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Infectious Disease
Infectious in a
in aa
Post-COVID World:
How Clinical
Practice Adapts
to Outbreaks
to Outbreaks
DR ANNA Response


The Frontlines
of Biosecurity
The Frontlines






How Clinical

The Frontlines
Practice Adapts
to Biosecurity
“We’ve diagnostics,
“This crisis has you cannot
highlighted atthe prevent,
a global
need scale.
How or eliminate
better we ofthe
do morehealth”pandemic”
Pg19 1
Note from the Editor-in-Chief
Dear Readers

It would be impossible to begin this note without mention

of COVID-19. We are all living with the reality of life in
a new normal. That is why we were so keen to focus on
infectious diseases in this issue.

This isn’t the first or last pandemic that we will live through.
While it has certainly been devastating, as an expert says in
his interview with Dia:gram, “We have to learn to live with
this virus, from this point on.”

What does the threat of existing and new infectious

diseases mean for our region in a post-COVID world?
Find out in our latest edition.

Michelle Medeiros

Edition 2020, Vol. 8 04 23
Fighting Infectious Diseases in a HIV, Hepatitis and Tuberculosis:
Editor-in-Chief: Post-COVID World Why These Diseases Still
Michelle Medeiros How healthcare can (and must) evolve Challenge Developing Nations
Fighting three global killers
Executive Editor:
Shruti Bose
10 27
Assistant Editor: The Next Pandemic is Coming: A Doctor and His Struggle
Patricia Anne Carthigasu is Asia Prepared? with COVID-19
Leading experts in the region share their views Dr Ning Zhou
Philip Siew
Azmeena Afreen
Xiaomin Zhuge
15 29
Building an Integrated Epidemic The Lab: Healthcare’s Front-line
Prevention and Control Strategy Defence System
Published by Roche Diagnostics A shift towards sustainable healthcare Evolving diagnostics, even in low-resource settings
Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. parameters and indicators
©2020 All rights reserved.
8 Kallang Avenue, #10-01/09
Aperia Tower 1
19 32
Singapore 339509 When Outbreaks Strike, “Protecting Communities is
Tel: +65 6272 7500 How Does Clinical Practice Evolve? Integral to Our National Health” Healthcare leaders share their views from the front lines Dr Rob Grenfell shares a personal account

2 3
Our Point of View Our Point of View

Fighting Infectious
Diseases in a
When an earthquake strikes, it shakes up everything.
Then come equally violent aftershocks, exposing shaky
foundations long after the initial event. In many ways,
the COVID-19 pandemic has been like that earthquake
— unearthing deep flaws and weakening the very
foundation on which healthcare has been built.

Much like earthquake-resistant infrastructure and

smart engineering can counteract future seismic
shifts, the time has come to redesign the current
healthcare ecosystem. Fundamental to this is changing
our approach to healthcare from “sick” care to “well”
care. Funding healthcare in a way that incentivises
prevention, screening and better disease management
will allow us to strengthen our collective response to
disease outbreaks before they reach epidemic levels.

What Will it Take for Healthcare to Evolve?

Based on the United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development’s estimates, the global economic
slowdown caused by the coronavirus outbreak is
likely to cost at least USD 1 trillion.1 While the direct
and most visible impact of this will be in reduced
healthcare spending by governments around the world,
the consequences of a combined health pandemic and
global recession will be catastrophic for developing
countries, (many in Asia) which are already struggling
with basic healthcare delivery.

4 5
Our Point of View Our Point of View

Tuberculosis (TB), for instance, has Although some infectious diseases like Disruptions to healthcare delivery in the
been responsible for the death of more smallpox and polio have been successfully case of HIV, for instance, has slowed down
people than any other infectious disease; eradicated, many represent an unending prevention and testing services from
over a billion deaths in the last 200 global health challenge. The burden of reaching the groups that most need them,
years.5 Without a substantial increase in infectious diseases can stymie societal according to the WHO.8
investments for TB prevention, diagnosis, health, reversing decades of progress
care and treatment — projected at made in the management of diseases. A Early lessons from COVID-19 show
USD 25 billion until 2030 against the new Economist Intelligence Unit report that the absence of a long-term view
2017 expenditure of USD 8.3 billion suggests the pandemic has severely can hamstring preparedness, create
— member states of the World Health affected cancer care including screening, inefficiencies and result in needless deaths.
Organization (WHO) Southeast Asia diagnosis and treatment.7 However,
Region (SEAR), which have the highest such outbreaks also take a toll on the Health systems in Asia Pacific must
global TB burden, will find it difficult to management of other infectious diseases, urgently address this, or risk history
make significant progress.6 and on already vulnerable populations. repeating itself.

The Building Blocks of

Healthcare Resilience
To complement a strong surveillance
and response strategy, there is a need to
THE OUTBREAK OUTLOOK, THEN AND NOW reframe national health policies to incite

fast decision-making and decisive action.
“We are standing on the brink of a global crisis The speed with which countries could
in infectious diseases. No country is safe from deploy mass testing or change testing
them. No country can any longer afford to strategies to suit the rapidly evolving
ignore their threat.” — Dr Hiroshi Nakajima, situation has been a real test of their ability
then-Director-General of WHO * to control widespread transmission during
COVID-19. Without the appropriate
World Health Organization. (1996). Infectious diseases kill over 17 million people a year: WHO laboratory infrastructure and resources to
warns of global crisis. Retrieved from
support timely and accurate results, this
would not have been possible.

The global Epidemic Preparedness The Cost of Ignoring

In the last three Index (EPI) published in the British

Medical Journal (BMJ) Global Health
Infectious Diseases
The absence of a direct and obvious link

decades alone, notes that Western Asia and Southeast

Asia remain vulnerable to disease
between disease control and societal
health can make it difficult to sustain

there have been emergence, particularly from animal

transmissions.2 As an economic
public health policies and therefore,
funding. The cost versus benefit

at least 30 new powerhouse, Asia Pacific has seen

exponential growth and development,
planning methodology in the context
of healthcare disregards the knock-on

infectious diseases, but the rapid urbanisation could come

at a high human cost as the region’s risk
effect of poor preparedness — a decision
that comes at a heavy price.

many of which of infectious diseases continues to rise.3

In the last three decades alone, there

have no known The flip side of this economic growth

has been the long-term repercussions
have been at least 30 new infectious
diseases, many of which have no known

treatments, cures of the growing number of epidemics —

loss of productivity as a result of deaths
treatments, cures or vaccines.4 Yet
there continues to be a greater focus on

or vaccines. and chronic debilitating illnesses,

reduced economic migration and
tackling non-communicable diseases
(NCDs), in some cases by deprioritising
decreased foreign investment. infectious disease management.

6 7
Our Point of View Our Point of View

The next decade will see the

convergence of several forces
within healthcare that will place
diagnostics at the core of a new
health ecosystem.

The Asia Pacific Medical Technology diagnosis and patient management. For
Association (APACMed) has outlined digital innovation to truly transform
mechanisms to promote robust policy health systems though, policymakers
frameworks when it comes to diagnostics.9 must smooth the path and with it,
These include emergency approval leverage technology that can address
pathways that speed up access to new test some of the gaps created by an existing
kits; creating a separate but parallel “fast laboratory workforce shortage.11
track” that allows regulatory resources
to be directed to quickly review and Despite the falling number of laboratory
approve test kits as they evolve; and staff, millions of COVID-19 tests are
harnessing overseas reference models and being performed around the world. To
authorisations like the WHO Emergency manage the pandemic-led increase in
Use Listing procedure, so that fewer demand, and jump in routine testing
resources are wasted through duplication that will likely happen post-pandemic,
of efforts. While COVID-19 may be the laboratories need solutions that enable
driver for such changes, the benefits of greater efficiency and ensure they are THE OUTBREAK lack of co-ordination, is a crucial first Fighting on all Fronts health policies. As more countries and
such a framework could well outlast the well-prepared to handle future outbreaks. OUTLOOK, THEN step to fight infectious diseases before The current pandemic has exposed stakeholders recognise this, the region’s
current pandemic and help battle any AND NOW they spiral out of control. However, just how vulnerable health systems chances of fighting infectious disease

