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TMF 4913


Name : Alya Syazana Binti Yumat

Matric Number : 58439

Supervisor : Dr Nadianatra Binti Musa

Title : FYP Brief Proposal

Supervisor Dr. Nadianatra binti Musa
Student Alya Syazana Binti Yumat
Project Title Mira Cake House Inventory Management System
Description Mira Cake House is a company that sells Sarawak layer cakes. Mira
Cake House has a total of seven branches in Kuching, Kota Samarahan,
and Kuala Lumpur. The main factory is at Demak Laut, Kuching. The
total staffs of Mira Cake house are 100 people. Besides Sarawak layer
cakes, Mira Cake House also sells dry products such as cookies, and

There are of a lot of products inventory that need to be keep track by the
staff of each branch. Using this system, the in stock product and sales
will be easily tracked and recorded without a hitch.
Problem Statement Most of the inventory management process in Mira Cake House is still
using manual method. The staff need to manage the stock manually.
They need to keep track of the stock by check the products in the fridge.
To restock the products, the staff will make a call to the manager of the
factory. The staff also need to keep track the product that been restock
by jotting down in a book. It is time consuming by using manual
Objective The main objective of this project is to design and develop a web-based
system which can help staff of Mira Cake House to track and record the
sales and in stock products.
Other objectives include:
1. Collects data of every Mira Cake House products.
2. Create a notification system for low of in stock products in the
branch and restock notification for the factory.
3. Create a barcode that contain details of the products.
Project Outcome A web based system that can help to track the sales and in stock
products from the cash registers. A notification will be pop up to inform
the staff when there is a low stock of products. The message will be
generated to the factory to inform products restock. The system will
detect the barcode when it was scanned during purchase and
automatically deduct the stock of product in the system based on
branches. The barcode contain the information of the products.
Required skill(s) HTML, PHP, CSS, MySQL, JavaScript, Bootstrap
Reference 1. (n.d.). Mira Cake House. Retrieved from
2. Pontius, N. (2019, July 2). 4 Types of Inventory Control Systems:
Perpetual vs. Periodic Inventory Control and the Inventory
Management Systems That Support Them. Retrieved from

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