Simply rejoining the deal means giving up well-litigated line between permissi- is as out of date as a Sony Beta re-
accounts. Last month Mr. Trump blamed significant leverage for nothing. Iranian For- ble and impermissible speech consis- corder. Who could have known then
tent with the values of a free society, that a new type of newsstand would
Iran-backed militias for the largest attack eign Minister Javad Zarif said last month that
it offers the best solution for regulat- emerge, become dominant and act no
on Baghdad’s Green Zone since 2010. Iran the sanctions campaign had done $250 billion ing the social-media companies. The better than a partisan pest hole?
was also likely behind a series of cyber at- in damage. The U.S. would have to accept irre- government should condition the Internet platforms should be liable
tacks against dozens of Israeli firms at the versible benefits to Iran, like the knowledge grant of immunity under Section 230 when a plaintiff can show a pattern
end of 2020. and data its scientists gained while violating on a pledge from the platforms not to or practice of publishing falsehoods
This shouldn’t surprise anyone: Tehran has the deal. censor third-party content unless it or imposing discriminatory censor-
been a regional menace for 40 years. Mr. Iran is escalating its nuclear enrichment to falls outside the protections of the ship. The platforms are able to track
Trump’s newly acquired sanctions leverage put pressure on the new U.S. Administration First Amendment, such as libel, their own data and manage the liabil-
could eventually forge a better deal, but it was to rush back into the 2015 deal. It sees the same threats to overthrow the government, ity risks. What they lack is the objec-
always unlikely in his first term. Watching Iran Obama negotiators moving into Biden jobs, and direct threats of physical violence tivity and decency to operate in the
break out from the deal so easily is a reminder figures it can outfox them again. But if the U.S. and certain types of indecent mate- nondiscriminatory manner expected
rial. Censoring “hate speech” or con- of any fixed-site retailer.
of how sweet the 2015 accord’s terms are for keeps Mr. Trump’s sanctions, and persuades
tent suspected of originating with STAN LONG
Tehran, which bet on waiting out Mr. Trump Europe to join them, the pressure will be back hackers couldn’t meet this standard Eugene, Ore.
for a Democrat. on Tehran to make concessions.

Congress’s Doctor Shortage Can Anyone Justify the Blackwater Pardons?

Your characterization of the par- A federal judge dismissed the orig-
ospitals in much of America are triag- health spending. ObamaCare’s payment models dons of the Blackwater mercenaries inal indictments for “reckless viola-
ing Covid-19 patients because they are accelerated these trends. as “hard to justify” (“Trump’s Weiss- tion of the defendants’ constitutional
short of staff, especially doctors Another problem Congress overlooked is the mann Pardons,” Review & Outlook, rights.” To appease Iraqi politicians
trained in emergency-care and Dec. 26) is a masterpiece of under- seeking re-election, the Obama ad-
aging U.S. population and phy-
statement. These four killers opened ministration pressured the Justice
anesthesiology. Blame Con- Trillions for Covid relief, sician workforce. A third of fire with machine guns and grenade Department to appeal. After multiple
gress, which rationed the sup- very little to address the 906,000 or so practicing launchers on a crowd of unarmed trials, the guards were convicted—not
ply of new physicians two de- doctors in the U.S. are over men, women and children. Seventeen by a jury of their peers but a civilian
cades ago and is only now medical training. age 60, and the Association of innocent civilians were killed. Might jury with no combat experience. Ap-
addressing its mistake, albeit American Medical Colleges the pardons be connected to the fact peals raising more constitutional vio-
not nearly enough. (AAMC) forecasts a physician that Blackwater was founded by Erik lations—including that prosecutors
The $900 billion relief bill adds 1,000 new shortage of 54,100 to 139,000 physicians by Prince, a Trump buddy and informal withheld information suggesting the
Medicare-funded graduate medical education 2033. Shortages will be especially acute in geri- adviser? lead Iraqi investigator had ties to ter-
(GME) positions over five years. A Congressio- atrics, primary and emergency care. DON KAUL rorist groups—were rejected.
nal bill summary boasts about the doctor-train- Medical schools are expanding enrollment, Chicago President Trump’s pardons were
not only justifiable. They did justice.
ing expansion, though it requires a microscope but graduates face a bottleneck because there
Your editorial calls the pardons of DAVID B. HARRISON AND ERIC H. JASO
to find amid the spending fat. are too few GME positions—only 120,000 or so, former State Department security Short Hills, N.J.
Since 1965 Medicare has funded the vast ma- and each lasts about three to five years. Some guards “hard to justify” and com- Messrs. Harrison and Jaso repre-
jority of residency positions at hospitals, which hospitals fund residencies from their own bud- ments that they “show disrespect for sented Paul Slough, one of the former
are essentially apprenticeships for medical gets—e.g., charging more to privately insured American soldiers who must be disci- Blackwater guards, in his pardon ap-
school graduates. During the early 1990s econo- patients—but rural and low-income hospitals plined under great stress on the bat- plication.
mists and physician groups sounded alarms are less able to do so. tlefield.” To the contrary, the Justice
about a physician glut—their theory being that Some health economists say technology and Department’s obsessive prosecution
more doctors would result in needless treat- nurses can substitute for fewer doctors. We of these decorated veterans disre- Pepper ...
ments and health spending. support relaxing state licensing regimes to let spected U.S. fighters making split-
second decisions in a war zone.
And Salt
Congress responded in the Balanced Budget physician assistants and registered nurses pro-
After a car bombing targeted an THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
Act of 1997 by capping Medicare-funded resi- vide more care, but the pandemic has high-
American diplomat, the guard team
dency positions at 1996 levels and paying hospi- lighted the limits of this strategy and the U.S. stopped traffic in a busy Baghdad
tals to eliminate positions. Health-maintenance faces a nurse shortage too. square to ensure her safe passage. A
organizations were supposed to limit health- In a minor political miracle, health industry car suddenly sped toward them.
care utilization and spending while the popula- lobbies and medical groups endorsed legislation When the driver ignored warnings to
tion and demand increased. to add 15,000 Medicare-funded GME positions stop, guards shot at and disabled the
Yet introductory economics teaches that over five years, but the details proved too thorny car. Immediately the convoy came un-
prices will rise when demand increases and for Congress to negotiate. As a small salve, the der heavy insurgent gunfire and re-
supply stays the same. This has happened in latest relief bill expands residency positions by turned fire. Tragically, Iraqi civilians
health care. Government has kept a lid on physi- 1,000 over five years, which will cost in the were killed, but this was no unpro-
voked massacre.
cian fees for Medicare and Medicaid, but doc- neighborhood of $120 million. That’s less than
tors increased rates charged to private insurers 0.004% of Covid relief spending this year and
Letters intended for publication should
to compensate. Hospitals have also discovered 0.015% of Medicare spending last year. be emailed to Please
they can generate more revenue if in-house doc- When Americans can’t find a doctor in the include your city, state and telephone
tors perform more treatments. So hospitals coming years, they should blame a Congress number. All letters are subject to
have acquired independent physician practices, that spends trillions without addressing this editing, and unpublished letters cannot
be acknowledged.
which has reduced competition and driven up soon-to-be urgent need. “Hold up, Reynolds—you’re in coach.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, January 5, 2021 | A15


Beijing’s Bid for Financial Supremacy

By Kevin Warsh the lowest level in nearly five years. U.S. economy in the same regard.

The share of new U.S. debt bought They believe America’s growing ad-
hina is no longer biding its by China is smaller than it’s been in diction to negative real interest
time and hiding its decades. rates, its unsustainable fiscal path,
strength. Those days are China is also trying to replace the and the Fed’s debt monetization in-
over. U.S. as the preferred destination for dicate a country—and a system—in
China’s economic growth foreign capital. Its leaders are ac- decline.
in 2020 significantly outpaced the tively seeking to persuade global in- Two major economic shocks, the
U.S. and all other major economies, vestors to reconfigure their portfo- Great Recession and the Great Lock-
which suffered severe recessions. lios to give Chinese securities, down, influenced the thinking of
China’s recent adventurism at home especially risk-free debt, a much China’s leaders. The twin shocks, sep-
and abroad can be explained largely greater role. And some finance min- arated by a decade of deliberation
in economic terms. Its leaders draw istries, sovereign-wealth funds and among China’s academics, policy
confidence to challenge the world large global asset managers are con- makers and other party members,
from their country’s macroeconomic sidering shifting capital in the com- changed China’s view of its relative
outperformance, and from their grow- ing year to China’s higher-yielding economic strength and accelerated
ing belief in the superiority of China’s sovereign debt. the timeline to bolster its global
economic governance model. Currently, 10-year U.S. Treasurys presence.
A new front in the great power yield less than 1% nominally, imply- America’s economic future, how-
competition between the U.S. and ing a significant negative real return ever, depends less on the top-down,
China has opened. Beijing isn’t yet over the decade. The Federal Re- macroeconomic decisions of manda-
ready to challenge the U.S. dollar di- serve’s newfangled policy regime of rins in Washington than China might
rectly. But it has set its sights on the lower interest rates and higher infla- appreciate. U.S. prospects rest more
tion for longer periods portends con- on the resilience and dynamism of
tinued losses. Investors will increas- the micro-foundations of our econ-
China plans to displace ingly struggle to build portfolios if omy—the culture of hard work, risk-
they are unable to use Treasury taking, free allocation of capital and
the U.S. as investors’ top bonds to mitigate risk effectively. labor, and respect for the rule of law
target, and global crises China’s comparable 10-year bonds in a market system.
yield about 3.25%, allowing for the China is moving with dispatch to
have sped up its effort. prospect of positive real returns. establish itself as the preferred des-

Historically, the renminbi was an in- tination for low-risk capital returns.
adequate store of value, which kept If successful, this would be a critical
U.S. bond market, which showed new international investors wary. In the step in its effort to establish an al-
vulnerability last year. China is tak- five years before the Covid crisis, the ternative financial and economic
ing steps to displace U.S. Treasurys dollar-renminbi exchange rate weak- global ecosystem. China could then
as the world’s most important and ened as much as 15% peak-to-trough its economy, of which there should be scale and scope, purchasing about $1 emerge as a more viable and serious
reliable asset. American policy mak- amid heightened volatility. Global in- some skepticism. But the current nar- trillion in government debt in about rival for hegemony.
ers should take notice. vestors were reluctant to buy Chi- rative of strong, stable, sustainable three weeks. In good times, U.S. policy makers
There are signs that China is nese sovereign debt over comparable Chinese growth is gaining big trac- This Covid-induced episode stands feel no compulsion to normalize, and
starting to reduce its direct pur- U.S. Treasurys. tion in the investor community. in contrast with the global financial in bad times no reason or ability to
chases of Treasurys. This is difficult In a purposeful and marked The vulnerability of the U.S. bond crisis a decade ago: U.S. bonds then do so. Better, more forward-looking
to know precisely: China’s official change in recent quarters, China has market became clearer when Covid served as the ultimate safe haven. U.S. economic policy is required to
foreign exchange reserves total more consistently fixed its overnight ex- fears struck last year. Foreign inves- China never sought to replicate retain the privilege of U.S. Treasurys
than $3 trillion, and it controls other change rate in one direction, allowing tors, including China, pulled back the U.S. economic system. But for de- as the world’s safe-haven asset, not
massive pools of capital. The compo- its currency to strengthen more than from the Treasury market. Prices fell cades Beijing considered America’s least to strengthen America’s posi-
sition of China’s foreign reserves and 8% against the dollar. China’s fiscal unexpectedly, even as equity prices economic model worthy of great re- tion in its growing rivalry with
the amount of its dollar-denomi- and monetary support for its econ- plummeted. Yields spiked 0.75% in spect, even admiration. Since their China.
nated assets are a state secret. omy has become less expansionary. mid-March, one of the largest, fast- 1980s reforms under Deng Xiaoping,
But, according to statistics com- The clear and concerted message to est shifts in years. U.S. bond liquidity Chinese leaders believed the U.S. Mr. Warsh, a former member of
piled by the U.S. Treasury Depart- global investors: Invest in China and evaporated, and Treasurys failed to knew how to run a successful mod- the Federal Reserve Board, is a dis-
ment, Chinese direct holdings of get better, safer returns. China’s abil- serve as an effective market hedge. ern economy. tinguished visiting fellow in econom-
U.S. government debt fell in each of ity to sustain investor interest de- Market panic ensued. The Fed en- Times have changed. Many of ics at Stanford University’s Hoover
the past five months, and are now at pends on the long-term strength of tered the market in unprecedented China’s leaders no longer hold the Institution.

An Awesome Spectacle of Dishonesty and Opportunism

spectacle of around 150 Republican tors really thought their stunt had their opportunism and affirm the the election was fraudulent and
members of Congress who will on the slightest chance of success they election result. must be undone hasn’t been made to
Wednesday refuse to approve the wouldn’t be doing it. If they thought The senators’ cynicism is further anything near a legal standard.
FREE presidential election results re- that their votes would throw the underlined by their claims of prece- The senators’ letter fails to ad-
EXPRESSION turned last month by the Electoral election to the House of Representa- dent. It’s true that something similar vance the ball on this issue. Tell-
By Gerard Baker College. tives, deny Joe Biden’s victory and happened in 1876. And they rightly ingly, the only documentation in

The action, by more than half the gloriously reinstall Donald Trump as note more recent examples, includ- their bill of complaint is a reference
ynical opportunism is the cur- Republican members of the House president on Jan. 20, they wouldn’t ing the last time a senator objected to a Reuters-Ipsos poll citing wide-
rency of democratic politics. and almost a quarter of GOP sena- touch it. to Electoral College results in 2005. spread distrust of the election out-
Since man first learned that tors, may rank among the most cyni- To grasp fully the measure of these come. It isn’t clear if any of them
the route to power required the cally contrived, morally contempt- senators’ gall, however, it’s worth spotted the irony—the only thing
massaging of others’ egos, history ible, soul-corrupting acts of political The GOP election noting exactly who that challenger less trusted these days than mail-in
has been replete with sycophants degeneracy ever attempted. was. voting is opinion polling.
and yes-men with an unerring drive Let’s be clear at the outset what challenge marks a new Two words: Barbara Boxer. There are, it seems, enough prin-
to jettison any principle in the ser- it isn’t. It isn’t a coup. It isn’t even a low-water mark for I’m old enough to remember cipled conservatives to expose and
vice of self-advancement. serious attempt to overturn the elec- when that name was for most con- oppose this cant. As Rep. Liz Cheney
There’s a story of an ambitious tion result. political cynicism. servatives a byword for unprincipled (R., Wyo.) put it this weekend, the
and especially oleaginous member of The letter signed by 11 senators chicanery, political extremism and proposed vote would set “an excep-
the British Parliament who, when who plan to object this week is up rank dishonesty. Now, apparently, tionally dangerous precedent,
some young colleague—a potentially front about this. They acknowledge There would be a kind of kami- Ms. Boxer’s ridiculous challenge to threatening to steal states’ explicit
useful voter in a future leadership with disarming honesty that their kaze courage about their action if the 2004 election result makes her constitutional responsibility for
election—asked what time it was, effort to reject the result pending a this was indeed its objective. But the model they wish to emulate. choosing the president and bestow-
put his arm around the questioner’s congressionally-mandated inquiry these are no kamikaze politicians, Let’s state it again for disgruntled ing it instead on Congress.”
shoulder and, smiling, said: “What into voter fraud will fail. willing to make the ultimate political conservative voters: Of course there Doubtless, the members of Con-
time would you like it to be?” “We are not naïve. We fully ex- sacrifice for a cause. These guys are are legitimate concerns about the gress signing up for this week’s odi-
But even those long familiar with pect most if not all Democrats, and more like the ground crew at a Japa- outcome of the 2020 election, espe- ous little exercise assume they will
spectacles of careerist expediency perhaps more than a few Republi- nese fighter base, happy to supply cially the ubiquity of mail-in voting be rewarded by the ranks of angry
dressed up in faux-altruistic casu- cans, to vote otherwise.” the fuel to propel others to their susceptible to manipulation. Republican voters. Perhaps so. Let’s
istry can only step back in awe when It’s the brazen acknowledgment fate. They only mount this perfor- But beyond that general objec- hope for their sakes that the gain
evidence of a new standard of cyni- of this reality that makes the whole mance because they are secure in tion—and a justified conviction that thus achieved is large enough to fill
cal self-aggrandizement comes enterprise so unprincipled. We can the knowledge that enough of their future elections must not be con- the hole where their principles
along. So it is this week with the reasonably surmise that if the sena- Republican colleagues will eschew ducted in this way—the case that might once have been.

Why We’re Ending the EPA’s Reliance on Secret Science

By Andrew Wheeler ment—shouldn’t be exempt from tion of science is precluded. Transparency is a defense of, not gorically exclude any scientific work

public scrutiny. This is why we are Our rule will prioritize transpar- an attack on, the important work from EPA use. We don’t seek to
he task of science is one of promulgating a rule to make the ency and increase opportunities for done by career scientists at the limit anyone’s ability to conduct
test and retest, analysis and agency’s scientific processes more the public to access the “dose-re- EPA, along with their colleagues at sound science.
comparison, over and over. It transparent. sponse” data that underlie signifi- research institutions around the Transparency has been a guiding
is slow and careful work, done in Too often Congress shirks its re- cant regulations and influential sci- country. Increasing polarization principle at the EPA for 50 years. Ad-
the open. Only rarely has science sponsibility and defers important entific information. Dose-response around scientific questions stems in ministrator William Ruckelshaus is-
benefited from secrecy, and that is decisions to regulatory agencies. data explain the relationship be- part from too many public policy sued his famous “Fishbowl Memo” in
usually for reasons of national secu- These regulators then invoke sci- tween the amount of a chemical or debates setting science in a cate-
rity. The geniuses of the Manhattan ence to justify their actions, often pollutant and its effect on human gory apart from normal discussion
Project who built the atomic bomb, without letting the public study the health and the environment—and or standards. By shining light on The agency has long made
the mavericks of Cape Canaveral underlying data. Part of transpar- are the foundation of the EPA’s reg- the science we use in decisions, we
who sent men to the moon, these ency is making sure the public ulations. If the American people are are helping to restore trust in gov- decisions without allowing
giants did their work behind high knows what the agency bases its de- to be regulated by interpretation of ernment. We want the EPA to be the public to scrutinize
walls, and for good reason. cisions on. When agencies defer to these scientific studies, they de- able to say, “you can check our
But the work of the Environmen- experts in private without review serve to scrutinize the data as part work.” our underlying data.
tal Protection Agency—to protect from citizens, distinctions get flat- of the scientific process and Ameri- The rule-making process is itself
human health and the environ- tened and the testing and delibera- can self-government. transparent. This rule-making is the
result of several years of work and 1983. This memo demanded that EPA
two separate public comment peri- employees act in the open and “en-
Notable & Quotable ods, making this final rule a better
sure that the basis for the Agency’s
decision[s] appears in the record.”
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp
From changes to the House rules Some special interests have dem- Ruckelshaus knew the credibility of a
Matt Murray Almar Latour
package for the 117th Congress: agogued the rule, calling it an at- regulator depended on clear commu-
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher tack on privacy that would weaken nication with the public.
Neal Lipschutz Karen Miller Pensiero DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: (3) In clause 8(c)(3) of rule XXIII, the science used by the EPA and po- Transparency knows no political
Deputy Editor in Chief Managing Editor Ramin Beheshti, Chief Technology Officer; strike ‘‘father, mother, son, daughter, liticize public health studies. Critics ideology. My Democratic predeces-
Jason Anders, Chief News Editor; Louise Story, Chief Kamilah Mitchell-Thomas, Chief People Officer; brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, in the media appear to prefer it sors often appealed to its impor-
News Strategist, Product & Technology Officer Edward Roussel, Chief Innovation Officer; nephew, niece, husband, wife, father- when regulators feed them conclu- tance. In 2014, the Obama adminis-
Thorold Barker, Europe; Elena Cherney, Coverage; Christina Van Tassell, Chief Financial Officer
in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, sions, instead of analyzing the un- tration’s Gina McCarthy reassured
Andrew Dowell, Asia; Anthony Galloway, Video &
Audio; Brent Jones, Culture, Training & Outreach;
daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister- derlying data themselves. the National Academy of Sciences
Alex Martin, Print & Writing; Michael W. Miller, Jason P. Conti, General Counsel; in-law, stepfather, stepmother, step- This rule is not a stick for forcing that, “In everything we do—EPA re-
Features & Weekend; Emma Moody, Standards; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; son, stepdaughter, stepbrother, step scientists to choose between re- lies on transparency, on rigorous
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Matthew Rose,
Kristin Heitmann, Chief Commercial Officer; sister, half brother, half sister, grand- specting the privacy and rights of peer review, and on robust, mean-
Enterprise; Michael Siconolfi, Investigations;
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News
Nancy McNeill, Corporate Sales; son, or grand daughter’’ and insert their study participants and submit- ingful public comment.” This final
Thomas San Filippo, Customer Service; ‘‘parent, child, sibling, parent’s sibling, ting their work for consideration. regulation does just that. Please
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large Josh Stinchcomb, Advertising Sales;
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
first cousin, sibling’s child, spouse, No private information will be re- read the rule before you reflexively
Suzi Watford, Chief Marketing Officer;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page Jonathan Wright, International
parent in-law, child-in-law, sibling-in- leased as a result of this rule. We repeat tired misinformation or
law, stepparent, step child, stepsibling, can verify results with independent make another’s interpretation of it
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Professional Information Business: half-sibling, or grandchild.’’ . . . review and still protect confidential your own.
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head and personal information. Our rule
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: (6) In clause 4 of rule XXVII, strike won’t allow administrators to Mr. Wheeler is administrator of
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 ‘‘himself or herself’’ and insert cherry pick research to derive polit- the Environmental Protection
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
‘‘themself.” ically helpful results. It won’t cate- Agency.
A16 | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


U.K. Spurns U.S. Bid for Assange Mexican

Judge rejects request “If you are in perfect health

to extradite founder of
WikiLeaks, citing risk
you are never going to win
that argument. But if you
have, as Assange does, these
of suicide in prison
underlying, serious mental-
health problems, then it’s go-
ing to be a problem always
BY JASON DOUGLAS with the Americans,” he said. BY JOSÉ DE CÓRDOBA
The U.S. alleges that Mr. As-
LONDON—A British judge sange broke the law by solicit- MEXICO CITY—President An-
rejected a U.S. request to ex- ing classified material from for- drés Manuel López Obrador of-
tradite Julian Assange on spy- mer U.S. Army intelligence fered political asylum to Julian
ing charges, saying the analyst Chelsea Manning and Assange after a British court
WikiLeaks founder would be at by helping her crack a pass- denied a U.S. request to extra-
severe risk of suicide if sent to word to obtain that material. dite the founder of WikiLeaks
the U.S. to await trial in a Publication of the diplomatic to face spying charges.
high-security prison. cables and military logs she Mr. López Obrador on Mon-


The decision marks a major provided endangered the lives day said Mexico would ask the
setback in Washington’s pur- of U.S. intelligence sources, the U.K. government about the
suit of Mr. Assange for pub- U.S. government alleges. possibility of freeing Mr. As-
lishing secret documents relat- In June, the Justice Depart- sange, and that Mexico would
ing to the Iraq and ment issued a fresh indictment offer him asylum.
Afghanistan wars. A lawyer for that included new allegations “Therefore, a pardon for
the U.S. government said it that broadened the scope, the Mr. Assange, pardon and asy-
would appeal, setting the department said, of the conspir- lum,” he said.
stage for another hearing in acy surrounding alleged com- Mr. López Obrador said Mex-
the coming months at the puter intrusions with which Mr. ico was happy that the British
High Court in London. A bail Julian Assange’s supporters celebrate in London after the ruling that he can’t be extradited to the U.S. Assange has been charged. He is court had denied the U.S. extra-
application is scheduled to be alleged between 2007 and 2015 dition request, which he called
heard on Wednesday. unjust or oppressive treatment. of law raised. “We will con- exposed wrongdoing by the to have encouraged and assisted a “triumph for justice.” He said
Delivering her ruling on “I find that the mental con- tinue to seek Mr. Assange’s ex- U.S. and other governments. hackers affiliated with the Mr. Assange is a journalist who
Monday, District Judge Van- dition of Mr. Assange is such tradition to the United States,” His case isn’t the first occa- groups Anonymous and LulzSec deserves an opportunity.
essa Baraitser said Mr. As- that it would be oppressive to he said. sion where a British judge has obtain classified information A British judge denied the
sange has already toyed with extradite him” to the U.S., Mr. Assange, a 49-year-old blocked extradition on the published by WikiLeaks, and to U.S. request because she said
suicide and the prospect of de- Judge Baraitser said in a 132- Australian who appeared in grounds that aspects of the have played a role in helping it would put Mr. Assange, who
tention in isolation in the U.S. page ruling. “The overall im- court in person Monday, is U.S. prison system would qual- Edward Snowden, a National faces espionage charges for
would likely result in a suicide pression is of a depressed and wanted in the U.S. on 18 ify as unjust or oppressive Security Agency contractor who publishing secret documents
attempt. sometimes despairing man charges of breaking espionage treatment for someone who is in 2013 leaked details of clan- pertaining to the wars in Iraq
The judge said the harsh who is genuinely fearful about laws and conspiring to hack a ill. London’s High Court re- destine surveillance programs and Afghanistan, at risk of sui-
conditions under which he his future,” she said. military computer. The alleged jected the extradition to the to the media, to evade arrest. cide if he was sent to the U.S.
would likely be held in the U.S. The judge did, however, dis- offenses relate to the publica- U.S. of Lauri Love, an alleged In hearings at a London to await trial in a maximum
prison system would exacer- miss multiple other arguments tion in 2010 and 2011 by computer hacker, on similar court spread over almost a security prison.
bate that risk. The court heard against extradition, including WikiLeaks of a huge trove of grounds in 2018. year, Mr. Assange denied he Mr. López Obrador said the
evidence from doctors who di- the defense’s assertion that Mr. classified material that Nick Vamos, a partner at solicited anything from Ms. right to asylum is part of Mex-
agnosed Mr. Assange with de- Assange’s prosecution was po- painted a bleak picture of the London law firm Peters & Pe- Manning or helped her steal ico’s foreign-policy tradition,
pression and autism. litically motivated and violated American campaigns in Iraq ters and a former head of ex- classified files. His defense ar- “which is protection, but at
Under British extradition his rights to free expression. and Afghanistan and their af- tradition for England and gues that his prosecution is the same time carries the re-
law, as well as European hu- A spokesman for the U.S. termath. Wales’s Crown Prosecution politically motivated, a poten- sponsibility of making sure the
man-rights law to which the Department of Justice said Mr. Assange has repeatedly Service, said it was an argu- tial bar to extradition under a person receiving asylum
U.K. is a party, a judge can that while it was disappointed defended his work and the ment defense teams frequently bilateral treaty between the doesn’t intervene, doesn’t in-
block extradition on health in the court’s decision, the U.S. wider WikiLeaks project as deploy when resisting extradi- U.S. and U.K. that governs ex- terfere in political matters of
grounds if it would result in had prevailed on every point public-interest journalism that tion to the U.S. tradition requests. any country.”

Johnson Imposes Third Lockdown as New Strain Spreads

BY MAX COLCHESTER clear that we need to do more First Minister Nicola Sturgeon veloped by Pfizer Inc. and Bi-
together to bring this new moved to put Scotland into oNTech SE that was approved
LONDON—Prime Minister variant under control,” he lockdown until the end of in the U.K. earlier in Decem-
Boris Johnson began a na- said. January. ber require two doses to be
tional lockdown Monday, or- The government is engaged With the start of the roll- fully effective.
dering the British population in a logistics race as it tries to out of the vaccine developed At the end of last month,
to stay home until mid-Febru- vaccinate its population to by AstraZeneca PLC and the Britain’s chief medical officers

ary amid spiraling infection slow the spread of the virus University of Oxford on Mon- wrote to health professionals
rates caused by a new variant and protect vulnerable people. day, government officials are arguing that allowing a 12-
of the coronavirus. Britain moved more quickly hopeful that vaccination rates week gap between shots
As of Monday evening, than other European nations can increase significantly by would ensure that more peo-
schools and nonessential to approve and roll out the second half of the month. ple can receive a basic level of
shops were to shut across Covid-19 vaccines. So far over Britain has already set up protection.
England and people have been a million people have received close to 1,000 mass injection Some experts question
told to leave their homes only a vaccine shot in the U.K. sites and has drafted thou- whether data back this ap-
if necessary. However, the new variant sands of retired nurses and proach.
The imposition of a third of the virus—Mr. Johnson doctors to administer the Even with higher vaccina-
national lockdown came after said scientists estimated it Brian Pinker, 82, became the first person to receive a shot of the shots. The government is rac- tion rates, restrictions will
the government’s chief medi- was 50% to 70% more trans- vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford. ing to inoculate the 13 million likely be necessary for some
cal officers warned the more- missible than earlier vari- Britons who are considered time to come.
contagious strain was spread- ants—has taken hold since number of people testing pos- lored restrictions wasn’t most at risk from the virus. A study by Imperial College
ing quickly and that some December and is spreading itive for Covid-19 doubled working. As late as Sunday, “We are now rolling out London found the new mu-
hospitals risked being over- rapidly, U.K. government sci- over the past week to 366,000 Mr. Johnson was urging par- the biggest vaccination pro- tated variant of the coronavi-
whelmed within three weeks entists warned. as of Monday. Hospitalization ents to send their children to gram in our history,” said Mr. rus increases the R number—
if new restrictions weren’t put Epidemiologists say that numbers have risen 30% in a school where possible. Johnson. By mid-February, ev- or the number of people on
in place. stopping the virus’s exponen- week. Deaths in the week rose The government held off eryone most at risk of the vi- average every person with the
There are now more tial spread will require the by a quarter to 4,228. announcing a more stringent rus should have received a infection goes on to infect—
Covid-19 patients in British immunization of around two The buildup to the latest nationwide lockdown while shot of a vaccine, he said. At by 0.4 to 0.7. That could ne-
hospitals than at the height of million people a week and lockdown was marked by Mr. awaiting evidence of how that point many restrictions gate the effect of the existing
the pandemic in the spring. strict social-distancing re- Johnson gradually tightening tighter social restrictions in can be removed, Mr. Johnson social-distancing restrictions
Mr. Johnson said that the strictions. rules amid clamor by scien- the south of the country af- said. that were in place across
fight against the virus had U.K. infection rates have al- tific advisers who said Brit- fected the virus’s spread. Both the AstraZeneca-Ox- much of the country before
reached a critical phase. “It is ready begun to surge. The ain’s system of regionally tai- Earlier on Monday, Scottish ford shot and the vaccine de- Monday.