future disease outbreaks. Automated and fully integrated core labs stumbling blocks remain, and addressing are, but it has also given us a real- will improve dramatically.
can deliver high-quality and accurate these must become a national priority. world example of collaborative
However, it requires considerable results. With the focus of regulatory With diagnostic tests requiring dozens action. The world has successfully Is Asia truly prepared for the next
political will and sustained investments, agencies shifting to data veracity and of components, misguided planning can eradicated infectious diseases in the outbreak? That will depend on the
particularly in technology. Digitalisation, traceability, lab automation can deliver on cause testing bottlenecks and, as we saw past, and we can do the same again lessons we learn today —whether or not
“Public health is the foundation of
big data and artificial intelligence this promise. with COVID-19, widespread shortages. with a sustainable approach to public we act on them will be the true test.
social, economic and political stability.
are becoming increasingly crucial to
That means investing in population-
healthcare delivery.10 There is no doubt that finding a solution
based services for preventing,
to the laboratory workforce shortage is a
detecting and responding to disease.”
At its core, digital health represents much- complex task but taking corrective action
— Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, 1
United Nations. (2020). Coronavirus update: COVID-19 likely to cost economy $1 trillion during 2020, says UN trade agency. Retrieved from
needed linkage between data science and can ensure countries have enough trained 2
Oppenheim B, Gallivan M, Madhav NK, et al. (2019). Assessing global preparedness for the next pandemic: development and application of an Epidemic Preparedness Index. BMJ Global Health. 4:e001157.
Director-General of WHO * 3
Indrarajah T. (2020). Exclusive Research: Is Asia prepared for the next big epidemic? GovInsider. Retrieved from
healthcare, comprehensively connecting lab professionals to meet future demands. 4
Mukherjee, S. (2017). Emerging Infectious Diseases: Epidemiological Perspective. Indian J Dermatol. 2017 Sep-Oct; 62(5): 459–467.
US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. (2020). Tuberculosis. Retrieved from
the dots for better, more informed health 6
Bhatia V, Srivastava R, Reddy KS, et al. (2020). Ending TB in Southeast Asia: current resources are not enough. BMJ Global Health. 5:e002073.
World Health Organization. (2020).
decisions — providing early warning for Every country is learning that The Economist Intelligence Unit. (2020). Cancer preparedness in Asia Pacific: Progress towards universal cancer control.
WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media
briefing on COVID-19 - 7 September 2020. Retrieved
World Health Organization. (2020). WHO: access to HIV medicines severely impacted by COVID-19 as AIDS response stalls. Retrieved from
infectious disease outbreaks, and real-time diagnostics, which until recently has from access-to-hiv-medicines-severely-impacted-by-covid-19-as-aids-response-stalls
The Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association. (2020). Building Regulatory Agility for Adequate Access to Quality SARS-CoV-2 Test Kits During the Global Pandemic.
information to inform disease control and been a sector often underfunded12 or media-briefing-on-covid-19---7-september-2020
Whitelaw S, Mamas MA, Topol E, Van Spall HGC. (2020). Applications of digital technology in COVID-19 pandemic planning and response. Lancet Digital Health. 2: e435–40.
Metter DM, Colgan, TJ, Leung, ST, et al. (2019). Trends in the US and Canadian Pathologist Workforces From 2007 to 2017. JAMA Netw Open. 2(5):e194337.
elimination programmes that can improve hampered by inflexible regulations and 12
Nature Biotechnology. (2020). The COVID-19 testing debacle. Nat Biotechnol 38, 653.

8 9
Feature Feature

“The weaknesses
we’re seeing in our
health systems
have worsened
because of
COVID-19, but
they are not new.”
— Professor Tikki Pangestu
(pictured left), former Director
of Research Policy at the World
Health Organization

The Next Pandemic is Coming:

Is Asia Prepared?
Singapore, with its Surveillance and remains low requires dedicated effort, This is hard to achieve without
Epidemiology Programme for vector- as experts advise conducting regular political will.
While the world waits in hope for a cure for COVID-19, the science
borne disease3 has shown how a serosurvey testing, and a comprehensive
community is already looking ahead to the next pandemic. multi-pronged framework grounded in primary healthcare structure.4 In 2019, the Pakistan government
diagnostics, and including ecology risk announced its ambitious hepatitis
assessments, can enable early detection of The capacity and capabilities of health eradication plans. The country has one
Back in 2018, a World Health These findings have been reinforced in Director of Research Policy at the multiple infectious outbreaks. Data from systems play a central role in whether of the highest hepatitis burdens in the
Organization (WHO) consultative recent times2, as normal life remains WHO, but lessons can be learned from this framework allows the country to outbreaks are identified and contained world with nearly 5 million people
panel noted the inevitability of future eclipsed by the COVID-19 pandemic. all. “The weaknesses we’re seeing in forecast future infection trends. before they spread. Thailand’s success infected with Hepatitis B, and 10 million
pandemics, drawing up a list of emerging our health systems have worsened in controlling Hepatitis B, for example, by Hepatitis C, each year.8
diseases for which there was no known National Initiatives: because of COVID-19, but they are Similarly, Hepatitis Eradication can be credited to its strong primary
vaccine or cure. The list included SARS Learning from the Past not new. SARS and bird flu revealed Programmes launched in Thailand, healthcare (PHC) system and extensive The government hopes to counter the
(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), Each pandemic has distinctive similar gaps in care delivery whether Bangladesh and Indonesia highlight network of health professionals. As the inadequate prevention, testing and
MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory challenges, says Professor Tikki it’s the need for rapid testing, measures the importance of a national strategy country rapidly expanded its primary treatment resources by increasing
Syndrome Coronavirus), Nipah and Pangestu, Visiting Professor at Yong to protect frontline healthcare workers in addressing the infectious disease health infrastructure, it also introduced awareness and screening efforts. An
henipaviral diseases, Zika disease and an Loo Lin School of Medicine, National or setting up clinical facilities to burden. While these countries have seen programmes to ensure there are enough analysis published in The Lancet pegs
as yet unknown “Disease X.”1 University of Singapore and former manage severe cases.” some early success, ensuring the burden healthcare workers in rural communities.7 the initial cost of funding such an

10 11
Feature Feature

Systemic vulnerabilities and flawed planning have

hindered region-wide progress against infectious diseases.
approach at USD 8 billion but estimates
a considerable reduction to USD 3.9
billion following cost savings from early
diagnosis and treatment.9
Regional Cooperation
Infectious disease management requires
all countries to have an effective
healthcare system; otherwise, weaknesses
in one country can easily create a ripple
effect in others. The vastly different
approaches to the COVID-19 crisis
have highlighted the need for a decisive
and unified regional — and global
— response. By working together,
stakeholders can foster policy agility,
minimise supply disruptions and avoid a
severe economic downturn.10
In response to the
When dealing with an unknown disease, COVID-19 outbreak, India’s
cross-border collaboration within the Ayushman Bharat healthcare
scientific community is equally paramount scheme, which covers

to the development of a strong response
backed by clinical evidence, giving every
country a fighting chance.

Dr Rob Grenfell, Director of Health and
Biosecurity at Australia’s Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research
Organisation (CSIRO), says countries
with lower mortality rates were better
at sharing details on early surveillance,
testing, contact tracing and quarantine.
was extended to reimburse
the cost of COVID-19 testing
While PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
in private labs.*
tests are “the gold standard” in molecular
diagnostics, without adequate lab
infrastructure, or in remote patient *
International Labour Organization, 2020.
settings, it may not be an appropriate Social protection responses to COVID-19
in Asia and the Pacific: The story so far
solution. Many developing countries and future considerations
have turned their attention to point-of-
care (POC) immunodiagnostic tests that
can be conducted even in decentralised
healthcare settings, helping countries trace
and treat COVID-19 cases.11

