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January 6, 2021

Tyler Shandro, Minister of Health

423 Legislature Building
10800-97 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5K 2B6
Submitted by email at: ​

Re: COVID-19 Vaccination priority for Health Care Workers on COVID-19 Units

Dear Minister Shandro,

We, the undersigned, are writing this ​open letter​ to advocate for the accelerated prioritization of
vaccine administration to those health personnel who work directly with patients on dedicated
COVID-19 units* throughout Alberta. As of January 3, 2021, the Alberta government notes 921
current hospitalizations of which 152 are in the ICU. This would indicate that greater than 80%
of all patients who are hospitalized with COVID-19 are cared for outside of an intensive care
unit. The majority of these patients are in fact looked after on dedicated COVID-19 wards, with
staff dedicated to their care.

We are practitioners who consist of primary care physicians, general internists, and medical
subspecialists. We are the physician group who have stepped forward to care for these patients
and work in these specific care units. It is a privilege to work with a dedicated team of nurses,
rehabilitation staff, and support staff that provide care to Albertans hospitalized with serious
COVID-19 illness. Unlike the physicians, the staff on these units have simply been redeployed
from their previous medical units to the designated COVID units. COVID units have been
operational since the spring of 2020, caring for more than three-quarters of all admitted
COVID-19 positive patients.

We work with patients that are diverse in their background and in their medical needs. Some of
our patients will need only minimal oxygen support but many need high flow oxygen therapy and
with that, comes a significant risk of spreading COVID-19 infection using high flow oxygen
equipment. Our patients and their families share the fear of the unknown upon admission to the
hospital, given the unpredictable nature of COVID-19 Infection. They are admitted for many
days or longer with no direct contact with family or friends and staff are often recruited to
facilitate electronic communication to the outside world. In Edmonton and Calgary, every effort
is made to try to bypass the Emergency Department for patients transferred in from out of the
region to reduce Emergency Department workload.

For staff to work on these wards, upon starting their shifts they undertake a rigorous process to
first sign in to every common area, complete a fitness to work assessment, and to apply full
personal protective equipment [PPE] consisting of a mask, face shield and gown. For the

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remainder of their shift every single patient encountered has an active COVID-19 infection. This
means the risk of exposure is continuous. As the process of donning and doffing PPE can take
approximately 10 minutes, many of our nursing and physician staff state they take at most 1
bathroom break or drink break per shift. Furthermore, it should be emphasized that PPE is not
100% effective. Subsequently, it is a requirement at many sites (by Infection Control) for all staff
working on these units to undergo surveillance swabbing for COVID-19 every 3-5 days to
identify those who acquire infections at work but who may remain asymptomatic.

We can only speak from a physicians’ perspective, but our ability to staff both COVID wards and
our regular medicine units is precarious. Although we have received significant moral support
from our other medical colleagues, we need more than that. We need support in the way of
prioritized vaccination to ensure the safety of the individuals that work on these units, to prevent
the spread of this virulent disease throughout the hospitals and community, and finally, to
maintain capacity within the system with a healthy workforce. The internists and hospitalists
throughout Alberta have dedicated themselves to doing their utmost to provide first-class
medical care to their regular patients and those who unfortunately are admitted with COVID-19.

In terms of the determination of priority for vaccination against COVID-19, as a group, we are
collectively disappointed with the significant lack of transparency. To our knowledge, there is
not a publicly available ethical framework guiding the distribution and prioritization of COVID-19
vaccination in the province. We do not know who even has the final say with respect to
developing such a list. Following his January 1st press conference, the premier was asked
about this and suggested that it was under the purview of Alberta Health Services (AHS) but we
are also aware of senior leaders in AHS who have been told that it is ultimately Alberta Health
or the Alberta Vaccine Task Force that is responsible. Clarity on this would be greatly
appreciated. Regardless, it is our understanding that the following principles are utilized in
terms of determining prioritization for vaccination.