Population Declines First Openly Gay
For the First Time Minister Appointed
South Korea’s population de- The center-right government
creased for the first time in in Greece named the country’s
2020, entering a downward trend first openly gay minister in a
likely worsened by the pandemic. cabinet shuffle Monday.
South Korea, Asia’s fourth- Nicholas Yatromanolakis, 44
largest economy, reported a pop- years old, was named as the
ulation of 51.8 million last year, a new deputy minister of culture
drop of 20,838 people from after being promoted from the

2019, according to government position of general secretary at

data released Sunday, measuring the ministry.
citizen registration numbers. The government retained its
Leading the population drop ministers of health and finance
is South Korea’s low number of and most other key positions in
births. Births have fallen to lows the shuffle.
every year since 2016. The aver- —Associated Press
age number of children a
woman will bear in her lifetime COLOMBIA
in South Korea was 1.1 last year,
the lowest fertility rate in the Boat Carrying
world, according to a United Na- Migrants Sinks
tions Population Fund’s survey
of more than 200 countries. Rescue workers in Colombia
The pandemic, which ham- NEW OBSTACLE: Students walked in a flooded classroom caused by the overflow of Lake Victoria in Kisumu, Kenya, on Monday as are trying to locate more than
mered jobs and forced couples public schools officially reopened after the government closed them in March to curb the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus. 20 migrants whose boat sank as
to delay marriages, is likely to it tried to reach Panama.
have weighed on birthrates, es- NORTH KOREA North Korea’s application. But the come countries and economies bating the virus a matter of na- The sinking was reported on
pecially in South Korea where group is assessing individual eligible for the Covax Advance tional survival. It has sealed off Monday by officials in Acandi, a
the majority of child births occur Government Applies economies’ demands and expects Market Commitment program, its borders and suspended for- municipality along the Gulf of
after marriage, said Choi Seong- For Covid Vaccines to provide an update early in the which is aiming for equitable eign travel. Uraba. Thousands of undocu-
soo, a sociology professor at year, a Gavi spokesman said. distribution of vaccines. For that Nearly 12,000 people have mented migrants cross the gulf
Yonsei University in Seoul. North Korea submitted an ap- In recent weeks, North Korea group, which includes North Ko- been tested for Covid-19 in each year on small boats.
A Bank of Korea report in De- plication to receive Covid-19 virus has reached out to several Euro- rea, Covax has secured at least North Korea through Dec. 17, Migrants traveling through
cember said the Covid-19 shock vaccines from the main global al- pean embassies, inquiring how 1.3 billion donor-funded doses, with tens of thousands having the Uraba region are mostly try-
could have a permanent impact liance helping lower-income coun- the country might obtain targeting coverage of up to 20% been quarantined, according to ing to make it to the U.S. Many
on birthrates as the delays in tries with inoculations, according Covid-19 vaccines, according to of the population by the end of the World Health Organization. come from Cuba and Haiti. But
childbearing turn into permanent to a person familiar with the people familiar with the matter. 2021. Health experts and foreign offi- it is also common to see mi-
decisions to forgo children alto- matter. Gavi said last month that it North Korea hasn’t reported a cials are skeptical that North Ko- grants from Africa and Asia
gether. Gavi, the international vaccine had received detailed vaccine re- single Covid-19 case. The Kim rea is virus-free. along this route.
—Eun-Young Jeong alliance, declined to comment on quests from 86 of 92 lower-in- Jong Un regime has called com- —Timothy W. Martin —Associated Press


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Stocks Start Year With a Selloff NYSE

S&P, Dow fall after
both benchmarks
face in containing the pandemic
mean many companies will re-
Share-price and index
performance, Monday
Delta Air Lines losing $1.48, or
3.7%, to $38.73.
main vulnerable to financial
closed at records on
last day of 2020
pressures in the near term.
The Dow Jones Industrial
Average fell 382.59 points, or
Dow Jones Industrial Average

Russell 2000
Hotel operators also re-
treated, with Hilton World-
wide Holdings shedding $3.80,
or 3.4%, to $107.46 and Mar-
1.3%, to 30223.89. The S&P 500
shed 55.42 points, or 1.5%, to
3700.65, and the Nasdaq Com-
Nasdaq Composite
riott International losing
$7.09, or 5.4%, to $124.83.
One stock that bucked the
posite declined 189.83 points, trend: Tesla. The electric-car
Stocks tumbled on the first or 1.5%, to 12698.45. S&P 500 maker rose $24.10, or 3.4%, to BY CHONG KOH PING
trading day of the year, re- “We have continued con- $729.77 after saying it deliv- AND BEN OTTO
treating sharply from records cerns over Covid-19 and the Hilton Worldwide Holdings ered a record 499,550 cars last
set just days ago. ability to staunch this wave, year, just shy of its half a mil- The New York Stock Ex-
Investors are starting off the not just in the U.S. but glob- Delta Air Lines lion target. change reversed its decision to
new year fixated on the same ally,” said Quincy Krosby, chief As investors broadly with- delist China’s three largest tele-
issue that dominated markets market strategist at Prudential drew from stocks, gold prices communications companies, af-
for much of 2020: the corona- Financial. jumped 2.7% to $1,944.70 a ter consulting with regulatory
virus pandemic. Many believe Ms. Krosby added that there troy ounce, posting their big- authorities about a recent U.S.
economic activity will pick up appeared to be growing ner- American Airlines gest one-day percentage gain investment ban.
later this year as more of the vousness over Tuesday’s Geor- since April. The precious metal In a statement released late
population is vaccinated and gia runoff races, which will de- Marriott International tends to gain favor with inves- Monday in New York, the Big
businesses reopen. But they ac- termine whether Republicans tors when market volatility in- Board said “it no longer intends
knowledge the path to recovery can hold on to control in the –6% –4 –2 0 2 4 creases. to move forward with the de-
will likely be long and uneven. Senate. In recent days, betting Source: FactSet Overseas, the pan-continen- listing action” on China Mobile
News on the pandemic has markets have shown the Re- tal Stoxx Europe 600 rose 0.7%, Ltd., China Telecom Corp. and
painted a grim picture in re- publican lead shrinking, point- Among individual stocks, events and dining at restau- paring earlier gains. China Unicom (Hong Kong)
cent days. Hospitalizations in ing to what will likely be a Coca-Cola shares fell $2.08, or rants, potentially hurting de- The U.K.’s FTSE 100 added Ltd.
the U.S. jumped to a record tight race. 3.8%, to $52.76. RBC Capital mand for Coca-Cola products. 1.7%. The trade deal struck on The Hong Kong-listed shares
Sunday. Meanwhile, govern- “These are all of these con- Markets analysts downgraded Airline stocks, another Christmas Eve between the of the three telecom majors
ments across Europe are ex- cerns, and then we have a mar- the stock to sector perform group that has been hard hit U.K. and European Union is surged on the news. Shares of
tending lockdowns to try to ket that is priced to perfection, from outperform, saying they by the pandemic, fell as well, likely delivering a boost to China Mobile, which is among
slow the spread of the virus. which is denting returns right believe the pandemic will con- with American Airlines falling British stocks, said Sebastian the most valuable of China’s
The difficulties countries now,” Ms. Krosby said. tinue to limit major public 64 cents, or 4.1%, to $15.13, and Please turn to page B10 listed state-owned enterprises,
rose as much as 7.5% in late
morning trade on Tuesday,

Casinos Raise Stakes on Online Gambling

while China Telecom and China
Unicom jumped 8.1% and 11%,
NYSE’s earlier plan to delist
the companies followed a U.S.
BY KATHERINE SAYRE government order, signed by
President Trump in November,
U.S. casino operators are that prohibits Americans from
wrestling for control of an on- investing in a list of companies
line- and sports-gambling the U.S. government says sup-
market that has softened the ply and support China’s mili-
blow of Covid-19 closures, but tary, intelligence and security
there is a long way to go be- services.
fore digital wagering can The trading ban was sup-
match the profits from bricks- posed to start on Jan. 11, and
and-mortar casinos. investors would have until No-
Las Vegas-based MGM Re- vember to shed their holdings.
sorts International has made The NYSE had sent out a no-
the equivalent of an $11 bil- tification about its plans to
lion takeover offer for Entain commence delisting procedures
PLC, one of the U.K’s largest around New Year’s Day, while
gambling firms and the owner markets were closed. The sur-
of the Ladbrokes brand, the prise announcement roiled the
companies said Monday, con- Hong Kong-listed shares and
firming an earlier Wall Street American depositary receipts of
Journal article. It marks one the three companies on Mon-
of the biggest potential deals day after trading resumed, as
in the race for the growing large and small investors
online- and sports-betting in- scrambled to figure out what to
dustry. Entain said the £8.09 do with their American deposi-

billion offer significantly un- tary share holdings.

dervalues the company but The current blacklist covers
asked for more information 35 companies, including the
on the strategy behind a privately held parents of the
merger. three listed telecom companies,
In a written statement as well as China’s largest chip
Monday, MGM said it believes maker, surveillance, aerospace,
the deal would position the shipbuilding, construction and
company as a global operator MGM and Entain are partners in the venture behind BetMGM, a U.S. sports- and online-betting brand. technology companies.
across online and retail gam- The U.S. Treasury Depart-
bling and diversify its opera- nese territory of Macau. MGM area for growth. revenues. Covid-19 vaccines flurry of acquisitions and in- ment’s Office of Foreign Assets
tions. MGM said it “looks for- and Entain are partners in the Last year was a tumultuous have gambling operators hop- vestments last year. MGM ri- Control, which handles eco-
ward to engaging with Entain venture behind BetMGM, a one for the gambling industry. ing for a swift return to nor- val Caesars Entertainment nomic sanctions, has said the
on this basis.” U.S. sports- and online-bet- The coronavirus pandemic mal this year, but much re- Inc. reached a $4 billion deal ban covers derivatives and de-
MGM owns more than a ting brand. A merger would prompted casinos to maneu- mains uncertain. to buy another U.K. sports- positary receipts, as well as ex-
dozen resorts on the Las Ve- give MGM full control over ver through monthslong clo- The pandemic increased betting company, William change-traded funds, index
gas Strip, along with casinos what the company has sures and reopenings under gambling companies’ interest Hill PLC, which already has a funds and mutual funds.
across the U.S. and in the Chi- pointed to as a significant occupancy limits, wiping out in the online space, with a Please turn to page B2 Please turn to page B2

Bitcoin’s Wild Ride INSIDE Google Employees Launch

Carries Over Into ’21 Union to Push for Changes

BY PAUL VIGNA tocurrency, rose as much as

35% over the three-day week- BY SARAH E. NEEDLEMAN $258,708 in 2019, according month alleging Google inter-
Bitcoin got the new year off end, trading above $1,000 for to company filings. rogated, surveilled and later
to a scorching start as inves- the first time since early 2018. A group of Google employ- Organizing efforts began fired employees for engaging
tors continued to pile on bets Ether eased by 1% on Monday, ees has formed a union to or- over a year ago, part of a in workplace organizing. A
that the digital currency’s closing at $998. ganize workers across the continuing tide of activism Google spokesman said the
price will keep rising. The moves were so strong, technology company’s within Google. Members said company denies the claims.
The price of bitcoin rose as they are likely to spark a back- sprawling global operations, a the union’s immediate goal “We’ve always worked hard
much as 19% over the weekend, lash, Mr. Aslam said. “Traders BUSINESS rare move within Silicon Val- isn’t collective bargaining or to create a supportive and re-
trading as high as $34,452 on need to be mindful that a cor- Mondelez nears ley and one that reflects formal recognition by Alpha- warding workplace for our
Sunday, according to CoinDesk. rection is looming,” he said. growing employee activism in bet. The push instead reflects workforce,” said Kara Silver-
It finished 2020 at $28,966, A correction of sorts did oc-
deal to buy the sector. a need for employees to be stein, Google’s director of
more than quadrupling on the cur, again illustrating the vola- the rest of a maker Representatives said the able to speak out about the people operations. “Of course,
year. tility of the asset class. After of chocolate bars. B3 Alphabet Workers Union— company without facing ca- our employees have protected
Bitcoin has been on an ex- bitcoin hit its new high, the which is currently backed by reer repercussions, they said. labor rights that we support.
tended rally since early Sep- price fell 15%, trading as low as around 200 workers, a frac- In 2018, thousands of em- But as we’ve always done,
tember, part of the “everything $29,069 early Monday morn- tion of the tech company’s ployees staged a walkout to we’ll continue engaging di-
rally” that fueled gains in ing. Bitcoin closed Monday more than 132,000 employ- protest a workplace culture rectly with all our employees.”
stocks, emerging markets and down 7.6% at $31,027. ees—will be affiliated with that they said promotes and Organizers also cited the
other assets. Bitcoin, introduced in 2008, Communications Workers of protects perpetrators of sex- recent firing of a Black artifi-
In many respects, what hap- was designed as a digital ver- America Local 1400, and is ual harassment. cial-intelligence researcher in
pened in the first few days of sion of cash that could operate the first one open to employ- Employees had previously reflecting the need for em-
2021 resembled a stock market outside the control of govern- ees and contractors at any Al- also criticized the company’s ployee activism. Timnit Gebru
“short squeeze,” said AvaTrade ments or central banks. phabet Inc. company. The work with the Defense De- late last year said she was
analyst Naeem Aslam. He was Last year, when the Federal union will be supported by partment and its plan to ex- fired by Google after refusing
referring to the cascade of Reserve cut interest rates, members paying 1% of their plore a censored search en- to retract a research paper
buying that can happen when pushing down the value of the annual base pay and bonus gine for Chinese citizens. and complaining about the
investors respond to a price U.S. dollar, bitcoin became a every year, organizers said. The employee group also company in an email to
jump by buying back stock fashionable bet as an inflation FINANCE Google employees are said Google has retaliated colleagues, saying it ignored
they have sold in an effort to hedge, though that status has Fidelity looks to among the best-paid workers against employees critical of her feedback on issues like
keep their losses from mount- yet to be proved. in American corporations and the company and done little the proportion of female em-
ing. There was a notable influx
convert day traders enjoy ample perks. Median to address complaints of dis- ployees.
It wasn’t just bitcoin that of professional traders last into fee-paying pay at Alphabet, whose oper- crimination and harassment. In a December memo, Chief
took a wild ride. The price of year, highlighted by billionaire customers. B9 ations include a range of in- The National Labor Relations Executive Sundar Pichai
ether, the second-largest cryp- Please turn to page B10 ternet businesses, was Board filed a complaint last Please turn to page B4
B2 | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A Fidelity Investments..B9 N
Activision Blizzard....B11 Fitness International . A8 NautilusTech ............. B10
Alibaba........................B9 Flir Systems................B2 98point6......................B3
Alphabet ................ B1,B4 G Nordstrom.................B10 Gap ............................ B10 P-R
American Airlines.......B1 Genworth Financial .... B3 PayPal........................B10
American Well............B3 H Peugeot.......................A1
Haven Healthcare.......A1 Pfizer...................A3,A16
Hilton...........................B1 PSA Group .................. A1
Hony Capital ............... B3 Recipharm AB.............A3
Avid Bioservices.........A3
Hu................................B3 Robinhood Financial ... B9
Johnson & Johnson....A3 Semiconductor
BioNTech ............. A3,A16
JPMorgan Chase.........A1 Manufacturing
C Just Eat International.............B9
Caesars Entertainment .....................................B9 Slack Technologies ..... B4
.....................................B1 K Sony...........................B11
Catalent ...................... A3 Square.......................B10
CD Projekt.................B11 T
China Mobile...............B1 L
Teladoc Health............B3
China Telecom.............B1 Livongo Health............B3


Teledyne TechnologiesB2
China Unicom (Hong London Stock Exchange
Group.........................B9 Tesla.....................B1,B10
Lonza...........................A3 Top Line Restaurants.A8
LVMH Moët Hennessy Turtle Beach..............B11
Corsair Gaming.........B11 Louis Vuitton............B9 V
D M ViacomCBS..................B4
Macy's.......................B10 Vista Bank..................A8
Delta Air Lines ........... B1
Deutsche Boerse.........B9 Marriott.......................B1 W
Discovery.....................B4 Massachusetts Mutual Walt Disney................B4
Life Insurance.........B10 Penn National Gaming is part owner of Freehold Raceway. The company’s chief financial officer stepped down from the post.
E-F MGM Resorts
Webull Financial.......B10
Werner Aero ServicesA1
Electronic Arts..........B11 International.............B1
Emergent Biosolutions Microsoft...................B11
WikiLeaks ................. A16 TELEDYNE Teledyne on Monday also re- sponsored health plans. demic factored into his decision
William Hill.................B1 vised higher its estimates for —Matt Grossman to leave.
Night-Goggles Maker fourth-quarter and full-year Penn National said Ms. Hen-
Euronext......................B9 Mondelez International Zoom Video Bought for $8 Billion earnings. PENN NATIONAL drix, who was most recently a
Fiat Chrysler...............A1 .....................................B3 Communications.....B10 —Matt Grossman managing director and equity re-
Teledyne Technologies Inc. CENTENE
Finance Chief Leaves search analyst covering the
agreed to buy FLIR Systems Inc.,
Merger Deal Signed After Less Than Year gaming, lodging, and leisure in-
INDEX TO PEOPLE a maker of night-vision goggles
and other thermal-imaging sen- With Magellan Health Penn National Gaming Inc. on
dustries at Barclays.
—Colin Kellaher
sors, in a cash-and Monday said Dave Williams has DENTSPLY
A G Molloy, Bart................B4 -stock deal valued at approxi- Centene Corp. agreed to buy stepped down as executive vice
Aslam, Naeem ............ B1 Grove, Chris ................ B2 Nelson, Lucas..............B4 mately $8 billion, the companies Magellan Health Inc. for a total president and chief financial offi-
Pact Is Reached With
Nowak, Brian ............ B11
said Monday. enterprise value of $2.2 billion, cer after less than a year on the Byte Aligner Firm
P Teledyne--which also makes the companies said Monday. job.
Bonnanzio, John ......... B2 Hassid, Mony..............B4
Pichai, Sundar.............B1 digital imaging sensors, cameras The cash deal values Magellan, The Wyomissing, Pa., gaming Dentsply Sirona Inc. said it
Brennan, John.............B4 J
Brown, Jordan.............B3 R and infrared systems--said there a Phoenix-based managed-health- company said industry analyst acquired Byte, a direct-to-con-
Johnson, Abigail.........B9
Bussmann, Brendan....B2
Jones, Paul Tudor.......B1
Rumph, Ken...............B11 is minimal overlap between the care company, at $95 a share. Felicia Hendrix will join as exec- sumer, doctor-directed supplier of
C Ryan, Devin.................B2 companies’ products because Magellan closed trading at $82.84 utive vice president and chief fi- clear aligners, for $1.04 billion.
Cicconi, Fiona Clare....B4 they are based on different semi- on Thursday before the New nancial officer, effective March 2. The Charlotte, N.C., maker of
Karp, Jason.................B3 Silverstein, Kara.........B1 conductor technologies for differ- Year’s Day holidayCentene, a St. Penn National said Mr. Wil- dental products and technologies
Creutz, Doug.............B11
Krosby, Quincy............B1 Subramaniam, Ram....B9
D-F ent wavelengths. Louis-based health-care company, liams, who will remain as a non- said the deal adds scale to its
L T The Thousand Oaks, Calif., said the deal would broaden its officer employee in an advisory SureSmile clear-aligner business
Dimon, Jamie..............A1
Luk, Ben....................B10 Tavares, Carlos...........A1 company agreed to pay $28 in offerings in the areas of mental position until Feb. 19 to assist and bolsters its connection with
Druckenmiller, Stanley
.....................................B1 M-N Trout, William.............B9 cash and issue 0.0718 share for and behavioral health. with the transition, will receive dental professionals.
Fasola, Ken..................B2 Mackay, Sebastian....B10 W each FLIR share. The arrange- The deal is expected to close two years’ pay at his current Dentsply said it expects Byte
Foley, Jane..................B9 McInerney, Thomas....B3 Williams, Dave............B2 ment implies a purchase price of in the second half of the year, base salary and a one-time pay- to generate 2021 sales of at least
$56 a FLIR share, a roughly 28% the companies said. Magellan ment of 1.5-times his base pay. $200 million, bringing the com-
premium, based on Teledyne’s Health Chief Executive Ken Fa- Mr. Williams, who joined pany’s combined clear-aligner rev-

MGM Bids accept as being in the main-

stream, while online casinos
have been a tougher sell, said
five-day volume-weighted aver-
age as of Dec. 31. Shares of Flir,
which is based in Arlington, Va.,
sola and other Magellan execu-
tives will join Centene. The deal
comes nearly a year after Cen-
Penn National last March at a
base salary of $650,000, said
the challenges of working re-
enue to more than $300 million
by the end of the year. Dentsply
also expects the acquisition will

For Betting Brendan Bussmann, partner

and director of government
affairs at Global Market Advi-
jumped 19% Monday to $52.24,
while Teledyne shares slid 7.6%
to $362.39.
tene closed its acquisition of
WellCare Health Plans, another
insurer focused on government-
motely from the West Coast
and the potential strain of relo-
cating his family during the pan-
add at least 5 cents to 2021 ad-
justed per-share earnings. ,
—Colin Kellaher

Company sors.
“It’s going to be harder for
legislators to feel comfortable
putting a slot machine or ta-
Continued from page B1 ble game on somebody’s
partnership with Caesars. phone sitting at their house,”
The total revenue gener- Mr. Bussmann said.
ated from online casino and Sports betting has been ad-
sports betting, though, is still opted more quickly across the
a fraction of what gambling country since the Supreme
operators get from slot ma- Court in 2018 issued a ruling
chines and table games in that cleared the way for
bricks-and-mortar casinos. states to legalize the practice.
From January through Oc- Now, 25 states and the Dis-
tober of last year, total com- trict of Columbia have legal
mercial gambling revenue fell sports wagering. Some states
33% from the previous year to allow online sports wagering,
about $24 billion, according while some have limited the
to the most recent data com- practice to in-person sports

piled by the American Gaming betting at casinos.

Association, an industry trade “There’s enough of a mar-
group. More than $19 billion ket to play in, at this point,
of that came from gamblers at that establishing your brand,
slots and table games. establishing your operations,
all of those things matter
quite a bit more to the long-
term success of an operator The Hong Kong-listed shares of the three telecom companies jumped on news of the Big Board’s decision.
The pandemic like MGM,” said Chris Grove,
increased gambling
companies’ interest
gambling-industry analyst
and partner at Eilers & Kre-
jcik Gaming. “Three or four
NYSE China Mobile’s share-price
performance since its IPO
in 1997
in the online space. years ago, planting a flag in
the U.S. online gambling mar-
ket wasn’t worth that much.”
Scraps HK$150

Meanwhile, gross revenue

from online casino games
Meanwhile, total gambling
revenue, particularly in casi-
nos outside of Las Vegas, has
Delistings 125

more than tripled during that begun to recover after the 100
period, but the total revenue springtime closures of casinos Continued from page B1
amount was still only $1.23 wiped out revenue. In Octo- Last week, the Treasury said
billion. Sports betting, includ- ber, total gambling revenue it would add subsidiaries to the 75
ing online sports wagering, fell about 6% from the previ- blacklist if they were majority
rose 39% to more than $957 ous year, according to the owned—or controlled—by a
million. trade group. company that has been named. 50
Online casinos, which in- Under the proposed MGM- The NYSE on Monday said it
clude digital versions of slot Entain deal, the resulting had further discussions with 25
machines and roulette, have combined company would “relevant regulatory authori-
been legalized in only five generate about 30% of its ties” about the Treasury De-
states: New Jersey, Pennsylva- earnings before interest, partment’s recent statement on 0
nia, West Virginia, Delaware taxes, depreciation and amor- its intention to publicly name 2000 ’10 ’20
and Michigan. Nevada limits tization from digital opera- the subsidiaries of the banned Note: HK$1=$0.13
online casino games to poker tions, with the remainder groups. Source: FactSet
only. coming from traditional en- “At this time, the Issuers
Sports betting has been terprises, according to ana- will continue to be listed and plemented the administrative
easier for state lawmakers to lysts at Jefferies Group LLC. traded on the NYSE,” the ex- order for political purposes,
change said, adding its regula- completely ignoring the actual
tion arm will continue to evalu- situation of the companies con-
ate how the executive order cerned and the legitimate
applies to the three telecom rights and interests of global
companies and their continued investors, and seriously dis-
listing status. rupting the normal market
China Mobile has been listed rules and order.”
on the Big Board for more than In separate statements re-

two decades, while China Uni- leased a day earlier, the three
com and China Telecom have Chinese telecom companies
been traded on the exchange said their American depositary
since 2000 and 2002 respec- receipts represent ownership of
tively. All had raised billions of 3.3% to 8% of the companies’
dollars in their initial public of- tradable shares, and account
ferings. for 9% to 22% of total trading
Some analysts said the de- volumes, when both ADRs and
listing would likely force some Hong Kong shares are consid-
American investors to sell their ered.
shares when they were trading On Tuesday, China Unicom
near multiyear lows. and China Telecom noted the
The China Securities Regula- NYSE’s updated decision and
MGM rival Caesars Entertainment reached a $4 billion deal last tory Commission on Sunday said they will continue to moni-
year to buy another U.K. sports-betting company, William Hill. said the U.S. government “im- tor developments.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Tuesday, January 5, 2021 | B3


Set to Buy
U.S. Insurer’s Chinese Merger Stalls
Chocolate China Oceanwide Holdings

Bar Maker Group Co.’s four-year-old

agreement to buy Genworth
Financial Inc., one of the
BY CARA LOMBARDO world’s longest deal engage-
ments, is petering out.
Mondelez International In October 2016, Genworth
Inc. is nearing a deal to buy agreed to sell itself to the Chi-
paleo chocolate-bar maker Hu nese conglomerate for $2.7
Master Holdings, the latest billion in cash. But on Monday,
move by an established food Richmond, Va.-based insurer
company to tap into growing Genworth said a year-end
demand for healthier snacks. 2020 deadline to complete the
The snack-food giant, which transaction with Beijing-based
took a minority stake in Hu in China Oceanwide wasn’t ex-
2019, is planning to buy the tended—after 16 extensions.

rest in a transaction that val- While the companies didn’t

ues Hu at around $340 mil- cancel the merger agreement,
lion, according to people fa- the move indicates the long-
miliar with the matter. The running affair could end with-
deal for closely held Hu could out a marriage.
be announced this week, they Genworth said a stumbling
said. block was the deal’s financing,
Hu (pronounced “hue”) which was to be partially sup-
makes a popular chocolate bar plied by Hony Capital, a Chi- Genworth’s CEO said Hong Kong quarantine rules complicated efforts to finalize a financing plan. The city’s airport in October.
based on the paleolithic diet nese private-equity firm. A
that is vegan and free of soy Hony Capital representative Thomas McInerney said quar- Genworth Financial share price care insurance are over. Gen- Few companies were hit as
and refined sugar. More re- declined to comment. antine requirements for travel- worth helped popularize the hard as Genworth.
cently, it expanded into grain- Genworth said the Covid-19 ers to Hong Kong—along with product line in the 1990s and The absence of a deal will
free crackers. pandemic “and associated re- pandemic prohibitions in the 2000s, and it led the sales shine a spotlight on long-
The company traces its strictions” also delayed the Asian financial center on gath- 4 charts in many years. standing concerns about the
roots to 2012, when its flag- deal’s closing. erings of more than two peo- The policies typically pay adequacy of many insurers’ re-
ship restaurant opened in New Shares of the insurer tum- ple—complicated efforts by for in-home aides, nursing serves for paying long-term-
York City’s Greenwich Village. bled $1.09, or 29%, Monday to China Oceanwide to finalize 3 homes and other costs of peo- care claims potentially over
It was founded by Jason H. $2.69, taking the New York- and execute its financing plan ple who no longer can care for decades. According to a De-
Karp and siblings Jordan listed company’s market capi- with Hony. themselves. Millions of Ameri- cember report by Moody’s In-
Brown and Jessica (Brown) talization down to about $1.4 Earlier, the company had 2 cans own policies, which were vestors Service, Genworth has
Karp, according to the com- billion. said Oceanwide and Hony once sold by an array of prom- about $30 billion in such re-
pany’s website. The deal was supposed to needed to hold in-person dis- inent insurers. serves, making it home to the
Mondelez, the maker of give Genworth a much-needed cussions to finalize the terms But insurers miscalculated biggest single block of long-
Oreo cookies and Ritz crack- $1.5 billion capital infusion, for up to $1.8 billion in debt fi- the costs they would incur, in- term-care policies in the U.S.
ers, has been adding to its and was agreed to at a time nancing for the deal. 0 cluding such factors as the life-insurance industry.
snack portfolio. Like other when Chinese conglomerates Mr. McInerney wasn’t avail- Aug. 2020 Oct. Dec. ’21
length of time people would Genworth said Monday it in-
food makers, it has prioritized were flush with cash and pay- able for comment on Monday. be on claims and how many tends to manage its U.S. life in-
brands with simpler ingredi- ing top dollar for assets all The company plans to host an Source: FactSet policyholders would file surance companies “on a
ents as consumers’ tastes turn over the world. It passed investor call Tuesday. claims. Ultralow U.S. interest stand-alone basis with no plans
away from highly processed many regulatory hurdles, get- Hong Kong, a major hub for As Oceanwide and the U.S. rates since 2008 also badly to infuse capital into those
foods and toward healthier ting approval from Chinese Chinese companies’ fundrais- insurer struggled to close the hurt the product line, as insur- companies in the future, absent
fare. authorities, insurance regula- ing, in December tightened deal over the past year, Wall ers invest the policies’ annual an Oceanwide transaction.”
In 2018 it agreed to buy tors and the Committee on travel restrictions following a Street analysts said they be- premiums until needed for The company also said it is
cookie maker Tate’s Bake Shop Foreign Investment in the U.S., rise in coronavirus cases. lieved Genworth has financial payouts. Since 2007, insurers focusing on executing a contin-
for about $500 million. Tate’s, which reviews cross-border Since late last month, it im- resources to run its operations have bulked up their reserves gency plan that could include
known for its green and white deals for national-security posed 21-day mandatory quar- without a buyer. The company with more than $10 billion in an initial public offering of
label, uses brown cane sugar concerns. antines on arrivals from most has a robust mortgage-insur- charges against their earnings stock of its U.S. mortgage-in-
and butter over high-fructose Given the many closing ex- countries, deterring many in- ance business to generate reve- to reflect the higher antici- surance business. Genworth
corn syrup and vegetable oil. tensions, some regulators had ternational travelers. nue and profits, and it has pated payouts. said this and other steps would
Hu is expected to operate to approve the deal a second Both companies said in enough money on hand to Many received regulatory help improve its financial posi-
separately from other Monde- time after their earlier ap- Genworth’s release Monday cover its 2021 debt obligations, approval to pass on double- tion, adding that it has enough
lez divisions, as do Tate’s and provals expired. that they remain open to com- analysts said in recent months. digit and even triple-digit rate cash and assets to pay off debt
Perfect Snacks, another recent At Genworth’s annual pleting the transaction, but ei- But the collapse of the deal increases to consumers, anger- coming due next month.
acquisition that makes organic shareholders meeting last ther side can terminate the would mean that Genworth’s ing their customer base. Most —Jing Yang
nutrition bars. month, Chief Executive merger agreement at any time. days as a pioneer in long-time- quit selling new policies. contributed to this article.

