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© Brandi Amara Skyy 1

Hola and welcome mi familia!
Welcome to a brand new year full of unlimited, divine, and radical potential!!

This book you are viewing on your screen (or hopefully 🤞 holding in your hands) is the
first public iteration of a private tool and resource i’ve used over the last 3 years to help
me stay aligned, attuned, and connected to my career, life, and spiritual goals. And
keep track of how all these elements, when seen together in an interconnected and
intersectional way, keep me aligned with my greater purpose.

And, now, how it can help you align and track too 🤗 !

What makes this guidebook special and unique from all the other tarot/oracle/
astrology planners and guides out there is that this book presents the magic,
mysticism, and praxis of it in a radically alchemized way.

This isn’t a book just about tarot. Or just about astrology…It’s an amalgamation of all
the energies that are always present when we look to these tools to help guide our life.
Each is threaded and woven into the other. Magic does not exist in silos and neither
should its physical manifestation and praxis.

The intersection of astrology, tarot, animal guides, and quantum energy isn’t
something i’ve made up. It IS the crux in which all these things already exist.

i’m just reading and fleshing them out and presenting them to you here in a digestible

Bridging, connecting, and seeing things from a bird’s eye view is part of my purpose.
Helping others see and live in those connections and intersections is my dharma.

i believe when we start to see the interconnections and intersections of the world
around and in us, then we open our eyes to the intersectional magic that resides in
each of us—and in every rock, species, star, insect that surrounds us, always.

And it is through this kind of awareness and observation that we will change our world
—and the collectives. ✊

i hope this guide becomes your best friend on your 2021 journey. i put my entire heart,
soul, ganas (guts), and love into its creation.

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© Brandi Amara Skyy 2

My wish is that you feel this—and use this/my never-ending love, support, and energy
to be the change you wish to see.

And the change you know in your hut (heart + gut) the world needs.


Enjoy this ofrenda from my soul to yours.


Because while this book has been infused with a lot of love and magic, it cannot do the
work of reflection, integration, and action for you.

Print it out. Highlight the fuck out of it. Have conversations with my downloads, the
monthly card, the animal allies, the astrology in the margins. Cut and paste pictures.
Tape, paste, doodle, dream.

Infuse this book with your own magic.

And if you’re not sure what your own magic is (yet), no worries, my friend! By the end of
2021 (and i’m willing to bet on you finding it even sooner!)—if you’ve put in the work,
love, and devotion of your heart + soul, you will befriend, BECOME, and BE your
magic. And your magic, when honored, invited, and listened to will show up in mythical

Only this time, the myth will not be someone else’s story you’ve read online, in
fairytales, or “historical” mythology.

This time, the myth, the magic, the legend is you.

Enjoy the bounty and presence of your medicine, dear friends. May this tool be an atlas
and a guide back home to the mystic soul of you!

i CANNOT wait to experience what you discover!

Mucho mas 🖤 💡 ✊

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© Brandi Amara Skyy 3

If you’re digging this FREE January sample of the book, PLEASE SHARE!

Just forward it to all your friends. No opt-in required. It’s free. Because we all need
each other’s magic in 2021.

And if after this free month you find that you love doing this work of intersectional
magic, please consider buying the entire book. Your purchase supports this Queer,
Brown, non-binary female mystic and ensures that this kind of woke intersectional
magic continues—and can be gifted to those who need it.

You can preorder the book (and ALL THE RAD BONUSES INSIDE!) for just $20.21.
More accessible, radical, and transformative than streaming the latest Hollywood
blockbuster in your home. GET THE BOOK.

Because the only blockbuster you should be concerned about in 2021 is YOU.

Share this free month. Use it. Support it by buying the book, leaving a tip, or sharing
it on your social media (that doesn’t cost anything but a few minutes of your time).


Tag me on Instagram @brandiamaraskyy or use the hashtag #intersectionalmagic in

your journal/journey pics so i can enjoy and experience the magic of your
transformation with you!

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© Brandi Amara Skyy 4

How To Get The Most Out Of

This Guide
PRINT IT OUT!! This was meant to be an old school TACTILE guide. Not just one
more ebook to sit on your desktop (or in a folder) on your home screen.

Once you print it out, do a tiny ceremony to welcome it into your environment, life,
and energy. Check out the bonus video, Aligning Your 2021 Reading, on the Bonus
page for a peek into how i invite new cards, planners, and oracles into my orbit. (You
can also pick up my tiny book, 21 Tiny Rituals For Beginning…ANYTHING!)

Pick a date on your calendar that you can commit to every month to do this work.
It could be the first Monday of the month. The last day of the previous month. Or the
middle. The time doesn’t matter as much as the commitment to showing up to it

Once you’ve set a date, fully commit to actually using—and infusing!— your own
magic and flow into it. Commit to engage, complete, and attune to the magic this
book will lead you to.

Before reading the month’s download, take a minute to look at the month’s card (i
am using Danielle Noel’s Starchild Tarot deck) and jotting down any initial feelings,
intuitions, insights you may have about the card. Before reading anything i have
written (including the traditional meaning), ask yourself: What does this card say/
reveal to you?