1. Maintaining acute care capacity. We would again emphasize that if over 80% of hospitalized
patients with COVID-19 are not in fact in the intensive care unit, then COVID-19 wards
obviously provide a necessary and invaluable resource to care for these patients. We would
also note that unlike other jurisdictions which limit all aerosol-generating medical procedures to
intensive care units, some of our COVID-19 wards have agreed to look after patients
undergoing such therapies in order to try and offload our intensive care units. As referenced
above, we know from the literature that these are high risk for transmission to healthcare

2. High risk of COVID-19 exposure. We find it difficult to conceive of being at a higher risk for
exposure to COVID-19 than to exclusively care for patients who are in fact COVID-19 positive?

3. High risk of transmission of COVID-19. Our colleagues in long-term care have been
prioritized as the potential to transmit COVID-19 to vulnerable patient populations can lead to
devastating and lethal consequences. This is appropriate. We would again note however that
the hospitalists and internists who look after the COVID-19 wards are also responsible for

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looking after the other hospitalized patients admitted to medical wards. Many of these patients
are elderly with multiple medical comorbidities, the exact patients which we know have the
highest risk of mortality from COVID-19.

We would ask that ​all​ professionals who are working in COVID units be given priority for
COVID-19 vaccination much like our colleagues in ICU and Emergency departments. Having
said that, as physicians, we feel an ethical and professional obligation to minimize the risk of
disease for our team members. Our primary request is that the nursing staff, unit clerks and
cleaning staff who work on the COVID-19 wards be given urgent prioritization for vaccination.
We do not begrudge those who have already been vaccinated but it would appear at this time
we are transitioning from vaccinating those who have direct and frequent contact with
COVID-19 patients to those healthcare workers who may intermittently have contact with
COVID-19 positive patients.

We have hopefully clearly articulated that the government has passed over a large group of
healthcare professionals who are still continuously dealing with known COVID-19 patients and
not simply the possibility of the same. These are the unsung heroes of our battle against this
virus. It is not only dumbfounding but is in fact demoralizing that these colleagues have not
been recognized for the valuable contributions they make on behalf of all Albertans. We would
note that in other provinces and international jurisdictions, this personnel have, in fact, received

We would like to make it clear that whoever signed off on the vaccination priority list has chosen
not to vaccinate the very healthcare personnel who are tasked and make professional and
personal sacrifices to look after greater than 80% of all COVID-19 patients hospitalized in our
province. We would ideally like to formally direct this letter to that individual but the reality is,
despite our best efforts we are unaware as to the identity of the same. As such we are writing
to you in the hopes that the Ministry would be able to address this oversight on a priority basis.
We hope that this oversight will soon be corrected and our colleagues receive the respectful
assurance of safety in the tangible form of priority COVID-19 vaccination.


John SJ Bradley, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital

Greg Hrynchyshyn, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
Tanya Tran, Family Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
Brian Wirzba, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital

