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Drilling Fluids Properties

Lecture 2

( Second Stage )
Dept. of Oil and Gas Engineering

M.Sc. Hussein Aliwi

The primary function of the liquid is to provide the initial density and viscosity which can
be modified to obtain any desirable rheological property. the formulation of the four
components gives rise to the diverse and varied properties related to the following:

• Mud Weight (Density)

• Rheology (Viscosity)
• Filtrate Loss
• Chemical Inhibition
• Solids content

Any other property can be considered to be of secondary importance to these. Thus,

when the condition of the drilling fluid is discussed, it should be in terms which
relate to the above fundamental properties.
Mud Weight (Density)
• Question:
• What is Mud Weight (density)?
Mud weight or mud density is a weight of mud per unit volume. It is one of the
most important drilling fluid properties because it Generate Hydrostatic Pressure
to Controls Formation Pressure and it also helps wellbore stability. Mud weight is
measured and reported in pounds per gallon (PPG), pounds per cubic feet (lb /ft3),
or Gram per cubic centimeter (gm/cc), or other units such as specific gravity or
Kilogram per liter (kg/l).

• Fresh Water density = 8.34 ppg (1.0 S.G.)

• Oil Base (Diesel) = 7.0 ppg (0.84 S.G.)
• Mud varies from 8.4 to 19.0+ ppg

It is typically expressed in oil field units as pounds per gallon (ppg)

P pore < P hydrostatic < P fracture

Drilling Fluids Tests

1. Mud Weight / Density

The density of the drilling mud can be determined with the Mud Balance shown below, The cup of
the balance is completely filled with a sample of the mud and the lid placed firmly on top (some
mud should escape through the hole in the lid). The balance arm is placed on the base and the rider
adjusted until the arm is level. The density can be read directly off the graduated scale at the left-
hand side of the rider.

Density Measurement
Calibrate with fresh water – 8.34 ppg at 68ºF
Mud sample must be uniform and representative
Foamy mud must be defoamed
Mud Balance is used to measure mud density

Pressurized Mud Balance
Mud weight is normally measured by a conventional mud balance; however, if
you have some air inside a fluid phase, reading from the conventional mud
balance will give you an inaccurate number. Therefore, the most accurate
method to measure the mud weight is with a pressurized mud balance.

Rheological Properties
Rheo – flow
logia – study of

Rheology: is the study of deformation

and flow of matter. The study of rheology is

Important because it allows the drilling fluid to be specifically analyzed in

terms of fluid flow profile, viscosity, hole cleaning ability, pressure loss,

equivalent circulating density - in general, wellbore hydraulics.

Rheological Properties:

1. Viscosity ( Apparent, Effective, Plastic).

2. Yield Point.
3. Gel Strength.

To get the Rheological Properties for an drilling fluid we have to add

active material like ( BENTONITE ).

Functions related to Rheological Properties:

Hydraulic Optimization (∆P).

Hole Cleaning.

- Transport cutting to the surface.

- Suspended cutting when no circulation.

1. Viscosity (µ)
What is Viscosity?
• A Define as the resistivity of fluid to flow. Viscosity is the measure of the internal
friction of a fluid.
• Physically: viscosity is proportional factor which describe the relationship between
Shear Rate & Shear Stress .

• Viscosity, by definition, is the ratio of shear stress (τ) to shear rate ( ).

A poise is a very large number and therefore, viscosity is typically reported in
centipoise (100 centipoise = 1 poise). 17
Viscosity Defined
The concepts of shear rate and shear stress apply to all fluid flow, and can be describe in
terms, which is a simplified depiction of two fluid layers (A and B) moving past each other
when a force (F) has been applied.

In the oilfield, the following terms are used to describe drilling fluid viscosity
and rheological properties:

• Funnel Viscosity ( , ).
• Apparent Viscosity (cP or mPa-s) All of these terms
• Effective Viscosity (cP or mPa-s)
describe viscosity
• Plastic Viscosity (cP or mPa-s)
• Yield Point ( )
• Low Shear Viscosity and Shear-Rate Viscosity LSRV (cP or mPa-s)
• Thixotropy and Gel Strengths ( )

These are key parameters for treating and maintaining drilling fluids.
Funnel Viscosity
The Marsh funnel is a simple device used primarily as an indicator of change in the drilling
fluid viscosity. is the measured times it takes for one quart (946 ml) to flow out of mud to
gravity feed through a hole of a specific diameter.