Telemedicine Startups Seek
To Build on 2020 Momentum Bad to the Bone
Full tang stainless steel blade with natural
BY BRIAN GORMLEY tions, prepared for the Agency rollees received a Medicare
for Healthcare Research and telemedicine service, accord- bone handle —now ONLY $79!
Venture-capital investment Quality, identified potential ing to the agency.
in telehealth soared last year benefits, saying, for example, One question is whether
as startups grew to meet pan- that reduced patient time in telehealth can continue its I f you’re on the hunt for a knife
that combines impeccable EXCLUSIVE
demic-driven demand. Now
the industry aims to sustain
its momentum in 2021.
the emergency department is
a likely outcome of specialty
telehealth consultations.
climb, or if the pandemic
pulled the sector’s next few
years’ of growth forward to
craftsmanship with a sense of
wonder, the $79 Huntsman Blade
is the trophy you’re looking for.
Stauer® 8x21
Globally, telehealth startups Telehealth grew in 2020 today. Several investors and Compact
gathered $10.22 billion with help from expanded observers say they expect sus- The blade is full tang, meaning Binoculars
through Dec. 20, an increase Medicare coverage. Before the tained demand because tele- it doesn’t stop at the handle but
-a $99 value-
of more than 70% from the pandemic, 15,000 fee-for-ser- health enables efficient care extends to the length of the grip with purchase of
$5.95 billion raised in all of vice beneficiaries received a and greater ability to manage for the ultimate in strength. The Huntsman Blade
2019, according to market-in- Medicare telemedicine service chronic diseases. blade is made from 420 surgical
telligence firm CB Insights. In- weekly, Medicare said in De- Consumers and health-care steel, famed for its sharpness and its
vestment in telehealth was cember. providers have indicated that resistance to corrosion.
smaller than in biotechnology, they view telehealth positively,
The handle is made from genuine
where startups globally had said Marissa Schlueter, a se-

raised $38.88 billion as of Dec. nior intelligence analyst with natural bone, and features decorative
22, according to CB Insights. CB Insights. In the longer wood spacers and a hand-carved motif
Telehealth companies such term, questions remain about of two overlapping feathers— a reminder for
as Seattle-based 98point6 the extent to which telehealth you to respect and connect with the natural world.
Inc., a provider of text-based Increase in global telehealth will be used once medical cen- This fusion of substance and style can garner a high
primary-care services, bene- startup fundraising last year ters resume more normal op- price tag out in the marketplace. In fact, we found
fited from skyrocketing inter- erations, she said. full tang, stainless steel blades with bone handles
est in 2020 and cashed in by “We need to see a longer- in excess of $2,000. Well, that won’t cut it around
raising growth financing. term persistence of utilization here. We have mastered the hunt for the best deal,
Landmark telehealth deals Medicare has since added in a non-pandemic environment
and in turn pass the spoils on to our customers.
such as Teladoc Health Inc.’s telehealth services such as to really say telehealth is here
$18.5 billion purchase of emergency-department visits to stay,” Ms. Schlueter said. But we don’t stop there. While supplies last,
Livongo Health Inc., and that would be covered through Teladoc’s acquisition of we’ll include a pair of $99, 8x21 power compact
American Well Corp.’s $742 the end of the public-health Livongo, which went public in binoculars and a genuine leather sheath FREE when
million initial public offering emergency. It also has made 2019 after raising capital from you purchase the Huntsman Blade.
also closed in 2020. coverage of certain telehealth 7wireVentures, Echo Health
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Feel the
Telehealth refers to the use services permanent for people Ventures LLC, and others, will
of telecommunication and living in rural areas who are in spur more telehealth consoli-
knife in your hands, wear it on your hip, inspect the
electronic technologies to de- a nursing home or other medi- dation, as large players seek impeccable craftsmanship. If you don’t feel like we
liver health-care services and cal facility. Between mid- scale and influence, said cut you a fair deal, send it back within 30 days for a
education. A 2019 review of March and mid-October, more Stephanie Davis, an analyst complete refund of the item price.
the use of telehealth for acute than 24.5 million out of 63 with health-care investment Limited Reserves. A deal like this won’t last long.
and chronic-care consulta- million beneficiaries and en- bank SVB Leerink. Teladoc We have only 1120 Huntsman Blades for this ad What Stauer
provides virtual-care services, only. Don’t let this beauty slip through your fingers.
including primary care, while Clients Are Saying
Call today! About Our Knives
Livongo uses technology and
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Huntsman Blade $249* êêêêê
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Through acquisitions, tele-
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1-800-333-2045 this is an incredibly
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health systems and other buy-
ers of these services don’t
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Stauer ® 14101 Southcross Drive W., Ste 155, Dept. HUK418-01
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the growing number of start- *Discount is only for customers who useNot
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“Choice overload is real and Proposition 65 regulations before purchasing this product. Rating of A+
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can’t have this many new • 12" overall length; 6 ¹⁄2" stainless steel full tang blade • Genuine bone handle
health-tech companies start up with brass hand guard & bolsters • Includes genuine leather sheath
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Virtual health services soared last year to meet pandemic demand. the same people.”
B4 | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Slack Restores
Service After
Broad Disruptions
BY KIMBERLY CHIN start the application to see if
there is an improvement.
Workplace messaging plat- Temporary interruptions

form Slack Technologies Inc. for popular online services are

suffered a widespread service relatively common, but their
disruption for several hours effects are being felt more as
Monday, as many employees many employees turn to cloud
returned to work for their first services and other connected
full workday of the year. platforms to help them work
The disruptions were first remotely amid the pandemic.
reported around 9:48 a.m. ET, “We know how important it
according to tech service is for people to stay connected
tracker Downdetector. Cus- and we are working hard to
tomers were experiencing get everyone running as nor-
problems loading channels and mal,” a Slack spokeswoman
connecting to Slack, the com- said in an emailed statement.
pany said Monday morning. On Dec. 14, more than a
The San Francisco-based dozen of Alphabet Inc.’s
company was able to restore Google services, including its
The Paramount Network, home to hit show ‘Yellowstone,’ will also be added to Hulu + Live TV as part of the multiyear agreement. access for most of its affected popular email client Gmail and

ViacomCBS Sets Deal to Offer

users by midafternoon with YouTube, suffered disruptions.
limited performance issues. The company cited trouble
“We’re seeing improvements with its authentication system,
with error rates on our side, which caused a range of ser-
and we believe affected cus- vices and platforms reliant on

Channels on Hulu’s Live TV

tomers should be able to ac- Google’s technology to not
cess Slack,” the company said. work correctly for about an
Slack said it was still work- hour.
ing to resolve issues with the A day later, some Gmail us-
functionality of some calendar ers still had trouble accessing
apps as well as troubles with their accounts, experienced
BY BENJAMIN MULLIN com, CBS had a distribution media industry hurtles toward trants didn’t prevent most ma- email notifications. It recom- delays or encountered other
agreement with Hulu that put consolidation. That proposi- jor streaming services from mended users refresh or re- unexpected behavior.
ViacomCBS Inc. said it has its broadcast network on the tion will be tested later this posting significant subscriber
reached a distribution agree- live-TV service, along with year as ViacomCBS launches gains in 2020, a recent Wall
ment with Walt Disney Co.’s
Hulu that puts many of its
most popular cable channels
channels including Pop TV, the
CW and the Smithsonian
Channel. The agreement with
Paramount+, an expanded ver-
sion of its CBS All Access
streaming service.
Street Journal analysis found.
On Monday, Discovery Inc.
launched Discovery+, a
Google problems its members see at
Google, including pay dis-
crepancies and retaliatory fir-
on the live-television video-
streaming service.
Financial terms of the mul-
Hulu is the latest in a series of
expanded deals ViacomCBS
has signed with distributors
A spokeswoman for Via-
comCBS said Paramount+
would be distributed as widely
streaming service that in-
cludes shows from all of its
major cable networks. The
Employees ings, he said.
Google has long supported
open debate among employ-
tiyear agreement weren’t dis-
closed. The deal adds 14 cable
networks from ViacomCBS to
since its merger in 2019, in-
cluding Alphabet Inc.’s You-
Tube TV, Dish Network Corp.,
as CBS All Access when it is
launched later this year.
The video-streaming mar-
new service, which costs $4.99
a month with ads and $6.99
without, features content from
Form Union ees, though it has imple-
mented rules intended to
curb political conversations
Hulu’s live-TV option, includ- Comcast Corp. and Verizon ketplace is getting increas- channels including TLC, Food among staff. Google has also
ing Comedy Central, MTV and Communications Inc. ingly crowded, with a flurry of Network, Discovery Channel Continued from page B1 added corporate moderators
children-friendly channel Nick- ViacomCBS sold the merger new services having been and Animal Planet. pledged the company would to many of its internal affin-
elodeon. The Paramount Net- to investors, in part, by prom- launched since late 2019, in- The service will also in- review the circumstances be- ity groups as a way to reduce
work, home to hit show “Yel- ising that the combination of cluding Disney’s Disney+, Ap- clude library programming li- hind the researcher’s exit, in- strife. It announced changes
lowstone,” will also be added the company’s film and TV as- ple Inc.’s Apple TV+, AT&T censed from other companies, cluding “where we could have last year to how it treats alle-
to Hulu + Live TV. sets would make it better able Inc.’s HBO Max and Comcast’s including the BBC, A&E Net- improved and led a more re- gations of sexual misconduct
Before its merger with Via- to compete with rivals as the Peacock. The wave of new en- works and Group Nine Media. spectful process.” in its executive ranks and put
“I’ve heard the reaction to $310 million into a new fund
Dr. Gebru’s departure loud for diversity and inclusion

Cyber Startups Face Funding Tests

and clear: it seeded doubts initiatives.
and led some in our Google late last year an-
community to question their nounced the hiring of a chief
place at Google,” Mr. Pichai people officer following the
BY JAMES RUNDLE wrote in the memo. “I want resignation of its vice presi-
to say how sorry I am for dent of people operations, Ei-
Disruption caused by the that, and I accept the respon- leen Naughton. The new exec-
coronavirus pandemic forced sibility of working to restore utive, Fiona Clare Cicconi,
startups and their investors to your trust.” was previously human-re-
rethink how they did business Securing collective-bar- sources chief at pharmaceuti-
in 2020. This year, venture- gaining rights can be a hard- cal company AstraZeneca PLC
capital firms say, companies fought, expensive endeavor and starts with Google this
that want to attract funding that can face resistance from week.
will have to move beyond es- management, said Beth Allen, Several large tech compa-
tablished niches, while com- a spokeswoman for the Com- nies have faced pressures
peting with global rivals and munications Workers of from their workforces of late.
enduring greater scrutiny than America. For a company of Workers at an

in the past. Google’s size and geographic Inc. warehouse in Alabama

In particular, a supply-chain reach, the process could be
cyberattack that affected doz- especially challenging, she
ens of U.S. federal agencies said. Forming a union without
and technology firms in recent collective bargaining isn’t
Several large tech
weeks has heightened aware- novel in itself, she added, but firms have faced
ness about how vendors se- is new for the tech sector,
cure their own products and where few unions exist.
pressures from their
information. CWA and its affiliates rep- workforces of late.
For startups, including new Investors are looking to capitalize on technology programs that were given a boost by remote resent 700,000 workers at a
cybersecurity companies, this working amid the pandemic. The RSA cybersecurity conference in San Francisco in February. range of telecommunications
is likely to translate into in- and media companies, from
creased due-diligence require- AT&T Inc. and Verizon Com- received approval last month
ments, said John Brennan, a Investors Look survive the pandemic or even one-year fundraising process. munications Inc. to news out- to hold a unionization vote,
San Francisco-based partner strengthen, fueling hopes for a Other observers expect fundrais- lets including the New York the first such election since
at YL Ventures. To Private Equity fundraising surge in 2021. ing in the first half of the year Times and The Wall Street 2014 at the nation’s second-
“Scrutiny will get 50% to Institutional investors are to remain hampered by travel Journal. The unionization ef- largest employer. Amazon has
100% tighter,” he said. “Espe- generally not reducing their al- restrictions, with many sponsors fort at Google is part of a faced criticism from workers
cially for a cybersecurity com- A lean year for private-eq- locations to the private-equity quietly premarketing their funds, broader push within the labor who have said the company
pany where you’re trying to uity fundraising has sharpened asset class as a result of the followed by a burst of activity in group to organize digital hasn’t provided proper safety
mitigate risk, not increase it.” investors’ appetite for the as- pandemic. A surging stock mar- the second half of 2021. workers. conditions at its warehouses
Along with being unable to set class, and signs point to a ket, low yields on safer assets, What is clear is that de- Union membership has in response to the coronavi-
take shortcuts, startups will rebound in 2021. a surplus of cash coming back mand is still robust. A recent been on the decline for sev- rus pandemic. Some have also
need to think beyond tradi- After years of booming from investment firms and, of survey by secondary advisory eral decades, but Ms. Allen complained of being retali-
tional security technology to fundraising for private-equity course, hopes that a vaccine firm Coller Capital shows LPs said interest in organizing ated against for urging better
attract funding, investors say. sponsors, the coronavirus pan- will curb the pandemic have in- want an even greater tilt to- has been rising of late. Com- treatment of workers as they
Lucas Nelson, managing direc- demic brought it all to a halt, vestors eager to put new ward private equity following panies have long told workers handled an extraordinary
tor at New York-based Lytical though it was short-lived. The money into private equity. the pandemic. Thirty-five per- they were being taken care of, surge in orders amid elevated
Ventures, said that while vir- final numbers aren’t in, but ex- “Limited-partner commit- cent of the 113 LPs surveyed but now “the facade has staff absences.
tual private networks and sim- perts estimate 2020 fundraising ment to the asset class is as said they want to increase their started to crack,” she said. Amazon has said that its
ilar secure communications will be about 25% lower than strong as it has ever been,” allocations to private equity, up The Google union’s main teams regularly consult with
technologies proved popular that of 2019, due mainly to the said Bart Molloy, a partner with from 32% of LPs in a similar goal is to have a say in how medical experts to ensure the
at the start of the pandemic as challenges of securing commit- Boston-based placement firm survey in winter 2019. Private- Alphabet does business and safety of its sites, employees
companies adapted to newly ments amid travel restrictions Monument Group. debt funds showed the greatest how its products are used, ac- and customers.
remote workforces at short and economic disruption. However, the fundraising increase in demand, while real- cording to Andrew Gainer-De- The company has denied
notice, they aren’t a suitable The good news for firms process is likely to remain estate funds showed the larg- war, a Google software engi- firing workers for seeking
long-term solution. hoping to raise capital this year slower this year. Mr. Molloy esti- est decline in interest among al- neer in Cambridge, Mass. better treatment and denied
Instead, “zero-trust” mod- is that all the factors that cre- mates the pandemic added ternative-asset classes. Though no specific actions that people were terminated
els—where every user and ated the boom seem likely to about three months to the usual —Chris Cumming are planned, the group in- or reprimanded for violating
device must be rigorously tends to speak out about internal policies.
authenticated each time they
log on—and authentication ment company Auth0 Inc. which includes cloud security traditional geographic areas,
and identification technologies closed a $120 million Series F companies, to grow to $9.3 such as Silicon Valley or New
are likely to attract funding, as funding round in July. billion by 2023, from around York, and farther afield.
companies feel more Additionally, investors are $6.2 billion in 2020. This was true for Mony
comfortable undertaking secu- looking to capitalize on tech- Investors say they are also Hassid, a managing director at
rity and technology projects, nology programs that were broadening their range of M12, Microsoft Corp.’s venture
he said. catalyzed by remote work and companies they consider for arm, who said his company
Many larger venture-fund- the pandemic, including the investment. initially focused on existing
ing deals that closed in 2020 move to cloud infrastructure. While the value of deal flow deals and supporting portfolio
involved identity management With that, Mr. Brennan said, has largely remained unaf- companies from March. But as
or DevOps security, which aims has come a rise in demand for fected by the pandemic during months passed, Mr. Hassid

to bring security into every security products that deal 2020, Mr. Nelson suggests that said the pandemic later forced
stage of the software-develop- specifically with the cloud. early on, many investors fo- investors to adapt their mind-
ment process. These are two “This [pandemic] has really cused on deals that were al- set beyond typical boundaries.
areas seen as crucial to en- been an accelerant in a lot of ready in progress before the “Without our office space,
abling zero-trust models. Bio- ways. And importantly, I think pandemic was declared in we’ve challenged ourselves to
Catch Ltd., for instance, which it’s gotten the board’s atten- March, and on funding compa- find the best entrepreneurs
helps companies prevent fraud tion in a lot of cases, which is nies started by founders that globally, instead of the best
by assessing customer and em- always very helpful for bud- were already known to them. founders who are within the
ployee identities using biomet- gets,” he said. Research firm As investors figured out how 50 miles around each office lo-
ric data, raised $125 million in PitchBook Data Inc. expects to make deals remotely, many cation and able to drive in for Company employees walked off the job in 2018 to protest
April, while identity manage- the network security market, began to look outside of their a meeting,” he said. allegations of sexual misconduct in the executive ranks.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, January 5, 2021 | B5