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Signed by the following physicians who have worked on or are scheduled to work on a
COVID-19 Unit* in Alberta (in alphabetical order):
1. Clarissa Agusto, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
2. Khan Ali, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
3. Ghazwan Altabbaa, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
4. R. Chris Altmeyer, Family Medicine, Fort Saskatchewan Community Hospital
5. Anshula Ambasta, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
6. Leena Amin, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
7. Peter Ao, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
8. Patricia Araneta, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
9. Anita Au, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
10. Karen Au Yeung, Family Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
11. Maria Bacchus, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
12. Vincent Bain, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
13. Leila Barss, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
14. Neeja Bakshi, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
15. Martin Baur, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
16. Natalee Bessette, Hospitalist, Foothills Medical Centre
17. Rahima Bhanji, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
18. Kam Birdi, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
19. Alejandra Boscan, Internal Medicine, South Health Campus
20. Mike Bosch, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
21. Katarina Bozic, Family Medicine, Grey Nuns/Royal Alexandra Hospitals
22. Branko Braam, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
23. Lindsay Bridgland, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton
24. Tracey Bryan, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
25. Patricia Buckle, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
26. Michael Bui, Family Medicine, Misericordia Hospital
27. Kelly Burak, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
28. Vasile Captan, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
29. Thirza Carpenter, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
30. Frances Carr, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
31. Jonathan Cena, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
32. John S. Chan, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
33. Lillian Chan, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
34. Timothy Chan, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
35. Trevor Chan, Family Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
36. Rith Chea, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
37. Benjamin Chiam, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
38. Ryan Choudhury, Internal Medicine, Sturgeon Community Hospital
39. Carol Chung, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
40. Dawn Clemett, Hospitalist, Foothills Medical Centre
41. Sandra Cockfield, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
42. Sylvain Coderre, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
43. Irene Colliton, Family Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
44. Darrel Cotton, Internal Medicine, South Health Campus
45. Mark Courtney, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta
46. Sarah Cribby, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital

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47. Jack Cruikshank, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
48. Ronald W. Damant, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
49. ThucNhi T. Dang, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
50. John Paul Davis, Internal Medicine, South Health Campus
51. Pascaline De Caigny, Family Medicine, Sturgeon Community Hospital
52. Sandeep Deol, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
53. Shane Devlin, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
54. Anita Dey, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
55. Lillian Du, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
56. Ross Dunbar, Family Medicine, Misericordia Hospital
57. Stephen Duncan, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
58. Fiona Dunne, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
59. Jim Eisner, Family Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
60. Echo Enns, Hospitalist, Peter Lougheed Centre
61. Gabriel Fabreau, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
62. Andrei Fagarasanu, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
63. Dina Fisher, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
64. Michael Fisher, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
65. Shannon Fong, Internal Medicine, Misericordia Community Hospital
66. John Fralick, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
67. Kristin Fraser, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
68. Amber Fripp, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
69. Gaylene Genge, Family Medicine, Westview Health Centre
70. Afshan Ghani, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
71. Paul S. Gibson, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
72. William Gibson, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
73. Ashley Gillson, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
74. Bhavini Gohel, Family Medicine, South Health Campus
75. Juan Gonzalez-Abraldes, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
76. Sita Gourishankar, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta
77. Leah Gramlich, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
78. Horacio E Groshaus, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
79. Harshitha Gunawardena, Family Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
80. Syed Habib, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta
81. Kieran Halloran, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
82. Peter Hamilton, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta
83. Richard Hanelt, Family Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
84. Jori Hardin, Dermatology, Peter Lougheed Centre and South Health Campus
85. Oliver Haw For Chin, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
86. Ralph Hawkins, Internal Medicine, South Health Campus
87. T. Lee-Ann Hawkins, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
88. Jolene Haws, Internal Medicine, South Health Campus
89. Robert Hayward, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
90. Robert J. Herman, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
91. Naushad Hirani, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
92. Alim Hirji, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
93. Sunny Ho, Family Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
94. Kaili Hoffart, Family Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
95. Aatif Hussain, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital

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96. Humaira Iqbal, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
97. Ryan Iwasiw, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
98. Juri Janovcik, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
99. Julie Jarand, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
100. Sidra Javed, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
101. Allison Jerome, Family Medicine, Royal Alexandra/Misericordia Hospital
102. Jennifer Jin, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
103. Sheri John, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns/Royal Alexandra Hospitals
104. Colin Josephson, Clinical Neurosciences, Foothills Medical Centre
105. Angela Juby, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
106. John Kachope, Internal Medicine, Misericordia Hospital
107. Rahim Kachra, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
108. Dina Kao, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta
109. Danielle Keller, Family Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
110. Erin Kennah, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
111. Brendan Kerr, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
112. Arienne King, Internal Medicine, Misericordia Hospital
113. Chelsey King, Hospitalist, Peter Lougheed Hospital
114. Karl Martin Klein, Clinical Neurosciences, Foothills Medical Centre
115. Maitreyi KothandaRaman, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
116. Mithum Kularatne, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
117. Jamila Kureshi, Family Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
118. Lorie Kwong, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
119. Robin Lamoureux, Family Medicine, Grey Nuns/Sturgeon/Fort Saskatchewan Hospitals
120. Ryan Lenz, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
121. Hernando Leon, Internal Medicine, Sturgeon Community Hospital
122. Alexander A. Leung, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
123. Kelvin Leung, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
124. Alison Lewis, Hospitalist, Foothills Medical Centre
125. Danielle Lewis, Family Medicine, ​University of Alberta/Grey Nuns/Fort Saskatchewan Hospitals
126. Doris Li, Family Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
127. Zhi Li, Family Medicine, Misericordia Hospital
128. Dale Lien, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
129. Jonathan Liu, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
130. Liberty Liu, Family Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
131. Rachel Lim, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
132. Kimberly Loeffler, Family Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
133. Nanki Longowal, Family Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
134. Irene Ma, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
135. Colin MacDonald, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
136. Paul Mac Mullan, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
137. Gisela Macphail, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
138. Julie McKeen, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
139. Robert Mc Laughlin, Family Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
140. Jacqueline McMillan, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
141. Rahul Mehta, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
142. Jennifer Minsos, Family Medicine, Royal Alexandra/Grey Nuns Hospitals
143. Evan Minty, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
144. Marcy Mintz, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre

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145. Shwan Mohydeen, Internal Medicine, Misericordia Hospital
146. Fraulein Morales, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
147. Cristina Moran Toro, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
148. Gonasagran Munsamy, Family Medicine, Royal Alexandra/Fort Saskatchewan Hospitals
149. Salma Murji, Family Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
150. Olga Muradov, Internal Medicine, Misericordia Hospital
151. Daniel Muruve, Internal Medicine, Calgary Zone
152. Sharmilla Naidoo, Hospitalist, Foothills Medical Centre
153. Shereen Nessim, Hospitalist, Peter Lougheed Centre
154. Jennifer Ngo, Internal Medicine, South Health Campus
155. Jamie Olesen, Family Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
156. Jennifer Ortynski, Family Medicine, Misericordia Hospital
157. Maisoon Osman, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
158. Raj Padwal, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
159. Neesh Pannu, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
160. Anu Parhar, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
161. Manuela Pattison-Bacon, Family Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
162. Robert Pauly, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
163. Troy Pederson, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
164. Sachin Pendharkar, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
165. Sarah Perry, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
166. Anna Purdy, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
167. Uwais Qarni, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
168. Naheed Rajabali, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
169. Sivaprakash Rajoo, Family Medicine, Sturgeon Community/Royal Alexandra Hospitals
170. Noreen Rajwani, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
171. Gillian Ramsay, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
172. Luke Rannelli, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
173. Suresh Reddy, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta
174. Asifa Riaz, Family Medicine, Sturgeon Community/Misericordia Hospitals
175. Stuart Rosser, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
176. Julia Rouget, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
177. Diana Rucker, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
178. Shannon Ruzycki, Internal Medicine, ​Foothills Medical Centre/Rockyview General Hospital
179. Tarandeep Sandhu, Internal Medicine,
180. Michel Sauve, Internal Medicine, Northern Lights Regional Health Centre
181. Mona Shafey, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
182. Nikhil Shah, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
183. Emil Shaker, Family Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
184. Yael Shrom, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
185. Jeff Shrum, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
186. Sabin Shurraw, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
187. Winnie Sia, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
188. Kate Skolnik, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
189. William Son, Hospitalist, Peter Lougheed Centre
190. Melanie Stapleton, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
191. Lesley Street, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
192. Karen Tang, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
193. Hesham Tarhoni, Internal Medicine, Sturgeon Community/Grey Nuns Hospitals