12 13
Feature In Focus

As the novel coronavirus evolves, reviews conducted in the HOW PANDEMIC

different solutions will be needed. aftermath of past epidemics
“It really depends on what and pandemics have
problem the health system is consistently emphasised the
trying to address. This is where importance of strengthening FOR THE FUTURE
scientific evidence, the sharing of national-level preparedness
data becomes an important piece for public health emergencies,
of that puzzle,” says Dr Grenfell. especially to face the threat of
new diseases or ones with no
“Coronavirus is here to stay. We known treatments.”12
will have this infection from this
point onwards in humanity and It is not hard to argue that any
we have to learn to deal with it, country was fully prepared for
starting now,” he adds. the magnitude of the current
pandemic. And, we may not be
for the next one unless we are
A Matter of When, Not If willing to challenge the status Dr Faisal Sultan, Pakistan’s Special
For too long, systemic quo and urgently prioritise the Assistant to the Prime Minister
vulnerabilities and flawed implementation of lessons from on National Health Services,
planning have hindered region- disease outbreaks. This is much Regulation and Coordination,
wide progress against infectious needed and long overdue. shares learnings from his country’s
diseases. A shaky care delivery COVID-19 response.
system has continued under We can rebuild a resilient and
considerable strain, and despite future-proof health ecosystem, How might Pakistan’s
the many obstacles it faces. but it requires a complete
overhaul of current structures
response now help mitigate
future pandemics? To what extent is effective
Building an Integrated
As a paper in the British Medical
Journal (BMJ) notes, “Policy
to reduce complexities and
remove barriers.
A crisis is “good” or “bad” depending
on the lessons you learn from it.
epidemic prevention down
to actions like aligning Epidemic Prevention and
Control Strategy
COVID-19, just like SARS and stakeholders?
other epidemics in the past, has One of the hardest things to
once again emphasised the vital role do during a crisis is to ensure
Chong, C. (2020). Deadlier than Covid-19: Consider Disease X as a Serious Threat, say Experts, Straits Times. of our public health system. When proper governance and clear-cut
Retrieved from
World Health Organization (2020). WHO Director-General's Opening Remarks at the Media Briefing on an infectious disease impacts low- communication lines. We have been
COVID-19 - 7 September 2020. Retrieved from
s-opening-remarks-at-the-media-briefing-on-covid-19---7-september-2020 and mid-income countries where working on the basis of continual
National Environment Agency Singapore. Surveillance and Epidemiology Programme. Retrieved from https://
A clear local strategy and unified global approach like the WHO
3 you have a persistent level of other learning, with daily improvements
World Health Organization (2019). Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Thailand achieve Hepatitis B control:
Cancer Control Strategy has helped many countries implement cancer

WHO. Retrieved from infectious diseases like hepatitis, TB, in communication, governance and
Kapur, M. (2020). How India’s Public Health Insurance Programme is Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis. Quartz.
polio and malaria, it not only impacts implementation of interventions. It’s prevent and control programmes. How can this be applied in the
Retrieved from health outcomes, but also negatively a methodology that is sure to bolster
response/ space of infectious diseases in Asia Pacific?
International Labour Organization (2020) Social protection responses to COVID-19 in Asia and the Pacific: influences economic outcomes. how we tackle future outbreaks.
The story so far and future considerations. Retrieved from
Tangcharoensathien, V. Limwattananon, S. Suphanchaimat, R. et al. (2013). Health workforce contributions to
health system development: a platform for universal health coverage, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, We have implemented several What part does testing play in
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Volume 91, Number 11, November 2013, 797-896. Retrieved from
Since 2009, the World Health velocity of these outbreaks. There are close to
measures to strengthen our creating an integrated epidemic
World Health Organization (2019). 15 Million People Affected With Hepatitis B and C in Pakistan:
Organization (WHO) has designated 200 outbreaks recorded globally each year.6
laboratories as well as our prevention response?

Government Announces Ambitious Plan to Eliminate Hepatitis. Retrieved from five disease outbreaks — excluding
news-events/pakistan-hepatitis-elimination-plan/en/ surveillance and tracing capacity. The role of diagnostics is a key
Lim, A. Walker, J., Mafirakureva, N., Khalid, G., Qureshi, H., Mahmood, H. et al. (2020). Effects and Cost of the current COVID-19 pandemic While healthcare performance indicators
Different Strategies to Eliminate Hepatitis C Virus Transmission in Pakistan: a Modelling Analysis. The Lancet This will not only serve us during the pillar in Pakistan’s strategy. Without
Vol. 8, Issue 3. Retrieved from — as a “public health emergency of such as the cost of drugs and diagnostic
fulltext pandemic but also help us to combat that, you cannot prevent, eliminate
Hoang, T. (2020). Covid-19 Challenges Asean to Act as One. Straits Times. Retrieved from https://www. international concern”: Ebola (twice),1,2 tests, number of hospital beds or the other diseases. Furthermore, our PCR or mitigate the pandemic. Quite
World Health Organization (2020). Global Partnership to Make Available 120 million Affordable, Quality swine flu or influenza A (H1N1),3 polio number of patients treated have been
testing capabilities have significantly simply, if you don’t know where the
COVID-19 Rapid Tests for Low- and Middle-income Countries. Retrieved from
virus4 and Zika.5 used in the past,7 public health experts
grown, with over 100 new labs. outbreak is, you can’t tackle it.
tests-for-low--and-middle-income-countries say updated parameters that consider
Oppenheim, B., Gallivan, M., Madhav, N. K., Brown, N., Serhiyenko, V., Wolfe, N. D., & Ayscue, P. (2019).
Assessing Global Preparedness for the Next Pandemic: Development and Application of an Epidemic Public health experts are understandably healthcare sustainability should be used to
Preparedness Index. BMJ global health, 4(1), e001157. Retrieved from
articles/PMC6352812/. concerned about the frequency and measure the effectiveness of policies.

14 15
In Focus In Focus

aspect of informed decision-making in Fundamental to the development average, approximately 13 percent of GDP.10
managing COVID-19. Professor Tikki of such a strategy is a well-balanced This would place significant strain not only
Pangestu, former Director of the WHO’s approach that focuses on three on health systems but also on social and
Research Policy, says, “The ideal epidemic key elements: economic sustainability, and could further
prevention and control strategy should widen health inequalities.
integrate multiple components to support the 1. Healthcare Financing
deployment of appropriate resources across Prioritising public health spending has been “Despite the ‘health-for-wealth’ mantra
the different stages of a disease outbreak.” shown to be a major contributor to economic that has been touted for many years, the
C h r is H a r d e st y intertwine between health and economy
growth.9 “Evolving the system into a truly
is part of KPMG's Global Healthcare & Ramping up efforts while discontinuing fortuitous collaboration that improves is now very clear; countries that enable
Life Sciences Centre for Excellence chronic care services or suspending population health, at a more cost-effective wider healthcare access will see dividends
surgeries can negatively impact societal base, while building an industry around it has through a more productive population,
health. This is where early warning signs are long-term economic benefits,” says Hardesty. even if it means shifting the way we live and
Chris Hardesty, who is part of KPMG's critical. Specifically, he says that the core of work,” says Hardesty.
Global Healthcare & Life Sciences Centre any good infectious disease management In a paper published in The Organisation for
of Excellence, concurs. “Health investments strategy requires a strong disease Economic Co-operation and Development 2. Universal Health Coverage
by governments in Asia Pacific solely as a surveillance mechanism. Diagnostics and (OECD) Journal: Economic Studies, the In advocating Universal Health Coverage
proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) testing are the starting point for disease authors predicted that, if no additional (UHC) — affordable healthcare for all —
can appear imbalanced when compared to monitoring and tracking and in guiding measures are taken, the total cost of the WHO points out that UHC doesn’t just
the West or other developed nations. But the appropriate public health measures to healthcare across OECD countries will save lives. It can offer protection during
goal should be to improve the quality-cost control outbreaks. almost double by 2050, reaching, on economic upheavals as recent instances have
equation by creating greater efficiency within starkly reminded us.11 The rise of the gig
the allocated funds and a heightened focus economy has created a workforce that does
on individual accountability.” not have access to paid sick leave or health
insurance, meaning more are forced to work
“Take Singapore for example, which spends even when they should be staying home.
around 5 percent of its GDP on healthcare
(half the recommended target) yet achieves This not only creates a greater risk in the
life expectancy and health outcomes on par community, but also widens the wealth gap.
with other developed countries, in part due Meanwhile, access to health services has
to creative concepts such as a nationalised been shown to improve health indicators
Health Savings Account (HSA),” he adds. and reduce poverty.11 “Equitable distribution
can ensure that investment in local primary
Recent experiences have certainly healthcare services, prevention and health
heightened awareness among government promotion are not overlooked in favour
leaders about the strengths and weakness of tertiary hospital care and urban centres
of their healthcare systems. More alone,” says Professor Pangestu.
importantly, it has emphasised the
importance of government commitment to Hardesty believes every country should
systematically strengthening health system develop a UHC model that works within
capacity and parallel progress towards its local environment, stressing that
universal health coverage and global health developing countries need not simply try to
security.8 These are core elements to ensure play catch-up with the UHCs of developed
pandemic preparedness and achieving countries, which are based on models
targets outlined in the United Nations’ from a century ago. “Instead they can
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). develop their own next-generation version
for the 21st century. I feel encouraged by
A robust preparedness framework and health system designs going on in places
response capacity has proven to be a key like India, China, Vietnam and Malaysia,

16 17
In Focus Clinical Conversation

When Outbreaks Strike,

How Does Clinical
Practice Evolve?
In a public health emergency, healthcare professionals have to ensure the continuity
of care while managing the sudden rise in cases and evolving clinical guidelines.

As the world has seen, epidemic

threats can have a devastating impact
on clinical practice, besides placing
unprecedented strain on healthcare
personnel and resources.