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This trip will be operated by National Geographic Partners Chicago, the tour operations branch of National Geographic, on lights operated by Icelandair. Please visit to
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NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPEDITIONS and the Yellow Border are trademarks of National Geographic Society and used with permission.
B6 | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Net Net Net Net Net Net
How to Read the Stock Tables Footnotes: Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
The following explanations apply to NYSE, NYSE s-New 52-week high. HCA Healthcare HCA 163.64 -0.82 Phillips66 PSX 69.88 -0.06 Telefonica TEF 4.06 0.02 UnitedMicro UMC 8.01 -0.42 Waters WAT 250.15 2.73
Arca, NYSE American and Nasdaq Stock Market t-New 52-week low. HDFC Bank HDB 70.00 -2.26 M N Pinduoduo PDD 166.78 -10.89 TelekmIndonesia TLK 24.72 1.20 UPS B UPS 163.80 -4.60 Watsco WSO 225.54 -1.01
listed securities. Prices are composite quotations dd-Indicates loss in the most recent four s HP HPQ 24.11 -0.48 PinnacleWest PNW 79.09 -0.86 10xGenomics TXG 140.56 -1.04 UnitedRentals URI 229.65 -2.26 Wayfair W 236.46 10.65
that include primary market trades as well as quarters. M&T Bank MTB 126.82 -0.48
HSBC HSBC 25.74 -0.17 Pinterest PINS 68.07 2.17 Tenaris TS 16.02 0.07 US Bancorp USB 46.12 -0.47 Weibo WB 40.66 -0.33
trades reported by Nasdaq BX (formerly Boston), FD-First day of trading. MGMGrowthProp MGP 30.68 -0.62
Halliburton HAL 18.83 -0.07 PioneerNatRscs PXD 113.48 -0.41 TencentMusic TME 19.37 0.13 UnitedHealth UNH 349.50 -1.18 WellsFargo WFC 29.70 -0.48
Chicago Stock Exchange, Cboe, NYSE National and h-Does not meet continued listing MGM Resorts MGM 29.70 -1.81 s
HartfordFinl HIG 48.29 -0.69 PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 8.20 -0.04 Teradyne TER 119.19 -0.70 UnitySoftware U 144.08 -9.39 Welltower WELL 61.60 -3.02
Nasdaq ISE. standards MinisoGroup MNSO 25.42 -0.97 s TSLA 729.77 24.10 UnivDisplay OLED 227.02 -2.78 WestPharmSvcs WST 285.57 2.26
Hasbro HAS 91.96 -1.58 PlugPower PLUG 32.17 -1.74 Tesla
The list comprises the 1,000 largest companies lf-Late filing MKS Instrum MKSI 150.24 -0.21
HealthcareAmer HTA 26.20 -1.02 Pool POOL 356.89 -15.61 TevaPharm TEVA 10.34 0.69 UniversalHealthB UHS 135.28 -2.22 WesternDigital WDC 52.23 -3.16
based on market capitalization. q-Temporary exemption from Nasdaq MPLX MPLX 21.97 0.32 s
HealthpeakProp PEAK 28.89 -1.34 PrincipalFin PFG 48.31 -1.30 TexasInstruments TXN 162.22 -1.91 VEREIT VER 35.61 -2.18 WesternUnion WU 21.77 -0.17
Underlined quotations are those stocks with requirements. s MSCI MSCI 437.64 -8.89
Heico A HEI.A 114.20 -2.86 Procter&Gamble PG 137.82 -1.32 Textron TXT 46.38 -1.95 VF VFC 85.12 -0.29 WestlakeChem WLK 81.65 0.05
large changes in volume compared with the t-NYSE bankruptcy MagellanMid MMP 41.37 -1.07
Heico HEI 127.62 -4.78 Progressive PGR 97.13 -1.75 ThermoFisherSci TMO 471.82 6.04 VICI Prop VICI 24.65 -0.85 WestpacBanking WBK 14.90 ...
issue’s average trading volume. v-Trading halted on primary market. MagnaIntl MGA 69.71 -1.09
HenrySchein HSIC 66.49 -0.37 Prologis PLD 96.04 -3.62 ThomsonReuters TRI 80.90 -0.99 VailResorts MTN 269.01 -9.95 WestRock WRK 42.45 -1.08
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues vj-In bankruptcy or receivership or being ManulifeFin MFC 17.55 -0.27
Hershey HSY 150.90 -1.43 Proofpoint PFPT 132.72 -3.69 3M MMM 171.87 -2.92 s Vale VALE 17.40 0.64 Weyerhaeuser WY 32.81 -0.72
whose price changed by 5% or more if their reorganized under the Bankruptcy Code, MarathonPetrol MPC 40.75 -0.61 TIF 131.44 -0.01 ValeroEnergy VLO 55.73 -0.84 WheatonPrecMet WPM 45.26 3.52
Hess HES 52.80 0.01 PrudentialFin PRU 76.40 -1.67 Tiffany
previous closing price was $2 or higher. or securities assumed by such companies. Markel MKL 1021.01 -12.29 s TTC 93.40 -1.44 VarianMed
HewlettPackard HPE 11.57 -0.28 Prudential PUK 37.47 0.54 Toro VAR 175.13 0.12 Whirlpool WHR 176.90 -3.59
MarketAxess MKTX 562.78 -7.78 56.26 -0.16 Vedanta
HighwoodsProp HIW 38.23 -1.40 PublicServiceEnt PEG 55.73 -2.57 TorontoDomBk TD VEDL 9.16 0.38 Williams WMB 20.10 0.05
Wall Street Journal stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. and Marriott MAR 124.77 -7.15 TOT 42.38 0.47 VeevaSystems VEEV 274.26 2.01 Williams-Sonoma WSM 102.95 1.11
Hilton HLT 107.46 -3.80 PublicStorage PSA 220.20 -10.73 Total
changes in the closing prices from 4 p.m. the previous day. Marsh&McLen MMC 113.51 -3.49 ToyotaMotor TM 153.29 -1.28 Ventas
Hologic HOLX 73.12 0.29 s PulteGroup PHM 42.21 -0.91 VTR 46.88 -2.16 WillisTowers WLTW 203.70 -6.98
MartinMarietta MLM 277.80 -6.17 TractorSupply TSCO 139.71 -0.87 VeriSign
HomeDepot HD 263.92 -1.70 s Qiagen QGEN 53.31 0.46 VRSN 213.58 -2.82 s Wipro WIT 5.73 0.08
MarvellTech MRVL 46.31 -1.23 TTD 773.43 -27.57 VeriskAnalytics VRSK 202.88 -4.71
Monday, January 4, 2021 Net Net HondaMotor HMC 27.76 -0.49 Qorvo QRVO 164.59 -1.68 TradeDesk WIX 253.15 3.19
Masco MAS 53.68 -1.25 TW 62.24 -0.21 Verizon
Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Honeywell HON 207.95 -4.75 s Qualcomm QCOM 148.50 -3.84 Tradeweb VZ 58.85 0.10 Woodward WWD 118.87 -2.66
Net Masimo MASI 265.90 -2.48 TT 143.98 -1.18 VertxPharm VRTX 229.43 -6.91 Workday
HorizonTherap HZNP 72.54 -0.61 QuantaServices PWR 68.25 -3.77 TraneTech WDAY 228.08 -11.53
Stock Sym Close Chg Mastercard MA 351.49 -5.45 TransDigm TDG 587.67 -31.18 ViacomCBS B VIAC 36.60 -0.66 WynnResorts WYNN 106.90 -5.93
Biogen BIIB 242.95 -1.91 Datadog DDOG 91.23 -7.21 HormelFoods HRL 46.31 -0.30 s QuestDiag DGX 121.12 1.95
MaximIntProducts MXIM 87.50 -1.15 TransUnion TRU 95.85 -3.37 ViacomCBS A VIACA 37.33 -0.49
BioMarinPharm BMRN 86.30 -1.39 s DaVita DVA 116.50 -0.90 DR Horton DHI 67.34 -1.58 Quidel QDEL 190.28 10.63 39.21 -0.46
A B C BioNTech BNTX 85.73 4.21 DeckersOutdoor DECK 283.45 -3.33 HostHotels HST 14.15 -0.48
McCormick MKC 93.99 -1.61 Travelers TRV 135.65 -4.72 Viatris
VTRS 18.54 -0.20 XPO Logistics XPO 116.52 -2.68
McCormickVtg MKC.V 93.50 -2.07
s ABB ABB 28.27 0.31 BlackKnight BKI 88.35 ... s Deere DE 267.64 -1.41 HowmetAerospace HWM 26.87 -1.67 McDonalds MCD 210.22 -4.36
R S Trex TREX 82.34 -1.38 s Vipshop VIPS 28.30 0.19 XcelEnergy XEL 65.66 -1.01
BlackLine BL 127.36 -6.02 DellTechC DELL 72.49 -0.80 HuanengPower HNP 14.53 0.12 Trimble TRMB 66.29 -0.48 Visa V 217.76 -0.97 Xilinx
AcadiaPharm ACAD 52.81 -0.65 McKesson MCK 174.43 0.51 RELX RELX 24.91 0.25 XLNX 142.43 0.66
s BlackRock BLK 710.82 -10.72 DeltaAir DAL 38.73 -1.48 HTHT 45.45 0.42 TCOM 33.50 -0.23 Vistra VST 19.18 -0.48 XPeng
AECOM ACM 48.92 -0.86 Huazhu MedicalProp MPW 20.80 -0.99 RH RH 442.26 -5.26 XPEV 44.10 1.27
63.00 -1.81 DenaliTherap DNLI 70.86 -12.90 HUBB 156.06 -0.73 TruistFinl TFC 47.18 -0.75 VMware VMW 138.68 -1.58 s Xylem
s AES AES 23.24 -0.26 Blackstone BX Hubbell Medtronic MDT 116.02 -1.12 RPM RPM 88.98 -1.80 XYL 99.69 -2.10
Boeing BA 202.72 -11.34 DentsplySirona XRAY 53.75 1.39 HUBS 387.74 -8.70 Twilio TWLO 334.59 -3.91 Vodafone VOD 16.93 0.45
Aflac AFL 43.19 -1.28 HubSpot MelcoResorts MLCO 17.94 -0.61 RalphLauren RL 101.33 -2.41 Twitter TWTR 54.53 0.38 VornadoRealty VNO 36.66 -0.68 Yandex YNDX 69.75 0.17
AGCO AGCO 102.51 -0.58 s BookingHldgs BKNG 2164.08 -63.19 DeutscheBank DB 10.74 -0.16 Humana HUM 412.19 1.92 MercadoLibre MELI 1640.00 -35.22 YatsenHolding YSG 16.63 -0.37
RaymondJames RJF 94.03 -1.25 TylerTech TYL 431.61 -4.91 VoyaFinancial VOYA 58.07 -0.74
AGNC 15.39 -0.21 BoozAllen BAH 85.98 -1.20 DexCom DXCM 357.74 -11.98 JBHT 134.84 -1.81 MRK 80.96 -0.84 TysonFoods TSN 63.50 -0.94 VulcanMatls VMC 146.53 -1.78 YumBrands YUM 105.82 -2.74
AGNC Invt JBHunt Merck RaytheonTech RTX 68.43 -3.08
s Ansys ANSS 357.67 -6.13 BorgWarner BWA 38.06 -0.58 Diageo DEO 159.79 0.98 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 12.56 -0.07 MET 46.08 -0.87 57.05 -0.04
MetLife RealPage RP 86.80 -0.44 UBS Group UBS 14.29 0.16 YumChina YUMC
s ASETech ASX 5.97 0.13 BostonBeer SAM 952.28 -42.01 DiamondbkEner FANG 48.94 0.54 HyattHotels H 71.00 -3.25 MettlerToledo MTD 1160.87 21.19 ZTO Express ZTO 28.05 -1.11
RealtyIncome O 59.86 -2.31 UDR UDR 36.85 -1.58 W X Y Z
s ASML ASML 500.00 12.28 BostonProps BXP 90.82 -3.71 DigitalRealty DLR 135.29 -4.22 IAA IAA 64.05 -0.93 MicrochipTech MCHP 137.18 -0.93 129.78 -5.56
RegencyCtrs REG 44.27 -1.32 UGI UGI 34.79 -0.17 ZaiLab ZLAB
AT&T T 29.44 0.68 BostonSci BSX 35.27 -0.68 s DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 89.61 -0.92 ICICI Bank IBN 14.44 -0.42 s MicronTech MU 74.05 -1.13 ZBRA 378.13 -6.20
RegenPharm REGN 482.86 -0.25 US Foods USFD 32.44 -0.87 WEC Energy WEC 90.38 -1.65 ZebraTech
AbbottLabs ABT 109.11 -0.38 s BridgeBioPharma BBIO 63.64 -7.47 DiscoveryB DISCB 34.50 2.10 s IdexxLab IDXX 491.77 -8.10 Microsoft MSFT 217.69 -4.73 15.95 -0.17 138.99 -4.13
RegionsFin RF Uber UBER 51.14 0.14 WEX WEX 197.21 -6.32 Zendesk ZEN
AbbVie ABBV 105.41 -1.74 BrightHorizons BFAM 164.43 -8.56 DiscoveryA DISCA 30.63 0.54 IHS Markit INFO 90.91 1.08 MidAmApt MAA 122.71 -3.98 RGA 111.75 -4.15 130.77 0.97
ReinsGrp Ubiquiti UI 270.76 -7.75 W.P.Carey WPC 68.00 -2.58 Zillow C Z
AbCelleraBio ABCL 39.10 -1.14 BristolMyers BMY 61.38 -0.65 DiscoveryC DISCK 26.39 0.20 II-VI IIVI 76.01 0.05 MiratiTherap MRTX 221.61 1.97 s RelianceSteel RS 119.71 -0.04 ZG 136.51 0.57
UltaBeauty ULTA 282.47 -4.69 WPP WPP 53.88 -0.20 Zillow A
s Abiomed ABMD 316.73 -7.47 BritishAmTob BTI 37.70 0.21 Disney DIS 177.68 -3.50 9.27 -0.17 MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 4.38 -0.05
ING Groep ING RenaissanceRe RNR 161.76 -4.06 UltragenyxPharm RARE 136.47 -1.96 Wabtec WAB 72.65 -0.55 ZimmerBiomet ZBH 153.16 -0.93
AcceleronPharma XLRN 124.31 -3.63 s Broadcom AVGO 425.22 -12.63 DocuSign DOCU 222.41 0.11 Invesco IVZ 16.95 -0.48 MizuhoFin MFG 2.55 ... RGEN 190.66 -0.97 ZTS 163.59 -1.91
Repligen UnderArmour A UAA 17.35 0.18 WalgreensBoots WBA 41.40 1.52 Zoetis
ACN 256.46 -4.75 s BroadridgeFinl BR 151.51 -1.69 DolbyLab DLB 94.87 -2.26 s IPG Photonics IPGP 218.21 -5.58 MobileTeleSys MBT 9.12 0.17
Accenture RepublicSvcs RSG 93.54 -2.76 UnderArmour C UA 15.06 0.18 Walmart WMT 146.53 2.38 ZoomVideo ZM 359.98 22.66
ActivisionBliz ATVI 89.90 -2.95 BrookfieldMgt BAM 39.45 -1.82 DollarGeneral DG 209.71 -0.23 IQVIA IQV 176.60 -2.57 Moderna MRNA 111.73 7.26 RMD 212.18 -0.38
ResMed Unilever UL 60.53 0.17 WarnerMusic WMG 36.87 -1.12 ZoomInfoTech ZI 45.58 -2.65
AdaptiveBiotech ADPT 55.83 -3.30 BrookfieldInfr BIP 49.49 0.09 DollarTree DLTR 106.94 -1.10 IcahnEnterprises IEP 52.06 1.39 MohawkInds MHK 136.11 -4.84 RestaurantBrands QSR 59.39 -1.72 UnionPacific UNP 203.01 -5.21 WasteConnections WCN 101.19 -1.38 Zscaler ZS 196.09 -3.62
ADBE 485.34 -14.78 BrookfieldPropREIT BPYU 17.69 2.75 DominionEner D 73.89 -1.31 Icon ICLR 192.02 -2.96 MolinaHealthcare MOH 216.08 3.40 RingCentral RNG 382.20 3.23
Adobe UnitedAirlines UAL 41.63 -1.62 WasteMgt WM 114.83 -3.10 Zynga ZNGA 9.77 -0.10
AdvanceAuto AAP 157.34 -0.17 BrookfieldRenew BEPC 57.95 -0.32 Domino's DPZ 379.50 -3.96 IDEX IEX 195.31 -3.89 MolsonCoorsB TAP 45.65 0.46 s RioTinto RIO 77.39 2.17
AdvMicroDevices AMD 92.30 0.59 Brown&Brown BRO 46.35 -1.06 DoorDash DASH 139.19 -3.56 IllinoisToolWks ITW 203.13 -0.75 s Mondelez MDLZ 57.92 -0.55 RitchieBros RBA 66.66 -2.89
Aegon AEG 3.88 -0.07 Brown-Forman A BF.A 72.64 -0.83 Dover DOV 123.34 -2.91 Illumina ILMN 367.76 -2.24 MongoDB MDB 350.41 -8.63 RocketCos. RKT 20.00 -0.22
AgilentTechs A 118.64 0.34 Brown-Forman B BF.B 78.03 -1.40 Dow DOW 54.04 -1.46 ImperialOil IMO 19.36 0.33 s MonolithicPower MPWR 364.82 -1.41 Rockwell ROK 246.47 -4.34
AgnicoEagle AEM 75.18 4.67
BRKR 53.31 -0.82
BG 65.71 0.13
DrReddy'sLab RDY 71.22 -0.07
DraftKings DKNG 44.86 -1.70
s Infosys
INCY 86.45 -0.53
INFY 17.25 0.30
s MonsterBev MNST 90.60 -1.88
MCO 292.00 1.76
RogersComm B RCI 47.45 0.86 Dividend Changes
AirProducts APD 268.20 -5.02 Moody's Roku ROKU 317.90 -14.12
ABNB 139.15 -7.65 BurlingtonStrs BURL 253.38 -8.17 Dropbox DBX 22.05 -0.14 IngersollRand IR 44.31 -1.25 s MorganStanley MS 68.33 -0.20 ROL 38.24 -0.83
CBRE Group CBRE 59.50 -3.22 DukeEnergy DUK 89.71 -1.85 s Inphi IPHI 161.36 0.89 s Morningstar MORN 231.52 -0.05
Rollins Dividend announcements from January 4.
AkamaiTech AKAM 105.24 0.25 RoperTech ROP 419.55 -11.54
s Albemarle ALB 152.63 5.11 CDW CDW 127.16 -4.63 DukeRealty DRE 38.41 -1.56 Insulet PODD 251.62 -4.01 s Mosaic MOS 23.67 0.66 RossStores ROST 117.07 -5.74 Amount Payable /
s Albertsons ACI 17.12 -0.46 CF Industries CF 38.53 -0.18 Dun&Bradstreet DNB 24.32 -0.58 Intel INTC 49.67 -0.15 MotorolaSol MSI 167.50 -2.56 RoyalBkCanada RY 81.87 -0.19
s 70.32 -0.79
Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
Alcon ALC 65.68 -0.30 CGI GIB 78.03 -1.28 DuPont DD InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 61.23 0.31 NICE NICE 278.83 -4.71 RoyalCaribbean RCL 70.72 -3.97
AlexandriaRlEst ARE 170.77 -7.45 CH Robinson CHRW 92.37 -1.50 Dynatrace DT 42.07 -1.20 s ICE ICE 113.30 -1.99 NIO NIO 53.49 4.75 RoyalDutchA RDS.A 36.03 0.89
ENI 20.79 0.19
AlexionPharm ALXN 156.81 0.57 CME Group CME 179.30 -2.75 E InterContinentl IHG 63.28 -1.84 NRG Energy NRG 36.30 -1.25 RoyalDutchB RDS.B 34.28 0.67
CMS Energy CMS 59.61 -1.40 EOG Rscs EOG 49.86 -0.01 IBM 123.94 -1.94 NVR NVR 4040.65 -39.21 Eaton Vance Global Income EVGBC 3.2 .0339 /.0318 M Jan07 /Jan05
Alibaba BABA 227.85 -4.88 IBM RoyaltyPharma RPRX 46.83 -3.22
s AlignTech ALGN 526.46 -7.92 CNA Fin CNA 38.02 -0.94 EPAM Systems EPAM 348.06 -10.29 IntlFlavors IFF 105.08 -3.76 NXP Semi NXPI 162.04 3.03 Ryanair RYAAY 105.33 -4.65
CNHI 12.49 -0.35 EastmanChem EMN 98.58 -1.70 NDAQ 132.01 -0.73
Allakos ALLK 133.77 -6.23 CNH Indl IntlPaper IP 48.49 -1.23 Nasdaq SAP SAP 129.24 -1.15
Alleghany Y 596.63 -7.06 CNOOC CEO 87.80 -3.85 Eaton ETN 118.75 -1.39 Interpublic IPG 23.14 -0.38 Natera NTRA 96.31 -3.21 S&P Global SPGI 333.25 4.52 Eaton Vance TABS 5-to-15Y EVLMC 2.0 .0164 /.0174 M Jan07 /Jan05
Allegion ALLE 114.48 -1.90 s CRH CRH 42.71 0.13 EatonVance EV 67.73 -0.20 Intuit INTU 371.70 -8.15 NationalGrid NGG 59.72 0.69 SBA Comm SBAC 275.63 -6.50
AlliantEnergy LNT 50.49 -1.04 CRISPR Therap CRSP 158.01 4.90 eBay EBAY 51.50 1.25 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 800.00 -18.10 Natura&Co NTCO 19.54 -0.46 SEI Investments SEIC 56.93 -0.54 Initial
Allstate ALL 108.08 -1.85 CSX CSX 87.99 -2.76 Ecolab ECL 214.31 -2.05 Invitae NVTA 43.64 1.83 NatWest NWG 4.25 -0.27 SK Telecom SKM 24.31 -0.17 General Finance Nts 2025 GFNSZ 7.5 .5086 Feb01 /Jan15
s AllyFinancial ALLY 35.43 -0.23 AI 120.01 -18.74 Ecopetrol EC 12.95 0.04 InvitatHomes INVH 28.58 -1.12 NetApp NTAP 64.86 -1.38 SS&C Tech SSNC 70.81 -1.94
AlnylamPharm ALNY 128.10 -1.87 CVS Health CVS 69.99 1.69 EdisonInt EIX 60.49 -2.33 IonisPharma IONS 56.78 0.24 NetEase NTES 96.74 0.97 StoreCapital STOR 32.10 -1.88 Stocks
Alphabet C GOOG 1728.24 -23.64 CableOne CABO 2152.22 -75.50 EdwardsLife EW 88.92 -2.31 iQIYI IQ 18.04 0.56 Netflix NFLX 522.86 -17.87 s SVB Fin SIVB 387.34 -0.49
s CadenceDesign CDNS 135.76 -0.67 ElancoAnimal ELAN 30.50 -0.17 Neurocrine NBIX 95.87 0.02 180 Degree Capital TURN 1:3 /Jan04
Alphabet A GOOGL 1726.13 -26.51 IronMountain IRM 28.66 -0.82 CRM 220.31 -2.22
Alteryx AYX 111.16 -10.63 CAE CAE 26.61 -1.13 Elastic ESTC 141.46 -4.67 ItauUnibanco ITUB 5.89 -0.20 NewFortressEner NFE 52.58 -1.01 Sanofi SNY 48.75 0.16 Acorda Therapeutics ACOR 1:6 /Jan04
AlticeUSA ATUS 36.71 -1.16 CaesarsEnt CZR 71.60 -2.67 ElectronicArts EA 139.51 -4.09 s NewOrientalEduc EDU 174.00 -11.81 SareptaTherap SRPT 165.29 -5.20 Helius Medical Techs HSDT 1:35 /Jan04
Altria MO 40.84 -0.16 CamdenProperty CPT 96.30 -3.62 EmersonElec EMR 78.01 -2.36 J K L NYTimes A NYT 49.20 -2.57 Schlumberger SLB 21.95 0.12 Insignia Systems ISIG 1:7 /Jan04
AlumofChina ACH 9.05 0.37 CampbellSoup CPB 48.53 0.18 Enbridge ENB 31.97 -0.02 s NewellBrands NWL 21.71 0.48 s SchwabC SCHW 52.76 -0.28
84.52 -0.95 EncompassHealth EHC 82.34 -0.35 JD 86.33 -1.57 NEM 63.15 3.26 s AMZN 3186.63 -70.30 CIBC CM
EnelAmericas ENIA 8.24 0.02 JPMorganChase JPM 125.87 -1.20
Newmont ScottsMiracleGro SMG 200.72 1.58 Foreign
Ambev ABEV 2.99 -0.07 CanNtlRlwy CNI 109.58 -0.27 NewsCorp B NWS 17.96 0.19 Sea SE 196.06 -2.99
EnergyTransfer ET 6.10 -0.08 JackHenry JKHY 158.66 -3.33 Pyxis Tankers Pfd. A PXSAP 13.6 .1615 M Jan20 /Jan12
Amcor AMCR 11.38 -0.39 CanNaturalRes CNQ 24.44 0.39 NewsCorp A NWSA 18.16 0.19 Seagate STX 60.08 -2.08
CanPacRlwy CP 344.83 -1.86 EnphaseEnergy ENPH 172.24 -3.23 JacobsEngg J 106.11 -2.85 NextEraEnergy NEE 74.22 -2.93 SGEN 168.43 -6.71
Amdocs DOX 69.54 -1.39 Seagen Special
Amedisys AMED 289.42 -3.91 Canon CAJ 18.21 -1.20 Entegris ENTG 95.20 -0.90 JamesHardie JHX 29.68 0.02 NielsenHoldings NLSN 20.23 -0.64 SempraEnergy SRE 123.80 -3.61
Amerco UHAL 444.70 -9.26 CanopyGrowth CGC 26.12 1.48 Entergy ETR 98.01 -1.83 JazzPharma JAZZ 160.40 -4.65 Nike NKE 140.10 -1.37 s SensataTechs ST 51.97 -0.77 PC Connection CNXN ... .32 Jan29 /Jan12
AEE 76.13 -1.93 EnterpriseProd EPD 19.29 -0.30 J&J JNJ 156.50 -0.88 NiSource NI 22.58 -0.36 48.55 -0.55
Ameren CapitalOne COF 97.84 -1.01 ServiceCorp SCI
Equifax EFX 187.96 -4.88 JohnsonControls JCI 46.18 -0.41 Nokia NOK 3.89 -0.02 ServiceNow NOW 526.83 -23.60 KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO:
AmericaMovil AMX 14.75 0.21 CardinalHealth CAH 52.93 -0.63
Equinix EQIX 692.56 -21.62 JonesLang JLL 142.33 -6.04 NomuraHoldings NMR 5.22 -0.11 ShawComm B SJR 17.55 -0.01
AmericaMovil A AMOV 14.25 -0.37 Carlisle CSL 153.93 -2.25 spin-off.
Equinor EQNR 16.87 0.45 JuniperNetworks JNPR 22.61 0.10 Nordson NDSN 196.56 -4.39 SherwinWilliams SHW 723.47 -11.44
AmerAirlines AAL 15.13 -0.64 Carlyle CG 31.11 -0.33
Equitable EQH 24.72 -0.87 KB Fin KB 39.13 -0.47 NorfolkSouthern NSC 233.44 -4.17 ShinhanFin SHG 29.26 -0.50
AEP AEP 81.54 -1.73 CarMax KMX 93.30 -1.16
EquityLife ELS 60.47 -2.89 KE Holdings BEKE 57.51 -4.03 NorthernTrust NTRS 92.50 -0.64 SHOP 1092.40 -39.55
AmerExpress AXP 118.04 -2.87 Carnival CCL 20.38 -1.28 Shopify
EquityResdntl EQR 57.50 -1.78 KKR 39.65 -0.84
Exchange-Traded Portfolios |
AmericanFin AFG 85.16 -2.46 Carnival CUK 17.63 -1.11
KKR NorthropGrum NOC 294.76 -9.96 s Sibanye-Stillwater SBSW 16.92 1.03
AmHomes4Rent AMH 29.08 -0.92
ErieIndemnity A ERIE 240.91 -3.66 s KLA KLAC 260.33 1.42 NortonLifeLock NLOK 20.77 -0.01 SignatureBank SBNY 135.94 0.65
CarrierGlobal CARR 37.03 -0.69
AIG 37.13 -0.73
EssentialUtil WTRG 46.19 -1.10 s KSCitySouthern KSU 200.98 -3.15 NorwegCruise NCLH 23.73 -1.70 SimonProperty SPG 82.81 -2.47
AIG Carvana CVNA 236.27 -3.27 ESS 228.25 -9.17
AmerTowerREIT AMT 219.60 -4.86
EssexProp Kellogg K 61.45 -0.78 Novartis NVS 94.37 -0.06 SiriusXM 6.17 -0.20
Catalent CTLT 103.73 -0.34 EsteeLauder EL 254.99 -11.20
AmerWaterWorks AWK 150.24 -3.23 s KeurigDrPepper KDP 31.59 -0.41 NovoNordisk NVO 71.43 1.58 Skyworks SWKS 150.72 -2.16 Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session
Caterpillar CAT 182.15 0.13 ETSY 172.08 -5.83
AmericoldRealty COLD 35.70 -1.63
Etsy KeyCorp KEY 16.29 -0.12 Novocure NVCR 161.32 -11.72 SlackTech WORK 41.99 -0.25
Celanese CE 125.93 -4.01 EuronetWorldwide EEFT 140.65 -4.27
Ameriprise AMP 188.11 -6.22 s KeysightTechs KEYS 131.18 -0.91 NuanceComms NUAN 43.70 -0.39 Smartsheet SMAR 68.12 -1.17
Cemex CX 5.16 -0.01 RE 228.11 -5.98 Monday, January 4, 2021 Closing Chg YTD
AmerisourceBrgn ABC 96.50 -1.26
EverestRe KimberlyClark KMB 133.40 -1.43 Nucor NUE 52.51 -0.68 SmithAO AOS 53.92 -0.90
CenovusEnergy CVE 6.18 0.14 EVRG 53.75 -1.76 Closing Chg YTD ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
s Ametek AME 118.38 -2.56
Evergy KinderMorgan KMI 13.56 -0.11 Nutrien NTR 49.43 1.27 Smith&Nephew SNN 42.97 0.80
Centene CNC 62.09 2.06 84.51 -2.00
EversourceEner ES KingsoftCloud KC 43.11 -0.44 NVIDIA NVDA 524.54 2.34 SJM 115.63 0.03 ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF 119.98 0.03 0.0
Amgen AMGN 226.66 -3.26 CenterPointEner CNP 21.34 -0.30 Smucker
ExactSciences EXAS 128.77 -3.72 KinrossGold KGC 7.98 0.64 SNAP 49.59 -0.48 124.69 0.16 0.2 iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 157.54 –0.12 –0.1
Amphenol APH 128.52 -2.25 CentraisElBras EBR 6.82 -0.17 Snap ARKInnovationETF ARKK
s AnalogDevices ADI 146.02 -1.71 Exelon EXC 41.17 -1.05 KirklandLakeGold KL 44.55 3.28 O P Q SNA 166.92 -4.22 66.48 –1.5 iShRussellMCGrowth IWP 101.18 –1.43 –1.4
CeridianHCM CDAY 102.53 -4.03 SnapOn CommSvsSPDR XLC –1.48
s Expedia EXPE 131.37 -1.03 KodiakSciences KOD 137.73 -9.18 SNOW 278.24 -3.16 iShUSTreasuryBdETF GOVT 27.38 0.50 0.5
Anaplan PLAN 69.84 -2.01 Cerner CERN 77.74 -0.74 OKE 37.50 -0.88
Snowflake CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 159.42 –0.85 –0.8
s ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 92.31 -2.80 s KoninklijkePhil PHG 55.70 1.53
s SOQUIMICH SQM 51.10 2.01 JPM UltShtIncm JPST 50.79 ... ...
AngloGoldAsh AU 25.49 2.87 CharlesRiverLabs CRL 249.67 -0.19 OReillyAuto ORLY 453.97 1.40 CnsStapleSelSector XLP 66.72 –1.08 –1.1
ExtraSpaceSt EXR 110.29 -5.57 KoreaElcPwr KEP 12.16 -0.11 SolarEdgeTech SEDG 311.35 -7.77 PIMCOEnhShMaturity MINT 102.03 –0.01 –0.0
AB InBev BUD 69.77 -0.14 CharterComms CHTR 647.03 -14.52 OSH 57.00 -4.16 EnSelectSectorSPDR XLE 37.96 0.16 0.2
ExxonMobil XOM 41.50 0.28 KraftHeinz KHC 34.23 -0.43 OakStreetHealth s SNE 100.07 -1.03 SPDR BlmBarcHYBd JNK 108.67 –0.25 –0.2
AnnalyCap NLY 8.23 -0.22 CheckPoint CHKP 129.88 -3.03 OccidentalPetrol OXY 17.45 0.14
Sony FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 29.08 –1.36 –1.4
F5Networks FFIV 175.85 -0.09 Kroger 32.13 0.37 SoteraHealth SHC 27.02 -0.42 SPDRBloomBar1-3MTB BIL 91.52 ... ...
Anthem ANTM 318.58 -2.51 Chegg CHGG 87.33 -3.00 KR
OKTA 250.67 -3.59 HealthCareSelSect XLV 112.95 –0.43 –0.4
FMC FMC 113.12 -1.81 39.60 2.41
59.36 -2.07 SPDR Gold 182.33 2.23 2.2
Aon AON 204.55 -6.72 Chemed CHE 528.58 -4.03 L Brands LB
OldDomFreight ODFL 190.69 -4.49
Southern SO IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 86.41 –2.42 –2.4
Facebook FB 268.94 -4.22 LKQ 34.72 -0.52 s SCCO 67.27 2.15 36.26 0.69 0.7
ApolloGlbMgmt APO 47.77 -1.21 CheniereEnergy LNG 58.91 -1.12 LKQ
OmegaHealthcare OHI 35.03 -1.29
SoCopper InvscQQQI QQQ 309.31 –1.41 –1.4
SchwabIntEquity SCHF
FactSet FDS 330.59 -1.91 LPL Financial LPLA 103.34 -0.88 SouthwestAir LUV 45.04 -1.57 SchwabUS BrdMkt 89.77 –1.34 –1.3
Appian APPN 143.70 -18.39 CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 34.80 -0.45 OMC 60.88 -1.49 125.70 –1.44 –1.4
FairIsaac FICO 505.26 -5.78 L3HarrisTech LHX 180.44 -8.58 s ON Semi
Splunk SPLK 166.37 -3.52
InvscS&P500EW RSP
63.23 –1.42 –1.4
Apple AAPL 129.41 -3.28 Chevron CVX 84.71 0.26 32.67 -0.06 133.02 0.03 0.0
SchwabUS Div SCHD
Farfetch FTCH 62.00 -1.81 ON
LH 204.88 1.33 OneConnectFinTech OCFT 20.09 0.38 Spotify SPOT 311.00 -3.66
iSh3-7YTreasuryBd IEI
89.80 –1.26 –1.3
ApplMaterials AMAT 86.87 0.57 Chewy CHWY 88.90 -0.99 LabCpAm
44.19 –1.41 –1.4
Fastenal FAST 47.65 -1.18 LamResearch LRCX 478.02 5.75 OpenText SQ 221.16 3.52 iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO
s Aptargroup ATR 134.00 -2.89 ChinaEastrnAir CEA 21.77 0.26 OTEX 45.44 -0.02
Square SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 126.72 –1.32 –1.3
Fastly FSLY 86.14 -1.23 StanleyBlackDck SWK 169.35 -9.21 iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 69.49 0.58 0.6
s Aptiv APTV 129.51 -0.78 ChinaLifeIns LFC 10.89 -0.17 LamarAdv LAMR 80.28 -2.94 OpendoorTech OPEN SchwabUS SC SCHA 87.78 –1.37 –1.4
FateTherap FATE 89.68 -1.25 24.01 1.28 s iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 62.54 0.81 0.8
Aramark ARMK 37.72 -0.76 t ChinaMobile CHL 26.86 -1.68 LambWeston LW 75.67 -3.07 Starbucks SBUX 103.10 -3.88 Schwab US TIPs SCHP 62.18 0.16 0.2
FedEx FDX 253.19 -6.43 Oracle ORCL 63.75 -0.94 iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 67.58 0.58 0.6
s ArcelorMittal MT 23.95 1.05 ChinaPetrol SNP 44.86 0.26 LasVegasSands LVS 57.95 -1.65 Orange StateStreet STT 72.25 -0.53 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 302.32 –1.13 –1.1
Ferrari RACE 227.01 -2.51 ORAN 12.25 0.39 iShCoreS&P500 IVV 370.22 –1.38 –1.4
ArchCapital ACGL 34.90 -1.17 ChinaSoAirlines ZNH 29.99 0.34 Lear LEA 157.44 -1.59 Orix SteelDynamics STLD 36.62 -0.25 SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 413.34 –1.57 –1.6
FiatChrysler FCAU 18.19 0.10 IX 75.88 -1.45 226.30 –1.54 –1.5
ArcherDaniels ADM 49.87 -0.54 t ChinaTelecom CHA 26.04 -1.51 Leidos LDOS 102.44 -2.68 OtisWorldwide OTIS 65.59 -1.96 Steris STE 188.49 -1.05 iShCoreS&P MC IJH
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 368.79 –1.36 –1.4
FidNatlFin FNF 38.40 -0.69 STMicroelec STM 38.51 1.39 iShCoreS&P SC IJR 91.04 –0.94 –0.9
AresMgmt ARES 46.68 -0.37 ChinaUnicom CHU 5.50 -0.18 Lennar A LEN 74.27 -1.96 OwensCorning OC 73.94 -1.82 SPDR S&P Div SDY 104.47 –1.38 –1.4
FidNatlInfo FIS 139.91 -1.55 STNE 82.67 -1.25 iShS&PTotlUSStkMkt ITOT 85.12 –1.28 –1.3
arGEN-X ARGX 297.04 2.95 Chindata CD 19.00 -4.96 Lennar B LEN.B 59.75 -1.45 OzonHoldings OZON 43.49 2.08 StoneCo TechSelectSector XLK 127.90 –1.63 –1.6
FifthThirdBncp FITB 27.23 -0.34 s SYK 239.02 -6.02 iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 118.04 –0.13 –0.1
AristaNetworks ANET 283.16 -7.41 CMG 1319.12 -67.59 LennoxIntl LII 268.23 -5.74 PG&E PCG 12.21 -0.25
Stryker 61.12 –2.52 –2.5
Chipotle s FirstRepBank FRC 147.22 0.29 SumitomoMits SMFG 6.10 -0.07 94.76 –1.48 –1.5
UtilitiesSelSector XLU
ArrowElec ARW 97.62 0.32 Chubb CB 149.73 -4.19 LeviStrauss LEVI 19.65 -0.43 PNC Fin PNC 149.15 0.15
iShSelectDividend DVY VanEckGoldMiner GDX 38.51 6.91 6.9
FirstSolar FSLR 101.24 2.32 SunComms SUI 146.13 -5.82 84.89 –1.33 –1.3
ArrowheadPharm ARWR 74.83 -1.90 ChunghwaTel CHT 38.83 0.21 LiAuto LI 32.46 3.63 POSCO PKX 62.39 0.08
iShESGAwareUSA ESGU VangdInfoTech VGT 347.91 –1.66 –1.7
FirstEnergy FE 29.51 -1.10 SunLifeFinancial SLF 44.19 -0.27
AscendisPharma ASND 165.49 -1.29 Church&Dwight CHD 86.60 -0.63 LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 155.58 -2.79 PPD iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 66.93 –1.40 –1.4 139.89 –1.63 –1.6
Fiserv FISV 111.92 -1.94 PPD 34.26 0.04 VangdSC Val VBR
AspenTech AZPN 130.70 0.45 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 154.54 -3.04 PPG Ind SuncorEnergy SU 16.72 -0.06 iShEdgeMSCIUSAMom MTUM 160.07 –0.76 –0.8
ChurchillDowns CHDN 188.39 -6.40 FiveBelow FIVE 167.09 -7.89 PPG 141.31 -2.91 VangdSC Grwth VBK 262.76 –1.83 –1.8
Assurant AIZ 132.11 -4.11 LibertyGlobal A LBTYA 24.31 0.09 PPL SunRun RUN 69.98 0.60 iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 114.36 –1.59 –1.6
Ciena CIEN 51.18 -1.67 Five9 FIVN 173.15 -1.25 PPL 27.58 -0.62 VangdExtMkt VXF 162.25 –1.48 –1.5
AstraZeneca AZN 50.52 0.53 LibertyGlobal B LBTYB 24.10 -0.42 s PRA HealthSci PRAH 123.43 -2.01 Suzano SUZ 11.16 -0.02 iShGoldTr IAU 18.55 2.32 2.3
Cigna CI 205.72 -2.46 FleetCorTech FLT 265.93 -6.90 VangdDivApp VIG 139.27 –1.35 –1.3
Athene ATH 41.99 -1.15 LibertyGlobal C LBTYK 23.53 -0.12 PTC SynchronyFin SYF 34.14 -0.57 iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 137.43 –0.51 –0.5
CincinnatiFin CINF 84.50 -2.87 Flex FLEX 17.88 -0.10 PTC 118.18 -1.43 s VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 47.48 0.57 0.6
Atlassian TEAM 231.56 -2.31 LibertyFormOne A FWONA 36.85 -1.14 Paccar Synopsys SNPS 254.70 -4.54 87.12 –0.21 –0.2
Cintas CTAS 343.60 -9.86 Floor&Decor FND 92.46 -0.39 PCAR 84.72 -1.56 iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG VangdFTSE EM VWO 50.34 0.46 0.5
AtmosEnergy ATO 94.03 -1.40 LibertyFormOne C FWONK 40.87 -1.73 s PackagingCpAm PKG 135.75 -2.16 Sysco SYY 72.31 -1.95 115.27 –0.55 –0.6
CiscoSystems CSCO 43.96 -0.43 FomentoEconMex FMX 75.12 -0.65 iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB VangdFTSE Europe VGK 61.02 1.29 1.3
s Autodesk ADSK 296.84 -8.50 60.14 -1.52 LibertyBraves A BATRA 25.29 0.42 PagSeguroDig PAGS 54.50 -2.38 iShMBSETF MBB 110.14 0.01 0.0
Citigroup C FordMotor F 8.52 -0.27 T U V VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 58.65 0.50 0.5
Autohome ATHM 97.99 -1.63 CitizensFin CFG 35.52 -0.24 FTNT 145.56 -2.97 LibertyBraves C BATRK 25.27 0.39 PalantirTech PLTR 23.37 -0.18 iShMSCI ACWI ACWI 90.22 –0.55 –0.6
Fortinet VangdGrowth VUG 249.66 –1.45 –1.5
Autoliv ALV 91.12 -0.98 CitrixSystems CTXS 128.33 -1.77 FTS 40.81 -0.01 LibertySirius A LSXMA 42.54 -0.65 PaloAltoNtwks PANW 351.66 -3.73 TAL Education TAL 69.22 -2.29 iShMSCI EAFE EFA 73.34 0.52 0.5
Fortis VangdHlthCr VHT 222.58 –0.51 –0.5
ADP ADP 168.96 -7.24 Clarivate CCC 29.81 0.10 FTV 68.81 -2.01 LibertySirius C LSXMK 42.49 -1.02 PanAmerSilver PAAS 37.33 2.82 TC Energy TRP 40.84 0.12 iShMSCIEmgMarkets EEM 52.00 0.64 0.6
Fortive VangdHiDiv VYM 90.40 –1.21 –1.2
AutoZone AZO 1180.40 -5.04 Clorox CLX 200.44 -1.48 FortBrandsHome FBHS 84.80 -0.92 s LightspeedPos LSPD 67.16 -3.23 ParkerHannifin PH 266.02 -6.39 s TE Connectivity TEL 120.30 -0.77 iShMSCIJapan EWJ 66.76 –1.18 –1.2
AVLR 163.68 -1.21 VangdIntermBd BIV 92.83 –0.02 –0.0
Avalara Cloudflare NET 74.59 -1.40 FoxB FOX 28.41 -0.47 EliLilly LLY 165.50 -3.34 Paychex PAYX 90.36 -2.82 Telus TU 19.91 0.11 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 117.13 –0.06 –0.1
AVB 155.52 -4.91 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 97.02 –0.12 –0.1
Avalonbay Coca-Cola KO 52.76 -2.08 FoxA FOXA 28.81 -0.31 LincolnNational LNC 48.82 -1.49 PaycomSoftware PAYC 427.73 -24.52 TJX TJX 66.81 -1.48 iSh1-5YIGCorpBd IGSB 55.17 ... ...
AGR 44.90 -0.55 VangdLC VV 173.39 –1.34 –1.3
Avangrid Coca-Cola Euro CCEP 48.40 -1.43 Franco-Nevada FNV 131.76 6.43 Linde LIN 258.81 -4.70 Paylocity PCTY 199.03 -6.88 T-MobileUS TMUS 132.43 -2.42 iShPfd&Incm 38.14 –0.96 –1.0
Avantor AVTR 27.31 -0.84 LithiaMotors LAD 284.24 -8.43 PayPal
PFF VangdMC VO 203.74 –1.47 –1.5
Cognex CGNX 80.22 -0.06 FranklinRscs BEN 24.34 -0.65 PYPL 231.92 -2.28 TRowePrice TROW 147.69 -3.70 237.74 –1.41 –1.4
s AveryDennison AVY 151.90 -3.21 LiveNationEnt LYV 70.67 -2.81 Pegasystems PEGA 131.67 -1.59
iShRussell1000Gwth IWF VangdMBS VMBS 54.08 0.02 0.0
CognizantTech CTSH 79.42 -2.53 s FreeportMcM FCX 27.14 1.12 s TaiwanSemi TSM 111.70 2.66 208.89 –1.39 –1.4
AxonEnterprise AAXN 116.85 -5.68 1.85 -0.11 Peloton
iShRussell1000 IWB VangdRealEst VNQ 82.17 –3.25 –3.2
ColgatePalm CL 84.33 -1.18 FreseniusMed FMS 42.55 0.99 LloydsBanking LYG PTON 145.96 -5.76 TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 201.85 -5.94 134.89 –1.35 –1.3
BCE BCE 43.00 0.20 LockheedMartin LMT 344.64 -10.34 PembinaPipeline PBA 23.94 0.28
iShRussell1000Val IWD VangdS&P500ETF VOO 339.03 –1.36 –1.4
Comcast A CMCSA 50.51 -1.89 TakedaPharm TAK 17.99 -0.21
s BHP Group BHP 67.35 2.01 iShRussell2000 IWM 193.50 –1.31 –1.3 VangdST Bond BSV 82.89 –0.01 –0.0
Comerica CMA 55.50 -0.36 G H I Loews L 44.40 -0.62 PennNational PENN 80.89 -5.48 s Tapestry TPR 32.71 1.63
s BHP Group BBL 55.07 2.04 s LogitechIntl LOGI 98.47 1.28 Pentair iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 67.45 –1.60 –1.6 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 83.24 –0.01 –0.0
CommerceBcshrs CBSH 66.08 0.38 PNR 51.53 -1.56 Target TGT 177.63 1.10
BP BP 20.83 0.31 GDS Holdings GDS 93.86 0.22 LOW 160.38 -0.13 PepsiCo iShRussellMCValue IWS 95.27 –1.74 –1.7 VangdSC VB 191.53 –1.62 –1.6
s CiaSiderurgica SID 6.42 0.47 Lowe's PEP 144.27 -4.03 TataMotors TTM 12.76 0.16
s Baidu BIDU 216.80 0.56 s GFLEnvironmental GFL 27.80 -1.38 LufaxHolding LU 14.30 0.10 PerkinElmer PKI 145.51 2.01 s TECK 18.97 0.82 iShS&P500Growth IVW 62.87 –1.49 –1.5 VangdTotalBd BND 88.07 –0.14 –0.1
ConagraBrands CAG 35.99 -0.27 TeckRscsB
BakerHughes BKR 21.02 0.17 GSXTechedu GSX 48.75 -2.96 lululemon LULU 356.40 8.37 PetroChina PTR 30.65 -0.07 TeladocHealth TDOC 200.63 0.67 iShS&P500Value IVE 126.32 –1.33 –1.3 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 58.56 0.02 0.0
ConchoRscs CXO 57.69 -0.66
Ball BLL 89.76 -3.42 Gallagher AJG 120.24 -3.47 LumenTech LUMN 9.72 -0.03 PetroleoBrasil PBR 11.19 -0.04 TeledyneTech TDY 362.39 -29.59 iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.52 –0.01 –0.0 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 60.52 0.60 0.6
ConocoPhillips COP 39.57 -0.42
BancoBilbaoViz BBVA 4.94 ... ConEd ED Gaming&Leisure GLPI 40.61 -1.79
70.66 -1.61 LuminarTech LAZR 31.34 -2.66 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 11.00 -0.06 Teleflex TFX 403.13 -8.44 iShSilver SLV 25.35 3.17 3.2 VangdTotalStk VTI 191.87 –1.42 –1.4
BancoBradesco BBDO 4.42 -0.19 s ConstBrands A STZ 216.74 -2.31 Gap GPS 19.22 -0.97 Lyft LYFT 47.28 -1.85 Pfizer PFE 36.81 ... Ericsson ERIC 12.04 0.09 iShTIPSBondETF TIP 127.79 0.11 0.1 VangdTotlWrld VT 92.05 –0.57 –0.6
BancodeChile BCH 20.70 0.32 ContextLogic WISH 19.24 1.00 Garmin GRMN 118.80 -0.86 s LyondellBasell LYB 89.29 -2.37 PhilipMorris PM 81.50 -1.29 TelefonicaBras VIV 8.80 -0.05 iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 86.39 0.01 0.0 VangdValue VTV 117.44 –1.28 –1.3
BancSanBrasil BSBR 8.37 -0.27 Cooper Gartner
COO 357.26 -6.06 IT 158.07 -2.12
BcoSantChile BSAC 19.90 0.91 Copart Generac
CPRT 120.65 -6.60 GNRC 224.56 -2.85
BancoSantander SAN 3.07 0.02 GeneralDynamics GD 145.94 -2.88
New Highs and Lows |
Corning GLW 34.92 -1.08
BanColombia CIB 39.65 -0.53 GeneralElec GE 10.47 -0.33 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk %
Corteva CTVA 38.35 -0.37
BankofAmerica BAC 30.03 -0.28 CoStar GeneralMills GIS
CSGP 895.26 -29.02 59.03 0.23 Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
BankofMontreal BMO 75.05 -0.98 GeneralMotors GM 40.51 -1.13
Costco COST 380.15 3.37 PHG 56.35 2.8 PGEN 11.10 7.4 TSIAW 2.12 -14.0
BankNY Mellon BK 41.69 -0.75 Genmab GMAB 40.76 0.10 KoninklijkePhil Precigen TSInnovWt
CoupaSoftware COUP 335.92 -2.99 The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE American 8.80 2.6 71.55 -2.3
BkNovaScotia BNS 52.96 -0.38 Genpact G 40.48 -0.88 LG Display LPL PreformedLine PLPC TWC Tech II Wt TWCTW 2.24 11.3
Credicorp BAP 157.60 -6.42 and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low in the latest
Barclays BCS 7.69 -0.30 Gentex GNTX 33.61 -0.32 LatticeSemi LSCC 46.80 -1.1 PrimeImpactIWt PIAI.WS 1.71 -1.3 TaiwanSemi TSM 114.10 2.4
CreditSuisse CS 12.89 0.09 session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session.
BarrickGold GOLD 24.62 1.84 s Cree GenuineParts GPC 98.44 -1.99
CREE 106.99 1.09
LefterisAcqn LFTRU 11.25 3.6 PrimoWater PRMW 16.36 4.3 Tapestry TPR 33.13 5.2
BauschHealth BHC 21.37 0.57 Gerdau GGB 4.95 0.28 LefterisAcqnWt LFTRW 2.74 21.1 PublicStoragePfM PSApM 27.15 -0.7 TeckRscsB TECK 19.09 4.5
CrowdStrike CRWD 200.49 -11.33 Monday, January 4, 2021
BaxterIntl BAX 80.12 -0.12 GileadSciences GILD 60.11 1.85 LightspeedPos LSPD 71.38 -4.6 Qumu QUMU 8.17 1.1 TekkorpDigital TEKKU 12.16 0.7
CrownCastle CCI 155.00 -4.19
BectonDicknsn BDX 250.70 0.48 s GSK GSK 37.74 0.94 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % Lindsay LNN 130.40 -0.8 RMGAcqnII RMGBU 11.20 -2.0 TekkorpDigitalWt TEKKW 3.90 -22.8
CrownHoldings CCK 97.27 -2.93
BeiGene BGNE 261.01 2.62 GlobalPayments GPN 207.22 -8.20 Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg LineageCell LCTX 2.04 9.7 Radcom RDCM 11.74 3.7 Telos TLS 33.35 0.9
Cummins CMI 221.37 -5.73
s BentleySystems BSY 40.68 0.17 Globant GLOB 210.32 -7.29 Livent LTHM 20.14 -0.3 Radware RDWR 27.97 -1.7 Teradyne TER 123.45 -0.6
CureVac CVAC 85.10 4.03 AVGO 442.24 -2.9 ExtendedStayAmer STAY 14.89 -2.4
Berkley WRB 64.94 -1.48 GlobeLife GL 92.40 -2.56 Broadcom LogitechIntl LOGI 100.21 1.3 Ranpak PACK 14.02 4.2 Tesla TSLA 744.49 3.4
CyrusOne CONE 69.77 -3.38 Highs BR 154.41 -1.1 FST.U 11.33 0.5
BerkHathwy A BRK.A 343525-4290.00 GoDaddy GDDY 81.78 -1.17 BroadridgeFinl FastAcqn LyondellBasell LYB 93.26 -2.6 RegalBeloit RBC 125.50 -0.2 TexasInstruments TXN 167.84 -1.2
BerkHathwy B BRK.B 228.45 -3.42 GFI 10.52 1.25 BrookfieldFinNts BAMH 25.90 -1.0 FirstFinBkshs FFIN 37.66 -1.0
BerryGlobal BERY 55.87 -0.32
D E F GoldFields
s GoldmanSachs GS 265.00 1.29
ABB ABB 28.67 1.1
BrookfldInfrPfdA13 BIPpA 26.81 -0.3 FirstRepBank FRC 147.94 0.2
Macom Tech MTSI 57.41 0.4 ReinventTechWt RTP.WS 3.75 -0.8 Toro TTC 96.20 -1.5
AES AES 23.99 -1.1 MAG Silver MAG 22.56 6.1 ReinventTechPtrs RTP.U 13.25 2.9 TrepontAcqnI TACA.U 10.50 0.8
BestBuy BBY 100.49 0.70 DISH Network DISH 31.53 -0.81 GoodRx GDRX 41.65 1.31 BrookfieldRenew BEP 44.92 2.6 FirstMarkHorizonA FMAC 10.90 ... MSCI MSCI 455.03 -2.0 RelianceSteel RS 123.92 ... TPCO 14.70 7.1
Ansys ANSS 373.79 -1.7 TribunePub
BeyondMeat BYND 125.57 0.57 DTE Energy DTE 119.39 -2.02 Graco GGG 70.60 -1.75 Bunge BG 67.39 0.2 FirstMarkHorizon FMAC.U 12.00 -0.7 MYRG 61.72 -3.3 RenaissancePfdF RNRpF 28.47 -0.5
ASETech ASX 6.10 2.2 MYR Group Tronox TROX 15.19 -1.8
s Bilibili BILI 94.74 9.02 DadaNexus DADA 37.49 0.99 Grainger GWW 393.72 -14.62 BurgundyTechA BTAQ 10.75 0.9 WBAI 10.78 7.8 MagellanHealth MGLN 94.23 13.0 RXN 40.31 -1.9
ASML ASML 504.75 2.5 Rexnord 21 Vianet VNET 35.76 -2.3 BILL 137.46 0.96 Danaher DHR 223.23 1.09 Grifols GRFS 18.95 0.51 BurgundyTechWt BTAQW 2.25 6.8 Flexsteel FLXS 37.80 -6.3 MMYT 30.37 -4.8 RIO 79.35 2.9
Abiomed ABMD 329.32 -2.3 MakeMyTrip RioTinto US Gold USAU 17.40 -6.3
Bio-Techne TECH 314.62 -2.93 Darden DRI 116.24 -2.88 GuardantHealth GH 127.04 -1.84 CEVA CEVA 48.04 -1.7 FortunaSilver FSM 9.42 12.0 MalaccaStraits MLACU 10.85 1.6 RIOT 19.23 -3.0
ACIA 73.50 0.4 RiotBlockchain US Silica SLCA 9.11 27.8
Bio-RadLab A BIO 575.26 -7.68 s DarlingIngred DAR 56.93 -0.75 Guidewire GWRE 126.06 -2.67 AcaciaComms
CFFinAcqnIII CFACU 10.75 -0.7 FreeportMcM FCX 27.76 4.3
AcademySports ASO 21.70 2.2 MartinMarietta MLM 288.85 -2.2 RushEnt B RUSHB 38.58 -3.0 UnionAcqnIIWt LATNW 1.10 3.7
CRH CRH 43.67 0.3 FulgentGenetics FLGT 60.00 13.8 MRVL 48.56 -2.6 RyersonHolding RYI 16.67 12.0
AdvDrainageSys WMS 84.70 -3.6 MarvellTech Unisys UIS 19.86 -0.1
CadenceDesign CDNS 138.31 -0.5 GFLEnvironmental GFL 29.33 -4.7 Masimo MASI 273.99 -0.9 SMART Global SGH 39.95 2.7
AirTransportSvcs ATSG 32.43 -1.3 US GlobalInv GROW 6.00 5.7
Capri CPRI 44.75 -3.4 GFL Env Un GFLU 71.19 -4.4 Materion MTRN 65.28 -1.7 SMTC SMTX 5.96 19.4
ANTE 3.85 18.7 UnitedTherap UTHR 154.43 1.4
Caterpillar CAT 185.98 0.1 GS Acqn II A GSAH 11.18 0.6 MaximIntProducts MXIM 90.57 -1.3 SPS Commerce SPSC 112.33 3.3 ALRM 105.19 -2.9 Uniti UNIT 11.90 -0.6
CelsiusHldg CELH 52.72 -1.5 G Willi-Food WILC 22.35 3.9 MaxLinear MXL 38.69 -6.1 SVB Fin SIVB 392.00 -0.1
Albemarle ALB 156.76 3.5 UpFintech TIGR 9.18 9.1
ChardanHlthcr2 CHAQ.U 11.05 4.3 GalileoAcquisition GLEO.U 11.20 3.2

