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There was once a boy who belongs to a rich family named Giovanni. He really loves Rose
to the point that he can do anything for her but Rose likes Clark. Clark was her childhood crush
because he always ranked one on their class and wins on different competitions, in short Clark
was smart and intelligent. Rose has a girl twin, Jade, who happens to be her partner in crime.
They explore things whatever entered their minds together with her best friend Seeyara.
Sometimes, her cousin Angel joins them but only if she was invited by Rose because she was a
little bit shy and an introvert kind of person. One time, a girl approaches Angel to join their circle
of friends. She introduces herself as Audrey without even saying that she has feelings to Rose
because she got attracted every time that she saw Rose helping Czarah who was called as the
“Accident prone friend”. Czarah walks as if there’s always a banana peel on her way even if
there’s none. They all live in the City of Dreams but some of them migrated to different city or

Rising Action
One time, Giovanni invited the barkada to their rest house in the City of Trepidation. He
told them that he was ordered by his mom to check on it and give the salaries of their workers
or care takers there. The barkada was so excited to have a vacation so they no longer hesitate to
tell it to their parents and luckily, their parents gave their permission. They helped each other to
pack the things that they should bring. To make their trip memorable, Giovanni prepared an
activity that they will do when they get to the rest house. In other words, it’s a surprise.

When they arrived at the rest house, the care takers welcomed them then Giovanni
gave them a tour inside and tell some stories about the house. Giovanni started his surprise
when he took his barkada to the first room. There’s a total of eight rooms and each room was
decorated according to some memorable events for Giovanni. But on the eighth room, they
we’re surprised by the bats, one of them got the virus and they got quarantined. Nurses and
doctors treated them. During the fourteen-day quarantine, one of them was killed each day and
no one knows what was happening.

Falling Action
The person who got the virus died, which is Jade, the twin of Rose. When Rose heard
the news, she insisted and forced others to take her to Jade. Unfortunately, she did not succeed
because they need to be quarantined for fourteen days. After their fourteen-day quarantine,
they visited Jade’s grave. Despite the sadness, Rose was still able to notice that her friends were
not there, only Giovanni. The only response of Giovanni to her was, “They all died as well”. A lot
of questions got into her mind and think that there’s something bad happening there. She
cursed and told Giovanni that when she finds out who did those things, she will make sure that
he/she will pay for it. Giovanni got hurt to what Rose said and just told her the truth. The truth
that the reason why he did that was he loved her so much and got jealous to everyone.
Giovanni also died. The killer/s are going to kill Rose too but suddenly, Rose woke up. It
turns out that everything was just a dream. What really happen is that she was is a choma. Her
husband was only narrating horror stories to her suggested by the barkada. Because they
thought that Rose was fond of horror movies or stories, therefore, telling her some horror
stories might woke her up. And it did! Giovanni and Rose thanked them. Rose told them that she
will just tell her dream when she got home to the City of Dreams.


Rose (Protagonist) – a simple girl who finds happiness when she was with her barkada
Giovanni (Antagonist) – the lover/ the killer of the barkada who came from a rich family
 Clark – Rose’s crush
 Jade – twin sister of Rose, the partner in crime
 Seeyara – bestfriend of Rose, the second partner in crime
 Angel – cousin of Rose, an introvert kind of person
 Audrey – a bisexual who likes Rose
 Czarah – the accident prone in the barkada


City of Dreams – a compact, crowded and fascinating place. It was named City of Dreams
because of the belief that this place was created by a fairy when it appeared to her dream.
Rest house of Giovanni’s family in the City of Trepidation – where Giovanni’s family lived
before. Named as City of Trepidation after frightening occasions happened, the reason why they
decided to live the place.
Hospital – the place where sicked people are treated including Rose. Where he slept for almost
two weeks.



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