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reasons why you should be my friend

(side note: i’m @ dream so first , dream what’s up? I hope your having a good day and well
sorry to ask but if you see this then can you like message your sister the link:) I don’t know any
of her socials and I don’t know if I’m supposed to know them so this is the easiest way.)

(if I find her socials or just see them then I will @ her too but I don’t wanna pry)

(here’s my snap because i put it at the end but yk . it’s @ parker.church1)

first off let me introduce myself, my name is parker and my preferred pronouns are they/them.
here’s some reasons you, drista, should be my friend. I really wanna be your friend for many
reasons and well if a 1000 word essay doesn’t convice you then that’s fine! i’m writing this on
my phone while on a plane so sorry for any grammatical errors. (i’m really trying to keep my
personal information out of this so I don’t accidentally get murdered by some rando but yolo)

first, i will never ask to see your or your brother’s face. all i want is to be your friend and i’m used
to not seeing peoples face. since I usually make friends online it’s normal for me not to see their
face. (yes ik i’m gonna get murdered by doing that but idc) I respect your privacy and all i ask for
is to be your friend and if not that then just one conversation with you. I will never ask or peer
pressure you into showing your face, revealing private information or anything like that. and
since it’s covid , online friends are really amazing!

next, i like the color blue and well if that isn’t enough of a reason to be my friend then well you
must me crazy. /j . well the actual next reason is that i’m funny as hell. that may or may not be a
lie but if we don’t become friends then you’ll never know. I usually make jokes that deal with my
recent obsessions! So rn my jokes are just tommy and techno jokes but in 2-3 months i’ll be
over that and move onto the next. which means i’m relatively funny , most of the time:). and to
add onto that, since my obsessions change so often i never run out of things to talk about so
every conversation will be extremely funny and interesting and since i’m kind of a nerd so you
might learn a thing or two!

another reason is that we are close in age! I’m 13 in 9th grade so i’m pretty much amazing- (not
to brag:) ) jk jk i am amazing but not for that reason. the actually reason is that online friends
can be the best! I will always be here if you need anything!

Ok so i’ve been talking about why you should be my friend but what’s also important is why I
wanna be your friend! first off, Your like amazing and funny and well I need more friends.
actually I have no more reasons so um chile - yea I just wanna be your friend. (yes this is very
annoying ik)
another reason why you should be my friend is that my brothers think this won’t work. They
think me writing an essay isn’t gonna get your attention and well I wanna prove them wrong
because im amazing and I think this will work.

(i’m really coming off as self centered, aren’t i? that’s gross. I sincerely apologize:) and I
promise i’m not that self centered )

ok on to the next reason , we can play minecraft together! i’m not great at it but well i’m not bad!
and while we couldn’t play any time soon , I am planning on getting a computer because playing
on playstation is killing me :) not really but computer is cooler. (my phone is at 18% wth this is
so homophobic/j)

also side note: I tend to use /j and other ones to like /s and a lot others when i’m joking because
I know texting and stuff can lead to misunderstandings!

(this essay is so professional 😎 /s. why is writing so hard. TECHNO YOUR AN ENGLSIH

another reason you should be my friend is that i’m very accepting. with me being non binary and
bisexual I accept everyone for who they are! and me and other people tend to get along well.
Also , I’ll stand up for you if I need to. I always stand up for my friends:)

(my phones at 15 this might not be as long of an essay as I thought. Sorry:/ )

last reason is why not? :) what do you have to lose? You gain a new friend and well i don’t

now with every good argument is a counter argument. :)

some reasons we wouldn’t be good friends is that 1. I watch your brother on yt and that can be
a bit weird but I promise I won’t talk about the dream smp to much:)

2. your practicaly famous so it might seem like i’m using you. Well it’s a good thing i’m not
because why would i? I have social anxiety so I never even want to be famous. now i wouldn’t
mind if i was because i would be lying if i said being famous isn’t kinda cool! but it’s not my main
priority and well i have no reason to be famous nor the time for it. with being in highschool i dont
have times to edit vids and stuff like that yk?

3.i’m kind of rude sometimes. mainly to strangers but i really don’t mean to but well- oopies. I try
my hardest not to.
(airplane music is the worse 2/10 and i decided to watch a scary movie while typing this so wish
me luck)

here’s some things about me you might wanna know:).

1. i love spicy chips but not necessarily spicy good idk why
2. blue.
3. i’m basically addicted to minecraft ( istg of my brother blows up my house one more time
ima hurt him /half joke)
4. i’m terrible at school but i’m super smart- yea that makes sense ik:)
5. i hate horror movies. so you may ask, why do i watch them for fun? well i don’t have an
answer to that question.
6. i’m actually writing a book rn- well not rn because i’m typing this but- moving on
7. i really hate horror movies. (i think i’ve already seen the one i’m watching rn tho)
8. i’m currently eating spicy chips that i stole from my brother. yes that is information you
don’t need but well it makes life better ig-
9. i’m an artist- not a very good one but i have some decent paintings!

I hope i convinced you to be my friend! anyways you prob wont even read this but if you do then
my snap is parker.church1 :). and if you don’t have snap then you can just message me and i’ll
give you my discord or insta or whatever. :). i cant write anymore- i literally am surprised i wrote
this much...

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