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AlbertonAcqnWt ALACW
14.18 18.8
1.49 16.7
17.82 -2.6
24.45 0.9
Check-Cap WtC CHEKZ
ClearPtNeuro CLPT
ClearwayEnergyC CWEN
0.40 138.6
16.50 -4.4
33.50 4.8
10.40 1.1
15.72 18.0
76.05 5.0
MerchantsBncpPfdB MBINO
MetallaRoyalty MTA

SarissaCapAcqnA SRSA
VectorAcqnWt VACQW
Cleveland-Cliffs CLF 15.02 -1.0 GladstonePfdB LANDO 25.30 0.5 MillerIndustries MLR 38.85 -1.7 SchwabC SCHW 53.47 -0.5
AlignTech ALGN 560.00 -1.5 VictoryCapital VCTR 25.33 0.4
CiaSiderurgica SID 6.59 7.9 GlobalShipLease GSL 12.10 -1.2 Mondelez MDLZ 60.00 -0.9 ScorpioTankersNts SBBA 26.42 3.2
AllegiantTravel ALGT 190.68 -7.7 ViewRay VRAY 6.95 67.8
ConstBrands A STZ 220.27 -1.1 GoldenMinerals AUMN 0.85 9.0 MonolithicPower MPWR 381.78 -0.4 ScottsMiracleGro SMG 205.98 0.8
AllyFinancial ALLY 36.69 -0.6 VinceraPharmaUn VINCU 23.87 23.9
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE ConstructionPtrs ROAD 30.17 -4.8 GoldmanSachs GS 267.58 0.5 MonsterBev MNST 92.55 -2.0 SeabridgeGold SA 22.47 5.9
Ametek AME 122.33 -2.1 Vipshop VIPS 28.72 0.7
Corvel CRVL 106.92 -0.4 GoldmanSachsPfC GSpC 25.20 -1.3 MorganStanley MS 69.93 -0.3 SempraEnNts79 SREA 28.47 -1.8
Amyris AMRS 7.41 13.7 VirtusInvtPtrs VRTS 220.30 -2.0
CreatdWt CRTDW 2.55 9.3 GooseheadIns GSHD 135.36 5.7 Morningstar MORN 234.89 ... Semtech SMTC 74.33 -1.3
ADI 150.54 -1.2 VistaGenTherap VTGN 2.29 18.0

     !  AnalogDevices Cree CREE 116.49 1.0 GraphicPkg GPK 17.29 -0.2 Mosaic MOS 24.02 2.9 SensataTechs ST 53.56 -1.5 VoceraComm VCRA 42.54 1.1
ATR 137.97 -2.1
"#! $% 
!  !&   " Aptargroup CrownHoldings CCK 100.85 -2.9 GreatLakesDredge GLDD 13.40 -1.6 10.75 -1.1 76.45 -4.9
MotionAcqnUn MOTNU Shift4Paymts FOUR WescoIntl WCC 79.69 -2.4
!     #    )  Aptiv APTV 131.97 -0.6 Cullen/FrostPfdB CFRpB 25.88 -0.9 GreenVisionAcqn GRNV 10.35 0.4 MountainCrest MCAC 11.50 7.2 Shutterstock SSTK 77.07 -3.4 WillScotMobile WSC 25.05 1.0
      AquaMetals AQMS 3.80 15.3
   # ! ( ( * "#!  ArcelorMittal MT 24.82 4.6
CuriosityStream CURI
Curis CRIS
17.10 17.7
9.23 10.3
17.70 1.8
24.94 -2.0
MountainCrestRt MCACR
MrCooper COOP
Sibanye-Stillwater SBSW
SierraMetals SMTS
Wipro WIT 5.81 1.4
25.25 0.8
"#" #! ( #  +
 !  # ArcelorMittalNts MTCN 59.16 3.4 DailyJournal DJCO 416.69 -4.7 HPX Un HPX.U 10.90 3.3 MudrickCapII MUDSU 10.45 0.6 SifcoInd SIF 9.25 3.8
      !# ArtisanPtrsAsset APAM 51.10 -2.5 XTL Biopharm XTLB 3.80 15.5

( , - 
& #!  (( ! ArtiusAcqn AACQU 11.94 0.5
22.58 1.5
61.30 -1.3
HarrowHealth HROW
HealthSciences2 HSAQ
7.68 7.1
13.30 1.5
MyersIndustries MYE 21.49 -1.3 SilenceTherap SLN 24.00 9.1 Xylem XYL 102.28 -2.1
NatlEnerSvs NESR 10.08 -1.2 Silicom SILC 42.89 -0.8
        %.  ( ( * "#!  # ! ( / # %. Arvinas ARVN 86.53 -1.3 DaVita DVA 118.68 -0.8 HeclaMining HL 7.06 4.8

  AspiraWomenHlth AWH 6.97 -6.0
NatureSunshine NATR 15.21 -3.2 SiliconLab SLAB 131.19 -0.8
 AteaPharm AVIR 44.34 -0.9
Deere DE 273.75 -0.5 HighPeakEnerWt HPKEW 5.00 10.4 NaviosMaritime NMCI 4.49 2.0 SilverCrestMetals SILV 12.88 10.5
AIG.WS 0.07 -25.1
DeerfieldHlthcr DFHTU 16.98 11.0 Hillenbrand HI 40.17 -3.2 NavSightWt NSH.WS 2.25 9.0 SimplyGoodFoods SMPL 32.03 -5.3 AIG Wt
Atomera ATOM 17.13 -1.2 DelwindsIns DWIN.U 10.35 0.5 HostessBrands TWNK 14.69 -1.3 NeoGames NGMS 38.75 -8.8 SiyataMobileWt SYTAW 6.45 -7.3 ApreaTherap APRE 4.66 -3.9
 Autodesk ADSK 307.83 -2.8 DiamedicaTherap DMAC 10.52 -1.0 HudsonExecWt HECCW 1.80 -4.3 NewOrientalEduc EDU 187.43 -6.4 SocialCapHedII IPOC.U 19.24 -6.9 BEST BEST 1.91 -4.9
           AveryDennison AVY 157.25 -2.1 Diginex EQOS 19.77 1.5 HudsonExecA HEC 11.13 1.3 NewellBrands NWL 22.10 2.3 SocialCapHedIII IPOC 17.45 -6.9 BetterWorldWt BWACW 1.04 -12.3
AvidTechnology AVID 16.42 -8.1 BIGC 57.80 -9.1
    ! AVNT 41.40 -2.1
DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 91.99 -1.0 IAC/InterActive IAC 196.67 2.7 NexaResources NEXA 10.41 1.7 SOQUIMICH SQM 52.75 4.1 BigCommerce
Avient dMYTechA DMYD 17.89 -5.7 IdexxLab IDXX 504.66 -1.6 NoahHoldings NOAH 49.31 -2.0 SoftwareAcqnGrpII SAIIU 10.80 1.3 CONX CONX 9.87 -0.9
 AzurePowerGlbl AZRE 50.00 9.8

dMYTechIII Un DMYI.U 11.58 0.4 IEC Elec IEC 14.10 1.3 NortheastBank NBN 23.36 1.0 SoftwareII A SAII 10.13 1.5 CalitheraBiosci CALA 2.46 -44.6
     BHP Group BHP 68.26 3.1 Docebo DCBO 68.00 -5.0 I-Mab IMAB 49.79 -4.1 NorthernGenesis NGA.U 25.40 15.0 SoftwareII Wt SAIIW 1.45 4.4 ChinaMobile CHL 26.56 -5.9
BHP Group BBL 55.77 3.8 DolbyLab DLB 97.66 -2.3 IPG Photonics IPGP 227.40 -2.5 NorthernGenesis NGA 21.98 19.1 SNE 101.62 -1.0 ChinaTelecom CHA 24.10 -5.5

      !!! ""#"

26.89 -0.1
227.58 0.3
117.72 0.1
EMX Royalty
10.85 1.3
72.32 -1.1
3.81 7.2
8.92 -7.1
17.43 1.8
165.78 0.6
NorthernGenesisWt NGA.WS
Ocugen OCGN
SpectrumBrands SPB

CleverLeavesWt CLVRW
OZK 31.97 0.8
ADVERTISE TODAY EagleMaterials EXP 104.89 -1.7 IDN 12.47 2.2 EucratesBiomed EUCR 9.99 -0.2
BankOZK Intellicheck ON Semi ON 33.64 -0.2 StaarSurgical STAA 85.96 3.0

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BentleySystems BSY
Bilibili BILI
44.63 0.4
96.18 10.5
EastWestBncp EWBC
EdocAcqnA ADOC
52.03 0.8
10.30 0.3
116.25 -1.7
6.80 -0.3
one AONE.U
OntoInnovation ONTO
4D Molecular
InterceptPharm ICPT
FDMT 36.00
      BioanalyticalSys BASI 12.55 -3.9 EidosTherap EIDX 132.54 -10.8 JaguarHealth JAGX 1.85 118.4 OpenLending LPRO 35.27 -4.3 Stryker SYK 245.53 -2.5 JamfHolding JAMF 28.82 -1.3

For more information visit: BionanoGenom BNGO
BionanoGenomWt BNGOW
7.24 133.8
3.50 65.2
EndeavourSilver EXK
EndoIntl ENDP
5.85 11.7
7.83 4.2
25.32 0.9
28.26 3.8
Organogenesis ORGO
OrmatTech ORA
SunnovaEnergy NOVA
MSC 27.00
MetenEdtechX METX
OrientalCulture OCG
-5.1 BitDigital BTBT 33.00 33.6 EnergyRecovery ERII 14.54 0.8 KLA KLAC 270.28 0.5 Otonomy OTIC 6.66 -4.6 SunOpta STKL 11.94 -4.1 Q&K Intl QK 2.49 -1.5
BlackRock BLK 730.60 -1.5 Envista NVST 34.56 -2.3 KSCitySouthern KSU 207.23 -1.5 PMV Pharm PMVP 63.22 -19.9 SurgeryPartners SGRY 30.24 -4.9 RYBEducation RYB 2.21 -3.8