The it is used to make a very

quick test of the viscosity of the
drilling mud.
Used in the field as a relative
indicator of fluid condition.
Cannot be used to quantify the
rheological properties of the
mud, such as the Yield Point or
Plastic Viscosity.
Viscometers are used to measure drilling fluid viscosity
• A variety of viscometers are used to measure drilling fluid viscosity. Fann V-G meters and
Rheometers are designed to simplify the use of rheological models. Viscometers are also
used to measure the thixotropic properties or gel strengths of a fluid.

The shear rate ( ),(1/s) is equal to the mud viscometer

RPM multiplied by 1.703. This factor is derived from
the sleeve-and-bob geometry of the viscometer.

Shear stress (τ) : is the force required to sustain the

shear rate ( ). Shear stress is reported in standard
oilfield units as the pounds of force per hundred
square feet required to maintain the shear rate.

Apparent Viscosity ( )
Apparent Viscosity: from the previous equations its clear that as a result of combining the effect of
Plastic viscosity and yield point. Any change in Plastic Viscosity or yield point leads to change apparent
viscosity. Also to decrease if fluid flow velocity are increased .

Apparent Viscosity depends on the previous flow condition or flow history ( Velocity ) therefore in the
calculation we use Effective Viscosity (µe), (in hydraulic calculation).

The Effective Viscosity is reported as either the mud viscometer reading at 300 RPM (Ø300).

The Apparent Viscosity is reported as one-half the mud viscometer reading at 600 RPM (Ø600).

Viscosity values, expressed in centipoise (cP) are consistent with the viscosity formula:

Reasons of change drilling fluid viscosity:

1- Change in the viscosity of continuous phase.

2- Change in internal structure inversely or normally for the

solid drilling mud material.

3- Partial or total damage for the additives.


Plastic Viscosity ( )
Plastic viscosity: Is that part of the resistance to flow in mud caused by the
friction between suspended particles and the viscosity of the base liquid, also
It is due to mechanical friction of the solids in the mud as they come in
contact with Each other and with the liquid phase of the mud.

The plastic viscosity depends on:

1- Type and Size of solids present in the mud.

2- The concentration and size of solids present.

3- viscosity of continuous phase of drilling fluids.

Plastic Viscosity
Plastic viscosity increase if concentration of solid are increased as a result of
drilling (cutting).
Treating Mechanically by:

Run solid control equipment in mud system (desander, desilter, mud cleaner,
centrifuge, using screen mesh 120*120 and above).

Add continuous phase ( water ).

Plastic Viscosity in centipoise (cP) or milliPascal seconds (mPa-s) is calculated

from mud viscometer data as:

Plastic Viscosity
• High PV
• Fluid is viscous with excessive colloidal solids.
• Low ROP
Increase of PV direct related with
• To lower PV increases of YP, also with increases
• Reduce solid content of annular pressure losses and
• Increase size of solid decreases of ROP value.
• Change shape of solid

Temperature Effects
• Viscosity varies with temperature.
• Base oils and synthetics thin more appreciably under elevated temperature
• Each of the different oil- and synthetic-base fluids is affected somewhat differently
by temperature.

2. Yield point (Y )
• The first part of the resistance to flow in mud caused by the attractive force among colloidal
particles in drilling mud (A measure of the attractive forces between particles due to positive
and negative charges ). It is considered as Measure the forces causes mud to gel in case of
motionless & it Shows a minimum level of stress must be provided before mud flow (Expressed
in lb/100 ft2 ).
depends on: 1- volume & concentration of solids.
2 - properties of solids surface
3 - electrical environment in the fluid.
• Yield point increase by adding the active material like ( bentonite, clay, salt, cement).
• Treating chemically by add thinners which adsorbs on the clay surface then minimize
the attractive force.
• Common units:
• lbf/100 ft2
• Pa 30
• Exercise
• Mud engineer on the rig is checking the rheology of the mud. He tells you that the
Fann reading at 300 RPM is 20 and at 600 RPM is 32. What are the PV and YP?

