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Macbeth: Scene Rewrite

Instructions: ​You will choose a passage from Macbeth. ​You will rewrite this scene. ​ You can
choose how to rewrite it. Southern English, Modern English/Slang, Pidgin English, Star Wars
theme, Cowboy theme, rap, use a song melody or choose any other creative way other than
Shakespeare English that will help the class understand the scene more clearly.​ Keep it
classroom appropriate and abide by school and class rules (no swearing, bullying, put-downs,
sexual innuendos, racist remarks etc.) Any inappropriate performances will result in an automatic
0 and disciplinary action.
*In addition to rewriting the scene, you can record a view of you performing your scene for extra
credit points.*

● The character interaction needs to be appropriate for the new theme you’ve chosen
● Your scene must follow the format of playwriting
○ That means character lines, stage direction, etc.
● It is important to keep the original ideas and thoughts in your rewrite
● Preforming: You can submit your video on google classroom, so send it to me whatever
way you can. The video should be 2-5 minutes long. You can use the script in the video,
but try to have the lines memorized.
● You will share your google document with me when you start your script. That way I can
check your progress and give you suggestions/comments while you are writing your
○ If you are handwriting your script, message/email me and we will figure out a
different way for me to help you.

This assignment is due May 8th by 3 pm on Google Classroom. Or a physical copy

at the May 12th homework drop-off.
You may select one of these RECOMMENDED scenes. If you choose a scene not listed here,
email/message me for approval first. Some options are the whole scene, whereas options are only
portions of the scene.
Scene 3
- Macbeth and Banquo, the temptation takes grip of Macbeth (lines 119- 156)
Scene 5
- Lady Macbeth reads Macbeth’s letter (lines 1-29)
Scene 7
- Macbeth’s inner struggle (1-28)
​ACT 2
Scene 1
- Macbeth imagines the dagger (33-64)
Scene 4
- The banquet where Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost (lines 38-76)
Scene 1
- The 3 Witches’ second prophecy Macbeth and the 3 Apparitions (lines 64- 134)
Scene 1
- Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking and confession to the Doctor and Gentlewomen (lines
Scene 8
- Macduff finds and battles Macbeth (lines 1- 34)
- Macduff brings in Macbeth’s head and proclaims Malcolm King (lines 54-75)

If you have any questions or comments about this assignment, email me or message me.
Example: This is Act 1, Scene 1&2 rewritten into modern English with some slang.


WITCH 1 – Hey, guys, when should we meet again?

WITCH 2 – When it’s over.

WITCH 3 – When what’s over?

WITCH 2 – You know, the ​thing.

WITCH 1 – The Hurlyburly.

WITCH 3 – Oh, that! Isn’t that going to happen today?

WITCH 1 – Probably

WITCH 3 – Then where should we meet?

WITCH 2 – The Heath.

WITCH3 – Can’t we do it somewhere else? I hate the heath.

WITCH 1 & 2 – We will meet at the Heath.

WITCH 3 – Fine. See you there.

WITCHES walk offstage.


DUNCAN, MALCOLM, and LENNOX enter to meet a CAPTAIN.

DUNCAN – Hey who’s that?

MALCOLM – Looks like a captain.

LENNOX – Good god, man. He’s bleeding!

DUNCAN – Maybe he can tell us what happened in the battle with MacDonwald.

CAPTAIN – Your highness,

DUNCAN – Get off your knees, boy. Tell me, what happened in the battle with MacDonwald?

CAPTAIN – MacBeth won, but I got stabbed. Please help me.


(they give each other a high five)

LENNOX – Awesome.

(DUNCAN, MALCOLM, and LENNOX begin to walk away)

CAPTAIN – Hey! Where are you going? I’ve been walking for a day leaking blood out of my
side! Please get me to a doctor! (falls over from blood loss)

DUNCAN – Oh, sorry. I got carried away. Lennox, get this guy a doctor.

LENNOX – Right away, your highness.

(LENNOX goes after the DOCTOR, ROSS comes onstage)

ROSS – (bowing to the king) Your highness,

DUNCAN – Where’d you come from?

ROSS – (pointing at the CAPTAIN) Same place that guy did.

DUNCAN – Ooooh. Yeah that looks rough. You look like you did alright, though.

ROSS – You know how it is. I’m glad MacDonwald is no longer the Thane of Cawdor.

DUNCAN – He was a traitor anyway.

ROSS – yeah and he never brushed his teeth.

DUNCAN – No joke! Alright, well we need a new Thane. Tell MacBeth he’s got the job.

ROSS – Cool. (DUNCAN, ROSS, and MALCOLM exit)

CAPTAIN – (still lying on the ground) Someone….please….help….aaaahhh……

(Thank you to Mr. Hazen of ​Hanzenwork​ ​for this example.)

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