How Clinical Practice is

Evolving to Cope with
Infectious Disease Outbreaks
In 2003, the SARS (Severe Acute
among others, in embracing public-private- health systems” in particular “the region have their work cut out for them Respiratory Syndrome) outbreak was a
partnership ideologies,” he says. availability of updated data is essential”.12 — enabling data interoperability within a challenge the world was largely unprepared
secure digital ecosystem. for. Health services in many disciplines
3. Developing the Right Infrastructure In this vein, COVID-19 has caused an were severely disrupted, while coping with
to Support Healthcare of the Future uptick in digital health technology use. As Crises often breed innovation. As the staff shortages quickly became a major
In an outbreak scenario, digital tools are the Australian Digital Health Agency notes, world looks to overcome urgent problems, obstacle for healthcare providers.1
no longer a nice-to-have, but a must-have “Two accelerated digital health features — solutions — old and new — have manifested
to bridge gaps in care delivery. National- telehealth and electronic prescriptions — in different ways. It is such innovation In Singapore, the nation’s strategy for
level data collection presents a macro view were always planned to be part of our health that will help the world, including Asia containing the SARS outbreak was to
on which larger strategic decisions about system. COVID-19 gave it a kick-start.”13 Pacific, develop and implement an effective, centralise treatment of suspect cases in
disease control can be made. This not only integrated strategy to prevent and control a single healthcare facility. Non-SARS
saves costs, but saves lives. As a 2019 WHO While COVID-19 has hastened this epidemic diseases, ultimately leading to patients were declined admission to
paper notes, “within fragile developing transition, policymakers across the better healthcare for all. reduce the risk of infection in the hospital
environment.2 Six years later, the Ministry
of Home Affairs published its pandemic
readiness and response plan, Preparing for and polio for several years; learning to for such scenarios, the inherent surprise
World Health Organization. (2014). Statement on the 1st meeting of the IHR Emergency Committee on the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Retrieved from
statements/2014/ebola-20140808/en/ a Human Influenza Pandemic in Singapore, adapt and evolve fundamental practices element of an outbreak means you can
World Health Organization. (2019). Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Retrieved from
news-room/detail/17-07-2019-ebola-outbreak-in-the-democratic-republic-of-the-congo-declared-a-public-health-emergency-of-international-concern utilising a similar model to prepare for has been key to managing patient care. never be fully equipped.”
Katz R. (2009). Use of revised International Health Regulations during influenza A (H1N1) epidemic, 2009. Emerging infectious diseases, 15(8), 1165–1170. potential outbreaks, such as H5N1 (avian
World Health Organization. (2019). Statement of the Twenty-Second IHR Emergency Committee Regarding the International Spread of Poliovirus. Retrieved from
room/detail/03-10-2019-statement-of-the-twenty-second-ihr-emergency-committee-regarding-the-international-spread-of-poliovirus influenza), which threatened the region. All As Dr Anna Lisa Ong-Lim, chief of Even common activities like bedside visits
World Health Organization. (2016). WHO statement on the first meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR 2005) Emergency Committee on Zika virus and observed increase
in neurological disorders and neonatal malformations. Retrieved from suspected and confirmed cases, as outlined Infectious and Tropical Disease of the and scheduling require overnight change.
Huang J and Vendoti D. (2019). The Fight Against Infectious Diseases: Considerations for Public Health Systems and International Cooperation, Observer Research Foundation. Occasional Paper in the Ministry’s plan, were to be centrally paediatrics department at the University “We have had to prioritise cases, reschedule
206. Retrieved from
Pourmohammadi K, Hatam N, Shojaei P, and Bastani P. (2018). A comprehensive map of the evidence on the performance evaluation indicators of public hospitals: a scoping study and best fit managed at designated healthcare facilities.3 of the Philippines explains: “We had to surgeries. These are tough decisions to
framework synthesis. Cost effectiveness and resource allocation. 16, 64.
Chalkidou K and Krubiner C. (2020). What COVID-19 Should Teach Us About Smart Health Spending in Developing Countries. Center for Global Development. Retrieved from https://www. adjust the way we delivered healthcare, make — how can anyone decide which
Raghupathi V and Raghupathi W. (2020). Healthcare Expenditure and Economic Performance: Insights From the United States Data. Frontiers in Public Health. 8, 156.
Such a streamlined structure may not the way we set up our clinics and even patient is more important than the other?”
de la Maisonneuve C, Martins JO. (2015). The future of health and long-term care spending. OECD Journal: Economic Studies. 2014:61–96.
be feasible in a developing nation. The our hospital wards.” It’s a change that
World Health Organization. (2013). Arguing for Universal Health Coverage. Philippines has been grappling with hospitals across the world have struggled Healthcare professionals swiftly began using
Ming D, Rawson T, Sangkaew S, Rodriguez-Manzano J, Georgiou P, and Holmes A. (2019). Connectivity of rapid-testing diagnostics and surveillance of infectious diseases. Bulletin of the World
Health Organization, 97(3), 242–244. consecutive outbreaks of measles, dengue with.4 “While patient care teams prepare digital tools such as video consultations
Issa, S. (2020). COVID-19 intensifies the need for rapid adoption of digital health, GovTech Review. Retrieved from

18 19
Clinical Conversation Clinical Conversation

to evaluate patients, and clustering care tests available. Doctors were treating government advisories. Otherwise, clinical
activities such as giving medication. While patients based on symptoms. Eventually, practitioners, desperate for information,
digital tools have been able to bridge when the first generation of serologic can feel unsure of how to treat and triage
short-term challenges, inequities remain. and other tests surfaced, there was a lack patients in the most effective manner.9
“Telehealth for outpatient calls is a mode of uniformity in how these tests were
many healthcare providers are switching to. conducted and what specimen types were To this end, medical associations such
But patients in poorer communities may to be collected — inefficiencies which can as the Indonesian Society of Clinical
not have the necessary mobile connectivity cause frustration for clinicians.7 Pathology and Laboratory Medicine have
to support this.” applied new measures in their clinical
To avoid such a scenario, physicians, guidelines to improve success rates in
The Danger of Disruptions in Care epidemiologists and labs must work closely diagnostic screenings.
Surges in cases during a pandemic create together to prevent the slowdown of care.8
a knock-on effect. COVID-19 saw many Some of these guidelines are evolving
procedures deemed as less urgent, such Challenged by the unusually high rapidly. “At the beginning of the
as annual physicals, deferred.5 This could number of cases, asymptomatic patients, pandemic, one of our protocols was to
mean that many millions of serious health sudden outbreaks of unknown diseases use antibody and PCR tests to screen
concerns, such as diabetes or cancer, all while dealing with routine or chronic the patient. Then we revised it such that
are not caught. As Dr Ong-Lim notes, conditions requires a strong support the PCR test plays a more important

D r Anna L is a O ng- L im , chief of Infectious and Tropical Disease of the paediatrics department at the University of the Philippines

