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Republic of the Philippines


Poblacion 5, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite


Subject Code: FS 101 Description: Advanced Foundations of Education

Course Contents

I. Anthropological Foundation of Education

A. Contributions of Renowned Anthropologists, Archeologists, Ethnologists & Historians
B. Advent of Humans in the Philippines
C. Culture: Characteristics, Categories and Approaches
D. Filipino Contemporary Counter-Productive Culture
E. Kinship, Descent and Marriage
II. Historical Foundation of Education
A. Contributions of Renowned Philosophers, Educators, Theologists
B. Historical Periods of Education
1. Primitive Civilization
2. Classical Civilization
3. Middle Ages
4. Reformation Era
5. Age of Enlightenment
6. 20th Century
C. The Philippine Educational System and its Development
III. Philosophical Foundation of Education
A. Educational Philosophers
B. Areas of Philosophy
C. Classical Approaches to Philosophy of Education
1. Idealism
2. Realism
3. Pragmatism/Experimentalism
D. Philosophical Theories of Education
1. Essentialism
2. Perrenialism
3. Progressivism
4. Social Reconstructionism
E. Contemporary Philosophies of Education
1. Cognitivism
2. Moral Cognitivism
3. Existentialism
IV. Legal Foundation of Education
1. The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines, Article XIV
2. Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 (An Act Providing for the Establishment & Maintenance of
an Integrated System of Education
3. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
4. R.A. 9155 (Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001)
5. R.A. 8292, (Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997)

V. Psychological Foundation of Education

1. Psychologists, Philosophers, and their Theories
2. Learning Theories
3. The Teacher: The Teaching Profession, Preparation of Teachers, The Roles &
Functions of Teachers; The Classroom Teacher, Teacher Outside the Classroom)
4. The Learner: (Human Dimension; Cultural, Spiritual, Moral, and Intellectual
VI. Sociological Foundation of Education
1. Sociologists, Political Theorists, Scientists and Economists and their Theories
2. Vital Social Unit and Institutions
3. Filipino Values
4. Socio Economic Strata
VII. Moral Foundation of Education
1. Philosophers, Theologian and Educators whose Principles and Dogmas Served as
Bases of Moral Standard for Human Conduct
2. Freedom and Responsibility ( To Oneself, To Others, and to the Environment)
3. Social Justice
( Graft and Corruption, Dishonesty in Trades, Unjust Wages)
4. Faithfulness and Truthfulness ( Friendship, Marriage)

VIII. Theological Foundation of Education

1. Theologians from their Respective Times and Their Doctrines
2. Sacred Scriptures and Sacred Traditions
3. The Filipino Theology

1. Oral Report
2. Participation and Sharing/Interaction/Performance Tasks 30
3. Final Examination 30
4. Written Report (Hard Copy of Oral Report, CD Copy); Narrative Report 15
5. Term Paper (Personal/Own Philosophy of Education)/ DepEd Orders/CHED 15
Memorandum Orders (Analysis)
6.Attendance & Professionalism 10
Total 100%

Alvior, M. G. (January 9, 2015). Four major foundations of curriculum and their importance in education. In
SimplyEducate.Me. Retrieved from 4-major-foundations-of-curriculum-

Canistrari, A. and Marlowe, B.A. (Eds.). (2009). Foundations of education: An anthology of critical readings. New
York; Sage Publications.

Kidd, Jennifer et. Al. (2010) Foundations of education and instructional assessment.>wiki> last edited Aug. 31, 2010

Pada, Frederick, So. (2010) “Governance in Chartered SUCs” EARIST Research Journal. Vol. 2, No. 2, Jan-June

Recto, Angel S. (2005) Foundations of education (Vol. I & II). Quezon City: Rex Bookstore, Inc.


1. “Education as a Human Right in the 21st Century” by Dr. Sharon E. Lee, University of Waterloo. Democracy and
Education Vol. 21 (2013) Iss. 1

2. “The Role of the Social Foundations of Education in Programs of Teacher Preparation, Canada” by Donald Kerr,
Lakehead University; David Mandzuk, University of Manitobe; Helen Raptis, University of Victoria. Canadian
Journal of Education 34,4 (2011):118-134, c2011. Canadian Society for the Study of Education.

3. Semuel, Susan F. (2010) Foundations of education: The Essential Texts/ Edition 1 New York; London

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