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Answer the following questions based the picture above.

1. What is the doctor doing ?

2. What is the normal blood pressure ?
3. What is the normal body temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius?
4. What are the instruments you need for performing these procedures?

ACTIVITY 1. VIDEO LESSON : Taking vital signs of the patient

1. Before watching the video

a. Have you ever taken vita signs of the patient ? if yes, what medical instruments did use ?
b. What is the vital signs ?
c. What is the normal of
1. Blood pressure ?
2. Pulse ?
3. Temperature ?
4. Respiration Rate ?

2. While wathcing video

Answer the following questions after watching the video
1. What is your preparation before measuring blood pressure?
2. What are you checking in taking vital signs?
3. Can you mention three pieces of medical instruments used when taking
vital signs?
4. What is the nursing student doing first ?
5. What is the name of the patient?
6. What is the nursing student name?
7. What is the nursing student doing before measuring blood pressure?
8. Where did the nurse check the pulse of the patient?
9. What was the result of the patient pulse?
10. Where did the nurse put the cuff ?
11. What was the result of the patient Blood Pressure?

Activity 2. WORK IN PAIR. Pick some instruments for taking vital signs don’t look at the next page.
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10

Activity 3. Match the following name of instruments for taking vital signs with the pictures above.

A. A watch __________________________
B. A TPR / BP chart or book __________________________
C. A thermometer __________________________
D. A stethoscope __________________________
E. A sphygmomanometer __________________________
F. A Thermometer Jar __________________________
G. A trolley. __________________________
H. A Gauze / Tissue __________________________
I. A Kidney Dish __________________________
J. A glove __________________________

Activity 4. Match the function of instruments for taking vital signs with the picture above.

A. To record the result of TPR & BP. ___________________________

B. To listen the sound of artery. ___________________________
C. To measure blood pressure ___________________________
D. To calculate pulse / respiration rate ___________________________
E. To measure temperature ___________________________
F. To keep thermometer. ___________________________
G. To bring the instruments ___________________________
H. To keep thermometer dry ___________________________
I. To avoid contamination ___________________________
J. To keep soiled dressing ___________________________

Types of sphygmomanometer

Mercury sphygmomanometer Aneroid sphygmomanometer

Wall sphygmomanometer Stand sphygmomanometer

Digital sphygmomanometer

Activity 5. Re-arrange the following pictures into correct order and what will you say as you are taking a
patient’s blood pressure.

1 2 3
4 5 6

Activity 6. Complete the following texts with your own words as the right order in taking a patient’s blood

1. Picture no 1 is a nurse ________________________________________________

2. Picture no 2 is a nurse ________________________________________________
3. Picture no 3 is a nurse ________________________________________________
4. Picture no 4 is a nurse ________________________________________________
5. Picture no 5 is a nurse ________________________________________________
6. Picture no 6 is a nurse ________________________________________________



1. Greeting the client.

2. Explain the purpose of taking vital signs.

3. A nurse checks the ID band of the patient.

4. Ask patient to cooperate when the nurse do the procedures

5. Ask the client for lying down on the bed or sit on the chair

6. A nurse wash her hand with antiseptic solution

7. Ask patient to give their left or right arm.

8. Ask patient to roll up the sleeve.

9. Put the cuff at the upper arm.

10. Lock the valve of the bulb.

11. Search the position artery at wrist (Radialis artery) and elbow (Brachiakis Artery)
12. Put the stethoscope over the brachialis artery.

13. Pump the bulb to inflate the cuff while a nurse palpate the radialis artery. until the artery
beats disappear and add 20 – 30 mmhg.

14. Unlock the valve of the bulb slowly.

15. Reduce the pressure by deflating the cuff slowly and listen the first sound of artery (Systolic)
until the last sound (Diastolic).

16. Put off the cuff from upper arm.

17. Ask patient to roll down the sleeve.

18. Put the instruments to the right place.

19. Tidy up the patient.

20. Write the result of blood pressure in the T.P.R. and Blood pressure chart

Activity 7. Work in pairs. Re-arrange the words below into the correct order to make sentences in measuring
blood pressure.

1. In your bed / lay down / you / can _______________________________________

2. Right arm / have / i / may / your _______________________________________
3. For me / your sleeve / please / roll up _______________________________________
4. Roll down / can you / sleeve / your _______________________________________
5. Put / at your upper arm / this cuff / i will _______________________________________
6. Sthetoscope / place / at your elbow / I will _______________________________________
7. the artery / at your lower arm / position / search ________________________________________
8. Sound of Artery/beginning /from/listen/to/ending ________________________________________
9. Move/please/when/I measure/your BP/don’t/ ________________________________________
10. Put/the cuff/off/I will/ your upper arm/ from ________________________________________
Useful Expressions

Greeting the Client

 Good morning, sir …, How are you today?
 Good afternoon mom… are you okay this afternoon?
 Good evening, Mr. Black, did you sleep well last night?
 Good morning Mr. Jack, have you taken your breakfast ?

 Good morning, I am good, nurse
 Good afternoon, nurse, i am pretty good this afternoon
 Good morning, I have taken my breakfast
 Good morning, I couldn’t sleep well last night

Introducing your selves

 I am Nurse Carol, I am your nurse today
 My name is Nurse Rose, I will take care you this afternoon.
 This evening, I will be your nurse, don’t worry, I will take care you well

 Thank you very much to be my nurse this morning
 Thanks a lot to become my nurse this afternoon

Explaining the procedure

This morning / afternoon / evening ……..

 I would like to ………

 I ‘d like to …….
 I will …………
 Let me …………
 I am going to ……………….

 take your pulse.

 check your temperature.
 measure your blood pressure.
 Please
 With my pleasure

Giving instruction politely

 Could you ……
 Can you ……….
 Will you ………..
 Would you ……

 Lay down in your bed, please !

 Give me your right arm, please !
 Roll your sleeve up, please !
 Roll your sleeve down, please !
 Please ……….
 Don’t move when I measure your blood pressure
 Don’t take your arm while 1 am measuring your BP.
 Keep calm when I measure your BP
 I will ……
 Put this cuff at your upper arm
 Search the artery position at your lower arm
 Put this stethoscope at your pulse
 Lock the valve and pump the bulb to inflate the cuff
 Unlock the valve and deflate the cuff
 Listen the sound of artery from beginning to ending

 Okay, no problem
 Okay, I will
Reassurance of the patient

 Don’t worry, everything will be all right

 Don’t be afraid, it shouldn’t be painful
 Don’t worry, I ‘m a professional nurse,
 Don’t be afraid, you are in a good hand.
 Everything is gonna be okay.
 I’ll do this as quickly as I can.

Question for the result of vital signs

 How is my blood pressure, nurse ?

 How is my temperature ?
 Tell me how is my blood pressure is ?


Your ……
Blood pressure : 120 / 80 mmhg
( one hundred and twenty over eighty millimeter mercury )
Temperature : 37.50 ( degrees Celscius )
Pulse : 70 beats per minute. ( 70 bpm )
Respiration : 20 times per minute ( 20 x / min )

Now your turn to make a short dialogue in taking blood pressure of the patient

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