“The role of diagnostics is

key in disease management, LESSONS ON EVOLVING
from screening to monitoring.” Of course, there is a need to establish
that these patients are not incubating
the midst of public crises of such a global
scale can alleviate the burden on public
Dr Anna Lisa Ong-Lim shares how the recent
COVID-19 or asymptomatic positive so health systems in the short and long term.
— Professor Aryati, Chairman of the Indonesian Society of pandemic has shaped healthcare delivery in
they don’t endanger other patients or staff the Philippines.
Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine in the hospital,” adds Dr Ong-Lim. As the pandemic evolves, healthcare
On Making the Most
professionals will find themselves of Minimal Resources
While the scientific community has made facing new challenges. However, the “Being designated as one of the first COVID-19
disruption in vaccination is another ticking system. “Diagnostic tests give clinicians role in the screening process. Now, we
significant progress in understanding this fundamental nature of their work — referral centres in the country was an additional
time bomb, with swathes of children not crucial information on which they can are considering the antigen test in our challenge. Our colleagues who dealt with adult
disease, and refining strategies to combat continuing to deliver high-quality care to
being immunised. “Once communities make informed decisions,” says Professor guidelines as well,” Professor Aryati patients were trying to set up their own system,
it, ensuring the continuity of care even in all patients — remains.
reopen, and children come together Aryati, Chairman of the Indonesian explains. Similarly, while some countries and we in paediatrics had to do the same thing.
again, they are exposed to viruses and are Society of Clinical Pathology and urge everyone with mild flu-like symptoms Despite a lack of resources, we managed to
set up an additional 12-bed isolation facility
especially susceptible. It’s a disaster waiting Laboratory Medicine. to visit a health centre for COVID-19
dedicated to children in the hospital. We also
to happen,” she says. The coming decades testing,10 others only suggest that course reconfigured our manpower so that we would
Wong, W. C., Wong, S. Y., Jaakkimainen, L., Bondy, S., Tsang, K. K., & Lee, A. (2005). SARS: Lessons to Learn for GPs When Handling
may thus see a rise in vaccine-preventable As an outbreak evolves along with our if symptoms and high fever persist for a Public Health Crisis. The British Journal of General Practice: the Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 55(510), 57. be able to fill in our staff while making sure they
Retrieved from
diseases that will increase pressures on knowledge of pathogens, so should the several days.11 But as winter flu season 2
Chee, V., Khoo, M., Lee, S., Lai, Y.C., Chin, N.M., (2004). Infection Control Measures for Operative Procedures in Severe Acute were protected from this disease as well.”
Respiratory Syndrome–related Patients. Anesthesiology; 100:1394–1398. Retrieved from
the health system. One study published in way diagnostics is used. “For example, the begins, guidelines may change, suggesting article/100/6/1394/6516/Infection-Control-Measures-for-Operative
Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore (2009). Preparing for a Human Influenza Pandemic in Singapore. Retrieved from https://www.
European Respiratory Journal predicts that design of antibody, antigen and PCR testing more people should be tested to avoid On the Importance of
between 2020 and 2024, there will be more should combine the conserved and mutated what Dr Richard Pebody of the World
Auerbach, A., O’Leary, K., Greysen, R., Harrison, J., et al. (2020) Hospital Ward Adaptation During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Triaging Patients Early
National Survey of Academic Medical Centers. Journal of Hospital Medicine ;8;483-488. Retrieved from doi:10.12788/jhm.3476
“I think this crisis has highlighted the need
than 200,000 extra tuberculosis deaths in regions of the disease. This combination of Health Organization describes as a “double 5
Czeisler, M.E., Marynak, K., Clarke, K.E., et al. (2020) Delay or Avoidance of Medical Care Because of COVID-19–Related Concerns.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; 69:1250–1257. Retrieved from: http://dx.doi. for better preventive health services. For the
China, India and South Africa due to the tests is needed due to the limitation of each epidemic” of influenza and COVID-19.12 org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6936a4external icon.
coronavirus, we know that most cases are mild,
Finn McQuaid, C., McCreesh, N., Read, J.M., et al. The Potential Impact of COVID-19-related Disruption on Tuberculosis Burden.
pandemic’s health service disruptions.6 method’s sensitivity,” she says. European Respiratory Journal, 56 (2) 2001718. Retrieved from with the moderate to severe patients comprising
Fouchier, R. A., & Osterhaus, A. D. (2004). Laboratory Tests for SARS: Powerful or Peripheral?. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association
Even surgical guidelines are changing, to Journal 170(1), 63–64. Retrieved from about 15 to 20 percent of the cases. You are
Ibid. dealing with 80 percent who don’t require hospital
The Role of Testing in Changes in Clinical and evolve preoperative screenings for patients 9
Thornton, J. (2020). Covid-19: How Coronavirus Will Change the Face of General Practice Forever. The British Medical Journal.
Retrieved from care, but they need to be identified, isolated or
Patient Management Testing Guidelines who require high-risk surgery. And, here 10
Australian Government Department of Health (2020). What You Need to Know About Coronavirus (COVID-19). Retrieved from https:// quarantined. If we have a system that ensures they
A lack of effective diagnostics is a major These specific evolutions in technique again, clinicians must fold testing into their
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan (2020). Q&A on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), April 1, 2020 Version. receive care at the earliest point, then it is possible
obstacle. During the early weeks of the must be backed up by clear, centralised practice. “For preoperative services, we have Retrieved from
they stabilise, and don’t progress to the severe
Balakrishnan, V., (2020) In Preparation for a COVID-19-Influenza Double Epidemic. The Lancet, Microbe Vol 1, Issue 5, E199.
SARS outbreak, there were no diagnostic guidance from medical societies and only just started doing elective procedures. Retrieved from stages that would require them to seek facility care.”

20 21
Clinical Conversation Clinical Conversation

Infectious Disease Outbreaks:

How Have They Affected Clinical Practice?
COVID-19 is not the first outbreak to cause procedural disruptions in Asia Pacific.


Outbreaks COVID-19: Impact on

and their
Cancer Treatments

Most radiotherapies have stopped due to the pandemic.

Especially for cancer patients whose treatments cannot

Impact be exempted or delayed, experts recommend the use

of shorter radiation schedules with a larger dose per
treatment to reduce the frequency of visits. Testing
is to be carried out for all patients with COVID-19
symptoms so that physicians can provide the most
effective treatment. 3


SARS: Impact on
MERS: Impact on
Surgical Procedures HIV, Hepatitis and Tuberculosis:
Turning Back the Clock
Diagnosis Strategy
In a tertiary care hospital in Seoul, two operating rooms
After identifying the causal agent for SARS, were converted from positive-pressure to negative-
centralised laboratories were set up to provide rapid pressure environments to conduct surgical procedures

on Decades of Progress
diagnostic services for suspect cases. Serologic testing, on MERS-related patients. Patients exposed to MERS
reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT- were tested twice preoperatively and procedures for
PCR) and virus isolation were the main diagnostic MERS-related patients were performed at the end of the
methods used to guide patient management and day where possible, ensuring continuity of care. 2
support clinicians with accurate testing. 1
2003 Treatable diseases are still causing huge numbers of deaths in developing countries.
We examine why health systems are failing to counter the existing burden and what
can be done to implement effective strategies for diagnosis.
Chan, P. K., To, W. K., Ng, K. C., Lam, R. K., Ng, T. K., Chan, R. C., Wu, A., Yu, W. C., Lee,
N., Hui, D. S., Lai, S. T., Hon, E. K., Li, C. K., Sung, J. J., & Tam, J. S. (2004). Laboratory

New Testing Guidelines to Include Younger Patients

Diagnosis of SARS. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 10(5), 825–831. Retrieved from https://doi.
Until recently, the world seemed to be Only three countries in Asia Pacific — Organization (WHO), 1.4 million people
Doctors in Singapore are to conduct COVID-19 tests on patients
Park, J., Yoo, S.Y., Ko, J. et al. (2020). Infection Prevention Measures for Surgical Procedures making progress against some of the most Australia, Cambodia and Thailand — are died from tuberculosis (TB) globally in 2019
during a Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak in a Tertiary Care Hospital in South
aged 13 and above who are diagnosed with acute respiratory Korea. Scientific Reports 10, 325. Retrieved from persistent infectious diseases. In 2019, 59 on track to achieve the United Nations (208,000 of whom also had HIV).3 India had
Liu, B., Mo, H. and Ma, F. (2020). Treatment Strategies for Cancer Patients in Post-Peak of
infection (ARI). This new clinical requirement was mandated by the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Period in China. Frontiers in Oncology 10:925. percent fewer people died from HIV- (UN) ‘90-90-90’ target for HIV in 2020.2 the highest number followed by China and
Retrieved from 10.3389/fonc.2020.00925
Singapore’s Ministry of Health in June 2020. Prior regulations 4
Ministry of Health, Singapore (2020) Steady Progress in Dormitory Clearance; Aggressive related causes as compared to 2004, and Indonesia.3 Meanwhile, Hepatitis B (HBV)
Testing and Tracing in Phase 2. Retrieved from
only required testing of patients aged 45 and above with ARI. 4 details/steady-progress-in-dormitory-clearance-aggressive-testing-and-tracing-in-phase-2 37 percent fewer than in 2010.1 However, Other diseases are adding to the current is responsible for more than 800,000 deaths
that progress now appears to be stalling. burden. According to the World Health globally4 every year. According to WHO’s