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194. Mitesh Thakrar, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
195. Stephanie Thompson, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta
196. Alain Tremblay, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
197. Willis H. Tsai, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
198. Brent Turner, Family Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
199. Tiffany Van Slyke, Family Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
200. Jay Varghese, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
201. Meghan Vlasschaert, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
202. Brandie Walker, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
203. John Walsh, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
204. Andrew Wassef, Internal Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
205. Kathryn Watson, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
206. Jason Weatherald, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Centre
207. Peter Wei, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta/Royal Alexandra Hospitals
208. Kevin Wen, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta
209. Jennifer Williams, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
210. Jonathan Wong, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
211. Winnie W. S. Wong, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
212. Maureen A Young, Family Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
213. Diana Yu, Family Medicine, Grey Nuns/Royal Alexandra Hospitals
214. Hana Yu, Family Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
215. Kelly Zarnke, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre

The following physicians also sign this letter after the January 5, 2021 deadline established by the authors
(in chronological order):
216. Johan Conradie, Internal Medicine, Rockyview General Hospital
217. Elliott Sprague, Internal Medicine, Grey Nuns Hospital
218. Hanan Bassyouni, Internal Medicine, Peter Lougheed Hospital
219. Soroush Shojai, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
220. Elena Kumar, Family Medicine, Royal Alexandra Hospital
221. Mang Ma, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital
222. Jessica Tang, Family Medicine, Peter Lougheed/Grey Nuns Hospitals
223. Eric Leung, Internal Medicine, Foothills Medical Centre
224. Justin G. Weinkauf, Internal Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital

If you would like to still add your name to this list, please respond to the original email directly.

* ​Note that following the fan out for signature, it came to the attention of the authors that in
smaller centre’s the COVID case load may not fill an entire unit or ward but that those locations
would still likely have a specific area with healthcare workers dedicated to COVID positive
patients. In this letter, the term “unit” is intended to include these areas as well.

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Copies sent to the following leaders:
● Premier Jason Kenney via email - ​
● Paul Wynnyk (Deputy Minister, Municipal Affairs, COVID Vaccine Task Force Chair) via email -
● Dr. Verna Yiu (AHS CEO) via email - ​
● Dr. Francois Belanger (AHS CMO) via email - ​
● Dr. David Zygun (Edmonton Zone Medical Director) via email -
● Dr. Sid Viner (Calgary Zone Medical Director) via email - ​
● Dr. Michael Auld (Interim South Zone Medical Director) via email -
● Dr. Jennifer Bestard (Acting Central Zone Medical Director) via email -
● Dr. Albert Harmse (Acting North Zone Medical Director) via email -
● Dr. Deena Hinshaw (Chief Medical Officer of Health) via email - ​

Copies also sent to the constituency offices of each MLA representing a physicians signing this
open letter:
● MLA Jason Copping via email - ​
● MLA Lorne Dach via email - ​
● MLA Thomas Dang via email - ​
● MLA Kathleen Ganley via email - ​
● MLA Laila Goodridge via email - ​
● MLA Sarah Hoffman via email - ​
● MLA Jason Kenney (Premier) - ​
● MLA Jason Luan via email - ​
● MLA Kaycee Madu via email - ​
● MLA Nicholas Milliken via email - ​
● MLA Dale Nally via email - ​
● MLA Demetrios Nicolaides via email ​
● MLA Rachel Notley (Leader Official Opposition) via email -
● MLA Rakhi Pancholi via email - ​
● MLA Marie Renaud via email - ​
● MLA Sonya Savage via email - ​
● MLA Marlin Schmidt via email - ​
● MLA Doug Schweitzer via email - ​
● MLA Tyler Shandro (the recipient of this letter) - ​
● MLA David Shepherd (Official Opposition Health Critic) via email -
● MLA Lori Sigurdson via email - ​
● MLA Tany Yao via email - ​

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