After you’ve taken a moment to tap into your own intuition first, then begin
reading and reflecting on the month’s guidance. You can begin with this book or
watch the monthly bonus readings from moi! Start where you feel most called.

And make sure you check out all the other rad bonuses that come with the book.
(Use the password emailed to you after you purchased the book to access!).

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© Brandi Amara Skyy 5

Your Initial Intuitive Insights

Traditional Sun Meaning

• Fulfillment, abundance, and optimism
• Assurance you are on the right path/track
• Things/situations will go well for you
• Material successes
• Confidence + courage

Woke Magic Alchemy

East and West; The Summer and Fall of our Sun. Beginnings and endings. Leo. 5th
House. All these elements have the heart (and heat) of the sun in them. As the center
of our solar system and world, we are all sun beings whose lives are dependent on the
sun to survive and thrive. And our everyday relationship with the sun and its movement
can tell us a lot about who we are and what is being illuminated within—and because
of—us. It can remind us to remember, always, who we are, where we come from, and
what “started-from-the-bottom-now-we’re-here” we rose from.

Because the sun, even in all its grandness of life-giving energy, is still a star. Is still part
of the star nation collective—just like every other star hanging in our night sky.

The Sun card beacons us to shine brightly, beam our brilliance, and aim it towards
thoughts, energies, and actions that allow the collective, as well as ourselves, to grow.
But it also reminds us that we are a part of a whole. That regardless of the labels, titles,
money in our bank account, or the material goods we’ve acquired at the end of the day
we are but a small part of the collective species sharing this grand planet.

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© Brandi Amara Skyy 6

Yes, we are all magic. Yes, we are all stars. But that potential for miracles is woven
through ALL of us and ANY of us.

Some of us just have more privileged access to it than others. But it doesn’t mean if we
haven’t found it by now that it’s not already there.

Pulling this card for January 2021 after a year in which racial injustice, nazi, and social
tolerance for bigotry were at an all-time high, we are being asked to shine our rays on
the ways in which we are ALL privileged. But more importantly, it's asking those of us
who have never cast even a single beam of light on their racial, body, and/or sexual
privilege to do so NOW.

Because we still have a lot of work to do.

And we all need to be in the center of our light, the center of our sun, to do what we
were put on this planet, in this form to do.

The January Sun wants to shine brightly in the creaks and crevices that you have never
let come to meet the light.

Rise to meet what your shadow, the Sun calls.

And our job when this card comes up is to do whatever work we need to do in order to
answer, it is done.


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© Brandi Amara Skyy 7

The Sun Card

Nestled between The Moon (Card 18 in the Major Arcana) and Judgement (Card 20
and Pluto’s card), we have The Sun. To its left, sits The Moon, representative of our
emotions, our personal flow, and our personal and collective reflection of our inner
Sunlight. To its right is Judgment, representative of our karma, what we have done with
our moments of rebirth, and our underworld. Judgment is Pluto’s card—the farthest
planet in our galaxy and perhaps our most controversial.

This organic three-card layout of The Moon, The Sun, and Judgement tells a story of
inner, outer, and all-around movement—the ultimate dance of the universe. And of us.
Coming at the tail end of the Majors, The Sun acts as a bookend to all our lived
elements, experiences, and actions that culminate in our karma. In our ultimate
Judgment. Not in a Judeo-Christian sense, but in a what-we-have-spent-our-life-sowing
we-shall-now-reap way.

What we have spent our time, energy, and focus illuminating in our lives will now flash
before us.

What do you want playing on The Great Spirit’s movie screen?

When The Sun comes up in a reading, it wants you to have a fully embodied,
expressed, and woke conversation of what it means to hold the power of the Sun in
you. How (and what you) shine it on every day; what types of shadows are you casting;
and what energies are your beaming into the collective?

The Sun is the center of our universe. You are the center of your own universe.

Who and what are giving light to?

Who are you rising with?

What kind of Sun will you be?

Whatever light you decide to shine, Judgment sits just on the other side of it. Choose
inclusively. And choose well.

The Sun Praxis

Our Sun is our most powerful ally. When this card comes up, it is asking you to begin,
strengthen, and/or deeper your relationship with it.
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© Brandi Amara Skyy 8

Today (or sometime this month), take yourself on a Sun journey.

Close your eyes and visualize yourself riding on Vulture’s wings to the sun. Take a
moment to really see it—with all your eyes, with all your visions. Make an offering. It
could be your love, gratitude, or your attention. Ask it to be in daily communion with
you. Share with it what you’re bringing to light and why it matters. It will know if you are
telling your soul’s truth. Place your hand on its fire belly and ask it to infuse you with its
light. Let its rays, heat, and fire fill you up in whatever way you choose and when you
feel complete, zip up the sun’s energy inside you but stay and chat for a little longer.
Ask the Sun any questions you may have for it. Listen for any it may have for you. And
when you feel ready, thank the Sun for its gifts, thank Vulture for their gift of flight, hop
on its back and return to your room and your body. Slowly open your eyes holding the
sun’s light clearly in your vision and consciousness as you move about your day.