22 23
Clinical Conversation Clinical Conversation

2016 estimates, some 3.2 percent of the financing, not least for diagnostics. When
global population is infected with chronic the system fails to support testing the Phases of
When the system HBV, and almost a third live in China.5 In knock-on effect is clear: more people stay
all these cases, ensuring more people are unaware of their HIV status. Epidemic Spread
fails to support diagnosed can stop the spread.
and Response *
An opt-out approach to diagnosis is
testing the knock- A Domino Effect of COVID-19 on an approach that has been tested in
Infectious Disease Management certain countries with successful results,
on effect is clear: The current pandemic has put pressure uncovering swathes of people who would
on health services throughout the otherwise have gone undiagnosed.6 Such Epidemic Spread Response
more people stay world. In particular, it has magnified an approach could fold in other diseases,
and highlighted existing problems in thereby boosting detection numbers for TB and treatment facilities.9 While developing
unaware of their developing countries, where poor medical and hepatitis allowing for efficient clinical Emergence Anticipation and
early detection
infrastructure to fill these gaps in healthcare
infrastructures and insufficient medical decision-making and patient care, especially would cost an estimated USD 290 million,
HIV status. staff may lead to inadequate screening. if diagnosed at earlier stages of their illness.6 this is only a fraction of the cost
With an effective testing and follow-up Localised Containment (USD 32 billion) of mortality from TB alone.9
Despite the need to modernise, many treatment plans in place, such programmes transmission
countries are failing to implement the could reduce the rate of transmission of Worldwide, it is estimated that 49 percent
necessary policies to put in place adequate these diseases in the community. Control and of people with both diseases are unaware
Amplification mitigation of their co-infection due to not being
tested,10 and therefore fail to receive the
Reduced Elimination or necessary care.
transmission eradication
Another challenge to diagnostics is
World Health Organization; 2018. Managing epidemics: key facts about major deadly diseases.
painfully simple: distance. In emerging
countries like India, testing centres are
more prevalent in cities. Simply reaching
a test centre can be difficult or costly for
There are good reasons to synthesise the techniques such as Dried Blood Sampling poorer people in rural areas,11 even if the
fight against these three diseases into diagnostics enable infants to be HIV tested test itself is subsidised. Simple measures,
one. Failure to offer a holistic approach to in a non-invasive manner and eliminate however, such as providing transport
healthcare, including early screening, can the need for sample refrigeration. subsidies could boost access to testing, as
lead to the late detection of comorbidities. Smoothening the process of infant noted in a study of low-income rural TB
This kick-starts another chain reaction. testing is key, as early diagnosis means patients in China.12
A compromised immunity from prior they can receive care before symptoms
infections leads to more patients with develop. Advancements like this are just A 2017 report on a survey that focuses on
comorbidities, who then need complex the tip of the iceberg, but for progress to viral hepatitis testing in low- and middle-
clinical management.7 This further continue, so must innovation. Continual income countries, including Southeast Asia,
exacerbates the pressure on healthcare improvements that make testing easier noted that it was common for patients to
resources. HIV, HBV and TB patients and cheaper will help boost the number of have to foot the bill — another barrier to
can also develop antimicrobial resistance people given a new lease of life. getting people diagnosed.13 “In terms of
(AMR), making them harder and costlier future policy,” the report explained, “there
to treat.7 The more you can open access to Early Testing is Key. is scope for involving non-health workers
testing, the less chance there is of people What Stands in the Way? with task-shifting to promote testing as
developing multiple infections. It is easier to treat a patient for one achieved with HIV.” The authors added that
condition before their weakened immune increased testing requires multiple factors
There is another way patient access can be system makes them vulnerable to further that need to combine, such as bolstered
supported — innovation in test kits. For disease — but first they need to be tested. community awareness, healthcare worker
example, plasma separation technology, Nine percent of HIV-assisted TB cases training, building robust national strategies,
which protects samples even in heat and in the world are found in India, where it and better access. Because to make headway
humidity, ensures that samples can be causes 11,000 deaths each year.8 About 10 in managing these infectious diseases
transported from rural areas to reliable percent of TB patients in India die due to effectively, governments must build an
testing labs many miles away. Similarly, the lack of access to adequate diagnostic interlinked chain reaction of success.

24 25
Clinical Conversation Stories that Matter

Big Targets, Better Collaboration

It is clear that a coherent strategy for A Doctor's
Struggle with COVID-19
diagnosis and treatment needs to be in
place to improve healthcare access. The
WHO states that “we need to improve
data systems, diagnostics, laboratories
and drug supply, and provide better
linkages with other services […] using
integrated service delivery models such Dr Ning Zhou, a cardiologist at Tong ji Hospital in Wuhan, China, shares his story of being
as ‘one-stop shops’.” 10 infected with the novel coronavirus — and returning to the front lines after recovery.

January 2020 — doctors in Wuhan, Hubei, There used to be less than 10 patients in As cases spiked, the medical world
China, witnessed a spate of pneumonia- the hospital's fever clinic a day, shares continued fighting against the unknown.
like cases of unknown cause.1 By the time Dr Zhou, but staff suddenly began seeing
this was reported to the World Health up to 100 patients daily. What Dr Zhou and Within just a few days, Chinese scientists
confirmed that it was a novel coronavirus and
It is clear that shared its genetic sequences with the world.2
Armed with the genetic code, the scientific
a coherent community were quickly able to start
building a picture of the disease’s behaviour
strategy for and, crucially, how to test for it.3 (By
comparison, during the 2003 SARS outbreak,
diagnosis and this same process took three months.) 4

treatment Meanwhile in Wuhan, Dr Zhou recalls a

patient with tachycardia entering his care
needs to be on 17 January. Dr Zhou did not know
it at the time, but he had encountered a
put in place. suspected coronavirus patient. Dr Zhou was
wearing a surgical mask, but the patient was
not. It would not be until five days later that
the Wuhan government made it mandatory
for everyone to wear masks when outside,
D r N ing Z hou was diagnosed with COVID-19 in February 2020 and to avoid close contact with anyone.5
Furthermore, the WHO aims for a To achieve this, however, testing needs to Goals like this are ambitious but crucial.
90 percent reduction in new chronic come to the forefront, by identifying new They provide the urgent spur the world Fever, Fatigue and More
hepatitis infections.14 The target for TB cases and starting the patient journey needs, if we are to start controlling Organization’s China Country Office on his colleagues did not know at that time By early February, the confirmed infections
is an end to the disease by 2035.15 towards care. 16 persistent infectious diseases. New Year’s Eve,1 the virus had taken hold at was that they were dealing with a novel in Wuhan had surpassed 10,000,6 and the
Tong ji Hospital in Wuhan, where Dr Ning coronavirus. Instead, it was simply called surging numbers were making residents
Zhou worked as a cardiologist. “viral pneumonia of unknown cause”. anxious. Dr Zhou found himself overcome

World Health Organization. (2020). Number of deaths due to 6
O'Connell S, Lillis D, Cotter A, et al. (2016). Opt-Out Panel Testing patients in an Indian mega-city: Where do they live and where
HIV/AIDS for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C in an Urban Emergency are they diagnosed?. PLoS One.
Estimates by WHO region. Global Health Observatory data
repository. Retrieved from
Department: A Pilot Study. PloS one, 11(3), e0150546. https://doi.
Zhao Q, Wang L, Tao T, and Xu B. (2013). Impacts of the

main.623?lang=en 7
Unitaid. (2018). Multi-disease Diagnostic Landscape for Integrated "transport subsidy initiative on poor TB patients" in Rural China:

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS. (2020). Global Management of HIV, HCV, TB and Other Coinfections — January a patient-cohort based longitudinal study in rural China. PloS one, The Perils of Inadequate Testing How Testing Helps Healthcare Workers
ii healthcare

Aids Update 2020 — Seizing the Moment: Tackling entrenched 2018. Retrieved from 8(11), e82503.
inequalities to end epidemics. Retrieved from https://www.unaids. diagnostics-landscape-for-integrated-management-of-HIV-HCV- 13
Ishizaki A, Bouscaillou J, Luhmann N, et al. (2017). Survey of i of global COVID-19 workers in iii
org/sites/default/files/media_asset/2020_global-aids-report_en.pdf TB-and-other-coinfections-january-2018.pdf programmatic experiences and challenges in delivery of hepatitis
World Health Organization. (2020). Tuberculosis. Retrieved from 8
Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, B and C testing in low- and middle-income countries. BMC cases on average are India have Government of India. (2019). India TB Report 2019 — Revised National infectious diseases, 17(Suppl 1), 696.
Liu J, Liang W, Jing W, and Liu M. (2018). Countdown to 2030: TB Control Programme Annual Report. Retrieved from https:// s12879-017-2767-0 healthcare workers as died from
eliminating hepatitis B disease, China. Bulletin of the World Health 14
World Health Organization. (2020). Hepatitis. Retrieved from of 14 August 2020. Testing is the only way to COVID-19 as of early September 2020. reduction in transmission by healthcare workers to other
Organization 2019;97:230-238. 9
Reid M, Arinaminpathy M, Bloom A, et al. (2019). Building a
World Health Organization. (2016). Up to 10 million tuberculosis-free world: The Lancet Commission on tuberculosis. 15
World Health Organization. (2015). WHO End TB Strategy identify and quarantine positive cases, with Potential reasons include uncertain people would be achieved if they were tested weekly
people in China could die from chronic hepatitis by The Lancet Commissions, 393;10178:1331-1384. https://doi. — Global strategy and targets for tuberculosis prevention, care
2030 – Urgent action needed to bring an end to the ‘silent org/10.1016/S0140-6736(19)30024-8 and control after 2015. Retrieved from
World Health Organization Director-General, quarantine periods, ineffective testing (with results available in 24 hours). Speedy detection of
epidemic’. Retrieved from 10
World Health Organization. (2018). TB causes 1 in 3 HIV deaths. post2015_strategy/en/ Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus saying, “You strategies and lack of personal protective infected healthcare workers, who face a higher risk of
detail/26-07-2016-up-to-10-million-people-in-china-could- Retrieved from 16
World Health Organization. (2016). Combating Hepatitis B and C
die-from-chronic-hepatitis-by-2030-urgent-action-needed-to- patient-centred-care/en/ to Reach Elimination by 2030. Retrieved from can’t fight a virus if you don’t know where it is.” equipment for medical workers. infection, allow them to quickly quarantine themselves.
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Subbaraman R, Thomas BE, Sellappan S, et al. (2017). Tuberculosis iris/bitstream/handle/10665/206453/WHO_HIV_2016.04_eng.pdf