Solution: Calculate PV:

32 20

• Calculate YP
!lb/100 ft2&
20 12 '

3. Gel Strength
Gel Strength: defined as The strength of internal structures which are formed
in the mud during static conditions.
- Internal structures are caused by the attraction between particles in the
drilling fluid, and also by the friction between the particles and the fluid.
- Gel strengths generally increase with time.

Physically: The gel strength of a drilling fluid is a measure of
the minimum shearing stress necessary to produce slip-wise

Gel strengths and Yield Point are both a measure of the

attractive forces in a mud system. But (gel strength in static
conditions, yield point in flow conditions).

Therefore, A decrease in one usually results in a decrease in the

other; therefore, similar chemical treatments are used to
modify them both.
Gel Strength Test

The gel strength can be measured using the Fann V-G meter. By
measuring the minimum stress required to have share rate.
1- After the mud has remained static for some time (10 secs) the rotor
is set at a low speed (3 RPM) and the deflection noted. This is reported
as the initial or 10 seconds gel.
2- The same procedure is repeated after the mud remains static for 10
minutes, to determine the 10 minute gel. Both gels are measured in
the same units as Yield Point (lbs/100 ft2 ).
Problems with Gel Strengths

• Air or gas may become entrapped in the fluid.

• Excessive pump pressures are required when breaking
circulation after a trip.
• Reduction in the efficiency of solids-removal equipment.
• Excessive swabbing while tripping out of the hole.
• Excessive pressure surges while tripping in the hole.
• Inability to get logging tools to the bottom of the hole.

Mud Filtration / Filtrate Loss
One of the most important properties of a drilling
mud is the filtration rate or water loss, which is the
measure of the relative amount of mud sheath
deposited on the permeable wall of the hole then
form (MUD CAKE). A low pressure filter press is an
instrument which meets API specifications for
filtration measurements.

Mud Filtration / Filtrate Loss

Relationship between Filtrate and Pressure
Generally, Filtration proportional directly with pressure until value when
mud cake become more compact then the permeability of mud cake will
decrease which lead to decrease the rate of filtration.

Relationship between Filtrate and ROP

Filtration proportional directly with Rate Of Penetration, because the
“Chip holding pressure” will decrease, then cutting will easily lift the
bottom of the hole.
Chip Hold Pressure: The different pressure between hydrostatic pressure
and pore pressure, if hydrostatic pressure was extremely greater than pore
pressure, drilled chip (cutting) will face difficulty to go up then holds in its
site then re-drilled which lead to low penetration rate.
• High filtrate volumes:
– Differential sticking of drillstring.
– Formation damage.
– Borehole instability.
– Bit balling.

• Low filtrate volumes:

– Decreased drill rate.
– Increased cost.
Mud Filtration / Filtrate Loss

• API Filter Press

• Measure water loss by applying 100 psi to
mud through a filter paper
• Amount fluid collected in 30 min
• Filter cake thickness and description
• Called “API water loss test”

Filtration Test

Mud Filtration / Filtrate Loss
• Filter Cake

Mud Filtration / Filtrate Loss

Solids ( Sand Content)
• Commercial solids
– Provide density.
– Viscous fluid properties.
– Lubrication.

• Formation Solids
– Cause loss of viscosity control.
– Erosion and abrasion of the circulating system and drilling tools.
– High filtrate losses.
– Thick, sticky wall cakes.

• Summary: Sand Content effect on:

– Density.
– Differential Pressure.
– Viscosity.
– Filtration.
Test Method
1. using a 200 mesh sieve and a graduated tube.
2. The glass measuring tube is filled with mud up to the scribe line.
3. Water is then added up to the next scribe line.
4. The fluids are mixed by shaking and then poured through the sieve.
5. The sand retained on the sieve should be washed thoroughly to remove and
remaining mud.
6. A funnel is fitted to the top of the sieve and the sand is washed into the glass tube
by a fine spray of water.
7. After allowing the sand to settle the sand content can be read off directly as a
The Mud Report
• All of the functions of drilling fluid are reflected by the data on the Mud Report.
• There are many service companies provides Drilling Fluid/Drilling Mud, such as
MI-SWACO, Baker Hughes, Halliburton and WeatherFord.

The Mud Report

The Mud Report

The Mud Report


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