  © 2021 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
BluerockResREIT BRG
12.83 -4.7
BKNG 2257.19 -2.8
9.50 14.0
37.94 -4.4
KenonHoldings KEN
KSPN 20.20 38.0
30.43 -2.4
PRA HealthSci PRAH
PackagingCpAm PKG
TekkorpDigitalAcqn TEKK
VincoVentures BBIG
 All Rights Reserved. BridgeBioPharma BBIO 71.84 -10.5 Expedia EXPE 135.87 -0.8 KeysightTechs KEYS 132.75 -0.7 PopulationHlth PHICU 10.64 1.8 TE Connectivity TEL 122.41 -0.6 ViriosTherapeutics VIRI 7.16 -2.4
Brightcove BCOV 19.46 -2.2 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 95.90 -2.9 KingswoodAcqn KWAC.U 10.60 1.2 PowerIntegrations POWI 84.60 0.5 TraconPharm TCON 12.20 -9.7 VitalFarms VITL 24.08 -1.0
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, January 5, 2021 | B7


Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
30223.89 t 382.59, or 1.25% Trailing P/E ratio 29.73 21.35 3700.65 t 55.42, or 1.48% Trailing P/E ratio * 40.40 25.67 12698.45 t 189.84, or 1.47% Trailing P/E ratio *† 39.45 28.06
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 24.91 19.28 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 26.75 19.70 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 32.79 24.15
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.00 2.22 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.60 1.81 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.75 0.95
All-time high 30606.48, 12/31/20 All-time high 3756.07, 12/31/20 All-time high: 12899.42, 12/28/20

Current divisor 0.15198707565833

32200 3750 12800
Session high

Session open Close 31000 3625 12400

Close Open

29800 3500 12000

Session low

28600 3375 11600

65-day moving average

65-day moving average 27400 3250 11200

65-day moving average

26200 3125 10800

Bars measure the point change from session's open

25000 3000 10400
Oct. Nov. Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec.
*Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume*1,157,073,103 42,712,810
Industrial Average 30674.28 29881.82 30223.89 -382.59 -1.25 30606.48 18591.93 5.3 -1.3 6.4 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 50,000 shares. Adv. volume* 361,665,953 37,099,246
Transportation Avg 12537.42 12151.41 12230.03 -276.90 -2.21 12803.02 6703.63 12.7 -2.2 4.1 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume* 782,437,045 5,292,698
Utility Average 865.53 838.49 843.00 -21.64 -2.50 960.89 610.89 -3.1 -2.5 6.4 Volume After Hours Issues traded 3,232 283
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low
Total Stock Market 39380.38 38245.45 38646.40 -573.22 -1.46 39219.62 22462.76 16.5 -1.5 11.1 Advances 913 139
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 14,854.7 369.02 0.23 0.06 369.37 368.37
Barron's 400 857.16 834.18 842.50 -9.70 -1.14 852.20 455.11 15.0 -1.1 5.2 Declines 2,254 132
NIO ADR NIO 10,607.3 53.74 0.25 0.47 53.88 51.29
Unchanged 65 12
Nasdaq Stock Market Intel INTC 8,980.0 49.64 -0.03 -0.06 49.77 49.53 New highs 167 13
Nasdaq Composite 12958.72 12543.24 12698.45 -189.84 -1.47 12899.42 6860.67 40.0 -1.5 21.5 Apple AAPL 6,937.5 129.39 -0.02 -0.02 129.72 129.15 New lows 5 0
Nasdaq 100 12950.22 12537.42 12694.66 -193.62 -1.50 12888.28 6994.29 43.5 -1.5 24.5 MGM Resorts Intl MGM 6,871.2 29.84 0.14 0.47 29.84 29.50 Closing Arms† 0.78 0.08
Las Vegas Sands LVS 5,893.7 58.02 0.07 0.12 58.25 57.94 Block trades* 6,118 435
Microsoft MSFT 3,769.5 217.52 -0.17 -0.08 218.00 217.25
500 Index 3769.99 3662.71 3700.65 -55.42 3756.07 2237.40 14.0 -1.5 10.8 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
iShares U.S. Real Estate IYR 3,542.1 82.89 0.15 0.18 82.93 82.29
MidCap 400 2323.54 2252.32 2269.45 -37.17 -1.61 2315.36 1218.55 10.5 -1.6 5.6 Total volume*6,556,894,591 316,958,113
SmallCap 600 1128.80 1094.37 1106.93 -12.00 -1.07 1124.94 595.67 8.5 -1.1 5.4 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*4,238,295,719 152,386,506
Atlantic American AAME 250.4 3.25 1.11 51.87 3.89 2.18 Decl. volume*2,277,079,626 163,074,722
Other Indexes
Boston Private Financial BPFH 399.9 10.59 2.20 26.22 10.99 8.39 Issues traded 3,854 1,470
Russell 2000 1990.70 1927.15 1945.91 -28.94 -1.47 2007.10 991.16 17.0 -1.5 7.7
Advances 1,552 525
NYSE Composite 14605.75 14258.25 14376.70 -148.10 -1.02 14524.80 8777.38 3.1 -1.0 3.3 Jefferies Financial Group JEF 52.6 26.16 1.34 5.40 26.99 24.82
Declines 2,226 924
Value Line 572.75 557.26 561.65 -7.12 -1.25 568.77 305.71 1.8 -1.3 -0.6 AgEagle Aerial Systems UAVS 63.4 5.70 0.23 4.20 5.75 5.45
Unchanged 76 21
NYSE Arca Biotech 5776.36 5664.30 5741.55 2.54 0.04 6142.96 3855.67 14.0 0.04 9.9
Genworth Financial A GNW 460.9 2.79 0.10 3.72 3.17 2.68
New highs 296 349
NYSE Arca Pharma 692.08 679.16 687.38 -2.04 -0.30 691.70 494.36 5.4 -0.3 7.4 ...And losers New lows 20 41
KBW Bank 98.54 95.77 96.96 -0.95 -0.97 112.35 56.19 -13.3 -1.0 -3.7 ViewRay VRAY 550.2 5.65 -0.76 -11.86 6.63 5.44 Closing Arms† 0.37 0.62
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 154.89 149.40 154.07 9.88 6.85 161.14 70.12 46.6 6.9 20.6 Fate Therapeutics FATE 51.8 84.75 -4.93 -5.50 89.68 83.00 Block trades* 48,478 1,302
PHLX§ Oil Service 45.70 44.00 44.91 0.58 1.31 80.99 21.47 -44.5 1.3 -34.1 ZIOPHARM Oncology ZIOP 71.0 2.71 -0.11 -3.90 2.82 2.70 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 2872.20 2763.09 2783.21 -12.29 -0.44 2816.27 1286.84 51.7 -0.4 28.3 Generation Bio GBIO 1,203.7 29.00 -1.08 -3.59 30.08 28.30 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 29.19 22.56 26.97 4.22 18.55 82.69 12.10 94.7 18.5 43.0 NGM Biopharmaceuticals NGM 79.2 28.50 -0.75 -2.56 29.28 25.43 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
 Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World MSCI ACWI 642.98 –3.32 –0.51 –0.5 Bionano Genomics BNGO 7.20 4.12 133.77 7.24 0.25 466.9 Calithera Biosciences CALA 2.72 -2.19 -44.60 8.18 2.46 -46.9
MSCI ACWI ex-USA 328.99 2.49 0.76 0.8 The9 ADR NCTY 6.62 3.08 87.01 12.30 2.04 -35.1 QuantumScape QS 49.96 -34.49 -40.84 132.73 9.74 ...
MSCI World 2670.04 –20.00 –0.74 –0.7 ViewRay VRAY 6.41 2.59 67.80 6.95 1.11 65.2 Genworth Financial A GNW 2.69 -1.09 -28.84 4.84 1.87 -39.1
MSCI Emerging Markets 1304.43 12.68 0.98 1.0 Pandion Therapeutics PAND 21.94 7.09 47.74 27.75 10.28 ... Beam Global BEEM 55.81 -17.97 -24.36 75.90 4.28 1168.4
Americas MSCI AC Americas 1447.96 –19.86 –1.35 –1.4 Kaspien Holdings KSPN 20.19 5.56 38.03 20.20 1.96 797.5 Bonso Electronics Intl BNSO 5.90 -1.79 -23.28 10.44 1.94 156.5
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 17527.77 94.41 0.54 0.5 EyePoint Pharmaceuticals EYPT 9.01 2.43 36.93 21.00 3.51 -38.7 Greenpro Capital GRNQ 1.59 -0.46 -22.44 3.12 0.21 144.6
Latin Amer. MSCI EM Latin America 2459.84 8.08 0.33 0.3 Bit Digital BTBT 29.27 7.36 33.59 33.00 0.28 7224.8 CNFinance Holdings ADR CNF 3.28 -0.93 -22.09 5.05 2.90 -29.0
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 118854.71 –162.53 –0.14 –0.1 U.S. Silica Holdings SLCA 8.97 1.95 27.78 9.11 0.79 40.4 MicroSectors Gold 3X Invr GDXD 17.68 -4.69 -20.96 28.50 17.27 ...
Chile Santiago IPSA 2912.49 54.88 1.92 1.9 Tiziana Life Sciences ADR TLSA 2.58 0.56 27.72 12.17 0.62 152.9 Chindata Group ADR CD 19.00 -4.96 -20.70 24.30 13.12 ...
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 44703.00 636.12 1.44 1.4 Genetic Technologies ADR GENE 4.50 0.90 25.00 10.30 1.41 116.3 PMV Pharmaceuticals PMVP 49.25 -12.26 -19.93 63.22 31.05 ...
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 401.69 2.66 0.67 0.7 Insignia Systems ISIG 7.31 1.43 24.33 12.25 3.78 32.2 Professional Diversity IPDN 2.08 -0.51 -19.69 5.56 0.76 128.6
Eurozone Euro Stoxx 400.14 2.58 0.65 0.6 Universal Security UUU 6.16 1.15 22.95 13.94 0.30 952.4 FG Financial Group FGF 3.39 -0.83 -19.67 6.40 2.80 -38.1
Belgium Bel-20 3664.24 42.96 1.19 1.2 Peabody Energy BTU 2.94 0.53 21.99 10.25 0.80 -70.3 Indonesia Energy INDO 6.09 -1.41 -18.80 11.87 1.55 -15.1
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 1487.58 22.41 1.53 1.5 MicroSec Gold 3X Lvgd ETN GDXU 30.76 5.42 21.39 31.26 21.29 ... Sigilon Therapeutics SGTX 39.25 -8.78 -18.28 54.32 22.00 ...
5588.96 0.68 0.7 Studio City Intl ADR MSC 14.23 2.36 19.88 27.00 11.87 -27.9 Clene CLNN 7.57 -1.44 -15.98 10.00 7.20 ...
France CAC 40 37.55
Germany DAX 13726.74 7.96 0.06 0.1
Israel Tel Aviv 1498.03 –8.92 –0.59 –0.1
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Italy FTSE MIB 22315.87 82.97 0.37 0.4 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
Netherlands AEX 631.03 6.42 1.03 1.0
2.69 2.7 Bionano Genomics BNGO 572,923 1716.4 7.20 133.77 7.24 0.25 Invsc S&P MC Value Mom XMVM 450 7065 35.80 -2.14 37.12 17.03
Russia RTS Index 1424.84 37.38
1.80 Zomedica ZOM 374,616 578.4 0.35 51.78 0.50 0.06 Magellan Health MGLN 4,748 3618 93.64 13.04 94.23 30.60
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 60479.42 1070.74 1.8
Spain IBEX 35 8099.20 25.50 0.32 0.3 Jaguar Health JAGX 337,731 895.2 1.78 118.40 1.85 0.19 Alberton Acquisition Cl A ALAC 1,887 3554 13.55 18.76 14.18 10.25
775.29 0.90 0.9 Check-Cap CHEK 333,446 12950.5 1.45 215.22 2.37 0.24 FT Mid Cap Value FNK 255 3006 35.11 -1.75 36.40 17.87
Sweden OMX Stockholm 6.91
0.33 0.3
Sundial Growers SNDL 265,688 16.3 0.55 16.16 3.88 0.14 iSh Focused Value Factor FOVL 182 2468 42.20 -1.01 50.84 25.83
Switzerland Swiss Market 10738.39 34.88
Turkey BIST 100 1495.43 18.71 1.27 1.3 NIO ADR NIO 211,973 22.9 53.49 9.75 57.20 2.11 China Unicom HK ADR CHU 10,480 2378 5.50 -3.17 9.35 5.08
U.K. FTSE 100 6571.88 111.36 1.72 1.7 Ocugen OCGN 167,782 323.0 3.07 67.76 3.50 0.17 iSh Cybersecurity Tech IHAK 1,574 2166 39.65 -1.73 41.61 20.36
20537.89 0.24 0.2 Apple AAPL 142,845 24.1 129.41 -2.47 138.79 53.15 iShares US Basic Material IYM 2,622 1858 112.71 -0.62 115.51 59.49
U.K. FTSE 250 49.59
Acasti Pharma ACST 112,568 512.0 0.40 21.54 2.54 0.17 China Telecom ADR CHA 2,031 1772 26.04 -5.48 41.49 24.10
Asia-Pacific MSCI AC Asia Pacific 201.23 1.27 0.63 0.7
Naked Brand Group NAKD 108,108 5.0 0.22 13.39 2.62 0.07 Innov MSCI EM Pwr Jan EJAN 437 1744 29.70 -1.13 30.29 20.99
Australia S&P/ASX 200 6684.20 97.10 1.47 1.5
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
China Shanghai Composite 3502.96 29.89 0.86 0.9 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Hong Kong Hang Seng 27472.81 241.68 0.89 0.9
48176.80 0.64 0.9
Track the Markets
India S&P BSE Sensex 307.82
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 27258.38 –185.79 –0.68 –0.7
Compare the performance of selected
global stock indexes, bond ETFs,
Singapore Straits Times 2858.90 15.09 0.53 0.5 currencies and commodities at
South Korea Kospi 2944.45 70.98 2.47 2.5 Currencies
Taiwan TAIEX 14902.03 169.50 1.15 1.2 U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
Thailand SET 1468.24 18.89 1.30 1.3 Get real-time U.S. stock quotes and track most-active stocks, new US$vs, US$vs,
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data highs/lows and mutual funds. Available free at Mon YTDchg Mon YTDchg
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)
Americas Vietnam dong .00004330 23080 unch
CREDIT MARKETS Argentina peso .0118 84.6283 0.6 Europe
Brazil real .1888 5.2972 2.0 Czech Rep. koruna .04677 21.381 –0.4
Canada dollar .7826 1.2778 0.3 Denmark krone .1647 6.0723 –0.3
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury yield Yields
curve Forex Race Chile peso .001420 704.30 –0.9 Euro area euro 1.2255 .8160 –0.3
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates andtoRates
Yield maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Colombiapeso .000290 3449.50 0.8 Hungary forint .003392 294.85 –0.7
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Iceland krona .007848 127.42 –0.3
A consumer rate against its Five-year ARM, Rate Mexico peso .0501 19.9681 0.4 Norway krone .1169 8.5527 –0.3
benchmark over the past year 2.50% Uruguay peso .02362 42.3450 –0.02 Poland zloty .2690 3.7181 –0.4 avg†: 3.20% 10% Asia-Pacific Russia ruble .01343 74.482 0.6
2.50% Euro Sweden krona .1212 8.2520 0.3

5-year Citizens Equity First Credit Union One year ago 2.00 Australian dollar .7668 1.3041 0.3
adjustable-rate 4.00% Peoria, IL 309-633-3603 5 Switzerland franc 1.1349 .8811 –0.4
t China yuan .1548 6.4616 –1.1
t mortgage (ARM) 1.50 Turkey lira .1347 7.4248 –0.2
Haven Savings Bank 2.50% s Hong Kong dollar .1290 7.7538 0.01
3.00 0 Ukraine hryvnia .0350 28.5500 0.7
1.00 Yen India rupee .01368 73.078 0.1
Hoboken, NJ 201-659-3600 UK pound 1.3574 .7367 0.7
Tradeweb ICE Indonesia rupiah .0000720 13895 –1.1
2.00 Star One Credit Union 2.63% 0.50 –5 s Japan yen .009696 103.13 –0.2 Middle East/Africa
Monday Close
Sunnyvale, CA 408-742-2801 t WSJ Dollar index Kazakhstan tenge .002374 421.25 –0.03 Bahrain dinar 2.6522 .3771 unch
5-year Treasury 1.00 0.00 Macau pataca .1251 7.9920 0.01 Egypt pound .0635 15.7393 –0.04
Associated Bank, NA 2.75% –10
t note yield Malaysia ringgit .2496 4.0065 –0.4 Israel shekel .3115 3.2100 –0.1
Rockford, IL 800-682-4989 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 2020 2021
0.00 New Zealand dollar .7178 1.3931 0.1 Kuwait dinar 3.2889 .3041 –0.02
East Cambridge Savings Bank 2.75% month(s) years
J FMAM J J A S ON D J Pakistan rupee .00623 160.400 0.02 Oman sul rial 2.5974 .3850 unch
Cambridge, MA 866-354-3272 maturity Philippines peso .0208 48.040 0.1 Qatar rial .2747 3.640 –0.03
Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Singapore dollar .7572 1.3206 –0.1 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7515 –0.01
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg South Korea won .0009202 1086.69 0.1 South Africa rand .0679 14.7225 0.2
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields Sri Lanka rupee .0053476 187.00 0.9
Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Federal-funds rate target 0.00-0.25 0.00-0.25 0.00 l 1.75 -1.25 Taiwan dollar .03559 28.095 0.02
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Thailand baht .03344 29.900 –0.5 WSJ Dollar Index 84.98 –0.02–0.03 –0.03
Prime rate* 3.25 3.25 3.25 l 4.75 -1.25 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr
Libor, 3-month 0.24 0.24 0.20 l 1.88 -1.47 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
U.S. Treasury, Barclays 2459.080 0.570 0.580 1.790 0.400 7.219 5.283
Money market, annual yield 0.20 0.20 0.19 l 0.57 -0.13
Five-year CD, annual yield 0.56 0.58 0.56 l 1.41 -0.96 U.S. Treasury Long, Barclays 4716.280 1.520 1.530 2.320 0.980 14.876 10.074 Commodities
30-year mortgage, fixed† 2.89 2.92 2.86 l 4.22 -1.02 Aggregate, Barclays 2290.730 1.130 1.150 2.310 1.020 6.875 5.396 Monday 52-Week YTD
Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 2.37 2.40 2.37 l 3.43 -0.99 Fixed-Rate MBS, Barclays 2231.840 1.250 1.290 2.690 0.930 3.729 3.739
Jumbo mortgages, $548,250-plus† 2.90 2.94 2.87 l 4.36 -1.42 DJ Commodity 733.66 2.07 0.28 733.66 433.70 13.24 0.28
High Yield 100, ICE BofA n.a. n.a. 3.577 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. TR/CC CRB Index 167.35 -0.45 -0.27 187.39 106.29 -10.70 -0.27
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 3.20 3.21 2.85 l 4.35 -0.83
Muni Master, ICE BofA n.a. n.a. 0.867 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Crude oil, $ per barrel 47.62 -0.90 -1.85 63.27 -37.63 -24.74 -1.85
New-car loan, 48-month 4.02 4.02 4.02 l 4.50 0.78 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 933.830 4.300 4.355 7.480 4.295 5.788 4.861 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 2.581 0.042 1.65 3.354 1.482 20.89 1.65
banks.† Excludes closing costs.
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; S&P Dow Jones Indices; Bloomberg Barclays; ICE Data Services
Gold, $ per troy oz. 1944.70 51.60 2.73 2051.50 1477.30 24.17 2.73
B8 | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Futures Contracts Open

High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg

Metal & Petroleum Futures July 630.50 636.25 s 623.00 629.75 1.50 78,357 March .9700 .9744 .9687 .9705 .0016 204,061 June 30342 30562 s 29648 29984 –393 77
Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD S&P 500 Index (CME)-$250 x index
Contract Open
March 605.00 613.75 s 597.00 599.50 –4.00 122,152 Jan .7858 .7896 s .7814 .7829 –.0004 1,339 March 3694.70 3772.70 s 3691.30 3692.20 –56.60 8,633
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest
May 607.75 616.00 s 600.25 603.25 –3.00 38,156 March .7855 .7897 s .7815 .7830 –.0004 146,596 Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £ March 3748.75 3773.25 s 3652.50 3692.25 –56.50 2,531,490
Jan 3.5590 3.6010 3.5415 3.5530 0.0390 3,422 Jan 1.3674 1.3704 s 1.3544 1.3568 –.0087 740
Jan 138.550 138.800 134.500 134.950 –4.000 7,616 June 3739.75 3762.75 s 3642.75 3682.00 –56.50 4,122
March 3.5270 3.6070 3.5220 3.5545 0.0355 160,440 March 1.3667 1.3710 s 1.3547 1.3572 –.0087 139,189
March 139.675 139.900 135.400 136.025 –4.200 21,273 Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
Jan 1912.20 1945.10 1912.20 1944.70 51.60 521 March 2307.40 2330.60 2246.20 2266.80 –36.70 52,210
Feb 115.300 115.375 111.500 112.300 –2.725 109,499 March 1.1340 1.1406 s 1.1328 1.1378 .0056 48,293
Feb 1908.20 1948.70 1906.10 1946.60 51.50 406,192 June … 2277.20 –38.80 n.a.
April 119.300 119.500 115.650 116.250 –3.000 82,095 June 1.1364 1.1434 s 1.1359 1.1408 .0056 80
March 1917.80 1949.90 s 1917.80 1949.00 51.70 2 Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD March 12889.00 12959.75 s 12522.50 12685.50 –200.00 219,677
April 1912.50 1953.00 1911.30 1951.10 51.50 87,935 Feb 71.425 72.000 70.675 71.225 .950 79,402 Jan .7711 .7741 .7644 .7672 –.0024 762
June 1918.00 1955.60 1918.00 1954.30 51.50 36,025 June 12857.25 12942.50 s 12508.75 12670.25 –200.25 1,166
April 73.000 74.025 72.600 73.625 1.375 45,762 March .7703 .7746 .7647 .7675 –.0025 138,167
Aug 1927.20 1958.50 1926.90 1957.60 51.80 12,243 Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Jan 873.10 883.00 864.00 876.80 3.70 545 March 1977.90 1997.60 1920.50 1945.50 –29.30 532,515
Jan .05052 .05060 .05000 .05017 .00009 87
Jan s 2385.90 –62.60 1 March 727.00 748.90 694.00 700.60 –16.30 1,706 March .04992 .05032 .04962 .04983 .00009 140,306 June 1972.60 1992.70 1918.00 1941.20 –29.40 31
March 2464.50 2485.50 s 2370.00 2391.20 –62.60 8,989 Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per € Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Jan 15.81 16.16 15.39 15.42 –.38 3,681 Jan 1.2240 1.2313 1.2240 1.2256 .0025 2,093 March 2121.50 2121.60 s 2063.70 2084.50 –32.10 8,055
Jan 1085.40 1117.50 s 1052.30 1066.00 –9.40 882 Feb 17.30 17.99 16.99 17.12 –.37 3,001 March 1.2252 1.2330 s 1.2249 1.2271 .0025 662,648 U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
April 1081.00 1142.00 s 1055.00 1071.50 –7.70 56,873 Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. March 89.87 89.93 t 89.39 89.85 –.05 34,928
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. March 2,624 2,661 2,542 2,552 –51 96,899 Index Futures June 89.74 89.89 t 89.38 89.82 –.04 531
Jan 27.284 0.952 483 May 2,545 2,589 2,497 2,507 –28 56,240
March 26.770 27.760 26.730 27.364 0.952 144,172 Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb. Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. March 30481 30691 s 29760 30104 –393 84,975 Source: FactSet
March 128.40 129.40 125.25 126.15 –2.10 110,946
Feb 48.40 49.83 s 47.18 47.62 –0.90 367,996 May 130.00 131.30 127.25 128.10 –2.05 46,173
March 48.49 49.94 s 47.31 47.76 –0.87 270,365 Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
50.01 s
50.00 s
47.87 –0.82
47.92 –0.77
16.13 s
15.20 s
Bonds |
June 48.40 49.96 s 47.50 47.92 –0.71 230,220 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Dec 47.36 48.97 s 46.81 47.18 –0.50 269,319 March 28.50
Tracking Bond Benchmarks
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. July
Feb 1.4828 1.5347 s 1.4522 1.4620 –.0220 98,160 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
March 1.4839 1.5348 s 1.4540 1.4640 –.0214 52,924 March 78.25 79.90 s 78.25 78.97 .85 127,824 highs and lows for different types of bonds
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. May 78.78 80.51 s 78.78 79.69 .99 43,378 Total Total
Feb 1.4085 1.4516 s 1.3620 1.3729 –.0372 120,263 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%)
March 1.4131 1.4560 s 1.3697 1.3807 –.0347 79,340 Jan 121.90 121.90 121.90 121.80 –1.45 674 close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. March 125.80 126.95 121.00 122.85 –2.65 8,706
Feb 2.626 2.670 s 2.566 2.581 .042 197,610 Broad Market Bloomberg Barclays Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Barclays
March 2.601 2.643 s 2.553 2.561 .035 250,113 Interest Rate Futures 2231.84 n.a. Mortgage-Backed 1.250 0.930 2.690
April 2.605 2.652 s 2.576 2.582 .044 111,461
2290.73 -0.1 U.S. Aggregate 1.130 1.020 2.310
Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
May 2.617 2.669 s 2.601 2.608 .053 64,315 March 212-310 213-260 211-180 213-060 –12.0 1,044,130 U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Barclays 2178.50 n.a. Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 0.710 0.290 2.660
Sept 2.786 2.809 s 2.760 2.767 .055 46,908 Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 3453.44 -0.2 U.S. Corporate 1.770 1.740 4.580 1318.14 n.a. Fannie mae (FNMA) 1.430 1.110 2.690
Oct 2.813 2.837 s 2.784 2.793 .052 112,039 March 172-270 173-110 172-040 173-010 –5.0 1,161,798
June 170-200 171-210 170-200 171-190 –7.0 14 3112.30 -0.1 Intermediate 1.100 1.080 4.400 2023.30 n.a. Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 1.410 1.080 2.710
Agriculture Futures Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
5170.55 -0.4 Long term 2.810 2.730 4.930 n.a. n.a. Muni Master n.a. n.a. n.a.
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March 137-310 138-055 137-260 138-040 1.5 3,229,599
March 487.25 497.75 s 479.50 483.75 –.25 835,996 June 136-230 137-085 136-195 137-065 .5 140 701.91 -0.2 Double-A-rated 1.420 1.300 3.360 n.a. n.a. 7-12 year n.a. n.a. n.a.
May 486.00 497.25 s 480.25 484.25 1.00 272,697 5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 126-045 126-070 126-022 126-065 1.2 3,238,502 921.07 -0.2 Triple-B-rated 2.020 2.010 5.350 n.a. n.a. 12-22 year n.a. n.a. n.a.
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
March 361.00 370.00 s 353.75 356.00 –4.75 3,986 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100% High Yield Bonds ICE BofA n.a. n.a. 22-plus year n.a. n.a. n.a.
May 358.75 364.75 s 350.00 351.25 –3.75 527 March 110-155 110-158 110-151 110-157 .1 1,903,468
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg. n.a. n.a. High Yield Constrained n.a. n.a. n.a. Global Government J.P. Morgan†
1349.75 s Jan 99.9175 99.9200 99.9150 99.9150 –.0050 158,760 n.a.
Jan 1324.00 1306.25 1316.50 1.25 4,198 n.a. n.a. Triple-C-rated n.a. n.a. n.a. 615.25 Global Government 0.550 0.390 1.040
March 1319.25 1349.50 s 1301.00 1313.00 2.00 410,499 Feb 99.9250 99.9250 99.9200 99.9200 .0000 151,511
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. 10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% n.a. n.a. High Yield 100 n.a. n.a. n.a. 863.65 n.a. Canada 0.820 0.590 1.700
Jan 439.10 444.90 s 425.70 427.20 –7.20 3,794 March 97-275 98-045 97-225 98-015 2.0 109,264
Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100% n.a. n.a. Global High Yield Constrained n.a. n.a. n.a. 420.98 0.1 EMU§ 0.042 0.010 0.794
March 431.90 440.80 s 420.70 423.70 –5.70 185,549
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Jan 99.8025 99.8075 99.8000 99.8025 –.0025 250,642 n.a.
Europe High Yield Constrained n.a. n.a. n.a. 793.96 n.a. France -0.120 -0.160 0.430
Jan 43.63 44.61 s 42.50 42.93 –.40 2,290 March 99.8300 99.8350 99.8250 99.8300 … 1,060,812
March 42.50 44.07 s 41.75 42.13 –.27 212,138 June 99.8350 99.8450 99.8300 99.8400 .0050 942,621 U.S Agency Bloomberg Barclays 552.95 0.1 Germany -0.480 -0.740 -0.050
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. Sept 99.8300 99.8400 99.8250 99.8350 .0050 795,681
1868.29 n.a. U.S Agency 0.480 0.460 1.880 295.12 n.a. Japan 0.300 0.040 0.320
Jan 12.65 12.65 12.65 12.45 .05 114
March 12.75 13.02 s 12.62 12.73 .04 9,138 Currency Futures 1628.25 n.a. 10-20 years 0.360 0.340 1.760 619.04 0.1 Netherlands -0.400 -0.540 0.080
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥ 4276.71 n.a. 20-plus years 1.630 1.170 2.410 1095.68 n.a. U.K. 0.540 0.390 1.130
March 643.00 650.25 s 634.00 642.00 1.50 193,713 Jan .9683 .9737 s .9682 .9699 .0016 1,209
2935.26 n.a. Yankee 1.380 1.370 3.500 933.83 n.a. Emerging Markets ** 4.300 4.295 7.480
*Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds

Cash Prices | Monday, January 4, 2021 ** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Barclays; J.P.Morgan

These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace—
separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
months. Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
Monday Monday Monday
selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *n.a. Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 6.6000
Energy Country/ Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Copper,Comex spot 3.5530 Yield (%)
Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 54.350 Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s 164.5 Food Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 11.550 Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,m 371 Beef,carcass equiv. index 0.125 U.S. 2 0.115 t l 0.119 0.151 1.523
Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s 1009 181.36 0.875 10 0.915 s 0.913 0.967 1.787
Metals choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u l
Fibers and Textiles select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 168.26
Gold, per troy oz Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 0.8048
2.250 Australia 2 0.076 t l 0.079 0.110 0.836 -4.1 -4.2 -69.7
Engelhard industrial 1941.00 Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.6450 Butter,AA Chicago 1.3950 1.000 10 0.994 s l 0.982 1.006 1.266 7.8 6.3 -52.3
Handy & Harman base 1943.20 Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.7597 Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago 148.25
Handy & Harman fabricated 2156.95 Cotlook 'A' Index-t *n.a. Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago 161.75 0.000 France 2 -0.677 s l -0.698 -0.688 -0.599 -79.4 -81.9 -213.2
LBMA Gold Price AM *n.a. Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u n.a. Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb. 114.75 0.000 10 -0.365 t l -0.341 -0.305 0.021 -128.0 -126.0 -176.8
LBMA Gold Price PM *n.a. Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a. Coffee,Brazilian,Comp 1.2012
Krugerrand,wholesale-e 2028.62 Grains and Feeds Coffee,Colombian, NY 1.7603 0.000 Germany 2 -0.717 t l -0.710 -0.742 -0.626 -83.4 -83.1 -215.9
Maple Leaf-e 2048.13 Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 0.7750
Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a. 0.000 10 -0.605 t l -0.571 -0.543 -0.280 -152.0 -149.0 -207.0
American Eagle-e 2048.13 Flour,hard winter KC 16.30
Mexican peso-e 2359.84 Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u 148 Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u n.a.
Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 4.7750
0.050 Italy 2 -0.413 t l -0.411 -0.397 -0.222 -53.0 -53.2 -175.4
Austria crown-e 1914.98 Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 62.33
Austria phil-e 2048.13 Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 152.7 Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u n.a. 0.900 10 0.551 s l 0.546 0.629 1.345 -36.5 -37.3 -44.4
Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 565.2 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 0.8652
Silver, troy oz. 0.100 Japan 2 -0.124 t l -0.120 -0.130 -0.125 -24.1 -24.1 -165.7
Cottonseed meal-u,w n.a. Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u 112.00
Engelhard industrial 27.5100
Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 118 Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w n.a. 0.100 10 0.023 t l 0.025 0.026 -0.016 -89.3 -89.4 -180.5
Handy & Harman base 27.2000
Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 300
Handy & Harman fabricated 34.0000
Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 3.7150 Fats and Oils 0.400 Spain 2 -0.595 s l -0.629 -0.588 -0.376 -71.2 -75.0 -190.8
LBMA spot price *£19.4100 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 26.88
(U.S.$ equivalent) *26.4850 Corn oil,crude wet/dry mill wtd. avg.-u,w 41.5000 1.250 10 0.030 t l 0.041 0.085 0.388 -88.6 -87.8 -140.1
Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u 6.9375
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 20191 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u 424.70 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.3200
0.125 U.K. 2 -0.157 t l -0.148 -0.035 0.557 -27.4 -26.9 -97.6
Other metals Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 13.0600 Lard,Chicago-u n.a.
LBMA Platinum Price PM *n.a. Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 7.1400 Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u 0.4393 4.750 10 0.176 t l 0.200 0.354 0.739 -73.9 -71.9 -105.0
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 1121.0 Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u 6.7450 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.3800
Source: Tullett Prebon, Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close
Palladium,Engelhard industrial 2469.0 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 6.2450 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.

KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co; Corporate Debt
M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; W=weekly; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 12/31/20 Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
Source: Dow Jones Market Data
Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
Borrowing Benchmarks | Spread*, in basis points
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
Money Rates January 4, 2021
Archer–Daniels–Midland 4.535 2.40 March 26, ’42 74 –6
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a
ADM n.a.
guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions. Santander UK SANUK 2.875 0.72 June 18, ’24 56 –6

Inflation Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK—

Lloyds Banking 4.582 1.46 Dec. 10, ’25 111 –5
Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low
Nov. index Chg From (%)
Switzerland 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 UnitedHealth 3.750 0.54 July 15, ’25 18 –5
level Oct. '20 Nov. '19 Treasury bill auction UNH 33
Britain 0.10 0.10 0.75 0.10 4 weeks 0.080 0.080 1.575 0.000
U.S. consumer price index Australia 0.10 0.10 0.75 0.10
–0.06 1.2
13 weeks 0.090 0.095 1.550 0.000 …And spreads that widened the most
All items 260.229 26 weeks 0.090 0.100 1.535 0.080
Overnight repurchase
Core 269.473 0.05 1.6 17
U.S. 0.11 0.12 1.65 -0.07 Nomura Holdings NOMURA 1.851 1.00 July 16, ’25 65 n.a.
Secondary market
International rates 14
U.S. government rates Fannie Mae Verizon Communications VZ 4.862 3.03 Aug. 21, ’46 137 127
Week 52-Week 30-year mortgage yields
Latest High Low Discount NatWest 4.800 1.25 April 5, ’26 90 9
30 days 1.879 1.938 3.252 1.751
NWG n.a.
0.25 0.25 2.25 0.25 60 days 1.906 1.962 3.265 1.804
Prime rates Mitsubishi UFJ Financial 3.741 1.50 March 7, ’29 58 8
MUFG n.a.
U.S. 3.25 3.25 4.75 3.25 Federal funds
2.45 2.45 3.95 2.45
Other short-term rates
Canada Effective rate 0.0900 0.0900 1.6200 0.0600 Royal Bank of Canada 0.500 0.34 Oct. 26, ’23 22 8
RY 24
Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 High 0.1000 0.1000 1.6500 0.1000 Week 52-Week
Low 0.0500 0.0500 1.5800 0.0100 Latest ago high low General Electric Capital 6.875 3.42 Jan. 10, ’39 175 7
Policy Rates
… 180
Bid 0.0800 0.0800 1.6000 0.0100
Euro zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Offer 0.1100 0.1000 1.6300 0.0500 Call money Nestle Holdings 0.375 0.39 Jan. 15, ’24 22 7
2.00 2.00 3.50 2.00
Toronto–Dominion Bank 0.750 0.69 Sept. 11, ’25 34 7
Commercial paper (AA financial) TD 34
Key Interest Rates 90 days 0.20 0.14 2.53 0.04
Data are annualized on a 360-day basis. Treasury yields are per annum, High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…
on actively traded noninflation and inflation-indexed issues that are One month 0.13975 0.14513 1.69900 0.12663
Bond Price as % of face value
adjusted to constant maturities. Data are from weekly Federal Reserve Three month 0.23725 0.24013 1.87800 0.20488 Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
release H.15. Six month 0.25588 0.26663 1.89425 0.23375
0.34063 0.34038 1.96875 0.32763 Transocean 7.500 24.65 April 15, ’31 36.750 1.00
Week Ended 52-Week Week Ended 52-Week
One year RIG 35.000
Jan 1 Dec 25 High Low Jan 1 Dec 25 High Low
Euro Libor L Brands 6.950 6.44 March 1, ’33 104.220 0.45
6-month 0.10 0.09 1.58 0.06 LB n.a.
Federal funds (effective) 1-year 0.11 0.09 1.57 0.09 One month -0.590 -0.597 -0.360 -0.621
0.09 0.09 1.59 0.04 0.13 Three month -0.563 -0.564 -0.142 -0.574 Ford Motor Credit 4.389 3.17 Jan. 8, ’26 105.625 0.38
2-year 0.13 1.58 0.11 … 105.125
3-year 0.17 0.18 1.59 0.13 Six month -0.535 -0.530 -0.052 -0.540
Commercial paper One year -0.494 -0.485 0.008 -0.501 0.25
5-year 0.37 0.38 1.66 0.21 Dell DELL 7.100 2.27 April 15, ’28 132.250 131.162
Nonfinancial 7-year 0.66 0.66 1.79 0.39
1-month 0.09 0.09 1.60 0.07 10-year 0.94 0.95 1.88 0.55
Secured Overnight Financing Rate
2-month 0.10 0.10 1.60 0.07 20-year 1.46 1.47 2.19 0.99 0.07 0.08 1.64 0.01 …And with the biggest price decreases
3-month 0.12 0.15 1.84 0.09
Financial Value 52-Week –3.06
Treasury yields (secondary market) Latest Traded High Low Macy's M 6.790 7.90 July 15, ’27 94.438 n.a.
1-month 0.10 0.11 2.15 0.08
2-month n.a. 0.23 2.27 0.08
1-month 0.08 0.08 1.58 0.00
3-month 0.10 DTCC GCF Repo Index United Airlines Holdings 4.875 5.65 Jan. 15, ’25 97.250 –1.53
3-month 0.16 0.17 2.44 0.11 0.09 1.55 -0.01 UAL 97.000
6-month 0.10 0.09 1.54 0.06 Treasury 0.121 n.a. 1.720 0.002
Discount window primary credit MBS 0.125 n.a. 1.703 0.011 American Airlines 11.750 7.80 July 15, ’25 114.803 –0.82
TIPS AAL 114.250
0.25 0.25 2.25 0.25
5-year -1.55 -1.54 0.41 -1.55 Notes on data:
Treasury yields at constant 7-year -1.29 -1.28 0.35 -1.29 U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate Netflix NFLX 5.375 3.09 Nov. 15, ’29 117.574 117.870
maturities 10-year -1.04 -1.01 0.35 -1.05 loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest
1-month 0.08 0.08 1.61 0.01 20-year -0.59 -0.56 0.47 -0.70 U.S. banks, and is effective March 16, 2020. Nokia Oyj 6.625 4.37 May 15, ’39 128.250 –0.50
Long-term avg -0.46 Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable;
NOKIA n.a.
3-month 0.10 0.09 1.58 0.01 -0.44 0.62 -0.50
lending practices vary widely by location;
Sprint 7.875 1.89 Sept. 15, ’23 115.625 –0.41
Notes on data: Discount rate is effective March 16, 2020. S 115.967
Secured Overnight Financing Rate is as of
Federal-funds rate is an average for the seven days ended Wednesday, weighted according to rates December 29, 2020. DTCC GCF Repo Index is GrafTech Finance 4.625 4.47 Dec. 15, ’28 101.000 –0.38
on broker trades; Commercial paper rates are discounted offer rates interpolated from sales by Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted
… 100.979
discounted averages of dealer bid rates on nationally traded certificates of deposit; Discount window average for overnight trades in applicable
R.R. Donnelley & Sons 8.820 8.39 April 15, ’31 102.875 –0.38
primary credit rate is charged for discounts made and advances extended under the Federal CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of U.S. dollars. RRD 103.000
Reserve's primary credit discount window program; rate is average for seven days ended Wednesday; Federal-funds rates are Tullett Prebon rates as
Inflation-indexed long-term TIPS average is indexed and is based on the unweighted average bid of 5:30 p.m. ET.
*Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
yields for all TIPS with remaining terms to maturity of 10 years or more; Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
Sources: Federal Reserve; for additional information on these rate data and their derivation, Statistics; DTCC; FactSet;
please see, Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd. Source: MarketAxess
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * Tuesday, January 5, 2021 | B9


Fidelity Seeks to Convert Day Traders

As assets under three times as many new ac- headquarters.
counts as in 2019. FMR LLC, the firm’s parent
management surge, Moves by Fidelity and many company, earned $6.87 billion
firm looks to expand rivals to slash commissions on in 2019 on $20.9 billion in rev-
many trades to zero in late enue.
services that draw fees 2019 set the stage for the There are some clear stra-
large uptick in 2020. Those tegic differences between Fi-
BY JUSTIN BAER cuts, along with other innova- delity and rivals in how they
tions like the industry’s broad make money.
Individual investors’ fasci- embrace of trading in frac- In 2015, Fidelity stopped
nation with the markets pro- tional shares, was then cou- taking payments from market-
duced its share of bold new pled with a transition to re- makers for routing stock
winners in 2020. Few had mote work that gave many trades their way, an industry-
more to gain than one of the Americans the spare time to wide practice. Fidelity does
more traditional money man- place bets. have an alternative trading
agers, Fidelity Investments. “A couple years ago, the system, which allows the firm
Fidelity ended the third sense was the brokerage in- to collect a fee from institu-
quarter with $8.8 trillion in dustry was consolidating and tional clients for matching its
assets under administration, the business was dying,” said orders with those of retail cus-
or what investors held in bro- William Trout, director of tomers. Fidelity doesn’t own a
kerage and retirement ac- wealth management at Javelin banking unit, limiting how
counts on the firm’s platform, Strategy & Research. “Now much interest income it can
and in its funds. That is up you have the perfect storm.” collect from customers’ cash.
from $8.32 trillion in Decem- The latest wave of newcom- The company gets a cut of
ber 2019. ers has skewed younger and is the fees other money manag-
The firm processed 2.2 mil- more diverse than what many ers charge clients who buy
lion trades a day through Sep- wealth managers normally at- their funds on the Fidelity
tember 2020, nearly twice tract, Mr. Ryan said. “They’re platform.
what it had during the year- incredibly important custom- The bigger that platform
earlier period, and has added ers,” he said. “Younger inves- grows, the more bargaining
more than 3.5 million new ac- tors are, on balance, going to power Fidelity wields with


counts since the end of 2019. have smaller accounts. But the managers that want to stay
Fidelity’s tally of new ac- earlier investors start, clearly there.
counts ticked even higher in the greater the potential for The firm is also paid to
the fourth quarter, according substantial income growth.” manage the back-office opera-
to the firm. Their arrival has raised the tions for independent advisers
But there is a caveat. A stakes in asset management. and brokers. And when a cus-
chunk of the new money com- Many in the industry have for tomer ends up turning to one
ing in pays little or no com- years fretted over a future be- of those firms for advice, Fi-
missions or fees. yond wealthy baby boomers. delity can earn a referral fee.
Fidelity’s strategy has been CEO Abigail Johnson says that with so many accounts, the money manager has an edge in scale. But now there is an opportu- Despite the big year, some
to attract as many new inves- nity to attract younger cus- aren’t so sure Fidelity is get-
tors to its platform as possible firms’ futures, but keeping Executives say Fidelity has Fidelity isn’t alone in reap- tomers just as they enter the ting more than its share of po-
with low- or no-cost services. them and migrating them to an advantage over competitors ing the benefits of a surge in market for the first time, and tential individual investors.
Once they are in, the firm is more expensive services is a because it is privately held, investor interest that took firms are trying to position John Bonnanzio, editor of
betting many will graduate to more daunting challenge. with fewer pressures to churn hold of markets last year. themselves to benefit. Fidelity Monitor & Insight, an
more lucrative offerings such Fidelity executives say their out short-term profits—and From the market’s dizzying Fidelity’s strategy during independent investing news-
as financial advice. plan is on track. The firm says because it already manages climb to records, to the multi- this boom appears to be to of- letter, said Fidelity’s Women’s
Whether it works won’t be the number of customers ask- more than 76 million accounts billion-dollar mergers that re- fer as much as possible, know- Leadership Fund, a mutual
known for some time. ing for financial advice, con- across its businesses, including shaped the wealth-manage- ing some of those services will fund that invests in companies
Many firms in the investing necting with call centers, visit- being the nation’s largest bro- ment industry, to the bring in little or no fees. that value women leaders, re-
industry have seen inflows ing the website and accessing kerage and administrator of emergence of a new genera- Whether this strategy is cently caught the attention of
from popular products reverse their accounts from their mo- 401(k)-type retirement plans. tion of day traders at startup working already is tough to his 30-year-old daughter. As
or have watched enthusiasm bile devices are all up. “A lot has to do with scale,” online broker Robinhood tell. Controlled by the Johnson for his son and stepson, each
for the stock market ebb with Fidelity’s full-service Abigail Johnson, Fidelity’s Markets Inc., 2020 was a ban- family since 1946, Fidelity of- still in college: They both set
account balances. It is also wealth-management unit now chief executive, said last ner year for the individual-in- fers few disclosures on the up Robinhood accounts this
easier than ever to move oversees $1.4 trillion. month at the Barron’s Execu- vesting world. Devin Ryan, an profitability of its businesses. past year, he said.
money across firms and strate- “We’ve seen unprecedented tive Briefing conference. “We analyst with JMP Securities, How exactly the firm matches “What I don’t know is if it’s
gies, reducing the client inertia engagement,” said Ram Subra- are able to do core back-office said individual trading volume up with its publicly traded ri- the kind of place young people
Wall Street has long relied on. maniam, Fidelity’s head of processing at lower unit costs. hit a record last year, with vals such as Charles Schwab want to go,” he said. “They
Signing up new clients to wealth management and digi- We can spread costs over many brokers and wealth Corp. remains a mystery to view these larger firms as
accounts is a vital step in tal advice. more transactions.” managers adding two or even most outside Fidelity’s Boston somewhat ‘old school.’”

Trading of EU Stocks Shifts

From U.K. After Brexit Deal
BY BEN DUMMETT Trading venues had been already has triggered an out-
ready for the post-Brexit shift flow of £1.2 trillion, equivalent
The fallout from Britain’s of EU stock trading volume. to about $1.6 trillion, of assets
split from the European Union The LSE’s Turquoise, for ex- to Continental Europe since the
showed itself on the first trad- ample, at the end of November 2016 Brexit vote, and forced
ing day of the year as a big set up a European hub in Am- banks, exchange operators and
chunk of dealing volume in EU sterdam to trade European other financial institutions to
stocks moved from London to stocks. Cboe also has a hub in move hundreds of employees
venues located in Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Aquis operates a and expand or set up new of-
Paris and the continent’s other platform in Paris for the same fices in Frankfurt, Paris and
financial centers. reason. other European cities.
Britain’s membership of the While the operations there- Officials at some exchanges
EU had meant the region’s fore look unlikely to suffer, at say it is too early to determine
banks and investors could by- least in the short term, vol- whether Europe’s domestic
pass the home exchanges of umes leaving London send a stock markets will generate
stocks such as Paris-listed lux- signal that other city centers significant gains in trading
ury-goods giant LVMH Moët can compete effectively and volume on their respective ex-
Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE support comparable services changes as a result of the shift
and Amsterdam-listed Just without hiccups. in activity to the Continent.
Eat NV, the big The LSE declined to com- That is reflected in the mar-
food-delivery company, and ment on the trading volume ket share data of different op-

trade them in London over al- levels of its Turquoise platform erators. For example, trading
ternative venues. Those venues in Amsterdam Monday. For volume on Deutsche Börse’s
included Turquoise, a trading Cboe, about 90% of its trading Xetra exchange currently rep-
facility majority-owned by the volumes of European stocks resents about 14.4% of total
London Stock Exchange had moved to its platform in volume across European mar-
Group PLC, and rival platforms Amsterdam Monday. Before kets, according to Cboe, which
Aquis Exchange PLC and Cboe that, all of that volume had tracks the data. That is up
Global Markets Inc.’s Europe- been handled in London. In the from about an average daily
based marketplace. case of Aquis, close to 100% of share of 13.9% in December.
But with the Brexit trade its volumes of European stocks However, Spain’s Bolsa de Trading in stocks such as Amsterdam-listed Just Eat are among those that moved
agreement taking effect Jan. 1, had moved to its Paris opera- Madrid’s market share and from London because of the trade agreement that took effect Jan. 1.
that option ended. tion. That is up from a minimal that of Euronext NV’s Euro-
The bloc pushed for greater amount when the U.K. was still pean platforms including which was trading 1.5% lower Covid-19’s spread and vaccina- period to really look through
control over the trading of EU part of the EU. those in Amsterdam and Paris against the euro. tions against it are obscuring the overriding factors. It’s
stocks during Brexit negotia- “It’s been an overnight are currently down from their Jane Foley, head of foreign- any impact. quite difficult to figure out
tions as part of its efforts to transition business,” said December averages. exchange strategy at Ra- “Perhaps during the course which factors are pulling in
better compete with London, Belinda Keheyan, head of mar- The shift in trading vol- bobank, said that while the of this year that might become any direction.”
historically Europe’s dominant keting at Aquis. umes of EU stocks coincided change in trading venue might a little more obvious,” Ms. Fo- —Caitlin Ostroff
financial center. The U.K.’s split with the EU with weakness in the pound, weigh on the pound, news on ley said. “We need a longer contributed to this article.

Mutual Funds Data provided by

NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret
DoubleLine Funds CpInc r 10.68 -0.04 -0.3 CapApInst 102.92 -1.30 -1.2 PIMCO Funds A EMAdmr 41.81 +0.13 0.3 WelltnAdml 75.93 -0.67 -0.9 ExtndIstPl 303.54 -4.30 -1.4
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes by net assets. CoreFxdIncmI 11.33 +0.01 0.1 DivIntl 47.97 +0.29 0.6 Harding Loevner IncomeFd 12.10 -0.01 NA EqIncAdml 78.29 -1.04 -1.3 WndsrAdml 70.38 -1.02 NA IdxIntl 19.45 +0.05 0.3
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e TotRetBdI 10.72 +0.02 0.2 GroCo 32.49 -0.38 -1.2 IntlEq 28.54 +0.12 0.4 PIMCO Funds I2 ExplrAdml 118.01 -1.71 NA VANGUARD FDS MdCpGrAdml 89.90 -1.36 -1.5
and s apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply, Edgewood Growth Instituti GrowCoK 32.57 -0.39 -1.2 Invesco Funds Y Income 12.10 -0.01 NA ExtndAdml 123.01 -1.74 -1.4 DivdGro 32.69 -0.55 NA SmValAdml 60.12 -0.95 -1.6
12b-1. r-Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r EdgewoodGrInst 51.00 -0.77 -1.5 InvGrBd 11.91 -0.01 -0.1 DevMktY 53.44 -0.02 ... PIMCO Funds Instl GNMAAdml 10.74 ... ... INSTTRF202026.19 -0.06 -0.2 TotBd2 11.46 ... ...
apply. v-Footnotes x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not Fidelity LowP r 48.23 -0.40 -0.8 JPMorgan I Class IncomeFd 12.10 -0.01 NA GrwthAdml 128.45 -2.01 -1.5 INSTTRF202527.37 -0.08 -0.3 TotIntlInstIdx r130.09 +0.30 0.2
available due to incomplete price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; 500IdxInstPrem128.26 -1.91 -1.5 Magin 12.83 -0.22 -1.7 CoreBond 12.28 ... NA Price Funds HlthCareAdml r 90.64 -0.31 NA INSTTRF203028.03 -0.10 -0.4 TotItlInstPlId r130.12 +0.30 0.2
data under review. NN-Fund not tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period. Contrafund K6 18.64 -0.24 -1.3 NASDAQ r 159.42 -2.37 -1.5 EqInc 19.42 -0.31 NA BlChip 162.85 -2.67 -1.6 HYCorAdml r 5.98 ... NA INSTTRF203528.62 -0.11 -0.4 TotSt 93.32 -1.39 -1.5
ExtMktIdxInstPre 82.31 -1.17 -1.4 OTC 17.28 -0.24 -1.4 JPMorgan R Class DivGro 59.06 -0.95 -1.6 InfProAd 28.38 +0.06 0.2 INSTTRF204029.22 -0.13 -0.4 VANGUARD INSTL FDS
FidSerToMarket 12.72 -0.19 -1.5 Puritn 25.77 -0.25 -1.0 CoreBond 12.30 ... NA EqInc 30.76 -0.48 -1.5 IntlGrAdml 161.52 +1.23 NA INSTTRF204529.74 -0.15 -0.5 BalInst 43.96 -0.39 -0.9
Monday, January 4, 2021 IntlIdxInstPrem 45.77 +0.16 0.4 SrsEmrgMkt 25.05 +0.09 0.4 Lord Abbett A Growth 95.19 -1.75 -1.8 ITBondAdml 12.59 ... ... DevMktsIndInst 15.28 +0.03 0.2
INSTTRF205029.82 -0.15 -0.5
Net YTD Net YTD Net YTD MidCpInxInstPrem 26.57 -0.44 -1.6 SrsGlobal 14.39 +0.05 0.3 ShtDurIncmA p 4.21 ... ... HelSci 98.00 -0.85 -0.9 ITIGradeAdml 10.47 ... NA DevMktsInxInst 23.89 +0.06 0.3
Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret INSTTRF205529.89 -0.16 -0.5
SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 19.34 -0.29 -1.5 SrsGroCoRetail 22.50 -0.27 -1.2 Lord Abbett F LgCapGow I 60.22 -0.99 -1.6 LTGradeAdml 11.76 -0.03 NA IntlVal 40.21 -0.04 -0.1 ExtndInst 123.00 -1.74 -1.4
American Century Inv Baird Funds DivIncom I 25.47 -0.34 -1.3 SeriesBondFd 10.78 ... ... SrsIntlGrw 17.84 +0.06 0.3 ShtDurIncm 4.21 ... ... MidCap 111.43 -1.65 -1.5 MidCpAdml 252.23 -4.17 -1.6 LifeCon 22.62 -0.05 -0.2
GrwthInst 128.46 -2.01 -1.5
Ultra 74.86 -1.08 -1.4 AggBdInst 11.77 ... ... Dimensional Fds SeriesOverseas 12.47 +0.07 0.6 SrsIntlVal 10.14 +0.05 0.5 Metropolitan West NHoriz 80.89 -1.39 -1.7 MuHYAdml 11.97 +0.01 NA InPrSeIn 11.56 +0.02 0.2
LifeGro 40.06 -0.18 -0.4
American Funds Cl A CorBdInst 12.14 ... ... 5GlbFxdInc 10.90 +0.01 0.1 SmCpIdxInstPrem 24.62 -0.36 -1.4 TotalBond 11.32 ... ... TotRetBdI 11.18 ... ... R2020 22.64 -0.11 NA MuIntAdml 14.87 +0.01 NA InstIdx 326.60 -4.87 NA
LifeMod 31.54 -0.11 -0.3
AmcpA p 38.54 -0.57 -1.5 BlackRock Funds EmgMktVa 28.75 +0.10 0.3 TMktIdxInstPrem106.14 -1.58 -1.5 Fidelity SAI TRBdPlan 10.48 -0.01 -0.1 R2025 19.25 -0.12 NA MuLTAdml 12.23 ... NA InstPlus 326.61 -4.87 NA
PrmcpCor 28.65 -0.33 -1.1
AMutlA p 44.05 -0.56 -1.3 HiYBlk 7.80 ... ... EmMktCorEq 24.41 +0.14 0.6 MFS Funds Class I R2030 28.24 -0.21 NA MuLtdAdml 11.26 ... NA InstTStPlus 72.88 -1.08 NA
USBdIdxInstPrem 12.44 -0.01 -0.1 TotalBd 10.76 ... ... STAR NA ... NA
BalA p 30.01 -0.19 -0.6 HiYldBd Inst 7.79 ... ... IntlCoreEq 14.60 +0.03 0.2 Growth I 159.22 -2.55 -1.6 R2035 21.06 -0.18 -0.8 MuShtAdml 15.95 ... NA MidCpInst 55.72 -0.92 -1.6
Fidelity Advisor I Fidelity Selects TgtRe2015 15.71 -0.02 -0.1
BondA p 13.79 ... ... BlackRock Funds A IntSmCo 20.26 -0.02 -0.1 ValueI 44.48 -0.63 -1.4 R2040 PrmcpAdml r151.92 -1.93 -1.3 MidCpIstPl 274.80 -4.54 -1.6
NwInsghtI 37.24 -0.45 -1.2 Softwr r 26.63 -0.49 -1.8 30.16 -0.27 -0.9 TgtRe2020 34.20 -0.09 -0.3
CapIBA p 62.71 -0.30 -0.5 GlblAlloc p 21.42 -0.11 ... IntSmVa 19.09 -0.04 -0.2 MFS Funds Instl RealEstatAdml116.33 -4.05 -3.4 SmCapInst 91.67 -1.55 -1.7
Fidelity Freedom Tech r 26.55 -0.32 -1.2 PRIMECAP Odyssey Fds TgtRe2025 21.47 -0.07 -0.3
CapWGrA 59.08 -0.31 IntlEq 30.88 +0.24 0.8 AggGrowth r NA SmCapAdml 91.67 -1.55 -1.7 STIGradeInst 11.03 ... NA
-0.5 BlackRock Funds III LgCo 27.73 -0.42 -1.5 FF2020 17.12 -0.04 -0.2 First Eagle Funds ... NA TgtRe2030 40.40 -0.15 -0.4
Northern Funds SmGthAdml 92.34 -1.67 -1.8 STIPSIxins 25.65 +0.03 0.1
EupacA p 69.55 +0.21 0.3 iShS&P500IdxK437.72 -6.56 -1.5 TAUSCoreEq2 22.67 -0.32 -1.4 FF2025 15.41 -0.04 -0.3 GlbA 61.26 ... ... Schwab Funds TgtRe2035 25.12 -0.10 -0.4
StkIdx 41.37 -0.62 -1.5 1000 Inv r 82.34 -1.22 STBondAdml 10.87 ... ... TotBdInst 11.62 ... ...
FdInvA p 68.49 -0.66 -1.0 BlackRock Funds Inst US CoreEq1 29.27 -0.41 -1.4 FF2030 19.23 -0.05 -0.3 Franklin A1 -1.5 TgtRe2040 44.07 -0.20 -0.5
Old Westbury Fds STIGradeAdml 11.03 ... NA TotBdInst2 11.46 ... ...
GwthA p 66.75 -0.79 -1.2 StratIncOpptyIns 10.37 ... ... US CoreEq2 26.60 -0.37 -1.4 Freedom2020 K 17.11 -0.03 -0.2 CA TF A1 p 7.82 ... ... S&P Sel 56.57 -0.85 -1.5 TgtRe2045 28.05 -0.14 -0.5
LrgCpStr 17.01 -0.13 -0.8 TSM Sel r 65.49 -0.97 TotBdAdml 11.62 ... ... TotBdInstPl 11.62 ... ...
HI TrA p 10.14 ... 0.1 Bridge Builder Trust US Small 37.98 -0.44 -1.1 Freedom2025 K 15.38 -0.04 -0.3 IncomeA1 p 2.28 -0.02 -0.9 -1.5 TgtRe2050 45.22 -0.23 -0.5 TotIntBdIdxInst 35.14 +0.04 0.1
Parnassus Fds TotIntBdIdxAdm 23.42 +0.03 0.1
ICAA p 43.77 -0.65 -1.5 CoreBond 10.79 ... ... US SmCpVal 34.07 -0.36 -1.0 Freedom2030 K 19.21 -0.05 -0.3 FrankTemp/Frank Adv TIAA/CREF Funds
TotIntlAdmIdx r 32.53 +0.07 0.2 TgtRet2055 49.09 -0.25 -0.5 TotStInst 93.37 -1.38 -1.5
IncoA p 23.42 -0.13 -0.6 CorePlusBond 10.60 ... ... US TgdVal 23.34 -0.25 -1.1 Freedom2035 K 16.49 -0.06 -0.4 IncomeAdv 2.26 -0.02 -0.9 ParnEqFd 52.96 -0.69 -1.3 EqIdxInst 27.39 -0.40 -1.4 TgtRetInc 14.92 -0.01 -0.1
PGIM Funds Cl Z TotStAdml 93.35 -1.39 -1.5 ValueInst 45.79 -0.62 -1.3
N PerA p 60.40 -0.09 -0.1 Intl Eq 13.40 +0.04 0.3 USLgVa 37.13 -0.40 -1.1 Freedom2040 K 11.70 -0.05 -0.4 FrankTemp/Franklin A VANGUARD ADMIRAL TxMCapAdml194.78 -2.85 -1.4 TotIntBdIxInv
11.71 +0.01 0.1 WCM Focus Funds
NEcoA p 58.73 -0.78 -1.3 LargeCapGrowth 20.28 -0.29 -1.4 Dodge & Cox Fidelity Invest Growth A p 133.32 -2.11 -1.6 TotalReturnBond 15.08 -0.01 NA 500Adml 341.47 -5.10 -1.5 TxMIn r 15.26 +0.03 0.2 USGro 64.57 -1.06 NA WCMFocIntlGrwIns 24.79 +0.04 0.2
NwWrldA 87.73 -0.22 -0.3 LargeCapValue 14.48 -0.24 -1.6 Balanced 101.05 -0.73 -0.7 Balanc 28.01 -0.27 -1.0 RisDv A p 79.09 -1.10 -1.4 PIMCO Fds Instl BalAdml 43.95 -0.39 -0.9 USGroAdml 167.23 -2.74 NA WellsI 28.16 -0.17 -0.6 Western Asset
SmCpA p 78.99 -0.56 -0.7 ClearBridge Income 14.65 ... ... BluCh 160.39 -2.69 -1.6 Guggenheim Funds Tru AllAsset NA ... NA CAITAdml 12.36 ... NA ValAdml 45.80 -0.61 -1.3 Welltn 43.97 -0.39 -0.9 CoreBondI NA ... NA
TxExA p 13.63 +0.01 0.1 LargeCapGrowthI NA ... NA Intl Stk 43.68 -0.02 ... Contra 16.54 -0.22 -1.3 TotRtnBdFdClInst 29.66 -0.04 -0.1 InvGrdCrBd 11.28 -0.01 NA CapOpAdml r175.60 -1.92 -1.1 WdsrllAdml 67.85 -0.84 NA WndsrII 38.24 -0.48 NA CorePlusBdI NA ... NA
WshA p 49.48 -0.69 -1.4 Columbia Class I Stock 190.31 -2.25 -1.2 ContraK 16.58 -0.21 -1.3 Harbor Funds TotRt 10.60 ... NA DivAppIdxAdm 37.79 -0.55 -1.4 WellsIAdml 68.22 -0.41 -0.6 VANGUARD INDEX FDS CorePlusBdIS NA ... NA
B10 | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Saudis, Russia Split on Oil Output Markets