26 27
Stories that Matter Inside the Lab

with incredible fatigue after working a 24-

hour shift, prompting him to get a blood test.
moving away to another apartment.
Dr Zhou had been staying with his parents
buses full of patients. Many of them were
severely ill, with some “dying just a couple The Lab:
Healthcare’s Front-line
at that time, and was thankful that he had of minutes after arriving at the hospital”.
Results revealed that he was likely to have not transmitted the infection to them. Dr Zhou adds that his team were extremely
been infected by the novel coronavirus and He recalls that the quarantine period was frustrated that they could not save these
the physician quickly quarantined himself, challenging. Not only did he have to stay patients despite having both the equipment

Defence System
away from his family, he was also plagued and medicine to do so.
with fever, cough, diarrhoea and fatigue.
During that time, he was also keeping up Testing an Entire City
with reports on the escalating coronavirus In May, the Wuhan government decided
outbreak and was desperate to go back to to double down on its diagnostic efforts to
work in a city that was suffering from a provide its residents with peace of mind as
From mobile testing units in low-resource settings to high-end robotics, varying lab
shortage of medical staff. the city began to reopen, as it eventually
flattened its curve. By June, Wuhan had
testing strategies are being employed around the world — all to overcome the unique
“When I talk about it, I'm always very tested nearly 10 million people through challenges nations face during a pandemic.
emotional because Wuhan is my home a mass campaign.7 Various strategies,
town. Many Wuhan people, they're my including batch testing,8 were employed to
friends, my colleagues, even my relatives. raise the city’s daily capacity 13-fold.
They needed medical help, and I'm a
professional doctor — so I needed to go While the world was not prepared for
back to work to help them,” he explains. this pandemic, the lessons learned offer
valuable insights into how we can tackle
After two weeks in recovery, he was finally the current threat and prepare for the next
able to return to the front line. However, one. “The Chinese experience is very useful
he was not prepared for the situation that for many countries,” says Dr Zhou, who
awaited him. has spoken at several medical conferences
of how he and his team have treated the
On his first night back at work, Dr Zhou coronavirus. As he notes, only when the
vividly realised the need for a rapid world comes together to share knowledge
response to match the pace of a fast- can we “find useful and effective ways to
evolving disease. He recounts receiving treat the coronavirus”.
Dr Ni n g Z h o u on the front line

World Health Organization. (2020). Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) coronavirus-now-deadly 6
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Situation Report - 1. Retrieved from 4
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D r Abdul B a r i K ha n (centre) is co-founder and CEO of Indus Hospital, in Pakistan


iv of South Korea’s International Council of Nurses. (2020). Protecting Nurses From COVID-19
COVID-19 has brought diagnostics to the equipped for the surge in testing due to up testing quickly allows governments to

Lessons from China’s Experience

a Top Priority: A Survey of ICN’s National Nursing Associations (p. 2).
Retrieved from
coronavirus cases V or less confirmed cases COVID-19%20survey%20feedback_14.09.2020%20EMBARGOED%20 world stage, ushering labs into the spotlight. COVID-19. True preparation, he adds, develop effective containment strategies
were healthcare VERSION_0.pdf
requires robust and consistent improvement to deal with pandemics effectively and
of infected healthcare ii
Amnesty International. (2020). New Amnesty analysis 7000 health workers
workers infected have died from COVID-19. Retrieved from
workers in Wuhan news/2020/09/amnesty-analysis-7000-health-workers-have-died-from-covid19/ Despite our experiences from previous across labs on a national level. efficiently,” explains Dr Thayan.
at work as of 5 April 2020. The low rate Grassly N, Pons-Salort M, Parker E, et al. (2020). Report 16: Role of Testing in

were reported daily since 28 February, as of 12 COVID-19 Control [Ebook] (p. 3). Imperial College London. Retrieved from pandemics, Dr Ravindran Thayan, Head of
is the result of stringent screening and
March 2020. After the city averaged 100 positive 04-23-COVID19-Report-16.pdf
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testing measures for hospital staff, including iv
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cases in healthcare workers during January, Korea. Safety And Health At Work, 11(2), 125-126.
immediate testing of all staff with COVID-19 shaw.2020.04.007 Centre, Institute for Medical Research centralised labs across the country so we Healthcare’s Intelligence Unit
greater availability of testing contributed to the V
Zheng L, Wang X, Zhou C, et al. (2020). Analysis of the Infection Status of
symptoms during daily screenings. Healthcare Workers in Wuhan During the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Cross- (IMR), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia says that can decentralise testing with appropriate The success or failure in pandemic
decrease in of infected healthcare workers. sectional Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases.
many laboratories across the region weren’t risk mitigation steps. The ability to ramp management can hinge on one space: the lab.

28 29
Inside the Lab Inside the Lab

portable point-of-care testing.6 This not workers need to be trained in the handling
only saves time, but allows diagnostics to be of technology and managerial skills, as
taken to villages and smaller towns, where well as administrative techniques,” says

“You must be able access to testing is far more limited. Dr Khan. These, he says, will be more in
demand as automation dispenses with

to catch cases early Similarly in Malaysia, Dr Thayan says

his organisation is also looking into the
technical human skills.