Repeat whenever you are feeling depleted or like you are moving away from your light.


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© Brandi Amara Skyy 9

Animal Guide
The Mountain Goat
(Capricorn’s animal ally)

Have you ever seen a picture of a mountain goat on its natural trek? It’s scary,
unnerving, and fascinating all at the same time. This rather large and girthy goat
manages to find the tiniest of slivers of protruding rock to plant its hooves on and
courageously make its way up. To maintain its balance, the goat presses its body
against the rock and trusts that they’ll find another sliver of rock to balance on. They
continue this way—in a dance of trust, belief, will, and courage—all the way to the top.
Some don’t make it. But most of them will.

And with the Mountain Goat as January’s natural ally, you will climb and make it to the
top of the mountain too.

Your work this month is to figure out what mountain you want to climb in 2021. Some
mountains are bigger than others and will take longer. Others are more like hills and
can be traveled quickly.

Whichever you choose to trek, commit to the climb regardless of the outcome.

Because Mountain Goat teaches us that the tiniest slate of rock, the tiniest seed of
possibility is all we need to start the climb. We don’t need a suitcase of things to begin.
We just need our trust, belief, courage, and just the thinnest of cracks, the smallest of
openings to plant our foot on to root to rise into who dream of becoming this year.
These small, nonexistent to the naked eye steps that nobody else sees, taken in habit,
devotion, and trust will change our lives—and empower us to change the lives of

Mountain Goat is the all-encompassment of my favorite Yoda-ism EVER!

Do or do not. There is no try. 

Mountain Goat says: Do. 

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© Brandi Amara Skyy 10

January Resources
Important Astrology Of The Month*

Jan 6 Mars enters ♉

Jan 8 Mercury enters ♒ AND Venus enters ♑
Jan 12 New Moon in 23 degrees of ♑ 11pm CST -- Conjunct Pluto 
Jan 19 Sun enters ♒
Jan 28 Full Moon 9 degrees ♌ 1:16PM 
Jan 30 Mercury stations retrograde 26 degrees ♒ at 9:51AM

*For a deeper look into the astrology of the month, check out your monthly bonuses on this
page. (Use the password emailed to you after the purchase).

Important Elements To Remember Throughout January

☀ What are you shining your light on? What shadows are you casting?
☀ How can you develop (or deepen) your relationship with The Sun?
☀ Start a conversation with the Sun by doing the praxis work of The Sun card.
☀ What mountain are you climbing in 2021?
☀ What can Mountain Goat teach you about perseverance?
☀ Do or do not. There is no try. —Yoda

Your Bonuses For January*

🐐 Skyycast for the month of January (bonus page + blog)

🐐 Video reading overview going deeper into January’s message (bonus page)
🐐 Capricorn new moon workbook, praxis, and reflection guidebook (bonus page)

*Please note that the bonuses are not available in this free ofrenda excerpt. To access January’s
(and 2021 monthly bonuses), purchase the book HERE.

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© Brandi Amara Skyy 11

Daily doses of magic

How are January’s themes, animals, and energies showing up for you? Use the spaces
below to track the everyday miracles and magic that are presenting themselves to you
now that you are open to and communing with them.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 22
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25
Day 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
Day 31

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© Brandi Amara Skyy 12

End of the month reflection

At the end of each month, take 5 minutes to review the biggest lessons, gifts,
interactions, and teachings you’ve had this month. Make this kind of deep monthly
reflection a habit and i promise you your world (and our world) WILL change. ✊

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© Brandi Amara Skyy 13

Thank you SO much for allowing me to

share my personal radical alchemy magic
If you LOVED this guidebook (and i truly-with-my-whole-being hope that you
do 🤗 ), here are a few more things i KNOW you’ll love!!!

The ENTIRE 2021 Tarot Reading book! Preorder the book HERE and the
book will land in your inbox on or before noon CST on January 31st!

Join Mi Gente Newsletter & Community where i share free monthly

Skyycasts (astro/tarot/energy forecasts), free challenges, readings, AND

Visit my bodega and shop my readings, 1:1 Plática Sessions, and books!

Read more about the current astrology of the sky in my Skyycasts

(intersectional horoscopes), HERE.

Listen & subscribe to my bi-monthly (2x a month on new + full moons)

podcast, The Plática Sessions. Available on Spotify, Soundcloud, and Apple

And finally…

Please feel free to share this radical personal alchemy tool with whomever
you feel could use a dose of belief, magic, and hope. No opt-in required.

Just spread and share the love freely because we have a lot of work to do.

And i want to do it with a world full of people who are woke, awakening, and/or
rising to their personal agency, the power of connection, and the belief that
when we radically change ourselves, we do in fact, change the world!

Mucho mas 🖤 💡 ✊

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© Brandi Amara Skyy 14

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