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1.Translate the following words into English.

* Alumbrando: Lighting * Amargo/a (objeto):
* Moral: Moral * Noticias: News
* Material: Material * Vestido: Dress
* Tenor: Tenor * Bondadoso: Kind
* Sombrero: Hat * Sabio:
* Opuesto: Opposite * Hondo: Deep
* Tenedor: Fork * Hijo: Son
* Pan: Bread * Carta: Letter

2. Make 5 sentences using Present Continuous (-ing)

-I am painting in the night.
-They are drinking alcohol.
-She is studying in the house.
-We are washing the car with my brother.
-Susan is cleaning the window.

3. Write the Months / seasons of the year and the Days of the week in
Days of the week
-Monday -Tuesday
-Wednesday -Thursday
-Friday -Saturday
Months of the year
-January -February
-March -April
-May -June
-July -August
-September -October
-November -December
-Summer -Autumn
-Winter -Spring

4. Complete the following sentences with Present Simple and ‘The Use
* Arthur has (have) to scape from the TV studio.
* Mary gives (give) Joel and Clementine a second chance to fall (fall) in love.
* Shrek keeps (keep) walking through the forest with Fiona and Donkey to get up
(phrasal verb ‘get’) Duloc.
* Murphy nearly makes (near) (make) Arthur angry.
* Joel leaves (leave) his house.
* Bruce thinks (think) that Arkham City is a good place to live.
* Can you keep (keep) a secret for me?
* Paul, John, George, and Ringo go (go) to their last concert.
* Before you go to supermarket, you need to think twice (2 times).

5. Make 5 sentences using Opposites

-Japan is a good country, but USA is bad.
-The opposite of war is peace.
-I see first the movie. You see last.
-My shoes are black, but my T-shirt is white.
-I am from live at East and you live at West.
6. Complete the following sentences with ‘a’ ‘an’.
* an apple * a web * a young man
* a mistake * an article * an awful spider
* a habit * a jacket * a great story
* a boy * an army * a big bag

7. Complete the next table:

Infinite-Simple Past-Past Participle

arise arose arisen

arrest arrested arrested

bear born

Beat beat beaten

arrive arrived arrived

answer answered answered

add added added

apologise apologised apologised

awake awoke awoken

become became become

8. Make 10 sentences using the verbs of the list ( question n° 7)
-She added onions in the salad.
-The police arrested to president in his house.
-She awakes my heart with her eyes.
-I beat my hand with the table.
-They apologized with their family.
-My girlfriend arrived at Lima.
-Alex becomes in Spiderman.

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