through testing.” possibility of “plug and play” mobile labs

for areas with limited access to testing, or
According to Dr Thayan, automating
a lab is a good opportunity to improve
at entry points such as airports. “While workflow and efficacy of a lab. He adds,
molecular testing will still be the ‘gold “It also frees up our technicians who can
standard’ of testing, we need to think about then be developed and trained to manage
ways to make testing more accessible and a lab, probably in a part of our country
mobile. You want the test to be immediate that requires more resources. As part of
so that once you know a person is positive, future-planning, this is an effective strategy
you can then manage and contain them to build up the lab infrastructure across a
quickly,” he explains. country, and bring testing capabilities to
areas that severely need it.”
The Power of Automation
With the flood of samples that need A Pivotal Partner: Advancing
processing and the prevalence of staff the Role of Laboratories
fatigue,7 human-induced errors in labs are The shift to move away from “result
inevitable, especially during a pandemic. generators” to “data aggregators” has been
This can lead to contagious people being in the making for a while now but the
Dr Ravindran Thayan, Head of
cleared as COVID-free. peri- and post-pandemic world has perhaps
Virology Unit, Infectious Diseases accelerated the need for labs to be front
Research Centre, Institute for Medical As such, experts are calling for more runners in this new age of healthcare.
Research (IMR), Kuala Lumpur rigorous lab processes, from adoption
of barcode testing to interfacing with At each stage of pandemic management,
electronic patient medical records. the lab holds intelligence gathered from
However, even for low-resource labs, simple patient data on a national scale. This
changes to training, such as incentivising can provide policymakers and clinicians
COVID-19, SARS and the H1N1 flu including laboratory services,” says testing load. Thankfully we had enough chain reaction tests which are considered staff to find and report any labelling errors with key insights they need to make the
(also known as “swine flu”) have shown Dr Abdul Bari Khan, co-founder and CEO resources to scale up testing when required.” the most reliable form of diagnostic for they spot,8 can make a difference. right decisions. “From early detection,
that diagnostics do far more than simply of Indus Hospital in Pakistan. “At a country- COVID-19 are costly to administer4 screening populations, monitoring
confirm results. By aggregating the data wide level, these problems can be addressed On a global level, strengthening the and require specialised equipment to In high-resource labs, automation allows disease progression, and even assessing
derived from labs, countries like Singapore1 by improving the public health system and capabilities of labs comes down to process.5 Emerging labs have had to pivot for greater quantities of tests to be the efficacy of a vaccine — the lab is
and Taiwan2 have been able to quickly encouraging public-private partnership collaboration and capacity, Dr Khan notes. to “smarter” testing strategies because of processed while reducing human error and always there. It’s up to us to advocate for
identify clusters, which inform where to models which aim to deliver free or “With countries supporting each other, we can these limitations. lab infection.9 continuous development and improvement
focus efforts to contain outbreaks. subsidised healthcare.” reduce the global reaction time to implement of laboratories. What we do today will
an effective strategy for pandemic control.” One viable alternative for prompt “With increasing demand, automation determine how prepared we are for
As evidenced, an effective pandemic At a regional level, Dr Thayan calls for As such, he stresses, “Capacity development diagnosis is rapid test kits, offering fast becoming almost indispensable, lab tomorrow,” says Dr Thayan.
response strategy is supported by robust “pandemic-proof ” supply chains that in countries less prepared to deal with the
testing capabilities. Yet in labs, these ensure consistent flow of essential reagents, pandemic needs to be prioritised.”
capabilities are impacted by myriad factors kits, and protective equipment for labs to
spanning regulation, access to technology continue operations. “With the lockdowns “Smarter” Testing Strategies to
and reagents, and human technicians — and countries closing their borders because Overcome Limited Resources 1
Yong S, Anderson D, Wei W, et al. (2020). Connecting clusters expensive (PCR) or cheap and slow (culture)? A mathematical 3, 4.
of COVID-19: an epidemiological and serological investigation. modelling study to explore screening for carbapenem resistance 7
Tan SS, Yan B, Saw S, et al. (2020). Practical laboratory
factors that differ hugely between developed of COVID-19, that was a huge challenge for Some developing economies, however, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20(7), 809-815. https://doi. in UK hospitals. BMC Medicine, 16(141). considerations amidst the COVID-19 outbreak: early experience
org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30273-5 s12916-018-1117-4 from Singapore. Journal of Clinical Pathology. https://doi.
and emerging countries. laboratories. Countries, and therefore labs, are have not been able to expand their testing 2
Cheng H Y, Li S Y, and Yang, C H. (2020). Initial rapid and 5
Behnam M, Dey, A, Gambell T, and Talwar V. (2020). org/10.1136/jclinpath-2020-206563
proactive response for the COVID-19 outbreak - Taiwan's COVID-19: Overcoming supply shortages for diagnostic testing. Scott K. (2020). Advancing Standards for Specimen Labeling and
capacities as quickly. Many struggle to
so interdependent on one another. We had to experience. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association Taiwan McKinsey & Company. Retrieved from Tracking. American Association for Clinical Chemistry. Retrieved
Addressing Inherent Challenges source for reagents from different suppliers access the diagnostic tests needed due yi zhi, 119(4), 771–773.
McNerney R. (2015). Diagnostics for Developing Countries.
“The biggest gaps are inequities in the in such a short amount of time, just to make to limitations in resources, support and Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland), 5(2), 200–209. https://doi. testing 9
Ford B A, and McElvania E. (2020). Machine learning takes
org/10.3390/diagnostics5020200 6
Kobia F, and Gitaka J. (2020). COVID-19: Are Africa's diagnostic laboratory automation to the next level. Journal of Clinical
availability and accessibility of healthcare, sure we had a steady supply to manage the regulations.3 For instance, the polymerase 4
Knight G M, Dyakova E, Mookerjee S. et al. (2018). Fast and challenges blunting response effectiveness? AAS Open Research, Microbiology. 58:e00012-20.

30 31
My Story My Story

“Protecting our Communities “In all my

is Integral to National Health”: years in public
health, I never
Dr Rob Grenfell imagined we
From Public Health Physician to National would need to
Health and Biosecurity Director consider such
How did a qualified public health physician and GP with almost 30 years' experience
in the public and private sectors find himself facing not one but two pandemics?

The Swine Flu Pandemic Hit Around Scientific and Industrial Resarch Perhaps Nothing is More Dangerous
a Month into My Appointment with Organisation (CSIRO) in 2016. Australia's than Misinformation
the Department of Health Victoria national science agency was formed, Managing a pandemic at the height of
I joined the Department of Health for believe it or not, a little before the influenza social media, where the alarming speed
the State of Victoria as a senior advisor pandemic of 1918, with the idea of ensuring with which mistruths can be disseminated,
for prevention and population health scientific interventions could protect is a challenge that the scientific community but the most important part of biosecurity
early in 2009. national health. around the world is grappling with. is the recovery phase — and that's the part
that needs a lot of work.
When swine flu hit, I saw how a At CSIRO, the focus of the team I manage is In all my years in public health, I never
pandemic is managed inside a health health and biosecurity: I describe biosecurity imagined we would need to consider My team and I are currently working on
department. The magnitude of the as a way of predicting or preventing such an “infodemic”, as the World Health nearly 250 COVID-19 projects, including
challenge ahead of you, the speed with potential bio threats, be it insects, microbes Organization has categorised it.1 pre-trial work on the coronavirus vaccine in
which you react, were valuable lessons. or viruses, through to the idea of how you partnership with the Coalition of Epidemic
detect and manage these challenges. COVID-19 is Endemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).
Following this, I spent many years in The most sobering reality is that COVID-19
directorial roles at the Heart Foundation I have one of the few teams globally is not going away. Infectious disease The sheer pace of it all can be
and Bupa Australia and New Zealand that can deal with the most dangerous management requires public health overwhelming at times. But it is a privilege
before joining the Commonwealth pathogens in the world. interventions on a national scale, and D r R ob Gr enfell is Health Director of Health and Biosecurity at the to do our part in protecting Australia and
the success of these really depends on Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation sharing our discoveries with the world.
cooperation from the public. We will have to
find a way to live with this virus, as we have The Move Towards a Vaccine is
with others like influenza and tuberculosis. Taking Shape
It's all well and good to do track and trace don't necessarily jeopardise the health of We’ve seen some encouraging early results

“I have one of the few teams

What we have of course managed to do and quarantine as public health measures — the whole population. Diagnostics is the and global efforts may yield a vaccine.
relatively well in Australia is to bring and that works. But if we can be more precise absolute bedrock for a response in any of There has never been a coronavirus vaccine

globally that can deal with the most

things under control. But it is important as to who's infectious, who's not and allow these settings. for humans and we only need something
to understand that recurrences are likely a very pointed management of infectious that's about 50 percent effective to really

dangerous pathogens in the world.”

and there’s a time limit to lockdowns and cases, even without a vaccine or therapies, Work of the CSIRO Health and change the shape of what's going on.
restrictions. These cannot go on indefinitely. this will allow us to open up borders, start Biosecurity Team
Finding solutions that can control travel and trade. It will also allow us to bring Our priority at the moment is managing However, it doesn’t mean that a vaccine
COVID-19, in the long run, is the real task. people back into the workplace, so that we our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, will solve this problem straight away.

32 33
My Story

We will need to continue a lot of going to be a challenge. I think aged care coronavirus, because we've already had
solid measures, building on our settings will need to be adjusted. SARS and MERS. Or it might be another
understanding of this virus and refining agent, like an Ebola, or something like
drugs, but also diagnostics, to tackle it. What sort of life is it for your Nipah virus. Having a unified approach
grandparents if they can't see you, or globally, and also having a systematic
you can’t hug them because you might approach, is key. We need to be investing
give them the virus? The fatality rate an enormous amount into that type of
Pandemics tend to occur at at that age is very high, so that’s a real approach to diagnostics and drugs.
10- to 50-year problem for quality of life for anyone in
that setting. It's an awful lot of work we're going to
do over the next few years. It is also what
The other problem that's emerging is keeps me going.
4 most recent the chronic effects of the viral infection.
influenza pandemics: We're now seeing in young children There are Positive Lessons
1918, 1957, 1968, 20092 inflammatory conditions like Kawasaki We can Learn
disease and other neurological chronic We've seen collaboration at a global
conditions. This is not a simple infection. scale. How do we do more of this
to work together to actually solve
We have to balance these risks with the global problems?
What Does Normal return to normal life. And none of these
Look Like, Post-COVID? are easy questions to answer. If we can do this with a vaccine, why
People over the age of 75 are at severe can't we do this with everything else that
risk. Working on how this part of the More Outbreaks will Come needs to happen on the planet, to make
population can coexist with other subsets Disease X — the next global pandemic this a much better and more equitable
that don't have problems with the virus is — might be an influenza, or a place for all of us?

World Health Organization. (2020). Managing the COVID-19 infodemic: Promoting healthy behaviours and mitigating the harm from misinformation and disinformation. Retrieved 30 September
2020, from
World Health Organization; 2018. Managing epidemics: key facts about major deadly diseases.

34 35
People are different and
so are diseases.

That’s why we are committed

to discovering and developing
personalised medicines and targeted
diagnostic tests to help people live
better, longer lives.


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