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The Impact of Inefficient Internet and Data Service on the Education of the High School

Students of Grace Christian Community Schools Inc.


Angel Sanico

Frnchezka Canlas

Jenny Rose Pasibe

Howard Rasco

As we go along in this modern times, internet plays an important part of our daily life.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the internet as “an electronic communications network

that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world.” It

has been started to recognize during 1990, when the world wide web was invented by Tim

Berners-Lee, a computer scientist. It became popular to the public as it serves a lot of

information that are accessible by every individual. Uses of internet grows as we go along up to

present time. Internet has been widely used as a tool not only in information gathering but also

in communicating, education purposes, and business.

When it comes to education, internet provides a lot of advantages such as access to

more information in just one click, unlike before, students tend to go to libraries to gather or

search such information through reading books, or encyclopedias. It bridges the communication

gap between the student and the teachers. Learning tools could be access nowadays through

digital presentations such as Microsoft office word, excel, and PowerPoint. It also provides

convenience in doing assignments, projects, research or thesis and alike.

This dependency of students and teachers to internet are relevant nowadays because

of online-based approach learning classes. It is used as a tool in learning during these time of

pandemic. It allows students and teachers to communicate the topics or lesson through the use

of online applications, such as google meet, zoom, Edmodo, and etc. However, problem arises

whether students are really learning or just complying to the requirements they are assigned
to. Limitations include the internet connection. One of the factor that hinders the learning of

the students is the stability of internet connection or data service that one has, whenever there

may be applicable. According to Salac & Kim(year), our country is one with an average internet

speed, and not all students has access to internet or data services. There were many internet

providers in our country such as PLDT, Globe, SKY, Converge and etc. Despite the numbers of

providers here in our country, there are still factors affecting the speed of internet that are

essential in online-based approach learning classes such as technology or devices, location,

such as in the provinces or the service itself. This would clearly give rise to question if internet

speed or connection does affect the learning of the students.


Research Problem:

How does inefficient internet connection affect the academic performance of High school

students in Grace Christian Community School Inc.?


Null Hypothesis
The inefficient internet and data service does not affect the Academic Performance of the high

school students of Grace Christian Community School Inc.

Alternative Hypothesis

The inefficient internet data service affect the academic performance of the high school

students of Grace Christian Community School Inc.


The main objectives of this study is to determine the impact of inefficient internet and

data service on the academic performance of the students cause of COVID-19 pandemic

Significance of the study

This study will be undertaken to find out how does inefficient internet connection affect the

academic performance of Highschool students in Grace Christian Community School Inc.

Benifiting the study are the various sectors as follows:

The Student's

The direct recipients of the output of this research is the students. The internet is very

beneficial for students in all aspects. It serves as a teacher ti students from where you can ask

everything and it will answer you.

The Impact of Distance
learning on the students of
Grace Community School Inc.


This study will very be beneficial to the teachers of Grace Christian Community School
ACCESS TO INTERNET availability of
this research the teachers gadgets
may purposefully how blendedaccess or toolsconducting
learning to
onlineisclass the

APPLICATIONS Laptop, cellphone,
For future researchers (Zoom,Google
(Zoom,Google tablets, computer,
classrooms, Edmodo, etc
classrooms, Edmodo, etc printer, etc.

This research will be useful for the researchers who would plan to make any related
NETWORK precisely the effects of inefficient internet on students learning.

Over all, this study will aid Grace Christian Community School itself: the students, teachers

and future researchers in giving the standard and sychronized way of making their work



The study focused mainly on the academic performance of the students cause of

inefficient internet and data service due to COVID-19 pandemic.


Despite this steady growth in K–12 virtual course taking, we know little about how

these courses affect student achievement (Means, Toyama, Murphy, & Bakia, 2013). On the

one hand, proponents of virtual education point to several ways that virtual education could

provide higher-quality education for students as compared with traditional classroom settings.

For instance, virtual classes may allow students to work at a more individualized pace. This

individualized pacing may help slower learners by allowing them to repeat confusing material

until they master it, and it can help faster learners by allowing them to move on when they

master material, without requiring them to sit through repetitious explanations (Berge & Clark,

2005; Tallent-Runnels et al., 2006). Virtual courses may also be well suited to provide

immediate feedback on student performance to both students and teachers through intelligent

tutoring systems, and they may provide for a uniquely interactive experience between students

and the texts that they access (Means, Bakia, & Murphy, 2014). For instance, if students are

able to click on links within lessons that provide them additional detail on a subject of interest,

that will allow them to explore their interests interactively. Moreover, online courses allow

students access to coursework, and potentially to high-quality teaching, that they may lack in

their local school

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic rapidly spread across the country, schools

have shut their doors and classes have moved online in order to slow the spread. The transition

to online learning has impacted not only teachers, who have had to amend their courses, but

also students who have had to adjust to a new learning environment.

One of the major consequences of the transition to online learning is its impact on

student health, specifically sleep habits. Students in different time zones than their institutions
are now sacrificing sleep to wake up for classes on Zoom.Virtual learning has inevitably

increased the amount of time students spend on digital devices everyday.

internet according to Wells [12] is a computer mediated communication tool,

providing the individual with accessto a broad spectrum of information and unique

communication technologies. The internet is a global system for interconnected computer

networks that use the standard internet protocol suite to serve billions of usersworldwide. It is

a network of networks that consist ofmillions of private, public, academic, business and

government network of local to global scope that are linked by a broad array of electronic,

wireless and optical networking technologies. The internet carries a vast range of information

resources and services such as the interlinked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web

(WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail.Madu and Adeniran [13] noted that

the internet developed from a United States Department of Defence project, during the cold

war years.

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