Start Year
Talks between OPEC producers, a group that to- tion programs aren’t progress- ery in demand, including as a flooded the market. That un-
and other producers
end in deadlock, with
gether has been dubbed OPEC-
plus, in the first of their
monthly meetings to review
ing as fast as expected.
“Even in this general opti-
mistic environment, I want to
result of the vaccination which
is already under way in nu-
merous countries,” Russian
folded just as the coronavirus
was spreading rapidly from
China to the rest of the world.
With Selloff
global oil demand. Last month, urge caution,” Saudi Energy Deputy Prime Minister Alexan- Governments around the
more slated Tuesday they agreed to increase pro- Minister Abdulaziz bin Salman der Novak said ahead of the world started locking down Continued from page B1
duction by 500,000 barrels a said during opening remarks meeting. their economies, and oil de- Mackay, a multiasset fund
BY BENOIT FAUCON day, bringing their net cuts before the online meetings. The group is set to meet mand tumbled. manager at Invesco.
AND SUMMER SAID since the start of the pandemic “Do not put at risk what we again Tuesday, hoping to iron Amid a steep price drop, “A lot of the tail risks of a
to 7.2 million barrels a day. have achieved for the sake of out its differences. News of the Saudi Arabia and Russia aban- no deal [Brexit] have been re-
Saudi Arabia and Russia On Monday, they were an instant illusionary benefit.” disagreement sent oil prices doned their rivalry, and OPEC- moved now. This will lead peo-
deadlocked Monday over scheduled to decide whether Moscow, however, pushed lower. In late trading in Lon- plus agreed to record cuts of ple to start dipping their toes
whether their producers’ alli- to continue to raise production for an increase in output by don, Brent, the international 9.7 million barrels a day. Part again in the U.K. market,” he
ance should boost crude out- or stand pat. another 500,000 barrels a day, benchmark, fell 1.4% to $51.09 of the deal called for the even- said.
put amid a resurgent pan- Saudi Arabia and most of the delegates said. Russia sees a barrel, while West Texas In- tual reinstatement of produc- Investors also said they
demic, delegates said after a the broader alliance backed oil consumption coming back termediary fell 1.85% to $47.62 tion in increments of 2 million were reassured by newly re-
day of talks ended without a holding steady for at least an- and is concerned about losing a barrel. barrels a day. The first of that leased data on the health of the
deal. other month, delegates said. market share to U.S. produc- Saudi Arabia and Russia added production came online manufacturing sector. Factories
The 13-strong Saudi-led Or- These countries are concerned ers, which aren’t subject to re- clashed last year over oil pol- over the summer, while mem- in Asia and
ganization of the Petroleum a variant of the Covid-19 virus strictions, these people said. icy, effectively triggering a bers agreed last month to MONDAY’S Europe in-
Exporting Countries met virtu- is threatening a resurgence of “We hope that in 2021 we global price war when each bring on another 500,000 bar- MARKETS creased their
ally Monday with 10 Russia-led the pandemic, while vaccina- will be able to see the recov- opened up their spigots and rels a day in January. output as
2020 drew to a close, accord-
ing to surveys of purchasing

Stock Rally in 2020 Outpaced Luxury Items

managers that showed strong
rises in activity during Decem-
“We’re going through re-
BY ANNA HIRTENSTEIN vestors channeled more capital Returns in 2020 last year. Another HAGI index newed lockdowns, which is
into alternatives. But on aver- that just tracks rare Ferraris curtailing activity to some ex-
In 2020, you were better off age, hedge funds returned 6.3% Nasdaq rose 14.4%. tent, but what we’ve seen
putting money into a stock in- in 2020, according to research S&P 500 The value of colored dia- through the pandemic is that
dex fund than in fine art or di- and intelligence firm Pivotal- Colored diamonds monds, some of the scarcest manufacturing activity tends to
amonds. Path. Global private equity fell jewels in the world, held up al- hold up quite well,” Mr. Mac-
The S&P 500 index, which nearly 9% as industries such as Global bond index* though the markets for them kay said.
tracks the U.S. stock market retail and hospitality were hit Hedge funds were quieter. Pink and blue- Most major stock bench-
broadly, rose over 15% last by the pandemic and leveraged Classic cars hued stones rose about 11% in marks in the Asia-Pacific re-
year and the tech-heavy Nas- bets went sour. Some luxury value, according to Amma gion advanced. South Korea’s
Fine wine
daq index surged 44%. It was goods gained as investors Group, an investment house Kospi led gains, rising 2.5%.
also a banner year for bonds. bought them as havens, but Private equity specializing in colored dia- Early Tuesday, the Kospi was
The Bloomberg Barclays typically generated single-digit Art monds. While “there were a up 0.1%.
Global Aggregate bond index annual returns. number of fancy-colored dia- On Monday, the Shanghai
-10% 0 10 20 30 40
climbed 9.2% on a total return Investments in leveraged monds sold at auction during Composite rose 0.9%, even af-
*Return on Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate
basis. buyouts, which typically sad- the pandemic, the overall ter a private survey showed
Sources: FactSet (Nasdaq, S&P 500 and bond index); Amma Group (diamonds);
That is significantly better dle an acquired company with PivotalPath (hedge funds); Historic Auto Group International (cars); Liv-ex (wine); number has been less simply China’s manufacturing activity
than the performance of many high amounts of debt, declined eFront (private equity); Art Market Research (art) because of the non-movement moderated in December due to
alternative investments. This 8% in value on average, data of goods around the world,” weak demand for the country’s
asset class includes hedge from financial software com- closed auction houses, curbing Dietrich Hatlapa, founder of said Philip Baldwin, managing exports.
funds, private equity and more pany eFront showed. Venture sales of paintings, sculptures Historic Auto Group Interna- director and co-founder of Ben Luk, senior multiasset
exotic investments such as capital was relatively flat, edg- and antiques. Art sold for tional who helped value them Amma Group. strategist at State Street Global
classic cars and other luxury ing down 1.4%. about 10% less than the previ- for this purpose. There were some excep- Markets, said the data pointed
goods. Investors typically put A lot of venture firms held ous year, according to Art “Around March and April, tions. A dozen bottles of Châ- to continued fragility in the
money into these riskier bets up last year for the same rea- Market Research. the drop-off in transaction teau L’Église-Clinet 2010 Bor- Chinese economy. But he said
to boost their overall returns. son as technology stocks: The “Collectors increasingly ex- volumes was dramatic. Activ- deaux wine went for £3,150, that helped ease concerns that
But that strategy was turned pandemic accelerated the up- pected to pay ‘Covid-prices’ ity has started up again, with equivalent to $4,273, a 37% China’s central bank would act
on its head last year. take of technology, said Steven and average values were down some smart money looking for rise compared with the previ- prematurely to tighten mone-
The meltdown in markets in Kaplan, a professor of entre- by the end of the year,” said bargains,” said Mr. Hatlapa. ous year. tary policy.
March pushed central banks preneurship and finance at the Sebastian Duthy, chief execu- “Some people are also buying That still doesn’t come Early Tuesday, the Chinese
into action, unleashing colos- University of Chicago Booth tive at Art Market Research. cars as an inflation hedge, due close to gains made by some benchmark was down 0.3%.
sal amounts of monetary stim- Business School. But “on the “There were half the number to all the money that’s being stock pickers. Shares of elec- Japan’s Nikkei 225 dropped
ulus and a series of interest buyout side, they were more of individual artist records at printed” by central banks. tric-car maker Tesla surged 0.7% Monday after Prime Min-
rate cuts around the world. hurt. If you have a hit to your auction when compared with Historic Auto Group Inter- over 720% from the beginning ister Yoshihide Suga said he
This wave of cheap money cash flows, it’s going to get a 2019.” national’s Top Index, which of the year. Zoom Video Com- might declare a state of emer-
propelled many stocks and bit magnified on the downside Some classic-car owners tracks the value of a basket of munications, the developer of gency in Tokyo and surround-
bonds to all-time highs. by the debt,” he said. used vehicles such as Lambor- classic cars including videoconferencing software, ing areas as new coronavirus
With all this new money in The luxury-goods market ghinis and BMWs as collateral Porsches, McLarens and Mer- rose to over $335 from $68, infections continue to rise. The
the financial system, some in- also suffered. Lockdowns for loans, according to cedes-Benz models rose 5.9% netting a gain of 395%. Nikkei was down 0.1% at mid-
day Tuesday.
—Joanne Chiu contributed to

Bitcoin bitcoin as well.

Trading platforms including
PayPal Holdings Inc., Square
essentially a very small market.
The total market value for
bitcoin is just under $600 bil-
O’Carroll, founder of over-the-
counter trading firm Nautilus-
Tech. About half of the inves-
recent days a flurry of media
articles and trending Twitter
topics has spurred renewed in-
this article

Extends Inc., Robinhood Markets Inc.

and Webull Financial LLC be-
gan to allow their customers
lion, far below the market
capitalizations of the biggest
individual stocks, like Apple
tors she talked to are
expecting a correction, and
half “are cheering it on and
terest in the asset for retail in-
vestors,” the firm wrote in a
Here are the results of Monday's Treasury auctions.
All bids are awarded at a single price at the market-
clearing yield. Rates are determined by the difference
between that price and the face value.

Wild Ride to buy and sell it, bringing in a

new wave of smaller investors.
The largest U.S. cryptocur-
Inc., worth more than $2 tril-
lion. It is also well below the
total market value of the gold
trying to figure out where
their profit-taking price point
should be.”
Meanwhile, the gains for
bitcoin and ether have been
mirrored by a selloff in the Applications
13-Week 26-Week
$166,405,255,500 $172,036,744,600
rency exchange, Coinbase Inc., market, which was about $11.9 That is coming just as out- third-largest cryptocurrency, Accepted bids $60,936,717,500 $57,550,945,600
" noncomp $599,578,300 $474,983,200
Continued from page B1 plans to conduct an initial trillion at the end of 2019, ac- side interest appears to be XRP. It is down more than 50% " foreign noncomp $95,000,000 $0
investors such as Paul Tudor public offering in 2021, giving cording to the World Gold peaking again. since the Securities and Ex- Auction price (rate) 99.977250 99.954500
Jones and Stanley Drucken- the public its first chance to Council. Searches of the word bit- change Commission sued the (0.090%) (0.090%)
0.091% 0.091%
miller. Companies such as Mi- buy equity in a major industry With the latest run to re- coin on Google reached their company that created it, Rip- Bids at clearing yield accepted 15.42% 70.47%
croStrategy Inc. and Massa- company. cords, there is a discernible highest level since the ple, alleging the company 9127964X4 912796B57
Both issues are dated Jan. 7, 2021. The 13-week bills
chusetts Mutual Life Those moves have sparked split in investor opinion about 2017-2018 rally, according to should have registered XRP as mature on April 8, 2021; the 26-week bills mature on
Insurance Co. started buying new investment into what is what comes next, said Beatrice research firm TradeBlock. “In a security. July 8, 2021.

Cotton Prices Surge Amid Dry Weather and China Concerns

BY KIRK MALTAIS Cotton futures price
80 cents a pound
Cotton prices have risen to
their highest level in nearly
two years thanks to dry
weather that reduced the crop
and concerns of forced labor
in China that made a big
chunk of the nation’s fiber
output off-limits to clothing
The most- 55
COMMODITIES active cotton
futures con- 50
tract ended Monday at 79
cents a pound, up about 55% 45
since prices bottomed on April
Feb. 2020 June Sept. ’21
1 during the early days of U.S.
coronavirus lockdowns. Source: FactSet
A lack of rainfall in key

growing regions reduced ex- If a bulk of China’s home-

pectations for the current crop. grown cotton is forbidden in
The International Cotton Advi- American stores, its mills
sory Committee last month must procure their raw mate-
trimmed its estimates for the rial elsewhere.
global harvest by about 1%. The “China has to source cotton
U.S. Department of Agriculture and yarn from other places,”
expects the smallest domestic said Peter Egli, director of risk
crop in five years. A lack of rainfall in important growing regions has lowered output expectations for the commodity. management for Plexus Cotton
The weather in Texas—the Ltd.
country’s top cotton-produc- than we want to be,” said pared with last, Moody’s In- the world’s supply was af- ucts originating from the Xin- Between quality issues with
ing state—has been especially Brian Adamek, who farms vestors Service predicts. fected when the Trump admin- jiang Production and cotton from other countries
challenging for farmers. Walt 1,200 acres in Victoria, Texas. U.S. cotton has lately be- istration last month banned Construction Corps, a state- including India and the agree-
Hagood, who grows cotton on “Mills are starting to crank come more attractive to the cotton and cotton products owned paramilitary organiza- ment to buy more U.S. farm
3,500 acres in the western up.” yarn spinners and cloth mak- from China’s top producer tion. goods, China’s mills are likely
part of the state near Lubbock, The approval and distribu- ers that supply garment facto- over allegations of forced la- Xinjiang accounts for 85% to turn to American growers,
said drought cut his yield by tion of Covid-19 vaccines have ries and ultimately clothing bor in the arid northwestern of China’s total cotton output, Mr. Egli said.
about a third last year. “We’ve fueled expectations of a re- retailers. region of Xinjiang, where Bei- according to the National Bu- China has committed to
been in a bad cycle here for vival among apparel makers A weakened dollar has re- jing has targeted the country’s reau of Statistics of China. U.S. buying 4.1 million bales of U.S.
several years now,” he said. and retailers that have suf- duced the price of U.S. bales largely Muslim Uighur people officials say that items made cotton during the current mar-
Farther east, there was too fered during the pandemic and for foreign cotton buyers. The as part of the largest mass de- with forced labor, from blue- keting year, which began in
much water for some Texan related lockdowns. Operating WSJ Dollar Index, which mea- tention of a minority group jeans to blankets, have been August. That is 50% more than
growers. Hurricane Hanna profits at department stores, sures the dollar against a bas- since World War II. sold in American stores. China bought from U.S. farm-
made landfall in South Texas including Macy’s Inc., Nord- ket of 16 other currencies, lost The Department of Home- China accounts for 40% of ers before the two nations
in late July, flooding fields strom Inc. and Kohl’s Corp. as about 5% in 2020 and is off land Security said Customs the world’s textile exports and signed their “phase one” trade
and defoliating plants along well as other clothing retailers more than 12% from its March and Border Protection officials 30% of the world’s clothing ex- deal in January 2020.
the Gulf Coast. such as Gap Inc., should at peak. would seize shipments con- ports, according to data from —Ryan Dezember
“We’re shorter on cotton least double this year com- Meanwhile, a big chunk of taining cotton or cotton prod- the World Trade Organization. contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, January 5, 2021 | B11



China’s Growth
Data Dazes
And Confuses
Investors are right to be skeptical about the stats
on the world’s second-largest economy

The world’s second-largest cials would prefer to sweep under

economy is incredibly influential— the rug.
trends in China help determine ev- Probably the simplest method is
erything from the global prices of to pay more attention to nominal
steel and pork to the balance of growth—or new output before ad-
military power in the Taiwan justing for changes in prices—than
Strait. It is also widely misunder- the top-line “real” growth figure,
stood. both for gross domestic product
While skepticism of China’s offi- and narrower indicators such as

cial figures is widespread, and jus- industrial output.
tifiably so, some of the more gran- There are three reasons. First,
ular official data are actually very real growth has long been one of
useful. The picture can and does the ways officials are evaluated in
change over time: When a certain China, and so there is a strong in- growth lines up far better than so- would expect. in China is also a common occur-
economic data point becomes a centive to inflate it—and substan- called real growth with other cy- China has recently released a rence—oftentimes after that data
political target in China, the incen- tial evidence that has happened, clical indicators that aren’t con- new series on unemployment—an- begins to show trends counter to
tives for officials to fudge it rise. particularly during downturns. For trolled by government statisticians other very politicized data set— the narrative that the government
Still, understanding the lay of the instance, after the housing and —like global metal prices and the that may turn out to be better is pushing. In late 2018, as the
land can help investors spot suspi- commodity market downturn of profits of listed Chinese compa- than its predecessor, which barely trade war with the U.S. was begin-
cious deviations from trend—or 2015 and early 2016, China’s Inner nies. That makes it more credible. ever moved at all. But in the ning to bite, China’s export hub
changes in reporting—that might Mongolia province—a major coal Unfortunately, nominal growth meantime the employment subin- Guangdong province was ordered
be an indication of problems offi- producer—admitted its 2016 in- figures are released only once ev- dexes of the nation’s purchasing to stop publishing its own pur-
dustrial growth was overstated by ery three months. What about managers indexes are probably a chasing managers index. The offi-
Chinese data, change from 40%. more high frequency data? reasonable proxy for the labor cial explanation was the surveying
a year earlier Second, official statisticians use China’s headline industrial office hadn’t properly applied to
some questionable assumptions growth figure, which is released renew its authority to compile the
60% Total finance outstanding*
for the price adjustments to real monthly, is of questionable value. index, although it had been pub-
Revenue of China-listed firms†
growth. Oxford Economics notes But the more volatile data on out-
China’s headline lishing the series regularly for
Nominal economic growth
that unlike the U.S. and Germany, put of individual industrial prod- industrial growth figure, seven years previously. A widely
40 which use more precise inflation ucts is probably more reliable. For watched official series detailing
indexes to adjust industrial growth instance, an average of growth in
released monthly, is of how much lending goes to state-
in their national accounts, China output of steel, cement, glass and questionable value. owned versus private sector bor-
20 relies on its producer-price index, other heavy industrial products rowers—another sensitive, highly
which is strongly influenced by tends to follow Chinese housing politicized topic in recent years—
heavy industry and commodity prices, which you would expect has also disappeared since 2016.
0 prices. That could create problems since housing is the largest source market. One reason to think that is All of this sometimes makes
if, for example, steel and coal of demand for these materials. true: They move with the trend in finding and interpreting Chinese
prices fall substantially but more And when Chinese housing de- listed company profits, as ex- data more like searching for bur-
profitable, fast-growing sectors mand is strong but industrial out- pected, since companies should ied treasure than most analysts
such as electronics or pharmaceu- put is artificially weak—as in the tend to hire more when times are and economists are accustomed to.
2009 ’12 ’15 ’18 ’21 ticals don’t see their prices change forced steel capacity closures of good and profits are rising. But on the bright side there is al-
*Advanced six months †A shares as much. 2017—global metal prices have Unfortunately, the disappear- ways something new to unearth.
Sources: CEIC; Wind (revenues) Most important, nominal skyrocketed, which is what one ance of useful official data series —Nathaniel Taplin

For Now, Videogames Have

Share-price and index performance over the past year

A Lingering Immunity Boost 200


While most businesses are un- the challenges imposed by remote question of what business will look 100 PayPal
derstandably pleased to see 2020 working. That included the annual like in 2021 when mass vaccinations
pass, videogame companies might entry to Activision Blizzard’s are expected to slowly bring life
have some mixed feelings. blockbuster “Call of Duty” franchise. back to normal. Brian Nowak of
The coronavirus pandemic has The game, “Black Ops Cold War,” Morgan Stanley argued in a Dec. 22 0
KBW Nasdaq
been an undeniable boon for the launched a few weeks later than report that the pandemic “likely
Bank Index
game industry. Restrictions that normal and has garnered among the pulled forward four years of gamer
have kept many at home and shut franchise’s lowest critic scores in adoption,” which will leave growth –100
down other forms of entertainment more than a decade. But Cowen an- depending on publishers’ abilities to
March 2020 June Sept. Dec. ’21
have resulted in a banner year for alyst Doug Creutz notes the game is launch compelling games.
the sector. Six of the largest game still on track to sell more than 20 Of course, game publishers could Source: FactSet
publishers are expected to post million units. Analysts estimate Ac- be helped by further adoption of
combined total revenue of $24 bil- tivision’s publishing business, which the new Xbox and PlayStation con-
lion for the calendar year, up 19%
from the previous year, according
to consensus estimates compiled by
comprises mainly the “Call of Duty”
franchise, will show a 74% surge in
net bookings for 2020, to nearly
soles, which will raise demand for
games designed to take advantage
of their cutting-edge capabilities.
Biden Administration
FactSet. In 2019, the same group’s
combined revenue fell nearly 3%.
That number doesn’t include
$3.9 billion, according to FactSet.
Even 2020’s flops have been rel-
ative. In a Dec. 22 regulatory dis-
Activision and Electronic Arts—
the two largest publishers by an-
nual revenue—are expected to re-
Could Unsettle Banks
sales of the new Xbox and PlaySta- closure, Polish game publisher CD cord revenue growth of 7% and 8%
tion consoles, which went on sale in Projekt reported unit sales of its respectively in calendar year 2021, Historically, investors in banks further enable a new kind of bank-
early November and are still very problem-plagued “Cyberpunk with at least two new games from would be worried about stepped- ing ecosystem to evolve. One that
hard to come by due to soaring de- 2077” totaled more than 13 million Activision’s Blizzard side and a up financial regulation from a new has been making its way into poten-
mand. Other game-hardware mak- copies since its Dec. 10 launch. new “Battlefield” from EA pro- Democratic administration. This tial legislation is to create accounts
ers also have been capitalizing on That is well below the 18 million to jected to be released in the year. time, however, a bigger long-term for individuals with the help of the
the rush. Turtle Beach, which 25 million units that Jefferies ana- The speed of national reopening worry might be government efforts Federal Reserve. Some propose this
makes accessories such as specialty lyst Ken Rumph said Wall Street also will factor heavily into the in- that could disrupt banking itself. in conjunction with postal banking.
headphones for gamers, has re- had been expecting the title to sell dustry’s performance for 2021. There are a handful of measures Additionally, the Fed is in the early
corded a 71% year-over-year sales in its debut. But it isn’t bad for a Lockdowns and other restrictions either working their way through stages of developing its own real-
gain to $227 million for the nine- game so riddled with bugs that seem likely to persist through the agencies or being discussed in time payments. Depending on how
month period ended September. Sony dropped it from its online winter given the recent jump in Democratic policy circles aimed at it is fleshed out, that could compete
Newly public Corsair Gaming, store, while both Sony and Micro- Covid-19 cases, while the reopening broadening access to financial ser- with some existing bank payments.
which makes game PCs and laptops soft joined other retailers in offer- of mass entertainment options such vices, which could force traditional There also are continuing devel-
and other related accessories, ing refunds to disgruntled players. as movies, concerts and theme banks to compete more—either opments at the level of who is al-
logged a 54% revenue jump to about Analysts still expect CD Projekt to parks that compete for spare time with the government, technology lowed to offer banking services.
$1.2 billion for the same period. post the equivalent of about $672 and discretionary income likely will upstarts, or both in combination. Some of this work, done by agencies
For game makers, the current million in revenue for 2020—more occur much later. But as more en- Postal banking is one intriguing during the Trump administration,
sales boom has been especially re- than five times the previous year’s tertainment options open up and as example. The notion of offering ba- may move further ahead in the com-
markable considering the impact sales, according to FactSet. more workers return to the office, sic banking services via the post of- ing years under new leadership. A
the pandemic has had on their de- But like other industries that the game industry will need to con- fice had the support of several lot of the thinking behind the Office
velopment cycles. Several major have been boosted by the pandemic, tend with not being the only game Democratic contenders, and some of the Comptroller of the Currency’s
games got delayed in 2020 due to the videogame sector faces the in town. —Dan Gallagher advocates have had roles in Biden’s process for so-called fintech char-
transition. Major new legal powers ters began under President Barack
Videogame companies combined total revenue granting the U.S. Postal Service li- Obama and may continue. The Fed-
cense to make loans or hold depos- eral Deposit Insurance Corp. has ad-
$25 billion Zynga its may be politically complex. But opted new rules around industrial
things like installing ATMs, facilitat- loan companies that might open a
ing bill payments or expanding elec- path for more nonbanks to offer
tronic money transfer services at certain banking services, though
post offices may be more feasible. much may hinge on how individual
15 Take-Two Some banking industry groups applications are treated. There also
have opposed postal banking, argu- are potential Consumer Financial
ing consumers could be left vulner- Protection Bureau “open banking”
EA able. But moves to broaden banking rules that might allow easier access
access might generate support to bank-account data from upstarts.
among other constituencies, per- The bottom line is that investors
5 Activision haps from rural representatives, or in banks have more to think about
in Silicon Valley: Digital players than, say, higher capital require-
could see post offices as de facto ments. A combination of technologi-

0 branches, helping people that don’t cal and political currents means the
use traditional banks move cash future of banking could be up in the
2017 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21
Projections into and out of their virtual wallets. air in more ways than one.
Sources: S&P Global Market Intelligence (actual); FactSet (projections) Activision’s ‘Black Ops Cold War’ There are other ideas that could —Telis Demos
B12 | Tuesday, January 5, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

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